id = $mailingID; $mailingObj->find(TRUE); $mailing = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getTableName(); $contact = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName(); $isSMSmode = (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($mailingObj->sms_provider_id)); $mailingGroup = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup(); $recipientsGroup = $excludeSmartGroupIDs = $includeSmartGroupIDs = $priorMailingIDs = []; $dao = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_mailing_group') ->select('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT entity_id SEPARATOR ",") as group_ids, group_type, entity_table') ->where('mailing_id = #mailing_id AND entity_table RLIKE "^civicrm_(group.*|mailing)$" ') ->groupBy(['group_type', 'entity_table']) ->param('!groupTableName', CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getTableName()) ->param('#mailing_id', $mailingID) ->execute(); while ($dao->fetch()) { if ($dao->entity_table == 'civicrm_mailing') { $priorMailingIDs[$dao->group_type] = explode(',', $dao->group_ids); } else { $recipientsGroup[$dao->group_type] = empty($recipientsGroup[$dao->group_type]) ? explode(',', $dao->group_ids) : array_merge($recipientsGroup[$dao->group_type], explode(',', $dao->group_ids)); } } // there is no need to proceed further if no mailing group is selected to include recipients, // but before return clear the mailing recipients populated earlier since as per current params no group is selected if (empty($recipientsGroup['Include']) && empty($priorMailingIDs['Include'])) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" DELETE FROM civicrm_mailing_recipients WHERE mailing_id = %1 ", [ 1 => [ $mailingID, 'Integer', ], ]); return; } [$location_filter, $order_by] = self::getLocationFilterAndOrderBy($mailingObj->email_selection_method, $mailingObj->location_type_id); // get all the saved searches AND hierarchical groups // and load them in the cache foreach ($recipientsGroup as $groupType => $groupIDs) { $groupDAO = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_group') ->where('id IN (#groupIDs)') ->where('saved_search_id != 0 OR saved_search_id IS NOT NULL OR children IS NOT NULL') ->param('#groupIDs', $groupIDs) ->execute(); while ($groupDAO->fetch()) { // hidden smart groups always have a cache date and there is no other way // we can rebuilt the contact list from UI so consider such smart group if ($groupDAO->cache_date == NULL || $groupDAO->is_hidden) { CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContactCache::load($groupDAO); } if ($groupType == 'Include') { $includeSmartGroupIDs[] = $groupDAO->id; } elseif ($groupType == 'Exclude') { $excludeSmartGroupIDs[] = $groupDAO->id; } //NOTE: Do nothing for base } } // Create a temp table for contact exclusion. $excludeTempTable = CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()->setCategory('exrecipient')->setMemory()->createWithColumns('contact_id int primary key'); $excludeTempTablename = $excludeTempTable->getName(); // populate exclude temp-table with recipients to be excluded from the list // on basis of selected recipients groups and/or previous mailing if (!empty($recipientsGroup['Exclude'])) { CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_group_contact') ->select('DISTINCT contact_id') ->where('status = "Added" AND group_id IN (#groups)') ->param('#groups', $recipientsGroup['Exclude']) ->insertInto($excludeTempTablename, ['contact_id']) ->execute(); if (count($excludeSmartGroupIDs)) { CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_group_contact_cache') ->select('contact_id') ->where('group_id IN (#groups)') ->param('#groups', $excludeSmartGroupIDs) ->insertIgnoreInto($excludeTempTablename, ['contact_id']) ->execute(); } } if (!empty($priorMailingIDs['Exclude'])) { CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_mailing_recipients') ->select('DISTINCT contact_id') ->where('mailing_id IN (#mailings)') ->param('#mailings', $priorMailingIDs['Exclude']) ->insertIgnoreInto($excludeTempTablename, ['contact_id']) ->execute(); } if (!empty($recipientsGroup['Base'])) { CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_group_contact') ->select('DISTINCT contact_id') ->where('status = "Removed" AND group_id IN (#groups)') ->param('#groups', $recipientsGroup['Base']) ->insertIgnoreInto($excludeTempTablename, ['contact_id']) ->execute(); } $entityColumn = $isSMSmode ? 'phone_id' : 'email_id'; $entityTable = $isSMSmode ? CRM_Core_DAO_Phone::getTableName() : CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName(); // Get all the group contacts we want to include. $includedTempTable = CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()->setCategory('inrecipient')->setMemory()->createWithColumns('contact_id int primary key, ' . $entityColumn . ' int'); $includedTempTablename = $includedTempTable->getName(); if ($isSMSmode) { $criteria = [ 'is_deleted' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$contact.is_deleted = 0"), 'is_opt_out' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$contact.is_opt_out = 0"), 'is_deceased' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$contact.is_deceased <> 1"), 'do_not_sms' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$contact.do_not_sms = 0"), 'location_filter' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$entityTable.phone_type_id = " . CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_DAO_Phone', 'phone_type_id', 'Mobile')), 'phone_not_null' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$ IS NOT NULL"), 'phone_not_empty' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$ != ''"), 'mailing_id' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("mg.mailing_id = #mailingID"), 'temp_contact_null' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where('temp.contact_id IS null'), 'order_by' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->orderBy("$entityTable.is_primary"), ]; } else { // Criteria to filter recipients that need to be included $criteria = [ 'is_deleted' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$contact.is_deleted = 0"), 'do_not_email' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$contact.do_not_email = 0"), 'is_opt_out' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$contact.is_opt_out = 0"), 'is_deceased' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$contact.is_deceased <> 1"), 'location_filter' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where($location_filter), 'email_not_null' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$ IS NOT NULL"), 'email_not_empty' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$ != ''"), 'email_not_on_hold' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("$entityTable.on_hold = 0"), 'mailing_id' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where("mg.mailing_id = #mailingID"), 'temp_contact_null' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->where('temp.contact_id IS NULL'), 'order_by' => CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()->orderBy($order_by), ]; } // Allow user to alter query responsible to fetch mailing recipients before build, // by changing the mail filters identified $params CRM_Utils_Hook::alterMailingRecipients($mailingObj, $criteria, 'pre'); // Get the group contacts, but only those which are not in the // exclusion temp table. if (!empty($recipientsGroup['Include'])) { CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from($entityTable) ->select("$ as contact_id, $ as $entityColumn") ->join($contact, " INNER JOIN $contact ON $entityTable.contact_id = $ ") ->join('gc', " INNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact gc ON gc.contact_id = $ ") ->join('mg', " INNER JOIN civicrm_mailing_group mg ON gc.group_id = mg.entity_id AND mg.search_id IS NULL ") ->join('temp', " LEFT JOIN $excludeTempTablename temp ON $ = temp.contact_id ") ->where('gc.group_id IN (#groups) AND gc.status = "Added"') ->merge($criteria) ->groupBy(["$", "$"]) ->replaceInto($includedTempTablename, ['contact_id', $entityColumn]) ->param('#groups', $recipientsGroup['Include']) ->param('#mailingID', $mailingID) ->execute(); } // Get recipients selected in prior mailings if (!empty($priorMailingIDs['Include'])) { CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_mailing_recipients') ->select("DISTINCT civicrm_mailing_recipients.contact_id, $entityColumn") ->join('temp', " LEFT JOIN $excludeTempTablename temp ON civicrm_mailing_recipients.contact_id = temp.contact_id ") ->where('mailing_id IN (#mailings)') ->where('temp.contact_id IS NULL') ->param('#mailings', $priorMailingIDs['Include']) ->insertIgnoreInto($includedTempTablename, [ 'contact_id', $entityColumn, ]) ->execute(); } if (count($includeSmartGroupIDs)) { $query = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from($contact) ->select("$ as contact_id, $ as $entityColumn") ->join($entityTable, " INNER JOIN $entityTable ON $entityTable.contact_id = $ ") ->join('gc', " INNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact_cache gc ON $ = gc.contact_id ") ->join('gcr', " LEFT JOIN civicrm_group_contact gcr ON gc.group_id = gcr.group_id AND gc.contact_id = gcr.contact_id") ->join('mg', " INNER JOIN civicrm_mailing_group mg ON gc.group_id = mg.entity_id AND mg.search_id IS NULL ") ->join('temp', " LEFT JOIN $excludeTempTablename temp ON $ = temp.contact_id ") ->where('gc.group_id IN (#groups)') ->where('gcr.status IS NULL OR gcr.status != "Removed"') ->merge($criteria) ->replaceInto($includedTempTablename, ['contact_id', $entityColumn]) ->param('#groups', $includeSmartGroupIDs) ->param('#mailingID', $mailingID) ->execute(); } [$aclFrom, $aclWhere] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::cacheClause(); // clear all the mailing recipients before populating CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(' DELETE FROM civicrm_mailing_recipients WHERE mailing_id = %1 ', [ 1 => [ $mailingID, 'Integer', ], ]); $selectClause = ['#mailingID', 'i.contact_id', "i.$entityColumn"]; // CRM-3975 $orderBy = ["i.contact_id", "i.$entityColumn"]; $query = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_contact contact_a') ->join('i', " INNER JOIN {$includedTempTablename} i ON = i.contact_id "); if (!$isSMSmode && $mailingObj->dedupe_email) { $orderBy = ["MIN(i.contact_id)", "MIN(i.$entityColumn)"]; $query = $query->join('e', " INNER JOIN civicrm_email e ON = i.email_id ") ->groupBy(""); if (CRM_Utils_SQL::supportsFullGroupBy()) { $selectClause = [ '#mailingID', 'ANY_VALUE(i.contact_id) contact_id', "ANY_VALUE(i.$entityColumn) $entityColumn", "", ]; } } $query = $query->select($selectClause)->orderBy($orderBy); if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($aclFrom)) { $query = $query->join('acl', $aclFrom); } if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($aclWhere)) { $query = $query->where($aclWhere); } // this mean if dedupe_email AND the mysql 5.7 supports ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode then as // SELECT must contain 'email' column as its used in GROUP BY, so in order to resolve This // here the whole SQL code is wrapped up in FROM table i and not selecting email column for INSERT if ($key = array_search('', $selectClause)) { unset($selectClause[$key]); $sql = $query->toSQL(); CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from("( $sql ) AS i ") ->select($selectClause) ->insertInto('civicrm_mailing_recipients', ['mailing_id', 'contact_id', $entityColumn]) ->param('#mailingID', $mailingID) ->execute(); } else { $query->insertInto('civicrm_mailing_recipients', ['mailing_id', 'contact_id', $entityColumn]) ->param('#mailingID', $mailingID) ->execute(); } // if we need to add all emails marked bulk, do it as a post filter // on the mailing recipients table if (CRM_Core_BAO_Email::isMultipleBulkMail()) { self::addMultipleEmails($mailingID); } // Delete the temp table. $mailingGroup->reset(); $excludeTempTable->drop(); $includedTempTable->drop(); CRM_Utils_Hook::alterMailingRecipients($mailingObj, $criteria, 'post'); } /** * Function to retrieve location filter and order by clause later used by SQL query that is used to fetch and include mailing recipients * * @param string $email_selection_method * @param int $location_type_id * * @return array */ public static function getLocationFilterAndOrderBy($email_selection_method, $location_type_id) { if ($email_selection_method !