_onDuplicate = $onDuplicate; $this->_dedupeRuleGroupID = $dedupeRuleGroupID; switch ($contactType) { case CRM_Import_Parser::CONTACT_INDIVIDUAL: $this->_contactType = 'Individual'; break; case CRM_Import_Parser::CONTACT_HOUSEHOLD: $this->_contactType = 'Household'; break; case CRM_Import_Parser::CONTACT_ORGANIZATION: $this->_contactType = 'Organization'; } $this->_contactSubType = $contactSubType; $this->init(); $this->_rowCount = $this->_warningCount = 0; $this->_invalidRowCount = $this->_validCount = 0; $this->_totalCount = $this->_conflictCount = 0; $this->_errors = []; $this->_warnings = []; $this->_conflicts = []; $this->_unparsedAddresses = []; $this->_tableName = $tableName; $this->_primaryKeyName = $primaryKeyName; $this->_statusFieldName = $statusFieldName; if ($mode == self::MODE_MAPFIELD) { $this->_rows = []; } else { $this->_activeFieldCount = count($this->_activeFields); } if ($mode == self::MODE_IMPORT) { //get the key of email field foreach ($mapper as $key => $value) { if (strtolower($value) == 'email') { $emailKey = $key; break; } } } if ($statusID) { $this->progressImport($statusID); $startTimestamp = $currTimestamp = $prevTimestamp = time(); } // get the contents of the temp. import table $query = "SELECT * FROM $tableName"; if ($mode == self::MODE_IMPORT) { $query .= " WHERE $statusFieldName = 'NEW'"; } $result = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); while ($result->fetch()) { $values = array_values($result->toArray()); $this->_rowCount++; /* trim whitespace around the values */ foreach ($values as $k => $v) { $values[$k] = trim($v, " \t\r\n"); } if (CRM_Utils_System::isNull($values)) { continue; } $this->_totalCount++; if ($mode == self::MODE_MAPFIELD) { $returnCode = $this->mapField($values); } elseif ($mode == self::MODE_PREVIEW) { $returnCode = $this->preview($values); } elseif ($mode == self::MODE_SUMMARY) { $returnCode = $this->summary($values); } elseif ($mode == self::MODE_IMPORT) { //print "Running parser in import mode
\n"; $returnCode = $this->import($onDuplicate, $values, $doGeocodeAddress); if ($statusID && (($this->_rowCount % 50) == 0)) { $prevTimestamp = $this->progressImport($statusID, FALSE, $startTimestamp, $prevTimestamp, $totalRowCount); } } else { $returnCode = self::ERROR; } // note that a line could be valid but still produce a warning if ($returnCode & self::VALID) { $this->_validCount++; if ($mode == self::MODE_MAPFIELD) { $this->_rows[] = $values; $this->_activeFieldCount = max($this->_activeFieldCount, count($values)); } } if ($returnCode & self::WARNING) { $this->_warningCount++; if ($this->_warningCount < $this->_maxWarningCount) { $this->_warningCount[] = $line; } } if ($returnCode & self::ERROR) { $this->_invalidRowCount++; array_unshift($values, $this->_rowCount); $this->_errors[] = $values; } if ($returnCode & self::CONFLICT) { $this->_conflictCount++; array_unshift($values, $this->_rowCount); $this->_conflicts[] = $values; } if ($returnCode & self::NO_MATCH) { $this->_unMatchCount++; array_unshift($values, $this->_rowCount); $this->_unMatch[] = $values; } if ($returnCode & self::DUPLICATE) { $this->_duplicateCount++; array_unshift($values, $this->_rowCount); $this->_duplicates[] = $values; if ($onDuplicate != self::DUPLICATE_SKIP) { $this->_validCount++; } } if ($returnCode & self::UNPARSED_ADDRESS_WARNING) { $this->_unparsedAddressCount++; array_unshift($values, $this->_rowCount); $this->_unparsedAddresses[] = $values; } // we give the derived class a way of aborting the process // note that the return code could be multiple code or'ed together if ($returnCode & self::STOP) { break; } // if we are done processing the maxNumber of lines, break if ($this->_maxLinesToProcess > 0 && $this->_validCount >= $this->_maxLinesToProcess) { break; } // see if we've hit our timeout yet /* if ( $the_thing_with_the_stuff ) { do_something( ); } */ } if ($mode == self::MODE_PREVIEW || $mode == self::MODE_IMPORT) { $customHeaders = $mapper; $customfields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields($this->_contactType); foreach ($customHeaders as $key => $value) { if ($id = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($value)) { $customHeaders[$key] = $customfields[$id][0]; } } if ($this->_invalidRowCount) { // removed view url for invlaid contacts $headers = array_merge([ ts('Line Number'), ts('Reason'), ], $customHeaders); $this->_errorFileName = self::errorFileName(self::ERROR); self::exportCSV($this->_errorFileName, $headers, $this->_errors); } if ($this->_conflictCount) { $headers = array_merge([ ts('Line Number'), ts('Reason'), ], $customHeaders); $this->_conflictFileName = self::errorFileName(self::CONFLICT); self::exportCSV($this->_conflictFileName, $headers, $this->_conflicts); } if ($this->_duplicateCount) { $headers = array_merge([ ts('Line Number'), ts('View Contact URL'), ], $customHeaders); $this->_duplicateFileName = self::errorFileName(self::DUPLICATE); self::exportCSV($this->_duplicateFileName, $headers, $this->_duplicates); } if ($this->_unMatchCount) { $headers = array_merge([ ts('Line Number'), ts('Reason'), ], $customHeaders); $this->_misMatchFilemName = self::errorFileName(self::NO_MATCH); self::exportCSV($this->_misMatchFilemName, $headers, $this->_unMatch); } if ($this->_unparsedAddressCount) { $headers = array_merge([ ts('Line Number'), ts('Contact Edit URL'), ], $customHeaders); $this->_errorFileName = self::errorFileName(self::UNPARSED_ADDRESS_WARNING); self::exportCSV($this->_errorFileName, $headers, $this->_unparsedAddresses); } } //echo "$this->_totalCount,$this->_invalidRowCount,$this->_conflictCount,$this->_duplicateCount"; return $this->fini(); } /** * Given a list of the importable field keys that the user has selected. * set the active fields array to this list * * @param array $fieldKeys * Mapped array of values. */ public function setActiveFields($fieldKeys) { $this->_activeFieldCount = count($fieldKeys); foreach ($fieldKeys as $key) { if (empty($this->_fields[$key])) { $this->_activeFields[] = new CRM_Contact_Import_Field('', ts('- do not import -')); } else { $this->_activeFields[] = clone($this->_fields[$key]); } } } /** * @param $elements */ public function setActiveFieldLocationTypes($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_hasLocationType = $elements[$i]; } } /** * @param $elements */ /** * @param $elements */ public function setActiveFieldPhoneTypes($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_phoneType = $elements[$i]; } } /** * @param $elements */ public function setActiveFieldWebsiteTypes($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_websiteType = $elements[$i]; } } /** * Set IM Service Provider type fields. * * @param array $elements * IM service provider type ids. */ public function setActiveFieldImProviders($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_imProvider = $elements[$i]; } } /** * @param $elements */ public function setActiveFieldRelated($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_related = $elements[$i]; } } /** * @param $elements */ public function setActiveFieldRelatedContactType($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactType = $elements[$i]; } } /** * @param $elements */ public function setActiveFieldRelatedContactDetails($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails = $elements[$i]; } } /** * @param $elements */ public function setActiveFieldRelatedContactLocType($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactLocType = $elements[$i]; } } /** * Set active field for related contact's phone type. * * @param array $elements */ public function setActiveFieldRelatedContactPhoneType($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactPhoneType = $elements[$i]; } } /** * @param $elements */ public function setActiveFieldRelatedContactWebsiteType($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactWebsiteType = $elements[$i]; } } /** * Set IM Service Provider type fields for related contacts. * * @param array $elements * IM service provider type ids of related contact. */ public function setActiveFieldRelatedContactImProvider($elements) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) { $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactImProvider = $elements[$i]; } } /** * Format the field values for input to the api. * * @return array * (reference ) associative array of name/value pairs */ public function &getActiveFieldParams() { $params = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_activeFieldCount; $i++) { if ($this->_activeFields[$i]->_name == 'do_not_import') { continue; } if (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_value)) { if (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_hasLocationType)) { if (!isset($params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_name])) { $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_name] = []; } $value = [ $this->_activeFields[$i]->_name => $this->_activeFields[$i]->_value, 'location_type_id' => $this->_activeFields[$i]->_hasLocationType, ]; if (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_phoneType)) { $value['phone_type_id'] = $this->_activeFields[$i]->_phoneType; } // get IM service Provider type id if (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_imProvider)) { $value['provider_id'] = $this->_activeFields[$i]->_imProvider; } $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_name][] = $value; } elseif (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_websiteType)) { $value = [ $this->_activeFields[$i]->_name => $this->_activeFields[$i]->_value, 'website_type_id' => $this->_activeFields[$i]->_websiteType, ]; $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_name][] = $value; } if (!isset($params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_name])) { if (!isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_related)) { $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_name] = $this->_activeFields[$i]->_value; } } //minor fix for CRM-4062 if (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_related)) { if (!isset($params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related])) { $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related] = []; } if (!isset($params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related]['contact_type']) && !empty($this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactType)) { $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related]['contact_type'] = $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactType; } if (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactLocType) && !empty($this->_activeFields[$i]->_value)) { if (!empty($params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related][$this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails]) && !is_array($params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related][$this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails]) ) { $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related][$this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails] = []; } $value = [ $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails => $this->_activeFields[$i]->_value, 'location_type_id' => $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactLocType, ]; if (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactPhoneType)) { $value['phone_type_id'] = $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactPhoneType; } // get IM service Provider type id for related contact if (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactImProvider)) { $value['provider_id'] = $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactImProvider; } $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related][$this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails][] = $value; } elseif (isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactWebsiteType)) { $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related][$this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails][] = [ 'url' => $this->_activeFields[$i]->_value, 'website_type_id' => $this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactWebsiteType, ]; } elseif (empty($this->_activeFields[$i]->_value) && isset($this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactLocType)) { if (empty($params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related][$this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails])) { $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related][$this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails] = []; } } else { $params[$this->_activeFields[$i]->_related][$this->_activeFields[$i]->_relatedContactDetails] = $this->_activeFields[$i]->_value; } } } } return $params; } /** * @param string $name * @param $title * @param int $type * @param string $headerPattern * @param string $dataPattern * @param bool $hasLocationType */ public function addField( $name, $title, $type = CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT, $headerPattern = '//', $dataPattern = '//', $hasLocationType = FALSE ) { $this->_fields[$name] = new CRM_Contact_Import_Field($name, $title, $type, $headerPattern, $dataPattern, $hasLocationType); if (empty($name)) { $this->_fields['doNotImport'] = new CRM_Contact_Import_Field($name, $title, $type, $headerPattern, $dataPattern, $hasLocationType); } } /** * Store parser values. * * @param CRM_Core_Session $store * * @param int $mode */ public function set($store, $mode = self::MODE_SUMMARY) { $store->set('rowCount', $this->_rowCount); $store->set('fields', $this->getSelectValues()); $store->set('fieldTypes', $this->getSelectTypes()); $store->set('columnCount', $this->_activeFieldCount); $store->set('totalRowCount', $this->_totalCount); $store->set('validRowCount', $this->_validCount); $store->set('invalidRowCount', $this->_invalidRowCount); $store->set('conflictRowCount', $this->_conflictCount); $store->set('unMatchCount', $this->_unMatchCount); switch ($this->_contactType) { case 'Individual': $store->set('contactType', CRM_Import_Parser::CONTACT_INDIVIDUAL); break; case 'Household': $store->set('contactType', CRM_Import_Parser::CONTACT_HOUSEHOLD); break; case 'Organization': $store->set('contactType', CRM_Import_Parser::CONTACT_ORGANIZATION); } if ($this->_invalidRowCount) { $store->set('errorsFileName', $this->_errorFileName); } if ($this->_conflictCount) { $store->set('conflictsFileName', $this->_conflictFileName); } if (isset($this->_rows) && !empty($this->_rows)) { $store->set('dataValues', $this->_rows); } if ($this->_unMatchCount) { $store->set('mismatchFileName', $this->_misMatchFilemName); } if ($mode == self::MODE_IMPORT) { $store->set('duplicateRowCount', $this->_duplicateCount); $store->set('unparsedAddressCount', $this->_unparsedAddressCount); if ($this->_duplicateCount) { $store->set('duplicatesFileName', $this->_duplicateFileName); } if ($this->_unparsedAddressCount) { $store->set('errorsFileName', $this->_errorFileName); } } //echo "$this->_totalCount,$this->_invalidRowCount,$this->_conflictCount,$this->_duplicateCount"; } /** * Export data to a CSV file. * * @param string $fileName * @param array $header * @param array $data */ public static function exportCSV($fileName, $header, $data) { if (file_exists($fileName) && !is_writable($fileName)) { CRM_Core_Error::movedSiteError($fileName); } //hack to remove '_status', '_statusMsg' and '_id' from error file $errorValues = []; $dbRecordStatus = ['IMPORTED', 'ERROR', 'DUPLICATE', 'INVALID', 'NEW']; foreach ($data as $rowCount => $rowValues) { $count = 0; foreach ($rowValues as $key => $val) { if (in_array($val, $dbRecordStatus) && $count == (count($rowValues) - 3)) { break; } $errorValues[$rowCount][$key] = $val; $count++; } } $data = $errorValues; $output = []; $fd = fopen($fileName, 'w'); foreach ($header as $key => $value) { $header[$key] = "\"$value\""; } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $output[] = implode($config->fieldSeparator, $header); foreach ($data as $datum) { foreach ($datum as $key => $value) { $datum[$key] = "\"$value\""; } $output[] = implode($config->fieldSeparator, $datum); } fwrite($fd, implode("\n", $output)); fclose($fd); } /** * Update the record with PK $id in the import database table. * * @deprecated - call setImportStatus directly as the parameters are simpler, * * @param int $id * @param array $params */ public function updateImportRecord($id, $params): void { $this->setImportStatus((int) $id, $params[$this->_statusFieldName] ?? '', $params["{$this->_statusFieldName}Msg"] ?? ''); } /** * Set the import status for the given record. * * If this is a sql import then the sql table will be used and the update * will not happen as the relevant fields don't exist in the table - hence * the checks that statusField & primary key are set. * * @param int $id * @param string $status * @param string $message */ public function setImportStatus(int $id, string $status, string $message): void { if ($this->_statusFieldName && $this->_primaryKeyName) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" UPDATE $this->_tableName SET $this->_statusFieldName = %1, {$this->_statusFieldName}Msg = %2 WHERE $this->_primaryKeyName = %3 ", [ 1 => [$status, 'String'], 2 => [$message, 'String'], 3 => [$id, 'Integer'], ]); } } /** * Format contact parameters. * * @todo this function needs re-writing & re-merging into the main function. * * Here be dragons. * * @param array $values * @param array $params * * @return bool */ protected function formatContactParameters(&$values, &$params) { // Crawl through the possible classes: // Contact // Individual // Household // Organization // Location // Address // Email // Phone // IM // Note // Custom // first add core contact values since for other Civi modules they are not added $contactFields = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::fields(); _civicrm_api3_store_values($contactFields, $values, $params); if (isset($values['contact_type'])) { // we're an individual/household/org property $fields[$values['contact_type']] = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::fields(); _civicrm_api3_store_values($fields[$values['contact_type']], $values, $params); return