array (cols) - to be excluded from the update statement * * @var array */ private $exceptions = [ 'civicrm_job' => ['last_run'], 'civicrm_group' => ['cache_date', 'refresh_date'], ]; /** * Specifications of all log table including * - engine (default is InnoDB, if not set.) * - engine_config, a string appended to the engine type. * For INNODB space can be saved with 'ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=4' * - indexes (default is none and they cannot be added unless engine is innodb. If they are added and * engine is not set to innodb an exception will be thrown since quiet acquiescence is easier to miss). * - exceptions (by default those stored in $this->exceptions are included). These are * excluded from the triggers. * * @var array */ private $logTableSpec = []; /** * Setting Callback - Validate. * * @param mixed $value * @param array $fieldSpec * * @return bool * @throws API_Exception */ public static function checkLoggingSupport(&$value, $fieldSpec) { if (!(CRM_Core_DAO::checkTriggerViewPermission(FALSE)) && $value) { throw new API_Exception(ts("In order to use this functionality, the installation's database user must have privileges to create triggers and views (if binary logging is enabled – this means the SUPER privilege). This install does not have the required privilege(s) enabled.")); } // dev/core#1812 Disable logging in a multilingual environment. if (CRM_Core_I18n::isMultilingual() && $value) { throw new API_Exception(ts("Logging is not supported in a multilingual environment!")); } return TRUE; } /** * Setting Callback - On Change. * * Respond to changes in the "logging" setting. Set up or destroy * triggers, etal. * * @param array $oldValue * List of component names. * @param array $newValue * List of component names. * @param array $metadata * Specification of the setting (per *.settings.php). */ public static function onToggle($oldValue, $newValue, $metadata) { if ($oldValue == $newValue) { return; } $logging = new CRM_Logging_Schema(); if ($newValue) { $logging->enableLogging(); } else { $logging->disableLogging(); } } /** * Populate $this->tables and $this->logs with current db state. */ public function __construct() { $civiDBName = $this->getCiviCRMDatabaseName(); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '{$civiDBName}' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME LIKE 'civicrm_%' "); while ($dao->fetch()) { $this->tables[] = $dao->TABLE_NAME; } // Get any non standard table names used for custom groups. // include these BEFORE the hook is called. $customFieldDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" SELECT DISTINCT table_name as TABLE_NAME FROM civicrm_custom_group where table_name NOT LIKE 'civicrm_%'; "); while ($customFieldDAO->fetch()) { $this->tables[] = $customFieldDAO->TABLE_NAME; } // do not log temp import, cache, menu and log tables $this->tables = preg_grep('/^civicrm_import_job_/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); $this->tables = preg_grep('/_cache$/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); $this->tables = preg_grep('/_log/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); $this->tables = preg_grep('/^civicrm_queue_/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); //CRM-14672 $this->tables = preg_grep('/^civicrm_menu/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); $this->tables = preg_grep('/_temp_/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); // CRM-18178 $this->tables = preg_grep('/_bak$/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); $this->tables = preg_grep('/_backup$/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); // dev/core#462 $this->tables = preg_grep('/^civicrm_tmp_/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); // do not log civicrm_mailing_event* tables, CRM-12300 $this->tables = preg_grep('/^civicrm_mailing_event_/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); // dev/core#1762 Don't log subscription_history $this->tables = preg_grep('/^civicrm_subscription_history/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); // do not log civicrm_mailing_recipients table, CRM-16193 $this->tables = array_diff($this->tables, ['civicrm_mailing_recipients']); $this->logTableSpec = array_fill_keys($this->tables, []); foreach ($this->exceptions as $tableName => $fields) { $this->logTableSpec[$tableName]['exceptions'] = $fields; } CRM_Utils_Hook::alterLogTables($this->logTableSpec); $this->tables = array_keys($this->logTableSpec); $nonStandardTableNameString = $this->getNonStandardTableNameFilterString(); $this->db = $this->getDatabaseNameFromDSN(defined('CIVICRM_LOGGING_DSN') ? CIVICRM_LOGGING_DSN : CIVICRM_DSN); $this->useDBPrefix = $this->db !