currentRowContributionID)) { $this->currentRowContributionID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Member_DAO_MembershipPayment', $this->getCurrentRowMembershipID(), 'contribution_id', 'membership_id'); } return $this->currentRowContributionID; } /** * Set the contribution ID for the current row. * * @param int $currentRowContributionID */ public function setCurrentRowContributionID(int $currentRowContributionID): void { $this->currentRowContributionID = $currentRowContributionID; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getCurrentRowMembershipID() { return $this->currentRowMembershipID; } /** * Get the order (contribution) status for the current row. */ protected function getCurrentRowPaymentStatus() { return CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', $this->currentRow['contribution_status_id']); } /** * Get the contact ID for the current row. * * @return int */ public function getCurrentRowContactID(): int { return $this->currentRow['contact_id']; } /** * Get the membership type ID for the current row. * * @return int */ public function getCurrentRowMembershipTypeID(): int { return $this->currentRow['membership_type_id']; } /** * Set the membership id for the current row. * * @param int $currentRowMembershipID */ public function setCurrentRowMembershipID(int $currentRowMembershipID): void { $this->currentRowMembershipID = $currentRowMembershipID; } /** * @var int */ protected $currentRowMembershipID; /** * Monetary fields that may be submitted. * * These should get a standardised format in the beginPostProcess function. * * These fields are common to many forms. Some may override this. * @var array */ protected $submittableMoneyFields = ['total_amount', 'net_amount', 'non_deductible_amount', 'fee_amount']; /** * Build all the data structures needed to build the form. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function preProcess() { $this->_batchId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('id', 'Positive', $this, TRUE); $this->_action = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('action', 'String', $this, FALSE, 'browse'); if (empty($this->_batchInfo)) { $params = ['id' => $this->_batchId]; CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch::retrieve($params, $this->_batchInfo); $this->assign('batchTotal', !empty($this->_batchInfo['total']) ? $this->_batchInfo['total'] : NULL); $this->assign('batchType', $this->_batchInfo['type_id']); // get the profile id associted with this batch type $this->_profileId = CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch::getProfileId($this->_batchInfo['type_id']); } CRM_Core_Resources::singleton() ->addScriptFile('civicrm', 'templates/CRM/Batch/Form/Entry.js', 1, 'html-header') ->addSetting(['batch' => ['type_id' => $this->_batchInfo['type_id']]]) ->addSetting(['setting' => ['monetaryThousandSeparator' => CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->monetaryThousandSeparator]]) ->addSetting(['setting' => ['monetaryDecimalPoint' => CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->monetaryDecimalPoint]]); $this->assign('defaultCurrencySymbol', CRM_Core_BAO_Country::defaultCurrencySymbol()); } /** * Set Batch ID. * * @param int $id */ public function setBatchID($id) { $this->_batchId = $id; } /** * Build the form object. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function buildQuickForm() { if (!$this->_profileId) { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('Profile for bulk data entry is missing.')); } $this->addElement('hidden', 'batch_id', $this->_batchId); $batchTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Batch_DAO_Batch', 'type_id', ['flip' => 1], 'validate'); // get the profile information if ($this->_batchInfo['type_id'] == $batchTypes['Contribution']) { $this->setTitle(ts('Batch Data Entry for Contributions')); } elseif ($this->_batchInfo['type_id'] == $batchTypes['Membership']) { $this->setTitle(ts('Batch Data Entry for Memberships')); } elseif ($this->_batchInfo['type_id'] == $batchTypes['Pledge Payment']) { $this->setTitle(ts('Batch Data Entry for Pledge Payments')); } $this->_fields = CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::getFields($this->_profileId, FALSE, CRM_Core_Action::VIEW); // remove file type field and then limit fields $suppressFields = FALSE; foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) { if ($cfID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($name) && $this->_fields[$name]['html_type'] == 'Autocomplete-Select') { $suppressFields = TRUE; unset($this->_fields[$name]); } //fix to reduce size as we are using this field in grid if (is_array($field['attributes']) && $this->_fields[$name]['attributes']['size'] > 19) { //shrink class to "form-text-medium" $this->_fields[$name]['attributes']['size'] = 19; } } $this->addFormRule(['CRM_Batch_Form_Entry', 