March 22nd-23rd
MIT, Cambridge, MA

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Sessions | Speakers | Legal seminar

Keynote speakers

Sue Gardner

Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundation

Since 2007, Sue Gardner has served as the Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, the global non-profit that operates Wikipedia. Wikipedia is the world's largest and most popular encyclopedia, which is free to use and free of advertising. Wikipedia contains more than 30 million volunteer-authored articles in over 280 languages, and is visited by more than 516 million people every month, making it the fifth most popular website in the world.

Ms. Gardner, a seasoned journalist, was formerly head of, the website for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, one of Canada's most prominent and best-loved cultural institutions. Under her leadership, won many international awards for excellence, and grew to become Canada's most popular news site. She started her career in 1990 as a producer with CBC's "As It Happens," an internationally-recognized groundbreaking news and current events radio program. She has worked in radio, television, newspapers, magazines and online.

Sue Gardner has been described as the librarian to the world and the Mother Teresa of the Internet. In 2009, she was voted by Huffington Post readers as their media game-changer of the year and in 2012, Forbes magazine named her the world's 70th most powerful woman. Her work is motivated by the desire to ensure that everyone in the world has free and easy access to the information they want and need.

Eben Moglen

Eben Moglen, Software Freedom Law Center

Professor of Law and Legal History at Columbia University Law School. Professor Moglen has represented many of the world's leading free software developers. Professor Moglen earned his PhD in History and law degree at Yale University during what he sometimes calls his “long, dark period” in New Haven. After law school he clerked for Judge Edward Weinfeld of the United States District Court in New York City and for Justice Thurgood Marshall of the United States Supreme Court. He has taught at Columbia Law School since 1987 and has held visiting appointments at Harvard University, Tel Aviv University and the University of Virginia. In 2003 he was given the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Award for efforts on behalf of freedom in the electronic society. Professor Moglen is admitted to practice in the State of New York and before the United States Supreme Court.

Karen Sandler

Karen Sandler, GNOME Foundation

Karen M. Sandler is the Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation. She is known for her advocacy for free software, particularly for software safety on medical devices. Prior to joining GNOME, she was General Counsel of the Software Freedom Law Center. Karen continues to do pro bono legal work with SFLC and serves as an officer of the Software Freedom Conservancy. She is also pro bono General Counsel of and an advisor to the Ada Initiative. Before joining SFLC, Karen worked as an associate in the corporate departments of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP in New York and Clifford Chance in New York and London. Karen received her law degree from Columbia Law School in 2000, where she was a James Kent Scholar and co-founder of the Columbia Science and Technology Law Review. Karen received her bachelors degree in engineering from The Cooper Union. She is a recipient of the O'Reilly Open Source Award.

Richard Stallman

Richard Stallman, Free Software Foundation

Richard is a software developer and software freedom activist. In 1983 he announced the project to develop the GNU operating system, a Unix-like operating system meant to be entirely free software, and has been the project's leader ever since. With that announcement Richard also launched the Free Software Movement. In October 1985 he started the Free Software Foundation.

Since the mid-1990s, Richard has spent most of his time in political advocacy for free software, and spreading the ethical ideas of the movement, as well as campaigning against both software patents and dangerous extension of copyright laws. Before that, Richard developed a number of widely used software components of GNU, including the original Emacs, the GNU Compiler Collection, the GNU symbolic debugger (gdb), GNU Emacs, and various other programs for the GNU operating system.

Richard pioneered the concept of copyleft, and is the main author of the GNU General Public License, the most widely used free software license.

Richard graduated from Harvard in 1974 with a BA in physics. During his college years, he also worked as a staff hacker at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, learning operating system development by doing it. He wrote the first extensible Emacs text editor there in 1975. He also developed the AI technique of dependency-directed backtracking, also known as truth maintenance. In January 1984 he resigned from MIT to start the GNU project.

Session speakers

Lionel Allorge, April

Lionel Allorge has been involved with the free software movement since 2000, when he joined April, the French free software advocacy association. After several years as board member, he was elected president in 2012.

Carolyn Anhalt, Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M)

Carolyn's work in technology focuses on cross-cultural communications and multi-lingual applications. She currently contributes to research with Internews on a project documenting techniques and effects of online censorship and surveillance in various countries. In addition to this, she also advises and trains organizations and individuals on information security practices.

Madeleine Ball,

Madeleine Ball is director of research at the Harvard Personal Genome Project and co-founder of the Open Humans Network at As a scientist, programmer, and writer, Madeleine believes policy changes and open tools are vital for enabling open data and methods for understanding human biology.

Walter Bender, Sugar Labs

Walter Bender is founder of Sugar Labs, a member project of the non-profit foundation Software Freedom Conservancy. Sugar Labs develops educational software used by more than three million children in more than forty countries. As director of the MIT Media Laboratory, Bender led a team of researchers in fields as varied as tangible media to affective computing to lifelong kindergarten.

Frédéric Couchet, April

Frédéric Couchet is a free software activist, founder and executive director of April, an association which has been promoting and defending free software in France and Europe since 1996.

