entity_table = $entityTable; } $entityFileDAO->entity_id = $entityID; $entityFileDAO->file_id = $fileID; if ($entityFileDAO->find(TRUE)) { $fileDAO = new CRM_Core_DAO_File(); $fileDAO->id = $fileID; if ($fileDAO->find(TRUE)) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $path = $config->customFileUploadDir . $fileDAO->uri; if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path)) { return array($path, $fileDAO->mime_type); } } } return array(NULL, NULL); } /** * @param $data * @param int $fileTypeID * @param $entityTable * @param int $entityID * @param $entitySubtype * @param bool $overwrite * @param null|array $fileParams * @param string $uploadName * @param null $mimeType * * @throws Exception */ public static function filePostProcess( $data, $fileTypeID, $entityTable, $entityID, $entitySubtype, $overwrite = TRUE, $fileParams = NULL, $uploadName = 'uploadFile', $mimeType = NULL ) { if (!$mimeType) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('Mime Type is now a required parameter')); } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $path = explode('/', $data); $filename = $path[count($path) - 1]; // rename this file to go into the secure directory if ($entitySubtype) { $directoryName = $config->customFileUploadDir . $entitySubtype . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entityID; } else { $directoryName = $config->customFileUploadDir; } CRM_Utils_File::createDir($directoryName); if (!rename($data, $directoryName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('Could not move custom file to custom upload directory')); } // to get id's if ($overwrite && $fileTypeID) { list($sql, $params) = self::sql($entityTable, $entityID, $fileTypeID); } else { list($sql, $params) = self::sql($entityTable, $entityID, 0); } $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); $dao->fetch(); $fileDAO = new CRM_Core_DAO_File(); $op = 'create'; if (isset($dao->cfID) && $dao->cfID) { $op = 'edit'; $fileDAO->id = $dao->cfID; unlink($directoryName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dao->uri); } if (!empty($fileParams)) { $fileDAO->copyValues($fileParams); } $fileDAO->uri = $filename; $fileDAO->mime_type = $mimeType; $fileDAO->file_type_id = $fileTypeID; $fileDAO->upload_date = date('YmdHis'); $fileDAO->save(); // need to add/update civicrm_entity_file $entityFileDAO = new CRM_Core_DAO_EntityFile(); if (isset($dao->cefID) && $dao->cefID) { $entityFileDAO->id = $dao->cefID; } $entityFileDAO->entity_table = $entityTable; $entityFileDAO->entity_id = $entityID; $entityFileDAO->file_id = $fileDAO->id; $entityFileDAO->save(); //save static tags if (!empty($fileParams['tag'])) { CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::create($fileParams['tag'], 'civicrm_file', $entityFileDAO->id); } //save free tags if (isset($fileParams['attachment_taglist']) && !empty($fileParams['attachment_taglist'])) { CRM_Core_Form_Tag::postProcess($fileParams['attachment_taglist'], $entityFileDAO->id, 'civicrm_file'); } // lets call the post hook here so attachments code can do the right stuff CRM_Utils_Hook::post($op, 'File', $fileDAO->id, $fileDAO); } /** * A static function wrapper that deletes the various objects. * * Objects are those hat are connected to a file object (i.e. file, entityFile and customValue. * * @param int $fileID * @param int $entityID * @param int $fieldID * * @throws \Exception */ public static function deleteFileReferences($fileID, $entityID, $fieldID) { $fileDAO = new CRM_Core_DAO_File(); $fileDAO->id = $fileID; if (!$fileDAO->find(TRUE)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal(); } // lets call a pre hook before the delete, so attachments hooks can get the info before things // disappear CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('delete', 'File', $fileID, $fileDAO); // get the table and column name list($tableName, $columnName, $groupID) = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getTableColumnGroup($fieldID); $entityFileDAO = new CRM_Core_DAO_EntityFile(); $entityFileDAO->file_id = $fileID; $entityFileDAO->entity_id = $entityID; $entityFileDAO->entity_table = $tableName; if (!