mapper = $mapper; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function onPreInstall(CRM_Extension_Info $info) { $paymentProcessorTypes = $this->_getAllPaymentProcessorTypes('class_name'); if (array_key_exists($info->key, $paymentProcessorTypes)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal('This payment processor type is already installed.'); } $ppByName = $this->_getAllPaymentProcessorTypes('name'); if (array_key_exists($info->name, $ppByName)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal('This payment processor type already exists.'); } $dao = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType(); $dao->is_active = 1; $dao->class_name = trim($info->key); $dao->title = trim($info->name) . ' (' . trim($info->key) . ')'; $dao->name = trim($info->name); $dao->description = trim($info->description); $dao->user_name_label = trim($info->typeInfo['userNameLabel']); $dao->password_label = trim($info->typeInfo['passwordLabel']); $dao->signature_label = trim($info->typeInfo['signatureLabel']); $dao->subject_label = trim($info->typeInfo['subjectLabel']); $dao->url_site_default = trim($info->typeInfo['urlSiteDefault']); $dao->url_api_default = trim($info->typeInfo['urlApiDefault']); $dao->url_recur_default = trim($info->typeInfo['urlRecurDefault']); $dao->url_site_test_default = trim($info->typeInfo['urlSiteTestDefault']); $dao->url_api_test_default = trim($info->typeInfo['urlApiTestDefault']); $dao->url_recur_test_default = trim($info->typeInfo['urlRecurTestDefault']); $dao->url_button_default = trim($info->typeInfo['urlButtonDefault']); $dao->url_button_test_default = trim($info->typeInfo['urlButtonTestDefault']); switch (trim($info->typeInfo['billingMode'])) { case 'form': $dao->billing_mode = CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_FORM; break; case 'button': $dao->billing_mode = CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_BUTTON; break; case 'notify': $dao->billing_mode = CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_NOTIFY; break; default: CRM_Core_Error::fatal('Billing mode in info file has wrong value.'); } $dao->is_recur = trim($info->typeInfo['isRecur']); $dao->payment_type = trim($info->typeInfo['paymentType']); $dao->save(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function onPostInstall(CRM_Extension_Info $info) { $this->_runPaymentHook($info, 'install'); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function onPreUninstall(CRM_Extension_Info $info) { $paymentProcessorTypes = $this->_getAllPaymentProcessorTypes('class_name'); if (!array_key_exists($info->key, $paymentProcessorTypes)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal('This payment processor type is not registered.'); } $dao = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessor(); $dao->payment_processor_type_id = $paymentProcessorTypes[$info->key]; $dao->find(); while ($dao->fetch()) { throw new CRM_Extension_Exception_DependencyException('payment'); } $this->_runPaymentHook($info, 'uninstall'); return CRM_Financial_BAO_PaymentProcessorType::del($paymentProcessorTypes[$info->key]); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function onPreDisable(CRM_Extension_Info $info) { // HMM? // if ($this->type == 'payment' && $this->status != 'missing') { $this->_runPaymentHook($info, 'disable'); $paymentProcessorTypes = $this->_getAllPaymentProcessorTypes('class_name'); CRM_Financial_BAO_PaymentProcessorType::setIsActive($paymentProcessorTypes[$info->key], 0); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function onPreEnable(CRM_Extension_Info $info) { $paymentProcessorTypes = $this->_getAllPaymentProcessorTypes('class_name'); CRM_Financial_BAO_PaymentProcessorType::setIsActive($paymentProcessorTypes[$info->key], 1); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function onPostEnable(CRM_Extension_Info $info) { // HMM? // if ($this->type == 'payment' && $this->status != 'missing') { $this->_runPaymentHook($info, 'enable'); } /** * @param string $attr * The attribute used to key the array. * @return array * ($$attr => $id) */ private function _getAllPaymentProcessorTypes($attr) { $ppt = array(); $dao = new CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType(); $dao->find(); while ($dao->fetch()) { $ppt[$dao->$attr] = $dao->id; } return $ppt; } /** * Run hooks in the payment processor class. * Load requested payment processor and call the method specified. * * @param CRM_Extension_Info $info * @param string $method * The method to call in the payment processor class. */ private function _runPaymentHook(CRM_Extension_Info $info, $method) { // Not concerned about performance at this stage, as these are seldom performed tasks // (payment processor enable/disable/install/uninstall). May wish to implement some // kind of registry/caching system if more hooks are added. try { $paymentClass = $this->mapper->keyToClass($info->key, 'payment'); $file = $this->mapper->classToPath($paymentClass); if (!file_exists($file)) { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Failed to load file (%3) for payment processor (%1) while running "%2"', array( 1 => $info->key, 2 => $method, 3 => $file, )), '', 'error'); return; } else { require_once $file; } } catch (CRM_Extension_Exception $e) { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Failed to determine file path for payment processor (%1) while running "%2"', array( 1 => $info->key, 2 => $method, )), '', 'error'); return; } $processorDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery( " SELECT, ppt.class_name FROM civicrm_extension ext INNER JOIN civicrm_payment_processor_type ppt ON = LEFT JOIN civicrm_payment_processor pp ON = pp.payment_processor_type_id WHERE ext.type = 'payment' AND ext.full_name = %1 ", array( 1 => array($info->key, 'String'), ) ); while ($processorDAO->fetch()) { $class_name = $processorDAO->class_name; $processor_id = $processorDAO->id; } if (empty($class_name)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal("Unable to find payment processor in " . __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__); } // In the case of uninstall, check for instances of PP first. // Don't run hook if any are found. if ($method == 'uninstall' && $processor_id > 0) { return; } switch ($method) { case 'install': case 'uninstall': case 'enable': case 'disable': // Instantiate PP - the getClass function allows us to do this when no payment processor instances exist. $processorInstance = Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->getByClass($class_name); // Does PP implement this method, and can we call it? if (method_exists($processorInstance, $method) && is_callable(array( $processorInstance, $method, )) ) { // If so, call it ... $processorInstance->$method(); } break; default: CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("Unrecognized payment hook (%1) in %2::%3", array(1 => $method, 2 => __CLASS__, 3 => __METHOD__)), '', 'error'); } } }