locale = $locale; if ($locale != '' and $locale != 'en_US') { if (defined('CIVICRM_GETTEXT_NATIVE') && CIVICRM_GETTEXT_NATIVE && function_exists('gettext')) { // Note: the file hierarchy for .po must be, for example: l10n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/civicrm.mo $this->_nativegettext = TRUE; $locale .= '.utf8'; putenv("LANG=$locale"); // CRM-11833 Avoid LC_ALL because of LC_NUMERIC and potential DB error. setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $locale); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale); bindtextdomain('civicrm', CRM_Core_I18n::getResourceDir()); bind_textdomain_codeset('civicrm', 'UTF-8'); textdomain('civicrm'); $this->_phpgettext = new CRM_Core_I18n_NativeGettext(); $this->_extensioncache['civicrm'] = 'civicrm'; return; } // Otherwise, use PHP-gettext // we support both the old file hierarchy format and the new: // pre-4.5: civicrm/l10n/xx_XX/civicrm.mo // post-4.5: civicrm/l10n/xx_XX/LC_MESSAGES/civicrm.mo require_once 'PHPgettext/streams.php'; require_once 'PHPgettext/gettext.php'; $mo_file = CRM_Core_I18n::getResourceDir() . $locale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'LC_MESSAGES' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'civicrm.mo'; if (!file_exists($mo_file)) { // fallback to pre-4.5 mode $mo_file = CRM_Core_I18n::getResourceDir() . $locale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'civicrm.mo'; } $streamer = new FileReader($mo_file); $this->_phpgettext = new gettext_reader($streamer); $this->_extensioncache['civicrm'] = $this->_phpgettext; } } /** * Returns whether gettext is running natively or using PHP-Gettext. * * @return bool * True if gettext is native */ public function isNative() { return $this->_nativegettext; } /** * Return languages available in this instance of CiviCRM. * * @param bool $justEnabled * whether to return all languages or just the enabled ones. * * @return array * Array of code/language name mappings */ public static function languages($justEnabled = FALSE) { static $all = NULL; static $enabled = NULL; if (!$all) { $all = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::buildOptions('preferred_language'); // check which ones are available; add them to $all if not there already $codes = array(); if (is_dir(CRM_Core_I18n::getResourceDir()) && $dir = opendir(CRM_Core_I18n::getResourceDir())) { while ($filename = readdir($dir)) { if (preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z]_[A-Z][A-Z]$/', $filename)) { $codes[] = $filename; if (!isset($all[$filename])) { $all[$filename] = $filename; } } } closedir($dir); } // drop the unavailable languages (except en_US) foreach (array_keys($all) as $code) { if ($code == 'en_US') { continue; } if (!in_array($code, $codes)) { unset($all[$code]); } } } if ($enabled === NULL) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $enabled = array(); if (isset($config->languageLimit) and $config->languageLimit) { foreach ($all as $code => $name) { if (in_array($code, array_keys($config->languageLimit))) { $enabled[$code] = $name; } } } } return $justEnabled ? $enabled : $all; } /** * Replace arguments in a string with their values. Arguments are represented by % followed by their number. * * @param string $str * source string. * * @return string * modified string */ public function strarg($str) { $tr = array(); $p = 0; for ($i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { $arg = func_get_arg($i); if (is_array($arg)) { foreach ($arg as $aarg) { $tr['%' . ++$p] = $aarg; } } else { $tr['%' . ++$p] = $arg; } } return strtr($str, $tr); } public static function getResourceDir() { static $dir = NULL; if ($dir === NULL) { $dir = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'l10n' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return $dir; } /** * Smarty block function, provides gettext support for smarty. * * The block content is the text that should be translated. * * Any parameter that is sent to the function will be represented as %n in the translation text, * where n is 1 for the first parameter. The following parameters are reserved: * - escape - sets escape mode: * - 'html' for HTML escaping, this is the default. * - 'js' for javascript escaping. * - 'no'/'off'/0 - turns off escaping * - plural - The plural version of the text (2nd parameter of ngettext()) * - count - The item count for plural mode (3rd parameter of ngettext()) * - context - gettext context of that string (for homonym handling) * * @param string $text * the original string. * @param array $params * The params of the translation (if any). * - domain: string|array a list of translation domains to search (in order) * - context: string * * @return string * the translated string */ public function crm_translate($text, $params = array()) { if (isset($params['escape'])) { $escape = $params['escape']; unset($params['escape']); } // sometimes we need to {ts}-tag a string, but don’t want to // translate it in the template (like civicrm_navigation.tpl), // because we handle the translation in a different way (CRM-6998) // in such cases we return early, only doing SQL/JS escaping if (isset($params['skip']) and $params['skip']) { if (isset($escape) and ($escape == 'sql')) { $text = CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($text); } if (isset($escape) and ($escape == 'js')) { $text = addcslashes($text, "'"); } return $text; } $plural = $count = NULL; if (isset($params['plural'])) { $plural = $params['plural']; unset($params['plural']); if (isset($params['count'])) { $count = $params['count']; } } if (isset($params['context'])) { $context = $params['context']; unset($params['context']); } else { $context = NULL; } if (isset($params['domain'])) { $domain = $params['domain']; unset($params['domain']); } else { $domain = NULL; } $raw = !empty($params['raw']); unset($params['raw']); if (!empty($domain)) { // It might be prettier to cast to an array, but this is high-traffic stuff. if (is_array($domain)) { foreach ($domain as $d) { $candidate = $this->crm_translate_raw($text, $d, $count, $plural, $context); if ($candidate != $text) { $text = $candidate; break; } } } else { $text = $this->crm_translate_raw($text, $domain, $count, $plural, $context); } } else { $text = $this->crm_translate_raw($text, NULL, $count, $plural, $context); } // replace the numbered %1, %2, etc. params if present if (count($params) && !