. */ class CRM_Dedupe_Finder { /** * Return a contact_id-keyed array of arrays of possible dupes * (of the key contact_id) - limited to dupes of $cids if provided. * * @param int $rgid * Rule group id. * @param array $cids * Contact ids to limit the search to. * * @param bool $checkPermissions * Respect logged in user permissions. * * @return array * Array of (cid1, cid2, weight) dupe triples * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function dupes($rgid, $cids = [], $checkPermissions = TRUE) { $rgBao = new CRM_Dedupe_BAO_RuleGroup(); $rgBao->id = $rgid; $rgBao->contactIds = $cids; if (!$rgBao->find(TRUE)) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Dedupe rule not found for selected contacts'); } $rgBao->fillTable(); $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); $dao->query($rgBao->thresholdQuery($checkPermissions)); $dupes = []; while ($dao->fetch()) { $dupes[] = [$dao->id1, $dao->id2, $dao->weight]; } $dao->query($rgBao->tableDropQuery()); return $dupes; } /** * Return an array of possible dupes, based on the provided array of * params, using the default rule group for the given contact type and * usage. * * check_permission is a boolean flag to indicate if permission should be considered. * default is to always check permissioning but public pages for example might not want * permission to be checked for anonymous users. Refer CRM-6211. We might be breaking * Multi-Site dedupe for public pages. * * @param array $params * Array of params of the form $params[$table][$field] == $value. * @param string $ctype * Contact type to match against. * @param string $used * Dedupe rule group usage ('Unsupervised' or 'Supervised' or 'General'). * @param array $except * Array of contacts that shouldn't be considered dupes. * @param int $ruleGroupID * The id of the dedupe rule we should be using. * * @return array * matching contact ids * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function dupesByParams( $params, $ctype, $used = 'Unsupervised', $except = [], $ruleGroupID = NULL ) { // If $params is empty there is zero reason to proceed. if (!$params) { return []; } $checkPermission = CRM_Utils_Array::value('check_permission', $params, TRUE); // This may no longer be required - see https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/pull/13176 $params = array_filter($params); $foundByID = FALSE; if ($ruleGroupID) { $rgBao = new CRM_Dedupe_BAO_RuleGroup(); $rgBao->id = $ruleGroupID; $rgBao->contact_type = $ctype; if ($rgBao->find(TRUE)) { $foundByID = TRUE; } } if (!$foundByID) { $rgBao = new CRM_Dedupe_BAO_RuleGroup(); $rgBao->contact_type = $ctype; $rgBao->used = $used; if (!$rgBao->find(TRUE)) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("$used rule for $ctype does not exist"); } } if (isset($params['civicrm_phone']['phone_numeric'])) { $orig = $params['civicrm_phone']['phone_numeric']; $params['civicrm_phone']['phone_numeric'] = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $orig); } $rgBao->params = $params; $rgBao->fillTable(); $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); $dao->query($rgBao->thresholdQuery($checkPermission)); $dupes = []; while ($dao->fetch()) { if (isset($dao->id) && $dao->id) { $dupes[] = $dao->id; } } $dao->query($rgBao->tableDropQuery()); return array_diff($dupes, $except); } /** * Return a contact_id-keyed array of arrays of possible dupes in the given group. * * @param int $rgid * Rule group id. * @param int $gid * Contact group id. * * @param int $searchLimit * Limit for the number of contacts to be used for comparison. * The search methodology finds all matches for the searchedContacts so this limits * the number of searched contacts, not the matches found. * * @return array * array of (cid1, cid2, weight) dupe triples * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function dupesInGroup($rgid, $gid, $searchLimit = 0) { $cids = array_keys(CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getMember($gid, TRUE, $searchLimit)); if (!empty($cids)) { return self::dupes($rgid, $cids); } return []; } /** * A hackish function needed to massage CRM_Contact_Form_$ctype::formRule() * object into a valid $params array for dedupe * * @param array $fields * Contact structure from formRule(). * @param string $ctype * Contact type of the given contact. * * @return array * valid $params array for dedupe * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function formatParams($fields, $ctype) { $flat = []; CRM_Utils_Array::flatten($fields, $flat); // FIXME: This may no longer be necessary - check inputs $replace_these = [ 'individual_prefix' => 'prefix_id', 'individual_suffix' => 'suffix_id', 'gender' => 'gender_id', ]; foreach (['individual_suffix', 'individual_prefix', 'gender'] as $name) { if (!empty($fields[$name])) { $flat[$replace_these[$name]] = $flat[$name]; unset($flat[$name]); } } // handle {birth,deceased}_date foreach ([ 'birth_date', 'deceased_date', ] as $date) { if (!empty($fields[$date])) { $flat[$date] = $fields[$date]; if (is_array($flat[$date])) { $flat[$date] = CRM_Utils_Date::format($flat[$date]); } $flat[$date] = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($flat[$date]); } } if (!empty($flat['contact_source'])) { $flat['source'] = $flat['contact_source']; unset($flat['contact_source']); } // handle preferred_communication_method if (!empty($fields['preferred_communication_method'])) { $methods = array_intersect($fields['preferred_communication_method'], ['1']); $methods = array_keys($methods); sort($methods); if ($methods) { $flat['preferred_communication_method'] = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . implode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $methods) . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR; } } // handle custom data $tree = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getTree($ctype, NULL, NULL, -1); CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::postProcess($tree, $fields, TRUE); foreach ($tree as $key => $cg) { if (!is_int($key)) { continue; } foreach ($cg['fields'] as $cf) { $flat[$cf['column_name']] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('data', $cf['customValue']); } } // if the key is dotted, keep just the last part of it foreach ($flat as $key => $value) { if (substr_count($key, '.')) { $last = explode('.', $key); $last = array_pop($last); // make sure the first occurrence is kept, not the last if (!isset($flat[$last])) { $flat[$last] = $value; } unset($flat[$key]); } } // drop the -digit (and -Primary, for CRM-3902) postfixes (so event registration's $flat['email-5'] becomes $flat['email']) // FIXME: CRM-5026 should be fixed here; the below clobbers all address info; we should split off address fields and match // the -digit to civicrm_address.location_type_id and -Primary to civicrm_address.is_primary foreach ($flat as $key => $value) { $matches = []; if (preg_match('/(.*)-(Primary-[\d+])$|(.*)-(\d+|Primary)$/', $key, $matches)) { $return = array_values(array_filter($matches)); // make sure the first occurrence is kept, not the last $flat[$return[1]] = empty($flat[$return[1]]) ? $value : $flat[$return[1]]; unset($flat[$key]); } } $params = []; $supportedFields = CRM_Dedupe_BAO_RuleGroup::supportedFields($ctype); if (is_array($supportedFields)) { foreach ($supportedFields as $table => $fields) { if ($table === 'civicrm_address') { // for matching on civicrm_address fields, we also need the location_type_id $fields['location_type_id'] = ''; // FIXME: we also need to do some hacking for id and name fields, see CRM-3902’s comments $fixes = [ 'address_name' => 'name', 'country' => 'country_id', 'state_province' => 'state_province_id', 'county' => 'county_id', ]; foreach ($fixes as $orig => $target) { if (!empty($flat[$orig])) { $params[$table][$target] = $flat[$orig]; } } } if ($table === 'civicrm_phone') { $fixes = [ 'phone' => 'phone_numeric', ]; foreach ($fixes as $orig => $target) { if (!empty($flat[$orig])) { $params[$table][$target] = $flat[$orig]; } } } foreach ($fields as $field => $title) { if (!empty($flat[$field])) { $params[$table][$field] = $flat[$field]; } } } } return $params; } /** * Parse duplicate pairs into a standardised array and store in the prev_next_cache. * * @param array $foundDupes * @param string $cacheKeyString * * @return array * Dupe pairs with the keys * -srcID * -srcName * -dstID * -dstName * -weight * -canMerge */ public static function parseAndStoreDupePairs($foundDupes, $cacheKeyString) { $cids = []; foreach ($foundDupes as $dupe) { $cids[$dupe[0]] = 1; $cids[$dupe[1]] = 1; } $cidString = implode(', ', array_keys($cids)); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT id, display_name FROM civicrm_contact WHERE id IN ($cidString) ORDER BY sort_name"); $displayNames = []; while ($dao->fetch()) { $displayNames[$dao->id] = $dao->display_name; } $userId = CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID(); foreach ($foundDupes as $dupes) { $srcID = $dupes[1]; $dstID = $dupes[0]; // The logged in user should never be the src (ie. the contact to be removed). if ($srcID == $userId) { $srcID = $dstID; $dstID = $userId; } $mainContacts[] = $row = [ 'dstID' => (int) $dstID, 'dstName' => $displayNames[$dstID], 'srcID' => (int) $srcID, 'srcName' => $displayNames[$srcID], 'weight' => $dupes[2], 'canMerge' => TRUE, ]; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("INSERT INTO civicrm_prevnext_cache (entity_table, entity_id1, entity_id2, cacheKey, data) VALUES ('civicrm_contact', %1, %2, %3, %4)", [ 1 => [$dstID, 'Integer'], 2 => [$srcID, 'Integer'], 3 => [$cacheKeyString, 'String'], 4 => [serialize($row), 'String'], ] ); } return $mainContacts; } }