Mapping $mapping). * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function getMappings($filters = NULL) { static $_action_mapping; if ($_action_mapping === NULL) { $event = \Civi::dispatcher() ->dispatch('civi.actionSchedule.getMappings', new \Civi\ActionSchedule\Event\MappingRegisterEvent()); $_action_mapping = $event->getMappings(); } if (empty($filters)) { return $_action_mapping; } elseif (isset($filters['id'])) { return [ $filters['id'] => $_action_mapping[$filters['id']], ]; } else { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("getMappings() called with unsupported filter: " . implode(', ', array_keys($filters))); } } /** * @param string|int $id * @return \Civi\ActionSchedule\Mapping|NULL */ public static function getMapping($id) { $mappings = self::getMappings(); return $mappings[$id] ?? NULL; } /** * For each entity, get a list of entity-value labels. * * @return array * Ex: $entityValueLabels[$mappingId][$valueId] = $valueLabel. * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function getAllEntityValueLabels() { $entityValueLabels = []; foreach (CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::getMappings() as $mapping) { /** @var \Civi\ActionSchedule\Mapping $mapping */ $entityValueLabels[$mapping->getId()] = $mapping->getValueLabels(); $valueLabel = ['- ' . strtolower($mapping->getValueHeader()) . ' -']; $entityValueLabels[$mapping->getId()] = $valueLabel + $entityValueLabels[$mapping->getId()]; } return $entityValueLabels; } /** * For each entity, get a list of entity-status labels. * * @return array * Ex: $entityValueLabels[$mappingId][$valueId][$statusId] = $statusLabel. */ public static function getAllEntityStatusLabels() { $entityValueLabels = self::getAllEntityValueLabels(); $entityStatusLabels = []; foreach (CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::getMappings() as $mapping) { /** @var \Civi\ActionSchedule\Mapping $mapping */ $statusLabel = ['- ' . strtolower($mapping->getStatusHeader()) . ' -']; $entityStatusLabels[$mapping->getId()] = $entityValueLabels[$mapping->getId()]; foreach ($entityStatusLabels[$mapping->getId()] as $kkey => & $vval) { $vval = $statusLabel + $mapping->getStatusLabels($kkey); } } return $entityStatusLabels; } /** * Retrieve list of Scheduled Reminders. * * @param bool $namesOnly * Return simple list of names. * * @param \Civi\ActionSchedule\Mapping|null $filterMapping * Filter by the schedule's mapping type. * @param int $filterValue * Filter by the schedule's entity_value. * * @return array * (reference) reminder list * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function &getList($namesOnly = FALSE, $filterMapping = NULL, $filterValue = NULL) { $query = " SELECT title, as id, cas.mapping_id, cas.entity_value as entityValueIds, cas.entity_status as entityStatusIds, cas.start_action_date as entityDate, cas.start_action_offset, cas.start_action_unit, cas.start_action_condition, cas.absolute_date, is_repeat, is_active FROM civicrm_action_schedule cas "; $queryParams = []; $where = " WHERE 1 "; if ($filterMapping and $filterValue) { $where .= " AND cas.entity_value = %1 AND cas.mapping_id = %2"; $queryParams[1] = [$filterValue, 'Integer']; $queryParams[2] = [$filterMapping->getId(), 'String']; } $where .= " AND cas.used_for IS NULL"; $query .= $where; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $queryParams); while ($dao->fetch()) { /** @var Civi\ActionSchedule\Mapping $filterMapping */ $filterMapping = CRM_Utils_Array::first(self::getMappings([ 'id' => $dao->mapping_id, ])); $list[$dao->id]['id'] = $dao->id; $list[$dao->id]['title'] = $dao->title; $list[$dao->id]['start_action_offset'] = $dao->start_action_offset; $list[$dao->id]['start_action_unit'] = $dao->start_action_unit; $list[$dao->id]['start_action_condition'] = $dao->start_action_condition; $list[$dao->id]['entityDate'] = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $dao->entityDate)); $list[$dao->id]['absolute_date'] = $dao->absolute_date; $list[$dao->id]['entity'] = $filterMapping->getLabel(); $list[$dao->id]['value'] = implode(', ', CRM_Utils_Array::subset( $filterMapping->getValueLabels(), explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $dao->entityValueIds) )); $list[$dao->id]['status'] = implode(', ', CRM_Utils_Array::subset( $filterMapping->getStatusLabels($dao->entityValueIds), explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $dao->entityStatusIds) )); $list[$dao->id]['is_repeat'] = $dao->is_repeat; $list[$dao->id]['is_active'] = $dao->is_active; } return $list; } /** * Add the schedules reminders in the db. * * @param array $params * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs. * @param array $ids * Unused variable. * * @return CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule */ public static function add(&$params, $ids = []) { $actionSchedule = new CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule(); $actionSchedule->copyValues($params); return $actionSchedule->save(); } /** * Retrieve DB object based on input parameters. * * It also stores all the retrieved values in the default array. * * @param array $params * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs. * @param array $values * (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values. * * @return CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule|null * object on success, null otherwise */ public static function retrieve(&$params, &$values) { if (empty($params)) { return NULL; } $actionSchedule = new CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule(); $actionSchedule->copyValues($params); if ($actionSchedule->find(TRUE)) { $ids['actionSchedule'] = $actionSchedule->id; CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($actionSchedule, $values); return $actionSchedule; } return NULL; } /** * Delete a Reminder. * * @param int $id * ID of the Reminder to be deleted. * * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function del($id) { if ($id) { $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule(); $dao->id = $id; if ($dao->find(TRUE)) { $dao->delete(); return; } } throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('Invalid value passed to delete function.')); } /** * Update the is_active flag in the db. * * @param int $id * Id of the database record. * @param bool $is_active * Value we want to set the is_active field. * * @return bool * true if we found and updated the object, else false */ public static function setIsActive($id, $is_active) { return CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule', $id, 'is_active', $is_active); } /** * @param int $mappingID * @param $now * * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function sendMailings($mappingID, $now) { $mapping = CRM_Utils_Array::first(self::getMappings([ 'id' => $mappingID, ])); $actionSchedule = new CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule(); $actionSchedule->mapping_id = $mappingID; $actionSchedule->is_active = 1; $actionSchedule->find(FALSE); while ($actionSchedule->fetch()) { $query = CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::prepareMailingQuery($mapping, $actionSchedule); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, [1 => [$actionSchedule->id, 'Integer']] ); $multilingual = CRM_Core_I18n::isMultilingual(); while ($dao->fetch()) { // switch language if necessary if ($multilingual) { $preferred_language = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $dao->contactID, 'preferred_language'); CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::setCommunicationLanguage($actionSchedule->communication_language, $preferred_language); } $errors = []; try { $tokenProcessor = self::createTokenProcessor($actionSchedule, $mapping); $tokenProcessor->addRow() ->context('contactId', $dao->contactID) ->context('actionSearchResult', (object) $dao->toArray()); foreach ($tokenProcessor->evaluate()->getRows() as $tokenRow) { if ($actionSchedule->mode == 'SMS' or $actionSchedule->mode == 'User_Preference') { CRM_Utils_Array::extend($errors, self::sendReminderSms($tokenRow, $actionSchedule, $dao->contactID)); } if ($actionSchedule->mode == 'Email' or $actionSchedule->mode == 'User_Preference') { CRM_Utils_Array::extend($errors, self::sendReminderEmail($tokenRow, $actionSchedule, $dao->contactID)); } // insert activity log record if needed if ($actionSchedule->record_activity && empty($errors)) { $caseID = empty($dao->case_id) ? NULL : $dao->case_id; CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::createMailingActivity($tokenRow, $mapping, $dao->contactID, $dao->entityID, $caseID); } } } catch (\Civi\Token\TokenException $e) { $errors['token_exception'] = $e->getMessage(); } // update action log record $logParams = [ 'id' => $dao->reminderID, 'is_error' => !empty($errors), 'message' => empty($errors) ? "null" : implode(' ', $errors), 'action_date_time' => $now, ]; CRM_Core_BAO_ActionLog::create($logParams); } } } /** * Build a list of the contacts to send to. * * @param string $mappingID * Value from the mapping_id field in the civicrm_action_schedule able. It might be a string like * 'contribpage' for an older class like CRM_Contribute_ActionMapping_ByPage of for ones following * more recent patterns, an integer. * @param string $now * @param array $params * * @throws API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function buildRecipientContacts(string $mappingID, $now, $params = []) { $actionSchedule = new CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule(); $actionSchedule->mapping_id = $mappingID; $actionSchedule->is_active = 1; if (!empty($params)) { _civicrm_api3_dao_set_filter($actionSchedule, $params, FALSE); } $actionSchedule->find(); while ($actionSchedule->fetch()) { /** @var \Civi\ActionSchedule\Mapping $mapping */ $mapping = CRM_Utils_Array::first(self::getMappings([ 'id' => $mappingID, ])); $builder = new \Civi\ActionSchedule\RecipientBuilder($now, $actionSchedule, $mapping); $builder->build(); } } /** * Main processing callback for sending out scheduled reminders. * * @param string $now * @param array $params * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function processQueue($now = NULL, $params = []) { $now = $now ? CRM_Utils_Time::setTime($now) : CRM_Utils_Time::getTime(); $mappings = CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::getMappings(); foreach ($mappings as $mappingID => $mapping) { CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::buildRecipientContacts((string) $mappingID, $now, $params); CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::sendMailings($mappingID, $now); } } /** * @param int $id * @param int $mappingID * * @return null|string */ public static function isConfigured($id, $mappingID) { $queryString = "SELECT count(id) FROM civicrm_action_schedule WHERE mapping_id = %1 AND entity_value = %2"; $params = [ 1 => [$mappingID, 'String'], 2 => [$id, 'Integer'], ]; return CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($queryString, $params); } /** * @param int $mappingID * @param $recipientType * * @return array */ public static function getRecipientListing($mappingID, $recipientType) { if (!