$raw) { $text = $this->strarg($text, $params); } // escape SQL if we were asked for it if (isset($escape) and ($escape == 'sql')) { $text = CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($text); } // escape for JavaScript (if requested) if (isset($escape) and ($escape == 'js')) { $text = addcslashes($text, "'"); } return $text; } /** * Lookup the raw translation of a string (without any extra escaping or interpolation). * * @param string $text * @param string|NULL $domain * @param int|NULL $count * @param string $plural * @param string $context * * @return string */ protected function crm_translate_raw($text, $domain, $count, $plural, $context) { // gettext domain for extensions $domain_changed = FALSE; if (!empty($domain) && $this->_phpgettext) { if ($this->setGettextDomain($domain)) { $domain_changed = TRUE; } } // do all wildcard translations first if (!isset(Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]) || !array_key_exists($this->locale, Civi::$statics[__CLASS__])) { if (defined('CIVICRM_DSN') && !CRM_Core_Config::isUpgradeMode()) { Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][$this->locale] = CRM_Core_BAO_WordReplacement::getLocaleCustomStrings($this->locale); } else { Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][$this->locale] = array(); } } $stringTable = Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][$this->locale]; $exactMatch = FALSE; if (isset($stringTable['enabled']['exactMatch'])) { foreach ($stringTable['enabled']['exactMatch'] as $search => $replace) { if ($search === $text) { $exactMatch = TRUE; $text = $replace; break; } } } if ( !$exactMatch && isset($stringTable['enabled']['wildcardMatch']) ) { $search = array_keys($stringTable['enabled']['wildcardMatch']); $replace = array_values($stringTable['enabled']['wildcardMatch']); $text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text); } // dont translate if we've done exactMatch already if (!$exactMatch) { // use plural if required parameters are set if (isset($count) && isset($plural)) { if ($this->_phpgettext) { $text = $this->_phpgettext->ngettext($text, $plural, $count); } else { // if the locale's not set, we do ngettext work by hand // if $count == 1 then $text = $text, else $text = $plural if ($count != 1) { $text = $plural; } } // expand %count in translated string to $count $text = strtr($text, array('%count' => $count)); // if not plural, but the locale's set, translate } elseif ($this->_phpgettext) { if ($context) { $text = $this->_phpgettext->pgettext($context, $text); } else { $text = $this->_phpgettext->translate($text); } } } if ($domain_changed) { $this->setGettextDomain('civicrm'); } return $text; } /** * Translate a string to the current locale. * * @param string $string * this string should be translated. * * @return string * the translated string */ public function translate($string) { return ($this->_phpgettext) ? $this->_phpgettext->translate($string) : $string; } /** * Localize (destructively) array values. * * @param array $array * the array for localization (in place). * @param array $params * an array of additional parameters. */ public function localizeArray( &$array, $params = array() ) { $tsLocale = CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale(); if ($tsLocale == 'en_US') { return; } foreach ($array as & $value) { if ($value) { $value = ts($value, $params); } } } /** * Localize (destructively) array elements with keys of 'title'. * * @param array $array * the array for localization (in place). */ public function localizeTitles(&$array) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $this->localizeTitles($value); $array[$key] = $value; } elseif ((string ) $key == 'title') { $array[$key] = ts($value, array('context' => 'menu')); } } } /** * Binds a gettext domain, wrapper over bindtextdomain(). * * @param $key * Key of the extension (can be 'civicrm', or 'org.example.foo'). * * @return Bool * True if the domain was changed for an extension. */ public function setGettextDomain($key) { /* No domain changes for en_US */ if (!