setAdditionalRequestedReturnProperties($moreReturnProperties); } $processor->setComponentTable($componentTable); $processor->setComponentClause($componentClause); $processor->setIds($ids); list($query, $queryString) = $processor->runQuery($params, $order); // This perhaps only needs calling when $mergeSameHousehold == 1 self::buildRelatedContactArray($selectAll, $ids, $processor, $componentTable); $addPaymentHeader = FALSE; list($outputColumns, $metadata) = $processor->getExportStructureArrays(); if ($processor->isMergeSameAddress()) { foreach (array_keys($processor->getAdditionalFieldsForSameAddressMerge()) as $field) { if ($field === 'id') { $field = 'civicrm_primary_id'; } $processor->setColumnAsCalculationOnly($field); } } $paymentDetails = []; if ($processor->isExportPaymentFields()) { // get payment related in for event and members $paymentDetails = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::getContributionDetails($exportMode, $ids); //get all payment headers. // If we haven't selected specific payment fields, load in all the // payment headers. if (!$processor->isExportSpecifiedPaymentFields()) { if (!empty($paymentDetails)) { $addPaymentHeader = TRUE; foreach (array_keys($processor->getPaymentHeaders()) as $paymentField) { $processor->addOutputSpecification($paymentField); } } } } $componentDetails = []; $rowCount = self::EXPORT_ROW_COUNT; $offset = 0; // we write to temp table often to avoid using too much memory $tempRowCount = 100; $count = -1; $sqlColumns = $processor->getSQLColumns(); $processor->createTempTable(); $limitReached = FALSE; while (!$limitReached) { $limitQuery = "{$queryString} LIMIT {$offset}, {$rowCount}"; CRM_Core_DAO::disableFullGroupByMode(); $iterationDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($limitQuery); CRM_Core_DAO::reenableFullGroupByMode(); // If this is less than our limit by the end of the iteration we do not need to run the query again to // check if some remain. $rowsThisIteration = 0; while ($iterationDAO->fetch()) { $count++; $rowsThisIteration++; $row = $processor->buildRow($query, $iterationDAO, $outputColumns, $metadata, $paymentDetails, $addPaymentHeader); if ($row === FALSE) { continue; } // add component info // write the row to a file $componentDetails[] = $row; // output every $tempRowCount rows if ($count % $tempRowCount == 0) { self::writeDetailsToTable($processor, $componentDetails, $sqlColumns); $componentDetails = []; } } if ($rowsThisIteration < self::EXPORT_ROW_COUNT) { $limitReached = TRUE; } $offset += $rowCount; } if ($processor->getTemporaryTable()) { self::writeDetailsToTable($processor, $componentDetails); // do merge same address and merge same household processing if ($mergeSameAddress) { $processor->mergeSameAddress(); } $processor->writeCSVFromTable(); // delete the export temp table and component table $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $processor->getTemporaryTable(); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); CRM_Core_DAO::reenableFullGroupByMode(); CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(0, ['processor' => $processor]); } else { CRM_Core_DAO::reenableFullGroupByMode(); throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('No records to export')); } } /** * Handle import error file creation. */ public static function invoke() { $type = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('type', 'Positive'); $parserName = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('parser', 'String'); if (empty($parserName) || empty($type)) { return; } // clean and ensure parserName is a valid string $parserName = CRM_Utils_String::munge($parserName); $parserClass = explode('_', $parserName); // make sure parserClass is in the CRM namespace and // at least 3 levels deep if ($parserClass[0] == 'CRM' && count($parserClass) >= 3 ) { require_once str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $parserName) . ".php"; // ensure the functions exists if (method_exists($parserName, 'errorFileName') && method_exists($parserName, 'saveFileName') ) { $errorFileName = $parserName::errorFileName($type); $saveFileName = $parserName::saveFileName($type); if (!empty($errorFileName) && !empty($saveFileName)) { CRM_Utils_System::setHttpHeader('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); CRM_Utils_System::setHttpHeader('Content-Description', 'File Transfer'); CRM_Utils_System::setHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'text/csv'); CRM_Utils_System::setHttpHeader('Content-Length', filesize($errorFileName)); CRM_Utils_System::setHttpHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' . $saveFileName); readfile($errorFileName); } } } CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(); } /** * @param $customSearchClass * @param $formValues * @param $order */ public static function exportCustom($customSearchClass, $formValues, $order) { $ext = CRM_Extension_System::singleton()->getMapper(); if (!$ext->isExtensionClass($customSearchClass)) { require_once str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $customSearchClass) . '.php'; } else { require_once $ext->classToPath($customSearchClass); } $search = new $customSearchClass($formValues); $includeContactIDs = FALSE; if ($formValues['radio_ts'] == 'ts_sel') { $includeContactIDs = TRUE; } $sql = $search->all(0, 0, $order, $includeContactIDs); $columns = $search->columns(); $header = array_keys($columns); $fields = array_values($columns); $rows = []; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); $alterRow = FALSE; if (method_exists($search, 'alterRow')) { $alterRow = TRUE; } while ($dao->fetch()) { $row = []; foreach ($fields as $field) { $unqualified_field = CRM_Utils_Array::First(array_slice(explode('.', $field), -1)); $row[$field] = $dao->$unqualified_field; } if ($alterRow) { $search->alterRow($row); } $rows[] = $row; } CRM_Core_Report_Excel::writeCSVFile(ts('CiviCRM Contact Search'), $header, $rows); CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(); } /** * @param \CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor $processor * @param $details */ public static function writeDetailsToTable($processor, $details) { $tableName = $processor->getTemporaryTable(); if (empty($details)) { return; } $sql = " SELECT max(id) FROM $tableName "; $id = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql); if (!