$params['payment_processor_type_id'], 'return' => 'payment_instrument_id', ]); } $processor = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor(); $processor->copyValues($params); if (empty($params['id'])) { $ppTypeDAO = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType(); $ppTypeDAO->id = $params['payment_processor_type_id']; if (!$ppTypeDAO->find(TRUE)) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('Could not find payment processor meta information')); } // also copy meta fields from the info DAO $processor->is_recur = $ppTypeDAO->is_recur; $processor->billing_mode = $ppTypeDAO->billing_mode; $processor->class_name = $ppTypeDAO->class_name; $processor->payment_type = $ppTypeDAO->payment_type; } $processor->save(); // CRM-11826, add entry in civicrm_entity_financial_account // if financial_account_id is not NULL if (!empty($params['financial_account_id'])) { $relationTypeId = key(CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::accountOptionValues('account_relationship', NULL, " AND v.name LIKE 'Asset Account is' ")); $values = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_payment_processor', 'entity_id' => $processor->id, 'account_relationship' => $relationTypeId, 'financial_account_id' => $params['financial_account_id'], ]; CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialTypeAccount::add($values); } if (isset($params['id']) && isset($params['is_active']) && !isset($params['is_test'])) { // check if is_active has changed & if so update test instance is_active too. $test_id = self::getTestProcessorId($params['id']); $testDAO = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor(); $testDAO->id = $test_id; if ($testDAO->find(TRUE)) { $testDAO->is_active = $params['is_active']; $testDAO->save(); } } Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->flushProcessors(); return $processor; } /** * Retrieve array of allowed credit cards for this payment processor. * @param integer|null $paymentProcessorID id of processor. * @return array */ public static function getCreditCards($paymentProcessorID = NULL) { if (!empty($paymentProcessorID)) { $processor = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor(); $processor->id = $paymentProcessorID; $processor->find(TRUE); $cards = json_decode($processor->accepted_credit_cards, TRUE); return $cards; } return []; } /** * Get options for a given contribution field. * * @param string $fieldName * @param string $context see CRM_Core_DAO::buildOptionsContext. * @param array $props whatever is known about this dao object. * * @return array|bool * @see CRM_Core_DAO::buildOptions * */ public static function buildOptions($fieldName, $context = NULL, $props = []) { $params = []; if ($fieldName === 'financial_account_id') { // Pseudo-field - let's help out. return CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::buildOptions('to_financial_account_id', $context, $props); } return CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get(__CLASS__, $fieldName, $params, $context); } /** * Retrieve DB object based on input parameters. * * It also stores all the retrieved values in the default array. * * @param array $params * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs. * @param array $defaults * (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values. * * @return CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor|null * object on success, null otherwise */ public static function retrieve(&$params, &$defaults) { $paymentProcessor = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor(); $paymentProcessor->copyValues($params); if ($paymentProcessor->find(TRUE)) { CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($paymentProcessor, $defaults); return $paymentProcessor; } return NULL; } /** * Update the is_active flag in the db. * * @param int $id * Id of the database record. * @param bool $is_active * Value we want to set the is_active field. * * @return bool * true if we found and updated the object, else false */ public static function setIsActive($id, $is_active) { return CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor', $id, 'is_active', $is_active); } /** * Retrieve the default payment processor. * * @return CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor|null * The default payment processor object on success, * null otherwise */ public static function &getDefault() { if (self::$_defaultPaymentProcessor == NULL) { $params = ['is_default' => 1]; $defaults = []; self::$_defaultPaymentProcessor = self::retrieve($params, $defaults); } return self::$_defaultPaymentProcessor; } /** * Delete payment processor. * * @param int $paymentProcessorID * * @return null */ public static function del($paymentProcessorID) { if (!