TRUE; } // Cache the various object fields // @todo - remove this after confirming this is just a compilation of other-wise-cached fields. static $fields = []; if (isset($values['individual_prefix'])) { if (!empty($params['prefix_id'])) { $prefixes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', 'prefix_id'); $params['prefix'] = $prefixes[$params['prefix_id']]; } else { $params['prefix'] = $values['individual_prefix']; } return TRUE; } if (isset($values['individual_suffix'])) { if (!empty($params['suffix_id'])) { $suffixes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', 'suffix_id'); $params['suffix'] = $suffixes[$params['suffix_id']]; } else { $params['suffix'] = $values['individual_suffix']; } return TRUE; } // CRM-4575 if (isset($values['email_greeting'])) { if (!empty($params['email_greeting_id'])) { $emailGreetingFilter = [ 'contact_type' => $params['contact_type'] ?? NULL, 'greeting_type' => 'email_greeting', ]; $emailGreetings = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::greeting($emailGreetingFilter); $params['email_greeting'] = $emailGreetings[$params['email_greeting_id']]; } else { $params['email_greeting'] = $values['email_greeting']; } return TRUE; } if (isset($values['postal_greeting'])) { if (!empty($params['postal_greeting_id'])) { $postalGreetingFilter = [ 'contact_type' => $params['contact_type'] ?? NULL, 'greeting_type' => 'postal_greeting', ]; $postalGreetings = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::greeting($postalGreetingFilter); $params['postal_greeting'] = $postalGreetings[$params['postal_greeting_id']]; } else { $params['postal_greeting'] = $values['postal_greeting']; } return TRUE; } if (isset($values['addressee'])) { $params['addressee'] = $values['addressee']; return TRUE; } if (isset($values['gender'])) { if (!empty($params['gender_id'])) { $genders = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', 'gender_id'); $params['gender'] = $genders[$params['gender_id']]; } else { $params['gender'] = $values['gender']; } return TRUE; } if (!empty($values['preferred_communication_method'])) { $comm = []; $pcm = array_change_key_case(array_flip(CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', 'preferred_communication_method')), CASE_LOWER); $preffComm = explode(',', $values['preferred_communication_method']); foreach ($preffComm as $v) { $v = strtolower(trim($v)); if (array_key_exists($v, $pcm)) { $comm[$pcm[$v]] = 1; } } $params['preferred_communication_method'] = $comm; return TRUE; } // format the website params. if (!empty($values['url'])) { static $websiteFields; if (!is_array($websiteFields)) { $websiteFields = CRM_Core_DAO_Website::fields(); } if (!array_key_exists('website', $params) || !is_array($params['website']) ) { $params['website'] = []; } $websiteCount = count($params['website']); _civicrm_api3_store_values($websiteFields, $values, $params['website'][++$websiteCount] ); return TRUE; } if (isset($values['note'])) { // add a note field if (!isset($params['note'])) { $params['note'] = []; } $noteBlock = count($params['note']) + 1; $params['note'][$noteBlock] = []; if (!isset($fields['Note'])) { $fields['Note'] = CRM_Core_DAO_Note::fields(); } // get the current logged in civicrm user $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $userID = $session->get('userID'); if ($userID) { $values['contact_id'] = $userID; } _civicrm_api3_store_values($fields['Note'], $values, $params['note'][$noteBlock]); return TRUE; } // Check for custom field values $customFields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields(CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_type', $values), FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if ($customFieldID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($key)) { // check if it's a valid custom field id if (!array_key_exists($customFieldID, $customFields)) { return civicrm_api3_create_error('Invalid custom field ID'); } else { $params[$key] = $value; } } } return TRUE; } /** * Format location block ready for importing. * * There is some test coverage for this in CRM_Contact_Import_Parser_ContactTest * e.g. testImportPrimaryAddress. * * @param array $values * @param array $params * * @return bool */ protected function formatLocationBlock(&$values, &$params) { $blockTypes = [ 'phone' => 'Phone', 'email' => 'Email', 'im' => 'IM', 'openid' => 'OpenID', 'phone_ext' => 'Phone', ]; foreach ($blockTypes as $blockFieldName => $block) { if (!array_key_exists($blockFieldName, $values)) { continue; } $blockIndex = $values['location_type_id'] . (!empty($values['phone_type_id']) ? '_' . $values['phone_type_id'] : ''); // block present in value array. if (!array_key_exists($blockFieldName, $params) || !is_array($params[$blockFieldName])) { $params[$blockFieldName] = []; } $fields[$block] = $this->getMetadataForEntity($block); // copy value to dao field name. if ($blockFieldName == 'im') { $values['name'] = $values[$blockFieldName]; } _civicrm_api3_store_values($fields[$block], $values, $params[$blockFieldName][$blockIndex] ); $this->fillPrimary($params[$blockFieldName][$blockIndex], $values, $block, CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)); if (empty($params['id']) && (count($params[$blockFieldName]) == 1)) { $params[$blockFieldName][$blockIndex]['is_primary'] = TRUE; } // we only process single block at a time. return TRUE; } // handle address fields. if (!array_key_exists('address', $params) || !is_array($params['address'])) { $params['address'] = []; } // Note: we doing multiple value formatting here for address custom fields, plus putting into right format. // The actual formatting (like date, country ..etc) for address custom fields is taken care of while saving // the address in CRM_Core_BAO_Address::create method if (!empty($values['location_type_id'])) { static $customFields = []; if (empty($customFields)) { $customFields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields('Address'); } // make a copy of values, as we going to make changes $newValues = $values; foreach ($values as $key => $val) { $customFieldID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($key); if ($customFieldID && array_key_exists($customFieldID, $customFields)) { $htmlType = $customFields[$customFieldID]['html_type'] ?? NULL; if (CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::isSerialized($customFields[$customFieldID]) && $val) { $mulValues = explode(',', $val); $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($customFieldID, TRUE); $newValues[$key] = []; foreach ($mulValues as $v1) { foreach ($customOption as $v2) { if ((strtolower($v2['label']) == strtolower(trim($v1))) || (strtolower($v2['value']) == strtolower(trim($v1))) ) { if ($htmlType == 'CheckBox') { $newValues[$key][$v2['value']] = 1; } else { $newValues[$key][] = $v2['value']; } } } } } } } // consider new values $values = $newValues; } $fields['Address'] = $this->getMetadataForEntity('Address'); // @todo this is kinda replicated below.... _civicrm_api3_store_values($fields['Address'], $values, $params['address'][$values['location_type_id']]); $addressFields = [ 'county', 'country', 'state_province', 'supplemental_address_1', 'supplemental_address_2', 'supplemental_address_3', 'StateProvince.name', ]; foreach (array_keys($customFields) as $customFieldID) { $addressFields[] = 'custom_' . $customFieldID; } foreach ($addressFields as $field) { if (array_key_exists($field, $values)) { if (!array_key_exists('address', $params)) { $params['address'] = []; } $params['address'][$values['location_type_id']][$field] = $values[$field]; } } $this->fillPrimary($params['address'][$values['location_type_id']], $values, 'address', CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params)); return TRUE; } /** * Get the field metadata for the relevant entity. * * @param string $entity * * @return array */ protected function getMetadataForEntity($entity) { if (!isset($this->fieldMetadata[$entity])) { $className = "CRM_Core_DAO_$entity"; $this->fieldMetadata[$entity] = $className::fields(); } return $this->fieldMetadata[$entity]; } /** * Fill in the primary location. * * If the contact has a primary address we update it. Otherwise * we add an address of the default location type. * * @param array $params * Address block parameters * @param array $values * Input values * @param string $entity * - address, email, phone * @param int|null $contactID * * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ protected function fillPrimary(&$params, $values, $entity, $contactID) { if ($values['location_type_id'] === 'Primary') { if ($contactID) { $primary = civicrm_api3($entity, 'get', [ 'return' => 'location_type_id', 'contact_id' => $contactID, 'is_primary' => 1, 'sequential' => 1, ]); } $defaultLocationType = CRM_Core_BAO_LocationType::getDefault(); $params['location_type_id'] = (int) (isset($primary) && $primary['count']) ? $primary['values'][0]['location_type_id'] : $defaultLocationType->id; $params['is_primary'] = 1; } } }