Overview ---------------------------------------- _Please describe your problem or bug in detail._ Reproduction steps ---------------------------------------- 1. Click on **Contacts -> New Individual**. 1. Entered **First Name** and **Last Name** and clicked **Save**. 1. Got an error "**Fatal error: DB error**". Current behaviour ---------------------------------------- _What happens currently. Please provide error messages, screenshots or gifs ([LICEcap](http://www.cockos.com/licecap/), [SilentCast](https://github.com/colinkeenan/silentcast)) where appropriate._ ``` TIP: The best way to convey an error message is to copy it in here and use three backtick ` symbols. You may edit the message to remove private information (like passwords). The backticks will help to preserve any special characters or spaces. ``` Expected behaviour ---------------------------------------- _What should happen._ Environment information ---------------------------------------- * __Browser:__ _Firefox 59.0.1/Chrome 78.0.3904/Safari 13_ * __CiviCRM:__ _Master/5.20.0/5.19.1/5.18.2/..._ * __PHP:__ _7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/...__ * __CMS:__ _Backdrop 1.5/Drupal 7.30/Joomla 3.3/WordPress 4.5/..._ * __Database:__ _MySQL 5.7.7/MariaDB 10.4/..._ * __Web Server:__ _Apache 2.4/Nginx 1.16/..._ Comments ---------------------------------------- _Anything else you would like the reviewer to note._