$entityFileDAO->find(TRUE)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal(); } $entityFileDAO->delete(); $fileDAO->delete(); // also set the value to null of the table and column $query = "UPDATE $tableName SET $columnName = null WHERE $columnName = %1"; $params = array(1 => array($fileID, 'Integer')); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params); } /** * The $useWhere is used so that the signature matches the parent class * * public function delete($useWhere = FALSE) { * list($fileID, $entityID, $fieldID) = func_get_args(); * * self::deleteFileReferences($fileID, $entityID, $fieldID); * } */ /** * Delete all the files and associated object associated with this combination. * * @param string $entityTable * @param int $entityID * @param int $fileTypeID * @param int $fileID * * @return bool * Was file deleted? */ public static function deleteEntityFile($entityTable, $entityID, $fileTypeID = NULL, $fileID = NULL) { $isDeleted = FALSE; if (empty($entityTable) || empty($entityID)) { return $isDeleted; } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); list($sql, $params) = self::sql($entityTable, $entityID, $fileTypeID, $fileID); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); $cfIDs = array(); $cefIDs = array(); while ($dao->fetch()) { $cfIDs[$dao->cfID] = $dao->uri; $cefIDs[] = $dao->cefID; } if (!empty($cefIDs)) { $cefIDs = implode(',', $cefIDs); $sql = "DELETE FROM civicrm_entity_file where id IN ( $cefIDs )"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); $isDeleted = TRUE; } if (!empty($cfIDs)) { // Delete file only if there no any entity using this file. $deleteFiles = array(); foreach ($cfIDs as $fId => $fUri) { //delete tags from entity tag table $tagParams = array( 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_file', 'entity_id' => $fId, ); CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::del($tagParams); if (!CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_EntityFile', $fId, 'id', 'file_id')) { unlink($config->customFileUploadDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fUri); $deleteFiles[$fId] = $fId; } } if (!empty($deleteFiles)) { $deleteFiles = implode(',', $deleteFiles); $sql = "DELETE FROM civicrm_file where id IN ( $deleteFiles )"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); } $isDeleted = TRUE; } return $isDeleted; } /** * Get all the files and associated object associated with this combination. * * @param string $entityTable * @param int $entityID * @param bool $addDeleteArgs * * @return array|null */ public static function getEntityFile($entityTable, $entityID, $addDeleteArgs = FALSE) { if (empty($entityTable) || !$entityID) { $results = NULL; return $results; } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); list($sql, $params) = self::sql($entityTable, $entityID, NULL); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); $results = array(); while ($dao->fetch()) { $result['fileID'] = $dao->cfID; $result['entityID'] = $dao->cefID; $result['mime_type'] = $dao->mime_type; $result['fileName'] = $dao->uri; $result['description'] = $dao->description; $result['cleanName'] = CRM_Utils_File::cleanFileName($dao->uri); $result['fullPath'] = $config->customFileUploadDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dao->uri; $result['url'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/file', "reset=1&id={$dao->cfID}&eid={$dao->entity_id}"); $result['href'] = "{$result['cleanName']}"; $result['tag'] = CRM_Core_BAO_EntityTag::getTag($dao->cfID, 'civicrm_file'); $result['icon'] = CRM_Utils_File::getIconFromMimeType($dao->mime_type); if ($addDeleteArgs) { $result['deleteURLArgs'] = self::deleteURLArgs($dao->entity_table, $dao->entity_id, $dao->cfID); } $results[$dao->cfID] = $result; } //fix tag names $tags = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_EntityTag', 'tag_id', array('onlyActive' => FALSE)); foreach ($results as &$values) { if (!empty($values['tag'])) { $tagNames = array(); foreach ($values['tag'] as $tid) { $tagNames[] = $tags[$tid]; } $values['tag'] = implode(', ', $tagNames); } else { $values['tag'] = ''; } } $dao->free(); return $results; } /** * @param string $entityTable * Table-name or "*" (to reference files directly by file-id). * @param int $entityID * @param int $fileTypeID * @param int $fileID * * @return array */ public static function sql($entityTable, $entityID, $fileTypeID = NULL, $fileID = NULL) { if ($entityTable == '*') { // $entityID is the ID of a specific file $sql = " SELECT CF.id as cfID, CF.uri as uri, CF.mime_type as mime_type, CF.description as description, CEF.id as cefID, CEF.entity_table as entity_table, CEF.entity_id as entity_id FROM civicrm_file AS CF LEFT JOIN civicrm_entity_file AS CEF ON ( CEF.file_id = CF.id ) WHERE CF.id = %2"; } else { $sql = " SELECT CF.id as cfID, CF.uri as uri, CF.mime_type as mime_type, CF.description as description, CEF.id as cefID, CEF.entity_table as entity_table, CEF.entity_id as entity_id FROM civicrm_file AS CF LEFT JOIN civicrm_entity_file AS CEF ON ( CEF.file_id = CF.id ) WHERE CEF.entity_table = %1 AND CEF.entity_id = %2"; } $params = array( 1 => array($entityTable, 'String'), 2 => array($entityID, 'Integer'), ); if ($fileTypeID !