_allowWaitlist as user might //walk back and we might set this value in this postProcess. //(we set when spaces < group count and want to allow become part of waiting ) $eventFull = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::eventFull($this->_eventId, FALSE, CRM_Utils_Array::value('has_waitlist', $this->_values['event'])); // Get payment processors if appropriate for this event // We hide the payment fields if the event is full or requires approval, // and the current user has not yet been approved CRM-12279 $this->_noFees = (($eventFull || $this->_requireApproval) && !$this->_allowConfirmation); CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution_Main::preProcessPaymentOptions($this, $this->_noFees); if ($this->_snippet) { return; } $this->_allowWaitlist = FALSE; if ($eventFull && !$this->_allowConfirmation && !empty($this->_values['event']['has_waitlist'])) { $this->_allowWaitlist = TRUE; $this->_waitlistMsg = CRM_Utils_Array::value('waitlist_text', $this->_values['event']); if (!$this->_waitlistMsg) { $this->_waitlistMsg = ts('This event is currently full. However you can register now and get added to a waiting list. You will be notified if spaces become available.'); } } $this->set('allowWaitlist', $this->_allowWaitlist); //To check if the user is already registered for the event(CRM-2426) if (!$this->_skipDupeRegistrationCheck) { self::checkRegistration(NULL, $this); } $this->assign('availableRegistrations', $this->_availableRegistrations); // get the participant values from EventFees.php, CRM-4320 if ($this->_allowConfirmation) { CRM_Event_Form_EventFees::preProcess($this); } } /** * Set default values for the form. For edit/view mode * the default values are retrieved from the database * Adding discussion from CRM-11915 as code comments * When multiple payment processors are configured for a event and user does any selection changes for them on online event registeration page : * The 'Register' page gets loaded through ajax and following happens : * the setDefaults function is called with the variable _ppType set with selected payment processor type, * so in the 'if' condition checked whether the selected payment processor's billing mode is of 'billing form mode'. If its not, don't setDefaults for billing form and return instead. * - For payment processors of billing mode 'Notify' - return from setDefaults before the code for billing profile population execution . * (done this is because for payment processors with 'Notify' mode billing profile form doesn't get rendered on UI) * * @return void */ public function setDefaultValues() { if ($this->_paymentProcessorID && $this->_snippet && !($this->_paymentProcessor['billing_mode'] & CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_FORM)) { // see function comment block for explanation of this. Note that CRM-15555 will require this to look at the billing form fields not the // billing_mode which return; } $this->_defaults = array(); $contactID = $this->getContactID(); $billingDefaults = $this->getProfileDefaults('Billing', $contactID); $this->_defaults = array_merge($this->_defaults, $billingDefaults); $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); // set default country from config if no country set // note the effect of this is to set the billing country to default to the site default // country if the person has an address but no country (for anonymous country is set above) // this could have implications if the billing profile is filled but hidden. // this behaviour has been in place for a while but the use of js to hide things has increased if (empty($this->_defaults["billing_country_id-{$this->_bltID}"])) { $this->_defaults["billing_country_id-{$this->_bltID}"] = $config->defaultContactCountry; } // set default state/province from config if no state/province set if (empty($this->_defaults["billing_state_province_id-{$this->_bltID}"])) { $this->_defaults["billing_state_province_id-{$this->_bltID}"] = $config->defaultContactStateProvince; } if ($this->_snippet) { return $this->_defaults; } if ($contactID) { $fields = array(); if (!empty($this->_fields)) { $removeCustomFieldTypes = array('Participant'); foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $dontCare) { if (substr($name, 0, 7) == 'custom_') { $id = substr($name, 7); if (!$this->_allowConfirmation && !CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::checkCustomField($id, $removeCustomFieldTypes) ) { continue; } // ignore component fields } elseif ((substr($name, 0, 12) == 'participant_')) { continue; } $fields[$name] = 1; } } } if (!empty($fields)) { CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::setProfileDefaults($contactID, $fields, $this->_defaults); } // Set default payment processor as default payment_processor radio button value if (!empty($this->_paymentProcessors)) { foreach ($this->_paymentProcessors as $pid => $value) { if (!empty($value['is_default'])) { $this->_defaults['payment_processor'] = $pid; } } } //if event is monetary and pay later is enabled and payment //processor is not available then freeze the pay later checkbox with //default check if (!empty($this->_values['event']['is_pay_later']) && !is_array($this->_paymentProcessor) ) { $this->_defaults['is_pay_later'] = 1; } //set custom field defaults if (!empty($this->_fields)) { //load default campaign from page. if (array_key_exists('participant_campaign_id', $this->_fields)) { $this->_defaults['participant_campaign_id'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('campaign_id', $this->_values['event'] ); } foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) { if ($customFieldID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($name)) { // fix for CRM-1743 if (!isset($this->_defaults[$name])) { CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::setProfileDefaults($customFieldID, $name, $this->_defaults, NULL, CRM_Profile_Form::MODE_REGISTER ); } } } } //fix for CRM-3088, default value for