_mode = $mode; $this->_paymentProcessor = $paymentProcessor; } /** * Map fields from params array. * * This function is set up and put here to make the mapping of fields * as visually clear as possible for easy editing * * Comment out irrelevant fields * * @param array $params * * @return array */ public function mapProcessorFieldstoParams($params) { /*concatenate full customer name first - code from EWAY gateway */ $credit_card_name = $params['first_name'] . ' '; if (strlen($params['middle_name']) > 0) { $credit_card_name .= $params['middle_name'] . ' '; } $credit_card_name .= $params['last_name']; //compile array /********************************************************** * Payment Processor field name **fields from $params array *** *******************************************************************/ $requestFields['cardnumber'] = $params['credit_card_number']; $requestFields['chargetotal'] = $params['amount']; $requestFields['cardexpmonth'] = sprintf('%02d', (int) $params['month']); $requestFields['cardexpyear'] = substr($params['year'], 2, 2); $requestFields['cvmvalue'] = $params['cvv2']; $requestFields['cvmindicator'] = "provided"; $requestFields['name'] = $credit_card_name; $requestFields['address1'] = $params['street_address']; $requestFields['city'] = $params['city']; $requestFields['state'] = $params['state_province']; $requestFields['zip'] = $params['postal_code']; $requestFields['country'] = $params['country']; $requestFields['email'] = $params['email']; $requestFields['ip'] = $params['ip_address']; $requestFields['transactionorigin'] = "Eci"; // 32 character string $requestFields['invoice_number'] = $params['invoiceID']; $requestFields['ordertype'] = 'Sale'; $requestFields['comments'] = $params['description']; //**********************set 'result' for live testing ************************** // $requestFields[ 'result' ] = ""; #set to "Good", "Decline" or "Duplicate" // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params[ 'qfKey' ]; // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params[ 'amount_other' ]; // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params[ 'billing_first_name' ]; // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params[ 'billing_middle_name' ]; // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params[ 'billing_last_name' ]; // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params[ 'contributionType_name' ]; // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params[ 'contributionPageID' ]; // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params[ 'contributionType_accounting_code' ]; // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params['amount_level' ]; // $requestFields[ '' ] = $params['credit_card_type' ]; // $requestFields[ 'addrnum' ] = numeric portion of street address - not yet implemented // $requestFields[ 'taxexempt' ] taxexempt status (Y or N) - not implemented return $requestFields; } /** * This function sends request and receives response from * the processor * * @param array|PropertyBag $params * * @param string $component * * @return array * Result array (containing at least the key payment_status_id) * * @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException */ public function doPayment(&$params, $component = 'contribute') { $propertyBag = \Civi\Payment\PropertyBag::cast($params); $this->_component = $component; $statuses = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::buildOptions('contribution_status_id', 'validate'); // If we have a $0 amount, skip call to processor and set payment_status to Completed. // Conceivably a processor might override this - perhaps for setting up a token - but we don't // have an example of that at the moment. if ($propertyBag->getAmount() == 0) { $result['payment_status_id'] = array_search('Completed', $statuses); $result['payment_status'] = 'Completed'; return $result; } if ($params['is_recur'] == TRUE) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('First Data - recurring payments not implemented')); } if (!defined('CURLOPT_SSLCERT')) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('%1 - Gateway requires curl with SSL support', [1 => $paymentProcessor])); } /********************************************************** * Create the array of variables to be sent to the processor from the $params array * passed into this function **********************************************************/ $requestFields = self::mapProcessorFieldstoParams($params); /********************************************************** * create FirstData request object **********************************************************/ require_once 'FirstData/lphp.php'; // $mylphp=new lphp; /********************************************************** * define variables for connecting with the gateway **********************************************************/ // Name and location of certificate file $key = $this->_paymentProcessor['password']; // Your store number $requestFields["configfile"] = $this->_paymentProcessor['user_name']; $port = "1129"; $host = $this->_paymentProcessor['url_site'] . ":" . $port . "/LSGSXML"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check to see if we have a duplicate before we send //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($this->checkDupe($params['invoiceID'], CRM_Utils_Array::value('contributionID', $params))) { throw new PaymentProcessorException('It appears that this transaction is a duplicate. Have you already submitted the form once? If so there may have been a connection problem. Check your email for a receipt from eWAY. If you do not receive a receipt within 2 hours you can try your transaction again. If you continue to have problems please contact the site administrator.', 9003); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert to XML using function provided by payment processor //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $requestxml = lphp::buildXML($requestFields); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Send to the payment information using cURL /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $ch = curl_init($host); if (!