setInputParameters($inputData); $this->setInvoiceData(); parent::__construct(); } /** * function exists to get the values from the rp_invoice_id string * @param string $name e.g. i, values are stored in the string with letter codes * @param boolean $abort fatal if not found? * @return unknown */ function getValue($name, $abort = TRUE) { if ($abort && empty($this->_invoiceData[$name])) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Failure: Missing Parameter $name"); } else { return CRM_Utils_Array::value($name, $this->_invoiceData); } } /** * Set $this->_invoiceData from the input array */ function setInvoiceData() { if(empty($this->_inputParameters['rp_invoice_id'])) { $this->_isPaymentExpress = TRUE; return; } $rpInvoiceArray = explode('&', $this->_inputParameters['rp_invoice_id']); // for clarify let's also store without the single letter unreadable //@todo after more refactoring we might ditch storing the one letter stuff $mapping = array( 'i' => 'invoice_id', 'm' => 'component', 'c' => 'contact_id', 'b' => 'contribution_id', 'r' => 'contribution_recur_id', 'p' => 'participant_id', 'e' => 'event_id', ); foreach ($rpInvoiceArray as $rpInvoiceValue) { $rpValueArray = explode('=', $rpInvoiceValue); $this->_invoiceData[$rpValueArray[0]] = $rpValueArray[1]; $this->_inputParameters[$mapping[$rpValueArray[0]]] = $rpValueArray[1]; // p has been overloaded & could mean contribution page or participant id. Clearly we need an // alphabet with more letters. // the mode will always be resolved before the mystery p is reached if($rpValueArray[1] == 'contribute') { $mapping['p'] = 'contribution_page_id'; } } } /** * @param string $name of variable to return * @param string $type data type * - String * - Integer * @param string $location - deprecated * @param boolean $abort abort if empty * @return Ambigous */ function retrieve($name, $type, $location = 'POST', $abort = TRUE) { $value = CRM_Utils_Type::validate( CRM_Utils_Array::value($name, $this->_inputParameters), $type, FALSE ); if ($abort && $value === NULL) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Could not find an entry for $name in $location"); } return $value; } /** * Process recurring contributions * @param array $input * @param array $ids * @param array $objects * @param boolean $first * @return void|boolean */ function recur(&$input, &$ids, &$objects, $first) { if (!isset($input['txnType'])) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Could not find txn_type in input request"); echo "Failure: Invalid parameters

"; return FALSE; } if ($input['txnType'] == 'recurring_payment' && $input['paymentStatus'] != 'Completed' ) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Ignore all IPN payments that are not completed"); echo "Failure: Invalid parameters

"; return FALSE; } $recur = &$objects['contributionRecur']; // make sure the invoice ids match // make sure the invoice is valid and matches what we have in // the contribution record if ($recur->invoice_id != $input['invoice']) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Invoice values dont match between database and IPN request recur is " . $recur->invoice_id . " input is " . $input['invoice']); echo "Failure: Invoice values dont match between database and IPN request recur is " . $recur->invoice_id . " input is " . $input['invoice']; return FALSE; } $now = date('YmdHis'); // fix dates that already exist $dates = array('create', 'start', 'end', 'cancel', 'modified'); foreach ($dates as $date) { $name = "{$date}_date"; if ($recur->$name) { $recur->$name = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($recur->$name); } } $sendNotification = FALSE; $subscriptionPaymentStatus = NULL; //List of Transaction Type /* recurring_payment_profile_created RP Profile Created recurring_payment RP Sucessful Payment recurring_payment_failed RP Failed Payment recurring_payment_profile_cancel RP Profile Cancelled recurring_payment_expired RP Profile Expired recurring_payment_skipped RP Profile Skipped recurring_payment_outstanding_payment RP Sucessful Outstanding Payment recurring_payment_outstanding_payment_failed RP Failed Outstanding Payment recurring_payment_suspended RP Profile Suspended recurring_payment_suspended_due_to_max_failed_payment RP Profile Suspended due to Max Failed Payment */ //set transaction type $txnType = $this->retrieve('txn_type', 'String'); //Changes for paypal pro recurring payment $contributionStatuses = civicrm_api3('contribution', 'getoptions', array('field' => 'contribution_status_id')); $contributionStatuses = $contributionStatuses['values']; switch ($txnType) { case 'recurring_payment_profile_created': if(in_array($recur->contribution_status_id, array(array_search('Pending',$contributionStatuses), array_search('In Progress',$contributionStatuses))) && !empty($recur->processor_id)) { echo "already handled"; return; } $recur->create_date = $now; $recur->contribution_status_id = 2; $recur->processor_id = $this->retrieve('recurring_payment_id', 'String'); $recur->trxn_id = $recur->processor_id; $subscriptionPaymentStatus = CRM_Core_Payment::RECURRING_PAYMENT_START; $sendNotification = TRUE; break; case 'recurring_payment': if ($first) { $recur->start_date = $now; } else { $recur->modified_date = $now; } //contribution installment is completed if ($this->retrieve('profile_status', 'String') == 'Expired') { if(!empty($recur->end_date)) { echo "already handled"; return; } $recur->contribution_status_id = 1; $recur->end_date = $now; $sendNotification = TRUE; $subscriptionPaymentStatus = CRM_Core_Payment::RECURRING_PAYMENT_END; } // make sure the contribution status is not done // since order of ipn's is unknown if ($recur->contribution_status_id != 1) { $recur->contribution_status_id = 5; } break; } $recur->save(); if ($sendNotification) { $autoRenewMembership = FALSE; if ($recur->id && isset($ids['membership']) && $ids['membership'] ) { $autoRenewMembership = TRUE; } //send recurring Notification email for user CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionPage::recurringNotify($subscriptionPaymentStatus, $ids['contact'], $ids['contributionPage'], $recur, $autoRenewMembership ); } if ($txnType != 'recurring_payment') { return; } if (!$first) { //check if this contribution transaction is already processed //if not create a contribution and then get it processed $contribution = new CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution(); $contribution->trxn_id = $input['trxn_id']; if ($contribution->trxn_id && $contribution->find()) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("returning since contribution has already been handled"); echo "Success: Contribution has already been handled