discount set. $discountId = NULL; if (!empty($this->_values['discount'])) { $discountId = CRM_Core_BAO_Discount::findSet($this->_eventId, 'civicrm_event'); if ($discountId) { if (isset($this->_values['event']['default_discount_fee_id'])) { $discountKey = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_OptionValue', $this->_values['event']['default_discount_fee_id'], 'weight', 'id' ); $this->_defaults['amount'] = key(array_slice($this->_values['discount'][$discountId], $discountKey - 1, $discountKey, TRUE )); } } } // add this event's default participant role to defaults array // (for cases where participant_role field is included in form via profile) if ($this->_values['event']['default_role_id']) { $this->_defaults['participant_role'] = $this->_defaults['participant_role_id'] = $this->_values['event']['default_role_id']; } if ($this->_priceSetId && !empty($this->_feeBlock)) { foreach ($this->_feeBlock as $key => $val) { foreach ($val['options'] as $keys => $values) { if ($values['is_default'] && empty($values['is_full'])) { if ($val['html_type'] == 'CheckBox') { $this->_defaults["price_{$key}"][$keys] = 1; } else { $this->_defaults["price_{$key}"] = $keys; } } } } } //set default participant fields, CRM-4320. $hasAdditionalParticipants = FALSE; if ($this->_allowConfirmation) { $this->_contactId = $contactID; $this->_discountId = $discountId; $forcePayLater = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $this->_defaults, FALSE); $this->_defaults = array_merge($this->_defaults, CRM_Event_Form_EventFees::setDefaultValues($this)); $this->_defaults['is_pay_later'] = $forcePayLater; if ($this->_additionalParticipantIds) { $hasAdditionalParticipants = TRUE; $this->_defaults['additional_participants'] = count($this->_additionalParticipantIds); } } $this->assign('hasAdditionalParticipants', $hasAdditionalParticipants); // //hack to simplify credit card entry for testing // $this->_defaults['credit_card_type'] = 'Visa'; // $this->_defaults['credit_card_number'] = '4807731747657838'; // $this->_defaults['cvv2'] = '000'; // $this->_defaults['credit_card_exp_date'] = array( 'Y' => '2010', 'M' => '05' ); // to process Custom data that are appended to URL $getDefaults = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::extractGetParams($this, "'Contact', 'Individual', 'Contribution', 'Participant'"); if (!empty($getDefaults)) { $this->_defaults = array_merge($this->_defaults, $getDefaults); } return $this->_defaults; } /** * Build the form object * * @return void */ public function buildQuickForm() { // build profiles first so that we can determine address fields etc // and then show copy address checkbox $this->buildCustom($this->_values['custom_pre_id'], 'customPre'); $this->buildCustom($this->_values['custom_post_id'], 'customPost'); if (!empty($this->_fields) && !empty($this->_values['custom_pre_id'])) { $profileAddressFields = array(); foreach ($this->_fields as $key => $value) { CRM_Core_BAO_UFField::assignAddressField($key, $profileAddressFields, array( 'uf_group_id' => $this->_values['custom_pre_id'], )); } $this->set('profileAddressFields', $profileAddressFields); } CRM_Core_Payment_ProcessorForm::buildQuickForm($this); // Return if we are in an ajax callback if ($this->_snippet) { return; } $contactID = $this->getContactID(); $this->assign('contact_id', $contactID); $this->assign('display_name', CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::displayName($contactID)); $this->add('hidden', 'scriptFee', NULL); $this->add('hidden', 'scriptArray', NULL); $bypassPayment = $allowGroupOnWaitlist = $isAdditionalParticipants = FALSE; if ($this->_values['event']['is_multiple_registrations']) { // don't allow to add additional during confirmation if not preregistered. if (!$this->_allowConfirmation || $this->_additionalParticipantIds) { // Hardcode maximum number of additional participants here for now. May need to make this configurable per event. // Label is value + 1, since the code sees this is ADDITIONAL participants (in addition to "self") $additionalOptions = array( '' => '1', 1 => '2', 2 => '3', 3 => '4', 4 => '5', 5 => '6', 6 => '7', 7 => '8', 8 => '9', 9 => '10', ); $element = $this->add('select', 'additional_participants', ts('How many people are you registering?'), $additionalOptions, NULL, array('onChange' => "allowParticipant()") ); $isAdditionalParticipants = TRUE; } } //hack to allow group to register w/ waiting if ((!empty($this->_values['event']['is_multiple_registrations']) || $this->_priceSetId ) && !$this->_allowConfirmation && is_numeric($this->_availableRegistrations) && !empty($this->_values['event']['has_waitlist']) ) { $bypassPayment = TRUE; //case might be group become as a part of waitlist. //If not waitlist then they require admin approve. $allowGroupOnWaitlist = TRUE; $this->_waitlistMsg = ts("This event has only %1 space(s) left. If you continue and register more than %1 people (including yourself ), the whole group will be wait listed. Or, you can reduce the number of people you are registering to %1 to avoid being put on the waiting list.", array(1 => $this->_availableRegistrations)); if ($this->_requireApproval) { $this->_requireApprovalMsg = CRM_Utils_Array::value('approval_req_text', $this->_values['event'], ts('Registration for this event requires approval. Once your registration(s) have been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.') ); } } //case where only approval needed - no waitlist. if ($this->_requireApproval && !$this->_allowWaitlist && !$bypassPayment ) { $this->_requireApprovalMsg = CRM_Utils_Array::value('approval_req_text', $this->_values['event'], ts('Registration for this event requires approval. Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.') ); } //lets display status to primary page only. $this->assign('waitlistMsg', $this->_waitlistMsg); $this->assign('requireApprovalMsg', $this->_requireApprovalMsg); $this->assign('allowGroupOnWaitlist', $allowGroupOnWaitlist); $this->assign('isAdditionalParticipants', $isAdditionalParticipants); //lets get js on two different qf elements. $showHidePayfieldName = NULL; $showHidePaymentInformation = FALSE; if ($this->_values['event']['is_monetary']) { self::buildAmount($this); } $pps = array(); //@todo this processor adding fn is another one duplicated on contribute - a shared // common class would make this sort of thing extractable $onlinePaymentProcessorEnabled = FALSE; if (!empty($this->_paymentProcessors)) { foreach ($this->_paymentProcessors as $key => $name) { if ($name['billing_mode'] == 1) { $onlinePaymentProcessorEnabled = TRUE; } $pps[$key] = $name['name']; } } if ($this->getContactID() === '0' && !$this->_values['event']['is_multiple_registrations']) { //@todo we are blocking for multiple registrations because we haven't tested $this->addCidZeroOptions($onlinePaymentProcessorEnabled); } if (!empty($this->_values['event']['is_pay_later']) && ($this->_allowConfirmation || (!$this->_requireApproval && !$this->_allowWaitlist)) ) { $pps[0] = $this->_values['event']['pay_later_text']; } if ($this->_values['event']['is_monetary']) { if (count($pps) > 1) { $this->addRadio('payment_processor', ts('Payment Method'), $pps, NULL, " " ); } elseif (!empty($pps)) { $ppKeys = array_keys($pps); $currentPP = array_pop($ppKeys); $this->addElement('hidden', 'payment_processor', $currentPP); } } //lets add some qf element to bypass payment validations, CRM-4320 if ($bypassPayment) { $this->addElement('hidden', 'bypass_payment', NULL, array('id' => 'bypass_payment')); } $this->assign('bypassPayment', $bypassPayment); $this->assign('showHidePaymentInformation', $showHidePaymentInformation); $userID = $this->getContactID(); if (!$userID) { $createCMSUser = FALSE; if ($this->_values['custom_pre_id']) { $profileID = $this->_values['custom_pre_id']; $createCMSUser = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_UFGroup', $profileID, 'is_cms_user'); } if (!$createCMSUser && $this->_values['custom_post_id'] ) { if (!is_array($this->_values['custom_post_id'])) { $profileIDs = array($this->_values['custom_post_id']); } else { $profileIDs = $this->_values['custom_post_id']; } foreach ($profileIDs as $pid) { if (CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_UFGroup', $pid, 'is_cms_user')) { $profileID = $pid; $createCMSUser = TRUE; break; } } } if ($createCMSUser) { CRM_Core_BAO_CMSUser::buildForm($this, $profileID, TRUE); } } //we have to load confirm contribution button in template //when multiple payment processor as the user //can toggle with payment processor selection $billingModePaymentProcessors = 0; if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($this->_paymentProcessors)) { foreach ($this->_paymentProcessors as $key => $values) { if ($values['billing_mode'] == CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_BUTTON) { $billingModePaymentProcessors++; } } } if ($billingModePaymentProcessors && count($this->_paymentProcessors) == $billingModePaymentProcessors) { $allAreBillingModeProcessors = TRUE; } else { $allAreBillingModeProcessors = FALSE; } if (!$allAreBillingModeProcessors || !empty($this->_values['event']['is_pay_later']) || $bypassPayment ) { //freeze button to avoid multiple calls. $js = NULL; if (empty($this->_values['event']['is_monetary'])) { $js = array('onclick' => "return submitOnce(this,'" . $this->_name . "','" . ts('Processing') . "');"); } // CRM-11182 - Optional confirmation screen // Change button label depending on whether the next action is confirm or register if ( !$this->_values['event']['is_multiple_registrations'] && !$this->_values['event']['is_monetary'] && !$this->_values['event']['is_confirm_enabled'] ) { $buttonLabel = ts('Register'); } else { $buttonLabel = ts('Continue'); } $this->addButtons(array( array( 'type' => 'upload', 'name' => $buttonLabel, 'spacing' => '         ', 'isDefault' => TRUE, 'js' => $js, ), ) ); } $this->addFormRule(array('CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Register', 'formRule'), $this); // add pcp fields if ($this->_pcpId) { CRM_PCP_BAO_PCP::buildPcp($this->_pcpId, $this); } } /** * Build the radio/text form elements for the amount field * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * Form object. * @param bool $required * True if you want to add formRule. * @param int $discountId * Discount id for the event. * * @return void * @static */ static public function buildAmount(&$form, $required = TRUE, $discountId = NULL) { // build amount only when needed, skip incase of event full and waitlisting is enabled // and few other conditions check preProcess() if (property_exists($form, '_noFees') && $form->_noFees) { return; } //if payment done, no need to build the fee block. if (!empty($form->_paymentId)) { //fix to display line item in update mode. $form->assign('priceSet', isset($form->_priceSet) ? $form->_priceSet : NULL); return; } $feeFields = CRM_Utils_Array::value('fee', $form->_values); if (is_array($feeFields)) { $form->_feeBlock = &$form->_values['fee']; } //check for discount. $discountedFee = CRM_Utils_Array::value('discount', $form->_values); if (is_array($discountedFee) && !empty($discountedFee)) { if (!