_show = $show; } else { $this->_show = array(); } if (!empty($hide)) { $this->_hide = $hide; } else { $this->_hide = array(); } } /** * Load icon vars used in hide and show links * * @return void * @static */ public static function setIcons() { if (!isset(self::$_showIcon)) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); self::$_showIcon = '' . ts('show field or section') . ''; self::$_hideIcon = '' . ts('hide field or section') . ''; } } /** * Add the values from this class to the template * * @return void */ public function addToTemplate() { $hide = $show = ''; $first = TRUE; foreach (array_keys($this->_hide) as $h) { if (!$first) { $hide .= ','; } $hide .= "'$h'"; $first = FALSE; } $first = TRUE; foreach (array_keys($this->_show) as $s) { if (!$first) { $show .= ','; } $show .= "'$s'"; $first = FALSE; } $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); $template->assign_by_ref('hideBlocks', $hide); $template->assign_by_ref('showBlocks', $show); } /** * Add a value to the show array * * @param string $name * Id to be added. * * @return void */ public function addShow($name) { $this->_show[$name] = 1; if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_hide)) { unset($this->_hide[$name]); } } /** * Add a value to the hide array * * @param string $name * Id to be added. * * @return void */ public function addHide($name) { $this->_hide[$name] = 1; if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_show)) { unset($this->_show[$name]); } } /** * Create a well formatted html link from the smaller pieces * * @param string $name * Name of the link. * @param string $href * @param string $text * @param string $js * * @return string the formatted html link */ public static function linkHtml($name, $href, $text, $js) { return '$text"; } /** * Create links that we can use in the form * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * The form object. * @param string $prefix * The attribute that we are referencing. * @param string $showLinkText * The text to be shown for the show link. * @param string $hideLinkText * The text to be shown for the hide link. * * @param bool $assign * * @static * * @return void */ public static function links(&$form, $prefix, $showLinkText, $hideLinkText, $assign = TRUE) { $showCode = "cj('#id_{$prefix}').show(); cj('#id_{$prefix}_show').hide();"; $hideCode = "cj('#id_{$prefix}').hide(); cj('#id_{$prefix}_show').show(); return false;"; self::setIcons(); $values = array(); $values['show'] = self::linkHtml("${prefix}_show", "#${prefix}_hide", self::$_showIcon . $showLinkText, "onclick=\"$showCode\""); $values['hide'] = self::linkHtml("${prefix}_hide", "#${prefix}", self::$_hideIcon . $hideLinkText, "onclick=\"$hideCode\""); if ($assign) { $form->assign($prefix, $values); } else { return $values; } } /** * Create html link elements that we can use in the form * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * The form object. * @param int $index * The current index of the element being processed. * @param int $maxIndex * The max number of elements that will be processed. * @param string $prefix * The attribute that we are referencing. * @param string $showLinkText * The text to be shown for the show link. * @param string $hideLinkText * The text to be shown for the hide link. * @param string $elementType * The set the class. * @param string $hideLink * The hide block string. * * @return void */ public function linksForArray(&$form, $index, $maxIndex, $prefix, $showLinkText, $hideLinkText, $elementType = NULL, $hideLink = NULL) { $showHidePrefix = str_replace(array("]", "["), array("", "_"), $prefix); $showHidePrefix = "id_" . $showHidePrefix; if ($index == $maxIndex) { $showCode = $hideCode = "return false;"; } else { $next = $index + 1; if ($elementType) { $showCode = "cj('#${prefix}_${next}_show').show(); return false;"; if ($hideLink) { $hideCode = $hideLink; } else { $hideCode = "cj('#${prefix}_${next}_show, #${prefix}_${next}').hide(); return false;"; } } else { $showCode = "cj('#{$showHidePrefix}_{$next}_show').show(); return false;"; $hideCode = "cj('#{$showHidePrefix}_{$next}_show, #{$showHidePrefix}_{$next}').hide(); return false;"; } } self::setIcons(); if ($elementType) { $form->addElement('link', "${prefix}[${index}][show]", NULL, "#${prefix}_${index}", self::$_showIcon . $showLinkText, array('onclick' => "cj('#${prefix}_${index}_show').hide(); cj('#${prefix}_${index}').show();" . $showCode) ); $form->addElement('link', "${prefix}[${index}][hide]", NULL, "#${prefix}_${index}", self::$_hideIcon . $hideLinkText, array('onclick' => "cj('#${prefix}_${index}').hide(); cj('#${prefix}_${index}_show').show();" . $hideCode) ); } else { $form->addElement('link', "${prefix}[${index}][show]", NULL, "#${prefix}_${index}", self::$_showIcon . $showLinkText, array('onclick' => "cj('#{$showHidePrefix}_{$index}_show').hide(); cj('#{$showHidePrefix}_{$index}').show();" . $showCode) ); $form->addElement('link', "${prefix}[${index}][hide]", NULL, "#${prefix}_${index}", self::$_hideIcon . $hideLinkText, array('onclick' => "cj('#{$showHidePrefix}_{$index}').hide(); cj('#{$showHidePrefix}_{$index}_show').show();" . $hideCode) ); } } }