Kade Crockford, ACLU of Massachusetts

Kade Crockford is the director of the ACLU of Massachusetts' Technology for Liberty project, where she writes and edits the Privacy Matters blog, available at The Technology for Liberty project aims to reform obsolete law at the intersection of privacy and technology, as well as marshal developing technologies to serve civil liberties and individual freedom.

Molly de Blanc

Molly de Blanc is a department liaison at MIT OpenCourseWare. She interned at the Free Software Foundation and One Laptop Per Child in non-technical capacities. She lives in Somerville, MA with hackers, free culture enthusiasts, and quite a few plants.

Remy DeCausemaker, RIT Lab for Technological Literacy

As assistant director of the Rochester Institute of Technology Lab for Technological Literacy, Remy serves as FOSS Research Coordinator at the Center for Media, Arts, Games, Interaction, and Creativity (MAGIC). Inside and outside of the classroom, he helps mentor and guide the students of RIT's Humanitarian Free/Opensource Software Development course. He is a co-founder of, who's mission is to improve access, openness, and transparency of public information. With help from Sugarlabs, TeachingOpensource, Software Freedom Law Center, The Fedora Project, and many others, Remy brings FOSS to campuses, conferences, and campaigns everywhere he can.

Máirín Duffy, Red Hat, Inc. & The Fedora Project

Máirín is a principal interaction designer on the Fedora Engineering team at Red Hat. She is passionate about software freedom, particularly in the creative domain; her favorite application is Inkscape.

Yochai Gal, Boston TechCollective

Yochai Gal is a co-founder of TechCollective, a worker-owned IT firm in San Francisco, CA, and also of its second chapter in Boston, MA. He is also a former board member of the Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives, an affiliate body of the Federation of Worker Cooperatives. His expertise is in cooperative business operations, systems administration, data recovery, and general IT.

Matthew Garrett, Nebula

Matthew Garrett is a cloud security developer and free software contributor.

Sucheta Ghoshal, Wikimedia Foundation

Sucheta Ghoshal has been engaged with MediaWiki development for a long time now -- writing code for Wikipedia mostly in JavaScript and PHP. She is working as an associate software engineer in the Language Engineering Team of the Wikimedia Foundation. She was also an OPW intern with the Wikimedia Foundation, and is now volunteering as a mentor for the same program.

Ezra Glenn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Urban Studies & Planning

Ezra Haber Glenn is a lecturer in Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. Prior to holding this position he served as director of community development for the City of Lawrence, MA. Past positions include director of planning & development and director of commercial development for the City of Somerville, MA, and land use planner at the consulting firm of McGregor & Associates in Boston. He serves on the board of directors of the Somerville Community Corporation and as a mayoral appointee to the Somerville Community Preservation Committee.

He is also the developer and maintainer of the "acs" package in the R statistical programming language, which helps users download and analyze data from the U.S. Census. He blogs on CityState and O'Reilly's Radar.

Shauna Gordon-McKeon, OpenHatch

Shauna Gordon-McKeon is a program director for OpenHatch, where she develops and runs an event series introducing college students to free software. She also volunteers with the Open Science Collaboration, a network of academic and citizen scientists with an interest in open science, metascience, and good scientific practices. She has a background in neuroscience and endocrinology, and a strong interest in contributing to scientific progress as a non-professional.

Mark Holmquist, Wikimedia Foundation

Mark Holmquist, AKA "marktraceur", has been working with the free software movement and various free software projects for all of his adult life. He continues to pursue clarity in questions of ethics and morality related to free software, as well as build quality software for everyone to use freely, both as his day job at the Wikimedia Foundation and in his spare time.

Bradley Kuhn, Free Software Foundation

Bradley M. Kuhn helped found Software Freedom Conservancy in 2006, and became its executive director in 2010. Kuhn additionally volunteers on Free Software Foundation's board of directors, and was previously FSF's executive director from 2001-2005. Kuhn became a volunteer contributor in the software freedom Movement in 1992, and worked in the 1990s as a system administrator and software developer. Kuhn focused his last 15 years on free software licensing and non-profit structures for software freedom.

Josh Levy, Free Press

Josh leads Free Press's work to protect Internet freedom, stop government and corporate surveillance, secure public use of the public airwaves and promote universal access to high-speed Internet. Before joining Free Press, Josh was the managing editor of, where he supervised the launch of more than a dozen issue-based blogs. Josh holds a B.A. in English and religion from the University of Vermont and an M.F.A. in integrated media arts from Hunter College.

Emily Lippold Cheney, Data Commons Cooperative

Emily identifies as a cooperative organizer. For the past eight years, she has been working with students and youth nationally and internationally in an educator and developer capacity. In her role as an organizer, she works to build partnerships and cooperation within the global cooperative movement, as well as with other, like-minded movements and groups - like the FLOSS community! She is also an aspiring Drupalista.

