userJobID && $this->get('user_job_id')) { $this->userJobID = $this->get('user_job_id'); } return $this->userJobID; } /** * Set user job ID. * * @param int $userJobID */ public function setUserJobID(int $userJobID): void { $this->userJobID = $userJobID; // This set allows other forms in the flow ot use $this->get('user_job_id'). $this->set('user_job_id', $userJobID); } /** * User job details. * * This is the relevant row from civicrm_user_job. * * @var array */ protected $userJob; /** * @var \CRM_Import_Parser */ protected $parser; /** * Get User Job. * * API call to retrieve the userJob row. * * @return array * * @throws \API_Exception */ protected function getUserJob(): array { if (!$this->userJob) { $this->userJob = UserJob::get() ->addWhere('id', '=', $this->getUserJobID()) ->execute() ->first(); } return $this->userJob; } /** * Get submitted values stored in the user job. * * @return array * @throws \API_Exception */ protected function getUserJobSubmittedValues(): array { return $this->getUserJob()['metadata']['submitted_values']; } /** * Fields that may be submitted on any form in the flow. * * @var string[] */ protected $submittableFields = [ // Skip column header is actually a field that would be added from the // datasource - but currently only in contact, it is always there for // other imports, ditto uploadFile. 'skipColumnHeader' => 'DataSource', 'fieldSeparator' => 'DataSource', 'uploadFile' => 'DataSource', 'contactType' => 'DataSource', 'contactSubType' => 'DataSource', 'dateFormats' => 'DataSource', 'savedMapping' => 'DataSource', 'dataSource' => 'DataSource', 'dedupe_rule_id' => 'DataSource', 'onDuplicate' => 'DataSource', 'disableUSPS' => 'DataSource', 'doGeocodeAddress' => 'DataSource', 'multipleCustomData' => 'DataSource', // Note we don't add the save mapping instructions for MapField here // (eg 'updateMapping') - as they really are an action for that form // rather than part of the mapping config. 'mapper' => 'MapField', ]; /** * Get the submitted value, accessing it from whatever form in the flow it is * submitted on. * * @param string $fieldName * * @return mixed|null */ public function getSubmittedValue(string $fieldName) { if ($fieldName === 'dataSource') { // Hard-coded handling for DataSource as it affects the contents of // getSubmittableFields and can cause a loop. // Note that the non-contact imports are not currently sharing the DataSource.tpl // that adds the CSV/SQL options & hence fall back on this hidden field. // - todo - switch to the same DataSource.tpl for all. return $this->controller->exportValue('DataSource', 'dataSource') ?? $this->controller->exportValue('DataSource', 'hidden_dataSource'); } $mappedValues = $this->getSubmittableFields(); if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $mappedValues)) { return $this->controller->exportValue($mappedValues[$fieldName], $fieldName); } return parent::getSubmittedValue($fieldName); } /** * Get values submitted on any form in the multi-page import flow. * * @return array */ public function getSubmittedValues(): array { $values = []; foreach (array_keys($this->getSubmittableFields()) as $key) { $values[$key] = $this->getSubmittedValue($key); } return $values; } /** * Get the available datasource. * * Permission dependent, this will look like * [ * 'CRM_Import_DataSource_CSV' => 'Comma-Separated Values (CSV)', * 'CRM_Import_DataSource_SQL' => 'SQL Query', * ] * * The label is translated. * * @return array */ protected function getDataSources(): array { $dataSources = []; foreach (['CRM_Import_DataSource_SQL', 'CRM_Import_DataSource_CSV'] as $dataSourceClass) { $object = new $dataSourceClass(); if ($object->checkPermission()) { $dataSources[$dataSourceClass] = $object->getInfo()['title']; } } return $dataSources; } /** * Get the name of the datasource class. * * This function prioritises retrieving from GET and POST over 'submitted'. * The reason for this is the submitted array will hold the previous submissions * data until after buildForm is called. * * This is problematic in the forward->back flow & option changing flow. As in.... * * 1) Load DataSource form - initial default datasource is set to CSV and the * form is via ajax (this calls DataSourceConfig to get the data). * 2) User changes the source to SQL - the ajax updates the html but the * form was built with the expectation that the csv-specific fields would be * required. * 3) When the user submits Quickform calls preProcess