ts('Comma-Separated Values (CSV)')]; } /** * Set variables up before form is built. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form */ public function preProcess(&$form) { } /** * This is function is called by the form object to get the DataSource's form snippet. * * It should add all fields necessary to get the data * uploaded to the temporary table in the DB. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function buildQuickForm(&$form) { $form->add('hidden', 'hidden_dataSource', 'CRM_Import_DataSource_CSV'); $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $uploadFileSize = CRM_Utils_Number::formatUnitSize($config->maxFileSize . 'm', TRUE); //Fetch uploadFileSize from php_ini when $config->maxFileSize is set to "no limit". if (empty($uploadFileSize)) { $uploadFileSize = CRM_Utils_Number::formatUnitSize(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'), TRUE); } $uploadSize = round(($uploadFileSize / (1024 * 1024)), 2); $form->assign('uploadSize', $uploadSize); $form->add('File', 'uploadFile', ts('Import Data File'), NULL, TRUE); $form->setMaxFileSize($uploadFileSize); $form->addRule('uploadFile', ts('File size should be less than %1 MBytes (%2 bytes)', [ 1 => $uploadSize, 2 => $uploadFileSize, ]), 'maxfilesize', $uploadFileSize); $form->addRule('uploadFile', ts('Input file must be in CSV format'), 'utf8File'); $form->addRule('uploadFile', ts('A valid file must be uploaded.'), 'uploadedfile'); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'skipColumnHeader', ts('First row contains column headers')); } /** * Process the form submission. * * @param array $params * @param string $db * @param \CRM_Core_Form $form * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function postProcess(&$params, &$db, &$form) { $file = $params['uploadFile']['name']; $result = self::_CsvToTable($db, $file, CRM_Utils_Array::value('skipColumnHeader', $params, FALSE), CRM_Utils_Array::value('import_table_name', $params), CRM_Utils_Array::value('fieldSeparator', $params, ',') ); $form->set('originalColHeader', CRM_Utils_Array::value('original_col_header', $result)); $table = $result['import_table_name']; $importJob = new CRM_Contact_Import_ImportJob($table); $form->set('importTableName', $importJob->getTableName()); } /** * Create a table that matches the CSV file and populate it with the file's contents * * @param object $db * Handle to the database connection. * @param string $file * File name to load. * @param bool $headers * Whether the first row contains headers. * @param string $tableName * Name of table from which data imported. * @param string $fieldSeparator * Character that separates the various columns in the file. * * @return array * name of the created table * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ private static function _CsvToTable( &$db, $file, $headers = FALSE, $tableName = NULL, $fieldSeparator = ',' ) { $result = []; $fd = fopen($file, 'r'); if (!$fd) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Could not read $file"); } if (filesize($file) == 0) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("$file is empty. Please upload a valid file."); } // support tab separated if (strtolower($fieldSeparator) === 'tab' || strtolower($fieldSeparator) === '\t' ) { $fieldSeparator = "\t"; } $firstrow = fgetcsv($fd, 0, $fieldSeparator); // create the column names from the CSV header or as col_0, col_1, etc. if ($headers) { //need to get original headers. $result['original_col_header'] = $firstrow; $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower'; $columns = array_map($strtolower, $firstrow); $columns = str_replace(' ', '_', $columns); $columns = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]/', '', $columns); // need to take care of null as well as duplicate col names. $duplicateColName = FALSE; if (count($columns) != count(array_unique($columns))) { $duplicateColName = TRUE; } // need to truncate values per mysql field name length limits // mysql allows 64, but we need to account for appending colKey // CRM-9079 foreach ($columns as $colKey => & $colName) { if (strlen($colName) > 58) { $colName = substr($colName, 0, 58); } } if (in_array('', $columns) || $duplicateColName) { foreach ($columns as $colKey => & $colName) { if (!$colName) { $colName = "col_$colKey"; } elseif ($duplicateColName) { $colName .= "_$colKey"; } } } // CRM-4881: we need to quote column names, as they may be MySQL reserved words foreach ($columns as & $column) { $column = "`$column`"; } } else { $columns = []; foreach ($firstrow as $i => $_) { $columns[] = "col_$i"; } } if ($tableName) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tableName"); } $table = CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()->setDurable(); $tableName = $table->getName(); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tableName"); $table->createWithColumns(implode(' text, ', $columns) . ' text'); $numColumns = count($columns); // the proper approach, but some MySQL installs do not have this enabled // $load = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$file' INTO TABLE $table FIELDS TERMINATED BY '$fieldSeparator' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"'"; // if ($headers) { $load .= ' IGNORE 1 LINES'; } // $db->query($load); // parse the CSV line by line and build one big INSERT (while MySQL-escaping the CSV contents) if (!$headers) { rewind($fd); } $sql = NULL; $first = TRUE; $count = 0; while ($row = fgetcsv($fd, 0, $fieldSeparator)) { // skip rows that dont match column count, else we get a sql error if (count($row) != $numColumns) { continue; } if (!$first) { $sql .= ', '; } $first = FALSE; // CRM-17859 Trim non-breaking spaces from columns. $row = array_map(['CRM_Import_DataSource_CSV', 'trimNonBreakingSpaces'], $row); $row = array_map(['CRM_Core_DAO', 'escapeString'], $row); $sql .= "('" . implode("', '", $row) . "')"; $count++; if ($count >= self::NUM_ROWS_TO_INSERT && !empty($sql)) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("INSERT IGNORE INTO $tableName VALUES $sql"); $sql = NULL; $first = TRUE; $count = 0; } } if (!empty($sql)) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("INSERT IGNORE INTO $tableName VALUES $sql"); } fclose($fd); //get the import tmp table name. $result['import_table_name'] = $tableName; return $result; } /** * Trim non-breaking spaces in a multibyte-safe way. * See also dev/core#2127 - avoid breaking strings ending in à or any other * unicode character sharing the same 0xA0 byte as a non-breaking space. * * @param string $string * @return string The trimmed string */ public static function trimNonBreakingSpaces(string $string): string { $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($string, NULL, TRUE); if ($encoding === FALSE) { // This could mean a couple things. One is that the string is // ASCII-encoded but contains a non-breaking space, which causes // php to fail to detect the encoding. So let's just do what we // did before which works in that situation and is at least no // worse in other situations. return trim($string, chr(0xC2) . chr(0xA0)); } elseif ($encoding !== 'UTF-8') { $string = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', [$encoding]); } return preg_replace("/^(\u{a0})+|(\u{a0})+$/", '', $string); } }