ts('Opportunistic Flush'), // Flush expired caches via background cron jobs. 'deterministic' => ts('Cron Flush'), ]; } /** * Check to see if we have cache entries for this group. * * If not, regenerate, else return. * * @param array $groupIDs * Of group that we are checking against. * * @return bool * TRUE if we did not regenerate, FALSE if we did */ public static function check($groupIDs) { if (empty($groupIDs)) { return TRUE; } return self::loadAll($groupIDs); } /** * Formulate the query to see which groups needs to be refreshed. * * The calculation is based on their cache date and the smartGroupCacheTimeOut * * @param string $groupIDClause * The clause which limits which groups we need to evaluate. * @param bool $includeHiddenGroups * Hidden groups are excluded by default. * * @return string * the sql query which lists the groups that need to be refreshed */ public static function groupRefreshedClause($groupIDClause = NULL, $includeHiddenGroups = FALSE) { $smartGroupCacheTimeoutDateTime = self::getCacheInvalidDateTime(); $query = " SELECT g.id FROM civicrm_group g WHERE ( g.saved_search_id IS NOT NULL OR g.children IS NOT NULL ) AND g.is_active = 1 AND ( g.cache_date IS NULL OR cache_date <= $smartGroupCacheTimeoutDateTime OR NOW() >= g.refresh_date )"; if (!$includeHiddenGroups) { $query .= "AND (g.is_hidden = 0 OR g.is_hidden IS NULL)"; } if (!empty($groupIDClause)) { $query .= " AND ( $groupIDClause ) "; } return $query; } /** * Check to see if a group has been refreshed recently. * * This is primarily used in a locking scenario when some other process might have refreshed things underneath * this process * * @param int $groupID * The group ID. * @param bool $includeHiddenGroups * Hidden groups are excluded by default. * * @return string * the sql query which lists the groups that need to be refreshed */ public static function shouldGroupBeRefreshed($groupID, $includeHiddenGroups = FALSE) { $query = self::groupRefreshedClause("g.id = %1", $includeHiddenGroups); $params = [1 => [$groupID, 'Integer']]; // if the query returns the group ID, it means the group is a valid candidate for refreshing return CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query, $params); } /** * Check to see if we have cache entries for this group. * * if not, regenerate, else return * * @param int|array $groupIDs groupIDs of group that we are checking against * if empty, all groups are checked * @param int $limit * Limits the number of groups we evaluate. * * @return bool * TRUE if we did not regenerate, FALSE if we did */ public static function loadAll($groupIDs = NULL, $limit = 0) { // ensure that all the smart groups are loaded // this function is expensive and should be sparingly used if groupIDs is empty if (empty($groupIDs)) { $groupIDClause = NULL; $groupIDs = []; } else { if (!is_array($groupIDs)) { $groupIDs = [$groupIDs]; } // note escapeString is a must here and we can't send the imploded value as second argument to // the executeQuery(), since that would put single quote around the string and such a string // of comma separated integers would not work. $groupIDString = CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString(implode(', ', $groupIDs)); $groupIDClause = "g.id IN ({$groupIDString})"; } $query = self::groupRefreshedClause($groupIDClause); $limitClause = $orderClause = NULL; if ($limit > 0) { $limitClause = " LIMIT 0, $limit"; $orderClause = " ORDER BY g.cache_date, g.refresh_date"; } // We ignore hidden groups and disabled groups $query .= " $orderClause $limitClause "; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); $processGroupIDs = []; $refreshGroupIDs = $groupIDs; while ($dao->fetch()) { $processGroupIDs[] = $dao->id; // remove this id from refreshGroupIDs foreach ($refreshGroupIDs as $idx => $gid) { if ($gid == $dao->id) { unset($refreshGroupIDs[$idx]); break; } } } if (!empty($refreshGroupIDs)) { $refreshGroupIDString = CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString(implode(', ', $refreshGroupIDs)); $time = self::getRefreshDateTime(); $query = " UPDATE civicrm_group g SET g.refresh_date = $time WHERE g.id IN ( {$refreshGroupIDString} ) AND g.refresh_date IS NULL "; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); } if (empty($processGroupIDs)) { return TRUE; } else { self::add($processGroupIDs); return FALSE; } } /** * Build the smart group cache for given groups. * * @param array $groupIDs */ public static function add($groupIDs) { $groupIDs = (array) $groupIDs; foreach ($groupIDs as $groupID) { // first delete the current cache self::clearGroupContactCache($groupID); $params = [['group', 'IN', [$groupID], 0, 0]]; // the