$mappingID) { return []; } /** @var \Civi\ActionSchedule\Mapping $mapping */ $mapping = CRM_Utils_Array::first(CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::getMappings([ 'id' => $mappingID, ])); return $mapping->getRecipientListing($recipientType); } /** * @param $communication_language * @param $preferred_language */ public static function setCommunicationLanguage($communication_language, $preferred_language) { $currentLocale = CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale(); $language = $currentLocale; // prepare the language for the email if ($communication_language == CRM_Core_I18n::AUTO) { if (!empty($preferred_language)) { $language = $preferred_language; } } else { $language = $communication_language; } // language not in the existing language, use default $languages = CRM_Core_I18n::languages(TRUE); if (!array_key_exists($language, $languages)) { $language = $currentLocale; } // change the language $i18n = CRM_Core_I18n::singleton(); $i18n->setLocale($language); } /** * Save a record about the delivery of a reminder email. * * WISHLIST: Instead of saving $actionSchedule->body_html, call this immediately after * sending the message and pass in the fully rendered text of the message. * * @param object $tokenRow * @param Civi\ActionSchedule\Mapping $mapping * @param int $contactID * @param int $entityID * @param int|null $caseID * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ protected static function createMailingActivity($tokenRow, $mapping, $contactID, $entityID, $caseID) { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); if ($mapping->getEntity() == 'civicrm_membership') { // @todo - not required with api $activityTypeID = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'Membership Renewal Reminder'); } else { // @todo - not required with api $activityTypeID = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'Reminder Sent'); } $activityParams = [ 'subject' => $tokenRow->render('subject'), 'details' => $tokenRow->render('body_html'), 'source_contact_id' => $session->get('userID') ? $session->get('userID') : $contactID, 'target_contact_id' => $contactID, // @todo - not required with api 'activity_date_time' => CRM_Utils_Time::getTime('YmdHis'), // @todo - not required with api 'status_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'status_id', 'Completed'), 'activity_type_id' => $activityTypeID, 'source_record_id' => $entityID, ]; // @todo use api, remove all the above wrangling $activity = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::create($activityParams); //file reminder on case if source activity is a case activity if (!empty($caseID)) { $caseActivityParams = []; $caseActivityParams['case_id'] = $caseID; $caseActivityParams['activity_id'] = $activity->id; CRM_Case_BAO_Case::processCaseActivity($caseActivityParams); } } /** * @param \Civi\ActionSchedule\MappingInterface $mapping * @param \CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule $actionSchedule * @return string */ protected static function prepareMailingQuery($mapping, $actionSchedule) { $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('civicrm_action_log reminder') ->select(" as reminderID, reminder.contact_id as contactID, reminder.entity_table as entityTable, reminder.*, AS entityID") ->join('e', "!casMailingJoinType !casMappingEntity e ON !casEntityJoinExpr") ->select(" as entityID, e.*") ->where("reminder.action_schedule_id = #casActionScheduleId") ->where("reminder.action_date_time IS NULL") ->param([ 'casActionScheduleId' => $actionSchedule->id, 'casMailingJoinType' => ($actionSchedule->limit_to == 0) ? 'LEFT JOIN' : 'INNER JOIN', 'casMappingId' => $mapping->getId(), 'casMappingEntity' => $mapping->getEntity(), 'casEntityJoinExpr' => ' = IF(reminder.entity_table = "civicrm_contact", reminder.contact_id, reminder.entity_id)', ]); if ($actionSchedule->limit_to == 0) { $select->where(" = reminder.entity_id OR reminder.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact'"); } \Civi::dispatcher() ->dispatch( 'civi.actionSchedule.prepareMailingQuery', new \Civi\ActionSchedule\Event\MailingQueryEvent($actionSchedule, $mapping, $select) ); return $select->toSQL(); } /** * @param \Civi\Token\TokenRow $tokenRow * @param CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule $schedule * @param int $toContactID * @throws CRM_Core_Exception * @return array * List of error messages. */ protected static function sendReminderSms($tokenRow, $schedule, $toContactID) { $toPhoneNumber = self::pickSmsPhoneNumber($toContactID); if (!