find(); $domains = []; while ($domain->fetch()) { // We need to build an array to iterate through here as something later down clears // the cache on the fetch results & causes only the first to be retrieved. $domains[] = clone $domain; } foreach ($domains as $domain) { // skip if the domain is already multi-lang. if ($domain->locales) { continue; } if (!$isUpdateDone) { $isUpdateDone = self::alterTablesToSupportMultilingual($locale); } // update civicrm_domain.locales $domain->locales = $locale; $domain->save(); // CRM-21627 Updates the $dbLocale CRM_Core_BAO_ConfigSetting::applyLocale(Civi::settings($domain->id), $domain->locales); } } /** * Switch database from multi-lang back to single (by dropping * additional columns and views and retaining only the selected locale). * * @param string $retain * the locale to retain. */ public static function makeSinglelingual($retain) { $domain = new CRM_Core_DAO_Domain(); $domain->id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); $domain->find(TRUE); $locales = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $domain->locales); // break early if the db is already single-lang if (!$locales) { return; } // lets drop all triggers first $logging = new CRM_Logging_Schema(); $logging->dropTriggers(); // turn subsequent tables singlelingual $tables = CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure::tables(); foreach ($tables as $table) { self::makeSinglelingualTable($retain, $table); } // update civicrm_domain.locales $domain->locales = 'NULL'; $domain->save(); //CRM-6963 -fair assumption. global $dbLocale; $dbLocale = ''; // now lets rebuild all triggers CRM_Core_DAO::triggerRebuild(); } /** * Switch a given table from multi-lang to single (by retaining only the selected locale). * * @param string $retain * the locale to retain. * @param string $table * the table containing the column. * @param string $class * schema structure class to use to recreate indices. * * @param array $triggers */ public static function makeSinglelingualTable( $retain, $table, $class = 'CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure', $triggers = [] ) { $domain = new CRM_Core_DAO_Domain(); $domain->id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); $domain->find(TRUE); $locales = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $domain->locales); // break early if the db is already single-lang if (!$locales) { return; } $columns =& $class::columns(); $indices =& $class::indices(); $queries = []; $dropQueries = []; // drop indices if (isset($indices[$table])) { foreach ($indices[$table] as $index) { foreach ($locales as $loc) { $queries[] = "DROP INDEX {$index['name']}_{$loc} ON {$table}"; } } } $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); // deal with columns foreach ($columns[$table] as $column => $type) { $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} CHANGE `{$column}_{$retain}` `{$column}` {$type}"; foreach ($locales as $loc) { if (strcmp($loc, $retain) !== 0) { $dropQueries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP {$column}_{$loc}"; } } } // drop views foreach ($locales as $loc) { $queries[] = "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS {$table}_{$loc}"; } // add original indices $queries = array_merge($queries, self::createIndexQueries(NULL, $table)); // execute the queries without i18n rewriting $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); foreach ($queries as $query) { $dao->query($query, FALSE); } foreach ($dropQueries as $query) { $dao->query($query, FALSE); } if (!empty($triggers)) { if (CRM_Core_Config::isUpgradeMode()) { foreach ($triggers as $triggerInfo) { $when = $triggerInfo['when']; $event = $triggerInfo['event']; $triggerName = "{$table}_{$when}_{$event}"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {$triggerName}"); } } // invoke the meta trigger creation call CRM_Core_DAO::triggerRebuild($table); } } /** * Add a new locale to a multi-lang db, setting * its values to the current default locale. * * @param string $locale * the new locale to add. * @param string $source * the locale to copy from. */ public static function addLocale($locale, $source) { // get the current supported locales $domain = new CRM_Core_DAO_Domain(); $domain->id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); $domain->find(TRUE); $locales = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $domain->locales); // break early if the locale is already supported if (in_array($locale, $locales)) { return; } $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); // build the required SQL queries $columns = CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure::columns(); $indices = CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure::indices(); $queries = []; foreach ($columns as $table => $hash) { // add new columns foreach ($hash as $column => $type) { // CRM-7854: skip existing columns if (CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler::checkIfFieldExists($table, "{$column}_{$locale}", FALSE)) { continue; } $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD {$column}_{$locale} {$type}"; $queries[] = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$column}_{$locale} = {$column}_{$source}"; } // add view $queries[] = self::createViewQuery($locale, $table, $dao); // add new indices $queries = array_merge($queries, array_values(self::createIndexQueries($locale, $table))); } // execute the