$discountId) { $form->_discountId = $discountId = CRM_Core_BAO_Discount::findSet($form->_eventId, 'civicrm_event'); } if ($discountId) { $form->_feeBlock = &$form->_values['discount'][$discountId]; } } if (!is_array($form->_feeBlock)) { $form->_feeBlock = array(); } //its time to call the hook. CRM_Utils_Hook::buildAmount('event', $form, $form->_feeBlock); //reset required if participant is skipped. $button = substr($form->controller->getButtonName(), -4); if ($required && $button == 'skip') { $required = FALSE; } $className = CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form); //build the priceset fields. if (isset($form->_priceSetId) && $form->_priceSetId) { //format price set fields across option full. self::formatFieldsForOptionFull($form); if (!empty($form->_priceSet['is_quick_config'])) { $form->_quickConfig = $form->_priceSet['is_quick_config']; } $form->add('hidden', 'priceSetId', $form->_priceSetId); // CRM-14492 Admin price fields should show up on event registration if user has 'administer CiviCRM' permissions $adminFieldVisible = FALSE; if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer CiviCRM')) { $adminFieldVisible = TRUE; } foreach ($form->_feeBlock as $field) { // public AND admin visibility fields are included for back-office registration and back-office change selections if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('visibility', $field) == 'public' || (CRM_Utils_Array::value('visibility', $field) == 'admin' && $adminFieldVisible == TRUE) || $className == 'CRM_Event_Form_Participant' || $className == 'CRM_Event_Form_ParticipantFeeSelection' ) { $fieldId = $field['id']; $elementName = 'price_' . $fieldId; $isRequire = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_required', $field); if ($button == 'skip') { $isRequire = FALSE; } //user might modified w/ hook. $options = CRM_Utils_Array::value('options', $field); if (!is_array($options)) { continue; } $optionFullIds = CRM_Utils_Array::value('option_full_ids', $field, array()); //soft suppress required rule when option is full. if (!empty($optionFullIds) && (count($options) == count($optionFullIds))) { $isRequire = FALSE; } //build the element. CRM_Price_BAO_PriceField::addQuickFormElement($form, $elementName, $fieldId, FALSE, $isRequire, NULL, $options, $optionFullIds ); } } $form->assign('priceSet', $form->_priceSet); } else { $eventFeeBlockValues = array(); foreach ($form->_feeBlock as $fee) { if (is_array($fee)) { //CRM-7632, CRM-6201 $totalAmountJs = NULL; if ($className == 'CRM_Event_Form_Participant') { $totalAmountJs = array('onClick' => "fillTotalAmount(" . $fee['value'] . ")"); } $eventFeeBlockValues['amount_id_' . $fee['amount_id']] = $fee['value']; $elements[] = &$form->createElement('radio', NULL, '', CRM_Utils_Money::format($fee['value']) . ' ' . $fee['label'], $fee['amount_id'], $totalAmountJs ); } } $form->assign('eventFeeBlockValues', json_encode($eventFeeBlockValues)); $form->_defaults['amount'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('default_fee_id', $form->_values['event']); $element = &$form->addGroup($elements, 'amount', ts('Event Fee(s)'), '
'); if (isset($form->_online) && $form->_online) { $element->freeze(); } if ($required) { $form->addRule('amount', ts('Fee Level is a required field.'), 'required'); } } } /** * @param CRM_Core_Form $form */ public static function formatFieldsForOptionFull(&$form) { $priceSet = $form->get('priceSet'); $priceSetId = $form->get('priceSetId'); $defaultPricefieldIds = array(); if (!empty($form->_values['line_items'])) { foreach ($form->_values['line_items'] as $lineItem) { $defaultPricefieldIds[] = $lineItem['price_field_value_id']; } } if (!$priceSetId || !is_array($priceSet) || empty($priceSet) || empty($priceSet['optionsMaxValueTotal']) ) { return; } $skipParticipants = $formattedPriceSetDefaults = array(); if (!empty($form->_allowConfirmation) && (isset($form->_pId) || isset($form->_additionalParticipantId))) { $participantId = isset($form->_pId) ? $form->_pId : $form->_additionalParticipantId; $pricesetDefaults = CRM_Event_Form_EventFees::setDefaultPriceSet($participantId, $form->_eventId ); // modify options full to respect the selected fields // options on confirmation. $formattedPriceSetDefaults = self::formatPriceSetParams($form, $pricesetDefaults); // to skip current registered participants fields option count on confirmation. $skipParticipants[] = $form->_participantId; if (!empty($form->_additionalParticipantIds)) { $skipParticipants = array_merge($skipParticipants, $form->_additionalParticipantIds); } } $className = CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form); //get the current price event price set options count. $currentOptionsCount = self::getPriceSetOptionCount($form); $recordedOptionsCount = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::priceSetOptionsCount($form->_eventId, $skipParticipants); $optionFullTotalAmount = 0; foreach ($form->_feeBlock as & $field) { $optionFullIds = array(); $fieldId = $field['id']; if (!is_array($field['options'])) { continue; } foreach ($field['options'] as & $option) { $optId = $option['id']; $count = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $option, 0); $maxValue = CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $option, 0); $dbTotalCount = CRM_Utils_Array::value($optId, $recordedOptionsCount, 0); $currentTotalCount = CRM_Utils_Array::value($optId, $currentOptionsCount, 0); $totalCount = $currentTotalCount + $dbTotalCount; $isFull = FALSE; if ($maxValue && (($totalCount > $maxValue) || ($totalCount + $count > $maxValue)) ) { $isFull = TRUE; $optionFullIds[$optId] = $optId; if ($field['html_type'] != 'Select') { if (in_array($optId, $defaultPricefieldIds)) { $optionFullTotalAmount += CRM_Utils_Array::value('amount', $option); } } else { if (!empty($defaultPricefieldIds) && in_array($optId, $defaultPricefieldIds)) { unset($optionFullIds[$optId]); } } } //here option is not full, //but we don't want to allow participant to increase //seats at the time of re-walking registration. if ($count && !empty($form->_allowConfirmation) && !empty($formattedPriceSetDefaults) ) { if (empty($formattedPriceSetDefaults["price_{$field}"]) || empty($formattedPriceSetDefaults["price_{$fieldId}"][$optId])) { $optionFullIds[$optId] = $optId; $isFull = TRUE; } } $option['is_full'] = $isFull; $option['db_total_count'] = $dbTotalCount; $option['total_option_count'] = $dbTotalCount + $currentTotalCount; } //ignore option full for offline registration. if ($className == 'CRM_Event_Form_Participant') { $optionFullIds = array(); } //finally get option ids in. $field['option_full_ids'] = $optionFullIds; } $form->assign('optionFullTotalAmount', $optionFullTotalAmount); } /** * Global form rule * * @param array $fields * The input form values. * @param array $files * The uploaded files if any. * @param $self * * * @return bool|array * true if no errors, else array of errors * @static */ public static function formRule($fields, $files, $self) { $errors = array(); //check that either an email or firstname+lastname is included in the form(CRM-9587) self::checkProfileComplete($fields, $errors, $self->_eventId); //To check if the user is already registered for the event(CRM-2426) if (!