'formRule'], $this); // add the force save button $forceSave = $this->getButtonName('upload', 'force'); $this->addElement('xbutton', $forceSave, ts('Ignore Mismatch & Process the Batch?'), [ 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => 1, 'class' => 'crm-button crm-button_qf_Entry_upload_force-save', ] ); $this->addButtons([ [ 'type' => 'upload', 'name' => ts('Validate & Process the Batch'), 'isDefault' => TRUE, ], [ 'type' => 'cancel', 'name' => ts('Save & Continue Later'), ], ]); $this->assign('rowCount', $this->_batchInfo['item_count'] + 1); $preserveDefaultsArray = [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'middle_name', 'organization_name', 'household_name', ]; $contactTypes = array_merge(['Contact'], CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::basicTypes(TRUE)); $contactReturnProperties = []; for ($rowNumber = 1; $rowNumber <= $this->_batchInfo['item_count']; $rowNumber++) { $this->addEntityRef("primary_contact_id[{$rowNumber}]", '', [ 'create' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => ts('- select -'), ]); // special field specific to membership batch udpate if ($this->_batchInfo['type_id'] == 2) { $options = [ 1 => ts('Add Membership'), 2 => ts('Renew Membership'), ]; $this->add('select', "member_option[$rowNumber]", '', $options); } if ($this->_batchInfo['type_id'] == $batchTypes['Pledge Payment']) { $options = ['' => ts('-select-')]; $optionTypes = [ '1' => ts('Adjust Pledge Payment Schedule?'), '2' => ts('Adjust Total Pledge Amount?'), ]; $this->add('select', "option_type[$rowNumber]", NULL, $optionTypes); if (!empty($this->_batchId) && !empty($this->_batchInfo['data']) && !empty($rowNumber)) { $dataValues = json_decode($this->_batchInfo['data'], TRUE); if (!empty($dataValues['values']['primary_contact_id'][$rowNumber])) { $pledgeIDs = CRM_Pledge_BAO_Pledge::getContactPledges($dataValues['values']['primary_contact_id'][$rowNumber]); foreach ($pledgeIDs as $pledgeID) { $pledgePayment = CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgePayment::getOldestPledgePayment($pledgeID); $options += [$pledgeID => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($pledgePayment['schedule_date'], '%m/%d/%Y') . ', ' . $pledgePayment['amount'] . ' ' . $pledgePayment['currency']]; } } } $this->add('select', "open_pledges[$rowNumber]", '', $options); } foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) { if (in_array($field['field_type'], $contactTypes)) { $fld = explode('-', $field['name']); $contactReturnProperties[$field['name']] = $fld[0]; } CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::buildProfile($this, $field, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, $rowNumber); if (in_array($field['name'], $preserveDefaultsArray)) { $this->_preserveDefault = FALSE; } } } // CRM-19477: Display Error for Batch Sizes Exceeding php.ini max_input_vars // Notes: $this->_elementIndex gives an approximate count of the variables being sent // An offset value is set to deal with additional vars that are likely passed. // There may be a more accurate way to do this... // set an offset to account for other vars we are not counting $offset = 50; if ((count($this->_elementIndex) + $offset) > ini_get("max_input_vars")) { // Avoiding 'ts' for obscure messages. CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('Batch size is too large. Increase value of php.ini setting "max_input_vars" (current val = %1)', [1 => ini_get("max_input_vars")])); } $this->assign('fields', $this->_fields); CRM_Core_Resources::singleton() ->addSetting([ 'contact' => [ 'return' => implode(',', $contactReturnProperties), 'fieldmap' => array_flip($contactReturnProperties), ], ]); // don't set the status message when form is submitted. $buttonName = $this->controller->getButtonName('submit'); if ($suppressFields && $buttonName != '_qf_Entry_next') { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("File type field(s) in the selected profile are not supported for Update multiple records."), ts('Some Fields Excluded'), 'info'); } } /** * Form validations. * * @param array $params * Posted values of the form. * @param array $files * List of errors to be posted back to the form. * @param \CRM_Batch_Form_Entry $self * Form object. * * @return array * list of errors to be posted back to the form */ public static function formRule($params, $files, $self) { $errors = []; $batchTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Batch_DAO_Batch', 'type_id', ['flip' => 1], 'validate'); $fields = [ 'total_amount' => ts('Amount'), 'financial_type' => ts('Financial Type'), 'payment_instrument' => ts('Payment Method'), ]; //CRM-16480 if contact is selected, validate financial type and amount field. foreach ($params['field'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['trxn_id'])) { if (0 < CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT id FROM civicrm_contribution WHERE trxn_id = %1', [1 => [$value['trxn_id'], 'String']])) { $errors["field[$key][trxn_id]"] = ts('Transaction ID must be unique within the database'); } } foreach ($fields as $field => $label) { if (!empty($params['primary_contact_id'][$key]) && empty($value[$field])) { $errors["field[$key][$field]"] = ts('%1 is a required field.', [1 => $label]); } } } if (!empty($params['_qf_Entry_upload_force'])) { if (!empty($errors)) { return $errors; } return TRUE; } $batchTotal = 0; foreach ($params['field'] as $key => $value) { $batchTotal += $value['total_amount']; //validate for soft credit fields if (!empty($params['soft_credit_contact_id'][$key]) && empty($params['soft_credit_amount'][$key])) { $errors["soft_credit_amount[$key]"] = ts('Please enter the soft credit amount.'); } if (!empty($params['soft_credit_amount']) && !empty($params['soft_credit_amount'][$key]) && CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney(CRM_Utils_Array::value($key, $params['soft_credit_amount'])) > CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($value['total_amount'])) { $errors["soft_credit_amount[$key]"] = ts('Soft credit amount should not be greater than the total amount'); } //membership type is required for membership batch entry if ($self->_batchInfo['type_id'] == $batchTypes['Membership']) { if (empty($value['membership_type'][1])) { $errors["field[$key][membership_type]"] = ts('Membership type is a required field.'); } } } if ($self->_batchInfo['type_id'] == $batchTypes['Pledge Payment']) { foreach (array_unique($params["open_pledges"]) as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $duplicateRows = array_keys($params["open_pledges"], $value); } if (!empty($duplicateRows) && count($duplicateRows) > 1) { foreach ($duplicateRows as $key) { $errors["open_pledges[$key]"] = ts('You can not record two payments for the same pledge in a single batch.'); } } } } if ((string) $batchTotal != $self->_batchInfo['total']) { $self->assign('batchAmountMismatch', TRUE); $errors['_qf_defaults'] = ts('Total for amounts entered below does not match the expected batch total.'); } if (!empty($errors)) { return $errors; } $self->assign('batchAmountMismatch', FALSE); return TRUE; } /** * Override default cancel action. */ public function cancelAction() { // redirect to batch listing CRM_Utils_System::redirect(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/batch', 'reset=1')); CRM_Utils_System::civiExit(); } /** * Set default values for the form. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function setDefaultValues() { if (empty($this->_fields)) { return; } // for add mode set smart defaults if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::ADD) { $currentDate = date('Y-m-d H-i-s'); $completeStatus = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Completed'); $specialFields = [ 'membership_join_date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'receive_date' => $currentDate, 'contribution_status_id' => $completeStatus, ]; for ($rowNumber = 1; $rowNumber <= $this->_batchInfo['item_count']; $rowNumber++) { foreach ($specialFields as $key => $value) { $defaults['field'][$rowNumber][$key] = $value; } } } else { // get the cached info from data column of civicrm_batch $data = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch', $this->_batchId, 'data'); $defaults = json_decode($data, TRUE); $defaults = $defaults['values']; } return $defaults; } /** * Process the form after the input has been submitted and validated. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function postProcess() { $params = $this->controller->exportValues($this->_name); $params['actualBatchTotal'] = 0; // get the profile information $batchTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Batch_DAO_Batch', 'type_id', ['flip' => 1], 'validate'); if (in_array($this->_batchInfo['type_id'], [$batchTypes['Pledge Payment'], $batchTypes['Contribution']])) { $this->processContribution($params); } elseif ($this->_batchInfo['type_id'] == $batchTypes['Membership']) { $params['actualBatchTotal'] = $this->processMembership($params); } // update batch to close status $paramValues = [ 'id' => $this->_batchId, // close status 'status_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch', 'status_id', 'Closed'), 'total' => $params['actualBatchTotal'], ]; CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch::create($paramValues); // set success status CRM_Core_Session::setStatus("", ts("Batch Processed."), "success"); CRM_Utils_System::redirect(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/batch', 'reset=1')); } /** * Process contribution records. * * @param array $params * Associated array of submitted values. * * @return bool * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ private function processContribution(&$params) { foreach ($this->submittableMoneyFields