== NULL) { $sql .= " AND CF.file_type_id = %3"; $params[3] = array($fileTypeID, 'Integer'); } if ($fileID !== NULL) { $sql .= " AND CF.id = %4"; $params[4] = array($fileID, 'Integer'); } return array($sql, $params); } /** * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * @param string $entityTable * @param int $entityID * @param null $numAttachments * @param bool $ajaxDelete */ public static function buildAttachment(&$form, $entityTable, $entityID = NULL, $numAttachments = NULL, $ajaxDelete = FALSE) { if (!$numAttachments) { $numAttachments = Civi::settings()->get('max_attachments'); } // Assign maxAttachments count to template for help message $form->assign('maxAttachments', $numAttachments); $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); // set default max file size as 2MB $maxFileSize = $config->maxFileSize ? $config->maxFileSize : 2; $currentAttachmentInfo = self::getEntityFile($entityTable, $entityID, TRUE); $totalAttachments = 0; if ($currentAttachmentInfo) { $totalAttachments = count($currentAttachmentInfo); $form->add('checkbox', 'is_delete_attachment', ts('Delete All Attachment(s)')); $form->assign('currentAttachmentInfo', $currentAttachmentInfo); } else { $form->assign('currentAttachmentInfo', NULL); } if ($totalAttachments) { if ($totalAttachments >= $numAttachments) { $numAttachments = 0; } else { $numAttachments -= $totalAttachments; } } $form->assign('numAttachments', $numAttachments); CRM_Core_BAO_Tag::getTags('civicrm_file', $tags, NULL, '  ', TRUE); // get tagset info $parentNames = CRM_Core_BAO_Tag::getTagSet('civicrm_file'); // add attachments for ($i = 1; $i <= $numAttachments; $i++) { $form->addElement('file', "attachFile_$i", ts('Attach File'), 'size=30 maxlength=60'); $form->addUploadElement("attachFile_$i"); $form->setMaxFileSize($maxFileSize * 1024 * 1024); $form->addRule("attachFile_$i", ts('File size should be less than %1 MByte(s)', array(1 => $maxFileSize) ), 'maxfilesize', $maxFileSize * 1024 * 1024 ); $form->addElement('text', "attachDesc_$i", NULL, array( 'size' => 40, 'maxlength' => 255, 'placeholder' => ts('Description'), )); if (!empty($tags)) { $form->add('select', "tag_$i", ts('Tags'), $tags, FALSE, array( 'id' => "tags_$i", 'multiple' => 'multiple', 'class' => 'huge crm-select2', 'placeholder' => ts('- none -'), ) ); } CRM_Core_Form_Tag::buildQuickForm($form, $parentNames, 'civicrm_file', NULL, FALSE, TRUE, "file_taglist_$i"); } } /** * Return a clean url string and the number of attachment for a * given entityTable, entityID * * @param string $entityTable * The entityTable to which the file is attached. * @param int $entityID * The id of the object in the above entityTable. * @param string $separator * The string separator where to implode the urls. * * @return array * An array with 2 elements. The string and the number of attachments */ public static function attachmentInfo($entityTable, $entityID, $separator = '
') { if (!$entityID) { return NULL; } $currentAttachments = self::getEntityFile($entityTable, $entityID); if (!empty($currentAttachments)) { $currentAttachmentURL = array(); foreach ($currentAttachments as $fileID => $attach) { $currentAttachmentURL[] = $attach['href']; } return implode($separator, $currentAttachmentURL); } return NULL; } /** * @param $formValues * @param array $params * @param $entityTable * @param int $entityID */ public static function formatAttachment( &$formValues, &$params, $entityTable, $entityID = NULL ) { // delete current attachments if applicable if ($entityID && !empty($formValues['is_delete_attachment'])) { CRM_Core_BAO_File::deleteEntityFile($entityTable, $entityID); } $numAttachments = Civi::settings()->get('max_attachments'); // setup all attachments for ($i = 1; $i <= $numAttachments; $i++) { $attachName = "attachFile_$i"; $attachDesc = "attachDesc_$i"; $attachTags = "tag_$i"; $attachFreeTags = "file_taglist_$i"; if (isset($formValues[$attachName]) && !empty($formValues[$attachName])) { // add static tags if selects $tagParams = array(); if (!empty($formValues[$attachTags])) { foreach ($formValues[$attachTags] as $tag) { $tagParams[$tag] = 1; } } // we dont care if the file is empty or not // CRM-7448 $extraParams = array( 'description' => $formValues[$attachDesc], 'tag' => $tagParams, 'attachment_taglist' => CRM_Utils_Array::value($attachFreeTags, $formValues, array()), ); CRM_Utils_File::formatFile($formValues, $attachName, $extraParams); // set the formatted attachment attributes to $params, later used by // CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendEmail(...) to send mail with desired attachments if (!empty($formValues[$attachName])) { $params[$attachName] = $formValues[$attachName]; } } } } /** * @param