Merge pull request #71 from dpradeep/merge-20140930
[civicrm-core.git] / tools / scripts / releaser / releaser
1 #!/bin/bash
2 set -e
4 confdir=$(dirname $0)
5 start_point="$1"
6 version="$2"
7 first_act="$3"
8 distmaker_tgt=all
10 if [ ! -f "$confdir/releaser.conf" ]; then
11 echo
12 echo "Missing configuration file. Please copy $confdir/releaser.conf.txt to $confdir/releaser.conf and edit it."
13 exit 1
14 fi
15 source "$confdir/releaser.conf"
17 if [ -z "$start_point" -o -z "$version" -o -z "$first_act" ]; then
18 echo
19 echo "Usage:"
20 echo " $0 <start_point> <version> --build"
21 echo " $0 <start_point> <version> --publish"
22 echo " $0 <start_point> <version> --update"
23 echo " $0 <start_point> <version> --clean"
24 echo " $0 <start_point> <version> --build --publish --update --clean [[ORDER SIGNIFICANT]]"
25 echo "Arguments:"
26 echo " <start_point> is a branch name (e.g. \"master\")"
27 echo " <version> is Civi release (e.g. \"4.3.beta2\"); it will become a tag name"
28 exit 2
29 fi
31 if [ "`echo -n $version | tr -d 0-9.`" = '' ]; then
32 is_stable=1
33 else
34 is_stable=
35 fi
37 #################################################
38 ## Git setup
39 function do_git_config() {
40 git config --global "$git_author_name"
41 git config --global "$git_author_email"
42 }
44 #################################################
45 ## Create build directories; checkout repos
46 function do_mk_project() {
47 for dir in \
48 "$workdir" \
49 "$workdir/$version" \
50 "$workdir/$version/export" \
51 "$workdir/$version/gen" \
52 "$workdir/$version/tarballs" \
53 "$workdir/$version/tmp"
54 do
55 if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
56 mkdir -p "$dir"
57 fi
58 done
60 $cmd_gitify all "$git_base_url" "$workdir/$version/export" --l10n --branch "$start_point" --skip-gencode
61 }
63 #################################################
64 ## Tag all repos
65 function do_git_tag() {
66 cd $workdir/$version
67 for dir in export export/joomla export/WordPress export/packages ; do
68 pushd $dir
69 git checkout "$start_point"
70 git tag "$version"
71 popd
72 done
74 for drupal_ver in 6.x 7.x ; do
75 pushd export/drupal
76 git checkout "${drupal_ver}-${start_point}"
77 git tag "${drupal_ver}-${version}"
78 popd
79 done
80 }
82 #################################################
83 ## Publish tags via git
84 function do_git_tag_push() {
85 cd $workdir/$version
86 for dir in export export/joomla export/WordPress export/packages ; do
87 pushd $dir
88 git push -f origin "$version"
89 popd
90 done
92 for drupal_ver in 6.x 7.x ; do
93 pushd export/drupal
94 git push -f origin "${drupal_ver}-${version}"
95 popd
96 done
97 }
99 #################################################
100 ## Build
101 function do_distmaker() {
102 cd $workdir/$version
104 ## Determine SCM revision of main codebase
105 pushd "export"
106 rev=$(git rev-parse HEAD | head -c10)
107 popd
109 # create the distmaker.conf file
110 echo "
111 DM_SOURCEDIR=$workdir/$version/export
112 DM_GENFILESDIR=$workdir/$version/gen
113 DM_TMPDIR=$workdir/$version/tmp
114 DM_TARGETDIR=$workdir/$version/tarballs
115 DM_PHP=$cmd_php
116 DM_RSYNC=$cmd_rsync
117 DM_VERSION=$version
118 DM_REVISION=$rev
119 DM_ZIP=$cmd_zip
120 DM_REF_CORE=${start_point}
121 DM_REF_DRUPAL=7.x-${start_point}
122 DM_REF_DRUPAL6=6.x-${start_point}
123 DM_REF_JOOMLA=${start_point}
124 DM_REF_WORDPRESS=${start_point}
125 DM_REF_PACKAGES=${start_point}
126 " > $workdir/$version/export/distmaker/distmaker.conf
128 # create a minimal civicrm.settings.php file