$self->_skipDupeRegistrationCheck) { self::checkRegistration($fields, $self); } //check for availability of registrations. if (!$self->_allowConfirmation && empty($fields['bypass_payment']) && is_numeric($self->_availableRegistrations) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('additional_participants', $fields) >= $self->_availableRegistrations ) { $errors['additional_participants'] = ts("There is only enough space left on this event for %1 participant(s).", array(1 => $self->_availableRegistrations)); } // during confirmation don't allow to increase additional participants, CRM-4320 if ($self->_allowConfirmation && !empty($fields['additional_participants']) && is_array($self->_additionalParticipantIds) && $fields['additional_participants'] > count($self->_additionalParticipantIds) ) { $errors['additional_participants'] = ts("Oops. It looks like you are trying to increase the number of additional people you are registering for. You can confirm registration for a maximum of %1 additional people.", array(1 => count($self->_additionalParticipantIds))); } //don't allow to register w/ waiting if enough spaces available. if (!empty($fields['bypass_payment'])) { if (!is_numeric($self->_availableRegistrations) || (empty($fields['priceSetId']) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('additional_participants', $fields) < $self->_availableRegistrations) ) { $errors['bypass_payment'] = ts("Oops. There are enough available spaces in this event. You can not add yourself to the waiting list."); } } if (!empty($fields['additional_participants']) && !CRM_Utils_Rule::positiveInteger($fields['additional_participants']) ) { $errors['additional_participants'] = ts('Please enter a whole number for Number of additional people.'); } // priceset validations if (!empty($fields['priceSetId'])) { //format params. $formatted = self::formatPriceSetParams($self, $fields); $ppParams = array($formatted); $priceSetErrors = self::validatePriceSet($self, $ppParams); $primaryParticipantCount = self::getParticipantCount($self, $ppParams); //get price set fields errors in. $errors = array_merge($errors, CRM_Utils_Array::value(0, $priceSetErrors, array())); $totalParticipants = $primaryParticipantCount; if (!empty($fields['additional_participants'])) { $totalParticipants += $fields['additional_participants']; } if (empty($fields['bypass_payment']) && !$self->_allowConfirmation && is_numeric($self->_availableRegistrations) && $self->_availableRegistrations < $totalParticipants ) { $errors['_qf_default'] = ts("Only %1 Registrations available.", array(1 => $self->_availableRegistrations)); } $lineItem = array(); CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::processAmount($self->_values['fee'], $fields, $lineItem); if ($fields['amount'] < 0) { $errors['_qf_default'] = ts('Event Fee(s) can not be less than zero. Please select the options accordingly'); } } if ($self->_values['event']['is_monetary']) { if (empty($self->_requireApproval) && !empty($fields['amount']) && $fields['amount'] > 0 && !isset($fields['payment_processor'])) { $errors['payment_processor'] = ts('Please select a Payment Method'); } // return if this is express mode if ($self->_paymentProcessor && $self->_paymentProcessor['billing_mode'] & CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_BUTTON ) { if (!empty($fields[$self->_expressButtonName . '_x']) || !empty($fields[$self->_expressButtonName . '_y']) || CRM_Utils_Array::value($self->_expressButtonName, $fields) ) { return empty($errors) ? TRUE : $errors; } } $isZeroAmount = $skipPaymentValidation = FALSE; if (!empty($fields['priceSetId'])) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('amount', $fields) == 0) { $isZeroAmount = TRUE; } } elseif (!empty($fields['amount']) && (isset($self->_values['discount'][$fields['amount']]) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('value', $self->_values['discount'][$fields['amount']]) == 0 ) ) { $isZeroAmount = TRUE; } elseif (!empty($fields['amount']) && (isset($self->_values['fee'][$fields['amount']]) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('value', $self->_values['fee'][$fields['amount']]) == 0 ) ) { $isZeroAmount = TRUE; } if ($isZeroAmount && !($self->_forcePayement && !empty($fields['additional_participants']))) { $skipPaymentValidation = TRUE; } // also return if paylater mode or zero fees for valid members if (!empty($fields['is_pay_later']) || !empty($fields['bypass_payment']) || $skipPaymentValidation || (!$self->_allowConfirmation && ($self->_requireApproval || $self->_allowWaitlist)) ) { return empty($errors) ? TRUE : $errors; } if (!empty($self->_paymentFields)) { CRM_Core_Form::validateMandatoryFields($self->_paymentFields, $fields, $errors); } CRM_Core_Payment_Form::validateCreditCard($fields, $errors); } foreach (CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::$_greetingTypes as $greeting) { if ($greetingType = CRM_Utils_Array::value($greeting, $fields)) { $customizedValue = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue($greeting, 'Customized', 'name'); if ($customizedValue == $greetingType && empty($fields[$greeting . '_custom'])) { $errors[$greeting . '_custom'] = ts('Custom %1 is a required field if %1 is of type Customized.', array(1 => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $greeting))) ); } } } return empty($errors) ? TRUE : $errors; } /** * Check if profiles are complete when event registration occurs(CRM-9587) */ public static function checkProfileComplete($fields, &$errors, $eventId) { $email = ''; foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) { if (substr($fieldname, 0, 6) == 'email-' && $fieldvalue) { $email = $fieldvalue; } } if (!