_eventId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('id', 'Positive', $this, TRUE); $this->_action = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('action', 'Alphanumeric', $this, FALSE, CRM_Core_Action::ADD); //CRM-4320 $this->_participantId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('participantId', 'Positive', $this); // current mode $this->_mode = ($this->_action == 1024) ? 'test' : 'live'; $this->_values = $this->get('values'); $this->_fields = $this->get('fields'); $this->_bltID = $this->get('bltID'); $this->_paymentProcessor = $this->get('paymentProcessor'); $this->_priceSetId = $this->get('priceSetId'); $this->_priceSet = $this->get('priceSet'); $this->_lineItem = $this->get('lineItem'); $this->_isEventFull = $this->get('isEventFull'); $this->_lineItemParticipantsCount = $this->get('lineItemParticipants'); if (!is_array($this->_lineItem)) { $this->_lineItem = array(); } if (!is_array($this->_lineItemParticipantsCount)) { $this->_lineItemParticipantsCount = array(); } $this->_availableRegistrations = $this->get('availableRegistrations'); $this->_participantIDS = $this->get('participantIDs'); //check if participant allow to walk registration wizard. $this->_allowConfirmation = $this->get('allowConfirmation'); // check for Approval $this->_requireApproval = $this->get('requireApproval'); // check for waitlisting. $this->_allowWaitlist = $this->get('allowWaitlist'); //get the additional participant ids. $this->_additionalParticipantIds = $this->get('additionalParticipantIds'); $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if (!$this->_values) { // create redirect URL to send folks back to event info page is registration not available $infoUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/info', "reset=1&id={$this->_eventId}", FALSE, NULL, FALSE, TRUE ); // this is the first time we are hitting this, so check for permissions here if (!CRM_Core_Permission::event(CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT, $this->_eventId, 'register for events')) { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('You do not have permission to register for this event'), $infoUrl); } // get all the values from the dao object $this->_values = $this->_fields = array(); //retrieve event information $params = array('id' => $this->_eventId); CRM_Event_BAO_Event::retrieve($params, $this->_values['event']); // check for is_monetary status $isMonetary = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_monetary', $this->_values['event']); // check for ability to add contributions of type if ($isMonetary && CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialType::isACLFinancialTypeStatus() && !CRM_Core_Permission::check('add contributions of type ' . CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::financialType($this->_values['event']['financial_type_id'])) ) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('You do not have permission to access this page.')); } $this->checkValidEvent($infoUrl); // get the participant values, CRM-4320 $this->_allowConfirmation = FALSE; if ($this->_participantId) { $this->processFirstParticipant($this->_participantId); } //check for additional participants. if ($this->_allowConfirmation && $this->_values['event']['is_multiple_registrations']) { $additionalParticipantIds = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::getAdditionalParticipantIds($this->_participantId); $cnt = 1; foreach ($additionalParticipantIds as $additionalParticipantId) { $this->_additionalParticipantIds[$cnt] = $additionalParticipantId; $cnt++; } $this->set('additionalParticipantIds', $this->_additionalParticipantIds); } $eventFull = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::eventFull($this->_eventId, FALSE, CRM_Utils_Array::value('has_waitlist', $this->_values['event']) ); $this->_allowWaitlist = $this->_isEventFull = FALSE; if ($eventFull && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $this->_isEventFull = TRUE; //lets redirecting to info only when to waiting list. $this->_allowWaitlist = CRM_Utils_Array::value('has_waitlist', $this->_values['event']); if (!$this->_allowWaitlist) { CRM_Utils_System::redirect($infoUrl); } } $this->set('isEventFull', $this->_isEventFull); $this->set('allowWaitlist', $this->_allowWaitlist); //check for require requires approval. $this->_requireApproval = FALSE; if (!empty($this->_values['event']['requires_approval']) && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $this->_requireApproval = TRUE; } $this->set('requireApproval', $this->_requireApproval); if (isset($this->_values['event']['default_role_id'])) { $participant_role = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('participant_role'); $this->_values['event']['participant_role'] = $participant_role["{$this->_values['event']['default_role_id']}"]; } $isPayLater = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $this->_eventId, 'is_pay_later'); //check for various combinations for paylater, payment //process with paid event. if ($isMonetary && (!$isPayLater || !empty($this->_values['event']['payment_processor']))) { $this->_paymentProcessorIDs = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, CRM_Utils_Array::value('payment_processor', $this->_values['event'] )); $this->assignPaymentProcessor($isPayLater); } //init event fee. self::initEventFee($this, $this->_eventId); // get the profile ids $ufJoinParams = array( 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_event', // CRM-4377: CiviEvent for the main participant, CiviEvent_Additional for additional participants 'module' => 'CiviEvent', 'entity_id' => $this->_eventId, ); list($this->_values['custom_pre_id'], $this->_values['custom_post_id'] ) = CRM_Core_BAO_UFJoin::getUFGroupIds($ufJoinParams); // set profiles for additional participants if ($this->_values['event']['is_multiple_registrations']) { // CRM-4377: CiviEvent for the main participant, CiviEvent_Additional for additional participants $ufJoinParams['module'] = 'CiviEvent_Additional'; list($this->_values['additional_custom_pre_id'], $this->_values['additional_custom_post_id'], $preActive, $postActive ) = CRM_Core_BAO_UFJoin::getUFGroupIds($ufJoinParams); // CRM-4377: we need to maintain backward compatibility, hence if there is profile for main contact // set same profile for additional contacts. if ($this->_values['custom_pre_id'] && !