name = $name; $this->label = $label; } /** * Get label. * * @return string */ public function getLabel() { return $this->label; } /** * Get name. * * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Execute a query and write out a page worth of matches to $detailTable. * * TODO: Consider removing $entityIDTableName from the function-signature. Each implementation could be * responsible for its own temp tables. * * TODO: Understand why $queryLimit and $detailLimit are different * * @param string $queryText * A string of text to search for. * @param string $entityIDTableName * A temporary table into which we can write a list of all matching IDs. * @param string $detailTable * A table into which we can write details about a page worth of matches. * @param array|NULL $queryLimit overall limit (applied when building $entityIDTableName) * NULL if no limit; or array(0 => $limit, 1 => $offset) * @param array|NULL $detailLimit final limit (applied when building $detailTable) * NULL if no limit; or array(0 => $limit, 1 => $offset) * @return array * keys: match-descriptor * - count: int */ public abstract function fillTempTable($queryText, $entityIDTableName, $detailTable, $queryLimit, $detailLimit); /** * @return bool */ public function isActive() { return TRUE; } /** * @param $tables * @param $extends */ public function fillCustomInfo(&$tables, $extends) { $sql = " SELECT cg.table_name, cf.column_name FROM civicrm_custom_group cg INNER JOIN civicrm_custom_field cf ON cf.custom_group_id = WHERE cg.extends IN $extends AND cg.is_active = 1 AND cf.is_active = 1 AND cf.is_searchable = 1 AND cf.html_type IN ( 'Text', 'TextArea', 'RichTextEditor' ) "; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); while ($dao->fetch()) { if (!array_key_exists($dao->table_name, $tables)) { $tables[$dao->table_name] = array( 'id' => 'entity_id', 'fields' => array(), ); } $tables[$dao->table_name]['fields'][$dao->column_name] = NULL; } } /** * @param string $queryText * @param array $tables * A list of places to query. Keys may be:. * - sql: an array of SQL queries to execute * - final: an array of SQL queries to execute at the end * - *: All other keys are treated as table names * @return array * keys: match-descriptor * - count: int * - files: NULL | array */ public function runQueries($queryText, &$tables, $entityIDTableName, $limit) { $sql = "TRUNCATE {$entityIDTableName}"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); $files = NULL; foreach ($tables as $tableName => $tableValues) { if ($tableName == 'final') { continue; } else { if ($tableName == 'sql') { foreach ($tableValues as $sqlStatement) { $sql = " REPLACE INTO {$entityIDTableName} ( entity_id ) $sqlStatement {$this->toLimit($limit)} "; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); } } elseif ($tableName == 'file') { $searcher = CRM_Core_BAO_File::getSearchService(); if (!($searcher && CRM_Core_Permission::check('access uploaded files'))) { continue; } $query = $tableValues + array( 'text' => CRM_Utils_QueryFormatter::singleton() ->format($queryText, CRM_Utils_QueryFormatter::LANG_SOLR), ); list($intLimit, $intOffset) = $this->parseLimitOffset($limit); $files = $searcher->search($query, $intLimit, $intOffset); $matches = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $matches[] = array('entity_id' => $file['xparent_id']); } if ($matches) { $insertSql = CRM_Utils_SQL_Insert::into($entityIDTableName)->usingReplace()->rows($matches)->toSQL(); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($insertSql); } } else { $fullTextFields = array(); // array (string $sqlColumnName) $clauses = array(); // array (string $sqlExpression) foreach ($tableValues['fields'] as $fieldName => $fieldType) { if ($fieldType == 'Int') { if (is_numeric($queryText)) { $clauses[] = "$fieldName = {$queryText}"; } } else { $fullTextFields[] = $fieldName; } } if (!empty($fullTextFields)) { $clauses[] = $this->matchText($tableName, $fullTextFields, $queryText); } if (empty($clauses)) { continue; } $whereClause = implode(' OR ', $clauses); //resolve conflict between entity tables. if ($tableName == 'civicrm_note' && $entityTable = CRM_Utils_Array::value('entity_table', $tableValues) ) { $whereClause .