== 'automatic' && !$location_type_id) { throw new \CRM_Core_Exception(ts('You have selected an email Selection Method without specifying a Location Type. Please go back and change your recipient settings (using the wrench icon next to "Recipients").')); } $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName(); // Note: When determining the ORDER that results are returned, it's // the record that comes last that counts. That's because we are // INSERT'ing INTO a table with a primary id so that last record // over writes any previous record. switch ($email_selection_method) { case 'location-exclude': $location_filter = "($email.location_type_id != $location_type_id)"; // If there is more than one email that doesn't match the location, // prefer the one marked is_bulkmail, followed by is_primary. $orderBy = ["$email.is_bulkmail", "$email.is_primary"]; break; case 'location-only': $location_filter = "($email.location_type_id = $location_type_id)"; // If there is more than one email of the desired location, prefer // the one marked is_bulkmail, followed by is_primary. $orderBy = ["$email.is_bulkmail", "$email.is_primary"]; break; case 'location-prefer': $location_filter = "($email.is_bulkmail = 1 OR $email.is_primary = 1 OR $email.location_type_id = $location_type_id)"; // ORDER BY is more complicated because we have to set an arbitrary // order that prefers the location that we want. We do that using // the FIELD function. For more info, see: // // We assign the location type we want the value "1" by putting it // in the first position after we name the field. All other location // types are left out, so they will be assigned the value 0. That // means, they will all be equally tied for first place, with our // location being last. $orderBy = [ "FIELD($email.location_type_id, $location_type_id)", "$email.is_bulkmail", "$email.is_primary", ]; break; case 'automatic': // fall through to default default: $location_filter = "($email.is_bulkmail = 1 OR $email.is_primary = 1)"; $orderBy = ["$email.is_bulkmail"]; } return [$location_filter, $orderBy]; } /** * Process parameters to ensure workflow permissions are respected. * * 'schedule mailings' and 'approve mailings' can update certain fields, * but can't create. * * @param array $params * * @return array * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException */ protected static function processWorkflowPermissions(array $params): array { if (empty($params['id']) && !CRM_Core_Permission::check('access CiviMail') && !CRM_Core_Permission::check('create mailings')) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Cannot create new mailing. Required permission: 'access CiviMail' or 'create mailings'"); } $safeParams = []; $fieldPerms = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getWorkflowFieldPerms(); foreach (array_keys($params) as $field) { if (CRM_Core_Permission::check($fieldPerms[$field])) { $safeParams[$field] = $params[$field]; } } return $safeParams; } /** * Do Submit actions. * * When submitting (as opposed to creating or updating) a mailing it should * be scheduled. * * This function creates the initial job and the recipient list. * * @param array $params * @param \CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing $mailing * * @return array */ protected static function doSubmitActions(array $params, CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing $mailing): array { // Create parent job if not yet created. // Condition on the existence of a scheduled date. if (!empty($params['scheduled_date']) && $params['scheduled_date'] != 'null' && empty($params['_skip_evil_bao_auto_schedule_'])) { $job = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob(); $job->mailing_id = $mailing->id; // If we are creating a new Completed mailing (e.g. import from another system) set the job to completed. // Keeping former behaviour when an id is present is precautionary and may warrant reconsideration later. $job->status = ((empty($params['is_completed']) || !empty($params['id'])) ? 'Scheduled' : 'Complete'); $job->is_test = 0; if (!$job->find(TRUE)) { // Don't schedule job until we populate the recipients. $job->scheduled_date = NULL; $job->save(); } // Schedule the job now that it has recipients. $job->scheduled_date = $params['scheduled_date']; $job->save(); } // Populate the recipients. if (empty($params['_skip_evil_bao_auto_recipients_'])) { self::getRecipients($mailing->id); } return $params; } /** * Returns the regex patterns that are used for preparing the text and html templates. * * @param bool $onlyHrefs * * @return array|string */ private function getPatterns($onlyHrefs = FALSE) { $patterns = []; $protos = '(https?|ftp|mailto)'; $letters = '\w'; $gunk = '\{\}/#~:.?+=&;%@!\,\-\|\(\)\*'; $punc = '.:?\-'; $any = "{$letters}{$gunk}{$punc}"; if ($onlyHrefs) { $pattern = "\\bhref[ ]*=[ ]*([\"'])?(($protos:[$any]+?(?=[$punc]*[^$any]|$)))([\"'])?"; } else { $pattern = "\\b($protos:[$any]+?(?=[$punc]*[^$any]|$))"; } $patterns[] = $pattern; $patterns[] = '\\\\\{\w+\.\w+\\\\\}|\{\{\w+\.\w+\}\}'; $patterns[] = '\{\w+\.\w+\}'; $patterns = '{' . implode('|', $patterns) . '}imu'; return $patterns; } /** * Returns an array that denotes the type of token that we are dealing with * we use the type later on when we are doing a token replacement lookup * * @param string $token * The token for which we will be doing adata lookup. * * @return array * An array that holds the token itself and the type. * the type will tell us which function to use for the data lookup * if we need to do a lookup at all */ public function &getDataFunc($token) { static $_categories = NULL; static $_categoryString = NULL; if (!$_categories) { $_categories = [ 'domain' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'mailing' => NULL, 'contact' => NULL, ]; CRM_Utils_Hook::tokens($_categories); $_categoryString = implode('|', array_keys($_categories)); } $funcStruct = ['type' => NULL, 'token' => $token]; $matches = []; if ((preg_match('/^href/i', $token) || preg_match('/^http/i', $token))) { // it is a url so we need to check to see if there are any tokens embedded // if so then call this function again to get the token dataFunc // and assign the type 'embedded' so that the data retrieving function // will know what how to handle this token. if (preg_match_all('/(\{\w+\.\w+\})/', $token, $matches)) { $funcStruct['type'] = 'embedded_url'; $funcStruct['embed_parts'] = $funcStruct['token'] = []; foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { $preg_token = '/' . preg_quote($match, '/') . '/'; $list = preg_split($preg_token, $token, 2); $funcStruct['embed_parts'][] = $list[0]; $token = $list[1]; $funcStruct['token'][] = $this->getDataFunc($match); } // fixed truncated url, CRM-7113 if ($token) { $funcStruct['embed_parts'][] = $token; } } else { $funcStruct['type'] = 'url'; } } elseif (preg_match('/^\{(' . $_categoryString . ')\.(\w+)\}$/', $token, $matches)) { $funcStruct['type'] = $matches[1]; $funcStruct['token'] = $matches[2]; } elseif (preg_match('/\\\\\{(\w+\.\w+)\\\\\}|\{\{(\w+\.\w+)\}\}/', $token, $matches)) { // we are an escaped token // so remove the escape chars $unescaped_token = preg_replace('/\{\{|\}\}|\\\\\{|\\\\\}/', '', $matches[0]); $funcStruct['token'] = '{' . $unescaped_token . '}'; } return $funcStruct; } /** * Prepares the text and html templates * for generating the emails and returns a copy of the * prepared templates * * @deprecated * This is used by CiviMail but will be made redundant by FlexMailer/TokenProcessor. */ private function getPreparedTemplates() { if (!$this->preparedTemplates) { $patterns['html'] = $this->getPatterns(TRUE); $patterns['subject'] = $patterns['text'] = $this->getPatterns(); $templates = $this->getTemplates(); $this->preparedTemplates = []; foreach ([ 'html', 'text', 'subject', ] as $key) { if (!isset($templates[$key])) { continue; } $matches = []; $tokens = []; $split_template = []; $email = $templates[$key]; preg_match_all($patterns[$key], $email, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); foreach ($matches[0] as $idx => $token) { $preg_token = '/' . preg_quote($token, '/') . '/im'; [$split_template[], $email] = preg_split($preg_token, $email, 2); array_push($tokens, $this->getDataFunc($token)); } if ($email) { $split_template[] = $email; } $this->preparedTemplates[$key]['template'] = $split_template; $this->preparedTemplates[$key]['tokens'] = $tokens; } } return ($this->preparedTemplates); } /** * Retrieve a ref to an array that holds the email and text templates for this email * assembles the complete template including the header and footer * that the user has uploaded or declared (if they have done that) * * @return array * reference to an assoc array */ public function getTemplates() { if (!$this->templates) { $this->getHeaderFooter(); $this->templates = []; if ($this->body_text || !empty($this->header)) { $template = []; if (!empty($this->header->body_text)) { $template[] = $this->header->body_text; } elseif (!empty($this->header->body_html)) { $template[] = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($this->header->body_html); } if ($this->body_text) { $template[] = $this->body_text; } else { $template[] = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($this->body_html); } if (!empty($this->footer->body_text)) { $template[] = $this->footer->body_text; } elseif (!empty($this->footer->body_html)) { $template[] = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($this->footer->body_html); } $this->templates['text'] = implode("\n", $template); } // To check for an html part strip tags if (trim(strip_tags($this->body_html, ''))) { $template = []; if ($this->header) { $template[] = $this->header->body_html; } $template[] = $this->body_html; if ($this->footer) { $template[] = $this->footer->body_html; } $this->templates['html'] = implode("\n", $template); // this is where we create a text template from the html template if the text template did not exist // this way we ensure that every recipient will receive an email even if the pref is set to text and the // user uploads an html email only if (empty($this->templates['text'])) { $this->templates['text'] = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($this->templates['html']); } } if ($this->subject) { $template = []; $template[] = $this->subject; $this->templates['subject'] = implode("\n", $template); } $this->templates['mailingID'] = $this->id; $this->templates['campaign_id'] = $this->campaign_id; $this->templates['template_type'] = $this->template_type; CRM_Utils_Hook::alterMailContent($this->templates); } return $this->templates; } /** * * Retrieve a ref to an array that holds all of the tokens in the email body * where the keys are the type of token and the values are ordinal arrays * that hold the token names (even repeated tokens) in the order in which * they appear in the body of the email. * * note: the real work is done in the _getTokens() function * * this function needs to have some sort of a body assigned * either text or html for this to have any meaningful impact * * @return array * reference to an assoc array */ public function &getTokens() { if (!