ts('Yes'), 0 => ts('No'), ]; } /** * Preferred mail format. * * @return array */ public static function pmf() { return [ 'Both' => ts('Both'), 'HTML' => ts('HTML'), 'Text' => ts('Text'), ]; } /** * Privacy options. * * @return array */ public static function privacy() { return [ 'do_not_phone' => ts('Do not phone'), 'do_not_email' => ts('Do not email'), 'do_not_mail' => ts('Do not mail'), 'do_not_sms' => ts('Do not sms'), 'do_not_trade' => ts('Do not trade'), 'is_opt_out' => ts('No bulk emails (User Opt Out)'), ]; } /** * Various pre defined contact super types. * * @return array */ public static function contactType() { return CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::basicTypePairs(); } /** * Various pre defined unit list. * * @param string $unitType * @return array */ public static function unitList($unitType = NULL) { $unitList = [ 'day' => ts('day'), 'month' => ts('month'), 'year' => ts('year'), ]; if ($unitType === 'duration') { $unitList['lifetime'] = ts('lifetime'); } return $unitList; } /** * Membership type unit. * * @return array */ public static function membershipTypeUnitList() { return self::unitList('duration'); } /** * Various pre defined period types. * * @return array */ public static function periodType() { return [ 'rolling' => ts('Rolling'), 'fixed' => ts('Fixed'), ]; } /** * Various pre defined email selection methods. * * @return array */ public static function emailSelectMethods() { return [ 'automatic' => ts('Automatic'), 'location-only' => ts('Only send to email addresses assigned to the specified location'), 'location-prefer' => ts('Prefer email addresses assigned to the specified location'), 'location-exclude' => ts('Exclude email addresses assigned to the specified location'), ]; } /** * Various pre defined member visibility options. * * @return array */ public static function memberVisibility() { return [ 'Public' => ts('Public'), 'Admin' => ts('Admin'), ]; } /** * Member auto-renew options * * @return array */ public static function memberAutoRenew() { return [ ts('No auto-renew option'), ts('Give option, but not required'), ts('Auto-renew required'), ]; } /** * Various pre defined event dates. * * @return array */ public static function eventDate() { return [ 'start_date' => ts('start date'), 'end_date' => ts('end date'), 'join_date' => ts('member since'), ]; } /** * Custom form field types. * * @return array */ public static function customHtmlType() { return [ [ 'id' => 'Text', 'name' => 'Single-line input field (text or numeric)', 'label' => ts('Single-line input field (text or numeric)'), ], [ 'id' => 'TextArea', 'name' => 'Multi-line text box (textarea)', 'label' => ts('Multi-line text box (textarea)'), ], [ 'id' => 'Select', 'name' => 'Drop-down (select list)', 'label' => ts('Drop-down (select list)'), ], [ 'id' => 'Radio', 'name' => 'Radio buttons', 'label' => ts('Radio buttons'), ], [ 'id' => 'CheckBox', 'name' => 'Checkbox(es)', 'label' => ts('Checkbox(es)'), ], [ 'id' => 'Select Date', 'name' => 'Select Date', 'label' => ts('Select Date'), ], [ 'id' => 'File', 'name' => 'File', 'label' => ts('File'), ], [ 'id' => 'RichTextEditor', 'name' => 'Rich Text Editor', 'label' => ts('Rich Text Editor'), ], [ 'id' => 'Autocomplete-Select', 'name' => 'Autocomplete-Select', 'label' => ts('Autocomplete-Select'), ], [ 'id' => 'Link', 'name' => 'Link', 'label' => ts('Link'), ], ]; } /** * List of entities to present on the Custom Group form. * * Includes pseudo-entities for Participant, in order to present sub-types on the form. * * @return array */ public static function customGroupExtends() { $customGroupExtends = array_column(CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::getCustomGroupExtendsOptions(), 'label', 'id'); // ParticipantRole, ParticipantEventName, etc. $pseudoSelectors = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('custom_data_type', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'label', TRUE, FALSE, 'name'); return array_merge($customGroupExtends, $pseudoSelectors); } /** * Styles for displaying the custom data group. * * @return array */ public static function