$ch) { throw new PaymentProcessorException('Could not initiate connection to payment gateway', 9004); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $requestxml); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $key); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, Civi::settings()->get('verifySSL') ? 2 : 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, Civi::settings()->get('verifySSL')); // return the result on success, FALSE on failure curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 36000); // ensures any Location headers are followed if (ini_get('open_basedir') == '') { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); } // Send the data out over the wire //-------------------------------- $responseData = curl_exec($ch); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // See if we had a curl error - if so tell 'em and bail out // // NOTE: curl_error does not return a logical value (see its documentation), but // a string, which is empty when there was no error. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((curl_errno($ch) > 0) || (strlen(curl_error($ch)) > 0)) { $errorNum = curl_errno($ch); $errorDesc = curl_error($ch); // Paranoia - in the unlikley event that 'curl' errno fails if ($errorNum == 0) { $errorNum = 9005; } // Paranoia - in the unlikley event that 'curl' error fails if (strlen($errorDesc) == 0) { $errorDesc = "Connection to payment gateway failed"; } if ($errorNum == 60) { throw new PaymentProcessorException("Curl error - " . $errorDesc . ' Try this link for more information http://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html', $errorNum); } throw new PaymentProcessorException('Curl error - ' . $errorDesc . ' your key is located at ' . $key . ' the url is ' . $host . ' xml is ' . $requestxml . ' processor response = ' . $processorResponse, $errorNum); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If null data returned - tell 'em and bail out // // NOTE: You will not necessarily get a string back, if the request failed for // any reason, the return value will be the boolean false. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (($responseData === FALSE) || (strlen($responseData) == 0)) { throw new PaymentProcessorException('Error: Connection to payment gateway failed - no data returned.', 9006); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If gateway returned no data - tell 'em and bail out //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (empty($responseData)) { throw new PaymentProcessorException('Error: No data returned from payment gateway.', 9007); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Success so far - close the curl and check the data //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- curl_close($ch); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Payment successfully sent to gateway - process the response now //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $processorResponse = lphp::decodeXML($responseData); // transaction failed, print the reason if ($processorResponse['r_approved'] !== "APPROVED") { throw new PaymentProcessorException('Error: [' . $processorResponse['r_error'] . '] - from payment processor', 9009); } else { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cross-Check - the unique 'TrxnReference' we sent out should match the just received 'TrxnReference' // // this section not used as the processor doesn't appear to pass back our invoice no. Code in eWay model if // used later //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //============= // Success ! //============= $params['trxn_result_code'] = $processorResponse['r_message']; $params['trxn_id'] = $processorResponse['r_ref']; $params['payment_status_id'] = array_search('Completed', $statuses); $params['payment_status'] = 'Completed'; CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("r_authresponse " . $processorResponse['r_authresponse']); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("r_code " . $processorResponse['r_code']); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("r_tdate " . $processorResponse['r_tdate']); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("r_avs " . $processorResponse['r_avs']); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("r_ordernum " . $processorResponse['r_ordernum']); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("r_error " . $processorResponse['r_error']); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("csp " . $processorResponse['r_csp']); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("r_message " . $processorResponse['r_message']); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("r_ref " . $processorResponse['r_ref']); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("r_time " . $processorResponse['r_time']); return $params; } } /** * This public function checks to see if we have the right processor config values set. * * NOTE: Called by Events and Contribute to check config params are set prior to trying * register any credit card details * * @return null|string * @internal param string $mode the mode we are operating in (live or test) - not used * * returns string $errorMsg if any errors found - null if OK * * function checkConfig( $mode ) CiviCRM V1.9 Declaration * CiviCRM V2.0 Declaration */ public function checkConfig() { $errorMsg = []; if (empty($this->_paymentProcessor['user_name'])) { $errorMsg[] = ts(' Store Name is not set for this payment processor'); } if (empty($this->_paymentProcessor['url_site'])) { $errorMsg[] = ts(' URL is not set for this payment processor'); } if (!empty($errorMsg)) { return implode('

', $errorMsg); } return NULL; } } // end class CRM_Core_Payment_FirstData