== $civiDBName; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '{$this->db}' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND (TABLE_NAME LIKE 'log_civicrm_%' $nonStandardTableNameString ) "); while ($dao->fetch()) { $log = $dao->TABLE_NAME; $this->logs[substr($log, 4)] = $log; } } /** * Return logging custom data tables. */ public function customDataLogTables() { return preg_grep('/^log_civicrm_value_/', $this->logs); } /** * Return custom data tables for specified entity / extends. * * @param string $extends * * @return array */ public function entityCustomDataLogTables($extends) { $customGroupTables = []; $customGroupDAO = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getAllCustomGroupsByBaseEntity($extends); $customGroupDAO->find(); while ($customGroupDAO->fetch()) { // logging is disabled for the table (e.g by hook) then $this->logs[$customGroupDAO->table_name] // will be empty. if (!empty($this->logs[$customGroupDAO->table_name])) { $customGroupTables[$customGroupDAO->table_name] = $this->logs[$customGroupDAO->table_name]; } } return $customGroupTables; } /** * Disable logging by dropping the triggers (but keep the log tables intact). */ public function disableLogging() { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $config->logging = FALSE; $this->dropTriggers(); // invoke the meta trigger creation call CRM_Core_DAO::triggerRebuild(); $this->deleteReports(); } /** * Drop triggers for all logged tables. * * @param string $tableName */ public function dropTriggers($tableName = NULL): void { /** @var \Civi\Core\SqlTriggers $sqlTriggers */ $sqlTriggers = Civi::service('sql_triggers'); $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); if ($tableName) { $tableNames = [$tableName]; } else { $tableNames = $this->tables; } // Sort the table names so the sql output is consistent for those sites // loading it asynchronously (using the setting 'logging_no_trigger_permission') asort($tableNames); foreach ($tableNames as $table) { $validName = CRM_Core_DAO::shortenSQLName($table, 48, TRUE); // before triggers $sqlTriggers->enqueueQuery("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {$validName}_before_insert"); $sqlTriggers->enqueueQuery("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {$validName}_before_update"); $sqlTriggers->enqueueQuery("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {$validName}_before_delete"); // after triggers $sqlTriggers->enqueueQuery("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {$validName}_after_insert"); $sqlTriggers->enqueueQuery("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {$validName}_after_update"); $sqlTriggers->enqueueQuery("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {$validName}_after_delete"); } // now lets also be safe and drop all triggers that start with // civicrm_ if we are dropping all triggers // we need to do this to capture all the leftover triggers since // we did the shortening trigger name for CRM-11794 if ($tableName === NULL) { $triggers = $dao->executeQuery("SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE 'civicrm_%'"); while ($triggers->fetch()) { $sqlTriggers->enqueueQuery("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {$triggers->Trigger}"); } } } /** * Enable site-wide logging. */ public function enableLogging() { $this->fixSchemaDifferences(TRUE); $this->addReports(); } /** * Sync log tables and rebuild triggers. * * @param bool $enableLogging : Ensure logging is enabled */ public function fixSchemaDifferences($enableLogging = FALSE) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if ($enableLogging) { $config->logging = TRUE; } if ($config->logging) { $this->fixSchemaDifferencesForAll(); } // invoke the meta trigger creation call CRM_Core_DAO::triggerRebuild(NULL, TRUE); } /** * Update log tables structure. * * This function updates log tables to have the log_conn_id type of varchar * and also implements the engine change defined by the hook (i.e. INNODB). * * Note changing engine & adding hook-defined indexes, but not changing back * to INNODB if engine has not been deliberately set (by hook) and not * dropping indexes. Sysadmin will need to manually intervene to revert to * defaults. * * @param array $params * 'updateChangedEngineConfig' - update if the engine config changes? * 'forceEngineMigration' - force engine upgrade from ARCHIVE to InnoDB? * * @return int $updateTablesCount * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function updateLogTableSchema($params) { $updateLogConn = FALSE; $updatedTablesCount = 0; foreach ($this->logs as $mainTable => $logTable) { $alterSql = []; $tableSpec = $this->logTableSpec[$mainTable]; $currentEngine = strtoupper($this->getEngineForLogTable($logTable)); if (!isset($tableSpec['engine']) && $currentEngine == 'ARCHIVE' && $params['forceEngineMigration']) { // table uses ARCHIVE engine (the previous default) and no one set an // alternative engine via hook_civicrm_alterLogTables => force change to // new default $tableSpec['engine'] = self::ENGINE; } $engineChanged = isset($tableSpec['engine']) && (strtoupper($tableSpec['engine']) != $currentEngine); $engineConfigChanged = isset($tableSpec['engine_config']) && (strtoupper($tableSpec['engine_config']) != $this->getEngineConfigForLogTable($logTable)); if ($engineChanged || ($engineConfigChanged && $params['updateChangedEngineConfig'])) { $alterSql[] = "ENGINE=" . $tableSpec['engine'] . " " . CRM_Utils_Array::value('engine_config', $tableSpec); } if (!empty($tableSpec['indexes'])) { $indexes = $this->getIndexesForTable($logTable); foreach ($tableSpec['indexes'] as $indexName => $indexSpec) { if (!in_array($indexName, $indexes)) { if (is_array($indexSpec)) { $indexSpec = implode(" , ", $indexSpec); } $alterSql[] = "ADD INDEX {$indexName}($indexSpec)"; } } } $columns = $this->columnSpecsOf($logTable); if (empty($columns['log_conn_id'])) { throw new Exception($logTable . print_r($columns, TRUE)); } if ($columns['log_conn_id']['DATA_TYPE'] != 'varchar' || $columns['log_conn_id']['LENGTH'] != 17) { $alterSql[] = "MODIFY log_conn_id VARCHAR(17)"; $updateLogConn = TRUE; } if (!empty($alterSql)) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("ALTER TABLE {$this->db}.{$logTable} " . implode(', ', $alterSql), [], TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); $updatedTablesCount++; } } if ($updateLogConn) { civicrm_api3('Setting', 'create', ['logging_uniqueid_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); } return $updatedTablesCount; } /** * Get the engine for the given table. * * @param string $table * * @return string */ public function getEngineForLogTable($table) { return strtoupper(CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery(" SELECT ENGINE FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_NAME = %1 AND table_schema = %2 ", [1 => [$table, 'String'], 2 => [$this->db, 'String']])); } /** * Get the engine config for the given table. * * @param string $table * * @return string */ public function getEngineConfigForLogTable($table) { return strtoupper(CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery(" SELECT CREATE_OPTIONS FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_NAME = %1 AND table_schema = %2 ", [1 => [$table, 'String'], 2 => [$this->db, 'String']])); } /** * Get all the indexes in the table. * * @param string $table * * @return array */ public function getIndexesForTable($table) { $indexes = []; $result = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" SELECT constraint_name AS index_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE table_schema = %2 AND table_name = %1 UNION SELECT index_name AS index_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema = %2 AND table_name = %1 ", [1 => [$table, 'String'], 2 => [$this->db, 'String']] ); while ($result->fetch()) { $indexes[] = $result->index_name; } return $indexes; } /** * Add missing (potentially specified) log table columns for the given table. * * @param string $table * name of the relevant table. * @param array $cols * Mixed array of columns to add or null (to check for the missing columns). */ public function fixSchemaDifferencesFor(string $table, array $cols = []): void { if (!in_array($table, $this->tables, TRUE)) { // Create the table if the log table does not exist and // the table is in 'this->tables'. This latter array // could have been altered by a hook if the site does not // want to log a specific