_contactId = $contactId; $this->_permission = $permission; $this->_admin = $admin; $this->_context = $context; $this->_activityTypeIDs = $activityTypeIDs; // get all enabled view componentc (check if case is enabled) $this->_viewOptions = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::valueOptions(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'contact_view_options', TRUE, NULL, TRUE ); } /** * This method returns the action links that are given for each search row. * currently the action links added for each row are * * - View * * @param int $activityTypeId * @param int $sourceRecordId * @param bool $accessMailingReport * @param int $activityId * @param null $key * @param null $compContext * * @return array */ public static function actionLinks( $activityTypeId, $sourceRecordId = NULL, $accessMailingReport = FALSE, $activityId = NULL, $key = NULL, $compContext = NULL) { //CRM-14277 added additional param to handle activity search $extraParams = "&searchContext=activity"; $extraParams .= ($key) ? "&key={$key}" : NULL; if ($compContext) { $extraParams .= "&compContext={$compContext}"; } $showView = TRUE; $showUpdate = $showDelete = FALSE; $qsUpdate = NULL; $url = NULL; $qsView = NULL; $activityTypeName = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', $activityTypeId); // CRM-7607 // Lets allow to have normal operation for only activity types. // When activity type is disabled or no more exists give only delete. switch ($activityTypeName) { case 'Event Registration': case 'Change Registration': $url = 'civicrm/contact/view/participant'; $qsView = "action=view&reset=1&id={$sourceRecordId}&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; break; case 'Contribution': $url = 'civicrm/contact/view/contribution'; $qsView = "action=view&reset=1&id={$sourceRecordId}&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; break; case 'Payment': case 'Refund': $participantId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantPayment', $sourceRecordId, 'participant_id', 'contribution_id'); if (!empty($participantId)) { $url = 'civicrm/contact/view/participant'; $qsView = "action=view&reset=1&id={$participantId}&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; } break; case 'Membership Signup': case 'Membership Renewal': case 'Change Membership Status': case 'Change Membership Type': $url = 'civicrm/contact/view/membership'; $qsView = "action=view&reset=1&id={$sourceRecordId}&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; break; case 'Pledge Reminder': case 'Pledge Acknowledgment': $url = 'civicrm/contact/view/activity'; $qsView = "atype={$activityTypeId}&action=view&reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; break; case 'Email': case 'Bulk Email': $url = 'civicrm/activity/view'; $delUrl = 'civicrm/activity'; $qsView = "atype={$activityTypeId}&action=view&reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; if ($activityTypeName == 'Email') { $showDelete = TRUE; } break; case 'Inbound Email': $url = 'civicrm/contact/view/activity'; $qsView = "atype={$activityTypeId}&action=view&reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; if (CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::checkEditInboundEmailsPermissions()) { $showDelete = $showUpdate = TRUE; $qsUpdate = "atype={$activityTypeId}&action=update&reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; } break; case 'Open Case': case 'Change Case Type': case 'Change Case Status': case 'Change Case Start Date': $showUpdate = $showDelete = FALSE; $url = 'civicrm/activity'; $qsView = "atype={$activityTypeId}&action=view&reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; $qsUpdate = "atype={$activityTypeId}&action=update&reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; break; default: $url = 'civicrm/activity'; $showView = $showDelete = $showUpdate = TRUE; $qsView = "atype={$activityTypeId}&action=view&reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; $qsUpdate = "atype={$activityTypeId}&action=update&reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; // When type is not available lets hide view and update. if (empty($activityTypeName)) { $showView = $showUpdate = FALSE; } break; } $qsDelete = "atype={$activityTypeId}&action=delete&reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&context=%%cxt%%{$extraParams}"; $actionLinks = []; if ($showView) { $actionLinks += [ CRM_Core_Action:: VIEW => [ 'name' => ts('View'), 'url' => $url, 'qs' => $qsView, 'title' => ts('View Activity'), ], ]; } if ($showUpdate) { $updateUrl = 'civicrm/activity/add'; if ($activityTypeName == 'Email') { $updateUrl = 'civicrm/activity/email/add'; } elseif ($activityTypeName == 'Print PDF Letter') { $updateUrl = 'civicrm/activity/pdf/add'; } if (CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::checkPermission($activityId, CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE)) { $actionLinks += [ CRM_Core_Action:: UPDATE => [ 'name' => ts('Edit'), 'url' => $updateUrl, 'qs' => $qsUpdate, 'title' => ts('Update Activity'), ], ]; } } if ( $activityTypeName && CRM_Case_BAO_Case::checkPermission($activityId, 'File On Case', $activityTypeId) ) { $actionLinks += [ CRM_Core_Action:: ADD => [ 'name' => ts('File on Case'), 'url' => '#', 'extra' => 'onclick="javascript:fileOnCase( \'file\', \'%%id%%\', null, this ); return false;"', 'title' => ts('File on Case'), ], ]; } if ($showDelete) { if (!isset($delUrl) || !