below call updates the cache table as a byproduct of the query CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::apiQuery($params, ['contact_id'], NULL, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE); } } /** * Store values into the group contact cache. * * @todo review use of INSERT IGNORE. This function appears to be slower that inserting * with a left join. Also, 200 at once seems too little. * * @param array $groupID * @param array $values */ public static function store($groupID, &$values) { $processed = FALSE; // sort the values so we put group IDs in front and hence optimize // mysql storage (or so we think) CRM-9493 sort($values); // to avoid long strings, lets do BULK_INSERT_COUNT values at a time while (!empty($values)) { $processed = TRUE; $input = array_splice($values, 0, CRM_Core_DAO::BULK_INSERT_COUNT); $str = implode(',', $input); $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO civicrm_group_contact_cache (group_id,contact_id) VALUES $str;"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); } self::updateCacheTime($groupID, $processed); } /** * Change the cache_date. * * @param array $groupID * @param bool $processed * Whether the cache data was recently modified. */ public static function updateCacheTime($groupID, $processed) { // only update cache entry if we had any values if ($processed) { // also update the group with cache date information $now = date('YmdHis'); $refresh = 'null'; } else { $now = 'null'; $refresh = 'null'; } $groupIDs = implode(',', $groupID); $sql = " UPDATE civicrm_group SET cache_date = $now, refresh_date = $refresh WHERE id IN ( $groupIDs ) "; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); } /** * @deprecated function - the best function to call is * CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::updateContactCache at the moment, or api job.group_cache_flush * to really force a flush. * * Remove this function altogether by mid 2018. * * However, if updating code outside core to use this (or any BAO function) it is recommended that * you add an api call to lock in into our contract. Currently there is not really a supported * method for non core functions. */ public static function remove() { Civi::log() ->warning('Deprecated code. This function should not be called without groupIDs. Extensions can use the api job.group_cache_flush for a hard flush or add an api option for soft flush', ['civi.tag' => 'deprecated']); CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContactCache::opportunisticCacheFlush(); } /** * Function to clear group contact cache and reset the corresponding * group's cache and refresh date * * @param int $groupID * */ public static function clearGroupContactCache($groupID) { $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); $query = " DELETE g FROM civicrm_group_contact_cache g WHERE g.group_id = %1 "; $update = " UPDATE civicrm_group g SET cache_date = null, refresh_date = null WHERE id = %1 "; $params = [ 1 => [$groupID, 'Integer'], ]; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params); // also update the cache_date for these groups CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($update, $params); unset(self::$_alreadyLoaded[$groupID]); $transaction->commit(); } /** * Refresh the smart group cache tables. * * This involves clearing out any aged entries (based on the site timeout setting) and resetting the time outs. * * This function should be called via the opportunistic or deterministic cache refresh function to make the intent * clear. */ protected static function flushCaches() { try { $lock = self::getLockForRefresh(); } catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) { // Someone else is kindly doing the refresh for us right now. return; } $params = [1 => [self::getCacheInvalidDateTime(), 'String']]; // @todo this is consistent with previous behaviour but as the first query could take several seconds the second // could become inaccurate. It seems to make more sense to fetch them first & delete from an array (which would // also reduce joins). If we do this we should also consider how best to iterate the groups. If we do them one at // a time we could call a hook, allowing people to manage the frequency on their groups, or possibly custom searches // might do that too. However, for 2000 groups that's 2000 iterations. If we do all once we potentially create a // slow query. It's worth noting the speed issue generally relates to the size of the group but if one slow group // is in a query with 500 fast ones all 500 get locked. One approach might be to calculate group size or the // number of groups & then process all at once or