$email && !(!empty($fields['first_name']) && !empty($fields['last_name']))) { $defaults = $params = array('id' => $eventId); CRM_Event_BAO_Event::retrieve($params, $defaults); $message = ts("Mandatory fields (first name and last name, OR email address) are missing from this form."); $errors['_qf_default'] = $message; } } /** * Process the form submission * * * @return void */ public function postProcess() { // get the submitted form values. $params = $this->controller->exportValues($this->_name); //set as Primary participant $params['is_primary'] = 1; if ($this->_values['event']['is_pay_later'] && (!array_key_exists('hidden_processor', $params) || $params['payment_processor'] == 0) ) { $params['is_pay_later'] = 1; } else { $params['is_pay_later'] = 0; } $this->set('is_pay_later', $params['is_pay_later']); // assign pay later stuff $this->_params['is_pay_later'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $params, FALSE); $this->assign('is_pay_later', $params['is_pay_later']); if ($params['is_pay_later']) { $this->assign('pay_later_text', $this->_values['event']['pay_later_text']); $this->assign('pay_later_receipt', $this->_values['event']['pay_later_receipt']); } if (!$this->_allowConfirmation) { // check if the participant is already registered if (!$this->_skipDupeRegistrationCheck) { $params['contact_id'] = self::checkRegistration($params, $this, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); } } if (!empty($params['image_URL'])) { CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::processImageParams($params); } //carry campaign to partcipants. if (array_key_exists('participant_campaign_id', $params)) { $params['campaign_id'] = $params['participant_campaign_id']; } else { $params['campaign_id'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('campaign_id', $this->_values['event']); } //hack to allow group to register w/ waiting $primaryParticipantCount = self::getParticipantCount($this, $params); $totalParticipants = $primaryParticipantCount; if (!empty($params['additional_participants'])) { $totalParticipants += $params['additional_participants']; } if (!$this->_allowConfirmation && !empty($params['bypass_payment']) && is_numeric($this->_availableRegistrations) && $totalParticipants > $this->_availableRegistrations ) { $this->_allowWaitlist = TRUE; $this->set('allowWaitlist', TRUE); } //carry participant id if pre-registered. if ($this->_allowConfirmation && $this->_participantId) { $params['participant_id'] = $this->_participantId; } $params['defaultRole'] = 1; if (array_key_exists('participant_role', $params)) { $params['participant_role_id'] = $params['participant_role']; } if (array_key_exists('participant_role_id', $params)) { $params['defaultRole'] = 0; } if (empty($params['participant_role_id']) && $this->_values['event']['default_role_id'] ) { $params['participant_role_id'] = $this->_values['event']['default_role_id']; } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $params['currencyID'] = $config->defaultCurrency; if ($this->_values['event']['is_monetary']) { // we first reset the confirm page so it accepts new values $this->controller->resetPage('Confirm'); //added for discount $discountId = CRM_Core_BAO_Discount::findSet($this->_eventId, 'civicrm_event'); if (!empty($this->_values['discount'][$discountId])) { $params['discount_id'] = $discountId; $params['amount_level'] = $this->_values['discount'][$discountId][$params['amount']]['label']; $params['amount'] = $this->_values['discount'][$discountId][$params['amount']]['value']; } elseif (empty($params['priceSetId'])) { if (!empty($params['amount'])) { $params['amount_level'] = $this->_values['fee'][$params['amount']]['label']; $params['amount'] = $this->_values['fee'][$params['amount']]['value']; } else { $params['amount_level'] = $params['amount'] = ''; } } else { $lineItem = array(); CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::processAmount($this->_values['fee'], $params, $lineItem); if ($params['tax_amount']) { $this->set('tax_amount', $params['tax_amount']); } $this->set('lineItem', array($lineItem)); $this->set('lineItemParticipantsCount', array($primaryParticipantCount)); } $this->set('amount', $params['amount']); $this->set('amount_level', $params['amount_level']); // generate and set an invoiceID for this transaction $invoiceID = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); $this->set('invoiceID', $invoiceID); if (is_array($this->_paymentProcessor)) { $payment = CRM_Core_Payment::singleton($this->_mode, $this->_paymentProcessor, $this); } // default mode is direct $this->set('contributeMode', 'direct'); if (isset($params["state_province_id-{$this->_bltID}"]) && $params["state_province_id-{$this->_bltID}"] ) { $params["state_province-{$this->_bltID}"] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvinceAbbreviation($params["state_province_id-{$this->_bltID}"]); } if (isset($params["country_id-{$this->_bltID}"]) && $params["country_id-{$this->_bltID}"] ) { $params["country-{$this->_bltID}"] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::countryIsoCode($params["country_id-{$this->_bltID}"]); } if (isset($params['credit_card_exp_date'])) { $params['year'] = CRM_Core_Payment_Form::getCreditCardExpirationYear($params); $params['month'] = CRM_Core_Payment_Form::getCreditCardExpirationMonth($params); } if ($this->_values['event']['is_monetary']) { $params['ip_address'] = CRM_Utils_System::ipAddress(); $params['currencyID'] = $config->defaultCurrency; $params['payment_action'] = 'Sale'; $params['invoiceID'] = $invoiceID; } $this->_params = array(); $this->_params[] = $params; $this->set('params', $this->_params); if ($this->_paymentProcessor && $this->_paymentProcessor['billing_mode'] & CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_BUTTON ) { //get the button name $buttonName = $this->controller->getButtonName(); if (in_array($buttonName, array( $this->_expressButtonName, $this->_expressButtonName . '_x', $this->_expressButtonName . '_y', ) ) && empty($params['is_pay_later']) && !