table. return; } if (empty($this->logs[$table])) { $this->createLogTableFor($table); return; } if (empty($cols)) { $cols = $this->columnsWithDiffSpecs($table, "log_$table"); } // If a column that already exists on logging table is being added, we // should treat it as a modification. $this->resetSchemaCacheForTable("log_$table"); $logTableSchema = $this->columnSpecsOf("log_$table"); if (!empty($cols['ADD'])) { foreach ($cols['ADD'] as $colKey => $col) { if (array_key_exists($col, $logTableSchema)) { $cols['MODIFY'][] = $col; unset($cols['ADD'][$colKey]); } } } // use the relevant lines from CREATE TABLE to add colums to the log table $create = $this->_getCreateQuery($table); foreach ((['ADD', 'MODIFY']) as $alterType) { if (!empty($cols[$alterType])) { foreach ($cols[$alterType] as $col) { $line = $this->_getColumnQuery($col, $create); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("ALTER TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table {$alterType} {$line}", [], TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); } } } // for any obsolete columns (not null) we just make the column nullable. if (!empty($cols['OBSOLETE'])) { $create = $this->_getCreateQuery("`{$this->db}`.log_{$table}"); foreach ($cols['OBSOLETE'] as $col) { $line = $this->_getColumnQuery($col, $create); // This is just going to make a not null column to nullable CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("ALTER TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table MODIFY {$line}", [], TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); } } $this->resetSchemaCacheForTable("log_$table"); } /** * Resets schema cache for the given table. * * @param string $table * Name of the table. */ private function resetSchemaCacheForTable($table) { unset(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'][$table]); } /** * Get query table. * * @param string $table * * @return array */ private function _getCreateQuery($table) { $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}", [], TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); $dao->fetch(); $create = explode("\n", $dao->Create_Table); return $create; } /** * Get column query. * * @param string $col * @param bool $createQuery * * @return array|mixed|string */ private function _getColumnQuery($col, $createQuery) { $line = preg_grep("/^ `$col` /", $createQuery); $line = rtrim(array_pop($line), ','); // CRM-11179 $line = self::fixTimeStampAndNotNullSQL($line); return $line; } /** * Fix schema differences. */ public function fixSchemaDifferencesForAll(): void { $diffs = []; $this->resetTableColumnsCache(); foreach ($this->tables as $table) { if (empty($this->logs[$table])) { $this->createLogTableFor($table); } else { $diffs[$table] = $this->columnsWithDiffSpecs($table, "log_$table"); } } foreach ($diffs as $table => $cols) { $this->fixSchemaDifferencesFor($table, $cols); } } /** * Resets columnSpecs. * * Resets columnSpecs static array in Civi's $statics to make sure we use the * real state of the schema to perform sync operations between core and * logging tables. */ private function resetTableColumnsCache() { unset(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs']); } /** * Fix timestamp. * * Log_civicrm_contact.modified_date for example would always be copied from civicrm_contact.modified_date, * so there's no need for a default timestamp and therefore we remove such default timestamps * also eliminate the NOT NULL constraint, since we always copy and schema can change down the road) * * @param string $query * * @return mixed */ public static function fixTimeStampAndNotNullSQL($query) { $query = str_ireplace("TIMESTAMP() NOT NULL", "TIMESTAMP NULL", $query); $query = str_ireplace("TIMESTAMP NOT NULL", "TIMESTAMP NULL", $query); $query = str_ireplace("DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()", '', $query); $query = str_ireplace("DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", '', $query); $query = str_ireplace("DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()", '', $query); $query = str_ireplace("DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", '', $query); $query = str_ireplace("NOT NULL", '', $query); return $query; } /** * Add reports. */ private function addReports() { $titles = [ 'logging/contact/detail' => ts('Logging Details'), 'logging/contact/summary' => ts('Contact Logging Report (Summary)'), 