redis = CRM_Utils_Cache_Redis::connect($settings); $this->prefix = isset($settings['prefix']) ? $settings['prefix'] : ''; $this->prefix .= \CRM_Utils_Cache::DELIMITER . 'prevnext' . \CRM_Utils_Cache::DELIMITER; } public function fillWithSql($cacheKey, $sql) { $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, [], FALSE, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); if (is_a($dao, 'DB_Error')) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception($dao->message); } list($allKey, $dataKey, , $maxScore) = $this->initCacheKey($cacheKey); while ($dao->fetch()) { list (, $entity_id, $data) = array_values($dao->toArray()); $maxScore++; $this->redis->zAdd($allKey, $maxScore, $entity_id); $this->redis->hSet($dataKey, $entity_id, $data); } $dao->free(); return TRUE; } public function fillWithArray($cacheKey, $rows) { list($allKey, $dataKey, , $maxScore) = $this->initCacheKey($cacheKey); foreach ($rows as $row) { $maxScore++; $this->redis->zAdd($allKey, $maxScore, $row['entity_id1']); $this->redis->hSet($dataKey, $row['entity_id1'], $row['data']); } return TRUE; } public function fetch($cacheKey, $offset, $rowCount) { $allKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'all'); return $this->redis->zRange($allKey, $offset, $offset + $rowCount - 1); } public function markSelection($cacheKey, $action, $ids = NULL) { $allKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'all'); $selKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'sel'); if ($action === 'select') { foreach ((array) $ids as $id) { $score = $this->redis->zScore($allKey, $id); $this->redis->zAdd($selKey, $score, $id); } } elseif ($action === 'unselect' && $ids === NULL) { $this->redis->delete($selKey); $this->redis->setTimeout($selKey, self::TTL); } elseif ($action === 'unselect' && $ids !== NULL) { foreach ((array) $ids as $id) { $this->redis->zDelete($selKey, $id); } } } public function getSelection($cacheKey, $action = 'get') { $allKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'all'); $selKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'sel'); if ($action === 'get') { $result = []; foreach ($this->redis->zRange($selKey, 0, -1) as $entity_id) { $result[$entity_id] = 1; } return [$cacheKey => $result]; } elseif ($action === 'getall') { $result = []; foreach ($this->redis->zRange($allKey, 0, -1) as $entity_id) { $result[$entity_id] = 1; } return [$cacheKey => $result]; } else { throw new \CRM_Core_Exception("Unrecognized action: $action"); } } public function getPositions($cacheKey, $id1) { $allKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'all'); $dataKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'data'); $rank = $this->redis->zRank($allKey, $id1); if (!is_int($rank) || $rank < 0) { return ['foundEntry' => 0]; } $pos = ['foundEntry' => 1]; if ($rank > 0) { $pos['prev'] = []; foreach ($this->redis->zRange($allKey, $rank - 1, $rank - 1) as $value) { $pos['prev']['id1'] = $value; } $pos['prev']['data'] = $this->redis->hGet($dataKey, $pos['prev']['id1']); } $count = $this->getCount($cacheKey); if ($count > $rank + 1) { $pos['next'] = []; foreach ($this->redis->zRange($allKey, $rank + 1, $rank + 1) as $value) { $pos['next']['id1'] = $value; } $pos['next']['data'] = $this->redis->hGet($dataKey, $pos['next']['id1']); } return $pos; } public function deleteItem($id = NULL, $cacheKey = NULL) { if ($id === NULL && $cacheKey !== NULL) { // Delete by cacheKey. $allKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'all'); $selKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'sel'); $dataKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'data'); $this->redis->delete($allKey, $selKey, $dataKey); } elseif ($id === NULL && $cacheKey === NULL) { // Delete everything. $keys = $this->redis->keys($this->prefix . '*'); $this->redis->del($keys); } elseif ($id !== NULL && $cacheKey !== NULL) { // Delete a specific contact, within a specific cache. $this->redis->zDelete($this->key($cacheKey, 'all'), $id); $this->redis->zDelete($this->key($cacheKey, 'sel'), $id); $this->redis->hDel($this->key($cacheKey, 'data'), $id); } elseif ($id !== NULL && $cacheKey === NULL) { // Delete a specific contact, across all prevnext caches. $allKeys = $this->redis->keys($this->key('*', 'all')); foreach ($allKeys as $allKey) { $parts = explode(\CRM_Utils_Cache::DELIMITER, $allKey); array_pop($parts); $tmpCacheKey = array_pop($parts); $this->deleteItem($id, $tmpCacheKey); } } else { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Not implemented: Redis::deleteItem"); } } public function getCount($cacheKey) { $allKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'all'); return $this->redis->zSize($allKey); } /** * Construct the full path to a cache item. * * @param string $cacheKey * Identifier for this saved search. * Ex: 'abcd1234abcd1234'. * @param string $item * Ex: 'list', 'rel', 'data'. * @return string * Ex: 'dmaster/prevnext/abcd1234abcd1234/list' */ private function key($cacheKey, $item) { return $this->prefix . $cacheKey . \CRM_Utils_Cache::DELIMITER . $item; } /** * Initialize any data-structures or timeouts for the cache-key. * * This is non-destructive -- if data already exists, it's preserved. * * @return array * 0 => string $allItemsCacheKey, * 1 => string $dataItemsCacheKey, * 2 => string $selectedItemsCacheKey, * 3 => int $maxExistingScore */ private function initCacheKey($cacheKey) { $allKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'all'); $selKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'sel'); $dataKey = $this->key($cacheKey, 'data'); $this->redis->setTimeout($allKey, self::TTL); $this->redis->setTimeout($dataKey, self::TTL); $this->redis->setTimeout($selKey, self::TTL); $maxScore = 0; foreach ($this->redis->zRange($allKey, -1, -1, TRUE) as $lastElem => $lastScore) { $maxScore = $lastScore; } return array($allKey, $dataKey, $selKey, $maxScore); } }