$this->_allowWaitlist && !$this->_requireApproval ) { $this->set('contributeMode', 'express'); // Send Event Name & Id in Params $params['eventName'] = $this->_values['event']['title']; $params['eventId'] = $this->_values['event']['id']; $params['cancelURL'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/register', "_qf_Register_display=1&qfKey={$this->controller->_key}", TRUE, NULL, FALSE ); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('additional_participants', $params, FALSE)) { $urlArgs = "_qf_Participant_1_display=1&rfp=1&qfKey={$this->controller->_key}"; } else { $urlArgs = "_qf_Confirm_display=1&rfp=1&qfKey={$this->controller->_key}"; } $params['returnURL'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/register', $urlArgs, TRUE, NULL, FALSE ); $params['invoiceID'] = $invoiceID; //default action is Sale $params['payment_action'] = 'Sale'; $token = $payment->setExpressCheckout($params); if (is_a($token, 'CRM_Core_Error')) { CRM_Core_Error::displaySessionError($token); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($params['cancelURL']); } $this->set('token', $token); $paymentURL = $this->_paymentProcessor['url_site'] . "/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=$token"; CRM_Utils_System::redirect($paymentURL); } } elseif ($this->_paymentProcessor && $this->_paymentProcessor['billing_mode'] & CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_NOTIFY ) { $this->set('contributeMode', 'notify'); } } else { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $params['description'] = ts('Online Event Registration') . ' ' . $this->_values['event']['title']; $this->_params = array(); $this->_params[] = $params; $this->set('params', $this->_params); if ( empty($params['additional_participants']) && !$this->_values['event']['is_confirm_enabled'] // CRM-11182 - Optional confirmation screen ) { self::processRegistration($this->_params); } } // If registering > 1 participant, give status message if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('additional_participants', $params, FALSE)) { $statusMsg = ts('Registration information for participant 1 has been saved.'); CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($statusMsg, ts('Saved'), 'success'); } } /* * process Registration of free event * * @param array $param * Form valuess. * @param int contactID * * @return void * access public */ /** * @param array $params * @param int $contactID */ public function processRegistration($params, $contactID = NULL) { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $this->_participantInfo = array(); // CRM-4320, lets build array of cancelled additional participant ids // those are drop or skip by primary at the time of confirmation. // get all in and then unset those are confirmed. $cancelledIds = $this->_additionalParticipantIds; $participantCount = array(); foreach ($params as $participantNum => $record) { if ($record == 'skip') { $participantCount[$participantNum] = 'skip'; } elseif ($participantNum) { $participantCount[$participantNum] = 'participant'; } } $registerByID = NULL; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($value != 'skip') { $fields = NULL; // setting register by Id and unset contactId. if (empty($value['is_primary'])) { $contactID = NULL; $registerByID = $this->get('registerByID'); if ($registerByID) { $value['registered_by_id'] = $registerByID; } // get an email if one exists for the participant $participantEmail = ''; foreach (array_keys($value) as $valueName) { if (substr($valueName, 0, 6) == 'email-') { $participantEmail = $value[$valueName]; } } if ($participantEmail) { $this->_participantInfo[] = $participantEmail; } else { $this->_participantInfo[] = $value['first_name'] . ' ' . $value['last_name']; } } elseif (!empty($value['contact_id'])) { $contactID = $value['contact_id']; } else { $contactID = $this->getContactID(); } CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::fixLocationFields($value, $fields, $this); //for free event or additional participant, dont create billing email address. if (empty($value['is_primary']) || !$this->_values['event']['is_monetary']) { unset($value["email-{$this->_bltID}"]); } $contactID = CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::updateContactFields($contactID, $value, $fields, $this); // lets store the contactID in the session // we dont store in userID in case the user is doing multiple // transactions etc // for things like tell a friend if (!$this->getContactID() && !empty($value['is_primary'])) { $session->set('transaction.userID', $contactID); } //lets get the status if require approval or waiting. $waitingStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Waiting'"); if ($this->_allowWaitlist && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $value['participant_status_id'] = $value['participant_status'] = array_search('On waitlist', $waitingStatuses); } elseif ($this->_requireApproval && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $value['participant_status_id'] = $value['participant_status'] = array_search('Awaiting approval', $waitingStatuses); } $this->set('value', $value); $this->confirmPostProcess($contactID, NULL, NULL); //lets get additional participant id to cancel. if ($this->_allowConfirmation && is_array($cancelledIds)) { $additonalId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_id', $value); if ($additonalId && $key = array_search($additonalId, $cancelledIds)) { unset($cancelledIds[$key]); } } } } // update status and send mail to cancelled additonal participants, CRM-4320 if ($this->_allowConfirmation && is_array($cancelledIds) && !empty($cancelledIds)) { $cancelledId = array_search('Cancelled', CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Negative'") ); CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::transitionParticipants($cancelledIds, $cancelledId); } //set information about additional participants if exists if (count($this->_participantInfo)) { $this->set('participantInfo', $this->_participantInfo); } //send mail Confirmation/Receipt if ($this->_contributeMode != 'checkout' || $this->_contributeMode != 'notify' ) { $isTest = FALSE; if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW) { $isTest = TRUE; } //handle if no additional participant. if (!