$paymentProcessorID) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('Invalid value passed to delete function.')); } $dao = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor(); $dao->id = $paymentProcessorID; if (!$dao->find(TRUE)) { return NULL; } $testDAO = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor(); $testDAO->name = $dao->name; $testDAO->is_test = 1; $testDAO->delete(); $dao->delete(); Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->flushProcessors(); } /** * Get the payment processor details. * * This returns an array whereas Civi\Payment\System::singleton->getByID() returns an object. * The object is a key in the array. * * @param int $paymentProcessorID * Payment processor id. * @param string $mode * Payment mode ie test or live. * * @return array * associated array with payment processor related fields */ public static function getPayment($paymentProcessorID, $mode = 'based_on_id') { $capabilities = ($mode === 'test') ? ['TestMode'] : []; $processors = self::getPaymentProcessors($capabilities, [$paymentProcessorID]); return $processors[$paymentProcessorID]; } /** * Given a live processor ID get the test id. * * @param int $id * * @return int * Test payment processor ID. */ public static function getTestProcessorId($id) { $liveProcessorName = civicrm_api3('payment_processor', 'getvalue', [ 'id' => $id, 'return' => 'name', ]); return civicrm_api3('payment_processor', 'getvalue', [ 'return' => 'id', 'name' => $liveProcessorName, 'is_test' => 1, 'domain_id' => CRM_Core_Config::domainID(), ]); } /** * Compare 2 payment processors to see which should go first based on is_default * (sort function for sortDefaultFirst) * @param array $processor1 * @param array $processor2 * * @return int */ public static function defaultComparison($processor1, $processor2) { $p1 = $processor1['is_default'] ?? NULL; $p2 = $processor2['is_default'] ?? NULL; if ($p1 == $p2) { return 0; } return ($p1 > $p2) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Get all payment processors as an array of objects. * * @param string|NULL $mode * only return this mode - test|live or NULL for all * @param bool $reset * @param bool $isCurrentDomainOnly * Do we only want to load payment processors associated with the current domain. * @param bool|NULL $isActive * Do we only want active processors, only inactive (FALSE) or all processors (NULL) * * @throws CiviCRM_API3_Exception * @return array */ public static function getAllPaymentProcessors($mode = 'all', $reset = FALSE, $isCurrentDomainOnly = TRUE, $isActive = TRUE) { $cacheKey = 'CRM_Financial_BAO_Payment_Processor_' . $mode . '_' . $isCurrentDomainOnly . '_' . CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); if (!$reset) { $processors = CRM_Utils_Cache::singleton()->get($cacheKey); if (!empty($processors)) { return $processors; } } $retrievalParameters = [ 'options' => ['sort' => 'is_default DESC, name', 'limit' => 0], 'api.payment_processor_type.getsingle' => 1, ]; if (isset($isActive)) { // We use isset because we don't want to set the is_active parameter at all is $isActive is NULL $retrievalParameters['is_active'] = $isActive; } if ($isCurrentDomainOnly) { $retrievalParameters['domain_id'] = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); } if ($mode === 'test') { $retrievalParameters['is_test'] = 1; } elseif ($mode === 'live') { $retrievalParameters['is_test'] = 0; } $processors = civicrm_api3('payment_processor', 'get', $retrievalParameters); foreach ($processors['values'] as $processor) { $fieldsToProvide = [ 'id', 'name', 'payment_processor_type_id', 'user_name', 'password', 'signature', 'url_site', 'url_api', 'url_recur', 'url_button', 'subject', 'class_name', 'is_recur', 'billing_mode', 'is_test', 'payment_type', 'is_default', ]; foreach ($fieldsToProvide as $field) { // Prevent e-notices in processor classes when not configured. if (!isset($processor[$field])) { $processors['values'][$processor['id']][$field] = NULL; } } $processors['values'][$processor['id']]['payment_processor_type'] = $processor['payment_processor_type'] = $processors['values'][$processor['id']]['api.payment_processor_type.getsingle']['name']; $processors['values'][$processor['id']]['object'] = Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->getByProcessor($processors['values'][$processor['id']]); } // Add the pay-later pseudo-processor. $processors['values'][0] = [ 'object' => new CRM_Core_Payment_Manual(), 'id' => 0, 'payment_processor_type_id' => 0, // This shouldn't be required but there are still some processors hacked into core with nasty 'if's. 