= " AND entity_table = '{$entityTable}'"; } $sql = " REPLACE INTO {$entityIDTableName} ( entity_id ) SELECT {$tableValues['id']} FROM $tableName WHERE ( $whereClause ) AND {$tableValues['id']} IS NOT NULL GROUP BY {$tableValues['id']} {$this->toLimit($limit)} "; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); } } } if (isset($tables['final'])) { foreach ($tables['final'] as $sqlStatement) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sqlStatement); } } return array( 'count' => CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM {$entityIDTableName}"), 'files' => $files, ); } /** * Create a SQL expression for matching against a list of. * text columns. * * @param string $table * Eg "civicrm_note" or "civicrm_note mynote". * @param array|string $fullTextFields list of field names * @param string $queryText * @return string * SQL, eg "MATCH (col1) AGAINST (queryText)" or "col1 LIKE '%queryText%'" */ public function matchText($table, $fullTextFields, $queryText) { $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower'; if (strpos($table, ' ') === FALSE) { $tableName = $tableAlias = $table; } else { list ($tableName, $tableAlias) = explode(' ', $table); } if (is_scalar($fullTextFields)) { $fullTextFields = array($fullTextFields); } $clauses = array(); if (CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer::singleton()->hasDeclaredIndex($tableName, $fullTextFields)) { $formattedQuery = CRM_Utils_QueryFormatter::singleton() ->format($queryText, CRM_Utils_QueryFormatter::LANG_SQL_FTSBOOL); $prefixedFieldNames = array(); foreach ($fullTextFields as $fieldName) { $prefixedFieldNames[] = "$tableAlias.$fieldName"; } $clauses[] = sprintf("MATCH (%s) AGAINST ('%s' IN BOOLEAN MODE)", implode(',', $prefixedFieldNames), $strtolower(CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($formattedQuery)) ); } else { //CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Cannot use FTS for %1 (%2)', array( // 1 => $table, // 2 => implode(', ', $fullTextFields), //))); $formattedQuery = CRM_Utils_QueryFormatter::singleton() ->format($queryText, CRM_Utils_QueryFormatter::LANG_SQL_LIKE); $escapedText = $strtolower(CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($formattedQuery)); foreach ($fullTextFields as $fieldName) { $clauses[] = "$tableAlias.$fieldName LIKE '{$escapedText}'"; } } return implode(' OR ', $clauses); } /** * For any records in $toTable that originated with this query, * append file information. * * @param string $toTable * @param string $parentIdColumn * @param array $files * See return format of CRM_Core_FileSearchInterface::search. */ public function moveFileIDs($toTable, $parentIdColumn, $files) { if (empty($files)) { return; } $filesIndex = CRM_Utils_Array::index(array('xparent_id', 'file_id'), $files); // ex: $filesIndex[$xparent_id][$file_id] = array(...the file record...); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" SELECT distinct {$parentIdColumn} FROM {$toTable} WHERE table_name = %1 ", array( 1 => array($this->getName(), 'String'), )); while ($dao->fetch()) { if (empty($filesIndex[$dao->{$parentIdColumn}])) { continue; } CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("UPDATE {$toTable} SET file_ids = %1 WHERE table_name = %2 AND {$parentIdColumn} = %3 ", array( 1 => array(implode(',', array_keys($filesIndex[$dao->{$parentIdColumn}])), 'String'), 2 => array($this->getName(), 'String'), 3 => array($dao->{$parentIdColumn}, 'Int'), )); } } /** * @param int|array $limit * @return string * SQL * @see CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText::toLimit */ public function toLimit($limit) { if (is_array($limit)) { list ($limit, $offset) = $limit; } if (empty($limit)) { return ''; } $result = "LIMIT {$limit}"; if ($offset) { $result .= " OFFSET {$offset}"; } return $result; } /** * @param array|int $limit * @return array * (0 => $limit, 1 => $offset) */ public function parseLimitOffset($limit) { if (is_scalar($limit)) { $intLimit = $limit; } else { list ($intLimit, $intOffset) = $limit; } if (!$intOffset) { $intOffset = 0; } return array($intLimit, $intOffset); } }