$sessionName) { if (is_array($sessionName)) { $value = NULL; if (!empty($_SESSION[$sessionName[0]][$sessionName[1]])) { $value = $_SESSION[$sessionName[0]][$sessionName[1]]; } $key = "{$sessionName[0]}_{$sessionName[1]}"; Civi::cache('session')->set($key, $value, self::pickSessionTtl($key)); if ($resetSession) { $_SESSION[$sessionName[0]][$sessionName[1]] = NULL; unset($_SESSION[$sessionName[0]][$sessionName[1]]); } } else { $value = NULL; if (!empty($_SESSION[$sessionName])) { $value = $_SESSION[$sessionName]; } Civi::cache('session')->set($sessionName, $value, self::pickSessionTtl($sessionName)); if ($resetSession) { $_SESSION[$sessionName] = NULL; unset($_SESSION[$sessionName]); } } } self::cleanup(); } /* Retrieve the session values from the cache and populate the $_SESSION array * * @param array $names * Array of session values that should be persisted. * This is either a form name + qfKey or just a form name * (in the case of profile) */ /** * Restore session from cache. * * @param string $names */ public static function restoreSessionFromCache($names) { foreach ($names as $key => $sessionName) { if (is_array($sessionName)) { $value = Civi::cache('session')->get("{$sessionName[0]}_{$sessionName[1]}"); if ($value) { $_SESSION[$sessionName[0]][$sessionName[1]] = $value; } } else { $value = Civi::cache('session')->get($sessionName); if ($value) { $_SESSION[$sessionName] = $value; } } } } /** * Determine how long session-state should be retained. * * @param string $sessionKey * Ex: '_CRM_Admin_Form_Preferences_Display_f1a5f232e3d850a29a7a4d4079d7c37b_4654_container' * Ex: 'CiviCRM_CRM_Admin_Form_Preferences_Display_f1a5f232e3d850a29a7a4d4079d7c37b_4654' * @return int * Number of seconds. */ protected static function pickSessionTtl($sessionKey) { $secureSessionTimeoutMinutes = (int) Civi::settings()->get('secure_cache_timeout_minutes'); if ($secureSessionTimeoutMinutes) { $transactionPages = [ 'CRM_Contribute_Controller_Contribution', 'CRM_Event_Controller_Registration', ]; foreach ($transactionPages as $transactionPage) { if (strpos($sessionKey, $transactionPage) !== FALSE) { return $secureSessionTimeoutMinutes * 60; } } } return self::DEFAULT_SESSION_TTL; } /** * Do periodic cleanup of the CiviCRM session table. * * Also delete all session cache entries which are a couple of days old. * This keeps the session cache to a manageable size * Delete Contribution page session caches more energetically. * * @param bool $session * @param bool $table * @param bool $prevNext * @param bool $expired */ public static function cleanup($session = FALSE, $table = FALSE, $prevNext = FALSE, $expired = FALSE) { // clean up the session cache every $cacheCleanUpNumber probabilistically $cleanUpNumber = 757; // clean up all sessions older than $cacheTimeIntervalDays days $timeIntervalDays = 2; if (mt_rand(1, 100000) % $cleanUpNumber == 0) { $expired = $session = $table = $prevNext = TRUE; } if (!$session && !$table && !$prevNext && !$expired) { return; } if ($prevNext) { // delete all PrevNext caches Civi::service('prevnext')->cleanup(); } if ($table) { CRM_Core_Config::clearTempTables($timeIntervalDays . ' day'); } if ($session) { // Session caches are just regular caches, so they expire naturally per TTL. $expired = TRUE; } if ($expired) { $sql = "DELETE FROM civicrm_cache WHERE expired_date < %1"; $params = [ 1 => [date(CRM_Utils_Cache_SqlGroup::TS_FMT, CRM_Utils_Time::getTimeRaw()), 'String'], ]; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); } } /** * (Quasi-private) Encode an object/array/string/int as a string. * * @param $mixed * @return string */ public static function encode($mixed) { return base64_encode(serialize($mixed)); } /** * (Quasi-private) Decode an object/array/string/int from a string. * * @param $string * @return mixed */ public static function decode($string) { // Upgrade support -- old records (serialize) always have this punctuation, // and new records (base64) never do. if (strpos($string, ':') !== FALSE || strpos($string, ';') !== FALSE) { return unserialize($string); } else { return unserialize(base64_decode($string)); } } /** * Compose a SQL WHERE clause for the cache. * * Note: We need to use the cache during bootstrap, so we don't have * full access to DAO services. * * @param string $group * @param string|null $path * Filter by path. If NULL, then return any paths. * @param int|null $componentID * Filter by component. If NULL, then look for explicitly NULL records. * @return string */ protected static function whereCache($group, $path, $componentID) { $clauses = []; $clauses[] = ('group_name = "' . CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($group) . '"'); if ($path) { $clauses[] = ('path = "' . CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($path) . '"'); } if ($componentID && is_numeric($componentID)) { $clauses[] = ('component_id = ' . (int) $componentID); } return $clauses ? implode(' AND ', $clauses) : '(1)'; } /** * Normalize a cache key. * * This bridges an impedance mismatch between our traditional caching * and PSR-16 -- PSR-16 accepts a narrower range of cache keys. * * @param string $key * Ex: 'ab/cd:ef' * @return string * Ex: '_abcd1234abcd1234' or 'ab_xx/cd_xxef'. * A similar key, but suitable for use with PSR-16-compliant cache providers. * @deprecated * @see CRM_Utils_Cache::cleanKey() */ public static function cleanKey($key) { CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedFunctionWarning('CRM_Utils_Cache::cleanKey'); return CRM_Utils_Cache::cleanKey($key); } }