$this->tokens) { $this->tokens = ['html' => [], 'text' => [], 'subject' => []]; if ($this->body_html) { $this->_getTokens('html'); if (!$this->body_text) { // Since the text template was created from html, use the html tokens. // @see CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getTemplates() $this->tokens['text'] = $this->tokens['html']; } } if ($this->body_text) { $this->_getTokens('text'); } if ($this->subject) { $this->_getTokens('subject'); } } return $this->tokens; } /** * Returns the token set for all 3 parts as one set. This allows it to be sent to the * hook in one call and standardizes it across other token workflows * * @return array * reference to an assoc array */ public function &getFlattenedTokens() { if (!$this->flattenedTokens) { $tokens = $this->getTokens(); $this->flattenedTokens = CRM_Utils_Token::flattenTokens($tokens); } return $this->flattenedTokens; } /** * * _getTokens parses out all of the tokens that have been * included in the html and text bodies of the email * we get the tokens and then separate them into an * internal structure named tokens that has the same * form as the static tokens property(?) of the CRM_Utils_Token class. * The difference is that there might be repeated token names as we want the * structures to represent the order in which tokens were found from left to right, top to bottom. * * * @param string $prop name of the property that holds the text that we want to scan for tokens (html, text). * Name of the property that holds the text that we want to scan for tokens (html, text). * * @return void */ private function _getTokens($prop) { $templates = $this->getTemplates(); $newTokens = CRM_Utils_Token::getTokens($templates[$prop]); foreach ($newTokens as $type => $names) { if (!isset($this->tokens[$prop][$type])) { $this->tokens[$prop][$type] = []; } foreach ($names as $key => $name) { $this->tokens[$prop][$type][] = $name; } } } /** * Generate an event queue for a test job. * * @param array $testParams * Contains form values. * * @return void */ public function getTestRecipients($testParams) { if (!empty($testParams['test_group']) && array_key_exists($testParams['test_group'], CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::group())) { $contacts = civicrm_api('contact', 'get', [ 'version' => 3, 'group' => $testParams['test_group'], 'return' => 'id', 'options' => [ 'limit' => 100000000000, ], ]); foreach (array_keys($contacts['values']) as $groupContact) { $query = " SELECT AS email_id, civicrm_email.is_primary as is_primary, civicrm_email.is_bulkmail as is_bulkmail FROM civicrm_email INNER JOIN civicrm_contact ON civicrm_email.contact_id = WHERE (civicrm_email.is_bulkmail = 1 OR civicrm_email.is_primary = 1) AND = {$groupContact} AND civicrm_contact.do_not_email = 0 AND civicrm_contact.is_deceased <> 1 AND civicrm_email.on_hold = 0 AND civicrm_contact.is_opt_out = 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY civicrm_email.is_bulkmail DESC "; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); if ($dao->fetch()) { $params = [ 'job_id' => $testParams['job_id'], 'email_id' => $dao->email_id, 'contact_id' => $groupContact, ]; CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue::create($params); } } } } /** * Load this->header and this->footer. */ private function getHeaderFooter() { if (!$this->header and $this->header_id) { $this->header = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingComponent(); $this->header->id = $this->header_id; $this->header->find(TRUE); } if (!$this->footer and $this->footer_id) { $this->footer = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingComponent(); $this->footer->id = $this->footer_id; $this->footer->find(TRUE); } } /** * Given and array of headers and a prefix, job ID, event queue ID, and hash, * add a Message-ID header if needed. * * i.e. if the global includeMessageId is set and there isn't already a * Message-ID in the array. * The message ID is structured the same way as a verp. However no interpretation * is placed on the values received, so they do not need to follow the verp * convention. * * @param array $headers * Array of message headers to update, in-out. * @param string $prefix * Prefix for the message ID, use same prefixes as verp. * wherever possible * @param string $job_id * Job ID component of the generated message ID. * @param string $event_queue_id * Event Queue ID component of the generated message ID. * @param string $hash * Hash component of the generated message ID. * * @return void */ public static function addMessageIdHeader(&$headers, $prefix, $job_id, $event_queue_id, $hash) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $localpart = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultLocalpart(); $emailDomain = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain(); $includeMessageId = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::includeMessageId(); $fields = []; $fields[] = 'Message-ID'; // CRM-17754 check if Resent-Message-id is set also if not add it in when re-laying reply email if ($prefix == 'r') { $fields[] = 'Resent-Message-ID'; } foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($includeMessageId && (!array_key_exists($field, $headers))) { $headers[$field] = '<' . implode($config->verpSeparator, [ $localpart . $prefix, $job_id, $event_queue_id, $hash, ] ) . "@{$emailDomain}>"; } } } /** * Static wrapper for getting verp and urls. * * @param int $job_id * ID of the Job associated with this message. * @param int $event_queue_id * ID of the EventQueue. * @param string $hash * Hash of the EventQueue. * @param string $email * Destination address. * * @return array * (reference) array array ref that hold array refs to the verp info and urls */ public static function getVerpAndUrls($job_id, $event_queue_id, $hash, $email) { // create a skeleton object and set its properties that are required by getVerpAndUrlsAndHeaders() $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $bao = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing(); $bao->_domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain(); $bao->from_name = $bao->from_email = $bao->subject = ''; // use $bao's instance method to get verp and urls [$verp, $urls, $_] = $bao->getVerpAndUrlsAndHeaders($job_id, $event_queue_id, $hash, $email); return [$verp, $urls]; } /** * Get verp, urls and headers * * @param int $job_id * ID of the Job associated with this message. * @param int $event_queue_id * ID of the EventQueue. * @param string $hash * Hash of the EventQueue. * @param string $email * Destination address. * * @param bool $isForward * * @return array * array ref that hold array refs to the verp info, urls, and headers */ public function getVerpAndUrlsAndHeaders($job_id, $event_queue_id, $hash, $email, $isForward = FALSE) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); /** * Inbound VERP keys: * reply: user replied to mailing * bounce: email address bounced * unsubscribe: contact opts out of all target lists for the mailing * resubscribe: contact opts back into all target lists for the mailing * optOut: contact unsubscribes from the domain */ $verp = []; $verpTokens = [ 'reply' => 'r', 'bounce' => 'b', 'unsubscribe' => 'u', 'resubscribe' => 'e', 'optOut' => 'o', ]; $localpart = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultLocalpart(); $emailDomain = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain(); // Make sure the user configured the site correctly, otherwise you just get "Could not identify any recipients. Perhaps the group is empty?" from the mailing UI if (empty($emailDomain)) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message('Error setting verp parameters, defaultDomain is NULL. Did you configure the bounce processing account for this domain?'); } foreach ($verpTokens as $key => $value) { $verp[$key] = implode($config->verpSeparator, [ $localpart . $value, $job_id, $event_queue_id, $hash, ] ) . "@$emailDomain"; } //handle should override VERP address. $skipEncode = FALSE; if ($job_id && self::overrideVerp($job_id) ) { $verp['reply'] = "\"{$this->from_name}\" <{$this->from_email}>"; } $urls = [ 'forward' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/forward', "reset=1&jid={$job_id}&qid={$event_queue_id}&h={$hash}", TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE), 'unsubscribeUrl' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/unsubscribe', "reset=1&jid={$job_id}&qid={$event_queue_id}&h={$hash}", TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE), 'resubscribeUrl' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/resubscribe', "reset=1&jid={$job_id}&qid={$event_queue_id}&h={$hash}", TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE), 'optOutUrl' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/optout', "reset=1&jid={$job_id}&qid={$event_queue_id}&h={$hash}", TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE), 'subscribeUrl' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/subscribe', 'reset=1', TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE), ]; $headers = [ 'Reply-To' => $verp['reply'], 'Return-Path' => $verp['bounce'], 'From' => "\"{$this->from_name}\" <{$this->from_email}>", 'Subject' => $this->subject, 'List-Unsubscribe' => "", ]; self::addMessageIdHeader($headers, 'm', $job_id, $event_queue_id, $hash); if ($isForward) { $headers['Subject'] = "[Fwd:{$this->subject}]"; } return [&$verp, &$urls, &$headers]; } /** * Compose a message. * * @deprecated * This is used by CiviMail but will be made redundant by FlexMailer/TokenProcessor. * @param int $job_id * ID of the Job associated with this message. * @param int $event_queue_id * ID of the EventQueue. * @param string $hash * Hash of the EventQueue. * @param string $contactId * ID of the Contact. * @param string $email * Destination address. * @param string $recipient * To: of the recipient. * @param bool $test * Is this mailing a test?. * @param $contactDetails * @param $attachments * @param bool $isForward * Is this mailing compose for forward?. * @param string $fromEmail * Email address of who is forwarding it. * * @param null $replyToEmail * * @return Mail_mime The mail object */ public function compose( $job_id, $event_queue_id, $hash, $contactId, $email, &$recipient, $test, $contactDetails, &$attachments, $isForward = FALSE, $fromEmail = NULL, $replyToEmail = NULL ) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $this->getTokens(); if ($this->_domain == NULL) { $this->_domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain(); } [$verp, $urls, $headers] = $this->getVerpAndUrlsAndHeaders( $job_id, $event_queue_id, $hash, $email, $isForward ); //set from email who is forwarding it and not original one. if ($fromEmail) { unset($headers['From']); $headers['From'] = "<{$fromEmail}>"; } if ($replyToEmail && ($fromEmail != $replyToEmail)) { $headers['Reply-To'] = "{$replyToEmail}"; } if ($contactDetails) { $contact = $contactDetails; } elseif ($contactId === 0) { //anonymous user $contact = []; CRM_Utils_Hook::tokenValues($contact, [$contactId], $job_id); } else { $params = [['contact_id', '=', $contactId, 0, 0]]; [$contact] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::apiQuery($params); // $contact is an array of [ contactID => contactDetails ] // also call the hook to get contact details CRM_Utils_Hook::tokenValues($contact, [$contactId], $job_id); // Don't send if contact doesn't exist $contact = reset($contact); if (!