many query runs depending on what is found. Of course those // preliminary queries would need speed testing. CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery( " DELETE gc FROM civicrm_group_contact_cache gc INNER JOIN civicrm_group g ON g.id = gc.group_id WHERE g.cache_date <= %1 ", $params ); // Clear these out without resetting them because we are not building caches here, only clearing them, // so the state is 'as if they had never been built'. CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery( " UPDATE civicrm_group g SET cache_date = NULL, refresh_date = NULL WHERE g.cache_date <= %1 ", $params ); $lock->release(); } /** * Check if the refresh is already initiated. * * We have 2 imperfect methods for this: * 1) a static variable in the function. This works fine within a request * 2) a mysql lock. This works fine as long as CiviMail is not running, or if mysql is version 5.7+ * * Where these 2 locks fail we get 2 processes running at the same time, but we have at least minimised that. * * @return \Civi\Core\Lock\LockInterface * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected static function getLockForRefresh() { if (!isset(Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['is_refresh_init'])) { Civi::$statics[__CLASS__] = ['is_refresh_init' => FALSE]; } if (Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['is_refresh_init']) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception('A refresh has already run in this process'); } $lock = Civi::lockManager()->acquire('data.core.group.refresh'); if ($lock->isAcquired()) { Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['is_refresh_init'] = TRUE; return $lock; } throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Mysql lock unavailable'); } /** * Do an opportunistic cache refresh if the site is configured for these. * * Sites that do not run the smart group clearing cron job should refresh the * caches on demand. The user session will be forced to wait so it is less * ideal. */ public static function opportunisticCacheFlush() { if (Civi::settings()->get('smart_group_cache_refresh_mode') == 'opportunistic') { self::flushCaches(); } } /** * Do a forced cache refresh. * * This function is appropriate to be called by system jobs & non-user sessions. */ public static function deterministicCacheFlush() { if (self::smartGroupCacheTimeout() == 0) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("TRUNCATE civicrm_group_contact_cache"); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" UPDATE civicrm_group g SET cache_date = null, refresh_date = null"); } else { self::flushCaches(); } } /** * Remove one or more contacts from the smart group cache. * * @param int|array $cid * @param int $groupId * * @return bool * TRUE if successful. */ public static function removeContact($cid, $groupId = NULL) { $cids = []; // sanitize input foreach ((array) $cid as $c) { $cids[] = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($c, 'Integer'); } if ($cids) { $condition = count($cids) == 1 ? "= {$cids[0]}" : "IN (" . implode(',', $cids) . ")"; if ($groupId) { $condition .= " AND group_id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($groupId, 'Integer'); } $sql = "DELETE FROM civicrm_group_contact_cache WHERE contact_id $condition"; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Load the smart group cache for a saved search. * * @param object $group * The smart group that needs to be loaded. * @param bool $force * Should we force a search through. */ public static function load(&$group, $force = FALSE) { $groupID = $group->id; $savedSearchID = $group->saved_search_id; if (array_key_exists($groupID, self::$_alreadyLoaded) && !$force) { return; } self::$_alreadyLoaded[$groupID] = 1; // FIXME: some other process could have actually done the work before we got here, // Ensure that work needs to be done before continuing if (!$force && !self::shouldGroupBeRefreshed($groupID, TRUE)) { return; } $sql = NULL; $customClass = NULL; if ($savedSearchID) { $ssParams = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::getSearchParams($savedSearchID); // rectify params to what proximity search expects if there is a value for prox_distance // CRM-7021 if (!empty($ssParams)) { CRM_Contact_BAO_ProximityQuery::fixInputParams($ssParams); } $returnProperties = []; if (CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_SavedSearch', $savedSearchID, 'mapping_id')) { $fv = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::getFormValues($savedSearchID); $returnProperties = CRM_Core_BAO_Mapping::returnProperties($fv); } if (isset($ssParams['customSearchID'])) { // if custom search // we split it up and store custom class // so temp tables are not destroyed if they are used // hence customClass is defined above at top of function $customClass = CRM_Contact_BAO_SearchCustom::customClass($ssParams['customSearchID'], $savedSearchID); $searchSQL = $customClass->contactIDs(); $searchSQL = str_replace('ORDER BY contact_a.id ASC', '', $searchSQL); if (!strstr($searchSQL, 'WHERE')) { $searchSQL .