[civicrm-core.git] / tests / phpunit / api / v3 / ContactTest.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * @file
4 * File for the TestContact class.
5 *
6 * (PHP 5)
7 *
8 * @author Walt Haas <walt@dharmatech.org> (801) 534-1262
9 * @copyright Copyright CiviCRM LLC (C) 2009
10 * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
11 * GNU Affero General Public License version 3
12 * @version $Id: ContactTest.php 31254 2010-12-15 10:09:29Z eileen $
13 * @package CiviCRM
14 *
15 * This file is part of CiviCRM
16 *
17 * CiviCRM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
18 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
19 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
20 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
21 *
22 * CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
26 *
27 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
28 * License along with this program. If not, see
29 * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
30 */
32 /**
33 * Test APIv3 civicrm_contact* functions
34 *
35 * @package CiviCRM_APIv3
36 * @subpackage API_Contact
37 * @group headless
38 */
39 class api_v3_ContactTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
40 public $DBResetRequired = FALSE;
41 protected $_apiversion;
42 protected $_entity;
43 protected $_params;
45 protected $_contactID;
46 protected $_financialTypeId = 1;
48 /**
49 * Test setup for every test.
50 *
51 * Connect to the database, truncate the tables that will be used
52 * and redirect stdin to a temporary file
53 */
54 public function setUp() {
55 // Connect to the database.
56 parent::setUp();
57 $this->_apiversion = 3;
58 $this->_entity = 'contact';
59 $this->_params = array(
60 'first_name' => 'abc1',
61 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
62 'last_name' => 'xyz1',
63 );
64 }
66 /**
67 * Restore the DB for the next test.
68 *
69 * @throws \Exception
70 */
71 public function tearDown() {
72 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => TRUE));
73 // truncate a few tables
74 $tablesToTruncate = array(
75 'civicrm_email',
76 'civicrm_contribution',
77 'civicrm_line_item',
78 'civicrm_website',
79 'civicrm_relationship',
80 'civicrm_uf_match',
81 'civicrm_phone',
82 'civicrm_address',
83 'civicrm_acl_contact_cache',
84 'civicrm_activity_contact',
85 'civicrm_activity',
86 );
88 $this->quickCleanup($tablesToTruncate, TRUE);
89 parent::tearDown();
90 }
92 /**
93 * Test civicrm_contact_create.
94 *
95 * Verify that attempt to create individual contact with only
96 * first and last names succeeds
97 */
98 public function testAddCreateIndividual() {
99 $oldCount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('select count(*) from civicrm_contact');
100 $params = array(
101 'first_name' => 'abc1',
102 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
103 'last_name' => 'xyz1',
104 );
106 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
107 $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($contact['id']));
108 $this->assertTrue($contact['id'] > 0);
109 $newCount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('select count(*) from civicrm_contact');
110 $this->assertEquals($oldCount + 1, $newCount);
112 $this->assertDBState('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact',
113 $contact['id'],
114 $params
115 );
116 }
118 /**
119 * Test for international string acceptance (CRM-10210).
120 *
121 * @dataProvider getInternationalStrings
122 *
123 * @param string $string
124 * String to be tested.
125 *
126 * @throws \Exception
127 */
128 public function testInternationalStrings($string) {
129 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array_merge(
130 $this->_params,
131 array('first_name' => $string)
132 ));
133 $result = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', array('first_name' => $string));
134 $this->assertEquals($string, $result['first_name']);
136 $organizationParams = array(
137 'organization_name' => $string,
138 'contact_type' => 'Organization',
139 );
141 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $organizationParams);
142 $result = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', $organizationParams);
143 $this->assertEquals($string, $result['organization_name']);
144 }
146 /**
147 * Get international string data for testing against api calls.
148 */
149 public function getInternationalStrings() {
150 $invocations = array();
151 $invocations[] = array('Scarabée');
152 $invocations[] = array('Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn');
153 $invocations[] = array('これは日本語のテキストです。読めますか');
154 $invocations[] = array('देखें हिन्दी कैसी नजर आती है। अरे वाह ये तो नजर आती है।');
155 return $invocations;
156 }
158 /**
159 * Test civicrm_contact_create.
160 *
161 * Verify that preferred language can be set.
162 */
163 public function testAddCreateIndividualWithPreferredLanguage() {
164 $params = array(
165 'first_name' => 'abc1',
166 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
167 'last_name' => 'xyz1',
168 'preferred_language' => 'es_ES',
169 );
171 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
172 $this->getAndCheck($params, $contact['id'], 'Contact');
173 }
175 /**
176 * Test civicrm_contact_create with sub-types.
177 *
178 * Verify that sub-types are created successfully and not deleted by subsequent updates.
179 */
180 public function testIndividualSubType() {
181 $params = array(
182 'first_name' => 'test abc',
183 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
184 'last_name' => 'test xyz',
185 'contact_sub_type' => array('Student', 'Staff'),
186 );
187 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
188 $cid = $contact['id'];
190 $params = array(
191 'id' => $cid,
192 'middle_name' => 'foo',
193 );
194 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
195 unset($params['middle_name']);
197 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
199 $this->assertEquals(array('Student', 'Staff'), $contact['values'][$cid]['contact_sub_type']);
200 }
202 /**
203 * Verify that we can retreive contacts of different sub types
204 */
205 public function testGetMultipleContactSubTypes() {
207 // This test presumes that there are no parents or students in the dataset
209 // create a student
210 $student = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array(
211 'email' => 'student@example.com',
212 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
213 'contact_sub_type' => 'Student',
214 ));
216 // create a parent
217 $parent = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array(
218 'email' => 'parent@example.com',
219 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
220 'contact_sub_type' => 'Parent',
221 ));
223 // create a parent
224 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array(
225 'email' => 'parent@example.com',
226 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
227 ));
229 // get all students and parents
230 $getParams = array('contact_sub_type' => array('IN' => array('Parent', 'Student')));
231 $result = civicrm_api3('contact', 'get', $getParams);
233 // check that we retrieved the student and the parent
234 $this->assertArrayHasKey($student['id'], $result['values']);
235 $this->assertArrayHasKey($parent['id'], $result['values']);
236 $this->assertEquals(2, $result['count']);
238 }
241 /**
242 * Verify that attempt to create contact with empty params fails.