$contact || is_a($contact, 'CRM_Core_Error')) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message(ts('CiviMail will not send email to a non-existent contact: %1', [1 => $contactId] )); // setting this because function is called by reference //@todo test not calling function by reference $res = NULL; return $res; } } $pTemplates = $this->getPreparedTemplates(); $pEmails = []; foreach ($pTemplates as $type => $pTemplate) { $html = $type == 'html'; $pEmails[$type] = []; $pEmail = &$pEmails[$type]; $template = &$pTemplates[$type]['template']; $tokens = &$pTemplates[$type]['tokens']; $idx = 0; if (!empty($tokens)) { foreach ($tokens as $idx => $token) { $token_data = $this->getTokenData($token, $html, $contact, $verp, $urls, $event_queue_id); array_push($pEmail, $template[$idx]); array_push($pEmail, $token_data); } } else { array_push($pEmail, $template[$idx]); } if (isset($template[($idx + 1)])) { array_push($pEmail, $template[($idx + 1)]); } } $html = NULL; if (isset($pEmails['html']) && is_array($pEmails['html']) && count($pEmails['html'])) { $html = &$pEmails['html']; } $text = NULL; if (isset($pEmails['text']) && is_array($pEmails['text']) && count($pEmails['text'])) { $text = &$pEmails['text']; } // push the tracking url on to the html email if necessary if ($this->open_tracking && $html) { array_push($html, "\n" . '' ); } $message = new Mail_mime("\n"); $useSmarty = defined('CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY') && CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY; if ($useSmarty) { $smarty = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); // also add the contact tokens to the template $smarty->assign_by_ref('contact', $contact); } $mailParams = $headers; if ($text && ($test || $contact['preferred_mail_format'] == 'Text' || $contact['preferred_mail_format'] == 'Both' || ($contact['preferred_mail_format'] == 'HTML' && !array_key_exists('html', $pEmails)) ) ) { $textBody = implode('', $text); if ($useSmarty) { $textBody = $smarty->fetch("string:$textBody"); } $mailParams['text'] = $textBody; } if ($html && ($test || ($contact['preferred_mail_format'] == 'HTML' || $contact['preferred_mail_format'] == 'Both' )) ) { $htmlBody = implode('', $html); if ($useSmarty) { $htmlBody = $smarty->fetch("string:$htmlBody"); } $mailParams['html'] = $htmlBody; } if (empty($mailParams['text']) && empty($mailParams['html'])) { // CRM-9833 // something went wrong, lets log it and return null (by reference) CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message(ts('CiviMail will not send an empty mail body, Skipping: %1', [1 => $email] )); $res = NULL; return $res; } $mailParams['attachments'] = $attachments; $mailParams['Subject'] = $pEmails['subject'] ?? NULL; if (is_array($mailParams['Subject'])) { $mailParams['Subject'] = implode('', $mailParams['Subject']); } $mailParams['toName'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('display_name', $contact ); $mailParams['toEmail'] = $email; // Add job ID to mailParams for external email delivery service to utilise $mailParams['job_id'] = $job_id; CRM_Utils_Hook::alterMailParams($mailParams, 'civimail'); // CRM-10699 support custom email headers if (!empty($mailParams['headers'])) { $headers = array_merge($headers, $mailParams['headers']); } //cycle through mailParams and set headers array foreach ($mailParams as $paramKey => $paramValue) { //exclude values not intended for the header if (!in_array($paramKey, [ 'text', 'html', 'attachments', 'toName', 'toEmail', ]) ) { $headers[$paramKey] = $paramValue; } } if (!empty($mailParams['text'])) { $message->setTxtBody($mailParams['text']); } if (!empty($mailParams['html'])) { $message->setHTMLBody($mailParams['html']); } if (!empty($mailParams['attachments'])) { foreach ($mailParams['attachments'] as $fileID => $attach) { $message->addAttachment($attach['fullPath'], $attach['mime_type'], $attach['cleanName'] ); } } //pickup both params from mail params. $toName = trim($mailParams['toName']); $toEmail = trim($mailParams['toEmail']); if ($toName == $toEmail || strpos($toName, '@') !== FALSE ) { $toName = NULL; } else { $toName = CRM_Utils_Mail::formatRFC2822Name($toName); } $headers['To'] = "$toName <$toEmail>"; $headers['Precedence'] = 'bulk'; // Will test in the mail processor if the X-VERP is set in the bounced email. // (As an option to replace real VERP for those that can't set it up) $headers['X-CiviMail-Bounce'] = $verp['bounce']; //CRM-5058 //token replacement of subject $headers['Subject'] = $mailParams['Subject']; CRM_Utils_Mail::setMimeParams($message); $headers = $message->headers($headers); //get formatted recipient $recipient = $headers['To']; // make sure we unset a lot of stuff unset($verp); unset($urls); unset($params); unset($contact); unset($ids); return $message; } /** * Replace tokens. * * Get mailing object and replaces subscribeInvite, domain and mailing tokens. * * @deprecated * This is used by CiviMail but will be made redundant by FlexMailer/TokenProcessor. * @param CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing $mailing */ public static function tokenReplace(&$mailing) { $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain(); foreach (['text', 'html'] as $type) { $tokens = $mailing->getTokens(); if (isset($mailing->templates[$type])) { $mailing->templates[$type] = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceSubscribeInviteTokens($mailing->templates[$type]); $mailing->templates[$type] = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens( $mailing->templates[$type], $domain, $type == 'html', $tokens[$type] ); $mailing->templates[$type] = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceMailingTokens($mailing->templates[$type], $mailing, NULL, $tokens[$type]); } } } /** * Get data to resolve tokens. * * @deprecated * This is used by CiviMail but will be made redundant by FlexMailer/TokenProcessor. * * @param array $token_a * @param bool $html * Whether to encode the token result for use in HTML email * @param array $contact * @param string $verp * @param array $urls * @param int $event_queue_id * * @return bool|mixed|null|string */ private function getTokenData(&$token_a, $html, &$contact, &$verp, &$urls, $event_queue_id) { $type = $token_a['type']; $token = $token_a['token']; $data = $token; $useSmarty = defined('CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY') && CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY; if ($type == 'embedded_url') { $embed_data = []; foreach ($token as $t) { $embed_data[] = $this->getTokenData($t, $html, $contact, $verp, $urls, $event_queue_id); } $numSlices = count($embed_data); $url = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $numSlices; $i++) { $embed_url_data = parse_url($embed_data[$i]); if (!empty($embed_url_data['scheme'])) { $token_a['embed_parts'][$i] = preg_replace("/href=\"(https*:\/\/)/", "href=\"", $token_a['embed_parts'][$i]); } $url .= "{$token_a['embed_parts'][$i]}{$embed_data[$i]}"; } if (isset($token_a['embed_parts'][$numSlices])) { $url .= $token_a['embed_parts'][$numSlices]; } // add trailing quote since we've gobbled it up in a previous regex // function getPatterns, line 431 if (preg_match("/^href[ ]*=[ ]*'.*[^']$/", $url)) { $url .= "'"; } elseif (preg_match('/^href[ ]*=[ ]*".*[^"]$/', $url)) { $url .= '"'; } $data = $url; // CRM-20206 Fix ampersand encoding in plain text emails if (empty($html)) { $data = CRM_Utils_String::unstupifyUrl($data); } } elseif ($type == 'url') { if ($this->url_tracking && !empty($this->id)) { // ensure that Google CSS and any .css files are not tracked. if (!(strpos($token, 'css?family') || strpos($token, '.css'))) { $data = CRM_Mailing_BAO_TrackableURL::getTrackerURL($token, $this->id, $event_queue_id); if (!empty($html)) { $data = htmlentities($data, ENT_NOQUOTES); } } } else { $data = $token; } } elseif ($type == 'contact') { $data = CRM_Utils_Token::getContactTokenReplacement($token, $contact, FALSE, FALSE, $useSmarty); } elseif ($type == 'action') { $data = CRM_Utils_Token::getActionTokenReplacement($token, $verp, $urls, $html); } elseif ($type == 'domain') { $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain(); $data = CRM_Utils_Token::getDomainTokenReplacement($token, $domain, $html); } elseif ($type == 'mailing') { if ($token == 'name') { $data = $this->name; } elseif ($token == 'group') { $groups = $this->getGroupNames(); $data = implode(', ', $groups); } } else { $data = $contact["{$type}.{$token}"] ?? NULL; } return $data; } /** * Return a list of group names for this mailing. Does not work with * prior-mailing targets. * * @return array * Names of groups receiving this mailing */ public function &getGroupNames() { if (!isset($this->id)) { return []; } $mg = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup(); $mgtable = CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup::getTableName(); $group = CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getTableName(); $mg->query("SELECT $group.title as name FROM $mgtable INNER JOIN $group ON $mgtable.entity_id = $ WHERE $mgtable.mailing_id = {$this->id} AND $mgtable.entity_table = '$group' AND $mgtable.group_type = 'Include' ORDER BY $"); $groups = []; while ($mg->fetch()) { $groups[] = $mg->name; } return $groups; } /** * Add the mailings. * * @param array $params * Reference array contains the values submitted by the form. * @param array $ids * Reference array contains the id. * * * @return CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException */ public static function add(&$params, $ids = []) { $id = $params['id'] ?? $ids['mailing_id'] ?? NULL; if (empty($params['id']) && !empty($ids)) { CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedWarning('Parameter $ids is no longer used by Mailing::add. Use the api or just pass $params'); } if (!empty($params['check_permissions']) && CRM_Mailing_Info::workflowEnabled()) { $params = self::processWorkflowPermissions($params); } $action = $id ? 'create' : 'edit'; CRM_Utils_Hook::pre($action, 'Mailing', $id, $params); $mailing = new static(); if ($id) { $mailing->id = $id; $mailing->find(TRUE); } $mailing->domain_id = CRM_Utils_Array::value('domain_id', $params, CRM_Core_Config::domainID()); if (((!