$this->_values['additional_custom_pre_id']) { $this->_values['additional_custom_pre_id'] = $this->_values['custom_pre_id']; } if ($this->_values['custom_post_id'] && !$this->_values['additional_custom_post_id']) { $this->_values['additional_custom_post_id'] = $this->_values['custom_post_id']; } // now check for no profile condition, in that case is_active = 0 if (isset($preActive) && !$preActive) { unset($this->_values['additional_custom_pre_id']); } if (isset($postActive) && !$postActive) { unset($this->_values['additional_custom_post_id']); } } $this->assignBillingType(); if ($this->_values['event']['is_monetary']) { CRM_Core_Payment_Form::setPaymentFieldsByProcessor($this, $this->_paymentProcessor); } $params = array('entity_id' => $this->_eventId, 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_event'); $this->_values['location'] = CRM_Core_BAO_Location::getValues($params, TRUE); $this->set('values', $this->_values); $this->set('fields', $this->_fields); $this->_availableRegistrations = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::eventFull( $this->_values['event']['id'], TRUE, CRM_Utils_Array::value('has_waitlist', $this->_values['event']) ); $this->set('availableRegistrations', $this->_availableRegistrations); } $this->assign_by_ref('paymentProcessor', $this->_paymentProcessor); // check if this is a paypal auto return and redirect accordingly if (CRM_Core_Payment::paypalRedirect($this->_paymentProcessor)) { $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/register', "_qf_ThankYou_display=1&qfKey={$this->controller->_key}" ); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($url); } // The concept of contributeMode is deprecated. $this->_contributeMode = $this->get('contributeMode'); $this->assign('contributeMode', $this->_contributeMode); $this->setTitle($this->_values['event']['title']); $this->assign('paidEvent', $this->_values['event']['is_monetary']); // we do not want to display recently viewed items on Registration pages $this->assign('displayRecent', FALSE); $isShowLocation = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_show_location', $this->_values['event']); $this->assign('isShowLocation', $isShowLocation); // Handle PCP $pcpId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('pcpId', 'Positive', $this); if ($pcpId) { $pcp = CRM_PCP_BAO_PCP::handlePcp($pcpId, 'event', $this->_values['event']); $this->_pcpId = $pcp['pcpId']; $this->_values['event']['intro_text'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('intro_text', $pcp['pcpInfo']); } // assign all event properties so wizard templates can display event info. $this->assign('event', $this->_values['event']); $this->assign('location', $this->_values['location']); $this->assign('bltID', $this->_bltID); $isShowLocation = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_show_location', $this->_values['event']); $this->assign('isShowLocation', $isShowLocation); CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution_Utils::overrideDefaultCurrency($this->_values['event']); //lets allow user to override campaign. $campID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('campID', 'Positive', $this); if ($campID && CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Campaign_DAO_Campaign', $campID)) { $this->_values['event']['campaign_id'] = $campID; } // Set the same value for is_billing_required as contribution page so code can be shared. $this->_values['is_billing_required'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_billing_required', $this->_values['event']); // check if billing block is required for pay later // note that I have started removing the use of isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater in favour of letting // the CRM_Core_Payment_Manual class handle it - but there are ~300 references to it in the code base so only // removing in very limited cases. if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $this->_values['event'])) { $this->_isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_billing_required', $this->_values['event']); $this->assign('isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater', $this->_isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater); } } /** * Assign the minimal set of variables to the template. */ public function assignToTemplate() { //process only primary participant params $this->_params = $this->get('params'); if (isset($this->_params[0])) { $params = $this->_params[0]; } $name = ''; if (!empty($params['billing_first_name'])) { $name = $params['billing_first_name']; } if (!empty($params['billing_middle_name'])) { $name .= " {$params['billing_middle_name']}"; } if (!empty($params['billing_last_name'])) { $name .