readOnlyFields); } /** * Get the metadata relating to the settings on the form, ordered by the keys in $this->_settings. * * @return array */ protected function getSettingsMetaData(): array { if (empty($this->settingsMetadata)) { $this->settingsMetadata = \Civi\Core\SettingsMetadata::getMetadata(['name' => array_keys($this->_settings)], NULL, TRUE); // This array_merge re-orders to the key order of $this->_settings. $this->settingsMetadata = array_merge($this->_settings, $this->settingsMetadata); } return $this->settingsMetadata; } /** * Get the settings which can be stored based on metadata. * * @param array $params * @return array */ protected function getSettingsToSetByMetadata($params) { $setValues = array_intersect_key($params, $this->_settings); // Checkboxes will be unset rather than empty so we need to add them back in. // Handle quickform hateability just once, right here right now. $unsetValues = array_diff_key($this->_settings, $params); foreach ($unsetValues as $key => $unsetValue) { $quickFormType = $this->getQuickFormType($this->getSettingMetadata($key)); if ($quickFormType === 'CheckBox') { $setValues[$key] = [$key => 0]; } elseif ($quickFormType === 'CheckBoxes') { $setValues[$key] = []; } } return $setValues; } /** * @param $params */ protected function filterParamsSetByMetadata(&$params) { foreach ($this->getSettingsToSetByMetadata($params) as $setting => $settingGroup) { //@todo array_diff this unset($params[$setting]); } } /** * Get the metadata for a particular field. * * @param $setting * @return mixed */ protected function getSettingMetadata($setting) { return $this->getSettingsMetaData()[$setting]; } /** * Get the metadata for a particular field for a particular item. * * e.g get 'serialize' key, if exists, for a field. * * @param $setting * @param $item * @return mixed */ protected function getSettingMetadataItem($setting, $item) { return CRM_Utils_Array::value($item, $this->getSettingsMetaData()[$setting]); } /** * This is public so we can retrieve the filter name via hooks etc. and apply conditional logic (eg. loading javascript conditionals). * * @return string */ public function getSettingPageFilter() { if (!isset($this->_filter)) { // Get the last URL component without modifying the urlPath property. $urlPath = array_values($this->urlPath); $this->_filter = end($urlPath); } return $this->_filter; } /** * Returns a re-keyed copy of the settings, ordered by weight. * * @return array */ protected function getSettingsOrderedByWeight() { $settingMetaData = $this->getSettingsMetaData(); $filter = $this->getSettingPageFilter(); usort($settingMetaData, function ($a, $b) use ($filter) { // Handle cases in which a comparison is impossible. Such will be considered ties. if ( // A comparison can't be made unless both setting weights are declared. !isset($a['settings_pages'][$filter]['weight'], $b['settings_pages'][$filter]['weight']) // A pair of settings might actually have the same weight. || $a['settings_pages'][$filter]['weight'] === $b['settings_pages'][$filter]['weight'] ) { return 0; } return $a['settings_pages'][$filter]['weight'] > $b['settings_pages'][$filter]['weight'] ? 1 : -1; }); return $settingMetaData; } /** * Add fields in the metadata to the template. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ protected function addFieldsDefinedInSettingsMetadata() { $this->addSettingsToFormFromMetadata(); $settingMetaData = $this->getSettingsMetaData(); $descriptions = []; foreach ($settingMetaData as $setting => $props) { $quickFormType = $this->getQuickFormType($props); if (isset($quickFormType)) { $options = $props['options'] ?? NULL; if ($options) { if ($quickFormType === 'Select' && isset($props['is_required']) && $props['is_required'] === FALSE && !isset($options[''])) { // If the spec specifies the field is not required add a null option. // Why not if empty($props['is_required']) - basically this has been added to the spec & might not be set to TRUE // when it is true. $options = ['' => ts('None')] + $options; } } if ($props['type'] === 'Boolean') { $options = [$props['title'] => $props['name']]; } //Load input as readonly whose values are overridden in civicrm.settings.php. if (Civi::settings()->getMandatory($setting) !== NULL) { $props['html_attributes']['readonly'] = TRUE; $this->readOnlyFields[] = $setting; } $add = 'add' . $quickFormType; if ($add === 'addElement') { $this->$add( $props['html_type'], $setting, $props['title'], ($options !== NULL) ? $options : CRM_Utils_Array::value('html_attributes', $props, []), ($options !== NULL) ? CRM_Utils_Array::value('html_attributes', $props, []) : NULL ); } elseif ($add === 'addSelect') { $this->addElement('select', $setting, $props['title'], $options, CRM_Utils_Array::value('html_attributes', $props)); } elseif ($add === 'addCheckBox') { $this->addCheckBox($setting, '', $options, NULL, CRM_Utils_Array::value('html_attributes', $props), NULL, NULL, ['  ']); } elseif ($add === 'addCheckBoxes') { $newOptions = array_flip($options); $classes = 'crm-checkbox-list'; if (!empty($props['sortable'])) { $classes .= ' crm-sortable-list'; $newOptions = array_flip(self::reorderSortableOptions($setting, $options)); } $settingMetaData[$setting]['wrapper_element'] = ['']; $this->addCheckBox($setting, $props['title'], $newOptions, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '
  • ' ); } elseif ($add === 'addChainSelect') { $this->addChainSelect($setting, ['label' => $props['title']] + $props['chain_select_settings']); } elseif ($add === 'addMonthDay') { $this->add('date', $setting, $props['title'], CRM_Core_SelectValues::date(NULL, 'M d')); } elseif ($add === 'addEntityRef') { $this->$add($setting, $props['title'], $props['entity_reference_options']); } elseif ($add === 'addYesNo' && ($props['type'] === 'Boolean')) { $this->addRadio($setting, $props['title'], [1 => ts('Yes'), 0 => ts('No')], CRM_Utils_Array::value('html_attributes', $props), '  '); } elseif ($add === 'add') { $this->add($props['html_type'], $setting, $props['title'], $options, FALSE, $props['html_extra'] ?? NULL); } else { $this->$add($setting, $props['title'], $options); } // Migrate to using an array as easier in smart... $description = $props['description'] ?? NULL; $descriptions[$setting] = $description; $this->assign("{$setting}_description", $description); if ($setting === 'max_attachments') { //temp hack @todo fix to get from metadata $this->addRule('max_attachments', ts('Value should be a positive number'), 'positiveInteger'); } if ($setting === 'max_attachments_backend') { //temp hack @todo fix to get from metadata $this->addRule('max_attachments_backend', ts('Value should be a positive number'), 'positiveInteger'); } if ($setting === 'maxFileSize') { //temp hack $this->addRule('maxFileSize', ts('Value should be a positive number'), 'positiveInteger'); } } } // setting_description should be deprecated - see Mail.tpl for metadata based tpl. $this->assign('setting_descriptions', $descriptions); $this->assign('settings_fields', $settingMetaData); $this->assign('fields', $this->getSettingsOrderedByWeight()); // @todo look at sharing the code below in the settings trait. if ($this->hasReadOnlyFields()) { $this->freeze($this->readOnlyFields); CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("Some fields are loaded as 'readonly' as they have been set (overridden) in civicrm.settings.php."), '', 'info', ['expires' => 0]); } } /** * Get the quickform type for the given html type. * * @param array $spec * * @return string */ protected function getQuickFormType($spec) { if (isset($spec['quick_form_type']) && !($spec['quick_form_type'] === 'Element' && !empty($spec['html_type']))) { // This is kinda transitional return $spec['quick_form_type']; } // The spec for settings has been updated for consistency - we provide deprecation notices for sites that have // not made this change. $htmlType = $spec['html_type']; if ($htmlType !== strtolower($htmlType)) { // Avoiding 'ts' for obscure strings. CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedFunctionWarning('Settings fields html_type should be lower case - see - this needs to be fixed for ' . $spec['name']); $htmlType = strtolower($spec['html_type']); } $mapping = [ 'checkboxes' => 'CheckBoxes', 'checkbox' => 'CheckBox', 'radio' => 'Radio', 'select' => 'Select', 'textarea' => 'Element', 'text' => 'Element', 'entity_reference' => 'EntityRef', 'advmultiselect' => 'Element', 'chainselect' => 'ChainSelect', 'yesno' => 'YesNo', ]; $mapping += array_fill_keys(CRM_Core_Form::$html5Types, ''); return $mapping[$htmlType] ?? ''; } /** * Get the defaults for all fields defined in the metadata. * * All others are pending conversion. * * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function setDefaultsForMetadataDefinedFields() { CRM_Core_BAO_ConfigSetting::retrieve($this->_defaults); foreach (array_keys($this->_settings) as $setting) { $this->_defaults[$setting] = civicrm_api3('setting', 'getvalue', ['name' => $setting]); $spec = $this->getSettingsMetaData()[$setting]; if (!empty($spec['serialize']) && !is_array($this->_defaults[$setting])) { $this->_defaults[$setting] = CRM_Core_DAO::unSerializeField((string) $this->_defaults[$setting], $spec['serialize']); } if ($this->getQuickFormType($spec) === 'CheckBoxes') { $this->_defaults[$setting] = array_fill_keys($this->_defaults[$setting], 1); } if ($this->getQuickFormType($spec) === 'CheckBox') { $this->_defaults[$setting] = [$setting => $this->_defaults[$setting]]; } } } /** * Save any fields which have been defined via metadata. * * (Other fields are hack-handled... sadly. * * @param array $params * Form input. * * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ protected function saveMetadataDefinedSettings($params) { $settings = $this->getSettingsToSetByMetadata($params); foreach ($settings as $setting => $settingValue) { $settingMetaData = $this->getSettingMetadata($setting); if (!empty($settingMetaData['sortable'])) { $settings[$setting] = $this->getReorderedSettingData($setting, $settingValue); } elseif ($this->getQuickFormType($settingMetaData) === 'CheckBoxes') { $settings[$setting] = array_keys($settingValue); } elseif ($this->getQuickFormType($settingMetaData) === 'CheckBox') { // This will be an array with one value. $settings[$setting] = (bool) reset($settings[$setting]); } } civicrm_api3('setting', 'create', $settings); } /** * Display options in correct order on the form * * @param $setting * @param $options * @return array */ public static function reorderSortableOptions($setting, $options) { return array_merge(array_flip(Civi::settings()->get($setting)), $options); } /** * @param string $setting * @param array $settingValue * * @return array * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ private function getReorderedSettingData($setting, $settingValue) { // Get order from $_POST as $_POST maintains the order the sorted setting // options were sent. You can simply assign data from $_POST directly to // $settings[] but preference has to be given to data from Quickform. $order = array_keys(\CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve($setting, 'String')); $settingValueKeys = array_keys($settingValue); return array_intersect($order, $settingValueKeys); } /** * Add settings to form if the metadata designates they should be on the page. * * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ protected function addSettingsToFormFromMetadata() { $filter = $this->getSettingPageFilter(); $settings = civicrm_api3('Setting', 'getfields', [])['values']; foreach ($settings as $key => $setting) { if (isset($setting['settings_pages'][$filter])) { $this->_settings[$key] = $setting; } } } }