'logging/contribute/detail' => ts('Contribution Logging Report (Detail)'), 'logging/contribute/summary' => ts('Contribution Logging Report (Summary)'), ]; // enable logging templates CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" UPDATE civicrm_option_value SET is_active = 1 WHERE value IN ('" . implode("', '", $this->reports) . "') "); // add report instances $domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); foreach ($this->reports as $report) { $dao = new CRM_Report_DAO_ReportInstance(); $dao->domain_id = $domain_id; $dao->report_id = $report; $dao->title = $titles[$report]; $dao->permission = 'administer CiviCRM'; if ($report == 'logging/contact/summary') { $dao->is_reserved = 1; } $dao->insert(); } } /** * Get an array of column names of the given table. * * @param string $table * @param bool $force * * @return array */ private function columnsOf($table, $force = FALSE) { if ($force || !isset(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnsOf'][$table])) { $from = (substr($table, 0, 4) == 'log_') ? "`{$this->db}`.$table" : $table; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $from", [], TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); if (is_a($dao, 'DB_Error')) { return []; } \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnsOf'][$table] = []; while ($dao->fetch()) { \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnsOf'][$table][] = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($dao->Field, 'MysqlColumnNameOrAlias'); } } return \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnsOf'][$table]; } /** * Get an array of columns and their details like DATA_TYPE, IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_DEFAULT for the given table. * * @param string $table * * @return array */ private function columnSpecsOf($table) { static $civiDB = NULL; if (empty(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'])) { \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'] = []; } if (empty(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs']) || !isset(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'][$table])) { if (!$civiDB) { $dao = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact(); $civiDB = $dao->_database; } // NOTE: W.r.t Performance using one query to find all details and storing in static array is much faster // than firing query for every given table. $query = " SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_DEFAULT, COLUMN_TYPE, EXTRA FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema IN ('{$this->db}', '{$civiDB}')"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); if (is_a($dao, 'DB_Error')) { return []; } while ($dao->fetch()) { if (!array_key_exists($dao->TABLE_NAME, \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'])) { \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'][$dao->TABLE_NAME] = []; } \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'][$dao->TABLE_NAME][$dao->COLUMN_NAME] = [ 'COLUMN_NAME' => $dao->COLUMN_NAME, 'DATA_TYPE' => $dao->DATA_TYPE, 'IS_NULLABLE' => $dao->IS_NULLABLE, 'COLUMN_DEFAULT' => $dao->COLUMN_DEFAULT, 'EXTRA' => $dao->EXTRA, ]; if (($first = strpos($dao->COLUMN_TYPE, '(')) != 0) { // this extracts the value between parentheses after the column type. // it could be the column length, i.e. "int(8)", "decimal(20,2)") // or the permitted values of an enum (e.g. "enum('A','B')") $parValue = substr( $dao->COLUMN_TYPE, $first + 1, strpos($dao->COLUMN_TYPE, ')') - $first - 1 ); if (strpos($parValue, "'") === FALSE) { // no quote in value means column length \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'][$dao->TABLE_NAME][$dao->COLUMN_NAME]['LENGTH'] = $parValue; } else { // single quote means enum permitted values \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'][$dao->TABLE_NAME][$dao->COLUMN_NAME]['ENUM_VALUES'] = $parValue; } } } } return \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['columnSpecs'][$table]; } /** * Get columns that have changed. * * @param string $civiTable * @param string $logTable * * @return array */ public function columnsWithDiffSpecs($civiTable, $logTable) { $civiTableSpecs = $this->columnSpecsOf($civiTable); $logTableSpecs = $this->columnSpecsOf($logTable); $diff = ['ADD' => [], 'MODIFY' => [], 'OBSOLETE' => []]; // Columns to be added $diff['ADD'] = array_diff(array_keys($civiTableSpecs), array_keys($logTableSpecs)); // Columns to be modified // Only pick columns where there is a spec change and the column definition was not deliberately modified by // fixTimeStampAndNotNullSQL() method, also accounting for differences in db version. foreach ($civiTableSpecs as $col => $colSpecs) { if (!isset($logTableSpecs[$col]) || !is_array($logTableSpecs[$col])) { $logTableSpecs[$col] = []; } $specDiff = array_diff($civiTableSpecs[$col], $logTableSpecs[$col]); if (!empty($specDiff) && $col !