array('Registered', 'Cancelled'), 'Pending from incomplete transaction' => array('Registered', 'Cancelled'), 'On waitlist' => array('Cancelled', 'Pending from waitlist'), 'Pending from waitlist' => array('Registered', 'Cancelled'), 'Awaiting approval' => array('Cancelled', 'Pending from approval'), 'Pending from approval' => array('Registered', 'Cancelled'), ); function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * takes an associative array and creates a participant object * * the function extract all the params it needs to initialize the create a * participant object. the params array could contain additional unused name/value * pairs * * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs * @param array $ids the array that holds all the db ids * * @return object CRM_Event_BAO_Participant object * @access public * @static */ static function &add(&$params) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)) { CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('edit', 'Participant', $params['id'], $params); } else { CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('create', 'Participant', NULL, $params); } // converting dates to mysql format if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('register_date', $params)) { $params['register_date'] = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($params['register_date']); } if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_fee_amount', $params)) { $params['participant_fee_amount'] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($params['participant_fee_amount']); } if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('fee_amount', $params)) { $params['fee_amount'] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($params['fee_amount']); } $participantBAO = new CRM_Event_BAO_Participant; if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)) { $participantBAO->id = CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params); $participantBAO->find(TRUE); $participantBAO->register_date = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($participantBAO->register_date); } $participantBAO->copyValues($params); //CRM-6910 //1. If currency present, it should be valid one. //2. We should have currency when amount is not null. $currency = $participantBAO->fee_currency; if ($currency || !CRM_Utils_System::isNull($participantBAO->fee_amount) ) { if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::currencyCode($currency)) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $currency = $config->defaultCurrency; } } $participantBAO->fee_currency = $currency; $participantBAO->save(); $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); // reset the group contact cache for this group CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContactCache::remove(); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)) { CRM_Utils_Hook::post('edit', 'Participant', $participantBAO->id, $participantBAO); } else { CRM_Utils_Hook::post('create', 'Participant', $participantBAO->id, $participantBAO); } return $participantBAO; } /** * Given the list of params in the params array, fetch the object * and store the values in the values array * * @param array $params input parameters to find object * @param array $values output values of the object * * @return CRM_Event_BAO_Participant|null the found object or null * @access public * @static */ static function getValues(&$params, &$values, &$ids) { if (empty($params)) { return NULL; } $participant = new CRM_Event_BAO_Participant(); $participant->copyValues($params); $participant->find(); $participants = array(); while ($participant->fetch()) { $ids['participant'] = $participant->id; CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($participant, $values[$participant->id]); $participants[$participant->id] = $participant; } return $participants; } /** * takes an associative array and creates a participant object * * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs * @param array $ids the array that holds all the db ids * * @return object CRM_Event_BAO_Participant object * @access public * @static */ static function &create(&$params) { $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); $status = NULL; if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)) { $status = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Participant', $params['id'], 'status_id'); } $participant = self::add($params); if (is_a($participant, 'CRM_Core_Error')) { $transaction->rollback(); return $participant; } if ((!CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)) || ($params['status_id'] != $status) ) { CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::addActivity($participant); } //CRM-5403 //for update mode if (self::isPrimaryParticipant($participant->id) && $status) { self::updateParticipantStatus($participant->id, $status, $participant->status_id); } $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $id = $session->get('userID'); if (!$id) { $id = $params['contact_id']; } // add custom field values if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('custom', $params) && is_array($params['custom']) ) { CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable::store($params['custom'], 'civicrm_participant', $participant->id); } //process note, CRM-7634 $noteId = NULL; if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)) { $note = CRM_Core_BAO_Note::getNote($params['id'], 'civicrm_participant'); $noteId = key($note); } $noteValue = NULL; $hasNoteField = FALSE; foreach (array( 'note', 'participant_note') as $noteFld) { if (array_key_exists($noteFld, $params)) { $noteValue = $params[$noteFld]; $hasNoteField = TRUE; break; } } if ($noteId || $noteValue) { if ($noteValue) { $noteParams = array( 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_participant', 'note' => $noteValue, 'entity_id' => $participant->id, 'contact_id' => $id, 'modified_date' => date('Ymd'), ); $noteIDs = array(); if ($noteId) { $noteIDs['id'] = $noteId; } CRM_Core_BAO_Note::add($noteParams, $noteIDs); } elseif ($noteId && $hasNoteField) { CRM_Core_BAO_Note::del($noteId, FALSE); } } // Log the information on successful add/edit of Participant data. $logParams = array( 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_participant', 'entity_id' => $participant->id, 'data' => CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus($participant->status_id), 'modified_id' => $id, 'modified_date' => date('Ymd'), ); CRM_Core_BAO_Log::add($logParams); $params['participant_id'] = $participant->id; $transaction->commit(); // do