$value) { if (strpos($key, $customKey) !== FALSE) { $customFieldKey = str_replace(str_replace(substr($customKey, -6), '', $customKey), '', $key); $params[$customFieldKey] = $value; } } if (isset($_POST['field']) && !empty($_POST['field'][$voterId]) && is_array($_POST['field'][$voterId]) ) { foreach ($_POST['field'][$voterId] as $fieldKey => $value) { $params[$fieldKey] = $value; } } //lets pickup contat related fields. foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, "field_{$voterId}_") !== FALSE && strpos($key, "field_{$voterId}_custom") === FALSE ) { $key = substr($key, strlen("field_{$voterId}_")); $params[$key] = $value; } } $result = [ 'status' => 'fail', 'voter_id' => $voterId, 'activity_id' => $params['interviewer_id'], ]; //time to validate custom data. $errors = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::validateCustomData($params); if (is_array($errors) && !empty($errors)) { $result['errors'] = $errors; CRM_Utils_JSON::output($result); } //process the response/interview data. $activityId = CRM_Campaign_Form_Task_Interview::registerInterview($params); if ($activityId) { $result['status'] = 'success'; } CRM_Utils_JSON::output($result); } public static function loadOptionGroupDetails() { $id = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('option_group_id', 'Integer', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, NULL, 'POST'); $status = 'fail'; $opValues = []; if ($id) { $groupParams['id'] = $id; CRM_Core_OptionValue::getValues($groupParams, $opValues); } $surveyId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('survey_id', 'Integer', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, NULL, 'POST'); if ($surveyId) { $survey = new CRM_Campaign_DAO_Survey(); $survey->id = $surveyId; $survey->result_id = $id; if ($survey->find(TRUE)) { if ($survey->recontact_interval) { $recontactInterval = CRM_Utils_String::unserialize($survey->recontact_interval); foreach ($opValues as $opValId => $opVal) { if (is_numeric($recontactInterval[$opVal['label']])) { $opValues[$opValId]['interval'] = $recontactInterval[$opVal['label']]; } } } } } if (!empty($opValues)) { $status = 'success'; } $result = [ 'status' => $status, 'result' => $opValues, ]; CRM_Utils_JSON::output($result); } public function voterList() { //get the search criteria params. $searchCriteria = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('searchCriteria', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, NULL, 'POST'); $searchParams = explode(',', $searchCriteria); $params = $searchRows = []; foreach ($searchParams as $param) { if (!empty($_POST[$param])) { $params[$param] = $_POST[$param]; } } //format multi-select group and contact types. foreach ([ 'group', 'contact_type', ] as $param) { $paramValue = CRM_Utils_Array::value($param, $params); if ($paramValue) { unset($params[$param]); $paramValue = explode(',', $paramValue); foreach ($paramValue as $key => $value) { $params[$param][$value] = 1; } } } $voterClauseParams = []; foreach ([ 'campaign_survey_id', 'survey_interviewer_id', 'campaign_search_voter_for', ] as $fld) { $voterClauseParams[$fld] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fld, $params); } $interviewerId = $surveyTypeId = $surveyId = NULL; $searchVoterFor = $params['campaign_search_voter_for']; if ($searchVoterFor == 'reserve') { if (!empty($params['campaign_survey_id'])) { $survey = new CRM_Campaign_DAO_Survey(); $survey->id = $surveyId = $params['campaign_survey_id']; $survey->selectAdd('campaign_id, activity_type_id'); $survey->find(TRUE); $campaignId = $survey->campaign_id; $surveyTypeId = $survey->activity_type_id; //allow voter search in sub-part of given constituents, //but make sure in case user does not select any group. //get all associated campaign groups in where filter, CRM-7406 $groups = CRM_Utils_Array::value('group', $params); if ($campaignId && CRM_Utils_System::isNull($groups)) { $campaignGroups = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getCampaignGroups($campaignId); foreach ($campaignGroups as $id => $group) { $params['group'][$id] = 1; } } //apply filter of survey contact type for search. $contactType = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Survey::getSurveyContactType($surveyId); if ($contactType) { $params['contact_type'][$contactType] = 1; } unset($params['campaign_survey_id']); } unset($params['survey_interviewer_id']); } else { //get the survey status in where clause. $scheduledStatusId = array_search('Scheduled', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityStatus('name')); if ($scheduledStatusId) { $params['survey_status_id'] = $scheduledStatusId; } //BAO/Query knows reserve/release/interview processes. if ($params['campaign_search_voter_for'] == 'gotv') { $params['campaign_search_voter_for'] = 'release'; } } $selectorCols = [ 'sort_name', 'street_address', 'street_name', 'street_number', 'street_unit', ]; // get the data table params. $dataTableParams = [ 'sEcho' => [ 'name' => 'sEcho', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 0, ], 'offset' => [ 'name' => 