== 'id' && !in_array($col, $diff['ADD'])) { if (empty($colSpecs['EXTRA']) || (!empty($colSpecs['EXTRA']) && $colSpecs['EXTRA'] !== 'auto_increment')) { // ignore 'id' column for any spec changes, to avoid any auto-increment mysql errors if ($civiTableSpecs[$col]['DATA_TYPE'] != CRM_Utils_Array::value('DATA_TYPE', $logTableSpecs[$col]) // We won't alter the log if the length is decreased in case some of the existing data won't fit. || CRM_Utils_Array::value('LENGTH', $civiTableSpecs[$col]) > CRM_Utils_Array::value('LENGTH', $logTableSpecs[$col]) ) { // if data-type is different, surely consider the column $diff['MODIFY'][] = $col; } elseif ($civiTableSpecs[$col]['DATA_TYPE'] === 'enum' && CRM_Utils_Array::value('ENUM_VALUES', $civiTableSpecs[$col]) != CRM_Utils_Array::value('ENUM_VALUES', $logTableSpecs[$col]) ) { // column is enum and the permitted values have changed $diff['MODIFY'][] = $col; } elseif ($civiTableSpecs[$col]['IS_NULLABLE'] != CRM_Utils_Array::value('IS_NULLABLE', $logTableSpecs[$col]) && $logTableSpecs[$col]['IS_NULLABLE'] === 'NO' ) { // if is-null property is different, and log table's column is NOT-NULL, surely consider the column $diff['MODIFY'][] = $col; } elseif ( $civiTableSpecs[$col]['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] != ($logTableSpecs[$col]['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] ?? NULL) && !stristr($civiTableSpecs[$col]['COLUMN_DEFAULT'], 'timestamp') && !($civiTableSpecs[$col]['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] === NULL && ($logTableSpecs[$col]['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] ?? NULL) === 'NULL') ) { // if default property is different, and its not about a timestamp column, consider it $diff['MODIFY'][] = $col; } } } } // columns to made obsolete by turning into not-null $oldCols = array_diff(array_keys($logTableSpecs), array_keys($civiTableSpecs)); foreach ($oldCols as $col) { if (!in_array($col, ['log_date', 'log_conn_id', 'log_user_id', 'log_action']) && $logTableSpecs[$col]['IS_NULLABLE'] === 'NO' // This could be to support replication - && $logTableSpecs[$col]['EXTRA'] !== 'auto_increment' ) { // if its a column present only in log table, not among those used by log tables for special purpose, and not-null $diff['OBSOLETE'][] = $col; } } return $diff; } /** * Getter for logTableSpec. * * @return array */ public function getLogTableSpec() { return $this->logTableSpec; } /** * Create a log table with schema mirroring the given table’s structure and seeding it with the given table’s contents. * * @param string $table */ private function createLogTableFor($table) { $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table", [], TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); $dao->fetch(); $query = $dao->Create_Table; // rewrite the queries into CREATE TABLE queries for log tables: $cols = <<logTableSpec[$table]['indexes'])) { foreach ($this->logTableSpec[$table]['indexes'] as $indexName => $indexSpec) { if (is_array($indexSpec)) { $indexSpec = implode(" , ", $indexSpec); } $cols .= ", INDEX {$indexName}($indexSpec)"; } } // - prepend the name with log_ // - drop AUTO_INCREMENT columns // - drop non-column rows of the query (keys, constraints, etc.) // - set the ENGINE to the specified engine (default is INNODB) // - add log-specific columns (at the end of the table) $query = preg_replace("/^CREATE TABLE `$table`/i", "CREATE TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table", $query); $query = preg_replace("/ AUTO_INCREMENT/i", '', $query); $query = preg_replace("/^ [^`].*$/m", '', $query); $engine = strtoupper(empty($this->logTableSpec[$table]['engine']) ? self::ENGINE : $this->logTableSpec[$table]['engine']); $engine .= " " . ($this->logTableSpec[$table]['engine_config'] ?? ''); if (strpos($engine, 'ROW_FORMAT') !