'payment_processor_type' => 'Manual', 'class_name' => 'Payment_Manual', 'name' => 'pay_later', 'billing_mode' => '', 'is_default' => 0, 'payment_instrument_id' => key(CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('payment_instrument', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'AND is_default = 1')), // Making this optionally recur would give lots of options -but it should // be a row in the payment processor table before we do that. 'is_recur' => FALSE, 'is_test' => FALSE, ]; CRM_Utils_Cache::singleton()->set($cacheKey, $processors['values']); return $processors['values']; } /** * Get Payment processors with specified capabilities. * Note that both the singleton & the pseudoconstant function have caching so we don't add * arguably this could go on the pseudoconstant class * * @param array $capabilities * capabilities of processor e.g * - BackOffice * - TestMode * - LiveMode * - FutureStartDate * * @param array|bool $ids * * @return array * available processors * * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public static function getPaymentProcessors($capabilities = [], $ids = FALSE) { if (is_array($ids)) { if (in_array('TestMode', $capabilities, TRUE)) { $testProcessors = in_array('TestMode', $capabilities) ? self::getAllPaymentProcessors('test') : []; $allProcessors = self::getAllPaymentProcessors('all', FALSE, FALSE, NULL); $possibleLiveIDs = array_diff($ids, array_keys($testProcessors)); foreach ($possibleLiveIDs as $possibleLiveID) { if (isset($allProcessors[$possibleLiveID]) && ($liveProcessorName = $allProcessors[$possibleLiveID]['name']) != FALSE) { foreach ($testProcessors as $index => $testProcessor) { if ($testProcessor['name'] === $liveProcessorName) { $ids[] = $testProcessor['id']; } } } } $processors = $testProcessors; } else { $processors = self::getAllPaymentProcessors('all', FALSE, FALSE); } } else { $processors = self::getAllPaymentProcessors('all'); } foreach ($processors as $index => $processor) { if (is_array($ids) && !in_array($processor['id'], $ids)) { unset($processors[$index]); continue; } // Invalid processors will store a null value in 'object' (e.g. if not all required config fields are present). // This is determined by calling when loading the processor via the $processorObject->checkConfig() function. if (!$processor['object'] instanceof CRM_Core_Payment) { unset($processors[$index]); continue; } foreach ($capabilities as $capability) { if (($processor['object']->supports($capability)) == FALSE) { unset($processors[$index]); continue 1; } } } return $processors; } /** * Is there a processor on this site with the specified capability. * * The capabilities are defined on CRM_Core_Payment and can be extended by * processors. * * examples are * - supportsBackOffice * - supportsLiveMode * - supportsFutureRecurDate * - supportsRecurring * - supportsCancelRecurring * - supportsRecurContributionsForPledges * * They are passed as array('BackOffice'); * * Details of specific functions are in the docblocks on the CRM_Core_Payment class. * * @param array $capabilities * * @return bool */ public static function hasPaymentProcessorSupporting($capabilities = []) { $capabilitiesString = implode('', $capabilities); if (!isset(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['supported_capabilities'][$capabilitiesString])) { $result = self::getPaymentProcessors($capabilities); \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['supported_capabilities'][$capabilitiesString] = (!empty($result) && array_keys($result) !== [0]); } return \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['supported_capabilities'][$capabilitiesString]; } /** * Retrieve payment processor id / info/ object based on component-id. * * @todo function needs revisiting. The whole 'info / obj' thing is an overload. Recommend creating new functions * that are entity specific as there is little shared code specific to obj or info * * Also, it does not accurately derive the processor - for a completed contribution the best place to look is in the * relevant financial_trxn record. For a recurring contribution it is in the contribution_recur table. * * For a membership the relevant contribution_recur should be derived & then resolved as above. The contribution page * is never a reliable place to look as there can be more than one configured. For a pending contribution there is * no way to derive the processor - but hey - what processor? it didn't go through! * * Query for membership might look something like: * SELECT fte.payment_processor_id * FROM civicrm_membership mem * INNER JOIN civicrm_line_item li ON ( mem.id = li.entity_id AND li.entity_table = 'civicrm_membership') * INNER JOIN civicrm_contribution con ON ( li.contribution_id = con.id ) * LEFT JOIN civicrm_entity_financial_trxn ft ON ft.entity_id = con.id AND ft.entity_table = * 'civicrm_contribution' * LEFT JOIN civicrm_financial_trxn fte ON fte.id = ft.financial_trxn_id * * @param int $entityID * @param string $component * Component. * @param string $type * Type of payment information to be retrieved. * * @return int|array|object */ public static function getProcessorForEntity($entityID, $component = 'contribute', $type = 'id') { $result = NULL; if (!in_array($component, [ 'membership', 'contribute', 'recur', ]) ) { return $result; } if ($component === 'membership') { $sql = " SELECT cr.payment_processor_id as ppID1, cp.payment_processor as ppID2, con.is_test FROM civicrm_membership mem INNER JOIN civicrm_membership_payment mp ON ( mem.id = mp.membership_id ) INNER JOIN civicrm_contribution con ON ( mp.contribution_id = con.id ) LEFT JOIN civicrm_contribution_recur cr ON ( mem.contribution_recur_id = cr.id ) LEFT JOIN civicrm_contribution_page cp ON ( con.contribution_page_id = cp.id ) WHERE mp.membership_id = %1"; } elseif ($component === 'contribute') { $sql = " SELECT cr.payment_processor_id as ppID1, cp.payment_processor as ppID2, con.is_test FROM civicrm_contribution con LEFT JOIN civicrm_contribution_recur cr ON ( con.contribution_recur_id = cr.id ) LEFT JOIN civicrm_contribution_page cp ON ( con.contribution_page_id = cp.id ) WHERE con.id = %1"; } elseif ($component === 'recur') { // @deprecated - use getPaymentProcessorForRecurringContribution. $sql = " SELECT cr.payment_processor_id as ppID1, NULL as ppID2, cr.is_test FROM civicrm_contribution_recur cr WHERE cr.id = %1"; } // We are interested in a single record. $sql .= ' LIMIT 1'; $params = [1 => [$entityID, 'Integer']]; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); if (!$dao->fetch()) { return $result; } $ppID = (isset($dao->ppID1) && $dao->ppID1) ? $dao->ppID1 : ($dao->ppID2 ?? NULL); $mode = (isset($dao->is_test) && $dao->is_test) ? 'test' : 'live'; if (!$ppID || $type === 'id') { $result = $ppID; } elseif ($type === 'info') { $result = self::getPayment($ppID, $mode); } elseif ($type === 'obj' && is_numeric($ppID)) { try { $paymentProcessor = civicrm_api3('PaymentProcessor', 'getsingle', ['id' => $ppID]); } catch (API_Exception $e) { // Unable to load the processor because this function uses an unreliable method to derive it. // The function looks to load the payment processor ID from the contribution page, which // can support multiple processors. } $paymentProcessor['payment_processor_type'] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Financial_BAO_PaymentProcessor', 'payment_processor_type_id', $paymentProcessor['payment_processor_type_id']); $result = Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->getByProcessor($paymentProcessor); } return $result; } /** * Get the payment processor associated with a recurring contribution series. * * @param int $contributionRecurID * * @return \CRM_Core_Payment */ public static function getPaymentProcessorForRecurringContribution($contributionRecurID) { $paymentProcessorId = civicrm_api3('ContributionRecur', 'getvalue', [ 'id' => $contributionRecurID, 'return' => 'payment_processor_id', ]); return Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->getById($paymentProcessorId); } /** * Get the name of the payment processor * * @param $paymentProcessorId * * @return null|string */ public static function getPaymentProcessorName($paymentProcessorId) { try { $paymentProcessor = civicrm_api3('PaymentProcessor', 'getsingle', [ 'return' => ['name'], 'id' => $paymentProcessorId, ]); return $paymentProcessor['name']; } catch (Exception $e) { return ts('Unknown') . ' (' . $paymentProcessorId . ')'; } } /** * Generate and assign an arbitrary value to a field of a test object. * * @param string $fieldName * @param array $fieldDef * @param int $counter * The globally-unique ID of the test object. */ protected function assignTestValue($fieldName, &$fieldDef, $counter) { if ($fieldName === 'class_name') { $this->class_name = 'Payment_Dummy'; } else { parent::assignTestValue($fieldName, $fieldDef, $counter); } } /** * Get the default financial account id for payment processor accounts. * * Note that there is only a 'name' field & no label field. If people customise * name then this won't work. This is new best-effort functionality so that's non-regressive. * * The fix for that is to add a label value to the financial account table. */ public static function getDefaultFinancialAccountID() { return CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Financial_DAO_EntityFinancialAccount', 'financial_account_id', 'Payment Processor Account'); } }