Nicholas Merrill, The Calyx Institute

Nicholas Merrill is the founder of The Calyx Institute, a non-profit organization focused on the digital divide and privacy issues. He has worked primarily with free software since the beginning of his career in 1994, beginning with GNU/Linux and later with FreeBSD and OpenBSD. In 2004, he began a decade-long legal battle against the constitutionality of National Security Letters which still continues in the legal system.

Leandro Monk, FACTTIC (Federación Argentina de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Tecnología, Innovación y Conocimiento)

Leandro Monk is President of FACTTIC and a member of gcoop - Cooperativa de Software Libre.

Monty Montgomery, Xiph.Org Foundation

Monty Montgomery is a founder and the current Executive Director of the Xiph.Org Foundation, author of CDParanoia, Ogg, and the Vorbis audio codec, and contributor to numerous free digital media software projects. In addition to his programming work, Monty is known for his technically accessible articles about digital media, and appears in the Xiph.Org videos "A Digital Media Primer for Geeks" and "Digital Show and Tell."

Alexandre Oliva, FSF Latin America

Free Software evangelist. GNU speaker. FSF Latin America board member. Maintainer of GNU Linux-libre, and co-maintainer of GNU libc, GNU binutils and GNU Compiler Collection. GNU toolchain engineer with Red Hat Brazil.

Sandra Ordonez, Techno Activism 3rd Monday and OpenITP

Sandy Ordonez currently serves as outreach manager for Open Internet Tools Project, and a shepherd for Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays, a monthly event that that occurs simultaneously in twenty-one cities and brings together people interested in surveillance, censorship and open technology. She previously served as director of communications to Wikipedia, and external communications lead for Joomla. Her passions are community management, digital strategy, and collaborative culture.

Noopur Raval, Commons Machinery

Noopur Raval, who crawls the interwebs to produce accounts of techno-cultures. She is currently pursuing her M.Phil in Cinema Studies at JNU, New Delhi. Her thesis revolves around understanding new religious publics in India through their interactions with media technologies. She has previously worked with the Wikimedia Foundation and the Center for Internet & Society, Bangalore to promote Wikipedia contribution in Indian languages. She is passionate about Open Source technology, free knowledge, education, and travel.

Joseph Reagle, Northeastern University

Joseph Reagle is author of Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia (The MIT Press, 2010). As a research engineer at MIT he served as a working group chair and author within IETF and W3C on topics including digital security, privacy, and Internet policy. His current interests include infocide, geek feminism, and comment culture.

Stephen Revilak

Steve Revilak is a software developer, RFC 1392-compliant hacker, and Quartermaster of the Massachusetts Pirate Party.

Ruben Rodriguez Perez, The Trisquel GNU/Linux Project

Founder of the Trisquel GNU/Linux project, Ruben is a computer engineer and free software developer from Spain. He has worked on free software projects for the last twelve years, with a particular focus on educational software.

Seth Schoen, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Seth Schoen is a senior staff technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, where he has worked since 2001. At EFF, he has researched computer security and forensics and provided testimony to several courts and government agencies. He is interested in helping people achieve more understanding of and control over the technology they use.

Paul Tagliamonte

Paul is a software engineer with the Sunlight Foundation, who works on a number of free software projects, such as Debian, Ubuntu, Fluxbox, and numerous other smaller projects. He's been a GNU/Linux user for ten years, and holds an undergraduate degree in Computer Science from John Carroll University.

Jeffrey Warren Public Lab

Co-founder and research director for the Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science, Jeffrey Warren designs mapping and civic science tools and professionally flies balloons and kites. Notable software he has created include the vector-mapping framework Cartagen and orthorectification tool MapKnitter, as well as open spectral database and toolkit Spectral Workbench. He is a fellow at MIT's Center for Civic Media, on the board of the Open Source Hardware Association, on the advisory board of Personal Democracy Media's WeGov and an advocate of free software, hardware, and data.

Zachary Wick

Zach has been employed as a web developer, an embedded developer, and a mobile developer. He can often be found doing something outdoors or up to his elbows in solder and wires hacking a new feature into a device.

Holmes Wilson, Fight for the Future

Holmes Wilson is a former FSF campaign manager who now runs Fight for the Future, the Internet activism organization best known for organizing the protests to stop SOPA and--more recently--actions against NSA surveillance. He has also co-founded several major free projects, including the subtitling tool Amara, the torrent-enabled media player Miro, and the government transparency sites &

Marina Zhurakhinskaya, Red Hat, GNOME Foundation

Marina Zhurakhinskaya works on community outreach and engagement at Red Hat and serves on the boards of the GNOME Foundation and the Ada Initiative. She organizes the GNOME Foundation's Outreach Program for Women. She is an MIT graduate with Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science.

Kÿra, The Empowermentors Collective

Kÿra is an activist within, and critic of, the free software and free culture movements. As a student, aspiring hacker, second generation hoppa, and trans femminine cyborg, Kÿra is committed to free software and free culture as a matter of POC empowerment, disability justice, decolonization, queer liberation, prison abolition, and the destabilization of patriarchy. They challenge the mainstream narratives advancing free software and free culture without consideration for racial and gender oppression.