243 */
244 public function testCreateEmptyContact() {
245 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'create', array());
246 }
248 /**
249 * Verify that attempt to create contact with bad contact type fails.
250 */
251 public function testCreateBadTypeContact() {
252 $params = array(
253 'email' => 'man1@yahoo.com',
254 'contact_type' => 'Does not Exist',
255 );
256 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'create', $params, "'Does not Exist' is not a valid option for field contact_type");
257 }
259 /**
260 * Verify that attempt to create individual contact without required fields fails.
261 */
262 public function testCreateBadRequiredFieldsIndividual() {
263 $params = array(
264 'middle_name' => 'This field is not required',
265 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
266 );
267 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'create', $params);
268 }
270 /**
271 * Verify that attempt to create household contact without required fields fails.
272 */
273 public function testCreateBadRequiredFieldsHousehold() {
274 $params = array(
275 'middle_name' => 'This field is not required',
276 'contact_type' => 'Household',
277 );
278 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'create', $params);
279 }
281 /**
282 * Test required field check.
283 *
284 * Verify that attempt to create organization contact without required fields fails.
285 */
286 public function testCreateBadRequiredFieldsOrganization() {
287 $params = array(
288 'middle_name' => 'This field is not required',
289 'contact_type' => 'Organization',
290 );
292 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'create', $params);
293 }
295 /**
296 * Verify that attempt to create individual contact with only an email succeeds.
297 */
298 public function testCreateEmailIndividual() {
299 $primaryEmail = 'man3@yahoo.com';
300 $notPrimaryEmail = 'man4@yahoo.com';
301 $params = array(
302 'email' => $primaryEmail,
303 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
304 'location_type_id' => 1,
305 );
307 $contact1 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
309 $this->assertEquals(3, $contact1['id']);
310 $email1 = $this->callAPISuccess('email', 'get', array('contact_id' => $contact1['id']));
311 $this->assertEquals(1, $email1['count']);
312 $this->assertEquals($primaryEmail, $email1['values'][$email1['id']]['email']);
314 $email2 = $this->callAPISuccess('email', 'create', array('contact_id' => $contact1['id'], 'is_primary' => 0, 'email' => $notPrimaryEmail));
316 // Case 1: Check with criteria primary 'email' => array('IS NOT NULL' => 1)
317 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('email' => array('IS NOT NULL' => 1)));
318 $primaryEmailContactIds = array_keys($result['values']);
319 $this->assertEquals($primaryEmail, $email1['values'][$email1['id']]['email']);
321 // Case 2: Check with criteria primary 'email' => array('<>' => '')
322 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('email' => array('<>' => '')));
323 $primaryEmailContactIds = array_keys($result['values']);
324 $this->assertEquals($primaryEmail, $email1['values'][$email1['id']]['email']);
326 // Case 3: Check with email_id='primary email id'
327 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('email_id' => $email1['id']));
328 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
329 $this->assertEquals($contact1['id'], $result['id']);
331 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', $contact1);
332 }
334 /**
335 * Test creating individual by name.
336 *
337 * Verify create individual contact with only first and last names succeeds.
338 */
339 public function testCreateNameIndividual() {
340 $params = array(
341 'first_name' => 'abc1',
342 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
343 'last_name' => 'xyz1',
344 );
346 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
347 }
349 /**
350 * Test creating individual by display_name.
351 *
352 * Display name & sort name should be set.
353 */
354 public function testCreateDisplayNameIndividual() {
355 $params = array(
356 'display_name' => 'abc1',
357 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
358 );
360 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
361 $params['sort_name'] = 'abc1';
362 $this->getAndCheck($params, $contact['id'], 'contact');
363 }
365 /**
366 * Test old keys still work.
367 *
368 * Verify that attempt to create individual contact with
369 * first and last names and old key values works
370 */
371 public function testCreateNameIndividualOldKeys() {
372 $params = array(
373 'individual_prefix' => 'Dr.',
374 'first_name' => 'abc1',
375 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
376 'last_name' => 'xyz1',
377 'individual_suffix' => 'Jr.',
378 );
380 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
381 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', array('id' => $contact['id']));
383 $this->assertArrayKeyExists('prefix_id', $result);
384 $this->assertArrayKeyExists('suffix_id', $result);
385 $this->assertArrayKeyExists('gender_id', $result);
386 $this->assertEquals(4, $result['prefix_id']);
387 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['suffix_id']);
388 }
390 /**
391 * Test preferred keys work.