not add to recent items for import, CRM-4399 if (!CRM_Utils_Array::value('skipRecentView', $params)) { $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view/participant', "action=view&reset=1&id={$participant->id}&cid={$participant->contact_id}&context=home" ); $recentOther = array(); if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit event participants')) { $recentOther['editUrl'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view/participant', "action=update&reset=1&id={$participant->id}&cid={$participant->contact_id}&context=home" ); } if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('delete in CiviEvent')) { $recentOther['deleteUrl'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view/participant', "action=delete&reset=1&id={$participant->id}&cid={$participant->contact_id}&context=home" ); } $participantRoles = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantRole(); if ($participant->role_id) { $role = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $participant->role_id); foreach ($role as & $roleValue) { if (isset($roleValue)) { $roleValue = $participantRoles[$roleValue]; } } $roles = implode(', ', $role); } $roleString = empty($roles) ? '' : $roles; $eventTitle = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $participant->event_id, 'title'); $title = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::displayName($participant->contact_id) . ' (' . $roleString . ' - ' . $eventTitle . ')'; // add the recently created Participant CRM_Utils_Recent::add($title, $url, $participant->id, 'Participant', $participant->contact_id, NULL, $recentOther ); } return $participant; } /** * Check whether the event is full for participation and return as * per requirements. * * @param int $eventId event id. * @param boolean $returnEmptySeats are we require number if empty seats. * @param boolean $includeWaitingList consider waiting list in event full * calculation or not. (it is for cron job purpose) * * @return * 1. false => If event having some empty spaces. * 2. null => If no registration yet or no limit. * 3. Event Full Message => If event is full. * 4. Number of Empty Seats => If we are interested in empty spaces.( w/ include/exclude waitings. ) * * @static * @access public */ static function eventFull( $eventId, $returnEmptySeats = FALSE, $includeWaitingList = TRUE, $returnWaitingCount = FALSE, $considerTestParticipant = FALSE ) { $result = NULL; if (!$eventId) { return $result; } // consider event is full when. // 1. (count(is_counted) >= event_size) or // 2. (count(participants-with-status-on-waitlist) > 0) // It might be case there are some empty spaces and still event // is full, as waitlist might represent group require spaces > empty. $participantRoles = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantRole(NULL, 'filter = 1'); $countedStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, 'is_counted = 1'); $waitingStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Waiting'"); $onWaitlistStatusId = array_search('On waitlist', $waitingStatuses); //when we do require only waiting count don't consider counted. if (!$returnWaitingCount && !empty($countedStatuses)) { $allStatusIds = array_keys($countedStatuses); } $where = array(' = %1 '); if (!$considerTestParticipant) { $where[] = ' ( participant.is_test = 0 OR participant.is_test IS NULL ) '; } if (!empty($participantRoles)) { $where[] = ' participant.role_id IN ( ' . implode(', ', array_keys($participantRoles)) . ' ) '; } $eventParams = array(1 => array($eventId, 'Positive')); //in case any waiting, straight forward event is full. if ($includeWaitingList && $onWaitlistStatusId) { //build the where clause. $whereClause = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where); $whereClause .= " AND participant.status_id = $onWaitlistStatusId "; $eventSeatsWhere = implode(' AND ', $where) . " AND ( participant.status_id = $onWaitlistStatusId )"; $query = " SELECT id, event.event_full_text as event_full_text FROM civicrm_participant participant INNER JOIN civicrm_event event ON ( = participant.event_id ) {$whereClause}"; $eventFullText = ts('This event is full!!!'); $participants = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $eventParams); while ($participants->fetch()) { //oops here event is full and we don't want waiting count. if ($returnWaitingCount) { return CRM_Event_BAO_Event::eventTotalSeats($eventId, $eventSeatsWhere); } else { return ($participants->event_full_text) ? $participants->event_full_text : $eventFullText; } } } //consider only counted participants. $where[] = ' participant.status_id IN ( ' . implode(', ', array_keys($countedStatuses)) . ' ) '; $whereClause = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where); $eventSeatsWhere = implode(' AND ', $where); $query = " SELECT id, event.event_full_text as event_full_text, event.max_participants as max_participants FROM civicrm_participant participant INNER JOIN civicrm_event event ON ( = participant.event_id ) {$whereClause}"; $eventMaxSeats = NULL; $eventFullText = ts('This event is full !!!'); $participants = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $eventParams); while ($participants->fetch()) { if ($participants->event_full_text) { $eventFullText = $participants->event_full_text; } $eventMaxSeats = $participants->max_participants; //don't have limit for event seats. if ($participants->max_participants == NULL) { return $result; } } //get the total event seats occupied by these participants. $eventRegisteredSeats = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::eventTotalSeats($eventId, $eventSeatsWhere); if ($eventRegisteredSeats) { if ($eventRegisteredSeats >= $eventMaxSeats) { $result = $eventFullText; } elseif ($returnEmptySeats) { $result = $eventMaxSeats - $eventRegisteredSeats; } return $result; } else { $query = ' SELECT event.event_full_text, event.max_participants FROM civicrm_event event WHERE = %1'; $event = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $eventParams); while ($event->fetch()) { $eventFullText = $event->event_full_text; $eventMaxSeats = $event->max_participants; } } // no limit for registration. if ($eventMaxSeats == NULL) { return $result; } if ($eventMaxSeats) { return ($returnEmptySeats) ? (int) $eventMaxSeats : FALSE; } return $eventFullText; } /** * Return the array of all price set field options, * with total participant count that field going to carry. * * @param int $eventId event id. * @param array $skipParticipants an array of participant ids those we should skip. * @param int $isTest would you like to consider test participants. * * @return array $optionsCount an array of each option id and total count * @static * @access public */ static function priceSetOptionsCount( $eventId, $skipParticipantIds = array(), $considerCounted = TRUE, $considerWaiting = TRUE, $considerTestParticipants = FALSE ) { $optionsCount = array(); if (!