"; return TRUE; } $contribution->contact_id = $recur->contact_id; $contribution->financial_type_id = $objects['contributionType']->id; $contribution->contribution_page_id = $ids['contributionPage']; $contribution->contribution_recur_id = $ids['contributionRecur']; $contribution->currency = $objects['contribution']->currency; $contribution->payment_instrument_id = $objects['contribution']->payment_instrument_id; $contribution->amount_level = $objects['contribution']->amount_level; $contribution->honor_contact_id = $objects['contribution']->honor_contact_id; $contribution->honor_type_id = $objects['contribution']->honor_type_id; $contribution->campaign_id = $objects['contribution']->campaign_id; $objects['contribution'] = &$contribution; } // CRM-13737 - am not aware of any reason why payment_date would not be set - this if is a belt & braces $objects['contribution']->receive_date = !empty($input['payment_date']) ? date('YmdHis', strtotime($input['payment_date'])): $now; $this->single($input, $ids, $objects, TRUE, $first ); } function single(&$input, &$ids, &$objects, $recur = FALSE, $first = FALSE) { $contribution = &$objects['contribution']; // make sure the invoice is valid and matches what we have in the contribution record if ((!$recur) || ($recur && $first)) { if ($contribution->invoice_id != $input['invoice']) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Invoice values dont match between database and IPN request"); echo "Failure: Invoice values dont match between database and IPN request

contribution is" . $contribution->invoice_id . " and input is " . $input['invoice']; return FALSE; } } else { $contribution->invoice_id = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); } if (!$recur) { if ($contribution->total_amount != $input['amount']) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Amount values dont match between database and IPN request"); echo "Failure: Amount values dont match between database and IPN request

"; return FALSE; } } else { $contribution->total_amount = $input['amount']; } $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); $participant = &$objects['participant']; $membership = &$objects['membership']; $status = $input['paymentStatus']; if ($status == 'Denied' || $status == 'Failed' || $status == 'Voided') { return $this->failed($objects, $transaction); } elseif ($status == 'Pending') { return $this->pending($objects, $transaction); } elseif ($status == 'Refunded' || $status == 'Reversed') { return $this->cancelled($objects, $transaction); } elseif ($status != 'Completed') { return $this->unhandled($objects, $transaction); } // check if contribution is already completed, if so we ignore this ipn if ($contribution->contribution_status_id == 1) { $transaction->commit(); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("returning since contribution has already been handled"); echo "Success: Contribution has already been handled