392 *
393 * Verify that attempt to create individual contact with
394 * first and last names and old key values works
395 */
396 public function testCreateNameIndividualRecommendedKeys2() {
397 $params = array(
398 'prefix_id' => 'Dr.',
399 'first_name' => 'abc1',
400 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
401 'last_name' => 'xyz1',
402 'suffix_id' => 'Jr.',
403 'gender_id' => 'Male',
404 );
406 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
407 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', array('id' => $contact['id']));
409 $this->assertArrayKeyExists('prefix_id', $result);
410 $this->assertArrayKeyExists('suffix_id', $result);
411 $this->assertArrayKeyExists('gender_id', $result);
412 $this->assertEquals(4, $result['prefix_id']);
413 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['suffix_id']);
414 }
416 /**
417 * Test household name is sufficient for create.
418 *
419 * Verify that attempt to create household contact with only
420 * household name succeeds
421 */
422 public function testCreateNameHousehold() {
423 $params = array(
424 'household_name' => 'The abc Household',
425 'contact_type' => 'Household',
426 );
427 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
428 }
430 /**
431 * Test organization name is sufficient for create.
432 *
433 * Verify that attempt to create organization contact with only
434 * organization name succeeds.
435 */
436 public function testCreateNameOrganization() {
437 $params = array(
438 'organization_name' => 'The abc Organization',
439 'contact_type' => 'Organization',
440 );
441 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
442 }
444 /**
445 * Verify that attempt to create organization contact without organization name fails.
446 */
447 public function testCreateNoNameOrganization() {
448 $params = array(
449 'first_name' => 'The abc Organization',
450 'contact_type' => 'Organization',
451 );
452 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'create', $params);
453 }
455 /**
456 * Check with complete array + custom field.
457 *
458 * Note that the test is written on purpose without any
459 * variables specific to participant so it can be replicated into other entities
460 * and / or moved to the automated test suite
461 */
462 public function testCreateWithCustom() {
463 $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
465 $params = $this->_params;
466 $params['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']] = "custom string";
467 $description = "This demonstrates setting a custom field through the API.";
468 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument($this->_entity, 'create', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
470 $check = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'get', array(
471 'return.custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id'] => 1,
472 'id' => $result['id'],
473 ));
474 $this->assertEquals("custom string", $check['values'][$check['id']]['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']]);
476 $this->customFieldDelete($ids['custom_field_id']);
477 $this->customGroupDelete($ids['custom_group_id']);
478 }
480 /**
481 * CRM-12773 - expectation is that civicrm quietly ignores fields without values.
482 */
483 public function testCreateWithNULLCustomCRM12773() {
484 $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
485 $params = $this->_params;
486 $params['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']] = NULL;
487 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
488 $this->customFieldDelete($ids['custom_field_id']);
489 $this->customGroupDelete($ids['custom_group_id']);
490 }
492 /**
493 * CRM-14232 test preferred language set to site default if not passed.
494 */
495 public function testCreatePreferredLanguageUnset() {
496 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
497 'first_name' => 'Snoop',
498 'last_name' => 'Dog',
499 'contact_type' => 'Individual')
500 );
501 $result = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', array('last_name' => 'Dog'));
502 $this->assertEquals('en_US', $result['preferred_language']);
503 }
505 /**
506 * CRM-14232 test preferred language returns setting if not passed.
507 */
508 public function testCreatePreferredLanguageSet() {
509 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('contact_default_language' => 'fr_FR'));
510 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
511 'first_name' => 'Snoop',
512 'last_name' => 'Dog',
513 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
514 ));
515 $result = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', array('last_name' => 'Dog'));
516 $this->assertEquals('fr_FR', $result['preferred_language']);
517 }
519 /**
520 * CRM-14232 test preferred language returns setting if not passed where setting is NULL.
521 */
522 public function testCreatePreferredLanguageNull() {
523 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('contact_default_language' => 'null'));
524 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
525 'first_name' => 'Snoop',
526 'last_name' => 'Dog',
527 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
528 )
529 );
530 $result = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', array('last_name' => 'Dog'));
531 $this->assertEquals(NULL, $result['preferred_language']);
532 }
534 /**
535 * CRM-14232 test preferred language returns setting if not passed where setting is NULL.
536 */
537 public function testCreatePreferredLanguagePassed() {
538 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('contact_default_language' => 'null'));
539 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
540 'first_name' => 'Snoop',
541 'last_name' => 'Dog',
542 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
543 'preferred_language' => 'en_AU',
544 ));
545 $result = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contact', array('last_name' => 'Dog'));
546 $this->assertEquals('en_AU', $result['preferred_language']);
547 }
549 /**
550 * CRM-15792 - create/update datetime field for contact.
