1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
"iso-8859-1" ?>
5 <name>civicrm_openid
6 <comment>OpenID information for a specific location.
10 <type>int unsigned
11 <required>true
12 <comment>Unique OpenID ID
17 <autoincrement>true
20 <name>contact_id
21 <type>int unsigned
22 <comment>FK to Contact ID
26 <name>contact_id
27 <table>civicrm_contact
30 <onDelete>CASCADE
33 <name>location_type_id
34 <title>OpenID Location Type
35 <type>int unsigned
36 <comment>Which Location does this email belong to.
40 <name>index_location_type
41 <fieldName>location_type_id
50 <headerPattern>/^Open.?ID|u(niq\w*)?.?ID/i
51 <dataPattern>/^[\w\/\:\.]+$/
52 <comment>the OpenID (or OpenID-style http://username.domain/) unique identifier for this contact mainly used for logging in to CiviCRM
54 <comment>OpenID
58 <name>UI_openid
59 <fieldName>openid
64 <name>allowed_to_login
66 <required>true
68 <comment>Whether or not this user is allowed to login
72 <name>is_primary
73 <title>Is OpenID Primary?
76 <comment>Is this the primary email for this contact and location.