= " WHERE ( 1 ) "; } $sql = [ 'select' => substr($searchSQL, 0, strpos($searchSQL, 'FROM')), 'from' => substr($searchSQL, strpos($searchSQL, 'FROM')), ]; } else { $formValues = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::getFormValues($savedSearchID); // CRM-17075 using the formValues in this way imposes extra logic and complexity. // we have the where_clause and where tables stored in the saved_search table // and should use these rather than re-processing the form criteria (which over-works // the link between the form layer & the query layer too). // It's hard to think of when you would want to use anything other than return // properties = array('contact_id' => 1) here as the point would appear to be to // generate the list of contact ids in the group. // @todo review this to use values in saved_search table (preferably for 4.8). $query = new CRM_Contact_BAO_Query( $ssParams, $returnProperties, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 1, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, CRM_Utils_Array::value('display_relationship_type', $formValues), CRM_Utils_Array::value('operator', $formValues, 'AND') ); $query->_useDistinct = FALSE; $query->_useGroupBy = FALSE; $sqlParts = $query->getSearchSQLParts( 0, 0, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ); $sql = [ 'select' => $sqlParts['select'], 'from' => "{$sqlParts['from']} {$sqlParts['where']} {$sqlParts['having']} {$sqlParts['group_by']}", ]; } $groupID = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($groupID, 'Integer'); $sql['from'] .= " AND contact_a.id NOT IN ( SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_group_contact WHERE civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Removed' AND civicrm_group_contact.group_id = $groupID ) "; } if (!empty($sql['select'])) { $sql['select'] = preg_replace("/^\s*SELECT/", "SELECT $groupID as group_id, ", $sql['select']); } $groupContactsTempTable = CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()->setCategory('gccache')->setMemory(); $tempTable = $groupContactsTempTable->getName(); $groupContactsTempTable->createWithColumns('contact_id int, group_id int, UNIQUE UI_contact_group (contact_id,group_id)'); $contactQueries[] = $sql; // lets also store the records that are explicitly added to the group // this allows us to skip the group contact LEFT JOIN $contactQueries[] = [ 'select' => "SELECT $groupID as group_id, contact_id as contact_id", 'from' => " FROM civicrm_group_contact WHERE civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Added' AND civicrm_group_contact.group_id = $groupID ", ]; self::clearGroupContactCache($groupID); foreach ($contactQueries as $contactQuery) { if (empty($contactQuery['select']) || empty($contactQuery['from'])) { continue; } if (CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) {$contactQuery['from']}") > 0) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("INSERT IGNORE INTO $tempTable (group_id, contact_id) {$contactQuery['select']} {$contactQuery['from']}"); } } if ($group->children) { // Store a list of contacts who are removed from the parent group $sqlContactsRemovedFromGroup = " SELECT contact_id FROM civicrm_group_contact WHERE civicrm_group_contact.status = 'Removed' AND civicrm_group_contact.group_id = $groupID "; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sqlContactsRemovedFromGroup); $removed_contacts = []; while ($dao->fetch()) { $removed_contacts[] = $dao->contact_id; } $childrenIDs = explode(',', $group->children); foreach ($childrenIDs as $childID) { $contactIDs = CRM_Contact_BAO_Group::getMember($childID, FALSE); // Unset each contact that is removed from the parent group foreach ($removed_contacts as $removed_contact) { unset($contactIDs[$removed_contact]); } if (empty($contactIDs)) { // This child group has no contact IDs so we don't need to add them to continue; } $values = []; foreach ($contactIDs as $contactID => $dontCare) { $values[] = "({$groupID},{$contactID})"; } $str = implode(',', $values); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("INSERT IGNORE INTO $tempTable (group_id, contact_id) VALUES $str"); } } // grab a lock so other processes don't compete and do the same query $lock = Civi::lockManager()->acquire("data.core.group.