$id && empty($params['replyto_email'])) || !isset($params['replyto_email'])) && isset($params['from_email']) ) { $params['replyto_email'] = $params['from_email']; } $mailing->copyValues($params); // CRM-20892 Unset Modifed Date here so that MySQL can correctly set an updated modfied date. unset($mailing->modified_date); $result = $mailing->save(); // CRM-20892 Re find record after saing so we can set the updated modified date in the result. $mailing->find(TRUE); if (isset($mailing->modified_date)) { $result->modified_date = $mailing->modified_date; } CRM_Utils_Hook::post($action, 'Mailing', $mailing->id, $mailing); return $result; } /** * Construct a new mailing object, along with job and mailing_group * objects, from the form values of the create mailing wizard. * * This function is a bit evil. It not only merges $params and saves * the mailing -- it also schedules the mailing and chooses the recipients. * Since it merges $params, it's also the only place to correctly trigger * multi-field validation. It should be broken up. * * In the mean time, use-cases which break under the weight of this * evil may find reprieve in these extra evil params: * * - _skip_evil_bao_auto_recipients_: bool * - _skip_evil_bao_auto_schedule_: bool * * * * @params array $params * Form values. * * @param array $params * * @return object * $mailing The new mailing object * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public static function create(array $params) { // CRM-#1843 // If it is a mass sms, set url_tracking to false if (!empty($params['sms_provider_id'])) { $params['url_tracking'] = 0; } // CRM-12430 // Do the below only for an insert // for an update, we should not set the defaults if (!isset($params['id'])) { // Retrieve domain email and name for default sender $domain = civicrm_api( 'Domain', 'getsingle', [ 'version' => 3, 'current_domain' => 1, 'sequential' => 1, ] ); if (isset($domain['from_email'])) { $domain_email = $domain['from_email']; $domain_name = $domain['from_name']; } else { $domain_email = 'info@EXAMPLE.ORG'; $domain_name = 'EXAMPLE.ORG'; } if (!isset($params['created_id'])) { $params['created_id'] = CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID(); } $defaults = [ // load the default config settings for each // eg reply_id, unsubscribe_id need to use // correct template IDs here 'override_verp' => TRUE, 'forward_replies' => FALSE, 'open_tracking' => Civi::settings()->get('open_tracking_default'), 'url_tracking' => Civi::settings()->get('url_tracking_default'), 'visibility' => 'Public Pages', 'replyto_email' => $domain_email, 'header_id' => CRM_Mailing_PseudoConstant::defaultComponent('header_id', ''), 'footer_id' => CRM_Mailing_PseudoConstant::defaultComponent('footer_id', ''), 'from_email' => $domain_email, 'from_name' => $domain_name, 'msg_template_id' => NULL, 'created_id' => $params['created_id'], 'approver_id' => NULL, 'auto_responder' => 0, 'created_date' => date('YmdHis'), 'scheduled_date' => NULL, 'approval_date' => NULL, ]; // Get the default from email address, if not provided. if (empty($defaults['from_email'])) { $defaultAddress = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail(TRUE, TRUE); foreach ($defaultAddress as $id => $value) { if (preg_match('/"(.*)" <(.*)>/', $value, $match)) { $defaults['from_email'] = $match[2]; $defaults['from_name'] = $match[1]; } } } $params = array_merge($defaults, $params); } /** * Could check and warn for the following cases: * * - groups OR mailings should be populated. * - body html OR body text should be populated. */ $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); $mailing = self::add($params); if (is_a($mailing, 'CRM_Core_Error')) { $transaction->rollback(); return $mailing; } // update mailings with hash values CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::generateChecksum($mailing->id, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'mailing', 16); $groupTableName = CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getTableName(); /* Create the mailing group record */ $mg = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup(); $groupTypes = [ 'include' => 'Include', 'exclude' => 'Exclude', 'base' => 'Base', ]; foreach (['groups', 'mailings'] as $entity) { foreach (['include', 'exclude', 'base'] as $type) { if (isset($params[$entity][$type])) { self::replaceGroups($mailing->id, $groupTypes[$type], $entity, $params[$entity][$type]); } } } if (!empty($params['search_id']) && !empty($params['group_id'])) { $mg->reset(); $mg->mailing_id = $mailing->id; $mg->entity_table = $groupTableName; $mg->entity_id = $params['group_id']; $mg->search_id = $params['search_id']; $mg->search_args = $params['search_args']; $mg->group_type = 'Include'; $mg->save(); } // check and attach and files as needed CRM_Core_BAO_File::processAttachment($params, 'civicrm_mailing', $mailing->id); $transaction->commit(); // These actions are really 'submit' not create actions. // In v4 of the api they are not available via CRUD. At some // point we will create a 'submit' function which will do the crud+submit // but for now only CRUD is available via v4 api. if (($params['version'] ?? '') !== 4) { $params = self::doSubmitActions($params, $mailing); } return $mailing; } /** * @deprecated * This is used by CiviMail but will be made redundant by FlexMailer. * @param CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing $mailing * The mailing which may or may not be sendable. * @return array * List of error messages. */ public static function checkSendable($mailing) { $errors = []; foreach (['subject', 'name', 'from_name', 'from_email'] as $field) { if (empty($mailing->{$field})) { $errors[$field] = ts('Field "%1" is required.', [ 1 => $field, ]); } } if (empty($mailing->body_html) && empty($mailing->body_text)) { $errors['body'] = ts('Field "body_html" or "body_text" is required.'); } if (!Civi::settings()->get('disable_mandatory_tokens_check')) { $header = $mailing->header_id && $mailing->header_id != 'null' ? CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingComponent::findById($mailing->header_id) : NULL; $footer = $mailing->footer_id && $mailing->footer_id != 'null' ? CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingComponent::findById($mailing->footer_id) : NULL; foreach (['body_html', 'body_text'] as $field) { if (empty($mailing->{$field})) { continue; } $str = ($header ? $header->{$field} : '') . $mailing->{$field} . ($footer ? $footer->{$field} : ''); $err = CRM_Utils_Token::requiredTokens($str); if ($err !== TRUE) { foreach ($err as $token => $desc) { $errors["{$field}:{$token}"] = ts('This message is missing a required token - {%1}: %2', [1 => $token, 2 => $desc] ); } } } } return $errors; } /** * Replace the list of recipients on a given mailing. * * @param int $mailingId * @param string $type * 'include' or 'exclude'. * @param string $entity * 'groups' or 'mailings'. * @param array $entityIds * @throws CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public static function replaceGroups($mailingId, $type, $entity, $entityIds) { $values = []; foreach ($entityIds as $entityId) { $values[] = ['entity_id' => $entityId]; } civicrm_api3('mailing_group', 'replace', [ 'mailing_id' => $mailingId, 'group_type' => $type, 'entity_table' => ($entity == 'groups') ? CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getTableName() : CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getTableName(), 'values' => $values, ]); } /** * Get hash value of the mailing. * * @param $id * * @return null|string */ public static function getMailingHash($id) { $hash = NULL; if (Civi::settings()->get('hash_mailing_url') && !empty($id)) { $hash = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing', $id, 'hash', 'id'); } return $hash; } /** * Generate a report. Fetch event count information, mailing data, and job * status. * * @param int $id * The mailing id to report. * @param bool $skipDetails * Whether return all detailed report. * * @param bool $isSMS * * @return array * Associative array of reporting data */ public static function &report($id, $skipDetails = FALSE, $isSMS = FALSE) { $mailing_id = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($id, 'Integer'); $mailing = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing(); $t = [ 'mailing' => self::getTableName(), 'mailing_group' => CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup::getTableName(), 'group' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getTableName(), 'job' => CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::getTableName(), 'queue' => CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue::getTableName(), 'delivered' => CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Delivered::getTableName(), 'opened' => CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Opened::getTableName(), 'reply' => CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Reply::getTableName(), 'unsubscribe' => CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Unsubscribe::getTableName(), 'bounce' => CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Bounce::getTableName(), 'forward' => CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Forward::getTableName(), 'url' => CRM_Mailing_BAO_TrackableURL::getTableName(), 'urlopen' => CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_TrackableURLOpen::getTableName(), 'component' => CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingComponent::getTableName(), 'spool' => CRM_Mailing_BAO_Spool::getTableName(), ]; $report = []; $additionalWhereClause = " AND "; if (!$isSMS) { $additionalWhereClause .= " {$t['mailing']}.sms_provider_id IS NULL "; } else { $additionalWhereClause .= " {$t['mailing']}.sms_provider_id IS NOT NULL "; } /* Get the mailing info */ $mailing->query(" SELECT {$t['mailing']}.* FROM {$t['mailing']} WHERE {$t['mailing']}.id = $mailing_id {$additionalWhereClause}"); $mailing->fetch(); $report['mailing'] = []; foreach (array_keys(self::fields()) as $field) { $field = self::fields()[$field]['name']; $report['mailing'][$field] = $mailing->$field; } //get the campaign if ($campaignId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('campaign_id', $report['mailing'])) { $campaigns = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getCampaigns($campaignId); $report['mailing']['campaign'] = $campaigns[$campaignId]; } //mailing report is called by activity //we dont need all detail report if ($skipDetails) { return $report; } /* Get the component info */ $query = []; $components = [ 'header' => ts('Header'), 'footer' => ts('Footer'), 'reply' => ts('Reply'), 'optout' => ts('Opt-Out'), 'resubscribe' => ts('Resubscribe'), 'unsubscribe' => ts('Unsubscribe'), ]; foreach (array_keys($components) as $type) { $query[] = "SELECT {$t['component']}.name as name, '$type' as type, {$t['component']}.id as id FROM {$t['component']} INNER JOIN {$t['mailing']} ON {$t['mailing']}.{$type}_id = {$t['component']}.id WHERE {$t['mailing']}.id = $mailing_id"; } $q = '(' . implode(') UNION (', $query) . ')'; $mailing->query($q); $report['component'] = []; while ($mailing->fetch()) { $report['component'][] = [ 'type' => $components[$mailing->type], 'name' => $mailing->name, 'link' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/component', "reset=1&action=update&id={$mailing->id}"), ]; } /* Get the recipient group info */ $mailing->query(" SELECT {$t['mailing_group']}.group_type as group_type, {$t['group']}.id as group_id, {$t['group']}.title as group_title, {$t['group']}.is_hidden as group_hidden, {$t['mailing']}.id as mailing_id, {$t['mailing']}.name as mailing_name FROM {$t['mailing_group']} LEFT JOIN {$t['group']} ON {$t['mailing_group']}.entity_id = {$t['group']}.id AND {$t['mailing_group']}.entity_table = '{$t['group']}' LEFT JOIN {$t['mailing']} ON {$t['mailing_group']}.entity_id = {$t['mailing']}.id AND {$t['mailing_group']}.entity_table = '{$t['mailing']}' WHERE {$t['mailing_group']}.mailing_id = $mailing_id "); $report['group'] = ['include' => [], 'exclude' => [], 'base' => []]; while ($mailing->fetch()) { $row = []; if (isset($mailing->group_id)) { $row['id'] = $mailing->group_id; $row['name'] = $mailing->group_title; $row['link'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/group/search', "reset=1&force=1&context=smog&gid={$row['id']}" ); } else { $row['id'] = $mailing->mailing_id; $row['name'] = $mailing->mailing_name; $row['mailing'] = TRUE; $row['link'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/report', "mid={$row['id']}" ); } /* Rename hidden groups */ if ($mailing->group_hidden == 1) { $row['name'] = "Search Results"; } if ($mailing->group_type == 'Include') { $report['group']['include'][] = $row; } elseif ($mailing->group_type == 'Base') { $report['group']['base'][] = $row; } else { $report['group']['exclude'][] = $row; } } /* Get the event totals, grouped by job (retries) */ $mailing->query(" SELECT {$t['job']}.