'civicrm_contact', 'Individual' => 'civicrm_contact', 'Household' => 'civicrm_contact', 'Organization' => 'civicrm_contact', 'Contribution' => 'civicrm_contribution', 'ContributionRecur' => 'civicrm_contribution_recur', 'Membership' => 'civicrm_membership', 'Participant' => 'civicrm_participant', 'Group' => 'civicrm_group', 'Relationship' => 'civicrm_relationship', 'Event' => 'civicrm_event', 'Case' => 'civicrm_case', 'Activity' => 'civicrm_activity', 'Pledge' => 'civicrm_pledge', 'Grant' => 'civicrm_grant', 'Address' => 'civicrm_address', 'Campaign' => 'civicrm_campaign', 'Survey' => 'civicrm_survey', ]; /** * Class constructor. * * Takes in a set of custom field ids andsets up the data structures to * generate a query * * @param array $ids * The set of custom field ids. * * @param bool $contactSearch * @param array $locationSpecificFields */ public function __construct($ids, $contactSearch = FALSE, $locationSpecificFields = []) { $this->_ids = &$ids; $this->_locationSpecificCustomFields = $locationSpecificFields; $this->_select = []; $this->_element = []; $this->_tables = []; $this->_whereTables = []; $this->_where = []; $this->_qill = []; $this->_options = []; $this->_fields = []; $this->_contactSearch = $contactSearch; if (empty($this->_ids)) { return; } // initialize the field array $tmpArray = array_keys($this->_ids); $idString = implode(',', $tmpArray); $query = " SELECT f.id, f.label, f.data_type, f.html_type, f.is_search_range, f.option_group_id, f.custom_group_id, f.column_name, g.table_name, f.date_format,f.time_format FROM civicrm_custom_field f, civicrm_custom_group g WHERE f.custom_group_id = g.id AND g.is_active = 1 AND f.is_active = 1 AND f.id IN ( $idString )"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); while ($dao->fetch()) { // get the group dao to figure which class this custom field extends $extends = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_CustomGroup', $dao->custom_group_id, 'extends'); $extendsTable = ''; if (array_key_exists($extends, self::$extendsMap)) { $extendsTable = self::$extendsMap[$extends]; } elseif (in_array($extends, CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::subTypes())) { // if $extends is a subtype, refer contact table $extendsTable = self::$extendsMap['Contact']; } $this->_fields[$dao->id] = [ 'id' => $dao->id, 'label' => $dao->label, 'extends' => $extendsTable, 'data_type' => $dao->data_type, 'html_type' => $dao->html_type, 'is_search_range' => $dao->is_search_range, 'column_name' => $dao->column_name, 'table_name' => $dao->table_name, 'option_group_id' => $dao->option_group_id, ]; // Deprecated (and poorly named) cache of field attributes $this->_options[$dao->id] = [ 'attributes' => [ 'label' => $dao->label, 'data_type' => $dao->data_type, 'html_type' => $dao->html_type, ], ]; $options = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField', 'custom_' . $dao->id, [], 'search'); if ($options) { $this->_options[$dao->id] += $options; } if ($dao->html_type == 'Select Date') { $this->_options[$dao->id]['attributes']['date_format'] = $dao->date_format; $this->_options[$dao->id]['attributes']['time_format'] = $dao->time_format; } } } /** * Generate the select clause and the associated tables. */ public function select() { if (empty($this->_fields)) { return; } foreach ($this->_fields as $id => $field) { $name = $field['table_name']; $fieldName = 'custom_' . $field['id']; $this->_select["{$name}_id"] = "{$name}.id as {$name}_id"; $this->_element["{$name}_id"] = 1; $this->_select[$fieldName] = "{$field['table_name']}.{$field['column_name']} as $fieldName"; $this->_element[$fieldName] = 1; $joinTable = NULL; // CRM-14265 if ($field['extends'] == 'civicrm_group') { return; } elseif ($field['extends'] == 'civicrm_contact') { $joinTable = 'contact_a'; } elseif ($field['extends'] == 'civicrm_contribution') { $joinTable = $field['extends']; } elseif (in_array($field['extends'], self::$extendsMap)) { $joinTable = $field['extends']; } else { return; } $this->_tables[$name] = "\nLEFT JOIN $name ON $name.entity_id = $joinTable.id"; if ($this->_ids[$id]) { $this->_whereTables[$name] = $this->_tables[$name]; } if ($joinTable) { $joinClause = 1; $joinTableAlias = $joinTable; // Set location-specific query if (isset($this->_locationSpecificCustomFields[$id])) { list($locationType, $locationTypeId) = $this->_locationSpecificCustomFields[$id]; $joinTableAlias = "$locationType-address"; $joinClause = "\nLEFT JOIN $joinTable `$locationType-address` ON (`$locationType-address`.contact_id = contact_a.id AND `$locationType-address`.location_type_id = $locationTypeId)"; } $this->_tables[$name] = "\nLEFT JOIN $name ON $name.entity_id = `$joinTableAlias`.id"; if ($this->_ids[$id]) { $this->_whereTables[$name] = $this->_tables[$name]; } if ($joinTable != 'contact_a') { $this->_whereTables[$joinTableAlias] = $this->_tables[$joinTableAlias] = $joinClause; } elseif ($this->_contactSearch) { CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::$_openedPanes[ts('Custom Fields')] = TRUE; } } } } /** * Generate the where clause and also the english language equivalent. */ public function where() { foreach ($this->_ids as $id => $values) { // Fixed for Issue CRM 607 if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($id, $this->_fields) === NULL || !$values ) { continue; } foreach ($values as $tuple) { list($name, $op, $value, $grouping, $wildcard) = $tuple; $field = $this->_fields[$id]; $fieldName = "{$field['table_name']}.