$toPhoneNumber) { return ["sms_phone_missing" => "Couldn't find recipient's phone number."]; } // dev/core#369 If an SMS provider is deleted then the relevant row in the action_schedule_table is set to NULL // So we need to exclude them. if (CRM_Utils_System::isNull($schedule->sms_provider_id)) { return ["sms_provider_missing" => "SMS reminder cannot be sent because the SMS provider has been deleted."]; } $messageSubject = $tokenRow->render('subject'); $sms_body_text = $tokenRow->render('sms_body_text'); $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $userID = $session->get('userID') ? $session->get('userID') : $tokenRow->context['contactId']; $smsParams = [ 'To' => $toPhoneNumber, 'provider_id' => $schedule->sms_provider_id, 'activity_subject' => $messageSubject, ]; $activityTypeID = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'SMS'); $activityParams = [ 'source_contact_id' => $userID, 'activity_type_id' => $activityTypeID, 'activity_date_time' => date('YmdHis'), 'subject' => $messageSubject, 'details' => $sms_body_text, 'status_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'status_id', 'Completed'), ]; $activity = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::create($activityParams); try { CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::sendSMSMessage($tokenRow->context['contactId'], $sms_body_text, $smsParams, $activity->id, $userID ); } catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) { return ["sms_send_error" => $e->getMessage()]; } return []; } /** * @param CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule $actionSchedule * @return string * Ex: "Alice ". */ protected static function pickFromEmail($actionSchedule) { $domainValues = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail(); $fromEmailAddress = "$domainValues[0] <$domainValues[1]>"; if ($actionSchedule->from_email) { $fromEmailAddress = "\"$actionSchedule->from_name\" <$actionSchedule->from_email>"; return $fromEmailAddress; } return $fromEmailAddress; } /** * @param \Civi\Token\TokenRow $tokenRow * @param CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule $schedule * @param int $toContactID * @return array * List of error messages. */ protected static function sendReminderEmail($tokenRow, $schedule, $toContactID) { $toEmail = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getPrimaryEmail($toContactID, TRUE); if (!$toEmail) { return ["email_missing" => "Couldn't find recipient's email address."]; } $body_text = $tokenRow->render('body_text'); $body_html = $tokenRow->render('body_html'); if (!$schedule->body_text) { $body_text = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($body_html); } // set up the parameters for CRM_Utils_Mail::send $mailParams = [ 'groupName' => 'Scheduled Reminder Sender', 'from' => self::pickFromEmail($schedule), 'toName' => $tokenRow->context['contact']['display_name'], 'toEmail' => $toEmail, 'subject' => $tokenRow->render('subject'), 'entity' => 'action_schedule', 'entity_id' => $schedule->id, ]; if (!$body_html || $tokenRow->context['contact']['preferred_mail_format'] == 'Text' || $tokenRow->context['contact']['preferred_mail_format'] == 'Both' ) { // render the & entities in text mode, so that the links work $mailParams['text'] = str_replace('&', '&', $body_text); } if ($body_html && ($tokenRow->context['contact']['preferred_mail_format'] == 'HTML' || $tokenRow->context['contact']['preferred_mail_format'] == 'Both' ) ) { $mailParams['html'] = $body_html; } $result = CRM_Utils_Mail::send($mailParams); if (!$result || is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) { return ['email_fail' => 'Failed to send message']; } return []; } /** * @param CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule $schedule * @param \Civi\ActionSchedule\Mapping $mapping * @return \Civi\Token\TokenProcessor */ protected static function createTokenProcessor($schedule, $mapping) { $tp = new \Civi\Token\TokenProcessor(\Civi::dispatcher(), [ 'controller' => __CLASS__, 'actionSchedule' => $schedule, 'actionMapping' => $mapping, 'smarty' => TRUE, ]); $tp->addMessage('body_text', $schedule->body_text, 'text/plain'); $tp->addMessage('body_html', $schedule->body_html, 'text/html'); $tp->addMessage('sms_body_text', $schedule->sms_body_text, 'text/plain'); $tp->addMessage('subject', $schedule->subject, 'text/plain'); return $tp; } /** * Pick SMS phone number. * * @param int $smsToContactId * * @return NULL|string */ protected static function pickSmsPhoneNumber($smsToContactId) { $toPhoneNumbers = CRM_Core_BAO_Phone::allPhones($smsToContactId, FALSE, 'Mobile', [ 'is_deceased' => 0, 'is_deleted' => 0, 'do_not_sms' => 0, ]); //to get primary mobile ph,if not get a first mobile phONE if (!empty($toPhoneNumbers)) { $toPhoneNumberDetails = reset($toPhoneNumbers); $toPhoneNumber = $toPhoneNumberDetails['phone'] ?? NULL; return $toPhoneNumber; } return NULL; } /** * Get the list of generic recipient types supported by all entities/mappings. * * @return array * array(mixed $value => string $label). */ public static function getAdditionalRecipients() { return [ 'manual' => ts('Choose Recipient(s)'), 'group' => ts('Select Group'), ]; } }