'two', 4 => 'four', 6 => 'six', 8 => 'eight', 12 => 'twelve', 20 => 'medium', 30 => 'big', 45 => 'huge', ); /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); parent::__construct($template); } /** * Static instance provider. * * Method providing static instance of as in Singleton pattern. */ public static function &singleton() { if (!isset(self::$_singleton)) { self::$_singleton = new CRM_Core_Form_Renderer(); } return self::$_singleton; } /** * Creates an array representing an element containing. * the key for storing this. We allow the parent to do most of the * work, but then we add some CiviCRM specific enhancements to * make the html compliant with our css etc * * * @param HTML_QuickForm_element $element * @param bool $required * Whether an element is required. * @param string $error * Error associated with the element. * * @return array */ public function _elementToArray(&$element, $required, $error) { self::updateAttributes($element, $required, $error); $el = parent::_elementToArray($element, $required, $error); // add label html if (!empty($el['label'])) { $id = $element->getAttribute('id'); if (!empty($id)) { $el['label'] = ''; } else { $el['label'] = ""; } } // Display-only (frozen) elements if (!empty($el['frozen'])) { if ($element->getAttribute('data-api-entity') && $element->getAttribute('data-entity-value')) { $this->renderFrozenEntityRef($el, $element); } elseif ($element->getAttribute('type') == 'text' && $element->getAttribute('formatType')) { list($date, $time) = CRM_Utils_Date::setDateDefaults($element->getValue(), $element->getAttribute('formatType'), $element->getAttribute('format'), $element->getAttribute('timeformat')); $date .= ($element->getAttribute('timeformat')) ? " $time" : ''; $el['html'] = $date . ''; } // Render html for wysiwyg textareas if ($el['type'] == 'textarea' && isset($element->_attributes['class']) && strstr($element->_attributes['class'], 'wysiwyg')) { $el['html'] = '' . $el['value'] . ''; } else { $el['html'] = '' . $el['html'] . ''; } } // Active form elements else { if ($element->getType() == 'select' && $element->getAttribute('data-option-edit-path')) { $this->addOptionsEditLink($el, $element); } if ($element->getType() == 'group' && $element->getAttribute('allowClear')) { $this->appendUnselectButton($el, $element); } } return $el; } /** * Update the attributes of this element and add a few CiviCRM * based attributes so we can style this form element better * * * @param HTML_QuickForm_element $element * @param bool $required * Whether an element is required. * @param string $error * Error associated with the element. * */ public static function updateAttributes(&$element, $required, $error) { // lets create an id for all input elements, so we can generate nice label tags // to make it nice and clean, we'll just use the elementName if it is non null $attributes = array(); if (!$element->getAttribute('id')) { $name = $element->getAttribute('name'); if ($name) { $attributes['id'] = str_replace(array(']', '['), array('', '_'), $name ); } } $class = $element->getAttribute('class'); $type = $element->getType(); if (!$class) { if ($type == 'text') { $size = $element->getAttribute('size'); if (!empty($size)) { $class = CRM_Utils_Array::value($size, self::$_sizeMapper); } } } if ($type == 'select' && $element->getAttribute('multiple')) { $type = 'multiselect'; } // Add widget-specific class if (!$class || strpos($class, 'crm-form-') === FALSE) { $class = ($class ? "$class " : '') . 'crm-form-' . $type; } elseif (strpos($class, 'crm-form-entityref') !== FALSE) { self::preProcessEntityRef($element); } elseif (strpos($class, 'crm-form-contact-reference') !== FALSE) { self::preprocessContactReference($element); } // Hack to support html5 fields (number, url, etc) else { foreach (CRM_Core_Form::$html5Types as $type) { if (strpos($class, "crm-form-$type") !== FALSE) { $element->setAttribute('type', $type); // Also add the "base" class for consistent styling $class .= ' crm-form-text'; break; } } } if ($required) { $class .= ' required'; } if ($error) { $class .= ' error'; } $attributes['class'] = $class; $element->updateAttributes($attributes); } /** * Convert IDs to values and format for display. * * @param HTML_QuickForm_element $field */ public static function preProcessEntityRef($field) { $val = $field->getValue(); // Temporarily convert string values to an array if (!is_array($val)) { // Try to auto-detect method of serialization $val = strpos($val, ',') ? explode(',', str_replace(', ', ',', $val)) : (array) CRM_Utils_Array::explodePadded($val); } if ($val) { $entity = $field->getAttribute('data-api-entity'); // Get api params, ensure it is an array $params = $field->getAttribute('data-api-params'); $params = $params ? json_decode($params, TRUE) : array(); $result = civicrm_api3($entity, 'getlist', array('id' => $val) + $params); if ($field->isFrozen()) { // Prevent js from treating frozen entityRef as a "live" field $field->removeAttribute('class'); } if (!empty($result['values'])) { $field->setAttribute('data-entity-value', json_encode($result['values'])); } // CRM-15803 - Remove invalid values $val = array_intersect($val, CRM_Utils_Array::collect('id', $result['values'])); } // Convert array values back to a string $field->setValue(implode(',', $val)); } /** * Render entity references as text. * If user has permission, format as link (for now limited to contacts). * * @param array $el * @param HTML_QuickForm_element $field */ public function renderFrozenEntityRef(&$el, $field) { $entity = strtolower($field->getAttribute('data-api-entity')); $vals = json_decode($field->getAttribute('data-entity-value'), TRUE); $display = array(); // Custom fields of type contactRef store their data in a slightly different format if ($field->getAttribute('data-crm-custom') && $entity == 'contact') { $vals = array(array('id' => $vals['id'], 'label' => $vals['text'])); } foreach ($vals as $val) { // Format contact as link if ($entity == 'contact' && CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allow($val['id'], CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW)) { $url = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/contact/view", array('reset' => 1, 'cid' => $val['id'])); $val['label'] = '' . $val['label'] . ''; } $display[] = $val['label']; } $el['html'] = implode('; ', $display) . ''; } /** * Pre-fill contact name for a custom field of type ContactReference * * Todo: Migrate contact reference fields to use EntityRef * * @param HTML_QuickForm_element $field */ public static function preprocessContactReference($field) { $val = $field->getValue(); if ($val && is_numeric($val)) { $list = array_keys(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::valueOptions(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'contact_reference_options' ), '1'); $return = array_unique(array_merge(array('sort_name'), $list)); $contact = civicrm_api('contact', 'getsingle', array('id' => $val, 'return' => $return, 'version' => 3)); if (!empty($contact['id'])) { $view = array(); foreach ($return as $fld) { if (!empty($contact[$fld])) { $view[] = $contact[$fld]; } } $field->setAttribute('data-entity-value', json_encode(array( 'id' => $contact['id'], 'text' => implode(' :: ', $view), ))); } } } /** * @param array $el * @param HTML_QuickForm_element $field */ public function addOptionsEditLink(&$el, $field) { if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer CiviCRM')) { // NOTE: $path is used on the client-side to know which option lists need rebuilding, // that's why we need that bit of data both in the link and in the form element $path = $field->getAttribute('data-option-edit-path'); // NOTE: If we ever needed to support arguments in this link other than reset=1 we could split $path here if it contains a ? $url = CRM_Utils_System::url($path, 'reset=1'); $el['html'] .= ' '; } } /** * @param array $el * @param HTML_QuickForm_element $field */ public function appendUnselectButton(&$el, $field) { // Initially hide if not needed // Note: visibility:hidden prevents layout jumping around unlike display:none $display = $field->getValue() !== NULL ? '' : ' style="visibility:hidden;"'; $el['html'] .= ' '; } }