style = array( 'width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2,2', 'color' => array(0, 0, 200), ); $this->format = '5160'; $this->imgExtension = 'png'; $this->imgRes = 300; $this->event = NULL; $this->setDebug(FALSE); } /** * @param bool $debug */ public function setDebug($debug = TRUE) { if (!$debug) { $this->debug = FALSE; $this->border = 0; } else { $this->debug = TRUE; $this->border = "LTRB"; } } /** * Create the labels (pdf). * * It assumes the participants are from the same event * * @param array $participants */ public function run(&$participants) { // fetch the 1st participant, and take her event to retrieve its attributes $participant = reset($participants); $eventID = $participant['event_id']; $this->event = self::retrieveEvent($eventID); //call function to create labels self::createLabels($participants); CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(1); } /** * @param int $eventID * * @return CRM_Event_BAO_Event|null */ protected function retrieveEvent($eventID) { $bao = new CRM_Event_BAO_Event(); if ($bao->get('id', $eventID)) { return $bao; } return NULL; } /** * @param int $eventID * @param bool $img * * @return string */ public function getImageFileName($eventID, $img = FALSE) { global $civicrm_root; $path = "CRM/Event/Badge"; if ($img == FALSE) { return FALSE; } if ($img == TRUE) { $img = get_class($this) . "." . $this->imgExtension; } // CRM-13235 - leverage the Smarty path to get all templates directories $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); if (isset($template->template_dir) && $template->template_dir) { $dirs = is_array($template->template_dir) ? $template->template_dir : array($template->template_dir); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { foreach (array("$dir/$path/$eventID/$img", "$dir/$path/$img") as $imgFile) { if (file_exists($imgFile)) { return $imgFile; } } } } else { $imgFile = 'No template directories defined anywhere??'; } // not sure it exists, but at least will display a meaniful fatal error in debug mode return $imgFile; } /** * @param bool $img */ public function printBackground($img = FALSE) { $x = $this->pdf->GetAbsX(); $y = $this->pdf->GetY(); if ($this->debug) { $this->pdf->Rect($x, $y, $this->pdf->width, $this->pdf->height, 'D', array( 'all' => array( 'width' => 1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2,10', 'color' => array(255, 0, 0), ), )); } $img = $this->getImageFileName($this->event->id, $img); if ($img) { $imgsize = getimagesize($img); // mm $f = $this->imgRes / 25.4; $w = $imgsize[0] / $f; $h = $imgsize[1] / $f; $this->pdf->Image($img, $this->pdf->GetAbsX(), $this->pdf->GetY(), $w, $h, strtoupper($this->imgExtension), '', '', FALSE, 72, '', FALSE, FALSE, $this->debug, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); } $this->pdf->SetXY($x, $y); } /** * This is supposed to be overrided. */ public function generateLabel($participant) { $txt = "{$this->event['title']} {$participant['display_name']} {$participant['current_employer']}"; $this->pdf->MultiCell($this->pdf->width, $this->pdf->lineHeight, $txt); } public function pdfExtraFormat() { } /** * Create labels (pdf). * * @param array $participants */ public function createLabels(&$participants) { $this->pdf = new CRM_Utils_PDF_Label($this->format, 'mm'); $this->pdfExtraFormat(); $this->pdf->Open(); $this->pdf->setPrintHeader(FALSE); $this->pdf->setPrintFooter(FALSE); $this->pdf->AddPage(); $this->pdf->AddFont('DejaVu Sans', '', 'DejaVuSans.php'); $this->pdf->SetFont('DejaVu Sans'); $this->pdf->SetGenerator($this, "generateLabel"); foreach ($participants as $participant) { $this->pdf->AddPdfLabel($participant); } $this->pdf->Output($this->event->title . '.pdf', 'D'); } }