$id) { $id = 0; } $sqlClause = []; foreach ($details as $row) { $id++; $valueString = [$id]; foreach ($row as $value) { if (empty($value)) { $valueString[] = "''"; } else { $valueString[] = "'" . CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($value) . "'"; } } $sqlClause[] = '(' . implode(',', $valueString) . ')'; } $sqlColumns = array_merge(['id' => 1], $processor->getSQLColumns()); $sqlColumnString = '(`' . implode('`, `', array_keys($sqlColumns)) . '`)'; $sqlValueString = implode(",\n", $sqlClause); $sql = " INSERT INTO $tableName $sqlColumnString VALUES $sqlValueString "; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); } /** * Get the ids that we want to get related contact details for. * * @param array $ids * @param int $exportMode * * @return array */ protected static function getIDsForRelatedContact($ids, $exportMode) { if ($exportMode == CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT) { return $ids; } if ($exportMode == CRM_Export_Form_Select::ACTIVITY_EXPORT) { $relIDs = []; $sourceID = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityContact', 'record_type_id', 'Activity Source'); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_activity_contact WHERE activity_id IN ( " . implode(',', $ids) . ") AND record_type_id = {$sourceID} "); while ($dao->fetch()) { $relIDs[] = $dao->contact_id; } return $relIDs; } $componentMapping = [ CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT => 'civicrm_contribution', CRM_Export_Form_Select::EVENT_EXPORT => 'civicrm_participant', CRM_Export_Form_Select::MEMBER_EXPORT => 'civicrm_membership', CRM_Export_Form_Select::PLEDGE_EXPORT => 'civicrm_pledge', CRM_Export_Form_Select::GRANT_EXPORT => 'civicrm_grant', ]; if ($exportMode == CRM_Export_Form_Select::CASE_EXPORT) { return CRM_Case_BAO_Case::retrieveContactIdsByCaseId($ids); } else { return CRM_Core_DAO::getContactIDsFromComponent($ids, $componentMapping[$exportMode]); } } /** * @param $selectAll * @param $ids * @param \CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor $processor * @param $componentTable */ protected static function buildRelatedContactArray($selectAll, $ids, $processor, $componentTable) { $allRelContactArray = $relationQuery = []; $queryMode = $processor->getQueryMode(); $exportMode = $processor->getExportMode(); foreach ($processor->getRelationshipReturnProperties() as $relationshipKey => $relationReturnProperties) { $allRelContactArray[$relationshipKey] = []; // build Query for each relationship $relationQuery = new CRM_Contact_BAO_Query(NULL, $relationReturnProperties, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, $queryMode ); list($relationSelect, $relationFrom, $relationWhere, $relationHaving) = $relationQuery->query(); list($id, $direction) = explode('_', $relationshipKey, 2); // identify the relationship direction $contactA = 'contact_id_a'; $contactB = 'contact_id_b'; if ($direction == 'b_a') { $contactA = 'contact_id_b'; $contactB = 'contact_id_a'; } $relIDs = self::getIDsForRelatedContact($ids, $exportMode); $relationshipJoin = $relationshipClause = ''; if (!$selectAll && $componentTable) { $relationshipJoin = " INNER JOIN {$componentTable} ctTable ON ctTable.contact_id = {$contactA}"; } elseif (!empty($relIDs)) { $relID = implode(',', $relIDs); $relationshipClause = " AND crel.{$contactA} IN ( {$relID} )"; } $relationFrom = " {$relationFrom} INNER JOIN civicrm_relationship crel ON crel.{$contactB} = AND crel.relationship_type_id = {$id} {$relationshipJoin} "; //check for active relationship status only $today = date('Ymd'); $relationActive = " AND (crel.is_active = 1 AND ( crel.end_date is NULL OR crel.end_date >= {$today} ) )"; $relationWhere = " WHERE contact_a.is_deleted = 0 {$relationshipClause} {$relationActive}"; CRM_Core_DAO::disableFullGroupByMode(); $relationSelect = "{$relationSelect}, {$contactA} as refContact "; $relationQueryString = "$relationSelect $relationFrom $relationWhere $relationHaving GROUP BY crel.{$contactA}"; $allRelContactDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($relationQueryString); CRM_Core_DAO::reenableFullGroupByMode(); while ($allRelContactDAO->fetch()) { $relationQuery->convertToPseudoNames($allRelContactDAO); $row = []; // @todo pass processor to fetchRelationshipDetails and set fields directly within it. $processor->fetchRelationshipDetails($allRelContactDAO, $relationReturnProperties, $relationshipKey, $row); foreach (array_keys($relationReturnProperties) as $property) { if ($property === 'location') { // @todo - simplify location in fetchRelationshipDetails - remove handling here. Or just call // $processor->setRelationshipValue from fetchRelationshipDetails foreach ($relationReturnProperties['location'] as $locationName => $locationValues) { foreach (array_keys($locationValues) as $locationValue) { $key = str_replace(' ', '_', $locationName) . '-' . $locationValue; $processor->setRelationshipValue($relationshipKey, $allRelContactDAO->refContact, $key, $row[$relationshipKey . '__' . $key]); } } } else { $processor->setRelationshipValue($relationshipKey, $allRelContactDAO->refContact, $property, $row[$relationshipKey . '_' . $property]); } } } } } }