{$groupID}"); if (!$lock->isAcquired()) { // this can cause inconsistent results since we don't know if the other process // will fill up the cache before our calling routine needs it. // however this routine does not return the status either, so basically // its a "lets return and hope for the best" return; } // Don't call clearGroupContactCache as we don't want to clear the cache dates // The will get updated by updateCacheTime() below and not clearing the dates reduces // the chance that loadAll() will try and rebuild at the same time. $clearCacheQuery = " DELETE g FROM civicrm_group_contact_cache g WHERE g.group_id = %1 "; $params = [ 1 => [$groupID, 'Integer'], ]; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($clearCacheQuery, $params); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery( "INSERT IGNORE INTO civicrm_group_contact_cache (contact_id, group_id) SELECT DISTINCT contact_id, group_id FROM $tempTable "); $groupContactsTempTable->drop(); self::updateCacheTime([$groupID], TRUE); $lock->release(); } /** * Retrieve the smart group cache timeout in minutes. * * This checks if a timeout has been configured. If one has then smart groups should not * be refreshed more frequently than the time out. If a group was recently refreshed it should not * refresh again within that period. * * @return int */ public static function smartGroupCacheTimeout() { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if ( isset($config->smartGroupCacheTimeout) && is_numeric($config->smartGroupCacheTimeout) ) { return $config->smartGroupCacheTimeout; } // Default to 5 minutes. return 5; } /** * Get all the smart groups that this contact belongs to. * * Note that this could potentially be a super slow function since * it ensure that all contact groups are loaded in the cache * * @param int $contactID * @param bool $showHidden * Hidden groups are shown only if this flag is set. * * @return array * an array of groups that this contact belongs to */ public static function contactGroup($contactID, $showHidden = FALSE) { if (empty($contactID)) { return NULL; } if (is_array($contactID)) { $contactIDs = $contactID; } else { $contactIDs = [$contactID]; } self::loadAll(); $hiddenClause = ''; if (!$showHidden) { $hiddenClause = ' AND (g.is_hidden = 0 OR g.is_hidden IS NULL) '; } $contactIDString = CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString(implode(', ', $contactIDs)); $sql = " SELECT gc.group_id, gc.contact_id, g.title, g.children, g.description FROM civicrm_group_contact_cache gc INNER JOIN civicrm_group g ON g.id = gc.group_id WHERE gc.contact_id IN ($contactIDString) $hiddenClause ORDER BY gc.contact_id, g.children "; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); $contactGroup = []; $prevContactID = NULL; while ($dao->fetch()) { if ( $prevContactID && $prevContactID != $dao->contact_id ) { $contactGroup[$prevContactID]['groupTitle'] = implode(', ', $contactGroup[$prevContactID]['groupTitle']); } $prevContactID = $dao->contact_id; if (!array_key_exists($dao->contact_id, $contactGroup)) { $contactGroup[$dao->contact_id] = ['group' => [], 'groupTitle' => []]; } $contactGroup[$dao->contact_id]['group'][] = [ 'id' => $dao->group_id, 'title' => $dao->title, 'description' => $dao->description, 'children' => $dao->children, ]; $contactGroup[$dao->contact_id]['groupTitle'][] = $dao->title; } if ($prevContactID) { $contactGroup[$prevContactID]['groupTitle'] = implode(', ', $contactGroup[$prevContactID]['groupTitle']); } if ((!empty($contactGroup[$contactID]) && is_numeric($contactID))) { return $contactGroup[$contactID]; } else { return $contactGroup; } } /** * Get the datetime from which the cache should be considered invalid. * * Ie if the smartgroup cache timeout is 5 minutes ago then the cache is invalid if it was * refreshed 6 minutes ago, but not if it was refreshed 4 minutes ago. * * @return string */ public static function getCacheInvalidDateTime() { return date('YmdHis', strtotime("-" . self::smartGroupCacheTimeout() . " Minutes")); } /** * Get the date when the cache should be refreshed from. * * Ie. now + the offset & we will delete anything prior to then. * * @return string */ public static function getRefreshDateTime() { return date('YmdHis', strtotime("+ " . self::smartGroupCacheTimeout() . " Minutes")); } /** * Invalidates the smart group cache for a particular group * @param int $groupID - Group to invalidate */ public static function invalidateGroupContactCache($groupID) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("UPDATE civicrm_group SET cache_date = NULL, refresh_date = NULL WHERE id = %1", [ 1 => [$groupID, 'Positive'], ]); } }