'iDisplayStart', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 0, ], 'rowCount' => [ 'name' => 'iDisplayLength', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 25, ], 'sort' => [ 'name' => 'iSortCol_0', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 'sort_name', ], 'sortOrder' => [ 'name' => 'sSortDir_0', 'type' => 'String', 'default' => 'asc', ], ]; foreach ($dataTableParams as $pName => $pValues) { $$pName = $pValues['default']; if (!empty($_POST[$pValues['name']])) { $$pName = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST[$pValues['name']], $pValues['type']); if ($pName == 'sort') { $$pName = $selectorCols[$$pName]; } } } $queryParams = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::convertFormValues($params); $query = new CRM_Contact_BAO_Query($queryParams, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_CAMPAIGN, TRUE ); //get the voter clause to restrict and validate search. $voterClause = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Query::voterClause($voterClauseParams); $searchCount = $query->searchQuery(0, 0, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, CRM_Utils_Array::value('whereClause', $voterClause), NULL, CRM_Utils_Array::value('fromClause', $voterClause) ); $iTotal = $searchCount; $selectorCols = [ 'contact_type', 'sort_name', 'street_address', 'street_name', 'street_number', 'street_unit', ]; $extraVoterColName = 'is_interview_conducted'; if ($params['campaign_search_voter_for'] == 'reserve') { $extraVoterColName = 'reserve_voter'; } if ($searchCount > 0) { if ($searchCount < $offset) { $offset = 0; } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); // get the result of the search $result = $query->searchQuery($offset, $rowCount, $sort, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, CRM_Utils_Array::value('whereClause', $voterClause), $sortOrder, CRM_Utils_Array::value('fromClause', $voterClause) ); while ($result->fetch()) { $contactID = $result->contact_id; $typeImage = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::getImage($result->contact_sub_type ? $result->contact_sub_type : $result->contact_type, FALSE, $result->contact_id ); $searchRows[$contactID] = ['id' => $contactID]; foreach ($selectorCols as $col) { $val = $result->$col; if ($col == 'contact_type') { $val = $typeImage; } $searchRows[$contactID][$col] = $val; } if ($searchVoterFor == 'reserve') { $voterExtraColHtml = ''; $msg = ts('Respondent Reserved.'); $voterExtraColHtml .= " "; } elseif ($searchVoterFor == 'gotv') { $surveyActId = $result->survey_activity_id; $voterExtraColHtml = ''; $msg = ts('Vote Recorded.'); $voterExtraColHtml .= "     "; } else { $surveyActId = $result->survey_activity_id; $voterExtraColHtml = ''; $msg = ts('Vote Recorded.'); $voterExtraColHtml .= "     "; } $searchRows[$contactID][$extraVoterColName] = $voterExtraColHtml; } } $selectorElements = array_merge($selectorCols, [$extraVoterColName]); $iFilteredTotal = $iTotal; CRM_Utils_System::setHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo CRM_Utils_JSON::encodeDataTableSelector($searchRows, $sEcho, $iTotal, $iFilteredTotal, $selectorElements); CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(); } public function processVoterData() { $status = NULL; $operation = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST['operation'], 'String'); if ($operation == 'release') { $activityId = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST['activity_id'], 'Integer'); $isDelete = CRM_Utils_String::strtoboolstr(CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST['isDelete'], 'String')); if ($activityId && CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity', $activityId, 'is_deleted', $isDelete ) ) { $status = 'success'; } } elseif ($operation == 'reserve') { $activityId = NULL; $createActivity = TRUE; if (!empty($_POST['activity_id'])) { $activityId = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST['activity_id'], 'Integer'); if ($activityId) { $createActivity = FALSE; $activityUpdated = CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity', $activityId, 'is_deleted', 0 ); if ($activityUpdated) { $status = 'success'; } } } if ($createActivity) { $ids = [ 'source_record_id', 'source_contact_id', 'target_contact_id', 'assignee_contact_id', ]; $activityParams = []; foreach ($ids as $id) { $val = CRM_Utils_Array::value($id, $_POST); if (!$val) { $createActivity = FALSE; break; } $activityParams[$id] = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($val, 'Integer'); } } if ($createActivity) { $isReserved = CRM_Utils_String::strtoboolstr(CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST['isReserved'], 'String')); $activityStatus = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityStatus('name'); $scheduledStatusId = array_search('Scheduled', $activityStatus); if ($isReserved) { $surveyValues = []; $surveyParams = ['id' => $activityParams['source_record_id']]; CRM_Core_DAO::commonRetrieve('CRM_Campaign_DAO_Survey', $surveyParams, $surveyValues, ['title', 'activity_type_id', 'campaign_id'] ); $activityTypeId = $surveyValues['activity_type_id']; $surveytitle = CRM_Utils_Array::value('surveyTitle', $_POST); if (!