$eventId) { return $optionsCount; } $allStatusIds = array(); if ($considerCounted) { $countedStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, 'is_counted = 1'); $allStatusIds = array_merge($allStatusIds, array_keys($countedStatuses)); } if ($considerWaiting) { $waitingStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Waiting'"); $allStatusIds = array_merge($allStatusIds, array_keys($waitingStatuses)); } $statusIdClause = NULL; if (!empty($allStatusIds)) { $statusIdClause = ' AND participant.status_id IN ( ' . implode(', ', array_values($allStatusIds)) . ')'; } $isTestClause = NULL; if (!$considerTestParticipants) { $isTestClause = ' AND ( participant.is_test IS NULL OR participant.is_test = 0 )'; } $skipParticipantClause = NULL; if (is_array($skipParticipantIds) && !empty($skipParticipantIds)) { $skipParticipantClause = ' AND NOT IN ( ' . implode(', ', $skipParticipantIds) . ')'; } $sql = " SELECT as lineId, line.entity_id as entity_id, line.qty, as valueId, value.count, field.html_type FROM civicrm_line_item line INNER JOIN civicrm_participant participant ON ( line.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND = line.entity_id ) INNER JOIN civicrm_price_field_value value ON ( = line.price_field_value_id ) INNER JOIN civicrm_price_field field ON ( value.price_field_id = ) WHERE participant.event_id = %1 {$statusIdClause} {$isTestClause} {$skipParticipantClause}"; $lineItem = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, array(1 => array($eventId, 'Positive'))); while ($lineItem->fetch()) { $count = $lineItem->count; if (!$count) { $count = 1; } if ($lineItem->html_type == 'Text') { $count *= $lineItem->qty; } $optionsCount[$lineItem->valueId] = $count + CRM_Utils_Array::value($lineItem->valueId, $optionsCount, 0); } return $optionsCount; } /** * Get the empty spaces for event those we can allocate * to pending participant to become confirm. * * @param int $eventId event id. * * @return int $spaces Number of Empty Seats/null. * @static * @access public */ static function pendingToConfirmSpaces($eventId) { $emptySeats = 0; if (!$eventId) { return $emptySeats; } $positiveStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Positive'"); $statusIds = '(' . implode(',', array_keys($positiveStatuses)) . ')'; $query = " SELECT count( as registered, civicrm_event.max_participants FROM civicrm_participant participant, civicrm_event WHERE participant.event_id = {$eventId} AND = participant.event_id AND participant.status_id IN {$statusIds} GROUP BY participant.event_id "; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); if ($dao->fetch()) { //unlimited space. if ($dao->max_participants == NULL || $dao->max_participants <= 0) { return NULL; } //no space. if ($dao->registered >= $dao->max_participants) { return $emptySeats; } //difference. return $dao->max_participants - $dao->registered; } //space in case no registeration yet. return CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $eventId, 'max_participants'); } /** * combine all the importable fields from the lower levels object * * @return array array of importable Fields * @access public * @static */ static function &importableFields($contactType = 'Individual', $status = TRUE, $onlyParticipant = FALSE) { if (!self::$_importableFields) { if (!$onlyParticipant) { if (!$status) { $fields = array('' => array('title' => ts('- do not import -'))); } else { $fields = array('' => array('title' => ts('- Participant Fields -'))); } } else { $fields = array(); } $tmpFields = CRM_Event_DAO_Participant::import(); $note = array( 'participant_note' => array( 'title' => 'Participant Note', 'name' => 'participant_note', 'headerPattern' => '/(participant.)?note$/i', )); $participantStatus = array( 'participant_status' => array( 'title' => 'Participant Status', 'name' => 'participant_status', 'data_type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING, )); $participantRole = array( 'participant_role' => array( 'title' => 'Participant Role', 'name' => 'participant_role', 'data_type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING, )); $eventType = array( 'event_type' => array( 'title' => 'Event Type', 'name' => 'event_type', 'data_type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING, )); $tmpContactField = $contactFields = array(); $contactFields = array( ); if (!$onlyParticipant) { $contactFields = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::importableFields($contactType, NULL); // Using new Dedupe rule. $ruleParams = array( 'contact_type' => $contactType, 'used' => 'Unsupervised', ); $fieldsArray = CRM_Dedupe_BAO_Rule::dedupeRuleFields($ruleParams); if (is_array($fieldsArray)) { foreach ($fieldsArray as $value) { $customFieldId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_CustomField', $value, 'id', 'column_name' ); $value = $customFieldId ? 'custom_' . $customFieldId : $value; $tmpContactField[trim($value)] = CRM_Utils_Array::value(trim($value), $contactFields); if (!$status) { $title = $tmpContactField[trim($value)]['title'] . ' (match to contact)'; } else { $title = $tmpContactField[trim($value)]['title']; } $tmpContactField[trim($value)]['title'] = $title; } } } $extIdentifier = CRM_Utils_Array::value('external_identifier', $contactFields); if ($extIdentifier) { $tmpContactField['external_identifier'] = $extIdentifier; $tmpContactField['external_identifier']['title'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('title', $extIdentifier) . ' (match to contact)'; } $tmpFields['participant_contact_id']['title'] = $tmpFields['participant_contact_id']['title'] . ' (match to contact)'; //campaign fields. if (isset($tmpFields['participant_campaign_id'])) { $tmpFields['participant_campaign'] = array('title' => ts('Campaign Title')); } $fields = array_merge($fields, $tmpContactField); $fields = array_merge($fields, $tmpFields); $fields = array_merge($fields, $note, $participantStatus, $participantRole, $eventType); $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport('Participant')); self::$_importableFields = $fields; } return