= " {$params['billing_last_name']}"; } $this->assign('billingName', $name); $this->set('name', $name); $vars = array( 'amount', 'currencyID', 'credit_card_type', 'trxn_id', 'amount_level', 'receive_date', ); foreach ($vars as $v) { if (!empty($params[$v])) { if ($v == 'receive_date') { $this->assign($v, CRM_Utils_Date::mysqlToIso($params[$v])); } else { $this->assign($v, $params[$v]); } } elseif (empty($params['amount'])) { $this->assign($v, CRM_Utils_Array::value($v, $params)); } } $this->assign('address', CRM_Utils_Address::getFormattedBillingAddressFieldsFromParameters($params, $this->_bltID)); // The concept of contributeMode is deprecated. if ($this->_contributeMode == 'direct' && empty($params['is_pay_later'])) { $date = CRM_Utils_Date::format(CRM_Utils_Array::value('credit_card_exp_date', $params)); $date = CRM_Utils_Date::mysqlToIso($date); $this->assign('credit_card_exp_date', $date); $this->assign('credit_card_number', CRM_Utils_System::mungeCreditCard(CRM_Utils_Array::value('credit_card_number', $params)) ); } // get the email that the confirmation would have been sent to $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); // assign is_email_confirm to templates if (isset($this->_values['event']['is_email_confirm'])) { $this->assign('is_email_confirm', $this->_values['event']['is_email_confirm']); } // assign pay later stuff $params['is_pay_later'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $params, FALSE); $this->assign('is_pay_later', $params['is_pay_later']); if ($params['is_pay_later']) { $this->assign('pay_later_text', $this->_values['event']['pay_later_text']); $this->assign('pay_later_receipt', $this->_values['event']['pay_later_receipt']); } // also assign all participantIDs to the template // useful in generating confirmation numbers if needed $this->assign('participantIDs', $this->_participantIDS); } /** * Add the custom fields. * * @param int $id * @param string $name * @param bool $viewOnly */ public function buildCustom($id, $name, $viewOnly = FALSE) { if ($id) { $button = substr($this->controller->getButtonName(), -4); $cid = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('cid', 'Positive', $this); $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $contactID = $session->get('userID'); // we don't allow conflicting fields to be // configured via profile $fieldsToIgnore = array( 'participant_fee_amount' => 1, 'participant_fee_level' => 1, ); if ($contactID) { //FIX CRM-9653 if (is_array($id)) { $fields = array(); foreach ($id as $profileID) { $field = CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::getFields($profileID, FALSE, CRM_Core_Action::ADD, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, NULL, CRM_Core_Permission::CREATE, 'field_name', TRUE ); $fields = array_merge($fields, $field); } } else { if (CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::filterUFGroups($id, $contactID)) { $fields = CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::getFields($id, FALSE, CRM_Core_Action::ADD, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, NULL, CRM_Core_Permission::CREATE, 'field_name', TRUE ); } } } else { $fields = CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::getFields($id, FALSE, CRM_Core_Action::ADD, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, NULL, CRM_Core_Permission::CREATE, 'field_name', TRUE ); } if (array_intersect_key($fields, $fieldsToIgnore)) { $fields = array_diff_key($fields, $fieldsToIgnore); CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Some of the profile fields cannot be configured for this page.')); } $addCaptcha = FALSE; if (!empty($this->_fields)) { $fields = @array_diff_assoc($fields, $this->_fields); } if (empty($this->_params[0]['additional_participants']) && is_null($cid) ) { CRM_Core_BAO_Address::checkContactSharedAddressFields($fields, $contactID); } $this->assign($name, $fields); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if ($viewOnly && isset($field['data_type']) && $field['data_type'] == 'File' || ($viewOnly && $field['name'] == 'image_URL') ) { // ignore file upload fields continue; } //make the field optional if primary participant //have been skip the additional participant. if ($button == 'skip') { $field['is_required'] = FALSE; } // CRM-11316 Is ReCAPTCHA enabled for this profile AND is this an anonymous visitor elseif ($field['add_captcha'] && !$contactID) { // only add captcha for first page $addCaptcha = TRUE; } list($prefixName, $index) = CRM_Utils_System::explode('-', $key, 2); CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::buildProfile($this, $field, CRM_Profile_Form::MODE_CREATE, $contactID, TRUE); $this->_fields[$key] = $field; } } if ($addCaptcha && !$viewOnly) { CRM_Utils_ReCAPTCHA::enableCaptchaOnForm($this); } } } /** * Initiate event fee. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * @param int $eventID * * @throws Exception */ public static function initEventFee(&$form, $eventID) { // get price info // retrive all active price set fields. $discountId = CRM_Core_BAO_Discount::findSet($eventID, 'civicrm_event'); if (property_exists($form, '_discountId') && $form->_discountId) { $discountId = $form->_discountId; } //CRM-16456 get all price field including expired one. $getAllPriceField = TRUE; $className = CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form); if ($className == 'CRM_Event_Form_ParticipantFeeSelection' && $form->_action == CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) { $getAllPriceField = FALSE; } if ($discountId) { $priceSetId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_BAO_Discount', $discountId, 'price_set_id'); $price = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::initSet($form, $eventID, 'civicrm_event', $getAllPriceField, $priceSetId); } else { $price = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::initSet($form, $eventID, 'civicrm_event', $getAllPriceField); } if (property_exists($form, '_context') && ($form->_context == 'standalone' || $form->_context == 'participant') ) { $discountedEvent = CRM_Core_BAO_Discount::getOptionGroup($eventID, 'civicrm_event'); if (is_array($discountedEvent)) { foreach ($discountedEvent as $key => $priceSetId) { $priceSet = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getSetDetail($priceSetId); $priceSet = CRM_Utils_Array::value($priceSetId, $priceSet); $form->_values['discount'][$key] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('fields', $priceSet); $fieldID = key($form->_values['discount'][$key]); $form->_values['discount'][$key][$fieldID]['name'] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue( 