_id) { $params = array('id' => $this->_id); CRM_Contribute_BAO_ManagePremiums::retrieve($params, $tempDefaults); $imageUrl = (isset($tempDefaults['image'])) ? $tempDefaults['image'] : ""; if (isset($tempDefaults['image']) && isset($tempDefaults['thumbnail'])) { $defaults['imageUrl'] = $tempDefaults['image']; $defaults['thumbnailUrl'] = $tempDefaults['thumbnail']; $defaults['imageOption'] = 'thumbnail'; // assign thumbnailUrl to template so we can display current image in update mode $this->assign('thumbnailUrl', $defaults['thumbnailUrl']); } else { $defaults['imageOption'] = 'noImage'; } if (isset($tempDefaults['thumbnail']) && isset($tempDefaults['image'])) { $this->assign('thumbURL', $tempDefaults['thumbnail']); $this->assign('imageURL', $tempDefaults['image']); } if (isset($tempDefaults['period_type'])) { $this->assign('showSubscriptions', TRUE); } } return $defaults; } /** * Build the form object * * @return void */ public function buildQuickForm() { parent::buildQuickForm(); $this->setPageTitle(ts('Premium Product')); if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW) { CRM_Contribute_BAO_Premium::buildPremiumPreviewBlock($this, $this->_id); return; } if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::DELETE) { return; } $this->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim'); $this->add('text', 'name', ts('Name'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product', 'name'), TRUE); $this->addRule('name', ts('A product with this name already exists. Please select another name.'), 'objectExists', array( 'CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product', $this->_id )); $this->add('text', 'sku', ts('SKU'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product', 'sku')); $this->add('textarea', 'description', ts('Description'), 'rows=3, cols=60'); $image['image'] = $this->createElement('radio', NULL, NULL, ts('Upload from my computer'), 'image', 'onclick="add_upload_file_block(\'image\');'); $image['thumbnail'] = $this->createElement('radio', NULL, NULL, ts('Display image and thumbnail from these locations on the web:'), 'thumbnail', 'onclick="add_upload_file_block(\'thumbnail\');'); $image['default_image'] = $this->createElement('radio', NULL, NULL, ts('Use default image'), 'default_image', 'onclick="add_upload_file_block(\'default\');'); $image['noImage'] = $this->createElement('radio', NULL, NULL, ts('Do not display an image'), 'noImage', 'onclick="add_upload_file_block(\'noImage\');'); $this->addGroup($image, 'imageOption', ts('Premium Image')); $this->addRule('imageOption', ts('Please select an option for the premium image.'), 'required'); $this->addElement('text', 'imageUrl', ts('Image URL')); $this->addElement('text', 'thumbnailUrl', ts('Thumbnail URL')); $this->add('file', 'uploadFile', ts('Image File Name'), 'onChange="select_option();"'); $this->add('text', 'price', ts('Market Value'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product', 'price'), TRUE); $this->addRule('price', ts('Please enter the Market Value for this product.'), 'money'); $this->add('text', 'cost', ts('Actual Cost of Product'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product', 'cost')); $this->addRule('price', ts('Please enter the Actual Cost of Product.'), 'money'); $this->add('text', 'min_contribution', ts('Minimum Contribution Amount'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product', 'min_contribution'), TRUE); $this->addRule('min_contribution', ts('Please enter a monetary value for the Minimum Contribution Amount.'), 'money'); $this->add('textarea', 'options', ts('Options'), 'rows=3, cols=60'); $this->add('select', 'period_type', ts('Period Type'), array( '' => '- select -', 'rolling' => 'Rolling', 'fixed' => 'Fixed' )); $this->add('text', 'fixed_period_start_day', ts('Fixed Period Start Day'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product', 'fixed_period_start_day')); $this->add('Select', 'duration_unit', ts('Duration Unit'), array('' => '- select period -') + CRM_Core_SelectValues::getPremiumUnits()); $this->add('text', 'duration_interval', ts('Duration'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product', 'duration_interval')); $this->add('Select', 'frequency_unit', ts('Frequency Unit'), array('' => '- select period -') + CRM_Core_SelectValues::getPremiumUnits()); $this->add('text', 'frequency_interval', ts('Frequency'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Product', 'frequency_interval')); //Financial Type CRM-11106 $financialType = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::financialType(); $premiumFinancialType = array(); CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::populate( $premiumFinancialType, 'CRM_Financial_DAO_EntityFinancialAccount', $all = TRUE, $retrieve = 'entity_id', $filter = NULL, 'account_relationship = 8' ); $costFinancialType = array(); CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::populate( $costFinancialType, 'CRM_Financial_DAO_EntityFinancialAccount', $all = TRUE, $retrieve = 'entity_id', $filter = NULL, 'account_relationship = 7' ); $productFinancialType = array_intersect($costFinancialType, $premiumFinancialType); foreach ($financialType as $key => $financialTypeName) { if (!in_array($key, $productFinancialType)) { unset($financialType[$key]); } } if (count($financialType)) { $this->assign('financialType', $financialType); } $this->add( 'select', 'financial_type_id', ts('Financial Type'), array('' => ts('- select -')) + $financialType ); $this->add('checkbox', 'is_active', ts('Enabled?')); $this->addFormRule(array('CRM_Contribute_Form_ManagePremiums', 'formRule')); $this->addButtons(array( array( 'type' => 'upload', 'name' => ts('Save'), 'isDefault' => TRUE, ), array( 'type' => 'cancel', 'name' => ts('Cancel'), ), ) ); $this->assign('productId', $this->_id); } /** * Function for validation * * @param array $params * (ref.) an assoc array of name/value pairs. * * @param $files * * @return bool|array * mixed true or array of errors */ public static function formRule($params, $files) { if (isset($params['imageOption'])) { if ($params['imageOption'] == 'thumbnail') { if (!