self::$_importableFields; } /** * combine all the exportable fields from the lower levels object * * @return array array of exportable Fields * @access public * @static */ static function &exportableFields() { if (!self::$_exportableFields) { if (!self::$_exportableFields) { self::$_exportableFields = array(); } $fields = array(); $participantFields = CRM_Event_DAO_Participant::export(); $noteField = array( 'participant_note' => array('title' => 'Participant Note', 'name' => 'participant_note', )); $participantStatus = array( 'participant_status' => array('title' => 'Participant Status', 'name' => 'participant_status', )); $participantRole = array( 'participant_role' => array('title' => 'Participant Role', 'name' => 'participant_role', )); //campaign fields. if (isset($participantFields['participant_campaign_id'])) { $participantFields['participant_campaign'] = array('title' => ts('Campaign Title')); } $discountFields = CRM_Core_DAO_Discount::export(); $fields = array_merge($participantFields, $participantStatus, $participantRole, $noteField, $discountFields); // add custom data $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport('Participant')); self::$_exportableFields = $fields; } return self::$_exportableFields; } /** * function to get the event name/sort name for a particular participation / participant * * @param int $participantId id of the participant * * @return array $name associated array with sort_name and event title * @static * @access public */ static function participantDetails($participantId) { $query = " SELECT civicrm_contact.sort_name as name, civicrm_event.title as title, as cid FROM civicrm_participant LEFT JOIN civicrm_event ON (civicrm_participant.event_id = LEFT JOIN civicrm_contact ON (civicrm_participant.contact_id = WHERE = {$participantId} "; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray); $details = array(); while ($dao->fetch()) { $details['name'] = $dao->name; $details['title'] = $dao->title; $details['cid'] = $dao->cid; } return $details; } /** * Get the values for pseudoconstants for name->value and reverse. * * @param array $defaults (reference) the default values, some of which need to be resolved. * @param boolean $reverse true if we want to resolve the values in the reverse direction (value -> name) * * @return void * @access public * @static */ static function resolveDefaults(&$defaults, $reverse = FALSE) { self::lookupValue($defaults, 'event', CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::event(), $reverse); self::lookupValue($defaults, 'status', CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, NULL, 'label'), $reverse); self::lookupValue($defaults, 'role', CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantRole(), $reverse); } /** * This function is used to convert associative array names to values * and vice-versa. * * This function is used by both the web form layer and the api. Note that * the api needs the name => value conversion, also the view layer typically * requires value => name conversion */ static function lookupValue(&$defaults, $property, &$lookup, $reverse) { $id = $property . '_id'; $src = $reverse ? $property : $id; $dst = $reverse ? $id : $property; if (!array_key_exists($src, $defaults)) { return FALSE; } $look = $reverse ? array_flip($lookup) : $lookup; if (is_array($look)) { if (!array_key_exists($defaults[$src], $look)) { return FALSE; } } $defaults[$dst] = $look[$defaults[$src]]; return TRUE; } /** * Delete the record that are associated with this participation * * @param int $id id of the participation to delete * * @return void * @access public * @static */ static function deleteParticipant($id) { CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('delete', 'Participant', $id, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray); $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); //delete activity record $params = array( 'source_record_id' => $id, // activity type id for event registration 'activity_type_id' => 5, ); CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::deleteActivity($params); // delete the participant payment record // we need to do this since the cascaded constraints // dont work with join tables $p = array('participant_id' => $id); CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantPayment::deleteParticipantPayment($p); // cleanup line items. $participantsId = array(); $participantsId = self::getAdditionalParticipantIds($id); $participantsId[] = $id; CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::deleteLineItems($participantsId, 'civicrm_participant'); //delete note when participant deleted. $note = CRM_Core_BAO_Note::getNote($id, 'civicrm_participant'); $noteId = key($note); if ($noteId) { CRM_Core_BAO_Note::del($noteId, FALSE); } $participant = new CRM_Event_DAO_Participant(); $participant->id = $id; $participant->delete(); $transaction->commit(); CRM_Utils_Hook::post('delete', 'Participant', $participant->id, $participant); // delete the recently created Participant $participantRecent = array( 'id' => $id, 'type' => 'Participant', ); CRM_Utils_Recent::del($participantRecent); return $participant; } /** *Checks duplicate participants * * @param array $duplicates (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs * @param array $input an assosiative array of name /value pairs * from other function * * @return object CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution object * @access public * @static */ static function checkDuplicate($input, &$duplicates) { $eventId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('event_id', $input); $contactId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_id', $input); $clause = array(); $input = array(); if ($eventId) { $clause[] = "event_id = %1"; $input[1] = array($eventId, 'Integer'); } if ($contactId) { $clause[] = "contact_id = %2"; $input[2] = array($contactId, 'Integer'); } if (empty($clause)) { return FALSE; } $clause = implode(' AND ', $clause); $query = "SELECT id FROM civicrm_participant WHERE $clause"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $input); $result = FALSE; while ($dao->fetch()) { $duplicates[] = $dao->id; $result = TRUE; } return $result; } /** * fix the event level * * When price sets are used as event fee, fee_level is set as ^A * seperated string. We need to change that string to comma * separated string before using fee_level in view mode. * * @param string $eventLevel event_leval string from db * * @static * * @return void */ static function