customGroupStyle() { return [ 'Tab' => ts('Tab'), 'Inline' => ts('Inline'), 'Tab with table' => ts('Tab with table'), ]; } /** * For displaying the uf group types. * * @return array */ public static function ufGroupTypes() { $ufGroupType = [ 'Profile' => ts('Standalone Form or Directory'), 'Search Profile' => ts('Search Views'), ]; if (CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem->supports_form_extensions) { $ufGroupType += CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem->getUfGroupTypes(); } return $ufGroupType; } /** * The status of a contact within a group. * * @return array */ public static function groupContactStatus() { return [ 'Added' => ts('Added'), 'Removed' => ts('Removed'), 'Pending' => ts('Pending'), ]; } /** * List of Group Types. * * @return array */ public static function groupType() { return [ 'query' => ts('Dynamic'), 'static' => ts('Static'), ]; } /** * Compose the parameters for a date select object. * * @param string|null $type * the type of date * @param string|null $format * date format (QF format) * @param null $minOffset * @param null $maxOffset * @param string $context * * @return array * the date array * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function date($type = NULL, $format = NULL, $minOffset = NULL, $maxOffset = NULL, $context = 'display') { // These options are deprecated. Definitely not used in datepicker. Possibly not even in jcalendar+addDateTime. $date = [ 'addEmptyOption' => TRUE, 'emptyOptionText' => ts('- select -'), 'emptyOptionValue' => '', ]; if ($format) { $date['format'] = $format; } else { if ($type) { $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_PreferencesDate(); $dao->name = $type; if (!$dao->find(TRUE)) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Date preferences not configured.'); } if (!$maxOffset) { $maxOffset = $dao->end; } if (!$minOffset) { $minOffset = $dao->start; } $date['format'] = $dao->date_format; $date['time'] = (bool) $dao->time_format; } if (empty($date['format'])) { if ($context === 'Input') { $date['format'] = Civi::settings()->get('dateInputFormat'); } else { $date['format'] = 'M d'; } } } $date['smarty_view_format'] = CRM_Utils_Date::getDateFieldViewFormat($date['format']); if (!isset($date['time'])) { $date['time'] = FALSE; } $year = date('Y'); $date['minYear'] = $year - (int) $minOffset; $date['maxYear'] = $year + (int) $maxOffset; return $date; } /** * Values for UF form visibility options. * * @return array */ public static function ufVisibility() { return [ 'User and User Admin Only' => ts('User and User Admin Only'), 'Public Pages' => ts('Expose Publicly'), 'Public Pages and Listings' => ts('Expose Publicly and for Listings'), ]; } /** * Values for group form visibility options. * * @return array */ public static function groupVisibility() { return [ 'User and User Admin Only' => ts('User and User Admin Only'), 'Public Pages' => ts('Public Pages'), ]; } /** * Different type of Mailing Components. * * @return array */ public static function mailingComponents() { return [ 'Header' => ts('Header'), 'Footer' => ts('Footer'), 'Reply' => ts('Reply Auto-responder'), 'OptOut' => ts('Opt-out Message'), 'Subscribe' => ts('Subscription Confirmation Request'), 'Welcome' => ts('Welcome Message'), 'Unsubscribe' => ts('Unsubscribe Message'), 'Resubscribe' => ts('Resubscribe Message'), ]; } /** * Get hours. * * @return array */ public function getHours() { $hours = []; for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) { $hours[$i] = $i; } return $hours; } /** * Get minutes. * * @return array */ public function getMinutes() { $minutes = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i = $i + 15) { $minutes[$i] = $i; } return $minutes; } /** * Get the Map Provider. * * @return array * array of map providers */ public static function mapProvider() { static $map = NULL; if (!$map) { $map = ['' => ts('- select -')] + CRM_Utils_System::getPluginList('templates/CRM/Contact/Form/Task/Map', ".tpl"); } return $map; } /** * Get the Geocoding Providers from available plugins. * * @return array * array of geocoder providers */ public static function geoProvider() { static $geo = NULL; if (!