array $params * @param $entityTable * @param int $entityID */ public static function processAttachment(&$params, $entityTable, $entityID) { $numAttachments = Civi::settings()->get('max_attachments'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $numAttachments; $i++) { if ( isset($params["attachFile_$i"]) && is_array($params["attachFile_$i"]) ) { self::filePostProcess( $params["attachFile_$i"]['location'], NULL, $entityTable, $entityID, NULL, TRUE, $params["attachFile_$i"], "attachFile_$i", $params["attachFile_$i"]['type'] ); } } } /** * @return array */ public static function uploadNames() { $numAttachments = Civi::settings()->get('max_attachments'); $names = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $numAttachments; $i++) { $names[] = "attachFile_{$i}"; } $names[] = 'uploadFile'; return $names; } /** * copy/attach an existing file to a different entity * table and id. * * @param $oldEntityTable * @param int $oldEntityId * @param $newEntityTable * @param int $newEntityId */ public static function copyEntityFile($oldEntityTable, $oldEntityId, $newEntityTable, $newEntityId) { $oldEntityFile = new CRM_Core_DAO_EntityFile(); $oldEntityFile->entity_id = $oldEntityId; $oldEntityFile->entity_table = $oldEntityTable; $oldEntityFile->find(); while ($oldEntityFile->fetch()) { $newEntityFile = new CRM_Core_DAO_EntityFile(); $newEntityFile->entity_id = $newEntityId; $newEntityFile->entity_table = $newEntityTable; $newEntityFile->file_id = $oldEntityFile->file_id; $newEntityFile->save(); } } /** * @param $entityTable * @param int $entityID * @param int $fileID * * @return string */ public static function deleteURLArgs($entityTable, $entityID, $fileID) { $params['entityTable'] = $entityTable; $params['entityID'] = $entityID; $params['fileID'] = $fileID; $signer = new CRM_Utils_Signer(CRM_Core_Key::privateKey(), self::$_signableFields); $params['_sgn'] = $signer->sign($params); return CRM_Utils_System::makeQueryString($params); } /** * Delete a file attachment from an entity table / entity ID * */ public static function deleteAttachment() { $params = array(); $params['entityTable'] = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('entityTable', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, TRUE); $params['entityID'] = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('entityID', 'Positive', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, TRUE); $params['fileID'] = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('fileID', 'Positive', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, TRUE); $signature = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('_sgn', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, TRUE); $signer = new CRM_Utils_Signer(CRM_Core_Key::privateKey(), self::$_signableFields); if (!$signer->validate($signature, $params)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal('Request signature is invalid'); } self::deleteEntityFile($params['entityTable'], $params['entityID'], NULL, $params['fileID']); } /** * Display paper icon for a file attachment -- CRM-13624 * * @param string $entityTable * The entityTable to which the file is attached. eg "civicrm_contact", "civicrm_note", "civicrm_activity". * If you have the ID of a specific row in civicrm_file, use $entityTable='*' * @param int $entityID * The id of the object in the above entityTable. * * @return array|NULL * list of HTML snippets; one HTML snippet for each attachment. If none found, then NULL * */ public static function paperIconAttachment($entityTable, $entityID) { if (empty($entityTable) || !$entityID) { $results = NULL; return $results; } $currentAttachmentInfo = self::getEntityFile($entityTable, $entityID); foreach ($currentAttachmentInfo as $fileKey => $fileValue) { $fileID = $fileValue['fileID']; if ($fileID) { $fileType = $fileValue['mime_type']; $url = $fileValue['url']; $title = $fileValue['cleanName']; if ($fileType == 'image/jpeg' || $fileType == 'image/pjpeg' || $fileType == 'image/gif' || $fileType == 'image/x-png' || $fileType == 'image/png' ) { $file_url[$fileID] = " "; } // for non image files else { $file_url[$fileID] = " "; } } } if (empty($file_url)) { $results = NULL; } else { $results = $file_url; } return $results; } /** * Get a reference to the file-search service (if one is available). * * @return CRM_Core_FileSearchInterface|NULL */ public static function getSearchService() { $fileSearches = array(); CRM_Utils_Hook::fileSearches($fileSearches); // use the first available search foreach ($fileSearches as $fileSearch) { /** @var $fileSearch CRM_Core_FileSearchInterface */ return $fileSearch; } return NULL; } }