fixEventLevel(&$eventLevel) { if ((substr($eventLevel, 0, 1) == CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR) && (substr($eventLevel, -1, 1) == CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR) ) { $eventLevel = implode(', ', explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, substr($eventLevel, 1, -1) )); if ($pos = strrpos($eventLevel, '(multiple participants)', 0)) { $eventLevel = substr_replace($eventLevel, "", $pos - 3, 1); } } elseif ((substr($eventLevel, 0, 1) == CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR)) { $eventLevel = implode(', ', explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, substr($eventLevel, 0, 1) )); } elseif ((substr($eventLevel, -1, 1) == CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR)) { $eventLevel = implode(', ', explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, substr($eventLevel, 0, -1) )); } } /** * get the additional participant ids. * * @param int $primaryParticipantId primary partycipant Id * @param boolean $excludeCancel do not include participant those are cancelled. * * @return array $additionalParticipantIds * @static */ static function getAdditionalParticipantIds($primaryParticipantId, $excludeCancel = TRUE, $oldStatusId = NULL) { $additionalParticipantIds = array(); if (!$primaryParticipantId) { return $additionalParticipantIds; } $where = "participant.registered_by_id={$primaryParticipantId}"; if ($excludeCancel) { $cancelStatusId = 0; $negativeStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Negative'"); $cancelStatusId = array_search('Cancelled', $negativeStatuses); $where .= " AND participant.status_id != {$cancelStatusId}"; } if ($oldStatusId) { $where .= " AND participant.status_id = {$oldStatusId}"; } $query = " SELECT FROM civicrm_participant participant WHERE {$where}"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); while ($dao->fetch()) { $additionalParticipantIds[$dao->id] = $dao->id; } return $additionalParticipantIds; } /** * Get the event fee info for given participant ids * either from line item table / participant table. * * @param array $participantIds participant ids. * @param boolean $hasLineItems do fetch from line items. * * @return array $feeDetails * @static */ function getFeeDetails($participantIds, $hasLineItems = FALSE) { $feeDetails = array(); if (!is_array($participantIds) || empty($participantIds)) { return $feeDetails; } $select = ' SELECT as id, participant.fee_level as fee_level, participant.fee_amount as fee_amount'; $from = 'FROM civicrm_participant participant'; if ($hasLineItems) { $select .= ' , as lineId, lineItem.label as label, lineItem.qty as qty, lineItem.unit_price as unit_price, lineItem.line_total as line_total, field.label as field_title, field.html_type as html_type, as price_field_id, as price_field_value_id, value.description as description, IF( value.count, value.count, 0 ) as participant_count'; $from .= " INNER JOIN civicrm_line_item lineItem ON ( lineItem.entity_table = 'civicrm_participant' AND lineItem.entity_id = ) INNER JOIN civicrm_price_field field ON ( = lineItem.price_field_id ) INNER JOIN civicrm_price_field_value value ON ( = lineItem.price_field_value_id ) "; } $where = 'WHERE IN ( ' . implode(', ', $participantIds) . ' )'; $query = "$select $from $where"; $feeInfo = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); $feeProperties = array('fee_level', 'fee_amount'); $lineProperties = array( 'lineId', 'label', 'qty', 'unit_price', 'line_total', 'field_title', 'html_type', 'price_field_id', 'participant_count', 'price_field_value_id', 'description', ); while ($feeInfo->fetch()) { if ($hasLineItems) { foreach ($lineProperties as $property) { $feeDetails[$feeInfo->id][$feeInfo->lineId][$property] = $feeInfo->$property; } } else { foreach ($feeProperties as $property) $feeDetails[$feeInfo->id][$property] = $feeInfo->$property; } } return $feeDetails; } /** * Retrieve additional participants display-names and URL to view their participant records. * (excludes cancelled participants automatically) * * @param int $primaryParticipantID id of primary participant record * * @return array $additionalParticipants $displayName => $viewUrl * @static */ static function getAdditionalParticipants($primaryParticipantID) { $additionalParticipantIDs = array(); $additionalParticipantIDs = self::getAdditionalParticipantIds($primaryParticipantID); if (!empty($additionalParticipantIDs)) { foreach ($additionalParticipantIDs as $additionalParticipantID) { $additionalContactID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Participant', $additionalParticipantID, 'contact_id', 'id' ); $additionalContactName = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::displayName($additionalContactID); $pViewURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view/participant', "action=view&reset=1&id={$additionalParticipantID}&cid={$additionalContactID}" ); $additionalParticipants[$additionalContactName] = $pViewURL; } } return $additionalParticipants; } /** * Function for update primary and additional participant status * * @param int $participantID primary participant's id * @param int $statusId status id for participant * return void * @access public * @static */ static function updateParticipantStatus($participantID, $oldStatusID, $newStatusID = NULL, $updatePrimaryStatus = FALSE) { if (!$participantID || !$oldStatusID) { return; } if (!$newStatusID) { $newStatusID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Participant', $participantID, 'status_id'); } elseif ($updatePrimaryStatus) { CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Participant', $participantID, 'status_id', $newStatusID); } $cascadeAdditionalIds = self::getValidAdditionalIds($participantID, $oldStatusID, $newStatusID); if (!empty($cascadeAdditionalIds)) { $cascadeAdditionalIds = implode(',', $cascadeAdditionalIds); $query = "UPDATE civicrm_participant cp SET cp.status_id = %1 WHERE IN ({$cascadeAdditionalIds})"; $params = array(1 => array($newStatusID, 'Integer')); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Function for update status for given participant ids * * @param int $participantIds array of participant ids * @param int $statusId status id for participant * @params boolean $updateRegisterDate way to track when status changed. * * return void * @access public * @static */ static function updateStatus($participantIds, $statusId, $updateRegisterDate = FALSE) { if (!is_array($participantIds) || empty($participantIds) || !