*, COUNT(DISTINCT {$t['queue']}.id) as queue, COUNT(DISTINCT {$t['delivered']}.id) as delivered, COUNT(DISTINCT {$t['reply']}.id) as reply, COUNT(DISTINCT {$t['forward']}.id) as forward, COUNT(DISTINCT {$t['bounce']}.id) as bounce, COUNT(DISTINCT {$t['urlopen']}.id) as url, COUNT(DISTINCT {$t['spool']}.id) as spool FROM {$t['job']} LEFT JOIN {$t['queue']} ON {$t['queue']}.job_id = {$t['job']}.id LEFT JOIN {$t['reply']} ON {$t['reply']}.event_queue_id = {$t['queue']}.id LEFT JOIN {$t['forward']} ON {$t['forward']}.event_queue_id = {$t['queue']}.id LEFT JOIN {$t['bounce']} ON {$t['bounce']}.event_queue_id = {$t['queue']}.id LEFT JOIN {$t['delivered']} ON {$t['delivered']}.event_queue_id = {$t['queue']}.id AND {$t['bounce']}.id IS null LEFT JOIN {$t['urlopen']} ON {$t['urlopen']}.event_queue_id = {$t['queue']}.id LEFT JOIN {$t['spool']} ON {$t['spool']}.job_id = {$t['job']}.id WHERE {$t['job']}.mailing_id = $mailing_id AND {$t['job']}.is_test = 0 GROUP BY {$t['job']}.id"); $report['jobs'] = []; $report['event_totals'] = []; $path = 'civicrm/mailing/report/event'; $elements = [ 'queue', 'delivered', 'url', 'forward', 'reply', 'unsubscribe', 'optout', 'opened', 'total_opened', 'bounce', 'spool', ]; // initialize various counters foreach ($elements as $field) { $report['event_totals'][$field] = 0; } while ($mailing->fetch()) { $row = []; foreach ($elements as $field) { if (isset($mailing->$field)) { $row[$field] = $mailing->$field; $report['event_totals'][$field] += $mailing->$field; } } // compute open total separately to discount duplicates // CRM-1258 $row['opened'] = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Opened::getTotalCount($mailing_id, $mailing->id, TRUE); $report['event_totals']['opened'] += $row['opened']; $row['total_opened'] = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Opened::getTotalCount($mailing_id, $mailing->id); $report['event_totals']['total_opened'] += $row['total_opened']; // compute unsub total separately to discount duplicates // CRM-1783 $row['unsubscribe'] = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Unsubscribe::getTotalCount($mailing_id, $mailing->id, TRUE, TRUE); $report['event_totals']['unsubscribe'] += $row['unsubscribe']; $row['optout'] = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Unsubscribe::getTotalCount($mailing_id, $mailing->id, TRUE, FALSE); $report['event_totals']['optout'] += $row['optout']; foreach (array_keys(CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::fields()) as $field) { // Get the field name from the MailingJob fields as that will not have any prefixing. // dev/mailing#56 $field = CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::fields()[$field]['name']; $row[$field] = $mailing->$field; } if ($mailing->queue) { $row['delivered_rate'] = (100.0 * $mailing->delivered) / $mailing->queue; $row['bounce_rate'] = (100.0 * $mailing->bounce) / $mailing->queue; $row['unsubscribe_rate'] = (100.0 * $row['unsubscribe']) / $mailing->queue; $row['optout_rate'] = (100.0 * $row['optout']) / $mailing->queue; $row['opened_rate'] = $mailing->delivered ? (($row['opened'] / $mailing->delivered) * 100.0) : 0; $row['clickthrough_rate'] = $mailing->delivered ? (($mailing->url / $mailing->delivered) * 100.0) : 0; } else { $row['delivered_rate'] = 0; $row['bounce_rate'] = 0; $row['unsubscribe_rate'] = 0; $row['optout_rate'] = 0; $row['opened_rate'] = 0; $row['clickthrough_rate'] = 0; } $arg = "reset=1&mid=$mailing_id&jid={$mailing->id}"; $row['links'] = [ 'clicks' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=click"), 'queue' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=queue"), 'delivered' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=delivered"), 'bounce' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=bounce"), 'unsubscribe' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=unsubscribe"), 'forward' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=forward"), 'reply' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=reply"), 'opened' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=opened"), ]; foreach (['scheduled_date', 'start_date', 'end_date'] as $key) { $row[$key] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($row[$key]); } $report['jobs'][] = $row; } $report['event_totals']['queue'] = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Recipients::mailingSize($mailing_id); if (!empty($report['event_totals']['queue'])) { $report['event_totals']['delivered_rate'] = (100.0 * $report['event_totals']['delivered']) / $report['event_totals']['queue']; $report['event_totals']['bounce_rate'] = (100.0 * $report['event_totals']['bounce']) / $report['event_totals']['queue']; $report['event_totals']['unsubscribe_rate'] = (100.0 * $report['event_totals']['unsubscribe']) / $report['event_totals']['queue']; $report['event_totals']['optout_rate'] = (100.0 * $report['event_totals']['optout']) / $report['event_totals']['queue']; $report['event_totals']['opened_rate'] = !empty($report['event_totals']['delivered']) ? (($report['event_totals']['opened'] / $report['event_totals']['delivered']) * 100.0) : 0; $report['event_totals']['clickthrough_rate'] = !empty($report['event_totals']['delivered']) ? (($report['event_totals']['url'] / $report['event_totals']['delivered']) * 100.0) : 0; } else { $report['event_totals']['delivered_rate'] = 0; $report['event_totals']['bounce_rate'] = 0; $report['event_totals']['unsubscribe_rate'] = 0; $report['event_totals']['optout_rate'] = 0; $report['event_totals']['opened_rate'] = 0; $report['event_totals']['clickthrough_rate'] = 0; } /* Get the click-through totals, grouped by URL */ $mailing->query(" SELECT {$t['url']}.url, {$t['url']}.id, COUNT({$t['urlopen']}.id) as clicks, COUNT(DISTINCT {$t['queue']}.id) as unique_clicks FROM {$t['url']} LEFT JOIN {$t['urlopen']} ON {$t['urlopen']}.trackable_url_id = {$t['url']}.id LEFT JOIN {$t['queue']} ON {$t['urlopen']}.event_queue_id = {$t['queue']}.id LEFT JOIN {$t['job']} ON {$t['queue']}.job_id = {$t['job']}.id WHERE {$t['url']}.mailing_id = $mailing_id AND {$t['job']}.is_test = 0 GROUP BY {$t['url']}.id ORDER BY unique_clicks DESC"); $report['click_through'] = []; while ($mailing->fetch()) { $report['click_through'][] = [ 'url' => $mailing->url, 'link' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "reset=1&event=click&mid=$mailing_id&uid={$mailing->id}"), 'link_unique' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "reset=1&event=click&mid=$mailing_id&uid={$mailing->id}&distinct=1"), 'clicks' => $mailing->clicks, 'unique' => $mailing->unique_clicks, 'rate' => !empty($report['event_totals']['delivered']) ? (100.0 * $mailing->unique_clicks) / $report['event_totals']['delivered'] : 0, 'report' => CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getNextUrl('mailing/clicks', "reset=1&mailing_id_value={$mailing_id}&url_value=" . rawurlencode($mailing->url), FALSE, TRUE), ]; } $arg = "reset=1&mid=$mailing_id"; $report['event_totals']['links'] = [ 'clicks' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=click"), 'clicks_unique' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=click&distinct=1"), 'queue' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=queue"), 'delivered' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=delivered"), 'bounce' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=bounce"), 'unsubscribe' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=unsubscribe"), 'optout' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=optout"), 'forward' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=forward"), 'reply' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=reply"), 'opened' => CRM_Utils_System::url($path, "$arg&event=opened"), ]; $actionLinks = [CRM_Core_Action::VIEW => ['name' => ts('Report')]]; $actionLinks[CRM_Core_Action::ADVANCED] = [ 'name' => ts('Advanced Search'), 'url' => 'civicrm/contact/search/advanced', ]; $action = array_sum(array_keys($actionLinks)); $report['event_totals']['actionlinks'] = []; foreach (['clicks', 'clicks_unique', 'queue', 'delivered', 'bounce', 'unsubscribe', 'forward', 'reply', 'opened', 'opened_unique', 'optout'] as $key) { $url = 'mailing/detail'; $reportFilter = "reset=1&mailing_id_value={$mailing_id}"; $searchFilter = "force=1&mailing_id=%%mid%%"; switch ($key) { case 'delivered': $reportFilter .= "&delivery_status_value=successful"; $searchFilter .= "&mailing_delivery_status=Y"; break; case 'bounce': $url = "mailing/bounce"; $searchFilter .= "&mailing_delivery_status=N"; break; case 'forward': $reportFilter .= "&is_forwarded_value=1"; $searchFilter .= "&mailing_forward=1"; break; case 'reply': $reportFilter .= "&is_replied_value=1"; $searchFilter .= "&mailing_reply_status=Y"; break; case 'unsubscribe': $reportFilter .= "&is_unsubscribed_value=1"; $searchFilter .= "&mailing_unsubscribe=1"; break; case 'optout': $reportFilter .= "&is_optout_value=1"; $searchFilter .= "&mailing_optout=1"; break; case 'opened': // do not use group by clause in report, because same report used for total and unique open $reportFilter .= "&distinct=0"; case 'opened_unique': $url = "mailing/opened"; $searchFilter .= "&mailing_open_status=Y"; break; case 'clicks': case 'clicks_unique': $url = "mailing/clicks"; $searchFilter .= "&mailing_click_status=Y"; break; } $actionLinks[CRM_Core_Action::VIEW]['url'] = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getNextUrl($url, $reportFilter, FALSE, TRUE); if (array_key_exists(CRM_Core_Action::ADVANCED, $actionLinks)) { $actionLinks[CRM_Core_Action::ADVANCED]['qs'] = $searchFilter; } $report['event_totals']['actionlinks'][$key] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink( $actionLinks, $action, ['mid' => $mailing_id], ts('more'), FALSE, '', 'Mailing', $mailing_id ); } return $report; } /** * Get the count of mailings. * * @param * * @return int * Count */ public function getCount() { $this->selectAdd(); $this->selectAdd('COUNT(id) as count'); $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $this->find(TRUE); return $this->count; } /** * @param int $id * * @throws Exception */ public static function checkPermission($id) { if (!$id) { return; } $mailingIDs = self::mailingACLIDs(); if ($mailingIDs === TRUE) { return; } if (!in_array($id, $mailingIDs)) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('You do not have permission to access this mailing report')); } } /** * @param null $alias * * @return string */ public static function mailingACL($alias = NULL) { $mailingACL = " ( 0 ) "; $mailingIDs = self::mailingACLIDs(); if ($mailingIDs === TRUE) { return " ( 1 ) "; } if (!empty($mailingIDs)) { $mailingIDs = implode(',', $mailingIDs); $tableName = !