as $moneyField) { foreach ($params['field'] as $index => $fieldValues) { if (isset($fieldValues[$moneyField])) { $params['field'][$index][$moneyField] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($params['field'][$index][$moneyField]); } } } $params['actualBatchTotal'] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($params['actualBatchTotal']); // get the price set associated with offline contribution record. $priceSetId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceSet', 'default_contribution_amount', 'id', 'name'); $this->_priceSet = current(CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getSetDetail($priceSetId)); $priceFieldID = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getOnlyPriceFieldID($this->_priceSet); $priceFieldValueID = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getOnlyPriceFieldValueID($this->_priceSet); if (isset($params['field'])) { foreach ($params['field'] as $key => $value) { // if contact is not selected we should skip the row if (empty($params['primary_contact_id'][$key])) { continue; } $value['contact_id'] = $params['primary_contact_id'][$key] ?? NULL; // update contact information $this->updateContactInfo($value); //build soft credit params if (!empty($params['soft_credit_contact_id'][$key]) && !empty($params['soft_credit_amount'][$key])) { $value['soft_credit'][$key]['contact_id'] = $params['soft_credit_contact_id'][$key]; $value['soft_credit'][$key]['amount'] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($params['soft_credit_amount'][$key]); //CRM-15350: if soft-credit-type profile field is disabled or removed then //we choose configured SCT default value if (!empty($params['soft_credit_type'][$key])) { $value['soft_credit'][$key]['soft_credit_type_id'] = $params['soft_credit_type'][$key]; } else { $value['soft_credit'][$key]['soft_credit_type_id'] = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getDefaultValue("soft_credit_type"); } } // Build PCP params if (!empty($params['pcp_made_through_id'][$key])) { $value['pcp']['pcp_made_through_id'] = $params['pcp_made_through_id'][$key]; $value['pcp']['pcp_display_in_roll'] = !empty($params['pcp_display_in_roll'][$key]); if (!empty($params['pcp_roll_nickname'][$key])) { $value['pcp']['pcp_roll_nickname'] = $params['pcp_roll_nickname'][$key]; } if (!empty($params['pcp_personal_note'][$key])) { $value['pcp']['pcp_personal_note'] = $params['pcp_personal_note'][$key]; } } $value['custom'] = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::postProcess($value, NULL, 'Contribution' ); if (!empty($value['send_receipt'])) { $value['receipt_date'] = date('Y-m-d His'); } // these translations & date handling are required because we are calling BAO directly rather than the api $fieldTranslations = [ 'financial_type' => 'financial_type_id', 'payment_instrument' => 'payment_instrument_id', 'contribution_source' => 'source', 'contribution_note' => 'note', 'contribution_check_number' => 'check_number', ]; foreach ($fieldTranslations as $formField => $baoField) { if (isset($value[$formField])) { $value[$baoField] = $value[$formField]; } unset($value[$formField]); } $params['actualBatchTotal'] += $value['total_amount']; $value['batch_id'] = $this->_batchId; $value['skipRecentView'] = TRUE; // build line item params $this->_priceSet['fields'][$priceFieldID]['options'][$priceFieldValueID]['amount'] = $value['total_amount']; $value['price_' . $priceFieldID] = 1; $lineItem = []; CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::processAmount($this->_priceSet['fields'], $value, $lineItem[$priceSetId]); // @todo - stop setting amount level in this function & call the CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getAmountLevel // function to get correct amount level consistently. Remove setting of the amount level in // CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::processAmount. Extend the unit tests in CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSetTest // to cover all variants. unset($value['amount_level']); //CRM-11529 for back office transactions //when financial_type_id is passed in form, update the //line items with the financial type selected in form // @todo - create a price set or price field per financial type & simply choose the appropriate // price field rather than working around the fact that each price_field is supposed to have a financial // type & we are allowing that to be overridden. if (!empty($value['financial_type_id']) && !empty($lineItem[$priceSetId])) { foreach ($lineItem[$priceSetId] as &$values) { $values['financial_type_id'] = $value['financial_type_id']; } } $value['line_item'] = $lineItem; //finally call contribution create for all the magic $contribution = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::create($value); // This code to retrieve the contribution has been moved