551 */
552 public function testCreateContactCustomFldDateTime() {
553 $customGroup = $this->customGroupCreate(array('extends' => 'Individual', 'title' => 'datetime_test_group'));
554 $dateTime = CRM_Utils_Date::currentDBDate();
555 //check date custom field is saved along with time when time_format is set
556 $params = array(
557 'first_name' => 'abc3',
558 'last_name' => 'xyz3',
559 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
560 'email' => 'man3@yahoo.com',
561 'api.CustomField.create' => array(
562 'custom_group_id' => $customGroup['id'],
563 'name' => 'test_datetime',
564 'label' => 'Demo Date',
565 'html_type' => 'Select Date',
566 'data_type' => 'Date',
567 'time_format' => 2,
568 'weight' => 4,
569 'is_required' => 1,
570 'is_searchable' => 0,
571 'is_active' => 1,
572 ),
573 );
575 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
576 $customFldId = $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.CustomField.create']['id'];
577 $this->assertNotNull($result['id']);
578 $this->assertNotNull($customFldId);
580 $params = array(
581 'id' => $result['id'],
582 "custom_{$customFldId}" => $dateTime,
583 'api.CustomValue.get' => 1,
584 );
586 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
587 $this->assertNotNull($result['id']);
588 $customFldDate = date("YmdHis", strtotime($result['values'][$result['id']]['api.CustomValue.get']['values'][0]['latest']));
589 $this->assertNotNull($customFldDate);
590 $this->assertEquals($dateTime, $customFldDate);
591 $customValueId = $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.CustomValue.get']['values'][0]['id'];
592 $dateTime = date('Ymd');
593 //date custom field should not contain time part when time_format is null
594 $params = array(
595 'id' => $result['id'],
596 'api.CustomField.create' => array(
597 'id' => $customFldId,
598 'html_type' => 'Select Date',
599 'data_type' => 'Date',
600 'time_format' => '',
601 ),
602 'api.CustomValue.create' => array(
603 'id' => $customValueId,
604 'entity_id' => $result['id'],
605 "custom_{$customFldId}" => $dateTime,
606 ),
607 'api.CustomValue.get' => 1,
608 );
609 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
610 $this->assertNotNull($result['id']);
611 $customFldDate = date("Ymd", strtotime($result['values'][$result['id']]['api.CustomValue.get']['values'][0]['latest']));
612 $customFldTime = date("His", strtotime($result['values'][$result['id']]['api.CustomValue.get']['values'][0]['latest']));
613 $this->assertNotNull($customFldDate);
614 $this->assertEquals($dateTime, $customFldDate);
615 $this->assertEquals(000000, $customFldTime);
616 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
617 }
620 /**
621 * Test creating a current employer through API.
622 */
623 public function testContactCreateCurrentEmployer() {
624 // Here we will just do the get for set-up purposes.
625 $count = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getcount', array(
626 'organization_name' => 'new employer org',
627 'contact_type' => 'Organization',
628 ));
629 $this->assertEquals(0, $count);
630 $employerResult = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array(
631 'current_employer' => 'new employer org',
632 )
633 ));
634 // do it again as an update to check it doesn't cause an error
635 $employerResult = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array(
636 'current_employer' => 'new employer org',
637 'id' => $employerResult['id'],
638 )
639 ));
640 $expectedCount = 1;
641 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getcount', array(
642 'organization_name' => 'new employer org',
643 'contact_type' => 'Organization',
644 ),
645 $expectedCount);
647 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', array(
648 'id' => $employerResult['id'],
649 ));
651 $this->assertEquals('new employer org', $result['current_employer']);
653 }
655 /**
656 * Test creating a current employer through API.
657 *
658 * Check it will re-activate a de-activated employer
659 */
660 public function testContactCreateDuplicateCurrentEmployerEnables() {
661 // Set up - create employer relationship.
662 $employerResult = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array(
663 'current_employer' => 'new employer org',
664 )
665 ));
666 $relationship = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'get', array(
667 'contact_id_a' => $employerResult['id'],
668 ));
670 //disable & check it is disabled
671 $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'create', array('id' => $relationship['id'], 'is_active' => 0));
672 $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'getvalue', array(
673 'id' => $relationship['id'],
674 'return' => 'is_active',
675 ), 0);
677 // Re-set the current employer - thus enabling the relationship.
678 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array(
679 'current_employer' => 'new employer org',
680 'id' => $employerResult['id'],
681 )
682 ));
683 //check is_active is now 1
684 $relationship = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'getsingle', array(
685 'return' => 'is_active',
686 ));
687 $this->assertEquals(1, $relationship['is_active']);
688 }
690 /**
691 * Check deceased contacts are not retrieved.
692 *
693 * Note at time of writing the default is to return default. This should possibly be changed & test added.
694 */
695 public function testGetDeceasedRetrieved() {
696 $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', $this->_params);
697 $c2 = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', array(
698 'first_name' => 'bb',
699 'last_name' => 'ccc',
700 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
701 'is_deceased' => 1,
702 ));
703 $result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'get', array('is_deceased' => 0));
704 $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists($c2['id'], $result['values']));
705 }
707 /**
708 * Test that sort works - old syntax.
709 */
710 public function testGetSort() {
711 $c1 = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', $this->_params);
712 $c2 = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', array(
713 'first_name' => 'bb',
714 'last_name' => 'ccc',
715 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
716 ));
717 $result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'get', array(
718 'sort' => 'first_name ASC',
719 'return.first_name' => 1,
720 'sequential' => 1,
721 'rowCount' => 1,
722 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
723 ));
725 $this->assertEquals('abc1', $result['values'][0]['first_name']);
726 $result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'get', array(
727 'sort' => 'first_name DESC',
728 'return.first_name' => 1,
729 'sequential' => 1,
730 'rowCount' => 1,
731 ));
732 $this->assertEquals('bb', $result['values'][0]['first_name']);
734 $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'delete', array('id' => $c1['id']));
735 $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'delete', array('id' => $c2['id']));
736 }
738 /**
739 * Test that we can retrieve contacts using array syntax.
740 *
741 * I.e 'id' => array('IN' => array('3,4')).
742 */
743 public function testGetINIDArray() {
744 $c1 = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', $this->_params);
745 $c2 = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', array(
746 'first_name' => 'bb',
747 'last_name' => 'ccc',
748 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
749 ));
750 $c3 = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', array(
751 'first_name' => 'hh',
752 'last_name' => 'll',
753 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
754 ));
755 $result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'get', array('id' => array('IN' => array($c1['id'], $c3['id']))));
756 $this->assertEquals(2, $result['count']);
757 $this->assertEquals(array($c1['id'], $c3['id']), array_keys($result['values']));
758 $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'delete', array('id' => $c1['id']));
759 $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'delete', array('id' => $c2['id']));
760 $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'delete', array('id' => $c3['id']));
761 }
763 /**
764 * Test variants on deleted behaviour.