$registerByID) { $registerByID = $this->get('registerByID'); } $primaryContactId = $this->get('primaryContactId'); //build an array of custom profile and assigning it to template. $additionalIDs = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::buildCustomProfile($registerByID, NULL, $primaryContactId, $isTest, TRUE ); //lets carry all paticipant params w/ values. foreach ($additionalIDs as $participantID => $contactId) { $participantNum = NULL; if ($participantID == $registerByID) { $participantNum = 0; } else { if ($participantNum = array_search('participant', $participantCount)) { unset($participantCount[$participantNum]); } } if ($participantNum === NULL) { break; } //carry the participant submitted values. $this->_values['params'][$participantID] = $params[$participantNum]; } //lets send mails to all with meanigful text, CRM-4320. $this->assign('isOnWaitlist', $this->_allowWaitlist); $this->assign('isRequireApproval', $this->_requireApproval); foreach ($additionalIDs as $participantID => $contactId) { if ($participantID == $registerByID) { //set as Primary Participant $this->assign('isPrimary', 1); $customProfile = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::buildCustomProfile($participantID, $this->_values, NULL, $isTest); if (count($customProfile)) { $this->assign('customProfile', $customProfile); $this->set('customProfile', $customProfile); } } else { $this->assign('isPrimary', 0); $this->assign('customProfile', NULL); } //send Confirmation mail to Primary & additional Participants if exists CRM_Event_BAO_Event::sendMail($contactId, $this->_values, $participantID, $isTest); } } } /** * Method to check if the user is already registered for the event * and if result found redirect to the event info page * * @param array $fields * The input form values(anonymous user). * @param array $self * Event data. * @param bool $isAdditional * Treat isAdditional participants a bit differently. * @param bool $returnContactId * Just find and return the contactID match to use. * @param bool $useDedupeRules * Force usage of dedupe rules. * * @return void */ public static function checkRegistration($fields, &$self, $isAdditional = FALSE, $returnContactId = FALSE, $useDedupeRules = FALSE) { // CRM-3907, skip check for preview registrations // CRM-4320 participant need to walk wizard if (!$returnContactId && ($self->_mode == 'test' || $self->_allowConfirmation) ) { return FALSE; } $contactID = NULL; $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); if (!$isAdditional) { $contactID = $self->getContactID(); } if (!$contactID && is_array($fields) && $fields) { //CRM-14134 use Unsupervised rule for everyone $dedupeParams = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::formatParams($fields, 'Individual'); // disable permission based on cache since event registration is public page/feature. $dedupeParams['check_permission'] = FALSE; // find event dedupe rule if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('dedupe_rule_group_id', $self->_values['event'], 0) > 0) { $ids = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::dupesByParams($dedupeParams, 'Individual', 'Unsupervised', array(), $self->_values['event']['dedupe_rule_group_id']); } else { $ids = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::dupesByParams($dedupeParams, 'Individual', 'Unsupervised'); } $contactID = CRM_Utils_Array::value(0, $ids); } if ($returnContactId) { // CRM-7377 // return contactID if contact already exists return $contactID; } if ($contactID) { $participant = new CRM_Event_BAO_Participant(); $participant->contact_id = $contactID; $participant->event_id = $self->_values['event']['id']; if (!empty($fields['participant_role']) && is_numeric($fields['participant_role'])) { $participant->role_id = $fields['participant_role']; } else { $participant->role_id = $self->_values['event']['default_role_id']; } $participant->is_test = 0; $participant->find(); $statusTypes = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, 'is_counted = 1'); while ($participant->fetch()) { if (array_key_exists($participant->status_id, $statusTypes)) { if (!$isAdditional && !$self->_values['event']['allow_same_participant_emails']) { $registerUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/register', "reset=1&id={$self->_values['event']['id']}&cid=0" ); if ($self->_pcpId) { $registerUrl .= '&pcpId=' . $self->_pcpId; } $status = ts("It looks like you are already registered for this event. If you want to change your registration, or you feel that you've gotten this message in error, please contact the site administrator.") . ' ' . ts('You can also register another participant.', array(1 => $registerUrl)); $session->setStatus($status, ts('Oops.'), 'alert'); $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/info', "reset=1&id={$self->_values['event']['id']}&noFullMsg=true" ); if ($self->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW) { $url .= '&action=preview'; } if ($self->_pcpId) { $url .= '&pcpId=' . $self->_pcpId; } CRM_Utils_System::redirect($url); } if ($isAdditional) { $status = ts("It looks like this participant is already registered for this event. If you want to change your registration, or you feel that you've gotten this message in error, please contact the site administrator."); $session->setStatus($status, ts('Oops.'), 'alert'); return $participant->id; } } } } } }