[$id1, 'Integer'], 2 => [$id2, 'Integer'], 3 => [$cacheKey, 'String'], ]; $mergeId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query, $params); } $pos = ['foundEntry' => 0]; if ($mergeId) { $pos['foundEntry'] = 1; if ($where) { $where = " AND {$where}"; } $p = [ 1 => [$mergeId, 'Integer'], 2 => [$cacheKey, 'String'], ]; $sql = "SELECT pn.id, pn.entity_id1, pn.entity_id2, pn.data FROM civicrm_prevnext_cache pn {$join} "; $wherePrev = " WHERE pn.id < %1 AND pn.cachekey = %2 {$where} ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1"; $sqlPrev = $sql . $wherePrev; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sqlPrev, $p); if ($dao->fetch()) { $pos['prev']['id1'] = $dao->entity_id1; $pos['prev']['id2'] = $dao->entity_id2; $pos['prev']['mergeId'] = $dao->id; $pos['prev']['data'] = $dao->data; } $whereNext = " WHERE pn.id > %1 AND pn.cachekey = %2 {$where} ORDER BY ID ASC LIMIT 1"; $sqlNext = $sql . $whereNext; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sqlNext, $p); if ($dao->fetch()) { $pos['next']['id1'] = $dao->entity_id1; $pos['next']['id2'] = $dao->entity_id2; $pos['next']['mergeId'] = $dao->id; $pos['next']['data'] = $dao->data; } } return $pos; } /** * Delete an item from the prevnext cache table based on the entity. * * @param int $id * @param string $cacheKey * @param string $entityTable */ public static function deleteItem($id = NULL, $cacheKey = NULL, $entityTable = 'civicrm_contact') { //clear cache $sql = "DELETE FROM civicrm_prevnext_cache WHERE entity_table = %1"; $params = [1 => [$entityTable, 'String']]; if (is_numeric($id)) { $sql .= " AND ( entity_id1 = %2 OR entity_id2 = %2 )"; $params[2] = [$id, 'Integer']; } if (isset($cacheKey)) { $sql .= " AND cachekey LIKE %3"; $params[3] = ["{$cacheKey}%", 'String']; } CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); } /** * Delete pair from the previous next cache table to remove it from further merge consideration. * * The pair may have been flipped, so make sure we delete using both orders * * @param int $id1 * @param int $id2 * @param string $cacheKey */ public static function deletePair($id1, $id2, $cacheKey = NULL) { $sql = "DELETE FROM civicrm_prevnext_cache WHERE entity_table = 'civicrm_contact'"; $pair = "(entity_id1 = %2 AND entity_id2 = %3) OR (entity_id1 = %3 AND entity_id2 = %2)"; $sql .= " AND ( {$pair} )"; $params[2] = [$id1, 'Integer']; $params[3] = [$id2, 'Integer']; if (isset($cacheKey)) { $sql .= " AND cachekey LIKE %4"; // used % to address any row with conflict-cacheKey e.g "merge Individual_8_0_conflicts" $params[4] = ["{$cacheKey}%", 'String']; } CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); } /** * Mark contacts as being in conflict. * * @param int $id1 * @param int $id2 * @param string $cacheKey * @param array $conflicts * @param string $mode * * @return bool * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function markConflict($id1, $id2, $cacheKey, $conflicts, $mode) { if (empty($cacheKey) || empty($conflicts)) { return FALSE; } $sql = "SELECT pn.* FROM civicrm_prevnext_cache pn WHERE ((pn.entity_id1 = %1 AND pn.entity_id2 = %2) OR (pn.entity_id1 = %2 AND pn.entity_id2 = %1)) AND (cachekey = %3 OR cachekey = %4)"; $params = [ 1 => [$id1, 'Integer'], 2 => [$id2, 'Integer'], 3 => ["{$cacheKey}", 'String'], 4 => ["{$cacheKey}_conflicts", 'String'], ]; $pncFind = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); $conflictTexts = []; foreach ($conflicts as $entity => $entityConflicts) { if ($entity === 'contact') { foreach ($entityConflicts as $conflict) { $conflictTexts[] = "{$conflict['title']}: '{$conflict[$id1]}' vs. '{$conflict[$id2]}'"; } } else { foreach ($entityConflicts as $locationConflict) { if (!is_array($locationConflict)) { continue; } $displayField = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getLocationBlockInfo()[$entity]['displayField']; $conflictTexts[] = "{$locationConflict['title']}: '{$locationConflict[$displayField][$id1]}' vs. '{$locationConflict[$displayField][$id2]}'"; } } } $conflictString = implode(', ', $conflictTexts); while ($pncFind->fetch()) { $data = $pncFind->data; if (!empty($data)) { $data = CRM_Core_DAO::unSerializeField($data, CRM_Core_DAO::SERIALIZE_PHP); $data['conflicts'] = $conflictString; $data[$mode]['conflicts'] = $conflicts; $pncUp = new CRM_Core_DAO_PrevNextCache(); $pncUp->id = $pncFind->id; if ($pncUp->find(TRUE)) { $pncUp->data = serialize($data); $pncUp->cachekey = "{$cacheKey}_conflicts"; $pncUp->save(); } } } return TRUE; } /** * Retrieve from prev-next cache. * * This function is used from a variety of merge related functions, although * it would probably be good to converge on calling CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getDuplicatePairs. * * We seem to currently be storing stats in this table too & they might make more sense in * the main cache table. * * @param string $cacheKey * @param string $join * @param string $whereClause * @param int $offset * @param int $rowCount * @param array $select * @param string $orderByClause * @param bool $includeConflicts * Should we return rows that have already been idenfified as having a conflict. * When this is TRUE you should be careful you do not set up a loop. * @param array $params * * @return array */ public static function retrieve($cacheKey, $join = NULL, $whereClause = NULL, $offset = 0, $rowCount = 0, $select = [], $orderByClause = '', $includeConflicts = TRUE, $params = []) { $selectString = 'pn.*'; if (!empty($select)) { $aliasArray = []; foreach ($select as $column => $alias) { $aliasArray[] = $column . ' as ' . $alias; } $selectString .= " , " . implode(' , ', $aliasArray); } $params = [ 1 => [$cacheKey, 'String'], ] + $params; if (!empty($whereClause)) { $whereClause = " AND " . $whereClause; } if ($includeConflicts) { $where = ' WHERE (pn.cachekey = %1 OR pn.cachekey = %2)' . $whereClause; $params[2] = ["{$cacheKey}_conflicts", 'String']; } else { $where = ' WHERE (pn.cachekey = %1)' . $whereClause; } $query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$selectString} FROM civicrm_prevnext_cache pn {$join} $where $orderByClause "; if ($rowCount) { $offset = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($offset, 'Int'); $rowCount = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($rowCount, 'Int'); $query .= " LIMIT {$offset}, {$rowCount}"; } $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params); $main = []; $count = 0; while ($dao->fetch()) { if (self::is_serialized($dao->data)) { $main[$count] = unserialize($dao->data); } else { $main[$count] = $dao->data; } if (!empty($select)) { $extraData = []; foreach ($select as $sfield) { $extraData[$sfield] = $dao->$sfield; } $main[$count] = [ 'prevnext_id' => $dao->id, 'is_selected' => $dao->is_selected, 'entity_id1' => $dao->entity_id1, 'entity_id2' => $dao->entity_id2, 'data' => $main[$count], ]; $main[$count] = array_merge($main[$count], $extraData); } $count++; } return $main; } /** * @param $string * * @return bool */ public static function is_serialized($string) { return (@unserialize($string) !== FALSE); } /** * @param $values */ public static function setItem($values) { $insert = "INSERT INTO civicrm_prevnext_cache ( entity_table, entity_id1, entity_id2, cachekey, data ) VALUES \n"; $query = $insert . implode(",\n ", $values); //dump the dedupe matches in the prevnext_cache table CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); } /** * Get count of matching rows. * * @param string $cacheKey * @param string $join * @param string $where * @param string $op * @param array $params * Extra query params to parse into the query. * * @return int */ public static function getCount($cacheKey, $join = NULL, $where = NULL, $op = "=", $params = []) { $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM civicrm_prevnext_cache pn {$join} WHERE (pn.cachekey $op %1 OR pn.cachekey $op %2) "; if ($where) { $query .= " AND {$where}"; } $params = [ 1 => [$cacheKey, 'String'], 2 => ["{$cacheKey}_conflicts", 'String'], ] + $params; return (int) CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query, $params, TRUE, FALSE); } /** * Repopulate the cache of merge prospects. * * @param int $rgid * @param int $gid * @param array $criteria * Additional criteria to filter by. * * @param bool $checkPermissions * Respect logged in user's permissions. * * @param int $searchLimit * Limit for the number of contacts to be used for comparison. * The search methodology finds all matches for the searchedContacts so this limits * the number of searched contacts, not the matches found. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public static function refillCache($rgid, $gid, $criteria, $checkPermissions, $searchLimit = 0) { $cacheKeyString = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getMergeCacheKeyString($rgid, $gid, $criteria, $checkPermissions); // 1. Clear cache if any $sql = "DELETE FROM civicrm_prevnext_cache WHERE cachekey LIKE %1"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, [1 => ["{$cacheKeyString}%", 'String']]); // FIXME: we need to start using temp tables / queries here instead of arrays. // And cleanup code in CRM/Contact/Page/DedupeFind.php // 2. FILL cache $foundDupes = []; if ($rgid && $gid) { $foundDupes = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::dupesInGroup($rgid, $gid, $searchLimit); } elseif ($rgid) { $contactIDs = []; // The thing we really need to filter out is any chaining that would 'DO SOMETHING' to the DB. // criteria could be passed in via url so we want to ensure nothing could be in that url that // would chain to a delete. Limiting to getfields for 'get' limits us to declared fields, // although we might wish to revisit later to allow joins. $validFieldsForRetrieval = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'getfields', ['action' => 'get'])['values']; if (!empty($criteria)) { $contacts = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'get', array_merge([ 'options' => ['limit' => 0], 'return' => 'id', 'check_permissions' => TRUE, ], array_intersect_key($criteria['contact'], $validFieldsForRetrieval))); $contactIDs = array_keys($contacts['values']); } $foundDupes = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::dupes($rgid, $contactIDs, $checkPermissions, $searchLimit); } if (!empty($foundDupes)) { CRM_Dedupe_Finder::parseAndStoreDupePairs($foundDupes, $cacheKeyString); } } public static function cleanupCache() { // clean up all prev next caches older than $cacheTimeIntervalDays days $cacheTimeIntervalDays = 2; // first find all the cacheKeys that match this $sql = " DELETE pn, c FROM civicrm_cache c INNER JOIN civicrm_prevnext_cache pn ON c.path = pn.cachekey WHERE c.group_name = %1 AND c.created_date < date_sub( NOW( ), INTERVAL %2 day ) "; $params = [ 1 => [CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::cleanKey('CiviCRM Search PrevNextCache'), 'String'], 2 => [$cacheTimeIntervalDays, 'Integer'], ]; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); } /** * Get the selections. * * NOTE: This stub has been preserved because one extension in `universe` * was referencing the function. * * @deprecated * @see CRM_Core_PrevNextCache_Sql::getSelection() */ public static function getSelection($cacheKey, $action = 'get') { return Civi::service('prevnext')->getSelection($cacheKey, $action); } /** * Flip 2 contacts in the prevNext cache. * * @param array $prevNextId * @param bool $onlySelected * Only flip those which have been marked as selected. */ public static function flipPair(array $prevNextId, $onlySelected) { $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_PrevNextCache(); if ($onlySelected) { $dao->is_selected = 1; } foreach ($prevNextId as $id) { $dao->id = $id; if ($dao->find(TRUE)) { $originalData = unserialize($dao->data); $srcFields = ['ID', 'Name']; $swapFields = ['srcID', 'srcName', 'dstID', 'dstName']; $data = array_diff_assoc($originalData, array_fill_keys($swapFields, 1)); foreach ($srcFields as $key) { $data['src' . $key] = $originalData['dst' . $key]; $data['dst' . $key] = $originalData['src' . $key]; } $dao->data = serialize($data); $dao->entity_id1 = $data['dstID']; $dao->entity_id2 = $data['srcID']; $dao->save(); } } } /** * Get a list of available backend services. * * @return array * Array(string $id => string $label). */ public static function getPrevNextBackends() { return [ 'default' => ts('Default (Auto-detect)'), 'sql' => ts('SQL'), 'redis' => ts('Redis'), ]; } /** * Generate and assign an arbitrary value to a field of a test object. * * This specifically supports testing the dedupe use case. * * @param string $fieldName * @param array $fieldDef * @param int $counter * The globally-unique ID of the test object. */ protected function assignTestValue($fieldName, &$fieldDef, $counter) { if ($fieldName === 'cachekey') { $this->cachekey = 'merge_' . rand(); return; } if ($fieldName === 'data') { $this->data = serialize([]); return; } parent::assignTestValue($fieldName, $fieldDef, $counter); } }