765 */
766 public function testGetDeleted() {
767 $params = $this->_params;
768 $contact1 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
769 $params['is_deleted'] = 1;
770 $params['last_name'] = 'bcd';
771 $contact2 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
772 $countActive = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getcount', array(
773 'showAll' => 'active',
774 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
775 ));
776 $countAll = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getcount', array('showAll' => 'all', 'contact_type' => 'Individual'));
777 $countTrash = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getcount', array('showAll' => 'trash', 'contact_type' => 'Individual'));
778 $countDefault = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getcount', array('contact_type' => 'Individual'));
779 $countDeleted = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getcount', array(
780 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
781 'contact_is_deleted' => 1,
782 ));
783 $countNotDeleted = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getcount', array(
784 'contact_is_deleted' => 0,
785 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
786 ));
787 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array('id' => $contact1['id']));
788 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array('id' => $contact2['id']));
789 $this->assertEquals(1, $countNotDeleted, 'contact_is_deleted => 0 is respected');
790 $this->assertEquals(1, $countActive);
791 $this->assertEquals(1, $countTrash);
792 $this->assertEquals(2, $countAll);
793 $this->assertEquals(1, $countDeleted);
794 $this->assertEquals(1, $countDefault, 'Only active by default in line');
795 }
797 /**
798 * Test that sort works - new syntax.
799 */
800 public function testGetSortNewSyntax() {
801 $c1 = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', $this->_params);
802 $c2 = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', array(
803 'first_name' => 'bb',
804 'last_name' => 'ccc',
805 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
806 ));
807 $result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'getvalue', array(
808 'return' => 'first_name',
809 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
810 'options' => array(
811 'limit' => 1,
812 'sort' => 'first_name',
813 ),
814 ));
815 $this->assertEquals('abc1', $result);
817 $result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'getvalue', array(
818 'return' => 'first_name',
819 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
820 'options' => array(
821 'limit' => 1,
822 'sort' => 'first_name DESC',
823 ),
824 ));
825 $this->assertEquals('bb', $result);
827 $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'delete', array('id' => $c1['id']));
828 $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'delete', array('id' => $c2['id']));
829 }
831 /**
832 * Test sort and limit for chained relationship get.
833 *
834 * https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-15983
835 */
836 public function testSortLimitChainedRelationshipGetCRM15983() {
837 // Some contact
838 $create_result_1 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array(
839 'first_name' => 'Jules',
840 'last_name' => 'Smos',
841 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
842 ));
844 // Create another contact with two relationships.
845 $create_params = array(
846 'first_name' => 'Jos',
847 'last_name' => 'Smos',
848 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
849 'api.relationship.create' => array(
850 array(
851 'contact_id_a' => '$value.id',
852 'contact_id_b' => $create_result_1['id'],
853 // spouse of:
854 'relationship_type_id' => 2,
855 'start_date' => '2005-01-12',
856 'end_date' => '2006-01-11',
857 'description' => 'old',
858 ),
859 array(
860 'contact_id_a' => '$value.id',
861 'contact_id_b' => $create_result_1['id'],
862 // spouse of (was married twice :))
863 'relationship_type_id' => 2,
864 'start_date' => '2006-07-01',
865 'end_date' => '2010-07-01',
866 'description' => 'new',
867 ),
868 ),
869 );
870 $create_result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $create_params);
872 // Try to retrieve the contact and the most recent relationship.
873 $get_params = array(
874 'sequential' => 1,
875 'id' => $create_result['id'],
876 'api.relationship.get' => array(
877 'contact_id_a' => '$value.id',
878 'options' => array(
879 'limit' => '1',
880 'sort' => 'start_date DESC',
881 )),
882 );
883 $get_result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', $get_params);
885 // Clean up.
886 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array(
887 'id' => $create_result['id'],
888 ));
890 // Assert.
891 $this->assertEquals(1, $get_result['api.relationship.get']['count']);
892 $this->assertEquals('new', $get_result['api.relationship.get']['values'][0]['description']);
893 }
895 /**
896 * Test apostrophe works in get & create.
897 */
898 public function testGetApostropheCRM10857() {
899 $params = array_merge($this->_params, array('last_name' => "O'Connor"));
900 $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', $params);
901 $result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'getsingle', array(
902 'last_name' => "O'Connor",
903 'sequential' => 1,
904 ));
905 $this->assertEquals("O'Connor", $result['last_name'], 'in line' . __LINE__);
906 }
908 /**
909 * Check with complete array + custom field.
910 *
911 * Note that the test is written on purpose without any
912 * variables specific to participant so it can be replicated into other entities
913 * and / or moved to the automated test suite
914 */
915 public function testGetWithCustom() {
916 $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
918 $params = $this->_params;
919 $params['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']] = "custom string";
920 $description = "This demonstrates setting a custom field through the API.";
921 $subfile = "CustomFieldGet";
922 $result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', $params);
924 $check = $this->callAPIAndDocument($this->_entity, 'get', array(
925 'return.custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id'] => 1,
926 'id' => $result['id'],
927 ), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
929 $this->assertEquals("custom string", $check['values'][$check['id']]['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']]);
930 $fields = ($this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getfields', $params));
931 $this->assertTrue(is_array($fields['values']['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']]));
932 $this->customFieldDelete($ids['custom_field_id']);
933 $this->customGroupDelete($ids['custom_group_id']);
934 }
936 /**
937 * Check with complete array + custom field.