$geo) { $geo = ['' => ts('- select -')] + CRM_Utils_System::getPluginList('CRM/Utils/Geocode'); } return $geo; } /** * Get options for displaying tax. * * @return array * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function taxDisplayOptions() { return [ 'Do_not_show' => ts('Do not show breakdown, only show total - i.e %1', [ 1 => CRM_Utils_Money::format(120), ]), 'Inclusive' => ts('Show [tax term] inclusive price - i.e. %1', [ 1 => ts('%1 (includes [tax term] of %2)', [1 => CRM_Utils_Money::format(120), 2 => CRM_Utils_Money::format(20)]), ]), 'Exclusive' => ts('Show [tax term] exclusive price - i.e. %1', [ 1 => ts('%1 + %2 [tax term]', [1 => CRM_Utils_Money::format(120), 2 => CRM_Utils_Money::format(20)]), ]), ]; } /** * Get the Address Standardization Providers from available plugins. * * @return array * array of address standardization providers */ public static function addressProvider() { static $addr = NULL; if (!$addr) { $addr = array_merge(['' => ts('- select -')], CRM_Utils_System::getPluginList('CRM/Utils/Address', '.php', ['BatchUpdate'])); } return $addr; } /** * Different type of Mailing Tokens. * * @return array */ public static function mailingTokens() { return [ '{action.unsubscribe}' => ts('Unsubscribe via email'), '{action.unsubscribeUrl}' => ts('Unsubscribe via web page'), '{action.resubscribe}' => ts('Resubscribe via email'), '{action.resubscribeUrl}' => ts('Resubscribe via web page'), '{action.optOut}' => ts('Opt out via email'), '{action.optOutUrl}' => ts('Opt out via web page'), '{action.forward}' => ts('Forward this email (link)'), '{action.reply}' => ts('Reply to this email (link)'), '{action.subscribeUrl}' => ts('Subscribe via web page'), '{mailing.key}' => ts('Mailing key'), '{mailing.name}' => ts('Mailing name'), '{mailing.group}' => ts('Mailing group'), '{mailing.viewUrl}' => ts('Mailing permalink'), ] + self::domainTokens(); } /** * Domain tokens * * @return array * * @deprecated */ public static function domainTokens() { $tokenProcessor = new TokenProcessor(Civi::dispatcher(), []); return $tokenProcessor->listTokens(); } /** * Different type of Activity Tokens. * * @return array */ public static function activityTokens() { return [ '{activity.activity_id}' => ts('Activity ID'), '{activity.subject}' => ts('Activity Subject'), '{activity.details}' => ts('Activity Details'), '{activity.activity_date_time}' => ts('Activity Date Time'), ]; } /** * Different type of Membership Tokens. * * @return array */ public static function membershipTokens(): array { return [ '{membership.id}' => ts('Membership ID'), '{membership.status_id:label}' => ts('Status'), '{membership.membership_type_id:label}' => ts('Membership Type'), '{membership.start_date}' => ts('Membership Start Date'), '{membership.join_date}' => ts('Member Since'), '{membership.end_date}' => ts('Membership Expiration Date'), '{membership.fee}' => ts('Membership Fee'), ]; } /** * Different type of Event Tokens. * * @deprecated * * @return array */ public static function eventTokens(): array { $tokenProcessor = new TokenProcessor(Civi::dispatcher(), ['schema' => ['eventId']]); $allTokens = $tokenProcessor->listTokens(); foreach (array_keys($allTokens) as $token) { if (strpos($token, '{domain.') === 0) { unset($allTokens[$token]); } } return $allTokens; } /** * Different type of Contribution Tokens. * * @deprecated * * @return array */ public static function contributionTokens(): array { $tokenProcessor = new TokenProcessor(Civi::dispatcher(), ['schema' => ['contributionId']]); $allTokens = $tokenProcessor->listTokens(); foreach (array_keys($allTokens) as $token) { if (strpos($token, '{domain.') === 0) { unset($allTokens[$token]); } } return $allTokens; } /** * Different type of Contact Tokens. * * @deprecated * * @return array */ public static function contactTokens(): array { $tokenProcessor = new TokenProcessor(Civi::dispatcher(), ['schema' => ['contactId']]); $allTokens = $tokenProcessor->listTokens(); foreach (array_keys($allTokens) as $token) { if (strpos($token, '{domain.') === 0) { unset($allTokens[$token]); } } return $allTokens; } /** * Different type of Participant Tokens. * * @deprecated * * @return array */ public static function participantTokens(): array { $tokenProcessor = new TokenProcessor(Civi::dispatcher(), ['schema' => ['participantId']]); $allTokens = $tokenProcessor->listTokens(); foreach (array_keys($allTokens) as $token) { if (strpos($token, '{domain.') === 0 || strpos($token, '{event.') === 0) { unset($allTokens[$token]); } } return $allTokens; } /** * @param int $caseTypeId * @return array */ public static function caseTokens($caseTypeId = NULL) { $tokens = [ '{case.id}' => ts('Case ID'), '{case.case_type_id:label}' => ts('Case Type'), '{case.subject}' => ts('Case Subject'), '{case.start_date}' => ts('Case Start Date'), '{case.end_date}' => ts('Case End Date'), '{case.details}' => ts('Details'), '{case.status_id:label}' => ts('Case Status'), '{case.is_deleted:label}' => ts('Case is in the Trash'), '{case.created_date}' => ts('Created Date'), '{case.modified_date}' => ts('Modified Date'), ]; $customFields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields('Case', FALSE, FALSE, $caseTypeId); foreach ($customFields as $id => $field) { $tokens["{case.custom_$id}"] = "{$field['label']} :: {$field['groupTitle']}"; } return $tokens; } /** * CiviCRM supported date input formats. * * @return array */ public static function getDatePluginInputFormats() { return [ 'mm/dd/yy' => ts('mm/dd/yy (12/31/2009)'), 'dd/mm/yy' => ts('dd/mm/yy (31/12/2009)'), 'yy-mm-dd' => ts('yy-mm-dd (2009-12-31)'), 'dd-mm-yy' => ts('dd-mm-yy (31-12-2009)'), 'dd.mm.yy' => ts('dd.mm.yy (31.12.2009)'), 'M d, yy' => ts('M d, yy (Dec 31, 2009)'), 'd M yy' => ts('d M yy (31 Dec 2009)'), 'MM d, yy' => ts('MM d, yy (December 31, 2009)'), 'd MM yy' => ts('d MM yy (31 December 2009)'), 'DD, d MM yy' => ts('DD, d MM yy (Thursday, 31 December 2009)'), 'mm/dd' => ts('mm/dd (12/31)'), 'dd-mm' => ts('dd-mm (31-12)'), 'yy-mm' => ts('yy-mm (2009-12)'), 'M yy' => ts('M yy (Dec 2009)'), 'yy' => ts('yy (2009)'), ]; } /** * Time formats. * * @return array */ public static function getTimeFormats() { return [ '1' => ts('12 Hours'), '2' => ts('24 Hours'), ]; } /** * Get numeric options. * * @param int $start * @param int $end * * @return array */ public static function getNumericOptions($start = 0, $end = 10) { $numericOptions = []; for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { $numericOptions[$i] = $i; } return $numericOptions; } /** * Barcode types. * * @return array */ public static function getBarcodeTypes() { return [ 'barcode' => ts('Linear (1D)'), 'qrcode' => ts('QR code'), ]; } /** * Dedupe rule types. * * @return array */ public static function getDedupeRuleTypes() { return [ 'Unsupervised' => ts('Unsupervised'), 'Supervised' => ts('Supervised'), 'General' => ts('General'), ]; } /** * Campaign group types. * * @return array */ public static function getCampaignGroupTypes() { return [ 'Include' => ts('Include'), 'Exclude' => ts('Exclude'), ]; } /** * Subscription history method. * * @return array */ public static function getSubscriptionHistoryMethods() { return [ 'Admin' => ts('Admin'), 'Email' => ts('Email'), 'Web' => ts('Web'), 'API' => ts('API'), ]; } /** * Premium units. * * @return array */ public static function getPremiumUnits() { return [ 'day' => ts('Day'), 'week' => ts('Week'), 'month' => ts('Month'), 'year' => ts('Year'), ]; } /** * Extension types. * * @return array */ public static function getExtensionTypes() { return [ 'payment' => ts('Payment'), 'search' => ts('Search'), 'report' => ts('Report'), 'module' => ts('Module'), 'sms' => ts('SMS'), ]; } /** * Job frequency. * * @return array */ public static function getJobFrequency() { return [ // CRM-17669 'Yearly' => ts('Yearly'), 'Quarter' => ts('Quarterly'), 'Monthly' => ts('Monthly'), 'Weekly' => ts('Weekly'), 'Daily' => ts('Daily'), 'Hourly' => ts('Hourly'), 'Always' => ts('Every time cron job is run'), ]; } /** * Search builder operators. * * @return array */ public static function getSearchBuilderOperators() { return [ '=' => '=', '!