here from the contribution create // api. It may not be required. $titleFields = [ 'contact_id', 'total_amount', 'currency', 'financial_type_id', ]; $retrieveRequired = 0; foreach ($titleFields as $titleField) { if (!isset($contribution->$titleField)) { $retrieveRequired = 1; break; } } if ($retrieveRequired == 1) { $contribution->find(TRUE); } $batchTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Batch_DAO_Batch', 'type_id', ['flip' => 1], 'validate'); if (!empty($this->_batchInfo['type_id']) && ($this->_batchInfo['type_id'] == $batchTypes['Pledge Payment'])) { $adjustTotalAmount = FALSE; if (isset($params['option_type'][$key])) { if ($params['option_type'][$key] == 2) { $adjustTotalAmount = TRUE; } } $pledgeId = $params['open_pledges'][$key]; if (is_numeric($pledgeId)) { $result = CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgePayment::getPledgePayments($pledgeId); $pledgePaymentId = 0; foreach ($result as $key => $values) { if ($values['status'] != 'Completed') { $pledgePaymentId = $values['id']; break; } } CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $pledgePaymentId, 'contribution_id', $contribution->id); CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgePayment::updatePledgePaymentStatus($pledgeId, [$pledgePaymentId], $contribution->contribution_status_id, NULL, $contribution->total_amount, $adjustTotalAmount ); } } //process premiums if (!empty($value['product_name'])) { if ($value['product_name'][0] > 0) { [$products, $options] = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Premium::getPremiumProductInfo(); $value['hidden_Premium'] = 1; $value['product_option'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value( $value['product_name'][1], $options[$value['product_name'][0]] ); $premiumParams = [ 'product_id' => $value['product_name'][0], 'contribution_id' => $contribution->id, 'product_option' => $value['product_option'], 'quantity' => 1, ]; CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::addPremium($premiumParams); } } // end of premium //send receipt mail. if ($contribution->id && !empty($value['send_receipt'])) { $value['from_email_address'] = $this->getFromEmailAddress(); $value['contribution_id'] = $contribution->id; if (!empty($value['soft_credit'])) { $value = array_merge($value, CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionSoft::getSoftContribution($contribution->id)); } CRM_Contribute_Form_AdditionalInfo::emailReceipt($this, $value); } } } return TRUE; } /** * Process membership records. * * @param array $params * Array of submitted values. * * @return float * batch total monetary amount. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception * @throws \API_Exception */ private function processMembership(array $params) { $batchTotal = 0; // get the price set associated with offline membership $priceSetId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceSet', 'default_membership_type_amount', 'id', 'name'); $this->_priceSet = $priceSets = current(CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getSetDetail($priceSetId)); if (isset($params['field'])) { // @todo - most of the wrangling in this function is because the api is not being used, especially date stuff. foreach ($params['field'] as $key => $value) { // if contact is not selected we should skip the row if (empty($params['primary_contact_id'][$key])) { continue; } $value['contact_id'] = $params['primary_contact_id'][$key]; $value = $this->standardiseRow($value); $this->currentRow = $value; $this->currentRowExistingMembership = NULL; $this->currentRowIsRenewOption = (int) ($params['member_option'][$key] ?? 1); // update contact information $this->updateContactInfo($value); //check for custom data $value['custom'] = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::postProcess($this->currentRow, $key, 'Membership', $value['membership_type_id'] ); // handle soft credit if (!empty($params['soft_credit_contact_id'][$key]) && !empty($params['soft_credit_amount'][$key])) { $value['soft_credit'][$key]['contact_id'] = $params['soft_credit_contact_id'][$key]; $value['soft_credit'][$key]['amount'] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($params['soft_credit_amount'][$key]); //CRM-15350: if soft-credit-type profile field is disabled or removed then //we choose Gift as default value as per Gift Membership rule if (!empty($params['soft_credit_type'][$key])) { $value['soft_credit'][$key]['soft_credit_type_id'] = $params['soft_credit_type'][$key]; } else { $value['soft_credit'][$key]['soft_credit_type_id'] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionSoft', 'soft_credit_type_id', 'Gift'); } } $batchTotal += $value['total_amount']; $value['batch_id'] = $this->_batchId; $value['skipRecentView'] = TRUE; $order = new CRM_Financial_BAO_Order(); // We use the override total amount because we are dealing with a // possibly