938 *
939 * Note that the test is written on purpose without any
940 * variables specific to participant so it can be replicated into other entities
941 * and / or moved to the automated test suite
942 */
943 public function testGetWithCustomReturnSyntax() {
944 $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
946 $params = $this->_params;
947 $params['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']] = "custom string";
948 $description = "This demonstrates setting a custom field through the API.";
949 $subfile = "CustomFieldGetReturnSyntaxVariation";
950 $result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'create', $params);
951 $params = array('return' => 'custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id'], 'id' => $result['id']);
952 $check = $this->callAPIAndDocument($this->_entity, 'get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
954 $this->assertEquals("custom string", $check['values'][$check['id']]['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']]);
955 $this->customFieldDelete($ids['custom_field_id']);
956 $this->customGroupDelete($ids['custom_group_id']);
957 }
959 /**
960 * Check that address name, ID is returned if required.
961 */
962 public function testGetReturnAddress() {
963 $contactID = $this->individualCreate();
964 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', array(
965 'contact_id' => $contactID,
966 'address_name' => 'My house',
967 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
968 'street_address' => '1 my road',
969 ));
970 $addressID = $result['id'];
972 $result = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('contact', array(
973 'return' => 'address_name, street_address, address_id',
974 'id' => $contactID,
975 ));
976 $this->assertEquals($addressID, $result['address_id']);
977 $this->assertEquals('1 my road', $result['street_address']);
978 $this->assertEquals('My house', $result['address_name']);
980 }
982 /**
983 * Test group filter syntaxes.
984 */
985 public function testGetGroupIDFromContact() {
986 $groupId = $this->groupCreate();
987 $params = array(
988 'email' => 'man2@yahoo.com',
989 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
990 'location_type_id' => 1,
991 'api.group_contact.create' => array('group_id' => $groupId),
992 );
994 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
995 // testing as integer
996 $params = array(
997 'filter.group_id' => $groupId,
998 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
999 );
1000 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1001 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1002 // group 26 doesn't exist, but we can still search contacts in it.
1003 $params = array(
1004 'filter.group_id' => 26,
1005 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1006 );
1007 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1008 // testing as string
1009 $params = array(
1010 'filter.group_id' => "$groupId, 26",
1011 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1012 );
1013 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1014 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1015 $params = array(
1016 'filter.group_id' => "26,27",
1017 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1018 );
1019 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1021 // testing as string
1022 $params = array(
1023 'filter.group_id' => array($groupId, 26),
1024 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1025 );
1026 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1027 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1029 //test in conjunction with other criteria
1030 $params = array(
1031 'filter.group_id' => array($groupId, 26),
1032 'contact_type' => 'Organization',
1033 );
1034 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1035 $params = array(
1036 'filter.group_id' => array(26, 27),
1037 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1038 );
1039 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1040 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['count']);
1041 }
1043 /**
1044 * Verify that attempt to create individual contact with two chained websites succeeds.
1045 */
1046 public function testCreateIndividualWithContributionDottedSyntax() {
1047 $description = "This demonstrates the syntax to create 2 chained entities.";
1048 $subFile = "ChainTwoWebsites";
1049 $params = array(
1050 'first_name' => 'abc3',
1051 'last_name' => 'xyz3',
1052 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1053 'email' => 'man3@yahoo.com',
1054 'api.contribution.create' => array(
1055 'receive_date' => '2010-01-01',
1056 'total_amount' => 100.00,
1057 'financial_type_id' => $this->_financialTypeId,
1058 'payment_instrument_id' => 1,
1059 'non_deductible_amount' => 10.00,
1060 'fee_amount' => 50.00,
1061 'net_amount' => 90.00,
1062 'trxn_id' => 15345,
1063 'invoice_id' => 67990,
1064 'source' => 'SSF',
1065 'contribution_status_id' => 1,
1066 ),
1067 'api.website.create' => array(
1068 'url' => "http://civicrm.org",
1069 ),
1070 'api.website.create.2' => array(
1071 'url' => "http://chained.org",
1072 ),
1073 );
1075 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'create', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subFile);
1077 // checking child function result not covered in callAPIAndDocument
1078 $this->assertAPISuccess($result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.create']);
1079 $this->assertEquals("http://chained.org", $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.create.2']['values'][0]['url']);
1080 $this->assertEquals("http://civicrm.org", $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.create']['values'][0]['url']);
1082 // delete the contact
1083 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', $result);
1084 }
1086 /**
1087 * Verify that attempt to create individual contact with chained contribution and website succeeds.