queries without i18n rewriting foreach ($queries as $query) { $dao->query($query, FALSE); } // update civicrm_domain.locales $locales[] = $locale; $domain->locales = implode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $locales); $domain->save(); // invoke the meta trigger creation call CRM_Core_DAO::triggerRebuild(); } /** * Rebuild multilingual indices, views and triggers (useful for upgrades) * * @param array $locales * locales to be rebuilt. * @param string $version * version of schema structure to use. * @param bool $isUpgradeMode * Are we upgrading our database */ public static function rebuildMultilingualSchema($locales, $version = NULL, $isUpgradeMode = FALSE) { if ($version) { $latest = self::getLatestSchema($version); require_once "CRM/Core/I18n/SchemaStructure_{$latest}.php"; $class = "CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_{$latest}"; } else { $class = 'CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure'; } $indices =& $class::indices(); $tables =& $class::tables(); $queries = []; $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); // get all of the already existing indices $existing = []; foreach (array_keys($indices) as $table) { $existing[$table] = []; $dao->query("SHOW INDEX FROM $table", FALSE); while ($dao->fetch()) { if (preg_match('/_[a-z][a-z]_[A-Z][A-Z]$/', $dao->Key_name)) { $existing[$table][] = $dao->Key_name; } } } // from all of the CREATE INDEX queries fetch the ones creating missing indices foreach ($locales as $locale) { foreach (array_keys($indices) as $table) { $allQueries = self::createIndexQueries($locale, $table, $class); foreach ($allQueries as $name => $query) { if (!in_array("{$name}_{$locale}", $existing[$table])) { $queries[] = $query; } } } } // rebuild views foreach ($locales as $locale) { foreach ($tables as $table) { $queries[] = self::createViewQuery($locale, $table, $dao, $class, $isUpgradeMode); } } // rebuild triggers $last = array_pop($locales); foreach ($queries as $query) { $dao->query($query, FALSE); } // invoke the meta trigger creation call CRM_Core_DAO::triggerRebuild(); } /** * Rewrite SQL query to use views to access tables with localized columns. * * @param string $query * the query for rewrite. * * @return string * the rewritten query */ public static function rewriteQuery($query) { global $dbLocale; $tables = self::schemaStructureTables(); foreach ($tables as $table) { // CRM-19093 // should match the civicrm table name such as: civicrm_event // but must not match the table name if it's a substring of another table: civicrm_events_in_cart $query = preg_replace("/([^'\"])({$table})(\z|[^a-z_'\"])/", "\\1\\2{$dbLocale}\\3", $query); } // uncomment the below to rewrite the civicrm_value_* queries // $query = preg_replace("/(civicrm_value_[a-z0-9_]+_\d+)([^_])/", "\\1{$dbLocale}\\2", $query); return $query; } /** * @param null $version * @param bool $force * * @return array */ public static function schemaStructureTables($version = NULL, $force = FALSE) { static $_tables = NULL; if ($_tables === NULL || $force) { if ($version) { $latest = self::getLatestSchema($version); // FIXME: Doing require_once is a must here because a call like CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_4_1_0 makes // class loader look for file like - CRM/Core/I18n/SchemaStructure/4/1/0.php which is not what we want to be loaded require_once "CRM/Core/I18n/SchemaStructure_{$latest}.php"; $class = "CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_{$latest}"; $tables =& $class::tables(); } else { $tables = CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure::tables(); } $_tables = $tables; } return $_tables; } /** * @param $version * * @return mixed */ public static function getLatestSchema($version) { // remove any .upgrade sub-str from version. Makes it easy to do version_compare & give right result $version = str_ireplace(".upgrade", "", $version); // fetch all the SchemaStructure versions we ship and sort by version $schemas = []; foreach (scandir(dirname(__FILE__)) as $file) { $matches = []; if (preg_match('/^SchemaStructure_([0-9a-z_]+)\.php$/', $file, $matches)) { $schemas[] = str_replace('_', '.', $matches[1]); } } usort($schemas, 'version_compare'); // find the latest schema structure older than (or equal to) $version do { $latest = array_pop($schemas); } while (version_compare($latest, $version, '>')); return str_replace('.', '_', $latest); } /** * CREATE INDEX queries for a given locale and table. * * @param string $locale * locale for which the queries should be created (null to create original indices). * @param string $table * table for which the queries should be created. * @param string $class * schema structure class to use. * * @return array * array of CREATE INDEX queries */ private static function createIndexQueries($locale, $table, $class = 'CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure') { $indices =& $class::indices(); $columns =& $class::columns(); if (!isset($indices[$table])) { return []; } $queries = []; foreach ($indices[$table] as $index) { $unique = isset($index['unique']) && $index['unique'] ? 'UNIQUE' : ''; foreach ($index['field'] as $i => $col) { // if a given column is localizable, extend its name with the locale if ($locale and isset($columns[$table][$col])) { $index['field'][$i] = "{$col}_{$locale}"; } } $cols = implode(', ', $index['field']); $name = $index['name']; if ($locale) { $name .