tax_inclusive total, which is assumed for the override total. $order->setOverrideTotalAmount((float) $value['total_amount']); $order->setLineItem([ 'membership_type_id' => $value['membership_type_id'], 'financial_type_id' => $value['financial_type_id'], ], $key); $order->setEntityParameters($this->getCurrentRowMembershipParams(), $key); if (!empty($order->getLineItems())) { $value['lineItems'] = [$order->getPriceSetID() => $order->getPriceFieldIndexedLineItems()]; $value['processPriceSet'] = TRUE; } // end of contribution related section if ($this->currentRowIsRenew()) { // The following parameter setting may be obsolete. $this->_params = $params; $formDates = [ 'end_date' => $value['membership_end_date'] ?? NULL, 'start_date' => $value['membership_start_date'] ?? NULL, ]; $membership = $this->legacyProcessMembership( $value['custom'], $formDates ); // make contribution entry $contrbutionParams = array_merge($value, ['membership_id' => $membership->id]); $contrbutionParams['skipCleanMoney'] = TRUE; // @todo - calling this from here is pretty hacky since it is called from membership.create anyway // This form should set the correct params & not call this fn directly. CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::recordMembershipContribution($contrbutionParams); $this->setCurrentRowMembershipID($membership->id); } else { $createdOrder = civicrm_api3('Order', 'create', [ 'line_items' => $order->getLineItemForV3OrderApi(), 'receive_date' => $this->currentRow['receive_date'], 'check_number' => $this->currentRow['check_number'] ?? '', 'contact_id' => $this->getCurrentRowContactID(), 'batch_id' => $this->_batchId, 'financial_type_id' => $this->currentRow['financial_type_id'], 'payment_instrument_id' => $this->currentRow['payment_instrument_id'], ]); $this->currentRowContributionID = $createdOrder['id']; $this->setCurrentRowMembershipID($createdOrder['values'][$this->getCurrentRowContributionID()]['line_item'][0]['entity_id']); if ($this->getCurrentRowPaymentStatus() === 'Completed') { civicrm_api3('Payment', 'create', [ 'total_amount' => $order->getTotalAmount() + $order->getTotalTaxAmount(), 'check_number' => $this->currentRow['check_number'] ?? '', 'trxn_date' => $this->currentRow['receive_date'], 'trxn_id' => $this->currentRow['trxn_id'], 'payment_instrument_id' => $this->currentRow['payment_instrument_id'], 'contribution_id' => $this->getCurrentRowContributionID(), 'is_send_contribution_notification' => FALSE, ]); } if (in_array($this->getCurrentRowPaymentStatus(), ['Failed', 'Cancelled'])) { Contribution::update() ->addValue('contribution_status_id', $this->currentRow['contribution_status_id']) ->addWhere('id', '=', $this->getCurrentRowContributionID()) ->execute(); } } //process premiums if (!empty($value['product_name'])) { if ($value['product_name'][0] > 0) { [$products, $options] = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Premium::getPremiumProductInfo(); $value['hidden_Premium'] = 1; $value['product_option'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value( $value['product_name'][1], $options[$value['product_name'][0]] ); $premiumParams = [ 'product_id' => $value['product_name'][0], 'contribution_id' => $this->getCurrentRowContributionID(), 'product_option' => $value['product_option'], 'quantity' => 1, ]; CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::addPremium($premiumParams); } } // end of premium //send receipt mail. if ($this->getCurrentRowMembershipID() && !empty($value['send_receipt'])) { $value['membership_id'] = $this->getCurrentRowMembershipID(); $this->emailReceipt($this, $value); } } } return $batchTotal; } /** * Send email receipt. * * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * Form object. * @param array $formValues * * @return bool * true if mail was sent successfully * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception|\API_Exception * */ protected function emailReceipt($form, &$formValues): bool { $membership = new CRM_Member_BAO_Membership(); $membership->id = $this->getCurrentRowMembershipID(); $membership->fetch(); // @todo figure out how much of the stuff below is genuinely shared with the batch form & a logical shared place. if (!empty($formValues['payment_instrument_id'])) { $paymentInstrument = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::paymentInstrument(); $formValues['paidBy'] = $paymentInstrument[$formValues['payment_instrument_id']]; } $form->assign('module', 'Membership'); $form->assign('contactID', $formValues['contact_id']); $form->assign('membershipID', CRM_Utils_Array::value('membership_id', $form->_params, CRM_Utils_Array::value('membership_id', $form->_defaultValues))); $this->assign('contributionID', $this->getCurrentRowContributionID()); if (!empty($formValues['contribution_status_id'])) { $form->assign('contributionStatusID', $formValues['contribution_status_id']); $form->assign('contributionStatus', CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus($formValues['contribution_status_id'], 'name')); } $form->assign('receiptType', $this->currentRowIsRenew() ? 