=' => '≠', '>' => '>', '<' => '<', '>=' => '≥', '<=' => '≤', 'IN' => ts('In'), 'NOT IN' => ts('Not In'), 'LIKE' => ts('Like'), 'NOT LIKE' => ts('Not Like'), 'RLIKE' => ts('Regex'), 'IS EMPTY' => ts('Is Empty'), 'IS NOT EMPTY' => ts('Not Empty'), 'IS NULL' => ts('Is Null'), 'IS NOT NULL' => ts('Not Null'), ]; } /** * Profile group types. * * @return array */ public static function getProfileGroupType() { $profileGroupType = [ 'Activity' => ts('Activities'), 'Contribution' => ts('Contributions'), 'Membership' => ts('Memberships'), 'Participant' => ts('Participants'), ]; $contactTypes = self::contactType(); $contactTypes = !empty($contactTypes) ? ['Contact' => 'Contacts'] + $contactTypes : []; $profileGroupType = array_merge($contactTypes, $profileGroupType); return $profileGroupType; } /** * Word replacement match type. * * @return array */ public static function getWordReplacementMatchType() { return [ 'exactMatch' => ts('Exact Match'), 'wildcardMatch' => ts('Wildcard Match'), ]; } /** * Mailing group types. * * @return array */ public static function getMailingGroupTypes() { return [ 'Include' => ts('Include'), 'Exclude' => ts('Exclude'), 'Base' => ts('Base'), ]; } /** * Mailing Job Status. * * @return array */ public static function getMailingJobStatus() { return [ 'Scheduled' => ts('Scheduled'), 'Running' => ts('Running'), 'Complete' => ts('Complete'), 'Paused' => ts('Paused'), 'Canceled' => ts('Canceled'), ]; } /** * @return array */ public static function billingMode() { return [ [ 'id' => CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_FORM, 'name' => 'form', 'label' => 'form', ], [ 'id' => CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_BUTTON, 'name' => 'button', 'label' => 'button', ], [ 'id' => CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_NOTIFY, 'name' => 'notify', 'label' => 'notify', ], ]; } /** * @return array */ public static function contributeMode() { return [ [ 'id' => CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_FORM, 'name' => 'direct', 'label' => 'direct', ], [ 'id' => CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_BUTTON, 'name' => 'directIPN', 'label' => 'directIPN', ], [ 'id' => CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_NOTIFY, 'name' => 'notify', 'label' => 'notify', ], ]; } /** * Frequency unit for schedule reminders. * * @param int $count * For pluralization * @return array */ public static function getRecurringFrequencyUnits($count = 1) { // @todo this used to refer to the 'recur_frequency_unit' option_values which // is for recurring payments and probably not good to re-use for recurring entities. // If something other than a hard-coded list is desired, add a new option_group. return [ 'minute' => ts('minute', ['plural' => 'minutes', 'count' => $count]), 'hour' => ts('hour', ['plural' => 'hours', 'count' => $count]), 'day' => ts('day', ['plural' => 'days', 'count' => $count]), 'week' => ts('week', ['plural' => 'weeks', 'count' => $count]), 'month' => ts('month', ['plural' => 'months', 'count' => $count]), 'year' => ts('year', ['plural' => 'years', 'count' => $count]), ]; } /** * Relative Date Terms. * * @return array */ public static function getRelativeDateTerms() { return [ 'previous' => ts('Previous'), 'previous_2' => ts('Previous 2'), 'previous_before' => ts('Prior to Previous'), 'before_previous' => ts('All Prior to Previous'), 'earlier' => ts('To End of Previous'), 'greater_previous' => ts('From End of Previous'), 'greater' => ts('From Start Of Current'), 'current' => ts('Current'), 'ending_3' => ts('Last 3'), 'ending_2' => ts('Last 2'), 'ending' => ts('Last'), 'this' => ts('This'), 'starting' => ts('Upcoming'), 'less' => ts('To End of'), 'next' => ts('Next'), ]; } /** * Relative Date Units. * * @return array */ public static function getRelativeDateUnits() { return [ 'year' => ts('Years'), 'fiscal_year' => ts('Fiscal Years'), 'quarter' => ts('Quarters'), 'month' => ts('Months'), 'week' => ts('Weeks'), 'day' => ts('Days'), ]; } /** * Exportable document formats. * * @return array */ public static function documentFormat() { return [ 'pdf' => ts('Portable Document Format (.pdf)'), 'docx' => ts('MS Word (.docx)'), 'odt' => ts('Open