_add2groupSupported = FALSE; $dsn = defined('CIVICRM_LOGGING_DSN') ? DB::parseDSN(CIVICRM_LOGGING_DSN) : DB::parseDSN(CIVICRM_DSN); $this->loggingDB = $dsn['database']; // used for redirect back to contact summary $this->cid = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('cid', 'Integer', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject); $activityContacts = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('activity_contacts', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'name'); $sourceID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Source', $activityContacts); $assigneeID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Assignees', $activityContacts); $targetID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Targets', $activityContacts); $this->_logTables = array( 'log_civicrm_contact' => array( 'fk' => 'id', ), 'log_civicrm_email' => array( 'fk' => 'contact_id', 'log_type' => 'Contact', ), 'log_civicrm_phone' => array( 'fk' => 'contact_id', 'log_type' => 'Contact', ), 'log_civicrm_address' => array( 'fk' => 'contact_id', 'log_type' => 'Contact', ), 'log_civicrm_note' => array( 'fk' => 'entity_id', 'entity_table' => TRUE, 'bracket_info' => array('table' => 'log_civicrm_note', 'column' => 'subject'), ), 'log_civicrm_note_comment' => array( 'fk' => 'entity_id', 'table_name' => 'log_civicrm_note', 'joins' => array( 'table' => 'log_civicrm_note', 'join' => "entity_log_civireport.entity_id = fk_table.id AND entity_log_civireport.entity_table = 'civicrm_note'" ), 'entity_table' => TRUE, 'bracket_info' => array('table' => 'log_civicrm_note', 'column' => 'subject'), ), 'log_civicrm_group_contact' => array( 'fk' => 'contact_id', 'bracket_info' => array('entity_column' => 'group_id', 'table' => 'log_civicrm_group', 'column' => 'title'), 'action_column' => 'status', 'log_type' => 'Group', ), 'log_civicrm_entity_tag' => array( 'fk' => 'entity_id', 'bracket_info' => array('entity_column' => 'tag_id', 'table' => 'log_civicrm_tag', 'column' => 'name'), 'entity_table' => TRUE ), 'log_civicrm_relationship' => array( 'fk' => 'contact_id_a', 'bracket_info' => array( 'entity_column' => 'relationship_type_id', 'table' => 'log_civicrm_relationship_type', 'column' => 'label_a_b' ), ), 'log_civicrm_activity_for_target' => array( 'fk' => 'contact_id', 'table_name' => 'log_civicrm_activity', 'joins' => array( 'table' => 'log_civicrm_activity_contact', 'join' => "(entity_log_civireport.id = fk_table.activity_id AND fk_table.record_type_id = {$targetID})" ), 'bracket_info' => array( 'entity_column' => 'activity_type_id', 'options' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 'label', TRUE) ), 'log_type' => 'Activity', ), 'log_civicrm_activity_for_assignee' => array( 'fk' => 'contact_id', 'table_name' => 'log_civicrm_activity', 'joins' => array( 'table' => 'log_civicrm_activity_contact', 'join' => "entity_log_civireport.id = fk_table.activity_id AND fk_table.record_type_id = {$assigneeID}" ), 'bracket_info' => array( 'entity_column' => 'activity_type_id', 'options' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 'label', TRUE) ), 'log_type' => 'Activity', ), 'log_civicrm_activity_for_source' => array( 'fk' => 'contact_id', 'table_name' => 'log_civicrm_activity', 'joins' => array( 'table' => 'log_civicrm_activity_contact', 'join' => "entity_log_civireport.id = fk_table.activity_id AND fk_table.record_type_id = {$sourceID}" ), 'bracket_info' => array( 'entity_column' => 'activity_type_id', 'options' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 'label', TRUE) ), 'log_type' => 'Activity', ), 'log_civicrm_case' => array( 'fk' => 'contact_id', 'joins' => array( 'table' => 'log_civicrm_case_contact', 'join' => 'entity_log_civireport.id = fk_table.case_id' ), 'bracket_info' => array( 'entity_column' => 'case_type_id', 'options' => CRM_Case_PseudoConstant::caseType('title', FALSE) ), ), ); $logging = new CRM_Logging_Schema; // build _logTables for contact custom tables $customTables = $logging->entityCustomDataLogTables('Contact'); foreach ($customTables as $table) { $this->_logTables[$table] = array('fk' => 'entity_id', 'log_type' => 'Contact'); } // build _logTables for address custom tables $customTables = $logging->entityCustomDataLogTables('Address'); foreach ($customTables as $table) { $this->_logTables[$table] = array( 'fk' => 'contact_id',// for join of fk_table with contact table 