= '_' . $locale; } // CRM-7854: skip existing indices if (CRM_Core_DAO::checkConstraintExists($table, $name)) { continue; } $queries[$index['name']] = "CREATE {$unique} INDEX {$name} ON {$table} ({$cols})"; } return $queries; } /** * CREATE VIEW query for a given locale and table. * * @param string $locale * locale of the view. * @param string $table * table of the view. * @param CRM_Core_DAO $dao * A DAO object to run DESCRIBE queries. * @param string $class * schema structure class to use. * @param bool $isUpgradeMode * Are we in upgrade mode therefore only build based off table not class * @return string * The generated CREATE VIEW query */ private static function createViewQuery($locale, $table, &$dao, $class = 'CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure', $isUpgradeMode = FALSE) { $columns =& $class::columns(); $cols = []; $tableCols = []; $dao->query("DESCRIBE {$table}", FALSE); while ($dao->fetch()) { // view non-internationalized columns directly if (!array_key_exists($dao->Field, $columns[$table]) && !preg_match('/_[a-z][a-z]_[A-Z][A-Z]$/', $dao->Field) ) { $cols[] = '`' . $dao->Field . '`'; } $tableCols[] = $dao->Field; } // view internationalized columns through an alias foreach ($columns[$table] as $column => $_) { if (!$isUpgradeMode) { $cols[] = "`{$column}_{$locale}` `{$column}`"; } elseif (in_array("{$column}_{$locale}", $tableCols)) { $cols[] = "`{$column}_{$locale}` `{$column}`"; } } return "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW {$table}_{$locale} AS SELECT " . implode(', ', $cols) . " FROM {$table}"; } /** * @param $info * @param null $tableName */ public static function triggerInfo(&$info, $tableName = NULL) { // get the current supported locales $locales = CRM_Core_I18n::getMultilingual(); if (!$locales) { return; } $locale = array_pop($locales); // CRM-10027 if (count($locales) == 0) { return; } $currentVer = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::version(TRUE); if ($currentVer && CRM_Core_Config::isUpgradeMode()) { // take exact version so that proper schema structure file in invoked $latest = self::getLatestSchema($currentVer); require_once "CRM/Core/I18n/SchemaStructure_{$latest}.php"; $class = "CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure_{$latest}"; } else { $class = 'CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure'; } $columns =& $class::columns(); foreach ($columns as $table => $hash) { if ($tableName && $tableName != $table ) { continue; } $trigger = []; foreach ($hash as $column => $_) { $trigger[] = "IF NEW.{$column}_{$locale} IS NOT NULL THEN"; foreach ($locales as $old) { $trigger[] = "IF NEW.{$column}_{$old} IS NULL THEN SET NEW.{$column}_{$old} = NEW.{$column}_{$locale}; END IF;"; } foreach ($locales as $old) { $trigger[] = "ELSEIF NEW.{$column}_{$old} IS NOT NULL THEN"; foreach (array_merge($locales, [ $locale, ]) as $loc) { if ($loc == $old) { continue; } $trigger[] = "IF NEW.{$column}_{$loc} IS NULL THEN SET NEW.{$column}_{$loc} = NEW.{$column}_{$old}; END IF;"; } } $trigger[] = 'END IF;'; } $sql = implode(' ', $trigger); $info[] = [ 'table' => [$table], 'when' => 'BEFORE', 'event' => ['UPDATE'], 'sql' => $sql, ]; } // take care of the ON INSERT triggers foreach ($columns as $table => $hash) { $trigger = []; foreach ($hash as $column => $_) { $trigger[] = "IF NEW.{$column}_{$locale} IS NOT NULL THEN"; foreach ($locales as $old) { $trigger[] = "SET NEW.{$column}_{$old} = NEW.{$column}_{$locale};"; } foreach ($locales as $old) { $trigger[] = "ELSEIF NEW.{$column}_{$old} IS NOT NULL THEN"; foreach (array_merge($locales, [ $locale, ]) as $loc) { if ($loc == $old) { continue; } $trigger[] = "SET NEW.{$column}_{$loc} = NEW.{$column}_{$old};"; } } $trigger[] = 'END IF;'; } $sql = implode(' ', $trigger); $info[] = [ 'table' => [$table], 'when' => 'BEFORE', 'event' => ['INSERT'], 'sql' => $sql, ]; } } /** * Alter tables to the structure to support multilingual. * * This alters the db structure to use language specific field names for * localised fields and adds the relevant views. * * @param string $locale * * @return bool */ protected static function alterTablesToSupportMultilingual($locale): bool { $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); // build the column-adding SQL queries $columns = CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure::columns(); $indices = CRM_Core_I18n_SchemaStructure::indices(); $queries = []; foreach ($columns as $table => $hash) { // drop old indices if (isset($indices[$table])) { foreach ($indices[$table] as $index) { if (CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler::checkIfIndexExists($table, $index['name'])) { $queries[] = "DROP INDEX {$index['name']} ON {$table}"; } } } // deal with columns foreach ($hash as $column => $type) { $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD {$column}_{$locale} {$type}"; if (CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler::checkIfFieldExists($table, $column)) { $queries[] = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$column}_{$locale} = {$column}"; $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP {$column}"; } } // add view $queries[] = self::createViewQuery($locale, $table, $dao); // add new indices $queries = array_merge($queries, array_values(self::createIndexQueries($locale, $table))); } // execute the queries without i18n rewriting foreach ($queries as $query) { $dao->query($query, FALSE); } return TRUE; } }