'CRM_Price_DAO_PriceSet', $priceSetId, 'title' ); } } } $eventFee = CRM_Utils_Array::value('fee', $form->_values); if (!is_array($eventFee) || empty($eventFee)) { $form->_values['fee'] = array(); } //fix for non-upgraded price sets.CRM-4256. if (isset($form->_isPaidEvent)) { $isPaidEvent = $form->_isPaidEvent; } else { $isPaidEvent = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_monetary', $form->_values['event']); } if (CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialType::isACLFinancialTypeStatus() && !empty($form->_values['fee']) ) { foreach ($form->_values['fee'] as $k => $fees) { foreach ($fees['options'] as $options) { if (!CRM_Core_Permission::check('add contributions of type ' . CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::financialType($options['financial_type_id']))) { unset($form->_values['fee'][$k]); } } } } if ($isPaidEvent && empty($form->_values['fee'])) { if (CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form) != 'CRM_Event_Form_Participant') { CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('No Fee Level(s) or Price Set is configured for this event.
Click CiviEvent >> Manage Event >> Configure >> Event Fees to configure the Fee Level(s) or Price Set for this event.', array(1 => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/manage/fee', 'reset=1&action=update&id=' . $form->_eventId)))); } } } /** * Handle process after the confirmation of payment by User. * * @param int $contactID * @param \CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution $contribution */ public function confirmPostProcess($contactID = NULL, $contribution = NULL) { // add/update contact information unset($this->_params['note']); //to avoid conflict overwrite $this->_params $this->_params = $this->get('value'); //get the amount of primary participant if (!empty($this->_params['is_primary'])) { $this->_params['fee_amount'] = $this->get('primaryParticipantAmount'); } // add participant record $participant = CRM_Event_Form_Registration::addParticipant($this, $contactID); $this->_participantIDS[] = $participant->id; //setting register_by_id field and primaryContactId if (!empty($this->_params['is_primary'])) { $this->set('registerByID', $participant->id); $this->set('primaryContactId', $contactID); // CRM-10032 $this->processFirstParticipant($participant->id); } CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable::postProcess($this->_params, 'civicrm_participant', $participant->id, 'Participant' ); $createPayment = (CRM_Utils_Array::value('amount', $this->_params, 0) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; // force to create zero amount payment, CRM-5095 // we know the amout is zero since createPayment is false if (!$createPayment && (isset($contribution) && $contribution->id) && $this->_priceSetId && $this->_lineItem ) { $createPayment = TRUE; } if ($createPayment && $this->_values['event']['is_monetary'] && !empty($this->_params['contributionID'])) { $paymentParams = array( 'participant_id' => $participant->id, 'contribution_id' => $contribution->id, ); $paymentPartcipant = CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantPayment::create($paymentParams); } //set only primary participant's params for transfer checkout. // The concept of contributeMode is deprecated. if (($this->_contributeMode == 'checkout' || $this->_contributeMode == 'notify') && !empty($this->_params['is_primary'])) { $this->_params['participantID'] = $participant->id; $this->set('primaryParticipant', $this->_params); } $this->assign('action', $this->_action); // create CMS user if (!empty($this->_params['cms_create_account'])) { $this->_params['contactID'] = $contactID; if (array_key_exists('email-5', $this->_params)) { $mail = 'email-5'; } else { foreach ($this->_params as $name => $dontCare) { if (substr($name, 0, 5) == 'email') { $mail = $name; break; } } } // we should use primary email for // 1. pay later participant. // 2. waiting list participant. // 3. require approval participant. if (!empty($this->_params['is_pay_later']) || $this->_allowWaitlist || $this->_requireApproval ) { $mail = 'email-Primary'; } if (!CRM_Core_BAO_CMSUser::create($this->_params, $mail)) { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('Your profile is not saved and Account is not created.')); } } } /** * Process the participant. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * @param int $contactID * * @return \CRM_Event_BAO_Participant */ public static function addParticipant(&$form, $contactID) { if (empty($form->_params)) { return NULL; } $params = $form->_params; $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); // handle register date CRM-4320 $registerDate = NULL; if (!empty($form->_allowConfirmation) && $form->_participantId) { $registerDate = $params['participant_register_date']; } elseif (!empty($params['participant_register_date']) && is_array($params['participant_register_date']) && !empty($params['participant_register_date']) ) { $registerDate = CRM_Utils_Date::format($params['participant_register_date']); } $participantFields = CRM_Event_DAO_Participant::fields(); $participantParams = array( 'id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_id', $params), 'contact_id' => $contactID, 'event_id' => $form->_eventId ? $form->_eventId : $params['event_id'], 'status_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_status', $params, 1 ), 'role_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_role_id', $params) ?: self::getDefaultRoleID(), 'register_date' => ($registerDate) ? $registerDate : date('YmdHis'), 'source' => CRM_Utils_String::ellipsify( isset($params['participant_source']) ? CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_source', $params) : CRM_Utils_Array::value('description', $params), $participantFields['participant_source']['maxlength'] ), 