$delUrl) { $delUrl = $url; } $actionLinks += [ CRM_Core_Action:: DELETE => [ 'name' => ts('Delete'), 'url' => $delUrl, 'qs' => $qsDelete, 'title' => ts('Delete Activity'), ], ]; } if ($accessMailingReport) { $actionLinks += [ CRM_Core_Action:: BROWSE => [ 'name' => ts('Mailing Report'), 'url' => 'civicrm/mailing/report', 'qs' => "mid={$sourceRecordId}&reset=1&cid=%%cid%%&context=activitySelector", 'title' => ts('View Mailing Report'), ], ]; } return $actionLinks; } /** * Getter for array of the parameters required for creating pager. * * @param $action * @param array $params */ public function getPagerParams($action, &$params) { $params['status'] = ts('Activities %%StatusMessage%%'); $params['csvString'] = NULL; $params['rowCount'] = CRM_Utils_Pager::ROWCOUNT; $params['buttonTop'] = 'PagerTopButton'; $params['buttonBottom'] = 'PagerBottomButton'; } /** * Returns the column headers as an array of tuples: * (name, sortName (key to the sort array)) * * @param string $action * The action being performed. * @param string $output * What should the result set include (web/email/csv). * * @return array * the column headers that need to be displayed */ public function &getColumnHeaders($action = NULL, $output = NULL) { if ($output == CRM_Core_Selector_Controller::EXPORT || $output == CRM_Core_Selector_Controller::SCREEN) { $csvHeaders = [ts('Activity Type'), ts('Description'), ts('Activity Date')]; foreach (self::_getColumnHeaders() as $column) { if (array_key_exists('name', $column)) { $csvHeaders[] = $column['name']; } } return $csvHeaders; } else { return self::_getColumnHeaders(); } } /** * Returns total number of rows for the query. * * @param string $action * Action being performed. * * @param null $case * * @return int * Total number of rows */ public function getTotalCount($action, $case = NULL) { $params = [ 'contact_id' => $this->_contactId, 'admin' => $this->_admin, 'caseId' => $case, 'context' => $this->_context, 'activity_type_id' => $this->_activityTypeIDs, 'offset' => 0, 'rowCount' => 0, 'sort' => NULL, ]; return CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::getActivitiesCount($params); } /** * Returns all the rows in the given offset and rowCount. * * @param string $action * The action being performed. * @param int $offset * The row number to start from. * @param int $rowCount * The number of rows to return. * @param string $sort * The sql string that describes the sort order. * @param string $output * What should the result set include (web/email/csv). * * @param null $case * * @return int * the total number of rows for this action */ public function &getRows($action, $offset, $rowCount, $sort, $output = NULL, $case = NULL) { $params = [ 'contact_id' => $this->_contactId, 'admin' => $this->_admin, 'caseId' => $case, 'context' => $this->_context, 'activity_type_id' => $this->_activityTypeIDs, 'offset' => $offset, 'rowCount' => $rowCount, 'sort' => $sort, ]; $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $rows = CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::getActivities($params); if (empty($rows)) { return $rows; } $activityStatus = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityStatus(); $engagementLevels = CRM_Campaign_PseudoConstant::engagementLevel(); // CRM-4418 $permissions = [$this->_permission]; if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('delete activities')) { $permissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::DELETE; } $mask = CRM_Core_Action::mask($permissions); foreach ($rows as $k => $row) { $row = &$rows[$k]; // DRAFTING: provide a facility for db-stored strings // localize the built-in activity names for display // (these are not enums, so we can't use any automagic here) switch ($row['activity_type']) { case 'Meeting': $row['activity_type'] = ts('Meeting'); break; case 'Phone Call': $row['activity_type'] = ts('Phone Call'); break; case 'Email': $row['activity_type'] = ts('Email'); break; case 'SMS': $row['activity_type'] = ts('SMS'); break; case 'Event': $row['activity_type'] = ts('Event'); break; } // add class to this row if overdue if (CRM_Utils_Date::overdue(CRM_Utils_Array::value('activity_date_time', $row)) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('status_id', $row) == 1 ) { $row['overdue'] = 1; $row['class'] = 'status-overdue'; } else { $row['overdue'] = 0; $row['class'] = 'status-ontime'; } $row['status'] = $row['status_id'] ? $activityStatus[$row['status_id']] : NULL; if ($engagementLevel = CRM_Utils_Array::value('engagement_level', $row)) { $row['engagement_level'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($engagementLevel, $engagementLevels, $engagementLevel); } // CRM-3553 $accessMailingReport = FALSE; if (!empty($row['mailingId'])) { $accessMailingReport = TRUE; } $actionLinks = $this->actionLinks(CRM_Utils_Array::value('activity_type_id', $row), CRM_Utils_Array::value('source_record_id', $row), $accessMailingReport, CRM_Utils_Array::value('activity_id', $row), $this->_key ); $actionMask = array_sum(array_keys($actionLinks)) & $mask; if ($output != CRM_Core_Selector_Controller::EXPORT && $output != CRM_Core_Selector_Controller::SCREEN) { $row['action'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($actionLinks, $actionMask, [ 'id' => $row['activity_id'], 'cid' => $this->_contactId, 'cxt' => $this->_context, 'caseid' => isset($row['case_id']) ? current($row['case_id']) : NULL, ], ts('more'), FALSE, 'activity.selector.action', 'Activity', $row['activity_id'] ); } unset($row); } return $rows; } /** * Name of export file. * * @param string $output * Type of output. * * @return string * name of the file */ public function getExportFileName($output = 'csv') { return ts('CiviCRM Activity'); } /** * Get colunmn headers for search selector. * * * @return array */ private static function &_getColumnHeaders() { if (!isset(self::$_columnHeaders)) { self::$_columnHeaders = [ [ 'name' => ts('Type'), 'sort' => 'activity_type', 'direction' => CRM_Utils_Sort::DONTCARE, ], [ 'name' => ts('Subject'), 'sort' => 'subject', 'direction' => CRM_Utils_Sort::DONTCARE, ], [ 'name' => ts('Added by'), 'sort' => 'source_contact_name', 'direction' => CRM_Utils_Sort::DONTCARE, ], ['name' => ts('With')], ['name' => ts('Assigned')], [ 'name' => ts('Date'), 'sort' => 'activity_date_time', 'direction' => CRM_Utils_Sort::DONTCARE, ], [ 'name' => ts('Status'), 'sort' => 'status_id', 'direction' => CRM_Utils_Sort::DONTCARE, ], ['desc' => ts('Actions')], ]; } return self::$_columnHeaders; } }