copyValues($params); if (!$dao->find(TRUE)) { $dao->save(); } CRM_Utils_Hook::post($hook, 'UFMatch', $dao->id, $dao); return $dao; } /** * Given a UF user object, make sure there is a contact * object for this user. If the user has new values, we need * to update the CRM DB with the new values * * @param Object $user * The drupal user object. * @param bool $update * Has the user object been edited. * @param $uf * * @param $ctype * @param bool $isLogin */ public static function synchronize(&$user, $update, $uf, $ctype, $isLogin = FALSE) { $userSystem = CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem; $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); if (!is_object($session)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal('wow, session is not an object?'); return; } $userSystemID = $userSystem->getBestUFID($user); $uniqId = $userSystem->getBestUFUniqueIdentifier($user); // if the id of the object is zero (true for anon users in drupal) // have we already processed this user, if so early // return. $userID = $session->get('userID'); $ufID = $session->get('ufID'); if (!$update && $ufID == $userSystemID) { return; } //check do we have logged in user. $isUserLoggedIn = CRM_Utils_System::isUserLoggedIn(); // reset the session if we are a different user if ($ufID && $ufID != $userSystemID) { $session->reset(); //get logged in user ids, and set to session. if ($isUserLoggedIn) { $userIds = self::getUFValues(); $session->set('ufID', CRM_Utils_Array::value('uf_id', $userIds, '')); $session->set('userID', CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_id', $userIds, '')); $session->set('ufUniqID', CRM_Utils_Array::value('uf_name', $userIds, '')); } } // return early if ($userSystemID == 0) { return; } $ufmatch = self::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $userSystemID, $uniqId, $uf, NULL, $ctype, $isLogin); if (!$ufmatch) { return; } //make sure we have session w/ consistent ids. $ufID = $ufmatch->uf_id; $userID = $ufmatch->contact_id; $ufUniqID = ''; if ($isUserLoggedIn) { $loggedInUserUfID = CRM_Utils_System::getLoggedInUfID(); //are we processing logged in user. if ($loggedInUserUfID && $loggedInUserUfID != $ufID) { $userIds = self::getUFValues($loggedInUserUfID); $ufID = CRM_Utils_Array::value('uf_id', $userIds, ''); $userID = CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_id', $userIds, ''); $ufUniqID = CRM_Utils_Array::value('uf_name', $userIds, ''); } } //set user ids to session. $session->set('ufID', $ufID); $session->set('userID', $userID); $session->set('ufUniqID', $ufUniqID); // add current contact to recently viewed if ($ufmatch->contact_id) { list($displayName, $contactImage, $contactType, $contactSubtype, $contactImageUrl) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getDisplayAndImage($ufmatch->contact_id, TRUE, TRUE); $otherRecent = array( 'imageUrl' => $contactImageUrl, 'subtype' => $contactSubtype, 'editUrl' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/add', "reset=1&action=update&cid={$ufmatch->contact_id}"), ); CRM_Utils_Recent::add($displayName, CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', "reset=1&cid={$ufmatch->contact_id}"), $ufmatch->contact_id, $contactType, $ufmatch->contact_id, $displayName, $otherRecent ); } } /** * Synchronize the object with the UF Match entry. Can be called stand-alone from * the drupalUsers script * * @param Object $user * The drupal user object. * @param string $userKey * The id of the user from the uf object. * @param string $uniqId * The OpenID of the user. * @param string $uf * The name of the user framework. * @param int $status * Returns the status if user created or already exits (used for CMS sync). * @param string $ctype * contact type * @param bool $isLogin * * @return CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch|bool */ public static function &synchronizeUFMatch(&$user, $userKey, $uniqId, $uf, $status = NULL, $ctype = NULL, $isLogin = FALSE) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::email($uniqId)) { $retVal = $status ? NULL : FALSE; return $retVal; } $newContact = FALSE; // make sure that a contact id exists for this user id $ufmatch = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $ufmatch->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); $ufmatch->uf_id = $userKey; if (!$ufmatch->find(TRUE)) { $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); $dao = NULL; if (!empty($_POST) && !