'membership renewal' : 'membership signup'); $form->assign('receive_date', CRM_Utils_Array::value('receive_date', $formValues)); $form->assign('formValues', $formValues); $form->assign('mem_start_date', CRM_Utils_Date::formatDateOnlyLong($membership->start_date)); if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($membership->end_date)) { $form->assign('mem_end_date', CRM_Utils_Date::formatDateOnlyLong($membership->end_date)); } $form->assign('membership_name', CRM_Member_PseudoConstant::membershipType($membership->membership_type_id)); [$form->_contributorDisplayName, $form->_contributorEmail] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location::getEmailDetails($formValues['contact_id']); $form->_receiptContactId = $formValues['contact_id']; CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::sendTemplate( [ 'groupName' => 'msg_tpl_workflow_membership', 'valueName' => 'membership_offline_receipt', 'contactId' => $form->_receiptContactId, 'from' => $this->getFromEmailAddress(), 'toName' => $form->_contributorDisplayName, 'toEmail' => $form->_contributorEmail, 'PDFFilename' => ts('receipt') . '.pdf', 'isEmailPdf' => Civi::settings()->get('invoice_is_email_pdf'), 'contributionId' => $this->getCurrentRowContributionID(), 'isTest' => (bool) ($form->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW), ] ); Contribution::update(FALSE) ->addWhere('id', '=', $this->getCurrentRowContributionID()) ->setValues(['receipt_date', 'now']) ->execute(); return TRUE; } /** * Update contact information. * * @param array $value * Associated array of submitted values. */ private function updateContactInfo(array &$value) { $value['preserveDBName'] = $this->_preserveDefault; //parse street address, CRM-7768 CRM_Contact_Form_Task_Batch::parseStreetAddress($value, $this); CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::createProfileContact($value, $this->_fields, $value['contact_id'] ); } /** * Function exists purely for unit testing purposes. * * If you feel tempted to use this in live code then it probably means there is some functionality * that needs to be moved out of the form layer * * @param array $params * * @return bool */ public function testProcessMembership($params) { return $this->processMembership($params); } /** * Function exists purely for unit testing purposes. * * If you feel tempted to use this in live code then it probably means there is some functionality * that needs to be moved out of the form layer. * * @param array $params * * @return bool * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testProcessContribution($params) { return $this->processContribution($params); } /** * @param $customFieldsFormatted * @param array $formDates * * @return CRM_Member_BAO_Membership * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ protected function legacyProcessMembership($customFieldsFormatted, $formDates = []): CRM_Member_DAO_Membership { $updateStatusId = FALSE; $changeToday = NULL; $numRenewTerms = 1; $format = '%Y%m%d'; $ids = []; $isPayLater = NULL; $memParams = $this->getCurrentRowMembershipParams(); $currentMembership = $this->getCurrentMembership(); // Now Renew the membership if (!$currentMembership['is_current_member']) { // membership is not CURRENT // CRM-7297 Membership Upsell - calculate dates based on new membership type $dates = CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipType::getRenewalDatesForMembershipType($currentMembership['id'], $changeToday, $this->getCurrentRowMembershipTypeID(), $numRenewTerms ); foreach (['start_date', 'end_date'] as $dateType) { $memParams[$dateType] = $memParams[$dateType] ?: ($dates[$dateType] ?? NULL); } $ids['membership'] = $currentMembership['id']; //set the log start date. $memParams['log_start_date'] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dates['log_start_date'], $format); } else { // CURRENT Membership $membership = new CRM_Member_DAO_Membership(); $membership->id = $currentMembership['id']; $membership->find(TRUE); // CRM-7297 Membership Upsell - calculate dates based on new membership type $dates = CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipType::getRenewalDatesForMembershipType($membership->id, $changeToday, $this->getCurrentRowMembershipTypeID(), $numRenewTerms ); // Insert renewed dates for CURRENT membership $memParams['join_date'] = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($membership->join_date); $memParams['start_date'] = $formDates['start_date'] ?? CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($membership->start_date); $memParams['end_date'] = $formDates['end_date'] ?? NULL; if (empty($memParams['end_date'])) { $memParams['end_date'] = $dates['end_date'] ?? NULL; } //set the log start date. $memParams['log_start_date'] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dates['log_start_date'], $format); if (!empty($currentMembership['id'])) { $ids['membership'] = $currentMembership['id']; } $memParams['membership_activity_status'] = $isPayLater ? 