'fee_level' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('amount_level', $params), 'is_pay_later' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $params, 0), 'fee_amount' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('fee_amount', $params), 'registered_by_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('registered_by_id', $params), 'discount_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('discount_id', $params), 'fee_currency' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('currencyID', $params), 'campaign_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('campaign_id', $params), ); if ($form->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW || CRM_Utils_Array::value('mode', $params) == 'test') { $participantParams['is_test'] = 1; } else { $participantParams['is_test'] = 0; } if (!empty($form->_params['note'])) { $participantParams['note'] = $form->_params['note']; } elseif (!empty($form->_params['participant_note'])) { $participantParams['note'] = $form->_params['participant_note']; } // reuse id if one already exists for this one (can happen // with back button being hit etc) if (!$participantParams['id'] && !empty($params['contributionID'])) { $pID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_ParticipantPayment', $params['contributionID'], 'participant_id', 'contribution_id' ); $participantParams['id'] = $pID; } $participantParams['discount_id'] = CRM_Core_BAO_Discount::findSet($form->_eventId, 'civicrm_event'); if (!$participantParams['discount_id']) { $participantParams['discount_id'] = "null"; } $participant = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::create($participantParams); $transaction->commit(); return $participant; } /** * Get the ID of the default (first) participant role * * @return int * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ private static function getDefaultRoleID() { return (int) civicrm_api3('OptionValue', 'getvalue', [ 'return' => "value", 'option_group_id' => "participant_role", 'is_active' => 1, 'options' => ['limit' => 1, 'sort' => "is_default DESC"], ]); } /** * Calculate the total participant count as per params. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * @param array $params * User params. * @param bool $skipCurrent * * @return int */ public static function getParticipantCount(&$form, $params, $skipCurrent = FALSE) { $totalCount = 0; if (!is_array($params) || empty($params)) { return $totalCount; } $priceSetId = $form->get('priceSetId'); $addParticipantNum = substr($form->_name, 12); $priceSetFields = $priceSetDetails = array(); $hasPriceFieldsCount = FALSE; if ($priceSetId) { $priceSetDetails = $form->get('priceSet'); if (isset($priceSetDetails['optionsCountTotal']) && $priceSetDetails['optionsCountTotal'] ) { $hasPriceFieldsCount = TRUE; $priceSetFields = $priceSetDetails['optionsCountDetails']['fields']; } } $singleFormParams = FALSE; foreach ($params as $key => $val) { if (!is_numeric($key)) { $singleFormParams = TRUE; break; } } //first format the params. if ($singleFormParams) { $params = self::formatPriceSetParams($form, $params); $params = array($params); } foreach ($params as $key => $values) { if (!is_numeric($key) || $values == 'skip' || ($skipCurrent && ($addParticipantNum == $key)) ) { continue; } $count = 1; $usedCache = FALSE; $cacheCount = CRM_Utils_Array::value($key, $form->_lineItemParticipantsCount); if ($cacheCount && is_numeric($cacheCount)) { $count = $cacheCount; $usedCache = TRUE; } if (!$usedCache && $hasPriceFieldsCount) { $count = 0; foreach ($values as $valKey => $value) { if (strpos($valKey, 'price_') === FALSE) { continue; } $priceFieldId = substr($valKey, 6); if (!$priceFieldId || !is_array($value) || !array_key_exists($priceFieldId, $priceSetFields) ) { continue; } foreach ($value as $optId => $optVal) { $currentCount = $priceSetFields[$priceFieldId]['options'][$optId] * $optVal; if ($currentCount) { $count += $currentCount; } } } if (!$count) { $count = 1; } } $totalCount += $count; } if (!$totalCount) { $totalCount = 1; } return $totalCount; } /** * Format user submitted price set params. * * Convert price set each param as an array. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * @param array $params * An array of user submitted params. * * @return array * Formatted price set params. */ public static function formatPriceSetParams(&$form, $params) { if (!is_array($params) || empty($params)) { return $params; } $priceSetId = $form->get('priceSetId'); if (!$priceSetId) { return $params; } $priceSetDetails = $form->get('priceSet'); foreach ($params as $key => & $value) { $vals = array(); if (strpos($key, 'price_') !== FALSE) { $fieldId = substr($key, 6); if (!array_key_exists($fieldId, $priceSetDetails['fields']) || is_array($value) || !$value ) { continue; } $field = $priceSetDetails['fields'][$fieldId]; if ($field['html_type'] == 'Text') { $fieldOption = current($field['options']); $value = array($fieldOption['id'] => $value); } else { $value = array($value => TRUE); } } } return $params; } /** * Calculate total count for each price set options. * * - currently selected by user. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * Form object. * * @return array * array of each option w/ count total. */ public static function getPriceSetOptionCount(&$form) { $params = $form->get('params'); $priceSet = $form->get('priceSet'); $priceSetId = $form->get('priceSetId'); $optionsCount = array(); if (!$priceSetId || !is_array($priceSet) || empty($priceSet) || !is_array($params) || empty($params) ) { return $optionsCount; } $priceSetFields = $priceMaxFieldDetails = array(); if (!empty($priceSet['optionsCountTotal'])) { $priceSetFields = $priceSet['optionsCountDetails']['fields']; } if (!empty($priceSet['optionsMaxValueTotal'])) { $priceMaxFieldDetails = $priceSet['optionsMaxValueDetails']['fields']; } $addParticipantNum = substr($form->_name, 12); foreach ($params as $pCnt => $values) { if ($values == 'skip' || $pCnt === $addParticipantNum ) { continue; } foreach ($values as $valKey => $value) { if (strpos($valKey, 'price_') === FALSE) { continue; } $priceFieldId = substr($valKey, 6); if (!