$isLogin) { $params = $_POST; $params['email'] = $uniqId; $dedupeParams = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::formatParams($params, 'Individual'); $dedupeParams['check_permission'] = FALSE; $ids = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::dupesByParams($dedupeParams, 'Individual'); if (!empty($ids) && Civi::settings()->get('uniq_email_per_site')) { // restrict dupeIds to ones that belong to current domain/site. $siteContacts = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getContactList(); foreach ($ids as $index => $dupeId) { if (!in_array($dupeId, $siteContacts)) { unset($ids[$index]); } } // re-index the array $ids = array_values($ids); } if (!empty($ids)) { $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); $dao->contact_id = $ids[0]; } } else { $dao = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::matchContactOnEmail($uniqId, $ctype); } $found = FALSE; if ($dao) { // ensure there does not exists a contact_id / uf_id pair // in the DB. This might be due to multiple emails per contact // CRM-9091 $sql = " SELECT id FROM civicrm_uf_match WHERE contact_id = %1 AND domain_id = %2 "; $params = array( 1 => array($dao->contact_id, 'Integer'), 2 => array(CRM_Core_Config::domainID(), 'Integer'), ); $conflict = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql, $params); if (!$conflict) { $found = TRUE; $ufmatch->contact_id = $dao->contact_id; $ufmatch->uf_name = $uniqId; } } if (!$found) { if ($config->userSystem->is_drupal) { $mail = 'mail'; } elseif ($uf == 'WordPress') { $mail = 'user_email'; } else { $mail = 'email'; } if (is_object($user)) { $params = array('email-Primary' => $user->$mail); } if ($ctype == 'Organization') { $params['organization_name'] = $uniqId; } elseif ($ctype == 'Household') { $params['household_name'] = $uniqId; } if (!$ctype) { $ctype = "Individual"; } $params['contact_type'] = $ctype; // extract first / middle / last name // for joomla if ($uf == 'Joomla' && $user->name) { CRM_Utils_String::extractName($user->name, $params); } if ($uf == 'WordPress') { if ($user->first_name) { $params['first_name'] = $user->first_name; } if ($user->last_name) { $params['last_name'] = $user->last_name; } } $contactId = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::createProfileContact($params, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray); $ufmatch->contact_id = $contactId; $ufmatch->uf_name = $uniqId; } // check that there are not two CMS IDs matching the same CiviCRM contact - this happens when a civicrm // user has two e-mails and there is a cms match for each of them // the gets rid of the nasty fata error but still reports the error $sql = " SELECT uf_id FROM civicrm_uf_match WHERE ( contact_id = %1 OR uf_name = %2 OR uf_id = %3 ) AND domain_id = %4 "; $params = array( 1 => array($ufmatch->contact_id, 'Integer'), 2 => array($ufmatch->uf_name, 'String'), 3 => array($ufmatch->uf_id, 'Integer'), 4 => array($ufmatch->domain_id, 'Integer'), ); $conflict = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql, $params); if (!$conflict) { $ufmatch = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::create((array) $ufmatch); $ufmatch->free(); $newContact = TRUE; $transaction->commit(); } else { $msg = ts("Contact ID %1 is a match for %2 user %3 but has already been matched to %4", array( 1 => $ufmatch->contact_id, 2 => $uf, 3 => $ufmatch->uf_id, 4 => $conflict, ) ); unset($conflict); } } if ($status) { return $newContact; } else { return $ufmatch; } } /** * Update the uf_name in the user object. * * @param int $contactId * Id of the contact to update. */ public static function updateUFName($contactId) { if (!$contactId) { return; } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $ufName = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getPrimaryEmail($contactId); if (!$ufName) { return; } $update = FALSE; // check for contact Id. $ufmatch = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $ufmatch->contact_id = $contactId; $ufmatch->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); if (!$ufmatch->find(TRUE)) { return; } if ($ufmatch->uf_name != $ufName) { $update = TRUE; } // CRM-6928 // check for duplicate ufName. $ufDupeName = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $ufDupeName->uf_name = $ufName; $ufDupeName->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); if ($ufDupeName->find(TRUE) && $ufDupeName->contact_id != $contactId ) { $update = FALSE; } if (!$update) { return; } // save the updated ufmatch object $ufmatch->uf_name = $ufName; $ufmatch->save(); $config->userSystem->updateCMSName($ufmatch->uf_id, $ufName); } /** * Update the email value for the contact and user profile. * * @param int $contactId * Contact ID of the user. * @param string $emailAddress * Email to be modified for the user. */ public static function updateContactEmail($contactId, $emailAddress) { $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower'; $emailAddress = $strtolower($emailAddress); $ufmatch = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $ufmatch->contact_id = $contactId; $ufmatch->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); if ($ufmatch->find(TRUE)) { // Save the email in UF Match table $ufmatch->uf_name = $emailAddress; CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::create((array) $ufmatch); //check if the primary email for the contact exists //$contactDetails[1] - email //$contactDetails[3] - email id $contactDetails = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location::getEmailDetails($contactId); if (trim($contactDetails[1])) { $emailID = $contactDetails[3]; //update if record is found $query = "UPDATE civicrm_email SET email = %1 WHERE id = %2"; $p = array( 1 => array($emailAddress, 'String'), 2 => array($emailID, 'Integer'), ); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $p); } else { //else insert a new email record $email = new CRM_Core_DAO_Email(); $email->contact_id = $contactId; $email->is_primary = 1; $email->email = $emailAddress; $email->save(); $emailID = $email->id; } CRM_Core_BAO_Log::register($contactId, 'civicrm_email', $emailID ); } } /** * Delete the object records that are associated with this cms user. * * @param int $ufID * Id of the user to delete. */ public static function deleteUser($ufID) { $ufmatch = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $ufmatch->uf_id = $ufID; $ufmatch->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); $ufmatch->delete(); } /** * Get the contact_id given a uf_id. * * @param int $ufID * Id of UF for which related contact_id is required. * * @return int * contact_id on success, null otherwise */ public static function getContactId($ufID) { if (!isset($ufID)) { return NULL; } $ufmatch = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $ufmatch->uf_id = $ufID; $ufmatch->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); if ($ufmatch->find(TRUE)) { return (int ) $ufmatch->contact_id; } return NULL; } /** * Get the uf_id given a contact_id. * * @param int $contactID * ID of the contact for which related uf_id is required. * * @return int * uf_id of the given contact_id on success, null otherwise */ public static function getUFId($contactID) { if (!isset($contactID)) { return NULL; } $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain(); $ufmatch = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $ufmatch->contact_id = $contactID; $ufmatch->domain_id = $domain->id; if ($ufmatch->find(TRUE)) { return $ufmatch->uf_id; } return NULL; } /** * @return bool */ public static function isEmptyTable() { $sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM civicrm_uf_match"; return CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql) > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE; } /** * Get the list of contact_id. * * * @return int * contact_id on success, null otherwise */ public static function getContactIDs() { $id = array(); $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $dao->find(); while ($dao->fetch()) { $id[] = $dao->contact_id; } return $id; } /** * See if this user exists, and if so, if they're allowed to login * * * @param int $openId * * @return bool * true if allowed to login, false otherwise */ public static function getAllowedToLogin($openId) { $ufmatch = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $ufmatch->uf_name = $openId; $ufmatch->allowed_to_login = 1; if ($ufmatch->find(TRUE)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Get the next unused uf_id value, since the standalone UF doesn't * have id's (it uses OpenIDs, which go in a different field) * * * @return int * next highest unused value for uf_id */ public static function getNextUfIdValue() { $query = "SELECT MAX(uf_id)+1 AS next_uf_id FROM civicrm_uf_match"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); if ($dao->fetch()) { $ufId = $dao->next_uf_id; } if (!isset($ufId)) { $ufId = 1; } return $ufId; } /** * @param $email * * @return bool */ public static function isDuplicateUser($email) { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $contactID = $session->get('userID'); if (!empty($email) && isset($contactID)) { $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $dao->uf_name = $email; if ($dao->find(TRUE) && $contactID != $dao->contact_id) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Get uf match values for given uf id or logged in user. * * @param int $ufID * Uf id. * * @return array * uf values. */ public static function getUFValues($ufID = NULL) { if (!$ufID) { //get logged in user uf id. $ufID = CRM_Utils_System::getLoggedInUfID(); } if (!$ufID) { return array(); } static $ufValues; if ($ufID && !isset($ufValues[$ufID])) { $ufmatch = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch(); $ufmatch->uf_id = $ufID; $ufmatch->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); if ($ufmatch->find(TRUE)) { $ufValues[$ufID] = array( 'uf_id' => $ufmatch->uf_id, 'uf_name' => $ufmatch->uf_name, 'contact_id' => $ufmatch->contact_id, 'domain_id' => $ufmatch->domain_id, ); } } return $ufValues[$ufID]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function addSelectWhereClause() { // Prevent default behavior of joining ACLs onto the contact_id field $clauses = array(); CRM_Utils_Hook::selectWhereClause($this, $clauses); return $clauses; } }