$surveytitle) { $surveytitle = $surveyValues['title']; } $subject = $surveytitle . ' - ' . ts('Respondent Reservation'); $activityParams['subject'] = $subject; $activityParams['status_id'] = $scheduledStatusId; $activityParams['skipRecentView'] = 1; $activityParams['activity_date_time'] = date('YmdHis'); $activityParams['activity_type_id'] = $activityTypeId; $activityParams['campaign_id'] = $surveyValues['campaign_id'] ?? NULL; $activity = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::create($activityParams); if ($activity->id) { $status = 'success'; } } else { //delete reserved activity for given voter. $voterIds = [$activityParams['target_contact_id']]; $activities = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Survey::voterActivityDetails($activityParams['source_record_id'], $voterIds, $activityParams['source_contact_id'], [$scheduledStatusId] ); foreach ($activities as $voterId => $values) { $activityId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('activity_id', $values); if ($activityId && ($values['status_id'] == $scheduledStatusId)) { CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity', $activityId, 'is_deleted', TRUE ); $status = 'success'; break; } } } } } elseif ($operation == 'gotv') { $activityId = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST['activity_id'], 'Integer'); $hasVoted = CRM_Utils_String::strtoboolstr(CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST['hasVoted'], 'String')); if ($activityId) { if ($hasVoted) { $statusValue = 2; } else { $statusValue = 1; } CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Activity_DAO_Activity', $activityId, 'status_id', $statusValue ); $status = 'success'; } } CRM_Utils_JSON::output(['status' => $status]); } public function campaignGroups() { $surveyId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('survey_id', 'Positive', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, NULL, 'POST' ); $campGroups = []; if ($surveyId) { $campaignId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Campaign_DAO_Survey', $surveyId, 'campaign_id'); if ($campaignId) { $campGroups = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getCampaignGroups($campaignId); } } //CRM-7406 --If there is no campaign or no group associated with //campaign of given survey, lets allow to search across all groups. if (empty($campGroups)) { $campGroups = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::group(); } $groups = [ [ 'value' => '', 'title' => ts('- select -'), ], ]; foreach ($campGroups as $grpId => $title) { $groups[] = [ 'value' => $grpId, 'title' => $title, ]; } $results = [ 'status' => 'success', 'groups' => $groups, ]; CRM_Utils_JSON::output($results); } /** * This function uses the deprecated v1 datatable api and needs updating. See CRM-16353. * @deprecated */ public static function campaignList() { //get the search criteria params. $searchCriteria = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('searchCriteria', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, NULL, 'POST'); $searchParams = explode(',', $searchCriteria); $params = $searchRows = []; foreach ($searchParams as $param) { if (isset($_POST[$param])) { $params[$param] = $_POST[$param]; } } //this is sequence columns on datatable. $selectorCols = [ 'id', 'name', 'title', 'description', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'campaign_type_id', 'campaign_type', 'status_id', 'status', 'is_active', 'isActive', 'action', ]; // get the data table params. $dataTableParams = [ 'sEcho' => [ 'name' => 'sEcho', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 0, ], 'offset' => [ 'name' => 'iDisplayStart', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 0, ], 'rowCount' => [ 'name' => 'iDisplayLength', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 25, ], 'sort' => [ 'name' => 'iSortCol_0', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 'start_date', ], 'sortOrder' => [ 'name' => 'sSortDir_0', 'type' => 'String', 'default' => 'desc', ], ]; foreach ($dataTableParams as $pName => $pValues) { $$pName = $pValues['default']; if (!empty($_POST[$pValues['name']])) { $$pName = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST[$pValues['name']], $pValues['type']); if ($pName == 'sort') { $$pName = $selectorCols[$$pName]; } } } foreach ([ 'sort', 'offset', 'rowCount', 'sortOrder', ] as $sortParam) { $params[$sortParam] = $$sortParam; } $searchCount = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getCampaignSummary($params, TRUE); $campaigns = CRM_Campaign_Page_DashBoard::getCampaignSummary($params); $iTotal = $searchCount; if ($searchCount > 0) { if ($searchCount < $offset) { $offset = 0; } foreach ($campaigns as $campaignID => $values) { foreach ($selectorCols as $col) { $searchRows[$campaignID][$col] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($col, $values); } } } $selectorElements = $selectorCols; $iFilteredTotal = $iTotal; CRM_Utils_System::setHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo CRM_Utils_JSON::encodeDataTableSelector($searchRows, $sEcho, $iTotal, $iFilteredTotal, $selectorElements); CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(); } /** * This function uses the deprecated v1 datatable api and needs updating. See CRM-16353. * @deprecated */ public function surveyList() { //get the search criteria params. $searchCriteria = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('searchCriteria', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, NULL, 'POST'); $searchParams = explode(',', $searchCriteria); $params = $searchRows = []; foreach ($searchParams as $param) { if (!empty($_POST[$param])) { $params[$param] = $_POST[$param]; } } //this is sequence columns on datatable. $selectorCols = [ 'id', 'title', 'campaign_id', 'campaign', 'activity_type_id', 'activity_type', 'release_frequency', 'default_number_of_contacts', 'max_number_of_contacts', 'is_default', 'is_active', 'isActive', 'result_id', 'action', 'voterLinks', ]; // get the data table params. $dataTableParams = [ 'sEcho' => [ 'name' => 'sEcho', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 0, ], 'offset' => [ 'name' => 'iDisplayStart', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 0, ], 'rowCount' => [ 'name' => 'iDisplayLength', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 25, ], 'sort' => [ 'name' => 'iSortCol_0', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 'created_date', ], 'sortOrder' => [ 'name' => 'sSortDir_0', 'type' => 'String', 'default' => 'desc', ], ]; foreach ($dataTableParams as $pName => $pValues) { $$pName = $pValues['default']; if (!empty($_POST[$pValues['name']])) { $$pName = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST[$pValues['name']], $pValues['type']); if ($pName == 'sort') { $$pName = $selectorCols[$$pName]; } } } foreach ([ 'sort', 'offset', 'rowCount', 'sortOrder', ] as $sortParam) { $params[$sortParam] = $$sortParam; } $surveys = CRM_Campaign_Page_DashBoard::getSurveySummary($params); $searchCount = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Survey::getSurveySummary($params, TRUE); $iTotal = $searchCount; if ($searchCount > 0) { if ($searchCount < $offset) { $offset = 0; } foreach ($surveys as $surveyID => $values) { foreach ($selectorCols as $col) { $searchRows[$surveyID][$col] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($col, $values); } } } $selectorElements = $selectorCols; $iFilteredTotal = $iTotal; CRM_Utils_System::setHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo CRM_Utils_JSON::encodeDataTableSelector($searchRows, $sEcho, $iTotal, $iFilteredTotal, $selectorElements); CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(); } /** * This function uses the deprecated v1 datatable api and needs updating. See CRM-16353. * @deprecated */ public function petitionList() { //get the search criteria params. $searchCriteria = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('searchCriteria', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, NULL, 'POST'); $searchParams = explode(',', $searchCriteria); $params = $searchRows = []; foreach ($searchParams as $param) { if (!empty($_POST[$param])) { $params[$param] = $_POST[$param]; } } //this is sequence columns on datatable. $selectorCols = [ 'id', 'title', 'campaign_id', 'campaign', 'activity_type_id', 'activity_type', 'is_default', 'is_active', 'isActive', 'action', ]; // get the data table params. $dataTableParams = [ 'sEcho' => [ 'name' => 'sEcho', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 0, ], 'offset' => [ 'name' => 'iDisplayStart', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 0, ], 'rowCount' => [ 'name' => 'iDisplayLength', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 25, ], 'sort' => [ 'name' => 'iSortCol_0', 'type' => 'Integer', 'default' => 'created_date', ], 'sortOrder' => [ 'name' => 'sSortDir_0', 'type' => 'String', 'default' => 'desc', ], ]; foreach ($dataTableParams as $pName => $pValues) { $$pName = $pValues['default']; if (!empty($_POST[$pValues['name']])) { $$pName = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($_POST[$pValues['name']], $pValues['type']); if ($pName == 'sort') { $$pName = $selectorCols[$$pName]; } } } foreach ([ 'sort', 'offset', 'rowCount', 'sortOrder', ] as $sortParam) { $params[$sortParam] = $$sortParam; } $petitions = CRM_Campaign_Page_DashBoard::getPetitionSummary($params); $searchCount = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Petition::getPetitionSummary($params, TRUE); $iTotal = $searchCount; if ($searchCount > 0) { if ($searchCount < $offset) { $offset = 0; } foreach ($petitions as $petitionID => $values) { foreach ($selectorCols as $col) { $searchRows[$petitionID][$col] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($col, $values); } } } $selectorElements = $selectorCols; $iFilteredTotal = $iTotal; CRM_Utils_System::setHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo CRM_Utils_JSON::encodeDataTableSelector($searchRows, $sEcho, $iTotal, $iFilteredTotal, $selectorElements); CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(); } }