Office (.odt)'), 'html' => ts('Webpage (.html)'), ]; } /** * Application type of document. * * @return array */ public static function documentApplicationType() { return [ 'docx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'odt' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', ]; } /** * Activity Text options. * * @return array */ public static function activityTextOptions() { return [ 2 => ts('Details Only'), 3 => ts('Subject Only'), 6 => ts('Both'), ]; } /** * Relationship permissions * * @return array */ public static function getPermissionedRelationshipOptions() { return [ [ 'id' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::NONE, 'name' => 'None', 'label' => ts('None'), ], [ 'id' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::VIEW, 'name' => 'View only', 'label' => ts('View only'), ], [ 'id' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::EDIT, 'name' => 'View and update', 'label' => ts('View and update'), ], ]; } /** * Get option values for dashboard entries (used for 'how many events to display on dashboard'). * * @return array * Dashboard entries options - in practice [-1 => 'Show All', 10 => 10, 20 => 20, ... 100 => 100]. */ public static function getDashboardEntriesCount() { $optionValues = []; $optionValues[-1] = ts('show all'); for ($i = 10; $i <= 100; $i += 10) { $optionValues[$i] = $i; } return $optionValues; } /** * Dropdown options for quicksearch in the menu * * @return array * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public static function quicksearchOptions() { $includeEmail = civicrm_api3('setting', 'getvalue', ['name' => 'includeEmailInName', 'group' => 'Search Preferences']); $options = [ 'sort_name' => $includeEmail ? ts('Name/Email') : ts('Name'), 'contact_id' => ts('Contact ID'), 'external_identifier' => ts('External ID'), 'first_name' => ts('First Name'), 'last_name' => ts('Last Name'), 'email' => ts('Email'), 'phone_numeric' => ts('Phone'), 'street_address' => ts('Street Address'), 'city' => ts('City'), 'postal_code' => ts('Postal Code'), 'job_title' => ts('Job Title'), ]; $custom = civicrm_api3('CustomField', 'get', [ 'return' => ['name', 'label', 'custom_group_id.title'], 'custom_group_id.extends' => ['IN' => array_merge(['Contact'], CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::basicTypes())], 'data_type' => ['NOT IN' => ['ContactReference', 'Date', 'File']], 'custom_group_id.is_active' => 1, 'is_active' => 1, 'is_searchable' => 1, 'options' => ['sort' => ['custom_group_id.weight', 'weight'], 'limit' => 0], ]); foreach ($custom['values'] as $field) { $options['custom_' . $field['name']] = $field['custom_group_id.title'] . ': ' . $field['label']; } return $options; } /** * Get components (translated for display. * * @return array * * @throws \Exception */ public static function getComponentSelectValues() { $ret = []; $components = CRM_Core_Component::getComponents(); foreach ($components as $name => $object) { $ret[$name] = $object->info['translatedName']; } return $ret; } /** * @return string[] */ public static function fieldSerialization() { return [ CRM_Core_DAO::SERIALIZE_NONE => 'none', CRM_Core_DAO::SERIALIZE_SEPARATOR_BOOKEND => 'separator_bookend', CRM_Core_DAO::SERIALIZE_SEPARATOR_TRIMMED => 'separator_trimmed', CRM_Core_DAO::SERIALIZE_JSON => 'json', CRM_Core_DAO::SERIALIZE_PHP => 'php', CRM_Core_DAO::SERIALIZE_COMMA => 'comma', ]; } /** * @return array */ public static function navigationMenuSeparator() { return [ ts('None'), ts('After menu element'), ts('Before menu element'), ]; } /** * @return array */ public static function relationshipOrientation() { return [ 'a_b' => ts('A to B'), 'b_a' => ts('B to A'), ]; } /** * @return array */ public static function andOr() { return [ 'AND' => ts('And'), 'OR' => ts('Or'), ]; } /** * Columns from the option_value table which may or may not be used by each option_group. * * Note: Value is not listed here as it is not optional. * * @return string[] */ public static function optionValueFields() { return [ 'name' => 'name', 'label' => 'label', 'description' => 'description', 'icon' => 'icon', 'color' => 'color', ]; } }