$alias ? self::getTableName() : $alias; $mailingACL = " $ IN ( $mailingIDs ) "; } return $mailingACL; } /** * Returns all the mailings that this user can access. This is dependent on * all the groups that the user has access to. * However since most civi installs dont use ACL's we special case the condition * where the user has access to ALL groups, and hence ALL mailings and return a * value of TRUE (to avoid the downstream where clause with a list of mailing list IDs * * @return bool|array * TRUE if the user has access to all mailings, else array of mailing IDs (possibly empty). */ public static function mailingACLIDs() { // CRM-11633 // optimize common case where admin has access // to all mailings if ( CRM_Core_Permission::check('view all contacts') || CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit all contacts') ) { return TRUE; } $mailingIDs = []; // get all the groups that this user can access // if they dont have universal access $groupNames = civicrm_api3('Group', 'get', [ 'check_permissions' => TRUE, 'return' => ['title', 'id'], 'options' => ['limit' => 0], ]); foreach ($groupNames['values'] as $group) { $groups[$group['id']] = $group['title']; } if (!empty($groups)) { $groupIDs = implode(',', array_keys($groups)); $domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); // get all the mailings that are in this subset of groups $query = " SELECT DISTINCT( ) as id FROM civicrm_mailing m LEFT JOIN civicrm_mailing_group g ON g.mailing_id = WHERE ( ( g.entity_table like 'civicrm_group%' AND g.entity_id IN ( $groupIDs ) ) OR ( g.entity_table IS NULL AND g.entity_id IS NULL AND m.domain_id = $domain_id ) ) "; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); $mailingIDs = []; while ($dao->fetch()) { $mailingIDs[] = $dao->id; } //CRM-18181 Get all mailings that use the mailings found earlier as receipients if (!empty($mailingIDs)) { $mailings = implode(',', $mailingIDs); $mailingQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT ( ) as id FROM civicrm_mailing m LEFT JOIN civicrm_mailing_group g ON g.mailing_id = WHERE g.entity_table like 'civicrm_mailing%' AND g.entity_id IN ($mailings)"; $mailingDao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($mailingQuery); while ($mailingDao->fetch()) { $mailingIDs[] = $mailingDao->id; } } } return $mailingIDs; } /** * Get the rows for a browse operation. * * @param int $offset * The row number to start from. * @param int $rowCount * The number of rows to return. * @param string $sort * The sql string that describes the sort order. * * @param null $additionalClause * @param array $additionalParams * * @return array * The rows */ public function &getRows($offset, $rowCount, $sort, $additionalClause = NULL, $additionalParams = NULL) { $mailing = self::getTableName(); $job = CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::getTableName(); $group = CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup::getTableName(); $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $mailingACL = self::mailingACL(); //get all campaigns. $allCampaigns = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getCampaigns(NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); $select = [ "$", "$", "$job.status", "$mailing.approval_status_id", "createdContact.sort_name as created_by", "scheduledContact.sort_name as scheduled_by", "$mailing.created_id as created_id", "$mailing.scheduled_id as scheduled_id", "$mailing.is_archived as archived", "$mailing.created_date as created_date", "campaign_id", "$mailing.sms_provider_id as sms_provider_id", "$mailing.language", ]; // we only care about parent jobs, since that holds all the info on // the mailing $selectClause = implode(', ', $select); $groupFromSelect = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::getGroupByFromSelectColumns($select, "$"); $query = " SELECT {$selectClause}, MIN($job.scheduled_date) as scheduled_date, MIN($job.start_date) as start_date, MAX($job.end_date) as end_date FROM $mailing LEFT JOIN $job ON ( $job.mailing_id = $ AND $job.is_test = 0 AND $job.parent_id IS NULL ) LEFT JOIN civicrm_contact createdContact ON ( civicrm_mailing.created_id = ) LEFT JOIN civicrm_contact scheduledContact ON ( civicrm_mailing.scheduled_id = ) WHERE $mailingACL $additionalClause"; if (!empty($groupFromSelect)) { $query .= $groupFromSelect; } if ($sort) { $orderBy = trim($sort->orderBy()); if (!empty($orderBy)) { $query .= " ORDER BY $orderBy"; } } if ($rowCount) { $offset = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($offset, 'Int'); $rowCount = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($rowCount, 'Int'); $query .= " LIMIT $offset, $rowCount "; } if (!$additionalParams) { $additionalParams = []; } $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $additionalParams); $rows = []; while ($dao->fetch()) { $rows[] = [ 'id' => $dao->id, 'name' => $dao->name, 'status' => $dao->status ? $dao->status : 'Not scheduled', 'created_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dao->created_date), 'scheduled' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dao->scheduled_date), 'scheduled_iso' => $dao->scheduled_date, 'start' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dao->start_date), 'end' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dao->end_date), 'created_by' => $dao->created_by, 'scheduled_by' => $dao->scheduled_by, 'created_id' => $dao->created_id, 'scheduled_id' => $dao->scheduled_id, 'archived' => $dao->archived, 'approval_status_id' => $dao->approval_status_id, 'campaign_id' => $dao->campaign_id, 'campaign' => empty($dao->campaign_id) ? NULL : $allCampaigns[$dao->campaign_id], 'sms_provider_id' => $dao->sms_provider_id, 'language' => $dao->language, ]; } return $rows; } /** * Show detail Mailing report. * * @param int $id * * @return string */ public static function showEmailDetails($id) { return CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/report', "mid=$id"); } /** * Delete Mails and all its associated records. * * @param int $id * Id of the mail to delete. * * @return void */ public static function del($id) { if (empty($id)) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('No id passed to mailing del function')); } CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('delete', 'Mailing', $id); // delete all file attachments CRM_Core_BAO_File::deleteEntityFile('civicrm_mailing', $id ); $dao = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing(); $dao->id = $id; $dao->delete(); CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Selected mailing has been deleted.'), ts('Deleted'), 'success'); CRM_Utils_Hook::post('delete', 'Mailing', $id, $dao); } /** * @deprecated * Use CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::del($id) * * @param int $id * Id of the Job to delete. * * @return void */ public static function delJob($id) { if (empty($id)) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('No id passed to mailing delJob function')); } CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedWarning('This function is deprecated, use CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::del instead'); CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::del($id); } /** * @deprecated * This is used by CiviMail but will be made redundant by FlexMailer/TokenProcessor. * @return array */ public function getReturnProperties() { $tokens = &$this->getTokens(); $properties = []; if (isset($tokens['html']) && isset($tokens['html']['contact']) ) { $properties = array_merge($properties, $tokens['html']['contact']); } if (isset($tokens['text']) && isset($tokens['text']['contact']) ) { $properties = array_merge($properties, $tokens['text']['contact']); } if (isset($tokens['subject']) && isset($tokens['subject']['contact']) ) { $properties = array_merge($properties, $tokens['subject']['contact']); } $returnProperties = []; $returnProperties['display_name'] = $returnProperties['contact_id'] = $returnProperties['preferred_mail_format'] = $returnProperties['hash'] = 1; foreach ($properties as $p) { $returnProperties[$p] = 1; } return $returnProperties; } /** * Build the compose mail form. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * * @return void */ public static function commonCompose(&$form) { //get the tokens. $tokens = []; if (method_exists($form, 'listTokens')) { $tokens = array_merge($form->listTokens(), $tokens); } //sorted in ascending order tokens by ignoring word case $form->assign('tokens', CRM_Utils_Token::formatTokensForDisplay($tokens)); $templates = []; $textFields = [ 'text_message' => ts('HTML Format'), 'sms_text_message' => ts('SMS Message'), ]; $modePrefixes = ['Mail' => NULL, 'SMS' => 'SMS']; $className = CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form); if ($className != 'CRM_SMS_Form_Upload' && $className != 'CRM_Contact_Form_Task_SMS' && $className != 'CRM_Contact_Form_Task_SMS' ) { $form->add('wysiwyg', 'html_message', strstr($className, 'PDF') ? ts('Document Body') : ts('HTML Format'), [ 'cols' => '80', 'rows' => '8', 'onkeyup' => "return verify(this)", ] ); if ($className != 'CRM_Admin_Form_ScheduleReminders') { unset($modePrefixes['SMS']); } } else { unset($textFields['text_message']); unset($modePrefixes['Mail']); } //insert message Text by selecting "Select Template option" foreach ($textFields as $id => $label) { $prefix = NULL; if ($id == 'sms_text_message') { $prefix = "SMS"; $form->assign('max_sms_length', CRM_SMS_Provider::MAX_SMS_CHAR); } $form->add('textarea', $id, $label, [ 'cols' => '80', 'rows' => '8', 'onkeyup' => "return verify(this, '{$prefix}')", ] ); } foreach ($modePrefixes as $prefix) { if ($prefix == 'SMS') { $templates[$prefix] = CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::getMessageTemplates(FALSE, TRUE); } else { $templates[$prefix] = CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::getMessageTemplates(FALSE); } if (!empty($templates[$prefix])) { $form->assign('templates', TRUE); $form->add('select', "{$prefix}template", ts('Use Template'), ['' => ts('- select -')] + $templates[$prefix], FALSE, ['onChange' => "selectValue( this.value, '{$prefix}');"] ); } $form->add('checkbox', "{$prefix}updateTemplate", ts('Update Template'), NULL); $form->add('checkbox', "{$prefix}saveTemplate", ts('Save As New Template'), NULL, FALSE, ['onclick' => "showSaveDetails(this, '{$prefix}');"] ); $form->add('text', "{$prefix}saveTemplateName", ts('Template Title')); } // I'm not sure this is ever called. $action = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('action', 'String', $form, FALSE); if ((CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form) == 'CRM_Contact_Form_Task_PDF') && $action == CRM_Core_Action::VIEW ) { $form->freeze('html_message'); } } /** * Get the search based mailing Ids. * * @return array * , searched base mailing ids. */ public function searchMailingIDs() { $group = CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup::getTableName(); $mailing = self::getTableName(); $query = " SELECT $ as mailing_id FROM $mailing, $group WHERE $group.mailing_id = $ AND $group.group_type = 'Base'"; $searchDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); $mailingIDs = []; while ($searchDAO->fetch()) { $mailingIDs[] = $searchDAO->mailing_id; } return $mailingIDs; } /** * Get the content/components of mailing based on mailing Id * * @param array $report * of mailing report. * * @param $form * Reference of this. * * @param bool $isSMS * * @return array * array content/component. */ public static function getMailingContent(&$report, &$form, $isSMS = FALSE) { $htmlHeader = $textHeader = NULL; $htmlFooter = $textFooter = NULL; if (!$isSMS) { if ($report['mailing']['header_id']) { $header = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingComponent(); $header->id = $report['mailing']['header_id']; $header->find(TRUE); $htmlHeader = $header->body_html; $textHeader = $header->body_text; } if ($report['mailing']['footer_id']) { $footer = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingComponent(); $footer->id = $report['mailing']['footer_id']; $footer->find(TRUE); $htmlFooter = $footer->body_html; $textFooter = $footer->body_text; } } $mailingKey = $form->_mailing_id; if (!