$this->_phpgettext) { return FALSE; } // It's only necessary to find/bind once if (!isset($this->_extensioncache[$key])) { try { $mapper = CRM_Extension_System::singleton()->getMapper(); $path = $mapper->keyToBasePath($key); $info = $mapper->keyToInfo($key); $domain = $info->file; if ($this->_nativegettext) { bindtextdomain($domain, $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'l10n'); bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8'); $this->_extensioncache[$key] = $domain; } else { // phpgettext $mo_file = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'l10n' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->locale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'LC_MESSAGES' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $domain . '.mo'; $streamer = new FileReader($mo_file); $this->_extensioncache[$key] = new gettext_reader($streamer); } } catch (CRM_Extension_Exception $e) { // Intentionally not translating this string to avoid possible infinite loops // Only developers should see this string, if they made a mistake in their ts() usage. CRM_Core_Session::setStatus('Unknown extension key in a translation string: ' . $key, '', 'error'); $this->_extensioncache[$key] = FALSE; } } if (isset($this->_extensioncache[$key]) && $this->_extensioncache[$key]) { if ($this->_nativegettext) { textdomain($this->_extensioncache[$key]); } else { $this->_phpgettext = $this->_extensioncache[$key]; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Is the CiviCRM in multilingual mode. * * @return Bool * True if CiviCRM is in multilingual mode. */ public static function isMultilingual() { $domain = new CRM_Core_DAO_Domain(); $domain->find(TRUE); return (bool) $domain->locales; } /** * Is the language written "right-to-left"? * * @param $language * Language (for example 'en_US', or 'fr_CA'). * * @return Bool * True if it is an RTL language. */ public static function isLanguageRTL($language) { $rtl = CRM_Core_I18n_PseudoConstant::getRTLlanguages(); $short = CRM_Core_I18n_PseudoConstant::shortForLong($language); return (in_array($short, $rtl)); } /** * Change the processing language without changing the current user language * * @param $language * Language (for example 'en_US', or 'fr_CA'). * True if the domain was changed for an extension. */ public function setLocale($language) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); // Change the language of the CMS as well, for URLs. CRM_Utils_System::setUFLocale($language); // change the gettext ressources if ($this->_nativegettext) { $locale = $language . '.utf8'; putenv("LANG=$locale"); setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $locale); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale); bindtextdomain('civicrm', $config->gettextResourceDir); bind_textdomain_codeset('civicrm', 'UTF-8'); textdomain('civicrm'); $this->_phpgettext = new CRM_Core_I18n_NativeGettext(); $this->_extensioncache['civicrm'] = 'civicrm'; } else { // phpgettext require_once 'PHPgettext/streams.php'; require_once 'PHPgettext/gettext.php'; $mo_file = $config->gettextResourceDir . $language . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'LC_MESSAGES' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'civicrm.mo'; $streamer = new FileReader($mo_file); $this->_phpgettext = new gettext_reader($streamer); $this->_extensioncache['civicrm'] = $this->_phpgettext; } // for sql queries global $dbLocale; $dbLocale = "_{$language}"; } /** * Static instance provider - return the instance for the current locale. * * @return CRM_Core_I18n */ public static function &singleton() { static $singleton = array(); $tsLocale = CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale(); if (!isset($singleton[$tsLocale])) { $singleton[$tsLocale] = new CRM_Core_I18n($tsLocale); } return $singleton[$tsLocale]; } /** * Set the LC_TIME locale if it's not set already (for a given language choice). * * @return string * the final LC_TIME that got set */ public static function setLcTime() { static $locales = array(); $tsLocale = CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale(); if (!isset($locales[$tsLocale])) { // with the config being set to pl_PL: try pl_PL.UTF-8, // then pl_PL, if neither present fall back to C $locales[$tsLocale] = setlocale(LC_TIME, $tsLocale . '.UTF-8', $tsLocale, 'C'); } return $locales[$tsLocale]; } /** * Get the default language for contacts where no language is provided. * * Note that NULL is a valid option so be careful with checking for empty etc. * * NULL would mean 'we don't know & we don't want to hazard a guess'. * * @return string */ public static function getContactDefaultLanguage() { $language = Civi::settings()->get('contact_default_language'); if ($language == 'undefined') { return NULL; } if (empty($language) || $language === '*default*') { $language = civicrm_api3('setting', 'getvalue', array( 'name' => 'lcMessages', 'group' => CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::LOCALIZATION_PREFERENCES_NAME, )); } elseif ($language == 'current_site_language') { return CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale(); } return $language; } /** * Get the current locale * * @return string */ public static function getLocale() { global $tsLocale; return $tsLocale; } /** * Set the current locale * @param $locale */ public static function setLocale($locale) { global $tsLocale; $tsLocale = $locale; } } /** * Short-named function for string translation, defined in global scope so it's available everywhere. * * @param string $text * String string for translating. * @param array $params * Array an array of additional parameters. * * @return string * the translated string */ function ts($text, $params = array()) { static $config = NULL; static $locale = NULL; static $i18n = NULL; static $function = NULL; if ($text == '') { return ''; } if (!$config) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); } $tsLocale = CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale(); if (!$i18n or $locale != $tsLocale) { $i18n = CRM_Core_I18n::singleton(); $locale = $tsLocale; if (isset($config->customTranslateFunction) and function_exists($config->customTranslateFunction)) { $function = $config->customTranslateFunction; } } if ($function) { return $function($text, $params); } else { return $i18n->crm_translate($text, $params); } }