['email'], 'phone' => ['phone'], 'im' => ['name'], 'openid' => ['openid'], ]; /** * Given the list of params in the params array, fetch the object * and store the values in the values array * * @param string $blockName * Name of the above object. * @param array $params * Input parameters to find object. * * @return array * Array of $block objects. * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function &getValues($blockName, $params) { if (empty($params)) { return NULL; } $BAOString = 'CRM_Core_BAO_' . $blockName; $block = new $BAOString(); $blocks = []; if (!isset($params['entity_table'])) { $block->contact_id = $params['contact_id']; if (!$block->contact_id) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Invalid Contact ID parameter passed'); } $blocks = self::retrieveBlock($block, $blockName); } else { $blockIds = self::getBlockIds($blockName, NULL, $params); if (empty($blockIds)) { return $blocks; } $count = 1; foreach ($blockIds as $blockId) { $block = new $BAOString(); $block->id = $blockId['id']; $getBlocks = self::retrieveBlock($block, $blockName); $blocks[$count++] = array_pop($getBlocks); } } return $blocks; } /** * Given the list of params in the params array, fetch the object * and store the values in the values array * * @param Object $block * Typically a Phone|Email|IM|OpenID object. * @param string $blockName * Name of the above object. * * @return array * Array of $block objects. */ public static function retrieveBlock(&$block, $blockName) { // we first get the primary location due to the order by clause $block->orderBy('is_primary desc, id'); $block->find(); $count = 1; $blocks = []; while ($block->fetch()) { CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($block, $blocks[$count]); //unset is_primary after first block. Due to some bug in earlier version //there might be more than one primary blocks, hence unset is_primary other than first if ($count > 1) { unset($blocks[$count]['is_primary']); } $count++; } return $blocks; } /** * Check if the current block object has any valid data. * * @param array $blockFields * Array of fields that are of interest for this object. * @param array $params * Associated array of submitted fields. * * @return bool * true if the block has data, otherwise false */ public static function dataExists($blockFields, &$params) { foreach ($blockFields as $field) { if (CRM_Utils_System::isNull(CRM_Utils_Array::value($field, $params))) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Check if the current block exits. * * @param string $blockName * Block name. * @param array $params * Array of submitted fields. * * @return bool * true if the block is in the params and is an array */ public static function blockExists($blockName, $params) { return !empty($params[$blockName]) && is_array($params[$blockName]); } /** * Get all block ids for a contact. * * @param string $blockName * Block name. * @param int $contactId * Contact id. * * @param null $entityElements * @param bool $updateBlankLocInfo * * @return array * formatted array of block ids * */ public static function getBlockIds($blockName, $contactId = NULL, $entityElements = NULL, $updateBlankLocInfo = FALSE) { $allBlocks = []; $name = ucfirst($blockName); if ($blockName == 'im') { $name = 'IM'; } elseif ($blockName == 'openid') { $name = 'OpenID'; } $baoString = 'CRM_Core_BAO_' . $name; if ($contactId) { //@todo a cleverer way to do this would be to use the same fn name on each // BAO rather than constructing the fn // it would also be easier to grep for // e.g $bao = new $baoString; // $bao->getAllBlocks() $baoFunction = 'all' . $name . 's'; $allBlocks = $baoString::$baoFunction($contactId, $updateBlankLocInfo); } elseif (!empty($entityElements) && $blockName != 'openid') { $baoFunction = 'allEntity' . $name . 's'; $allBlocks = $baoString::$baoFunction($entityElements); } return $allBlocks; } /** * Takes an associative array and creates a block. * * @param string $blockName * Block name. * @param array $params * Array of name/value pairs. * * @return array|null * Array of created location entities or NULL if none to create. */ public static function create($blockName, $params) { if (!self::blockExists($blockName, $params)) { return NULL; } $name = ucfirst($blockName); $isPrimary = $isBilling = TRUE; $entityElements = $blocks = []; $resetPrimaryId = NULL; $primaryId = FALSE; $contactId = $params['contact_id']; $updateBlankLocInfo = CRM_Utils_Array::value('updateBlankLocInfo', $params, FALSE); $isIdSet = CRM_Utils_Array::value('isIdSet', $params[$blockName], FALSE); //get existing block ids. $blockIds = self::getBlockIds($blockName, $contactId, $entityElements); foreach ($params[$blockName] as $count => $value) { $blockId = $value['id'] ?? NULL; if ($blockId) { if (is_array($blockIds) && array_key_exists($blockId, $blockIds)) { unset($blockIds[$blockId]); } else { unset($value['id']); } } } $baoString = 'CRM_Core_BAO_' . $name; foreach ($params[$blockName] as $count => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } // if in some cases (eg. email used in Online Conribution Page, Profiles, etc.) id is not set // lets try to add using the previous method to avoid any false creation of existing data. foreach ($blockIds as $blockId => $blockValue) { if (empty($value['id']) && $blockValue['locationTypeId'] == CRM_Utils_Array::value('location_type_id', $value) && !