_maxLinesToProcess = 0; $this->_maxErrorCount = self::MAX_ERRORS; } abstract function init(); function run($fileName, $seperator = ',', &$mapper, $skipColumnHeader = FALSE, $mode = self::MODE_PREVIEW, $contactType = self::CONTACT_INDIVIDUAL, $onDuplicate = self::DUPLICATE_SKIP ) { if (!is_array($fileName)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal(); } $fileName = $fileName['name']; switch ($contactType) { case self::CONTACT_INDIVIDUAL: $this->_contactType = 'Individual'; break; case self::CONTACT_HOUSEHOLD: $this->_contactType = 'Household'; break; case self::CONTACT_ORGANIZATION: $this->_contactType = 'Organization'; } $this->init(); $this->_haveColumnHeader = $skipColumnHeader; $this->_seperator = $seperator; $fd = fopen($fileName, "r"); if (!$fd) { return FALSE; } $this->_lineCount = $this->_warningCount = 0; $this->_invalidRowCount = $this->_validCount = 0; $this->_totalCount = $this->_conflictCount = 0; $this->_errors = array(); $this->_warnings = array(); $this->_conflicts = array(); $this->_fileSize = number_format(filesize($fileName) / 1024.0, 2); if ($mode == self::MODE_MAPFIELD) { $this->_rows = array(); } else { $this->_activeFieldCount = count($this->_activeFields); } while (!feof($fd)) { $this->_lineCount++; $values = fgetcsv($fd, 8192, $seperator); if (!$values) { continue; } self::encloseScrub($values); // skip column header if we're not in mapfield mode if ($mode != self::MODE_MAPFIELD && $skipColumnHeader) { $skipColumnHeader = FALSE; continue; } /* trim whitespace around the values */ $empty = TRUE; foreach ($values as $k => $v) { $values[$k] = trim($v, " \t\r\n"); } if (CRM_Utils_System::isNull($values)) { continue; } $this->_totalCount++; if ($mode == self::MODE_MAPFIELD) { $returnCode = $this->mapField($values); } elseif ($mode == self::MODE_PREVIEW) { $returnCode = $this->preview($values); } elseif ($mode == self::MODE_SUMMARY) { $returnCode = $this->summary($values); } elseif ($mode == self::MODE_IMPORT) { $returnCode = $this->import($onDuplicate, $values); } else { $returnCode = self::ERROR; } // note that a line could be valid but still produce a warning if ($returnCode & self::VALID) { $this->_validCount++; if ($mode == self::MODE_MAPFIELD) { $this->_rows[] = $values; $this->_activeFieldCount = max($this->_activeFieldCount, count($values)); } } if ($returnCode & self::WARNING) { $this->_warningCount++; if ($this->_warningCount < $this->_maxWarningCount) { $this->_warningCount[] = $line; } } if ($returnCode & self::ERROR) { $this->_invalidRowCount++; if ($this->_invalidRowCount < $this->_maxErrorCount) { $recordNumber = $this->_lineCount; if ($this->_haveColumnHeader) { $recordNumber--; } array_unshift($values, $recordNumber); $this->_errors[] = $values; } } if ($returnCode & self::CONFLICT) { $this->_conflictCount++; $recordNumber = $this->_lineCount; if ($this->_haveColumnHeader) { $recordNumber--; } array_unshift($values, $recordNumber); $this->_conflicts[] = $values; } if ($returnCode & self::DUPLICATE) { if ($returnCode & self::MULTIPLE_DUPE) { /* TODO: multi-dupes should be counted apart from singles * on non-skip action */ } $this->_duplicateCount++; $recordNumber = $this->_lineCount; if ($this->_haveColumnHeader) { $recordNumber--; } array_unshift($values, $recordNumber); $this->_duplicates[] = $values; if ($onDuplicate != self::DUPLICATE_SKIP) { $this->_validCount++; } } // we give the derived class a way of aborting the process // note that the return code could be multiple code or'ed together if ($returnCode & self::STOP) { break; } // if we are done processing the maxNumber of lines, break if ($this->_maxLinesToProcess > 0 && $this->_validCount >= $this->_maxLinesToProcess) { break; } } fclose($fd); if ($mode == self::MODE_PREVIEW || $mode == self::MODE_IMPORT) { $customHeaders = $mapper; $customfields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields('Participant'); foreach ($customHeaders as $key => $value) { if ($id = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($value)) { $customHeaders[$key] = $customfields[$id][0]; } } if ($this->_invalidRowCount) { // removed view url for invlaid contacts $headers = array_merge(array(ts('Line Number'), ts('Reason'), ), $customHeaders ); $this->_errorFileName = self::errorFileName(self::ERROR); self::exportCSV($this->_errorFileName, $headers, $this->_errors); } if ($this->_conflictCount) { $headers = array_merge(array(ts('Line Number'), ts('Reason'), ), $customHeaders ); $this->_conflictFileName = self::errorFileName(self::CONFLICT); self::exportCSV($this->_conflictFileName, $headers, $this->_conflicts); } if ($this->_duplicateCount) { $headers = array_merge(array(ts('Line Number'), ts('View Participant URL'), ), $customHeaders ); $this->_duplicateFileName = self::errorFileName(self::DUPLICATE); self::exportCSV($this->_duplicateFileName, $headers, $this->_duplicates); } } return $this->fini(); } abstract function mapField(&$values); abstract function preview(&$values); abstract function summary(&$values); abstract function import($onDuplicate, &$values); abstract function fini(); /** * Given a list of the importable field keys that the user has selected * set the active fields array to this list * * @param array mapped array of values * * @return void * @access public */ function setActiveFields($fieldKeys) { $this->_activeFieldCount = count($fieldKeys); foreach ($fieldKeys as $key) { if (empty($this->_fields[$key])) { $this->_activeFields[] = new CRM_Event_Import_Field('', ts('- do not import -')); } else { $this->_activeFields[] = clone($this->_fields[$key]); } } } /*function setActiveFieldLocationTypes( $elements ) { for ($i = 0; $i < count( $elements ); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_hasLocationType = $elements[$i]; } } function setActiveFieldPhoneTypes( $elements ) { for ($i = 0; $i < count( $elements ); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_phoneType = $elements[$i]; } }*/ function setActiveFieldValues($elements, &$erroneousField) { $maxCount = count($elements) < $this->_activeFieldCount ? count($elements) : $this->_activeFieldCount; for ($i = 0; $i < $maxCount; $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->setValue($elements[$i]); } // reset all the values that we did not have an equivalent import element for (; $i < $this->_activeFieldCount; $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->resetValue(); } // now validate the fields and return false if error $valid = self::VALID; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_activeFieldCount; $i++) { if (!