$priceFieldId || !is_array($value) || !(array_key_exists($priceFieldId, $priceSetFields) || array_key_exists($priceFieldId, $priceMaxFieldDetails)) ) { continue; } foreach ($value as $optId => $optVal) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('html_type', $priceSet['fields'][$priceFieldId]) == 'Text') { $currentCount = $optVal; } else { $currentCount = 1; } if (isset($priceSetFields[$priceFieldId]) && isset($priceSetFields[$priceFieldId]['options'][$optId])) { $currentCount = $priceSetFields[$priceFieldId]['options'][$optId] * $optVal; } $optionsCount[$optId] = $currentCount + CRM_Utils_Array::value($optId, $optionsCount, 0); } } } return $optionsCount; } /** * Check if template file exists. * * @param string $suffix * * @return null|string */ public function checkTemplateFileExists($suffix = '') { if ($this->_eventId) { $templateName = $this->_name; if (substr($templateName, 0, 12) == 'Participant_') { $templateName = 'AdditionalParticipant'; } $templateFile = "CRM/Event/Form/Registration/{$this->_eventId}/{$templateName}.{$suffix}tpl"; $template = CRM_Core_Form::getTemplate(); if ($template->template_exists($templateFile)) { return $templateFile; } } return NULL; } /** * Get template file name. * * @return null|string */ public function getTemplateFileName() { $fileName = $this->checkTemplateFileExists(); return $fileName ? $fileName : parent::getTemplateFileName(); } /** * Override extra template name. * * @return null|string */ public function overrideExtraTemplateFileName() { $fileName = $this->checkTemplateFileExists('extra.'); return $fileName ? $fileName : parent::overrideExtraTemplateFileName(); } /** * Reset values for all options those are full. * * @param array $optionFullIds * @param CRM_Core_Form $form */ public static function resetElementValue($optionFullIds = array(), &$form) { if (!is_array($optionFullIds) || empty($optionFullIds) || !$form->isSubmitted() ) { return; } foreach ($optionFullIds as $fldId => $optIds) { $name = "price_$fldId"; if (!$form->elementExists($name)) { continue; } $element = $form->getElement($name); $eleType = $element->getType(); $resetSubmitted = FALSE; switch ($eleType) { case 'text': if ($element->getValue() && $element->isFrozen()) { $label = "{$element->getLabel()}(x)"; $element->setLabel($label); $element->setPersistantFreeze(); $resetSubmitted = TRUE; } break; case 'group': if (is_array($element->_elements)) { foreach ($element->_elements as $child) { $childType = $child->getType(); $methodName = 'getName'; if ($childType) { $methodName = 'getValue'; } if (in_array($child->{$methodName}(), $optIds) && $child->isFrozen()) { $resetSubmitted = TRUE; $child->setPersistantFreeze(); } } } break; case 'select': $value = $element->getValue(); if (in_array($value[0], $optIds)) { foreach ($element->_options as $option) { if ($option['attr']['value'] === "crm_disabled_opt-{$value[0]}") { $placeholder = html_entity_decode($option['text'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); $element->updateAttributes(array('placeholder' => $placeholder)); break; } } $resetSubmitted = TRUE; } break; } //finally unset values from submitted. if ($resetSubmitted) { self::resetSubmittedValue($name, $optIds, $form); } } } /** * Reset submitted value. * * @param string $elementName * @param array $optionIds * @param CRM_Core_Form $form */ public static function resetSubmittedValue($elementName, $optionIds = array(), &$form) { if (empty($elementName) || !$form->elementExists($elementName) || !$form->getSubmitValue($elementName) ) { return; } foreach (array( 'constantValues', 'submitValues', 'defaultValues', ) as $val) { $values = $form->{"_$val"}; if (!is_array($values) || empty($values)) { continue; } $eleVal = CRM_Utils_Array::value($elementName, $values); if (empty($eleVal)) { continue; } if (is_array($eleVal)) { $found = FALSE; foreach ($eleVal as $keyId => $ignore) { if (in_array($keyId, $optionIds)) { $found = TRUE; unset($values[$elementName][$keyId]); } } if ($found && empty($values[$elementName][$keyId])) { $values[$elementName][$keyId] = NULL; } } else { if (!empty($keyId)) { $values[$elementName][$keyId] = NULL; } } } } /** * Validate price set submitted params for price option limit. * * User should select at least one price field option. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * @param array $params * * @return array */ public static function validatePriceSet(&$form, $params) { $errors = array(); $hasOptMaxValue = FALSE; if (!is_array($params) || empty($params)) { return $errors; } $currentParticipantNum = substr($form->_name, 12); if (!$currentParticipantNum) { $currentParticipantNum = 0; } $priceSetId = $form->get('priceSetId'); $priceSetDetails = $form->get('priceSet'); if ( !$priceSetId || !is_array($priceSetDetails) || empty($priceSetDetails) ) { return $errors; } $optionsCountDetails = $optionsMaxValueDetails = array(); if ( isset($priceSetDetails['optionsMaxValueTotal']) && $priceSetDetails['optionsMaxValueTotal'] ) { $hasOptMaxValue = TRUE; $optionsMaxValueDetails = $priceSetDetails['optionsMaxValueDetails']['fields']; } if ( isset($priceSetDetails['optionsCountTotal']) && $priceSetDetails['optionsCountTotal'] ) { $hasOptCount = TRUE; $optionsCountDetails = $priceSetDetails['optionsCountDetails']['fields']; } $feeBlock = $form->_feeBlock; if (empty($feeBlock)) { $feeBlock = $priceSetDetails['fields']; } $optionMaxValues = $fieldSelected = array(); foreach ($params as $pNum => $values) { if (!is_array($values) || $values == 'skip') { continue; } foreach ($values as $valKey => $value) { if (strpos($valKey, 'price_') === FALSE) { continue; } $priceFieldId = substr($valKey, 6); $noneOptionValueSelected = FALSE; if (!