$isSMS) { if ($hash = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getMailingHash($mailingKey)) { $mailingKey = $hash; } } if (!empty($report['mailing']['body_text'])) { $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/view', 'reset=1&text=1&id=' . $mailingKey); $form->assign('textViewURL', $url); } if (!$isSMS) { if (!empty($report['mailing']['body_html'])) { $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/view', 'reset=1&id=' . $mailingKey); $form->assign('htmlViewURL', $url); } } if (!$isSMS) { $report['mailing']['attachment'] = CRM_Core_BAO_File::attachmentInfo('civicrm_mailing', $form->_mailing_id); } return $report; } /** * @param int $jobID * * @return mixed */ public static function overrideVerp($jobID) { static $_cache = []; if (!isset($_cache[$jobID])) { $query = " SELECT override_verp FROM civicrm_mailing INNER JOIN civicrm_mailing_job ON = civicrm_mailing_job.mailing_id WHERE = %1 "; $params = [1 => [$jobID, 'Integer']]; $_cache[$jobID] = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query, $params); } return $_cache[$jobID]; } /** * @param string|null $mode * Either 'sms' or null * * @return bool * @throws Exception */ public static function processQueue($mode = NULL) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if ($mode == NULL && CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain() == "EXAMPLE.ORG") { // Using forceBackend=TRUE because WordPress sometimes fails to detect cron throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('The default mailbox has not been configured. You will find more info in the online system administrator guide', [ 1 => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/mailSettings', 'reset=1', FALSE, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), 2 => "", ])); } // check if we are enforcing number of parallel cron jobs // CRM-8460 $gotCronLock = FALSE; $mailerJobsMax = Civi::settings()->get('mailerJobsMax'); if (is_numeric($mailerJobsMax) && $mailerJobsMax > 0) { $lockArray = range(1, $mailerJobsMax); // Shuffle the array to improve chances of quickly finding an open thread shuffle($lockArray); // Check if we are using global locks foreach ($lockArray as $lockID) { $cronLock = Civi::lockManager() ->acquire("worker.mailing.send.{$lockID}"); if ($cronLock->isAcquired()) { $gotCronLock = TRUE; break; } } // Exit here since we have enough mailing processes running if (!$gotCronLock) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message('Returning early, since the maximum number of mailing processes are running'); return TRUE; } if (getenv('CIVICRM_CRON_HOLD')) { // In testing, we may need to simulate some slow activities. sleep(getenv('CIVICRM_CRON_HOLD')); } } // Split up the parent jobs into multiple child jobs $mailerJobSize = Civi::settings()->get('mailerJobSize'); CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::runJobs_pre($mailerJobSize, $mode); CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::runJobs(NULL, $mode); CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::runJobs_post($mode); // Release the global lock if we do have one if ($gotCronLock) { $cronLock->release(); } return TRUE; } /** * @param int $mailingID */ private static function addMultipleEmails($mailingID) { $sql = " INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_recipients (mailing_id, email_id, contact_id) SELECT %1,, e.contact_id FROM civicrm_email e WHERE e.on_hold = 0 AND e.is_bulkmail = 1 AND e.contact_id IN ( SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_mailing_recipients mr WHERE mailing_id = %1 ) AND NOT IN ( SELECT email_id FROM civicrm_mailing_recipients mr WHERE mailing_id = %1 ) "; $params = [1 => [$mailingID, 'Integer']]; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); } /** * @param bool $isSMS * * @return mixed */ public static function getMailingsList($isSMS = FALSE) { static $list = []; $where = " WHERE "; if (!$isSMS) { $where .= " civicrm_mailing.sms_provider_id IS NULL "; } else { $where .= " civicrm_mailing.sms_provider_id IS NOT NULL "; } if (empty($list)) { $query = " SELECT,, civicrm_mailing_job.end_date FROM civicrm_mailing INNER JOIN civicrm_mailing_job ON = civicrm_mailing_job.mailing_id {$where} ORDER BY"; $mailing = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); while ($mailing->fetch()) { $list[$mailing->id] = "{$mailing->name} :: {$mailing->end_date}"; } } return $list; } /** * wrapper for ajax activity selector. * * @param array $params * Associated array for params record id. * * @return array * associated array of contact activities */ public static function getContactMailingSelector(&$params) { // format the params $params['offset'] = ($params['page'] - 1) * $params['rp']; $params['rowCount'] = $params['rp']; $params['sort'] = $params['sortBy'] ?? NULL; $params['caseId'] = NULL; // get contact mailings $mailings = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getContactMailings($params); // add total $params['total'] = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getContactMailingsCount($params); //CRM-12814 if (!empty($mailings)) { $openCounts = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Opened::getMailingContactCount(array_keys($mailings), $params['contact_id']); $clickCounts = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_TrackableURLOpen::getMailingContactCount(array_keys($mailings), $params['contact_id']); } // format params and add links $contactMailings = []; foreach ($mailings as $mailingId => $values) { $mailing = []; $mailing['subject'] = $values['subject']; $mailing['creator_name'] = CRM_Utils_System::href( $values['creator_name'], 'civicrm/contact/view', "reset=1&cid={$values['creator_id']}"); $mailing['recipients'] = CRM_Utils_System::href(ts('(recipients)'), 'civicrm/mailing/report/event', "mid={$values['mailing_id']}&reset=1&cid={$params['contact_id']}&event=queue&context=mailing"); $mailing['start_date'] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($values['start_date']); //CRM-12814 $mailing['openstats'] = "Opens: " . CRM_Utils_Array::value($values['mailing_id'], $openCounts, 0) . "
Clicks: " . CRM_Utils_Array::value($values['mailing_id'], $clickCounts, 0); $actionLinks = [ CRM_Core_Action::VIEW => [ 'name' => ts('View'), 'url' => 'civicrm/mailing/view', 'qs' => "reset=1&id=%%mkey%%&cid=%%cid%%&cs=%%cs%%", 'title' => ts('View Mailing'), 'class' => 'crm-popup', ], CRM_Core_Action::BROWSE => [ 'name' => ts('Mailing Report'), 'url' => 'civicrm/mailing/report', 'qs' => "mid=%%mid%%&reset=1&cid=%%cid%%&context=mailing", 'title' => ts('View Mailing Report'), ], ]; $mailingKey = $values['mailing_id']; if ($hash = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getMailingHash($mailingKey)) { $mailingKey = $hash; } $mailing['links'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink( $actionLinks, NULL, [ 'mid' => $values['mailing_id'], 'cid' => $params['contact_id'], 'mkey' => $mailingKey, 'cs' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::generateChecksum($params['contact_id'], NULL, 'inf'), ], ts('more'), FALSE, '', 'Mailing', $values['mailing_id'] ); array_push($contactMailings, $mailing); } $contactMailingsDT = []; $contactMailingsDT['data'] = $contactMailings; $contactMailingsDT['recordsTotal'] = $params['total']; $contactMailingsDT['recordsFiltered'] = $params['total']; return $contactMailingsDT; } /** * Retrieve contact mailing. * * @param array $params * * @return array * Array of mailings for a contact * */ public static function getContactMailings(&$params) { $params['version'] = 3; $params['offset'] = ($params['page'] - 1) * $params['rp']; $params['limit'] = $params['rp']; $params['sort'] = $params['sortBy'] ?? NULL; $result = civicrm_api('MailingContact', 'get', $params); return $result['values']; } /** * Retrieve contact mailing count. * * @param array $params * * @return int * count of mailings for a contact * */ public static function getContactMailingsCount(&$params) { $params['version'] = 3; return civicrm_api('MailingContact', 'getcount', $params); } /** * Get a list of permissions required for CRUD'ing each field * (when workflow is enabled). * * @return array * Array (string $fieldName => string $permName) */ public static function getWorkflowFieldPerms() { $fieldNames = array_keys(CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing::fields()); $fieldPerms = []; foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) { if ($fieldName == 'id') { $fieldPerms[$fieldName] = [ // OR [ 'access CiviMail', 'schedule mailings', 'approve mailings', ], ]; } elseif (in_array($fieldName, ['scheduled_date', 'scheduled_id'])) { $fieldPerms[$fieldName] = [ // OR ['access CiviMail', 'schedule mailings'], ]; } elseif (in_array($fieldName, [ 'approval_date', 'approver_id', 'approval_status_id', 'approval_note', ])) { $fieldPerms[$fieldName] = [ // OR ['access CiviMail', 'approve mailings'], ]; } else { $fieldPerms[$fieldName] = [ // OR ['access CiviMail', 'create mailings'], ]; } } return $fieldPerms; } /** * White-list of possible values for the entity_table field. * * @return array */ public static function mailingGroupEntityTables() { return [ [ 'id' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getTableName(), 'name' => 'Group', 'label' => ts('Group'), ], [ 'id' => CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getTableName(), 'name' => 'Mailing', 'label' => ts('Mailing'), ], ]; } /** * Get the public view url. * * @param int $id * @param bool $absolute * * @return string */ public static function getPublicViewUrl($id, $absolute = TRUE) { if ((civicrm_api3('Mailing', 'getvalue', [ 'id' => $id, 'return' => 'visibility', ])) === 'Public Pages') { // if hash setting is on then we change the public url into a hash $hash = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getMailingHash($id); if (!empty($hash)) { $id = $hash; } return CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/mailing/view', ['id' => $id], $absolute, NULL, TRUE, TRUE); } } /** * Get a list of template types which can be used as `civicrm_mailing.template_type`. * * @return array * A list of template-types, keyed numerically. Each defines: * - name: string, a short symbolic name * - editorUrl: string, Angular template name * * Ex: $templateTypes[0] === array('name' => 'mosaico', 'editorUrl' => '~/crmMosaico/editor.html'). */ public static function getTemplateTypes() { if (!isset(Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['templateTypes'])) { $types = []; $types[] = [ 'name' => 'traditional', 'editorUrl' => CRM_Mailing_Info::workflowEnabled() ? '~/crmMailing/EditMailingCtrl/workflow.html' : '~/crmMailing/EditMailingCtrl/2step.html', 'weight' => 0, ]; CRM_Utils_Hook::mailingTemplateTypes($types); $defaults = ['weight' => 0]; foreach (array_keys($types) as $typeName) { $types[$typeName] = array_merge($defaults, $types[$typeName]); } usort($types, function ($a, $b) { if ($a['weight'] === $b['weight']) { return 0; } return $a['weight'] < $b['weight'] ? -1 : 1; }); Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['templateTypes'] = $types; } return Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['templateTypes']; } /** * Get a list of template types. * * @return array * Array(string $name => string $label). */ public static function getTemplateTypeNames() { $r = []; foreach (self::getTemplateTypes() as $type) { $r[$type['name']] = $type['name']; } return $r; } }