$this->_activeFields[$i]->validate()) { // no need to do any more validation $erroneousField = $i; $valid = self::ERROR; break; } } return $valid; } /** * function to format the field values for input to the api * * @return array (reference ) associative array of name/value pairs * @access public */ function &getActiveFieldParams() { $params = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_activeFieldCount; $i++) { if (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_value) && !isset($params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_name]) && !isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_related) ) { $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_name] = $this->_activeFields[$i]->_value; } } return $params; } function getSelectValues() { $values = array(); foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) { $values[$name] = $field->_title; } return $values; } function getSelectTypes() { $values = array(); foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) { if (isset($field->_hasLocationType)) { $values[$name] = $field->_hasLocationType; } } return $values; } function getHeaderPatterns() { $values = array(); foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) { if (isset($field->_headerPattern)) { $values[$name] = $field->_headerPattern; } } return $values; } function getDataPatterns() { $values = array(); foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) { $values[$name] = $field->_dataPattern; } return $values; } function addField($name, $title, $type = CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT, $headerPattern = '//', $dataPattern = '//') { if (empty($name)) { $this->_fields['doNotImport'] = new CRM_Event_Import_Field($name, $title, $type, $headerPattern, $dataPattern); } else { //$tempField = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::importableFields('Individual', null ); $tempField = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::importableFields('All', NULL); if (!array_key_exists($name, $tempField)) { $this->_fields[$name] = new CRM_Event_Import_Field($name, $title, $type, $headerPattern, $dataPattern); } else { $this->_fields[$name] = new CRM_Import_Field($name, $title, $type, $headerPattern, $dataPattern, CRM_Utils_Array::value('hasLocationType', $tempField[$name]) ); } } } /** * setter function * * @param int $max * * @return void * @access public */ function setMaxLinesToProcess($max) { $this->_maxLinesToProcess = $max; } /** * Store parser values * * @param CRM_Core_Session $store * * @return void * @access public */ function set($store, $mode = self::MODE_SUMMARY) { $store->set('fileSize', $this->_fileSize); $store->set('lineCount', $this->_lineCount); $store->set('seperator', $this->_seperator); $store->set('fields', $this->getSelectValues()); $store->set('fieldTypes', $this->getSelectTypes()); $store->set('headerPatterns', $this->getHeaderPatterns()); $store->set('dataPatterns', $this->getDataPatterns()); $store->set('columnCount', $this->_activeFieldCount); $store->set('totalRowCount', $this->_totalCount); $store->set('validRowCount', $this->_validCount); $store->set('invalidRowCount', $this->_invalidRowCount); $store->set('conflictRowCount', $this->_conflictCount); switch ($this->_contactType) { case 'Individual': $store->set('contactType', CRM_Event_Import_Parser::CONTACT_INDIVIDUAL); break; case 'Household': $store->set('contactType', CRM_Event_Import_Parser::CONTACT_HOUSEHOLD); break; case 'Organization': $store->set('contactType', CRM_Event_Import_Parser::CONTACT_ORGANIZATION); } if ($this->_invalidRowCount) { $store->set('errorsFileName', $this->_errorFileName); } if ($this->_conflictCount) { $store->set('conflictsFileName', $this->_conflictFileName); } if (isset($this->_rows) && !empty($this->_rows)) { $store->set('dataValues', $this->_rows); } if ($mode == self::MODE_IMPORT) { $store->set('duplicateRowCount', $this->_duplicateCount); if ($this->_duplicateCount) { $store->set('duplicatesFileName', $this->_duplicateFileName); } } } /** * Export data to a CSV file * * @param string $filename * @param array $header * @param data $data * * @return void * @access public */ static function exportCSV($fileName, $header, $data) { $output = array(); $fd = fopen($fileName, 'w'); foreach ($header as $key => $value) { $header[$key] = "\"$value\""; } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $output[] = implode($config->fieldSeparator, $header); foreach ($data as $datum) { foreach ($datum as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value[0] as $k1 => $v1) { if ($k1 == 'location_type_id') { continue; } $datum[$k1] = $v1; } } else { $datum[$key] = "\"$value\""; } } $output[] = implode($config->fieldSeparator, $datum); } fwrite($fd, implode("\n", $output)); fclose($fd); } /** * Remove single-quote enclosures from a value array (row) * * @param array $values * @param string $enclosure * * @return void * @static * @access public */ static function encloseScrub(&$values, $enclosure = "'") { if (empty($values)) { return; } foreach ($values as $k => $v) { $values[$k] = preg_replace("/^$enclosure(.*) $enclosure$/", '$1', $v); } } function errorFileName($type) { $fileName = CRM_Import_Parser::errorFileName($type); return $fileName; } function saveFileName($type) { $fileName = CRM_Import_Parser::saveFileName($type); return $fileName; } }