{$field['column_name']}"; $isSerialized = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::isSerialized($field); // fix $value here to escape sql injection attacks $qillValue = NULL; if (!is_array($value)) { $value = CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString(trim($value)); $qillValue = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::displayValue($value, $id); } elseif (count($value) && in_array(key($value), CRM_Core_DAO::acceptedSQLOperators(), TRUE)) { $op = key($value); $qillValue = strstr($op, 'NULL') ? NULL : CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::displayValue($value[$op], $id); } else { $op = strstr($op, 'IN') ? $op : 'IN'; $qillValue = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::displayValue($value, $id); } $qillOp = CRM_Utils_Array::value($op, CRM_Core_SelectValues::getSearchBuilderOperators(), $op); switch ($field['data_type']) { case 'String': case 'StateProvince': case 'Country': if ($field['is_search_range'] && is_array($value)) { //didn't found any field under any of these three data-types as searchable by range } else { // fix $value here to escape sql injection attacks if (!is_array($value)) { if ($field['data_type'] == 'String') { $value = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($value, 'String'); } elseif ($value) { $value = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($value, 'Integer'); } $value = str_replace(['[', ']', ','], ['\[', '\]', '[:comma:]'], $value); $value = str_replace('|', '[:separator:]', $value); } elseif ($isSerialized) { if (in_array(key($value), CRM_Core_DAO::acceptedSQLOperators(), TRUE)) { $op = key($value); $value = $value[$op]; } // CRM-19006: escape characters like comma, | before building regex pattern $value = (array) $value; foreach ($value as $key => $val) { $value[$key] = str_replace(['[', ']', ','], ['\[', '\]', '[:comma:]'], $val); $value[$key] = str_replace('|', '[:separator:]', $value[$key]); } $value = implode(',', $value); } // CRM-14563,CRM-16575 : Special handling of multi-select custom fields if ($isSerialized && !CRM_Utils_System::isNull($value) && !strstr($op, 'NULL') && !strstr($op, 'LIKE')) { $sp = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR; $value = str_replace(",", "$sp|$sp", $value); $value = str_replace(['[:comma:]', '(', ')'], [',', '[(]', '[)]'], $value); $op = (strstr($op, '!') || strstr($op, 'NOT')) ? 'NOT RLIKE' : 'RLIKE'; $value = $sp . $value . $sp; if (!$wildcard) { foreach (explode("|", $value) as $val) { $val = str_replace('[:separator:]', '\|', $val); $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $val, 'String'); } } else { $value = str_replace('[:separator:]', '\|', $value); $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'String'); } } else { //FIX for custom data query fired against no value(NULL/NOT NULL) $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'String'); } $this->_qill[$grouping][] = $field['label'] . " $qillOp $qillValue"; } break; case 'ContactReference': $label = $value ? CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $value, 'sort_name') : ''; $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'String'); $this->_qill[$grouping][] = $field['label'] . " $qillOp $label"; break; case 'Int': $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'Integer'); $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("%1 %2 %3", [1 => $field['label'], 2 => $qillOp, 3 => $qillValue]);; break; case 'Boolean': if (!is_array($value)) { if (strtolower($value) == 'yes' || strtolower($value) == strtolower(ts('Yes'))) { $value = 1; } else { $value = (int) $value; } $value = ($value == 1) ? 1 : 0; $qillValue = $value ? 'Yes' : 'No'; } $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'Integer'); $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("%1 %2 %3", [1 => $field['label'], 2 => $qillOp, 3 => $qillValue]); break; case 'Link': case 'Memo': $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'String'); $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("%1 %2 %3", [1 => $field['label'], 2 => $qillOp, 3 => $qillValue]); break; case 'Money': $value = CRM_Utils_Array::value($op, (array) $value, $value); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $key => $val) { // @todo - this clean money should be in the form layer - it's highly likely to be doing more harm than good here // Note the only place I can find that this code is reached by is searching a custom money field in advanced search. // with euro style comma separators this doesn't work - with or without this cleanMoney. // So this should be removed but is not increasing the brokeness IMHO $value[$op][$key] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($value[$key]); } } else { // @todo - this clean money should be in the form layer - it's highly likely to be doing more harm than good here // comments per above apply. cleanMoney $value = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($value); } case 'Float': $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'Float'); $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("%1 %2 %3", [1 => $field['label'], 2 => $qillOp, 3 => $qillValue]); break; case 'Date': $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op, $value, 'Date'); list($qillOp, $qillVal) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue(NULL, $field['label'], $value, $op, [], CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE); $this->_qill[$grouping][] = "{$field['label']} $qillOp '$qillVal'"; break; case 'File': if ($op == 'IS NULL' || $op == 'IS NOT NULL' || $op == 'IS EMPTY' || $op == 'IS NOT EMPTY') { switch ($op) { case 'IS EMPTY': $op = 'IS NULL'; break; case 'IS NOT EMPTY': $op = 'IS NOT NULL'; break; } $this->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause($fieldName, $op); $this->_qill[$grouping][] = $field['label'] . " {$qillOp} "; } break; } } } } /** * Function that does the actual query generation. * basically ties all the above functions together * * @return array * array of strings */ public function query() { $this->select(); $this->where(); $whereStr = NULL; if (!empty($this->_where)) { $clauses = []; foreach ($this->_where as $grouping => $values) { if (!empty($values)) { $clauses[] = ' ( ' . implode(' AND ', $values) . ' ) '; } } if (!empty($clauses)) { $whereStr = ' ( ' . implode(' OR ', $clauses) . ' ) '; } } return [ implode(' , ', $this->_select), implode(' ', $this->_tables), $whereStr, ]; } }