'Scheduled' : 'Completed'; } //CRM-4555 //if we decided status here and want to skip status //calculation in create( ); then need to pass 'skipStatusCal'. if ($updateStatusId) { $memParams['status_id'] = $updateStatusId; $memParams['skipStatusCal'] = TRUE; } //since we are renewing, //make status override false. $memParams['is_override'] = FALSE; $memParams['custom'] = $customFieldsFormatted; // Load all line items & process all in membership. Don't do in contribution. // Relevant tests in api_v3_ContributionPageTest. // @todo stop passing $ids (membership and userId may be set by this point) $membership = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::create($memParams, $ids); // not sure why this statement is here, seems quite odd :( - Lobo: 12/26/2010 // related to:,11416.msg49072.html#msg49072 $membership->find(TRUE); return $membership; } /** * @return string * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ private function getFromEmailAddress(): string { $domainEmail = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail(); return "$domainEmail[0] <$domainEmail[1]>"; } /** * Standardise the values in the row from profile-weirdness to civi-standard. * * The row uses odd field names such as financial_type rather than financial * type id. We standardise at this point. * * @param array $row * * @return array */ private function standardiseRow(array $row): array { foreach ($row as $fieldKey => $fieldValue) { if (isset($this->_fields[$fieldKey]) && $this->_fields[$fieldKey]['data_type'] === 'Money') { $row[$fieldKey] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($fieldValue); } } $renameFieldMapping = [ 'financial_type' => 'financial_type_id', 'payment_instrument' => 'payment_instrument_id', 'membership_source' => 'source', 'membership_status' => 'status_id', ]; foreach ($renameFieldMapping as $weirdProfileName => $betterName) { // Check if isset as some like payment instrument and source are optional. if (isset($row[$weirdProfileName]) && empty($row[$betterName])) { $row[$betterName] = $row[$weirdProfileName]; unset($row[$weirdProfileName]); } } // The latter format would be normal here - it's unclear if it is sometimes in the former format. $row['membership_type_id'] = $row['membership_type_id'] ?? $row['membership_type'][1]; unset($row['membership_type']); // total_amount is required. $row['total_amount'] = (float) $row['total_amount']; return $row; } /** * Is the current row a renewal. * * @return bool * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ private function currentRowIsRenew(): bool { return $this->currentRowIsRenewOption === 2 && $this->getCurrentMembership(); } /** * Get any current membership for the current row contact, for the same member organization. * * @return array|bool * * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function getCurrentMembership() { if (!isset($this->currentRowExistingMembership)) { // CRM-7297 - allow membership type to be be changed during renewal so long as the parent org of new membershipType // is the same as the parent org of an existing membership of the contact $this->currentRowExistingMembership = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::getContactMembership($this->getCurrentRowContactID(), $this->getCurrentRowMembershipTypeID(), FALSE, NULL, TRUE ); if ($this->currentRowExistingMembership) { // Check and fix the membership if it is STALE CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::fixMembershipStatusBeforeRenew($this->currentRowExistingMembership); } } return $this->currentRowExistingMembership; } /** * Get the params as related to the membership entity. * * @return array */ private function getCurrentRowMembershipParams(): array { return array_merge($this->getCurrentRowCustomParams(), [ 'start_date' => $this->currentRow['membership_start_date'] ?? NULL, 'end_date' => $this->currentRow['membership_end_date'] ?? NULL, 'join_date' => $this->currentRow['membership_join_date'] ?? NULL, 'campaign_id' => $this->currentRow['member_campaign_id'] ?? NULL, 'source' => $this->currentRow['source'] ?? (!$this->currentRowIsRenew() ? ts('Batch entry') : ''), 'membership_type_id' => $this->currentRow['membership_type_id'], 'contact_id' => $this->getCurrentRowContactID(), ]); } /** * Get the custom value parameters from the current row. * * @return array */ private function getCurrentRowCustomParams(): array { $return = []; foreach ($this->currentRow as $field => $value) { if (strpos($field, 'custom_') === 0) { $return[$field] = $value; } } return $return; } }