selectAdd(); $savedSearch->selectAdd('id, name'); $savedSearch->find(); while ($savedSearch->fetch()) { $aSavedSearch[$savedSearch->id] = $savedSearch->name; } return $aSavedSearch; } /** * Retrieve DB object based on input parameters. * * It also stores all the retrieved values in the default array. * * @param array $params * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs. * @param array $defaults * (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values. * * @return CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch */ public static function retrieve(&$params, &$defaults) { $savedSearch = new CRM_Contact_DAO_SavedSearch(); $savedSearch->copyValues($params); if ($savedSearch->find(TRUE)) { CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($savedSearch, $defaults); return $savedSearch; } return NULL; } /** * Given an id, extract the formValues of the saved search * * @param int $id * The id of the saved search. * * @return array * the values of the posted saved search */ public static function &getFormValues($id) { $fv = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_SavedSearch', $id, 'form_values'); $result = NULL; if ($fv) { // make sure u unserialize - since it's stored in serialized form $result = unserialize($fv); } // check to see if we need to convert the old privacy array // CRM-9180 if (isset($result['privacy'])) { if (is_array($result['privacy'])) { $result['privacy_operator'] = 'AND'; $result['privacy_toggle'] = 1; if (isset($result['privacy']['do_not_toggle'])) { if ($result['privacy']['do_not_toggle']) { $result['privacy_toggle'] = 2; } unset($result['privacy']['do_not_toggle']); } $result['privacy_options'] = array(); foreach ($result['privacy'] as $name => $value) { if ($value) { $result['privacy_options'][] = $name; } } } unset($result['privacy']); } return $result; } /** * @param int $id * * @return array */ public static function getSearchParams($id) { $fv = self::getFormValues($id); //check if the saved search has mapping id if (CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_SavedSearch', $id, 'mapping_id')) { return CRM_Core_BAO_Mapping::formattedFields($fv); } elseif (!empty($fv['customSearchID'])) { return $fv; } else { return CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::convertFormValues($fv); } } /** * Get the where clause for a saved search. * * @param int $id * Saved search id. * @param array $tables * (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the select clause. * @param array $whereTables * (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the where clause. * * @return string * the where clause for this saved search */ public static function whereClause($id, &$tables, &$whereTables) { $params = self::getSearchParams($id); if ($params) { if (!empty($params['customSearchID'])) { // this has not yet been implemented } else { return CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::getWhereClause($params, NULL, $tables, $whereTables); } } return NULL; } /** * @param int $id * * @return string */ public static function contactIDsSQL($id) { $params = self::getSearchParams($id); if ($params && !empty($params['customSearchID'])) { return CRM_Contact_BAO_SearchCustom::contactIDSQL(NULL, $id); } else { $tables = $whereTables = array('civicrm_contact' => 1); $where = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::whereClause($id, $tables, $whereTables); if (!$where) { $where = '( 1 )'; } $from = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::fromClause($whereTables); return " SELECT $from WHERE $where"; } } /** * @param int $id * * @return array */ public static function fromWhereEmail($id) { $params = self::getSearchParams($id); if ($params) { if (!empty($params['customSearchID'])) { return CRM_Contact_BAO_SearchCustom::fromWhereEmail(NULL, $id); } else { $tables = $whereTables = array('civicrm_contact' => 1, 'civicrm_email' => 1); $where = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::whereClause($id, $tables, $whereTables); $from = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::fromClause($whereTables); return array($from, $where); } } else { // fix for CRM-7240 $from = " FROM civicrm_contact contact_a LEFT JOIN civicrm_email ON ( = civicrm_email.contact_id AND civicrm_email.is_primary = 1) "; $where = " ( 1 ) "; $tables['civicrm_contact'] = $whereTables['civicrm_contact'] = 1; $tables['civicrm_email'] = $whereTables['civicrm_email'] = 1; return array($from, $where); } } /** * Given a saved search compute the clause and the tables * and store it for future use */ public function buildClause() { $fv = unserialize($this->form_values); if ($this->mapping_id) { $params = CRM_Core_BAO_Mapping::formattedFields($fv); } else { $params = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::convertFormValues($fv); } if (!empty($params)) { $tables = $whereTables = array(); $this->where_clause = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::getWhereClause($params, NULL, $tables, $whereTables); if (!empty($tables)) { $this->select_tables = serialize($tables); } if (!empty($whereTables)) { $this->where_tables = serialize($whereTables); } } } public function save() { // first build the computed fields $this->buildClause(); parent::save(); } /** * Given an id, get the name of the saved search * * @param int $id * The id of the saved search. * * @param string $value * * @return string * the name of the saved search */ public static function getName($id, $value = 'name') { $group = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Group(); $group->saved_search_id = $id; if ($group->find(TRUE)) { return $group->$value; } return NULL; } /** * Given a label and a set of normalized POST * formValues, create a smart group with that */ public static function create(&$params) { $savedSearch = new CRM_Contact_DAO_SavedSearch(); if (isset($params['formValues']) && !empty($params['formValues']) ) { $savedSearch->form_values = serialize($params['formValues']); } else { $savedSearch->form_values = NULL; } $savedSearch->is_active = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_active', $params, 1); $savedSearch->mapping_id = CRM_Utils_Array::value('mapping_id', $params, 'null'); $savedSearch->custom_search_id = CRM_Utils_Array::value('custom_search_id', $params, 'null'); $savedSearch->id = CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params, NULL); $savedSearch->save(); return $savedSearch; } protected function assignTestValue($fieldName, &$fieldDef, $counter) { if ($fieldName == 'form_values') { // A dummy value for form_values. $this->{$fieldName} = serialize( array('sort_name' => "SortName{$counter}")); } else { parent::assignTestValues($fieldName, $fieldDef, $counter); } } }