Chill Zone

Birds of a Feather

Non-Code Contributors' BoF

Calling all Free/Libre Founders

Job Board

Post / check for jobs.

LibrePlanet Trivia

Are you well-versed in free software esoterica? You'll have the chance to show your skills in our trivia contest and win prizes at the same time.

To participate in the trivia contest, you will need to be registered at the "Supporter" level.


We're running a Minetest server this year. To install Minetest 0.4 on Trisquel, run sudo apt-get install minetest.

To connect to our server, use the URL and the default port 30000.

Voice chat

Install the mumble package with a command like sudo apt-get install mumble Start the Mumble application, and log into Exhibitor' room names are listed above.

Text chat

Log in and enter: /join #libreplanet-gaming in the chat window below.