== FALSE) { $query = preg_replace("/ROW_FORMAT=\w+/m", '', $query); } $query = preg_replace("/^\) ENGINE=[^ ]+ /im", ') ENGINE=' . $engine . ' ', $query); // log_civicrm_contact.modified_date for example would always be copied from civicrm_contact.modified_date, // so there's no need for a default timestamp and therefore we remove such default timestamps // also eliminate the NOT NULL constraint, since we always copy and schema can change down the road) $query = self::fixTimeStampAndNotNullSQL($query); $query = preg_replace("/(,*\n*\) )ENGINE/m", "$cols\n) ENGINE", $query); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, [], TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); $columns = implode(', ', $this->columnsOf($table)); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("INSERT INTO `{$this->db}`.log_$table ($columns, log_conn_id, log_user_id, log_action) SELECT $columns, @uniqueID, @civicrm_user_id, 'Initialization' FROM {$table}", [], TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); $this->tables[] = $table; if (empty($this->logs)) { civicrm_api3('Setting', 'create', ['logging_uniqueid_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); civicrm_api3('Setting', 'create', ['logging_all_tables_uniquid' => 1]); } $this->logs[$table] = "log_$table"; } /** * Delete reports. */ private function deleteReports() { // disable logging templates CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" UPDATE civicrm_option_value SET is_active = 0 WHERE value IN ('" . implode("', '", $this->reports) . "') "); // delete report instances $domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); foreach ($this->reports as $report) { $dao = new CRM_Report_DAO_ReportInstance(); $dao->domain_id = $domain_id; $dao->report_id = $report; $dao->delete(); } } /** * Predicate whether logging is enabled. */ public function isEnabled() { if (\Civi::settings()->get('logging')) { return ($this->tablesExist() && (\Civi::settings()->get('logging_no_trigger_permission') || $this->triggersExist())); } return FALSE; } /** * Predicate whether any log tables exist. */ private function tablesExist() { return !empty($this->logs); } /** * Drop all log tables. * * This does not currently have a usage outside the tests. */ public function dropAllLogTables() { if ($this->tablesExist()) { foreach ($this->logs as $log_table) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DROP TABLE $log_table"); } } } /** * Get an sql clause to find the names of any log tables that do not match the normal pattern. * * Most tables are civicrm_xxx with the log table being log_civicrm_xxx * However, they don't have to match this pattern (e.g when defined by hook) so find the * anomalies and return a filter string to include them. * * @return string */ public function getNonStandardTableNameFilterString() { $nonStandardTableNames = preg_grep('/^civicrm_/', $this->tables, PREG_GREP_INVERT); if (empty($nonStandardTableNames)) { return ''; } $nonStandardTableLogs = []; foreach ($nonStandardTableNames as $nonStandardTableName) { $nonStandardTableLogs[] = "'log_{$nonStandardTableName}'"; } return " OR TABLE_NAME IN (" . implode(',', $nonStandardTableLogs) . ")"; } /** * Predicate whether the logging triggers are in place. */ private function triggersExist() { // FIXME: probably should be a bit more thorough… // note that the LIKE parameter is TABLE NAME return (bool) CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE 'civicrm_contact'"); } /** * Get trigger info. * * @param array $info * @param null $tableName * @param bool $force */ public function triggerInfo(&$info, $tableName = NULL, $force = FALSE) { if (!CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->logging) { return; } $insert = ['INSERT']; $update = ['UPDATE']; $delete = ['DELETE']; if ($tableName) { $tableNames = [$tableName]; } else { $tableNames = $this->tables; } // logging is enabled, so now lets create the trigger info tables foreach ($tableNames as $table) { if (!isset($this->logTableSpec[$table])) { // Per testIgnoreCustomTableByHook this would be unset if a hook had // intervened to prevent logging / triggers on this table. // This could go to the extent of blocking the updates to 'modified_date' // which makes sense, in particular, for calculated fields. continue; } $columns = $this->columnsOf($table, $force); // only do the change if any data has changed $cond = []; foreach ($columns as $column) { $tableExceptions = array_key_exists('exceptions', $this->logTableSpec[$table]) ? $this->logTableSpec[$table]['exceptions'] : []; // ignore modified_date changes $tableExceptions[] = 'modified_date'; // exceptions may be provided with or without backticks $excludeColumn = in_array($column, $tableExceptions) || in_array(str_replace('`', '', $column), $tableExceptions); if (!