1088 */
1089 public function testCreateIndividualWithContributionChainedArrays() {
1090 $params = array(
1091 'first_name' => 'abc3',
1092 'last_name' => 'xyz3',
1093 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1094 'email' => 'man3@yahoo.com',
1095 'api.contribution.create' => array(
1096 'receive_date' => '2010-01-01',
1097 'total_amount' => 100.00,
1098 'financial_type_id' => $this->_financialTypeId,
1099 'payment_instrument_id' => 1,
1100 'non_deductible_amount' => 10.00,
1101 'fee_amount' => 50.00,
1102 'net_amount' => 90.00,
1103 'trxn_id' => 12345,
1104 'invoice_id' => 67890,
1105 'source' => 'SSF',
1106 'contribution_status_id' => 1,
1107 ),
1108 'api.website.create' => array(
1109 array(
1110 'url' => "http://civicrm.org",
1111 ),
1112 array(
1113 'url' => "http://chained.org",
1114 'website_type_id' => 2,
1115 ),
1116 ),
1117 );
1119 $description = "Demonstrates creating two websites as an array.";
1120 $subfile = "ChainTwoWebsitesSyntax2";
1121 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'create', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
1123 // the callAndDocument doesn't check the chained call
1124 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.create'][0]['is_error']);
1125 $this->assertEquals("http://chained.org", $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.create'][1]['values'][0]['url']);
1126 $this->assertEquals("http://civicrm.org", $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.create'][0]['values'][0]['url']);
1128 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', $result);
1129 }
1131 /**
1132 * Test for direction when chaining relationships.
1133 *
1134 * https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-16084
1135 */
1136 public function testDirectionChainingRelationshipsCRM16084() {
1137 // Some contact, called Jules.
1138 $create_result_1 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array(
1139 'first_name' => 'Jules',
1140 'last_name' => 'Smos',
1141 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1142 ));
1144 // Another contact: Jos, child of Jules.
1145 $create_params = array(
1146 'first_name' => 'Jos',
1147 'last_name' => 'Smos',
1148 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1149 'api.relationship.create' => array(
1150 array(
1151 'contact_id_a' => '$value.id',
1152 'contact_id_b' => $create_result_1['id'],
1153 // child of
1154 'relationship_type_id' => 1,
1155 ),
1156 ),
1157 );
1158 $create_result_2 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $create_params);
1160 // Mia is the child of Jos.
1161 $create_params = array(
1162 'first_name' => 'Mia',
1163 'last_name' => 'Smos',
1164 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1165 'api.relationship.create' => array(
1166 array(
1167 'contact_id_a' => '$value.id',
1168 'contact_id_b' => $create_result_2['id'],
1169 // child of
1170 'relationship_type_id' => 1,
1171 ),
1172 ),
1173 );
1174 $create_result_3 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $create_params);
1176 // Get Jos and his children.
1177 $get_params = array(
1178 'sequential' => 1,
1179 'id' => $create_result_2['id'],
1180 'api.relationship.get' => array(
1181 'contact_id_b' => '$value.id',
1182 'relationship_type_id' => 1,
1183 ),
1184 );
1185 $get_result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', $get_params);
1187 // Clean up first.
1188 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array(
1189 'id' => $create_result_1['id'],
1190 ));
1191 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array(
1192 'id' => $create_result_2['id'],
1193 ));
1194 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array(
1195 'id' => $create_result_2['id'],
1196 ));
1198 // Assert.
1199 $this->assertEquals(1, $get_result['api.relationship.get']['count']);
1200 $this->assertEquals($create_result_3['id'], $get_result['api.relationship.get']['values'][0]['contact_id_a']);
1201 }
1203 /**
1204 * Verify that attempt to create individual contact with first, and last names and email succeeds.
1205 */
1206 public function testCreateIndividualWithNameEmail() {
1207 $params = array(
1208 'first_name' => 'abc3',
1209 'last_name' => 'xyz3',
1210 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1211 'email' => 'man3@yahoo.com',
1212 );
1214 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
1216 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', $contact);
1217 }
1219 /**
1220 * Verify that attempt to create individual contact with no data fails.
1221 */
1222 public function testCreateIndividualWithOutNameEmail() {
1223 $params = array(
1224 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1225 );
1226 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'create', $params);
1227 }
1229 /**
1230 * Test create individual contact with first &last names, email and location type succeeds.
1231 */
1232 public function testCreateIndividualWithNameEmailLocationType() {
1233 $params = array(
1234 'first_name' => 'abc4',
1235 'last_name' => 'xyz4',
1236 'email' => 'man4@yahoo.com',
1237 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1238 'location_type_id' => 1,
1239 );
1240 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
1242 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array('id' => $result['id']));
1243 }
1245 /**
1246 * Verify that when changing employers the old employer relationship becomes inactive.
1247 */
1248 public function testCreateIndividualWithEmployer() {
1249 $employer = $this->organizationCreate();
1250 $employer2 = $this->organizationCreate();
1252 $params = array(
1253 'email' => 'man4@yahoo.com',
1254 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1255 'employer_id' => $employer,
1256 );
1258 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
1259 $relationships = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'get', array(
1260 'contact_id_a' => $result['id'],
1261 'sequential' => 1,
1262 ));
1264 $this->assertEquals($employer, $relationships['values'][0]['contact_id_b']);
1266 // Add more random relationships to make the test more realistic
1267 foreach (array('Employee of', 'Volunteer for') as $relationshipType) {
1268 $relTypeId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType', $relationshipType, 'id', 'name_a_b');
1269 $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'create', array(
1270 'contact_id_a' => $result['id'],
1271 'contact_id_b' => $this->organizationCreate(),
1272 'is_active' => 1,
1273 'relationship_type_id' => $relTypeId,
1274 ));
1275 }
1277 // Add second employer
1278 $params['employer_id'] = $employer2;
1279 $params['id'] = $result['id'];
1280 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
1282 $relationships = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'get', array(
1283 'contact_id_a' => $result['id'],
1284 'sequential' => 1,
1285 'is_active' => 0,
1286 ));
1288 $this->assertEquals($employer, $relationships['values'][0]['contact_id_b']);
1289 }
1291 /**
1292 * Verify that attempt to create household contact with details succeeds.