$feeBlock[$priceFieldId]['is_required'] && $value == 0) { $noneOptionValueSelected = TRUE; } if ( !$priceFieldId || (!$noneOptionValueSelected && !is_array($value)) ) { continue; } $fieldSelected[$pNum] = TRUE; if (!$hasOptMaxValue || !is_array($value)) { continue; } foreach ($value as $optId => $optVal) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('html_type', $feeBlock[$priceFieldId]) == 'Text') { $currentMaxValue = $optVal; } else { $currentMaxValue = 1; } if (isset($optionsCountDetails[$priceFieldId]) && isset($optionsCountDetails[$priceFieldId]['options'][$optId])) { $currentMaxValue = $optionsCountDetails[$priceFieldId]['options'][$optId] * $optVal; } if (empty($optionMaxValues)) { $optionMaxValues[$priceFieldId][$optId] = $currentMaxValue; } else { $optionMaxValues[$priceFieldId][$optId] = $currentMaxValue + CRM_Utils_Array::value($optId, CRM_Utils_Array::value($priceFieldId, $optionMaxValues), 0); } $soldOutPnum[$optId] = $pNum; } } //validate for price field selection. if (empty($fieldSelected[$pNum])) { $errors[$pNum]['_qf_default'] = ts('Select at least one option from Event Fee(s).'); } } //validate for option max value. foreach ($optionMaxValues as $fieldId => $values) { $options = CRM_Utils_Array::value('options', $feeBlock[$fieldId], array()); foreach ($values as $optId => $total) { $optMax = $optionsMaxValueDetails[$fieldId]['options'][$optId]; $opDbCount = CRM_Utils_Array::value('db_total_count', $options[$optId], 0); $total += $opDbCount; if ($optMax && ($total > $optMax)) { if ($opDbCount && ($opDbCount >= $optMax)) { $errors[$soldOutPnum[$optId]]["price_{$fieldId}"] = ts('Sorry, this option is currently sold out.'); } elseif (($optMax - $opDbCount) == 1) { $errors[$soldOutPnum[$optId]]["price_{$fieldId}"] = ts('Sorry, currently only a single space is available for this option.', array(1 => ($optMax - $opDbCount))); } else { $errors[$soldOutPnum[$optId]]["price_{$fieldId}"] = ts('Sorry, currently only %1 spaces are available for this option.', array(1 => ($optMax - $opDbCount))); } } } } return $errors; } /** * Set the first participant ID if not set. * * CRM-10032. * * @param int $participantID */ public function processFirstParticipant($participantID) { $this->_participantId = $participantID; $this->set('participantId', $this->_participantId); $ids = $participantValues = array(); $participantParams = array('id' => $this->_participantId); CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::getValues($participantParams, $participantValues, $ids); $this->_values['participant'] = $participantValues[$this->_participantId]; $this->set('values', $this->_values); // also set the allow confirmation stuff if (array_key_exists( $this->_values['participant']['status_id'], CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Pending'") )) { $this->_allowConfirmation = TRUE; $this->set('allowConfirmation', TRUE); } } /** * Check if event is valid. * * @todo - combine this with CRM_Event_BAO_Event::validRegistrationRequest * (probably extract relevant values here & call that with them & handle bounces & redirects here -as * those belong in the form layer) * * @param string $redirect */ public function checkValidEvent($redirect = NULL) { // is the event active (enabled)? if (!$this->_values['event']['is_active']) { // form is inactive, die a fatal death CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('The event you requested is currently unavailable (contact the site administrator for assistance).')); } // is online registration is enabled? if (!$this->_values['event']['is_online_registration']) { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('Online registration is not currently available for this event (contact the site administrator for assistance).'), $redirect); } // is this an event template ? if (!empty($this->_values['event']['is_template'])) { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('Event templates are not meant to be registered.'), $redirect); } $now = date('YmdHis'); $startDate = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate(CRM_Utils_Array::value('registration_start_date', $this->_values['event'] )); if ( $startDate && $startDate >= $now ) { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('Registration for this event begins on %1', array(1 => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('registration_start_date', $this->_values['event'])))), $redirect, ts('Sorry')); } $regEndDate = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate(CRM_Utils_Array::value('registration_end_date', $this->_values['event'] )); $eventEndDate = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate(CRM_Utils_Array::value('event_end_date', $this->_values['event'])); if (($regEndDate && ($regEndDate < $now)) || (empty($regEndDate) && !empty($eventEndDate) && ($eventEndDate < $now))) { $endDate = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('registration_end_date', $this->_values['event'])); if (empty($regEndDate)) { $endDate = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('event_end_date', $this->_values['event'])); } CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('Registration for this event ended on %1', array(1 => $endDate)), $redirect, ts('Sorry')); } } /** * Get the amount level for the event payment. * * The amount level is the string stored on the contribution record that describes the purchase. * * @param array $params * @param int|null $discountID * * @return string */ protected function getAmountLevel($params, $discountID) { // @todo move handling of discount ID to the BAO function - preferably by converting it to a price_set with // time settings. if (!empty($this->_values['discount'][$discountID])) { return $this->_values['discount'][$discountID][$params['amount']]['label']; } if (empty($params['priceSetId'])) { // CRM-17509 An