$excludeColumn) { $cond[] = "IFNULL(OLD.$column,'') <> IFNULL(NEW.$column,'')"; } } $suppressLoggingCond = "@civicrm_disable_logging IS NULL OR @civicrm_disable_logging = 0"; $updateSQL = "IF ( (" . implode(' OR ', $cond) . ") AND ( $suppressLoggingCond ) ) THEN "; if ($this->useDBPrefix) { $sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO `{$this->db}`.log_{tableName} ("; } else { $sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO log_{tableName} ("; } foreach ($columns as $column) { $sqlStmt .= "$column, "; } $sqlStmt .= "log_conn_id, log_user_id, log_action) VALUES ("; $insertSQL = $deleteSQL = "IF ( $suppressLoggingCond ) THEN $sqlStmt "; $updateSQL .= $sqlStmt; $sqlStmt = ''; foreach ($columns as $column) { $sqlStmt .= "NEW.$column, "; $deleteSQL .= "OLD.$column, "; } if (civicrm_api3('Setting', 'getvalue', ['name' => 'logging_uniqueid_date'])) { // Note that when connecting directly via mysql @uniqueID may not be set so a fallback is // 'c_' to identify a non-CRM connection + timestamp to the hour + connection_id // If the connection_id is longer than 6 chars it will be truncated. // We tried setting the @uniqueID in the trigger but it was unreliable. // An external interaction could split over 2 connections & it seems worth blocking the revert on // these reports & adding extra permissioning to the api for this. $connectionSQLString = "COALESCE(@uniqueID, LEFT(CONCAT('c_', unix_timestamp()/3600, CONNECTION_ID()), 17))"; } else { // The log tables have not yet been converted to have varchar(17) fields for log_conn_id. // Continue to use the less reliable connection_id for al tables for now. $connectionSQLString = "CONNECTION_ID()"; } $sqlStmt .= $connectionSQLString . ", @civicrm_user_id, '{eventName}'); END IF;"; $deleteSQL .= $connectionSQLString . ", @civicrm_user_id, '{eventName}'); END IF;"; $insertSQL .= $sqlStmt; $updateSQL .= $sqlStmt; $info[] = [ 'table' => [$table], 'when' => 'AFTER', 'event' => $insert, 'sql' => $insertSQL, ]; $info[] = [ 'table' => [$table], 'when' => 'AFTER', 'event' => $update, 'sql' => $updateSQL, ]; $info[] = [ 'table' => [$table], 'when' => 'AFTER', 'event' => $delete, 'sql' => $deleteSQL, ]; } } /** * Disable logging temporarily. * * This allow logging to be temporarily disabled for certain cases * where we want to do a mass cleanup but do not want to bother with * an audit trail. */ public static function disableLoggingForThisConnection() { if (CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->logging) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SET @civicrm_disable_logging = 1'); } } /** * Get all the log tables that reference civicrm_contact. * * Note that it might make sense to wrap this in a getLogTablesForEntity * but this is the only entity currently available... */ public function getLogTablesForContact() { $tables = array_keys(CRM_Core_DAO::getReferencesToContactTable()); // This additional hardcoding has been moved from getReferencesToContactTable // to here as it is not needed in the other place where the function is called. // It may not be needed here either... $tables[] = 'civicrm_entity_tag'; return array_intersect($tables, $this->tables); } /** * Retrieve missing log tables. * * @return array */ public function getMissingLogTables() { if ($this->tablesExist()) { return array_diff($this->tables, array_keys($this->logs)); } return []; } /** * Get the name of the database from the dsn string. * * @param string $dsnString * * @return string */ protected function getDatabaseNameFromDSN($dsnString): string { $dsn = CRM_Utils_SQL::autoSwitchDSN($dsnString); $dsn = DB::parseDSN($dsn); return $dsn['database']; } /** * Get the database name for the CiviCRM connection. * * Note that we want to get it from the database connection, * not the dsn, because there is at least one extension * ( that 'meddles' with * the DSN string. * * @return string */ protected function getCiviCRMDatabaseName(): string { return (new CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact())->_database; } }