$statusId) { return; } //lets update register date as we update status to keep track //when we did update status, useful for moving participant //from pending to expired. $setClause = "status_id = {$statusId}"; if ($updateRegisterDate) { $setClause .= ", register_date = NOW()"; } $participantIdClause = '( ' . implode(',', $participantIds) . ' )'; $query = " UPDATE civicrm_participant SET {$setClause} WHERE id IN {$participantIdClause}"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); } /* * Function takes participant ids and statuses * update status from $fromStatusId to $toStatusId * and send mail + create activities. * * @param array $participantIds participant ids. * @param int $toStatusId update status id. * @param int $fromStatusId from status id * * return void * @access public * @static */ static function transitionParticipants($participantIds, $toStatusId, $fromStatusId = NULL, $returnResult = FALSE, $skipCascadeRule = FALSE ) { if (!is_array($participantIds) || empty($participantIds) || !$toStatusId) { return; } //thumb rule is if we triggering primary participant need to triggered additional $allParticipantIds = $primaryANDAdditonalIds = array(); foreach ($participantIds as $id) { $allParticipantIds[] = $id; if (self::isPrimaryParticipant($id)) { //filter additional as per status transition rules, CRM-5403 if ($skipCascadeRule) { $additionalIds = self::getAdditionalParticipantIds($id); } else { $additionalIds = self::getValidAdditionalIds($id, $fromStatusId, $toStatusId); } if (!empty($additionalIds)) { $allParticipantIds = array_merge($allParticipantIds, $additionalIds); $primaryANDAdditonalIds[$id] = $additionalIds; } } } //get the unique participant ids, $allParticipantIds = array_unique($allParticipantIds); //pull required participants, contacts, events data, if not in hand static $eventDetails = array(); static $domainValues = array(); static $contactDetails = array(); $contactIds = $eventIds = $participantDetails = array(); $statusTypes = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(); $participantRoles = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantRole(); $pendingStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Pending'" ); //first thing is pull all necessory data from db. $participantIdClause = '(' . implode(',', $allParticipantIds) . ')'; //get all participants data. $query = "SELECT * FROM civicrm_participant WHERE id IN {$participantIdClause}"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); while ($dao->fetch()) { $participantDetails[$dao->id] = array( 'id' => $dao->id, 'role' => $participantRoles[$dao->role_id], 'is_test' => $dao->is_test, 'event_id' => $dao->event_id, 'status_id' => $dao->status_id, 'fee_amount' => $dao->fee_amount, 'contact_id' => $dao->contact_id, 'register_date' => $dao->register_date, 'registered_by_id' => $dao->registered_by_id, ); if (!array_key_exists($dao->contact_id, $contactDetails)) { $contactIds[$dao->contact_id] = $dao->contact_id; } if (!array_key_exists($dao->event_id, $eventDetails)) { $eventIds[$dao->event_id] = $dao->event_id; } } //get the domain values. if (empty($domainValues)) { // making all tokens available to templates. $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain(); $tokens = array('domain' => array('name', 'phone', 'address', 'email'), 'contact' => CRM_Core_SelectValues::contactTokens(), ); foreach ($tokens['domain'] as $token) { $domainValues[$token] = CRM_Utils_Token::getDomainTokenReplacement($token, $domain); } } //get all required contacts detail. if (!empty($contactIds)) { // get the contact details. list($currentContactDetails) = CRM_Utils_Token::getTokenDetails($contactIds, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, array(), 'CRM_Event_BAO_Participant' ); foreach ($currentContactDetails as $contactId => $contactValues) { $contactDetails[$contactId] = $contactValues; } } //get all required events detail. if (!empty($eventIds)) { foreach ($eventIds as $eventId) { //retrieve event information $eventParams = array('id' => $eventId); CRM_Event_BAO_Event::retrieve($eventParams, $eventDetails[$eventId]); //get default participant role. $eventDetails[$eventId]['participant_role'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($eventDetails[$eventId]['default_role_id'], $participantRoles); //get the location info $locParams = array('entity_id' => $eventId, 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_event'); $eventDetails[$eventId]['location'] = CRM_Core_BAO_Location::getValues($locParams, TRUE); } } //now we are ready w/ all required data. //take a decision as per statuses. $emailType = NULL; $toStatus = $statusTypes[$toStatusId]; $fromStatus = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fromStatusId, $statusTypes); switch ($toStatus) { case 'Pending from waitlist': case 'Pending from approval': switch ($fromStatus) { case 'On waitlist': case 'Awaiting approval': $emailType = 'Confirm'; break; } break; case 'Expired': //no matter from where u come send expired mail. $emailType = $toStatus; break; case 'Cancelled': //no matter from where u come send cancel mail. $emailType = $toStatus; break; } //as we process additional w/ primary, there might be case if user //select primary as well as additionals, so avoid double processing. $processedParticipantIds = array(); $mailedParticipants = array(); //send mails and update status. foreach ($participantDetails as $participantId => $participantValues) { $updateParticipantIds = array(); if (in_array($participantId, $processedParticipantIds)) { continue; } //check is it primary and has additional. if (array_key_exists($participantId, $primaryANDAdditonalIds)) { foreach ($primaryANDAdditonalIds[$participantId] as $additonalId) { if ($emailType) { $mail = self::sendTransitionParticipantMail($additonalId, $participantDetails[$additonalId], $eventDetails[$participantDetails[$additonalId]['event_id']], $contactDetails[$participantDetails[$additonalId]['contact_id']], $domainValues, $emailType ); //get the mail participant ids if ($mail) { $mailedParticipants[$additonalId] = $contactDetails[$participantDetails[$additonalId]['contact_id']]['display_name']; } } $updateParticipantIds[] = $additonalId; $processedParticipantIds[] = $additonalId; } } //now send email appropriate mail to primary. if ($emailType) { $mail = self::sendTransitionParticipantMail($participantId, $participantValues, $eventDetails[$participantValues['event_id']], $contactDetails[$participantValues['contact_id']], $domainValues, $emailType ); //get the mail participant