LibrePlanet 2017 ================ ##### SECTION 1: DEVELOPMENT WORKFLOW ##### The actual LIVE site, visible at, is served from the "stable" branch of the git repository using a git hook. There is also a development branch called "master" which we use to preview edits on the Web. The master branch is served to the Web at and publicly visible, but not linked to. Full workflow to make, test and deploy an edit ----------------- * Check out the master branch and make sure it is up to date with stable. * git checkout master * If this a large edit or a small edit? If it is small, edit, work in master. If this is a large edit that will take longer than a day, make a new branch based on the master branch and work there. * Make your edits. (See instructions for editing content below.) * Optionally, test them on your computer with a local development environment. (See instructions below for setting up your development environment). * If you are working on your own branch created for your edit, merge, your branch into master, then push master. * git checkout master * git merge BRANCHNAME * git push * Review the edited version of the site at You can share this with others. * When you are satisfied, merge master into stable and then push stable. Your edits are now live. * git checkout stable * git merge master * git push ##### SECTION 2: EDITING INSTRUCTIONS ##### This site is built with [Bootstrap 3.3.5]( and [jQuery 1.11.1]( but you do not need to understand either of these technologies to make minor content edits to the site. Creating a New Page ------------------- *Boilerplate* Add the following to your new page (it should remain commented out, as that is the syntax for SSI): ``` ``` This will include the header, banner, sidebar, footer and closing tags saving you from duplicating HTML. If JS is needed for a page, then create a file, containing the JS includes, in `/2017/includes/` & use SSI to include it in the page. Use `/2017/includes/boilerplate.html` to start a new page. *Add Your Markup* Add HTML markup in-between the sidebar and footer includes. *Enable SSI* Files that contain include directives must be marked as executable otherwise Apache will not parse them. (The directive `XBitHack on` in the .conf file pasted above enables this behavior). To mark a file as executable, run: ``` chmod +x foo.html ``` Replace `foo.html` with the desired file name. Modifying top-right corner -------------------------- In the `/2017/includes/banner.html` find the `...#top-right-desktop start...` section. *For register now* Include `register-now.html` *For join LP list form* Include `join-list.html` ##### SECTION 3: SETTING UP A LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT ##### Apache is required in order to replicate the appearance of the website on the live and staging servers on your machine. If you don't want to install Apache, you can still work on the site, you just won't be able to see what it looks like until you push to the remote. Modifying Apache's configuration files and running its executables typically requires root access. So, you will most likely need to run the commands below as the root user using `sudo`. *Enable server-side include module* ``` a2enmod include ``` If this doesn't work, you may not have Apache installed. Install the package apache2 from your package manager. *Create virtual host* Create a new file called libreplanet (libreplanet.conf for Apache 2.4) in `/etc/apache2/sites-available` with the following contents: ``` RewriteEngine on ServerName ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /local-path/path-to-site Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Require all granted Order deny,allow deny from none allow from all SSILegacyExprParser on Options +Includes XBitHack on ErrorLog /home/owner/libreplanet-static/logs/error.log CustomLog /home/owner/libreplanet-static/access.log combined ``` Replace all instances of `/path/to/libreplanet-static` with the full path to the root directory of your local git repository. *Enable virtual host* ``` a2ensite your-virtual-host ``` Replace `your-virtual-host` with the name of virtual host file you made (in this case, libreplanet). *Restart Apache* ``` service apache2 restart ``` *Edit your hosts file* Edit your system's `/etc/hosts` file and add the following to the bottom: ``` ``` *Test* Visit in your web browser. If everything is configured properly, you will see the LibrePlanet 2017 site, complete with header, sidebar, and footer.