$isIdSet) { $valueId = FALSE; if ($blockName == 'phone') { $phoneTypeBlockValue = $blockValue['phoneTypeId'] ?? NULL; if ($phoneTypeBlockValue == CRM_Utils_Array::value('phone_type_id', $value)) { $valueId = TRUE; } } elseif ($blockName == 'im') { $providerBlockValue = $blockValue['providerId'] ?? NULL; if (!empty($value['provider_id']) && $providerBlockValue == $value['provider_id']) { $valueId = TRUE; } } else { $valueId = TRUE; } if ($valueId) { $value['id'] = $blockValue['id']; if (!$primaryId && !empty($blockValue['is_primary'])) { $value['is_primary'] = $blockValue['is_primary']; } break; } } } $dataExists = self::dataExists(self::$requiredBlockFields[$blockName], $value); // Note there could be cases when block info already exist ($value[id] is set) for a contact/entity // BUT info is not present at this time, and therefore we should be really careful when deleting the block. // $updateBlankLocInfo will help take appropriate decision. CRM-5969 if (!empty($value['id']) && !$dataExists && $updateBlankLocInfo) { //delete the existing record $baoString::del($value['id']); continue; } elseif (!$dataExists) { continue; } $contactFields = [ 'contact_id' => $contactId, 'location_type_id' => $value['location_type_id'] ?? NULL, ]; $contactFields['is_billing'] = 0; if ($isBilling && !empty($value['is_billing'])) { $contactFields['is_billing'] = $value['is_billing']; $isBilling = FALSE; } $blockFields = array_merge($value, $contactFields); $blocks[] = $baoString::create($blockFields); } return $blocks; } /** * Delete block. * @deprecated - just call the BAO / api directly. * * @param string $blockName * Block name. * @param int $params * Associates array. */ public static function blockDelete($blockName, $params) { $name = ucfirst($blockName); if ($blockName == 'im') { $name = 'IM'; } elseif ($blockName == 'openid') { $name = 'OpenID'; } $baoString = 'CRM_Core_BAO_' . $name; $baoString::del($params['id']); } /** * Handling for is_primary. * $params is_primary could be * # 1 - find other entries with is_primary = 1 & reset them to 0 * # 0 - make sure at least one entry is set to 1 * - if no other entry is 1 change to 1 * - if one other entry exists change that to 1 * - if more than one other entry exists change first one to 1 * @fixme - perhaps should choose by location_type * # empty - same as 0 as once we have checked first step * we know if it should be 1 or 0 * * if $params['id'] is set $params['contact_id'] may need to be retrieved * * @param array $params * @param $class * * @throws API_Exception */ public static function handlePrimary(&$params, $class) { if (isset($params['id']) && CRM_Utils_System::isNull($params['is_primary'] ?? NULL)) { // if id is set & is_primary isn't we can assume no change) return; } $table = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getTableForClass($class); if (!$table) { throw new API_Exception("Failed to locate table for class [$class]"); } // contact_id in params might be empty or the string 'null' so cast to integer $contactId = (int) ($params['contact_id'] ?? 0); // If id is set & we haven't been passed a contact_id, retrieve it if (!empty($params['id']) && !isset($params['contact_id'])) { $entity = new $class(); $entity->id = $params['id']; $entity->find(TRUE); $contactId = $entity->contact_id; } // If entity is not associated with contact, concept of is_primary not relevant if (!$contactId) { return; } // if params is_primary then set all others to not be primary & exit out // if is_primary = 1 if (!empty($params['is_primary'])) { $sql = "UPDATE $table SET is_primary = 0 WHERE contact_id = %1"; $sqlParams = [1 => [$contactId, 'Integer']]; // we don't want to create unnecessary entries in the log_ tables so exclude the one we are working on if (!empty($params['id'])) { $sql .= " AND id <> %2"; $sqlParams[2] = [$params['id'], 'Integer']; } CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $sqlParams); return; } //Check what other emails exist for the contact $existingEntities = new $class(); $existingEntities->contact_id = $contactId; $existingEntities->orderBy('is_primary DESC'); if (!$existingEntities->find(TRUE) || (!empty($params['id']) && $existingEntities->id == $params['id'])) { // ie. if no others is set to be primary then this has to be primary set to 1 so change $params['is_primary'] = 1; return; } else { /* * If the only existing email is the one we are editing then we must set * is_primary to 1 * @see https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-10451 */ if ($existingEntities->N == 1 && $existingEntities->id == CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)) { $params['is_primary'] = 1; return; } if ($existingEntities->is_primary == 1) { return; } // so at this point we are only dealing with ones explicity setting is_primary to 0 // since we have reverse sorted by email we can either set the first one to // primary or return if is already is $existingEntities->is_primary = 1; $existingEntities->save(); } } /** * Sort location array so primary element is first. * * @param array $locations */ public static function sortPrimaryFirst(&$locations) { uasort($locations, 'self::primaryComparison'); } /** * compare 2 locations to see which should go first based on is_primary * (sort function for sortPrimaryFirst) * @param array $location1 * @param array $location2 * @return int */ public static function primaryComparison($location1, $location2) { $l1 = $location1['is_primary'] ?? NULL; $l2 = $location2['is_primary'] ?? NULL; if ($l1 == $l2) { return 0; } return ($l1 < $l2) ? -1 : 1; } }