ids if ($mail) { $mailedParticipants[$participantId] = $contactDetails[$participantValues['contact_id']]['display_name']; } } //now update status of group/one at once. $updateParticipantIds[] = $participantId; //update the register date only when we, //move participant to pending class, CRM-6496 $updateRegisterDate = FALSE; if (array_key_exists($toStatusId, $pendingStatuses)) { $updateRegisterDate = TRUE; } self::updateStatus($updateParticipantIds, $toStatusId, $updateRegisterDate); $processedParticipantIds[] = $participantId; } //return result for cron. if ($returnResult) { $results = array( 'mailedParticipants' => $mailedParticipants, 'updatedParticipantIds' => $processedParticipantIds, ); return $results; } } /** * Function to send mail and create activity * when participant status changed. * * @param int $participantId participant id. * @param array $participantValues participant detail values. status id for participants * @param array $eventDetails required event details * @param array $contactDetails required contact details * @param array $domainValues required domain values. * @param string $mailType (eg 'approval', 'confirm', 'expired' ) * * return void * @access public * @static */ static function sendTransitionParticipantMail( $participantId, $participantValues, $eventDetails, $contactDetails, &$domainValues, $mailType ) { //send emails. $mailSent = FALSE; //don't send confirmation mail to additional //since only primary able to confirm registration. if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('registered_by_id', $participantValues) && $mailType == 'Confirm' ) { return $mailSent; } if ($toEmail = CRM_Utils_Array::value('email', $contactDetails)) { $contactId = $participantValues['contact_id']; $participantName = $contactDetails['display_name']; //calculate the checksum value. $checksumValue = NULL; if ($mailType == 'Confirm' && !$participantValues['registered_by_id']) { $checksumLife = 'inf'; if ($endDate = CRM_Utils_Array::value('end_date', $eventDetails)) { $checksumLife = (CRM_Utils_Date::unixTime($endDate) - time()) / (60 * 60); } $checksumValue = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::generateChecksum($contactId, NULL, $checksumLife); } //take a receipt from as event else domain. $receiptFrom = $domainValues['name'] . ' <' . $domainValues['email'] . '>'; if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('confirm_from_name', $eventDetails) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('confirm_from_email', $eventDetails) ) { $receiptFrom = $eventDetails['confirm_from_name'] . ' <' . $eventDetails['confirm_from_email'] . '>'; } list($mailSent, $subject, $message, $html) = CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::sendTemplate( array( 'groupName' => 'msg_tpl_workflow_event', 'valueName' => 'participant_' . strtolower($mailType), 'contactId' => $contactId, 'tplParams' => array( 'contact' => $contactDetails, 'domain' => $domainValues, 'participant' => $participantValues, 'event' => $eventDetails, 'paidEvent' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_monetary', $eventDetails), 'isShowLocation' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_show_location', $eventDetails), 'isAdditional' => $participantValues['registered_by_id'], 'isExpired' => $mailType == 'Expired', 'isConfirm' => $mailType == 'Confirm', 'checksumValue' => $checksumValue, ), 'from' => $receiptFrom, 'toName' => $participantName, 'toEmail' => $toEmail, 'cc' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('cc_confirm', $eventDetails), 'bcc' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('bcc_confirm', $eventDetails), ) ); // 3. create activity record. if ($mailSent) { $now = date('YmdHis'); $activityType = 'Event Registration'; $activityParams = array( 'subject' => $subject, 'source_contact_id' => $contactId, 'source_record_id' => $participantId, 'activity_type_id' => CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue('activity_type', $activityType, 'name' ), 'activity_date_time' => CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($now), 'due_date_time' => CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($participantValues['register_date']), 'is_test' => $participantValues['is_test'], 'status_id' => 2, ); if (is_a(CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::create($activityParams), 'CRM_Core_Error')) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal('Failed creating Activity for expiration mail'); } } } return $mailSent; } /** * get participant status change message. * * @return string * @access public */ function updateStatusMessage($participantId, $statusChangeTo, $fromStatusId) { $statusMsg = NULL; $results = self::transitionParticipants(array($participantId), $statusChangeTo, $fromStatusId, TRUE ); $allStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(); //give user message only when mail has sent. if (is_array($results) && !empty($results)) { if (is_array($results['updatedParticipantIds']) && !empty($results['updatedParticipantIds'])) { foreach ($results['updatedParticipantIds'] as $processedId) { if (is_array($results['mailedParticipants']) && array_key_exists($processedId, $results['mailedParticipants']) ) { $statusMsg .= '
' . ts("Participant status has been updated to '%1'. An email has been sent to %2.", array( 1 => $allStatuses[$statusChangeTo], 2 => $results['mailedParticipants'][$processedId], ) ); } } } } return $statusMsg; } /** * get event full and waiting list message. * * @return string * @access public */ static function eventFullMessage($eventId, $participantId = NULL) { $eventfullMsg = $dbStatusId = NULL; $checkEventFull = TRUE; if ($participantId) { $dbStatusId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Participant', $participantId, 'status_id'); if (array_key_exists($dbStatusId, CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, 'is_counted = 1'))) { //participant already in counted status no need to check for event full messages. $checkEventFull = FALSE; } } //early return. if (!$eventId || !$checkEventFull) { return $eventfullMsg; } //event is truly full. $emptySeats = self::eventFull($eventId, FALSE, FALSE); if (is_string($emptySeats) && $emptySeats !== NULL) { $maxParticipants = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $eventId, 'max_participants'); $eventfullMsg = ts("This event currently has the maximum number of participants registered (%1). However, you can still override this limit and register additional participants using this form.", array( 1 => $maxParticipants)) . '
