(c) 2007 * $Id$ * * (Note: This has been considerably rewritten; the interface is preserved * for backward compatibility.) * * Transaction management in Civi is divided among three classes: * - CRM_Core_Transaction: API. This binds to __construct() + __destruct() * and notifies the transaction manager when it's OK to begin/end a transaction. * - Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager: Tracks pending transaction-frames * - Civi\Core\Transaction\Frame: A nestable transaction (e.g. based on BEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK * or SAVEPOINT/ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT). * * Examples: * * @code * // Some business logic using the helper functions * function my_business_logic() { * CRM_Core_Transaction::create()->run(function($tx) { * ...do work... * if ($error) throw new Exception(); * }); * } * * // Some business logic which returns an error-value * // and explicitly manages the transaction. * function my_business_logic() { * $tx = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); * ...do work... * if ($error) { * $tx->rollback(); * return error_value; * } * } * * // Some business logic which uses exceptions * // and explicitly manages the transaction. * function my_business_logic() { * $tx = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); * try { * ...do work... * } catch (Exception $ex) { * $tx->rollback()->commit(); * throw $ex; * } * } * * @endcode * * Note: As of 4.6, the transaction manager supports both reference-counting and nested * transactions (SAVEPOINTs). In the past, it only supported reference-counting. The two cases * may exhibit different systemic effects with respect to unhandled exceptions. */ class CRM_Core_Transaction { /** * These constants represent phases at which callbacks can be invoked. */ const PHASE_PRE_COMMIT = 1; const PHASE_POST_COMMIT = 2; const PHASE_PRE_ROLLBACK = 4; const PHASE_POST_ROLLBACK = 8; /** * Whether commit() has been called on this instance * of CRM_Core_Transaction * @var bool */ private $_pseudoCommitted = FALSE; /** * Ensure that an SQL transaction is started. * * This is a thin wrapper around __construct() which allows more fluent coding. * * @param bool $nest * Determines what to do if there's currently an active transaction:. * - If true, then make a new nested transaction ("SAVEPOINT") * - If false, then attach to the existing transaction * @return \CRM_Core_Transaction */ public static function create($nest = FALSE) { return new self($nest); } /** * Ensure that an SQL transaction is started. * * @param bool $nest * Determines what to do if there's currently an active transaction:. * - If true, then make a new nested transaction ("SAVEPOINT") * - If false, then attach to the existing transaction */ public function __construct($nest = FALSE) { \Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager::singleton()->inc($nest); } public function __destruct() { $this->commit(); } /** * Immediately commit or rollback. * * (Note: Prior to 4.6, return void) * * @return \CRM_Core_Exception this */ public function commit() { if (!$this->_pseudoCommitted) { $this->_pseudoCommitted = TRUE; \Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager::singleton()->dec(); } return $this; } /** * @param $flag */ public static function rollbackIfFalse($flag) { $frame = \Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager::singleton()->getFrame(); if ($flag === FALSE && $frame !== NULL) { $frame->setRollbackOnly(); } } /** * Mark the transaction for rollback. * * (Note: Prior to 4.6, return void) * @return \CRM_Core_Transaction */ public function rollback() { $frame = \Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager::singleton()->getFrame(); if ($frame !== NULL) { $frame->setRollbackOnly(); } return $this; } /** * Execute a function ($callable) within the scope of a transaction. If * $callable encounters an unhandled exception, then rollback the transaction. * * After calling run(), the CRM_Core_Transaction object is "used up"; do not * use it again. * * @param string $callable * Should exception one parameter (CRM_Core_Transaction $tx). * @return CRM_Core_Transaction * @throws Exception */ public function run($callable) { try { $callable($this); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->rollback()->commit(); throw $ex; } $this->commit(); return $this; } /** * Force an immediate rollback, regardless of how many any * CRM_Core_Transaction objects are waiting for * pseudo-commits. * * Only rollback if the transaction API has been called. * * This is only appropriate when it is _certain_ that the * callstack will not wind-down normally -- e.g. before * a call to exit(). */ public static function forceRollbackIfEnabled() { if (\Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager::singleton()->getFrame() !== NULL) { \Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager::singleton()->forceRollback(); } } /** * @return bool */ public static function willCommit() { $frame = \Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager::singleton()->getFrame(); return ($frame === NULL) ? TRUE : !$frame->isRollbackOnly(); } /** * Determine whether there is a pending transaction. */ public static function isActive() { $frame = \Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager::singleton()->getFrame(); return ($frame !== NULL); } /** * Add a transaction callback. * * Note: It's conceivable to add callbacks to the main/overall transaction * (aka $manager->getBaseFrame()) or to the innermost nested transaction * (aka $manager->getFrame()). addCallback() has been used in the past to * work-around deadlocks. This may or may not be necessary now -- but it * seems more consistent (for b/c purposes) to attach callbacks to the * main/overall transaction. * * Pre-condition: isActive() * * @param int $phase * A constant; one of: self::PHASE_{PRE,POST}_{COMMIT,ROLLBACK}. * @param string $callback * A PHP callback. * @param mixed $params * Optional values to pass to callback. * See php manual call_user_func_array for details. * @param int $id */ public static function addCallback($phase, $callback, $params = NULL, $id = NULL) { $frame = \Civi\Core\Transaction\Manager::singleton()->getBaseFrame(); $frame->addCallback($phase, $callback, $params, $id); } }