ts('Name')], CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::valueOptions(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'contact_autocomplete_options', TRUE, NULL, FALSE, 'name', TRUE ) ); // get the read only field data. $returnProperties = array_fill_keys(array_keys($readOnlyFields), 1); $contactDetails = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::contactDetails($this->_entityIds, 'Civi' . ucfirst($this::$entityShortname), $returnProperties ); $this->assign('contactDetails', $contactDetails); $this->assign('readOnlyFields', $readOnlyFields); } /** * Build the form object. * * * @return void */ public function buildQuickForm() { $ufGroupId = $this->get('ufGroupId'); if (!$ufGroupId) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('ufGroupId is missing'); } $this->_title = ts("Update multiple %1s", [1 => $this::$entityShortname]) . ' - ' . CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::getTitle($ufGroupId); CRM_Utils_System::setTitle($this->_title); $this->addDefaultButtons(ts('Save')); $this->_fields = CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::getFields($ufGroupId, FALSE, CRM_Core_Action::VIEW); // remove file type field and then limit fields $suppressFields = FALSE; $removeHtmlTypes = ['File']; foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) { if ($cfID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($name) && in_array($this->_fields[$name]['html_type'], $removeHtmlTypes) ) { $suppressFields = TRUE; unset($this->_fields[$name]); } //fix to reduce size as we are using this field in grid if (is_array($field['attributes']) && !empty($this->_fields[$name]['attributes']['size']) && $this->_fields[$name]['attributes']['size'] > 19) { //shrink class to "form-text-medium" $this->_fields[$name]['attributes']['size'] = 19; } } $this->_fields = array_slice($this->_fields, 0, $this->_maxFields); $this->addButtons([ [ 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => ts('Update ' . ucfirst($this::$entityShortname) . 's)'), 'isDefault' => TRUE, ], [ 'type' => 'cancel', 'name' => ts('Cancel'), ], ]); $this->assign('profileTitle', $this->_title); $this->assign('componentIds', $this->_entityIds); $customFields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields(ucfirst($this::$entityShortname)); foreach ($this->_entityIds as $entityId) { $typeId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_' . ucfirst($this::$entityShortname) . '_DAO_' . ucfirst($this::$entityShortname), $entityId, $this::$entityShortname . '_type_id'); foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) { if ($customFieldID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($name)) { $customValue = CRM_Utils_Array::value($customFieldID, $customFields); $entityColumnValue = []; if (!empty($customValue['extends_entity_column_value'])) { $entityColumnValue = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $customValue['extends_entity_column_value'] ); } if ((CRM_Utils_Array::value($typeId, $entityColumnValue)) || CRM_Utils_System::isNull($entityColumnValue[$typeId]) ) { CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::buildProfile($this, $field, NULL, $entityId); } } else { // handle non custom fields CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::buildProfile($this, $field, NULL, $entityId); } } } $this->assign('fields', $this->_fields); // don't set the status message when form is submitted. $buttonName = $this->controller->getButtonName('submit'); if ($suppressFields && $buttonName != '_qf_Batch_next') { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("File type field(s) in the selected profile are not supported for Update multiple %1s", [1 => $this::$entityShortname]), ts('Unsupported Field Type'), 'error'); } $this->addDefaultButtons(ts('Update ' . ucfirst($this::$entityShortname) . 's')); $taskComponent['lc'] = $this::$entityShortname; $taskComponent['ucfirst'] = ucfirst($this::$entityShortname); $this->assign('taskComponent', $taskComponent); } /** * Set default values for the form. * * @return array $defaults */ public function setDefaultValues() { if (empty($this->_fields)) { return []; } $defaults = []; foreach ($this->_entityIds as $entityId) { CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::setProfileDefaults(NULL, $this->_fields, $defaults, FALSE, $entityId, ucfirst($this::$entityShortname)); } return $defaults; } /** * Process the form after the input has been submitted and validated. * Normally the child class will override this * * @return void */ public function postProcess() { $params = $this->exportValues(); if (!isset($params['field'])) { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("No updates have been saved."), ts('Not Saved'), 'alert'); return; } } }