'joins' => array( 'table' => 'log_civicrm_address', // fk_table 'join' => 'entity_log_civireport.entity_id = fk_table.id' ), 'log_type' => 'Contact' ); } // allow log tables to be extended via report hooks CRM_Report_BAO_Hook::singleton()->alterLogTables($this, $this->_logTables); parent::__construct(); } function groupBy() { $this->_groupBy = 'GROUP BY entity_log_civireport.log_conn_id, entity_log_civireport.log_user_id, EXTRACT(DAY_MICROSECOND FROM entity_log_civireport.log_date), entity_log_civireport.id'; } function select() { $select = array(); $this->_columnHeaders = array(); foreach ($this->_columns as $tableName => $table) { if (array_key_exists('fields', $table)) { foreach ($table['fields'] as $fieldName => $field) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('required', $field) or CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldName, $this->_params['fields'])) { $select[] = "{$field['dbAlias']} as {$tableName}_{$fieldName}"; $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}"]['type'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('type', $field); $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}"]['no_display'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('no_display', $field); $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}"]['title'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('title', $field); } } } } $this->_select = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $select) . ' '; } function where() { // reset where clause as its called multiple times, every time insert sql is built. $this->_whereClauses = array(); parent::where(); $this->_where .= " AND (entity_log_civireport.log_action != 'Initialization')"; } function postProcess() { $this->beginPostProcess(); $rows = array(); $tempColumns = "id int(10)"; if (!empty($this->_params['fields']['log_action'])) { $tempColumns .= ", log_action varchar(64)"; } $tempColumns .= ", log_type varchar(64), log_user_id int(10), log_date timestamp"; if (!empty($this->_params['fields']['altered_contact'])) { $tempColumns .= ", altered_contact varchar(128)"; } $tempColumns .= ", altered_contact_id int(10), log_conn_id int(11), is_deleted tinyint(4)"; if (!empty($this->_params['fields']['display_name'])) { $tempColumns .= ", display_name varchar(128)"; } // temp table to hold all altered contact-ids $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE civicrm_temp_civireport_logsummary ( {$tempColumns} ) ENGINE=HEAP"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); $logDateClause = $this->dateClause('log_date', CRM_Utils_Array::value("log_date_relative", $this->_params), CRM_Utils_Array::value("log_date_from", $this->_params), CRM_Utils_Array::value("log_date_to", $this->_params), CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE, CRM_Utils_Array::value("log_date_from_time", $this->_params), CRM_Utils_Array::value("log_date_to_time", $this->_params)); $logDateClause = $logDateClause ? "AND {$logDateClause}" : NULL; $logTypes = CRM_Utils_Array::value('log_type_value', $this->_params); unset($this->_params['log_type_value']); if (empty($logTypes)) { foreach (array_keys($this->_logTables) as $table) { $type = $this->getLogType($table); $logTypes[$type] = $type; } } $logTypeTableClause = '(1)'; if ($logTypeTableValue = CRM_Utils_Array::value("log_type_table_value", $this->_params)) { $logTypeTableClause = $this->whereClause($this->_columns['log_civicrm_entity']['filters']['log_type_table'], $this->_params['log_type_table_op'], $logTypeTableValue, NULL, NULL); unset($this->_params['log_type_table_value']); } foreach ($this->_logTables as $entity => $detail) { if ((in_array($this->getLogType($entity), $logTypes) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('log_type_op', $this->_params) == 'in') || (!in_array($this->getLogType($entity), $logTypes) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('log_type_op', $this->_params) == 'notin') ) { $this->from($entity); $sql = $this->buildQuery(FALSE); $sql = str_replace("entity_log_civireport.log_type as", "'{$entity}' as", $sql); $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO civicrm_temp_civireport_logsummary {$sql}"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); } } // add computed log_type column so that we can do a group by after that, which will help // alterDisplay() counts sync with pager counts $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT log_type FROM civicrm_temp_civireport_logsummary"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); $replaceWith = array(); while ($dao->fetch()) { $type = $this->getLogType($dao->log_type); if (!array_key_exists($type, $replaceWith)) { $replaceWith[$type] = array(); } $replaceWith[$type][] = $dao->log_type; } foreach ($replaceWith as $type => $tables) { if (!empty($tables)) { $replaceWith[$type] = implode("','", $tables); } } $sql = "ALTER TABLE civicrm_temp_civireport_logsummary ADD COLUMN log_civicrm_entity_log_type_label varchar(64)"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); foreach ($replaceWith as $type => $in) { $sql = "UPDATE civicrm_temp_civireport_logsummary SET log_civicrm_entity_log_type_label='{$type}', log_date=log_date WHERE log_type IN('$in')"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); } // note the group by columns are same as that used in alterDisplay as $newRows - $key $this->limit(); $sql = "{$this->_select} FROM civicrm_temp_civireport_logsummary entity_log_civireport WHERE {$logTypeTableClause} GROUP BY log_civicrm_entity_log_date, log_civicrm_entity_log_type_label, log_civicrm_entity_log_conn_id, log_civicrm_entity_log_user_id, log_civicrm_entity_altered_contact_id ORDER BY log_civicrm_entity_log_date DESC {$this->_limit}"; $sql = str_replace('modified_contact_civireport.display_name', 'entity_log_civireport.altered_contact', $sql); $sql = str_replace('modified_contact_civireport.id', 'entity_log_civireport.altered_contact_id', $sql); $sql = str_replace(array( 'modified_contact_civireport.', 'altered_by_contact_civireport.' ), 'entity_log_civireport.', $sql); $this->buildRows($sql, $rows); // format result set. $this->formatDisplay($rows); // assign variables to templates $this->doTemplateAssignment($rows); // do print / pdf / instance stuff if needed $this->endPostProcess($rows); } /** * @param $entity * * @return string */ function getLogType($entity) { if (!empty($this->_logTables[$entity]['log_type'])) { return $this->_logTables[$entity]['log_type']; } $logType = ucfirst(substr($entity, strrpos($entity, '_') + 1)); return $logType; } /** * @param int $id * @param $entity * @param $logDate * * @return mixed|null|string */ function getEntityValue($id, $entity, $logDate) { if (!empty($this->_logTables[$entity]['bracket_info'])) { if (!empty($this->_logTables[$entity]['bracket_info']['entity_column'])) { $logTable = !empty($this->_logTables[$entity]['table_name']) ? $this->_logTables[$entity]['table_name'] : $entity; $sql = " SELECT {$this->_logTables[$entity]['bracket_info']['entity_column']} FROM `{$this->loggingDB}`.{$logTable} WHERE log_date <= %1 AND id = %2 ORDER BY log_date DESC LIMIT 1"; $entityID = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql, array( 1 => array( CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($logDate), 'Timestamp' ), 2 => array($id, 'Integer') )); } else { $entityID = $id; } if ($entityID && $logDate && array_key_exists('table', $this->_logTables[$entity]['bracket_info'])) { $sql = " SELECT {$this->_logTables[$entity]['bracket_info']['column']} FROM `{$this->loggingDB}`.{$this->_logTables[$entity]['bracket_info']['table']} WHERE log_date <= %1 AND id = %2 ORDER BY log_date DESC LIMIT 1"; return CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql, array( 1 => array(CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($logDate), 'Timestamp'), 2 => array($entityID, 'Integer') )); } else { if (array_key_exists('options', $this->_logTables[$entity]['bracket_info']) && $entityID) { return CRM_Utils_Array::value($entityID, $this->_logTables[$entity]['bracket_info']['options']); } } } return NULL; } /** * @param int $id * @param int $connId * @param $entity * @param $oldAction * * @return null|string */ function getEntityAction($id, $connId, $entity, $oldAction) { if (!empty($this->_logTables[$entity]['action_column'])) { $sql = "select {$this->_logTables[$entity]['action_column']} from `{$this->loggingDB}`.{$entity} where id = %1 AND log_conn_id = %2"; $newAction = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql, array( 1 => array($id, 'Integer'), 2 => array($connId, 'Integer') )); switch ($entity) { case 'log_civicrm_group_contact': if ($oldAction !== 'Update') { $newAction = $oldAction; } if ($oldAction == 'Insert') { $newAction = 'Added'; } break; } return $newAction; } return NULL; } }