and buildForm and THEN * retrieves the submitted values based on what has been added in buildForm. * Only the submitted values for fields added in buildForm are available - but * these have to be added BEFORE the submitted values are determined. Hence * we look in the POST or GET to get the updated value. * * Note that an imminent refactor will involve storing the values in the * civicrm_user_job table - this will hopefully help with a known (not new) * issue whereby the previously submitted values (eg. skipColumnHeader has * been checked or sql has been filled in) are not loaded via the ajax request. * * @return string|null * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getDataSourceClassName(): string { $className = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieveValue( 'dataSource', 'String' ); if (!$className) { $className = $this->getSubmittedValue('dataSource'); } if (!$className) { $className = $this->getDefaultDataSource(); } if ($this->getDataSources()[$className]) { return $className; } throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Invalid data source'); } /** * Allow the datasource class to add fields. * * This is called as a snippet in DataSourceConfig and * also from DataSource::buildForm to add the fields such * that quick form picks them up. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function buildDataSourceFields(): void { $dataSourceClass = $this->getDataSourceObject(); if ($dataSourceClass) { $dataSourceClass->buildQuickForm($this); } } /** * Flush datasource on re-submission of the form. * * If the form has been re-submitted the datasource might have changed. * We tell the dataSource class to remove any tables (and potentially files) * created last form submission. * * If the DataSource in use is unchanged (ie still CSV or still SQL) * we also pass in the new variables. In theory it could decide that they * have not actually changed and it doesn't need to do any cleanup. * * In practice the datasource classes blast away as they always have for now * - however, the sql class, for example, might realise the fields it cares * about are unchanged and not flush the table. * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function flushDataSource(): void { // If the form has been resubmitted the datasource might have changed. // We give the datasource a chance to clean up any tables it might have // created. If we are still using the same type of datasource (e.g still // an sql query $oldDataSource = $this->getUserJobSubmittedValues()['dataSource']; $oldDataSourceObject = new $oldDataSource($this->getUserJobID()); $newParams = $this->getSubmittedValue('dataSource') === $oldDataSource ? $this->getSubmittedValues() : []; $oldDataSourceObject->purge($newParams); } /** * Get the relevant datasource object. * * @return \CRM_Import_DataSource|null * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getDataSourceObject(): ?CRM_Import_DataSource { $className = $this->getDataSourceClassName(); if ($className) { /* @var CRM_Import_DataSource $dataSource */ return new $className($this->getUserJobID()); } return NULL; } /** * Allow the datasource class to add fields. * * This is called as a snippet in DataSourceConfig and * also from DataSource::buildForm to add the fields such * that quick form picks them up. */ protected function getDataSourceFields(): array { $className = $this->getDataSourceClassName(); if ($className) { /* @var CRM_Import_DataSource $dataSourceClass */ $dataSourceClass = new $className(); return $dataSourceClass->getSubmittableFields(); } return []; } /** * Get the default datasource. * * @return string */ protected function getDefaultDataSource(): string { return 'CRM_Import_DataSource_CSV'; } /** * Get the fields that can be submitted in the Import form flow. * * These could be on any form in the flow & are accessed the same way from * all forms. * * @return string[] */ protected function getSubmittableFields(): array { $dataSourceFields = array_fill_keys($this->getDataSourceFields(), 'DataSource'); return array_merge($this->submittableFields, $dataSourceFields); } /** * Get the contact type selected for the import (on the datasource form). * * @return string * e.g Individual, Organization, Household. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getContactType(): string { $contactTypeMapping = [ CRM_Import_Parser::CONTACT_INDIVIDUAL => 'Individual', CRM_Import_Parser::CONTACT_HOUSEHOLD => 'Household', CRM_Import_Parser::CONTACT_ORGANIZATION => 'Organization', ]; return $contactTypeMapping[$this->getSubmittedValue('contactType')]; } /** * Get the contact sub type selected for the import (on the datasource form). * * @return string|null * e.g Staff. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getContactSubType(): ?string { return $this->getSubmittedValue('contactSubType'); } /** * Create a user job to track the import. * * @return int * * @throws \API_Exception */ protected function createUserJob(): int { $id = UserJob::create(FALSE) ->setValues([ 'created_id' => CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID(), 'job_type' => $this->getUserJobType(), 'status_id:name' => 'draft', // This suggests the data could be cleaned up after this. 'expires_date' => '+ 1 week', 'metadata' => [ 'submitted_values' => $this->getSubmittedValues(), ], ]) ->execute() ->first()['id']; $this->setUserJobID($id); return $id; } /** * @param string $key * @param array $data * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException */ protected function updateUserJobMetadata(string $key, array $data): void { $metaData = array_merge( $this->getUserJob()['metadata'], [$key => $data] ); UserJob::update(FALSE) ->addWhere('id', '=', $this->getUserJobID()) ->setValues(['metadata' => $metaData]) ->execute(); $this->userJob['metadata'] = $metaData; } /** * Get column headers for the datasource or empty array if none apply. * * This would be the first row of a csv or the fields in an sql query. * * If the csv does not have a header row it will be empty. * * @return array * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getColumnHeaders(): array { return $this->getDataSourceObject()->getColumnHeaders(); } /** * Get the number of importable columns in the data source. * * @return int * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getNumberOfColumns(): int { return $this->getDataSourceObject()->getNumberOfColumns(); } /** * Get x data rows from the datasource. * * At this stage we are fetching from what has been stored in the form * during `postProcess` on the DataSource form. * * In the future we will use the dataSource object, likely * supporting offset as well. * * @return array|int * One or more of the statues available - e.g * CRM_Import_Parser::VALID * or [CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR, CRM_Import_Parser::VALID] * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \API_Exception */ protected function getDataRows($statuses = [], int $limit = 0): array { $statuses = (array) $statuses; return $this->getDataSourceObject()->setLimit($limit)->setStatuses($statuses)->getRows(); } /** * Get the datasource rows ready for csv output. * * @param array $statuses * @param int $limit * * @return array * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getOutputRows($statuses = [], int $limit = 0) { $statuses = (array) $statuses; $dataSource = $this->getDataSourceObject()->setLimit($limit)->setStatuses($statuses)->setStatuses($statuses); $dataSource->setSelectFields(array_merge(['_id', '_status_message'], $dataSource->getDataFieldNames())); return $dataSource->getRows(); } /** * Get the column headers for the output csv. * * @return array */ protected function getOutputColumnsHeaders(): array { $headers = $this->getColumnHeaders(); array_unshift($headers, ts('Reason')); array_unshift($headers, ts('Line Number')); return $headers; } /** * Get the number of rows with the specified status. * * @param array|int $statuses * * @return int * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getRowCount($statuses = []) { $statuses = (array) $statuses; return $this->getDataSourceObject()->getRowCount($statuses); } /** * Outputs and downloads the csv of outcomes from an import job. * * This gets the rows from the temp table that match the relevant status * and output them as a csv. * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \League\Csv\CannotInsertRecord * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function outputCSV(): void { $userJobID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieveValue('user_job_id', 'Integer', NULL, TRUE); $status = (int) CRM_Utils_Request::retrieveValue('status', 'String', NULL, TRUE); $saveFileName = CRM_Import_Parser::saveFileName($status); $form = new CRM_Import_Forms(); $form->controller = new CRM_Core_Controller(); $form->set('user_job_id', $userJobID); $form->getUserJob(); $writer = Writer::createFromFileObject(new