"; return TRUE; } $this->completeTransaction($input, $ids, $objects, $transaction, $recur); } /** * This is the main function to call. It should be sufficient to instantiate the class * (with the input parameters) & call this & all will be done * * @todo the references to POST throughout this class need to be removed * @return void|boolean|Ambigous */ function main() { CRM_Core_Error::debug_var('GET', $_GET, TRUE, TRUE); CRM_Core_Error::debug_var('POST', $_POST, TRUE, TRUE); if($this->_isPaymentExpress) { $this->handlePaymentExpress(); return; } $objects = $ids = $input = array(); $this->_component = $input['component'] = self::getValue('m'); // get the contribution and contact ids from the GET params $ids['contact'] = self::getValue('c', TRUE); $ids['contribution'] = self::getValue('b', TRUE); $this->getInput($input, $ids); if ($this->_component == 'event') { $ids['event'] = self::getValue('e', TRUE); $ids['participant'] = self::getValue('p', TRUE); $ids['contributionRecur'] = self::getValue('r', FALSE); } else { // get the optional ids //@ how can this not be broken retrieving from GET as we are dealing with a POST request? // copy & paste? Note the retrieve function now uses data from _REQUEST so this will be included $ids['membership'] = self::retrieve('membershipID', 'Integer', 'GET', FALSE); $ids['contributionRecur'] = self::getValue('r', FALSE); $ids['contributionPage'] = self::getValue('p', FALSE); $ids['related_contact'] = self::retrieve('relatedContactID', 'Integer', 'GET', FALSE); $ids['onbehalf_dupe_alert'] = self::retrieve('onBehalfDupeAlert', 'Integer', 'GET', FALSE); } if (!$ids['membership'] && $ids['contributionRecur']) { $sql = " SELECT FROM civicrm_membership m INNER JOIN civicrm_membership_payment mp ON = mp.membership_id AND mp.contribution_id = %1 WHERE m.contribution_recur_id = %2 LIMIT 1"; $sqlParams = array(1 => array($ids['contribution'], 'Integer'), 2 => array($ids['contributionRecur'], 'Integer'), ); if ($membershipId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql, $sqlParams)) { $ids['membership'] = $membershipId; } } $paymentProcessorID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType', 'PayPal', 'id', 'name' ); if (!$this->validateData($input, $ids, $objects, TRUE, $paymentProcessorID)) { return FALSE; } self::$_paymentProcessor = &$objects['paymentProcessor']; //?? how on earth would we not have component be one of these? // they are the only valid settings & this IPN file can't even be called without one of them // grepping for this class doesn't find other paths to call this class if ($this->_component == 'contribute' || $this->_component == 'event') { if ($ids['contributionRecur']) { // check if first contribution is completed, else complete first contribution $first = TRUE; if ($objects['contribution']->contribution_status_id == 1) { $first = FALSE; } return $this->recur($input, $ids, $objects, $first); } else { return $this->single($input, $ids, $objects, FALSE, FALSE); } } else { return $this->single($input, $ids, $objects, FALSE, FALSE); } } function getInput(&$input, &$ids) { if (!$this->getBillingID($ids)) { return FALSE; } $input['txnType'] = self::retrieve('txn_type', 'String', 'POST', FALSE); $input['paymentStatus'] = self::retrieve('payment_status', 'String', 'POST', FALSE); $input['invoice'] = self::getValue('i', TRUE); $input['amount'] = self::retrieve('mc_gross', 'Money', 'POST', FALSE); $input['reasonCode'] = self::retrieve('ReasonCode', 'String', 'POST', FALSE); $billingID = $ids['billing']; $lookup = array( "first_name" => 'first_name', "last_name" => 'last_name', "street_address-{$billingID}" => 'address_street', "city-{$billingID}" => 'address_city', "state-{$billingID}" => 'address_state', "postal_code-{$billingID}" => 'address_zip', "country-{$billingID}" => 'address_country_code', ); foreach ($lookup as $name => $paypalName) { $value = self::retrieve($paypalName, 'String', 'POST', FALSE); $input[$name] = $value ? $value : NULL; } $input['is_test'] = self::retrieve('test_ipn', 'Integer', 'POST', FALSE); $input['fee_amount'] = self::retrieve('mc_fee', 'Money', 'POST', FALSE); $input['net_amount'] = self::retrieve('settle_amount', 'Money', 'POST', FALSE); $input['trxn_id'] = self::retrieve('txn_id', 'String', 'POST', FALSE); $input['payment_date'] = self::retrieve('payment_date', 'String', 'POST', FALSE); } /** * Handle payment express IPNs * For one off IPNS no actual response is required * Recurring is more difficult as we have limited confirmation material */ function handlePaymentExpress() { throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Payment Express IPNS not currently handled'); } }