$params['imageUrl']) { $errors['imageUrl'] = ts('Image URL is Required'); } if (!$params['thumbnailUrl']) { $errors['thumbnailUrl'] = ts('Thumbnail URL is Required'); } } } // CRM-13231 financial type required if product has cost if (!empty($params['cost']) && empty($params['financial_type_id'])) { $errors['financial_type_id'] = ts('Financial Type is required for product having cost.'); } $fileLocation = $files['uploadFile']['tmp_name']; if ($fileLocation != "") { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($fileLocation); if (($width < 80 || $width > 500) || ($height < 80 || $height > 500)) { //$errors ['uploadFile'] = "Please Enter files with dimensions between 80 x 80 and 500 x 500," . " Dimensions of this file is ".$width."X".$height; } } if (!$params['period_type']) { if ($params['fixed_period_start_day'] || $params['duration_unit'] || $params['duration_interval'] || $params['frequency_unit'] || $params['frequency_interval'] ) { $errors['period_type'] = ts('Please select the Period Type for this subscription or service.'); } } if ($params['period_type'] == 'fixed' && !$params['fixed_period_start_day']) { $errors['fixed_period_start_day'] = ts('Please enter a Fixed Period Start Day for this subscription or service.'); } if ($params['duration_unit'] && !$params['duration_interval']) { $errors['duration_interval'] = ts('Please enter the Duration Interval for this subscription or service.'); } if ($params['duration_interval'] && !$params['duration_unit']) { $errors['duration_unit'] = ts('Please enter the Duration Unit for this subscription or service.'); } if ($params['frequency_interval'] && !$params['frequency_unit']) { $errors['frequency_unit'] = ts('Please enter the Frequency Unit for this subscription or service.'); } if ($params['frequency_unit'] && !$params['frequency_interval']) { $errors['frequency_interval'] = ts('Please enter the Frequency Interval for this subscription or service.'); } return empty($errors) ? TRUE : $errors; } /** * Process the form submission * * * @return void */ public function postProcess() { if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW) { return; } if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::DELETE) { CRM_Contribute_BAO_ManagePremiums::del($this->_id); CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Selected Premium Product type has been deleted.'), ts('Deleted'), 'info'); } else { $params = $this->controller->exportValues($this->_name); $imageFile = CRM_Utils_Array::value('uploadFile', $params); $imageFile = $imageFile['name']; $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $ids = array(); $error = FALSE; // store the submitted values in an array // FIX ME if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('imageOption', $params, FALSE)) { $value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('imageOption', $params, FALSE); if ($value == 'image') { // to check wether GD is installed or not $gdSupport = CRM_Utils_System::getModuleSetting('gd', 'GD Support'); if ($gdSupport) { if ($imageFile) { $error = FALSE; $params['image'] = $this->_resizeImage($imageFile, "_full", 200, 200); $params['thumbnail'] = $this->_resizeImage($imageFile, "_thumb", 50, 50); } } else { $error = TRUE; $params['image'] = $config->resourceBase . 'i/contribute/default_premium.jpg'; $params['thumbnail'] = $config->resourceBase . 'i/contribute/default_premium_thumb.jpg'; } } elseif ($value == 'thumbnail') { $params['image'] = $params['imageUrl']; $params['thumbnail'] = $params['thumbnailUrl']; } elseif ($value == 'default_image') { $url = parse_url($config->userFrameworkBaseURL); $params['image'] = $config->resourceBase . 'i/contribute/default_premium.jpg'; $params['thumbnail'] = $config->resourceBase . 'i/contribute/default_premium_thumb.jpg'; } else { $params['image'] = ""; $params['thumbnail'] = ""; } } if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) { $ids['premium'] = $this->_id; } // fix the money fields foreach (array( 'cost', 'price', 'min_contribution' ) as $f) { $params[$f] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($params[$f]); } $premium = CRM_Contribute_BAO_ManagePremiums::add($params, $ids); if ($error) { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('No thumbnail of your image was created because the GD image library is not currently compiled in your PHP installation. Product is currently configured to use default thumbnail image. If you have a local thumbnail image you can upload it separately and input the thumbnail URL by editing this premium.'), ts('Notice'), 'alert'); } else { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("The Premium '%1' has been saved.", array(1 => $premium->name)), ts('Saved'), 'success'); } } } /** * Resize a premium image to a different size * * * @param string $filename * @param string $resizedName * @param $width * @param $height * * @return string * Path to image */ private function _resizeImage($filename, $resizedName, $width, $height) { // figure out the new filename $pathParts = pathinfo($filename); $newFilename = $pathParts['dirname'] . "/" . $pathParts['filename'] . $resizedName . "." . $pathParts['extension']; // get image about original image $imageInfo = getimagesize($filename); $widthOrig = $imageInfo[0]; $heightOrig = $imageInfo[1]; $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); if ($imageInfo['mime'] == 'image/gif') { $source = imagecreatefromgif($filename); } elseif ($imageInfo['mime'] == 'image/png') { $source = imagecreatefrompng($filename); } else { $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); } // resize imagecopyresized($image, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $widthOrig, $heightOrig); // save the resized image $fp = fopen($newFilename, 'w+'); ob_start(); imagejpeg($image); $image_buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); imagedestroy($image); fwrite($fp, $image_buffer); rewind($fp); fclose($fp); // return the URL to link to $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); return $config->imageUploadURL . basename($newFilename); } }