129 mkdir -p $workdir/$version/export/default
130 echo "<?php define('CIVICRM_GETTEXT_RESOURCEDIR', '$workdir/$version/export/l10n/'); define('CIVICRM_UF', 'Drupal'); global \$civicrm_root; \$civicrm_root = '$workdir/$version/export'; ?>" > $workdir/$version/export/default/civicrm.settings.php
132 # create a minimal settings_location.php file
133 echo "<?php define('CIVICRM_CONFDIR', '$workdir/$version/export'); ?>" > $workdir/$version/export/settings_location.php
135 # run the exported distmaker
136 cd $workdir/$version/export/distmaker
137 ./ $distmaker_tgt > $workdir/$version/build.log
138 }
140 #################################################
141 ## Publish files
142 function do_publish() {
143 # publish to
144 cd $workdir/$version/tarballs
146 $cmd_md5sum *.tar.gz *.tgz *.zip > civicrm-$version.MD5SUMS
147 echo $gpg_pass | $cmd_gpg --armor --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --sign civicrm-$version.MD5SUMS
149 if [ "$is_stable" ]; then
150 echo mkdir ${publish_stable_dir}/$version | $cmd_sftp ${publish_ssh}
151 $cmd_rsync -aP --exclude='*starterkit.tgz' *.tar.gz *.zip *MD5SUMS* ${publish_ssh}:${publish_stable_dir}/$version
152 else
153 echo mkdir ${publish_latest_dir}/$version | $cmd_sftp ${publish_ssh}
154 $cmd_rsync -aP --exclude='*starterkit.tgz' *.tar.gz *.zip *MD5SUMS* ${publish_ssh}:${publish_latest_dir}/$version
155 fi
157 mv *.tar.gz *.tgz *.zip *MD5SUMS* $build_dest
159 # publish to
160 # FIXME: isn't this racy when doing concurrent security releases
161 if [ "$is_stable" ]; then
162 echo $version > $latest/stable.txt
163 fi
164 echo $version > $latest/latest.txt
165 }
167 #################################################
168 ## Update Version Info
169 function do_update() {
170 echo "VERSION UPDATE: Enter the version that comes after $version (or enter nothing to abort)"
171 read new_ver
172 if [ -n "$new_ver" ]; then
173 cd $workdir/$version/export
174 # create sql upgrade file
175 tpl="CRM/Upgrade/Incremental/sql/$new_ver.mysql.tpl"
176 if [ ! -f $tpl ]; then
177 echo "{* file to handle db changes in $new_ver during upgrade *}" > $tpl
178 fi
179 # escape regex special chars
180 arg=`echo "$version" | sed 's:[]\[\^\$\.\*\/]:\\\\&:g'`
181 for file in xml/version.xml sql/civicrm_generated.mysql; do
182 set -ex
183 git checkout $file
184 sed "s/$arg/$new_ver/" < $file > $file.tmp
185 mv $file.tmp $file
186 set +x
187 done
188 # print the diff directly to the screen
189 git diff | cat
190 echo "Push these changes? y/n"
191 read input
192 if [ "$input" = "y" ]; then
193 set -ex
194 git add xml/version.xml sql/civicrm_generated.mysql $tpl
195 git commit -m "Update version to $new_ver"
196 git push origin "$start_point"
197 set +x
198 else
199 do_update
200 fi
201 else
202 echo "No version entered. Aborting version update."
203 fi
204 }
206 #################################################
207 ## Cleanup
208 function do_cleanup() {
209 cd $workdir/$version
210 rm -rf export gen tmp tarballs tmp
211 }
213 #################################################
214 ## Main
216 ## Refactoring note: this used to be one monolithic script
218 shift ## start point
219 shift ## version
220 for ACT in "$@" ; do
221 case "$ACT" in
222 --build)
223 set -ex
224 do_git_config
225 do_mk_project
226 do_git_tag
227 do_distmaker
228 set +x
229 ;;
230 --publish)
231 set -ex
232 do_git_tag_push
233 do_publish
234 set +x
235 ;;
236 --update)
237 set +x
238 do_update
239 ;;
240 --clean)
241 set -ex
242 do_cleanup
243 set +x
244 ;;
245 *)
246 echo "unrecognized: $ACT"
247 ;;
248 esac
249 done