example of this is where the person is being waitlisted & there is no payment. // ideally we would have calculated amount first & only call this is there is an // amount but the flow needs more changes for that. return ''; } return CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getAmountLevelText($params); } /** * Process Registration of free event. * * @param array $params * Form values. * @param int $contactID */ public function processRegistration($params, $contactID = NULL) { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $this->_participantInfo = array(); // CRM-4320, lets build array of cancelled additional participant ids // those are drop or skip by primary at the time of confirmation. // get all in and then unset those are confirmed. $cancelledIds = $this->_additionalParticipantIds; $participantCount = array(); foreach ($params as $participantNum => $record) { if ($record == 'skip') { $participantCount[$participantNum] = 'skip'; } elseif ($participantNum) { $participantCount[$participantNum] = 'participant'; } } $registerByID = NULL; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($value != 'skip') { $fields = NULL; // setting register by Id and unset contactId. if (empty($value['is_primary'])) { $contactID = NULL; $registerByID = $this->get('registerByID'); if ($registerByID) { $value['registered_by_id'] = $registerByID; } // get an email if one exists for the participant $participantEmail = ''; foreach (array_keys($value) as $valueName) { if (substr($valueName, 0, 6) == 'email-') { $participantEmail = $value[$valueName]; } } if ($participantEmail) { $this->_participantInfo[] = $participantEmail; } else { $this->_participantInfo[] = $value['first_name'] . ' ' . $value['last_name']; } } elseif (!empty($value['contact_id'])) { $contactID = $value['contact_id']; } else { $contactID = $this->getContactID(); } CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::fixLocationFields($value, $fields, $this); //for free event or additional participant, dont create billing email address. if (empty($value['is_primary']) || !$this->_values['event']['is_monetary']) { unset($value["email-{$this->_bltID}"]); } $contactID = CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::updateContactFields($contactID, $value, $fields, $this); // lets store the contactID in the session // we dont store in userID in case the user is doing multiple // transactions etc // for things like tell a friend if (!$this->getContactID() && !empty($value['is_primary'])) { $session->set('transaction.userID', $contactID); } //lets get the status if require approval or waiting. $waitingStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Waiting'"); if ($this->_allowWaitlist && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $value['participant_status_id'] = $value['participant_status'] = array_search('On waitlist', $waitingStatuses); } elseif ($this->_requireApproval && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $value['participant_status_id'] = $value['participant_status'] = array_search('Awaiting approval', $waitingStatuses); } $this->set('value', $value); $this->confirmPostProcess($contactID, NULL); //lets get additional participant id to cancel. if ($this->_allowConfirmation && is_array($cancelledIds)) { $additonalId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_id', $value); if ($additonalId && $key = array_search($additonalId, $cancelledIds)) { unset($cancelledIds[$key]); } } } } // update status and send mail to cancelled additional participants, CRM-4320 if ($this->_allowConfirmation && is_array($cancelledIds) && !empty($cancelledIds)) { $cancelledId = array_search('Cancelled', CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Negative'") ); CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::transitionParticipants($cancelledIds, $cancelledId); } //set information about additional participants if exists if (count($this->_participantInfo)) { $this->set('participantInfo', $this->_participantInfo); } //send mail Confirmation/Receipt if ($this->_contributeMode != 'checkout' || $this->_contributeMode != 'notify' ) { $isTest = FALSE; if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW) { $isTest = TRUE; } //handle if no additional participant. if (!$registerByID) { $registerByID = $this->get('registerByID'); } $primaryContactId = $this->get('primaryContactId'); //build an array of custom profile and assigning it to template. $additionalIDs = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::buildCustomProfile($registerByID, NULL, $primaryContactId, $isTest, TRUE ); //lets carry all participant params w/ values. foreach ($additionalIDs as $participantID => $contactId) { $participantNum = NULL; if ($participantID == $registerByID) { $participantNum = 0; } else { if ($participantNum = array_search('participant', $participantCount)) { unset($participantCount[$participantNum]); } } if ($participantNum === NULL) { break; } //carry the participant submitted values. $this->_values['params'][$participantID] = $params[$participantNum]; } //lets send mails to all with meanigful text, CRM-4320. $this->assign('isOnWaitlist', $this->_allowWaitlist); $this->assign('isRequireApproval', $this->_requireApproval); foreach ($additionalIDs as $participantID => $contactId) { if ($participantID == $registerByID) { //set as Primary Participant $this->assign('isPrimary', 1); $customProfile = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::buildCustomProfile($participantID, $this->_values, NULL, $isTest); if (count($customProfile)) { $this->assign('customProfile', $customProfile); $this->set('customProfile', $customProfile); } } else { $this->assign('isPrimary', 0); $this->assign('customProfile', NULL); } //send Confirmation mail to Primary & additional Participants if exists CRM_Event_BAO_Event::sendMail($contactId, $this->_values, $participantID, $isTest); } } } }