SplTempFileObject()); $headers = $form->getOutputColumnsHeaders(); $writer->insertOne($headers); // Note this might be more inefficient by iterating the result // set & doing insertOne - possibly something to explore later. $writer->insertAll($form->getOutputRows($status)); $writer->output($saveFileName); CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(); } /** * Get the url to download the relevant csv file. * @param string $status * * @return string */ protected function getDownloadURL(string $status): string { return CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/import/outcome', [ 'user_job_id' => $this->get('user_job_id'), 'status' => $status, 'reset' => 1, ]); } /** * Get the url to download the relevant csv file. * @param string $status * * @return string */ /** * * @return array */ public function getTrackingSummary(): array { $summary = []; $fields = $this->getParser()->getTrackingFields(); $row = $this->getDataSourceObject()->setAggregateFields($fields)->getRow(); foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field) { $summary[] = [ 'field_name' => $fieldName, 'description' => $field['description'], 'value' => $row[$fieldName], ]; } return $summary; } /** * Get the fields available for import selection. * * @return array * e.g ['first_name' => 'First Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name'.... * * @throws \API_Exception */ protected function getAvailableFields(): array { return $this->getParser()->getAvailableFields(); } /** * Get an instance of the parser class. * * @return \CRM_Contact_Import_Parser_Contact|\CRM_Contribute_Import_Parser_Contribution */ protected function getParser() { foreach (CRM_Core_BAO_UserJob::getTypes() as $jobType) { if ($jobType['id'] === $this->getUserJob()['job_type']) { $className = $jobType['class']; $classObject = new $className(); $classObject->setUserJobID($this->getUserJobID()); return $classObject; }; } return NULL; } /** * Get the mapped fields as an array of labels. * * e.g * ['First Name', 'Employee Of - First Name', 'Home - Street Address'] * * @return array * @throws \API_Exception */ protected function getMappedFieldLabels(): array { $mapper = []; $parser = $this->getParser(); foreach ($this->getSubmittedValue('mapper') as $columnNumber => $mappedField) { $mapper[$columnNumber] = $parser->getMappedFieldLabel($parser->getMappingFieldFromMapperInput($mappedField, 0, $columnNumber)); } return $mapper; } /** * Assign variables required for the MapField form. * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function assignMapFieldVariables(): void { $this->addExpectedSmartyVariable('highlightedRelFields'); $this->_columnCount = $this->getNumberOfColumns(); $this->_columnNames = $this->getColumnHeaders(); $this->_dataValues = array_values($this->getDataRows([], 2)); $this->assign('columnNames', $this->getColumnHeaders()); $this->assign('showColumnNames', $this->getSubmittedValue('skipColumnHeader') || $this->getSubmittedValue('dataSource') !== 'CRM_Import_DataSource'); $this->assign('highlightedFields', $this->getHighlightedFields()); $this->assign('columnCount', $this->_columnCount); $this->assign('dataValues', $this->_dataValues); } /** * Get the fields to be highlighted in the UI. * * The highlighted fields are those used to match * to an existing entity. * * @return array * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getHighlightedFields(): array { return []; } /** * Get the data patterns to pattern match the incoming data. * * @return array */ public function getDataPatterns(): array { return $this->getParser()->getDataPatterns(); } /** * Get the data patterns to pattern match the incoming data. * * @return array */ public function getHeaderPatterns(): array { return $this->getParser()->getHeaderPatterns(); } /** * Has the user chosen to update existing records. * @return bool */ protected function isUpdateExisting(): bool { return ((int) $this->getSubmittedValue('onDuplicate')) === CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE; } /** * Has the user chosen to update existing records. * @return bool */ protected function isSkipExisting(): bool { return ((int) $this->getSubmittedValue('onDuplicate')) === CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_SKIP; } /** * Are there valid rows to import. * * @return bool * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function hasImportableRows(): bool { return (bool) $this->getRowCount(['new']); } }