Merge pull request #19067 from eileenmcnaughton/weight
[civicrm-core.git] / xml / schema / PCP / PCPBlock.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
3 <table>
4 <base>CRM/PCP</base>
5 <class>PCPBlock</class>
6 <name>civicrm_pcp_block</name>
7 <comment>A Personal Campaign Page Block stores admin configurable status options and rules</comment>
8 <add>2.2</add>
9 <log>true</log>
10 <component>CiviContribute</component>
11 <field>
12 <name>id</name>
13 <title>PCP Block ID</title>
14 <type>int unsigned</type>
15 <required>true</required>
16 <comment>PCP block Id</comment>
17 <add>2.2</add>
18 </field>
19 <primaryKey>
20 <name>id</name>
21 <autoincrement>true</autoincrement>
22 </primaryKey>
23 <field>
24 <name>entity_table</name>
25 <title>Entity Table</title>
26 <type>varchar</type>
27 <length>64</length>
28 <add>2.2</add>
29 </field>
30 <field>
31 <name>entity_id</name>
32 <title>Entity</title>
33 <type>int unsigned</type>
34 <required>true</required>
35 <comment>FK to OR</comment>
36 <add>2.2</add>
37 </field>
38 <dynamicForeignKey>
39 <idColumn>entity_id</idColumn>
40 <typeColumn>entity_table</typeColumn>
41 <add>2.2</add>
42 </dynamicForeignKey>
43 <field>
44 <name>target_entity_type</name>
45 <title>Target Entity</title>
46 <type>varchar</type>
47 <length>255</length>
48 <required>true</required>
49 <default>'contribute'</default>
50 <comment>The type of entity that this pcp targets</comment>
51 <add>4.1</add>
52 </field>
53 <field>
54 <name>target_entity_id</name>
55 <title>Target Entity ID</title>
56 <type>int unsigned</type>
57 <required>true</required>
58 <comment>The entity that this pcp targets</comment>
59 <add>4.1</add>
60 </field>
61 <dynamicForeignKey>
62 <idColumn>target_entity_id</idColumn>
63 <!-- FIXME: typename and not tablename? -->
64 <typeColumn>target_entity_type</typeColumn>
65 <add>4.1</add>
66 </dynamicForeignKey>
67 <field>
68 <name>supporter_profile_id</name>
69 <title>Supporter Profile</title>
70 <type>int unsigned</type>
71 <comment>FK to Does Personal Campaign Page require manual activation by administrator? (is inactive by default after setup)?</comment>
72 <default>NULL</default>
73 <add>2.2</add>
74 </field>
75 <foreignKey>
76 <name>supporter_profile_id</name>
77 <table>civicrm_uf_group</table>
78 <key>id</key>
79 <add>3.1</add>
80 <onDelete>SET NULL</onDelete>
81 </foreignKey>
82 <field>
83 <name>owner_notify_id</name>
84 <title>Owner Notification</title>
85 <type>int unsigned</type>
86 <default>0</default>
87 <comment>FK to civicrm_option_group with name = PCP owner notifications</comment>
88 <add>4.6</add>
89 <pseudoconstant>
90 <optionGroupName>pcp_owner_notify</optionGroupName>
91 </pseudoconstant>
92 <html>
93 <type>Radio</type>
94 </html>
95 </field>
96 <field>
97 <name>is_approval_needed</name>
98 <title>Approval Required?</title>
99 <type>boolean</type>
100 <comment>Does Personal Campaign Page require manual activation by administrator? (is inactive by default after setup)?</comment>
101 <default>NULL</default>
102 <add>2.2</add>
103 </field>
104 <field>
105 <name>is_tellfriend_enabled</name>
106 <title>Tell a Friend Enabled?</title>
107 <type>boolean</type>
108 <comment>Does Personal Campaign Page allow using tell a friend?</comment>
109 <default>NULL</default>
110 <add>2.2</add>
111 </field>
112 <field>
113 <name>tellfriend_limit</name>
114 <title>Tell A Friend Limit</title>
115 <type>int unsigned</type>
116 <default>NULL</default>
117 <comment>Maximum recipient fields allowed in tell a friend</comment>
118 <add>2.2</add>
119 </field>
120 <field>
121 <name>link_text</name>
122 <title>Link Text</title>
123 <type>varchar</type>
124 <length>255</length>
125 <default>NULL</default>
126 <localizable>true</localizable>
127 <comment>Link text for PCP.</comment>
128 <add>2.2</add>
129 </field>
130 <field>
131 <name>is_active</name>
132 <title>Enabled?</title>
133 <type>boolean</type>
134 <comment>Is Personal Campaign Page Block enabled/active?</comment>
135 <default>1</default>
136 <add>2.2</add>
137 </field>
138 <field>
139 <name>notify_email</name>
140 <title>Notification Email</title>
141 <type>varchar</type>
142 <length>255</length>
143 <comment>If set, notification is automatically emailed to this email-address on create/update Personal Campaign Page</comment>
144 <default>NULL</default>
145 <add>2.2</add>
146 </field>
147 </table>