'; } $hasWaiting = FALSE; $waitListedCount = self::eventFull($eventId, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); if (is_numeric($waitListedCount)) { $hasWaiting = TRUE; //only current processing participant is on waitlist. if ($waitListedCount == 1 && CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus($dbStatusId) == 'On waitlist') { $hasWaiting = FALSE; } } if ($hasWaiting) { $waitingStatusId = array_search('On waitlist', CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Waiting'") ); $viewWaitListUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/search', "reset=1&force=1&event={$eventId}&status={$waitingStatusId}" ); $eventfullMsg .= ts("There are %2 people currently on the waiting list for this event. You can view waitlisted registrations here, or you can continue and register additional participants using this form.", array( 1 => $viewWaitListUrl, 2 => $waitListedCount, ) ); } return $eventfullMsg; } /** * check for whether participant is primary or not * * @param $participantId * * @return true if participant is primary * @access public */ static function isPrimaryParticipant($participantId) { $participant = new CRM_Event_DAO_Participant(); $participant->registered_by_id = $participantId; if ($participant->find(TRUE)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * get additional participant Ids for cascading with primary participant status * * @param int $participantId participant id. * @param int $oldStatusId previous status * @param int $newStatusId new status * * @return true if allowed * @access public */ static function getValidAdditionalIds($participantId, $oldStatusId, $newStatusId) { $additionalParticipantIds = array(); static $participantStatuses = array(); if (empty($participantStatuses)) { $participantStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(); } if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($participantStatuses[$oldStatusId], self::$_statusTransitionsRules) && in_array($participantStatuses[$newStatusId], self::$_statusTransitionsRules[$participantStatuses[$oldStatusId]]) ) { $additionalParticipantIds = self::getAdditionalParticipantIds($participantId, TRUE, $oldStatusId); } return $additionalParticipantIds; } /** * Function to get participant record count for a Contact * * @param int $contactId Contact ID * * @return int count of participant records * @access public * @static */ static function getContactParticipantCount($contactID) { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_participant WHERE civicrm_participant.contact_id = {$contactID} AND civicrm_participant.is_test = 0"; return CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query); } /** * Function to get participant ids by contribution id * * @param int $contributionId Contribution Id * @param bool $excludeCancelled Exclude cancelled additional participant * * @return int $participantsId * @access public * @static */ static function getParticipantIds($contributionId, $excludeCancelled = FALSE) { $ids = array(); if (!$contributionId) { return $ids; } // get primary participant id $query = "SELECT participant_id FROM civicrm_participant_payment WHERE contribution_id = {$contributionId}"; $participantId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query); // get additional participant ids (including cancelled) if ($participantId) { $ids = array_merge(array( $participantId), self::getAdditionalParticipantIds($participantId, $excludeCancelled )); } return $ids; } /** * Function to get additional Participant edit & view url . * * @param array $paticipantIds an array of additional participant ids. * * @return array of Urls. * @access public * @static */ static function getAdditionalParticipantUrl($participantIds) { foreach ($participantIds as $value) { $links = array(); $details = self::participantDetails($value); $viewUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view/participant', "action=view&reset=1&id={$value}&cid={$details['cid']}" ); $editUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view/participant', "action=update&reset=1&id={$value}&cid={$details['cid']}" ); $links[] = "" . $details['name'] . "" . ts('Edit') . ""; $links = "" . implode("", $links) . "
"; return $links; } } /** * to create trxn entry if an event has discount. * * @param int $eventID event id * @param array $contributionParams contribution params. * * @static */ static function createDiscountTrxn($eventID, $contributionParams, $feeLevel) { // CRM-11124 $checkDiscount = CRM_Core_BAO_Discount::findSet($eventID,'civicrm_event'); if (!empty($checkDiscount)) { $feeLevel = current($feeLevel); $priceSetId = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getFor('civicrm_event', $eventID, NULL); $query = "SELECT cpfv.amount FROM `civicrm_price_field_value` cpfv LEFT JOIN civicrm_price_field cpf ON cpfv.price_field_id = WHERE cpf.price_set_id = %1 AND cpfv.label LIKE %2"; $params = array(1 => array($priceSetId, 'Integer'), 2 => array($feeLevel, 'String')); $mainAmount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query, $params); $relationTypeId = key(CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::accountOptionValues('account_relationship', NULL, " AND LIKE 'Discounts Account is' ")); $contributionParams['trxnParams']['from_financial_account_id'] = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::financialAccountType( $contributionParams['contribution']->financial_type_id, $relationTypeId); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('from_financial_account_id', $contributionParams['trxnParams'])) { $contributionParams['trxnParams']['total_amount'] = $mainAmount - $contributionParams['total_amount']; $contributionParams['trxnParams']['payment_processor_id'] = $contributionParams['trxnParams']['payment_instrument_id'] = $contributionParams['trxnParams']['check_number'] = $contributionParams['trxnParams']['trxn_id'] = $contributionParams['trxnParams']['net_amount'] = $contributionParams['trxnParams']['fee_amount'] = NULL; CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::create($contributionParams['trxnParams']); } } return; } /** * Function to delete participants of contact * * CRM-12155 * * @param integer $contactId contact id * * @access public * @static */ static function deleteContactParticipant($contactId) { $participant = new CRM_Event_DAO_Participant(); $participant->contact_id = $contactId; $participant->find(); while ($participant->fetch()) { self::deleteParticipant($participant->id); } } }