1293 */
1294 public function testCreateHouseholdDetails() {
1295 $params = array(
1296 'household_name' => 'abc8\'s House',
1297 'nick_name' => 'x House',
1298 'email' => 'man8@yahoo.com',
1299 'contact_type' => 'Household',
1300 );
1302 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
1304 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', $contact);
1305 }
1307 /**
1308 * Verify that attempt to create household contact with inadequate details fails.
1309 */
1310 public function testCreateHouseholdInadequateDetails() {
1311 $params = array(
1312 'nick_name' => 'x House',
1313 'email' => 'man8@yahoo.com',
1314 'contact_type' => 'Household',
1315 );
1316 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'create', $params);
1317 }
1319 /**
1320 * Verify successful update of individual contact.
1321 */
1322 public function testUpdateIndividualWithAll() {
1323 // Insert a row in civicrm_contact creating individual contact.
1324 $op = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_Operation_Insert();
1325 $op->execute($this->_dbconn,
1326 $this->createXMLDataSet(
1327 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_ind.xml'
1328 )
1329 );
1331 $params = array(
1332 'id' => 23,
1333 'first_name' => 'abcd',
1334 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1335 'nick_name' => 'This is nickname first',
1336 'do_not_email' => '1',
1337 'do_not_phone' => '1',
1338 'do_not_mail' => '1',
1339 'do_not_trade' => '1',
1340 'legal_identifier' => 'ABC23853ZZ2235',
1341 'external_identifier' => '1928837465',
1342 'image_URL' => 'http://some.url.com/image.jpg',
1343 'home_url' => 'http://www.example.org',
1345 );
1347 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Update', $params);
1348 $getResult = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', $params);
1349 unset($params['contact_id']);
1350 //Todo - neither API v2 or V3 are testing for home_url - not sure if it is being set.
1351 //reducing this test partially back to api v2 level to get it through
1352 unset($params['home_url']);
1353 foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
1354 $this->assertEquals($value, $getResult['values'][23][$key]);
1355 }
1356 // Check updated civicrm_contact against expected.
1357 $expected = $this->createXMLDataSet(
1358 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_ind_upd.xml'
1359 );
1360 $actual = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_QueryDataSet(
1361 $this->_dbconn
1362 );
1363 $actual->addTable('civicrm_contact');
1364 $expected->matches($actual);
1365 }
1367 /**
1368 * Verify successful update of organization contact.
1369 */
1370 public function testUpdateOrganizationWithAll() {
1371 // Insert a row in civicrm_contact creating organization contact
1372 $op = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_Operation_Insert();
1373 $op->execute($this->_dbconn,
1374 $this->createXMLDataSet(
1375 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_org.xml'
1376 )
1377 );
1379 $params = array(
1380 'id' => 24,
1381 'organization_name' => 'WebAccess India Pvt Ltd',
1382 'legal_name' => 'WebAccess',
1383 'sic_code' => 'ABC12DEF',
1384 'contact_type' => 'Organization',
1385 );
1387 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Update', $params);
1389 // Check updated civicrm_contact against expected.
1390 $expected = $this->createXMLDataSet(
1391 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_org_upd.xml'
1392 );
1393 $actual = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_QueryDataSet(
1394 $this->_dbconn
1395 );
1396 $actual->addTable('civicrm_contact');
1397 $expected->matches($actual);
1398 }
1400 /**
1401 * Verify successful update of household contact.
1402 */
1403 public function testUpdateHouseholdWithAll() {
1404 // Insert a row in civicrm_contact creating household contact
1405 $op = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_Operation_Insert();
1406 $op->execute($this->_dbconn,
1407 $this->createXMLDataSet(
1408 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_hld.xml'
1409 )
1410 );
1412 $params = array(
1413 'id' => 25,
1414 'household_name' => 'ABC household',
1415 'nick_name' => 'ABC House',
1416 'contact_type' => 'Household',
1417 );
1419 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Update', $params);
1421 $expected = array(
1422 'contact_type' => 'Household',
1423 'is_opt_out' => 0,
1424 'sort_name' => 'ABC household',
1425 'display_name' => 'ABC household',
1426 'nick_name' => 'ABC House',
1427 );
1428 $this->getAndCheck($expected, $result['id'], 'contact');
1429 }
1431 /**
1432 * Test civicrm_update() without contact type.
1433 *
1434 * Deliberately exclude contact_type as it should still cope using civicrm_api.
1435 *
1436 * CRM-7645.
1437 */
1438 public function testUpdateCreateWithID() {
1439 // Insert a row in civicrm_contact creating individual contact.
1440 $op = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_Operation_Insert();
1441 $op->execute($this->_dbconn,
1442 $this->createXMLDataSet(
1443 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_ind.xml'
1444 )
1445 );
1447 $params = array(
1448 'id' => 23,
1449 'first_name' => 'abcd',
1450 'last_name' => 'wxyz',
1451 );
1452 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Update', $params);
1453 }
1455 /**
1456 * Test civicrm_contact_delete() with no contact ID.
1457 */
1458 public function testContactDeleteNoID() {
1459 $params = array(
1460 'foo' => 'bar',
1461 );
1462 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'delete', $params);
1463 }
1465 /**
1466 * Test civicrm_contact_delete() with error.
1467 */
1468 public function testContactDeleteError() {
1469 $params = array('contact_id' => 999);
1470 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'delete', $params);
1471 }
1473 /**
1474 * Test civicrm_contact_delete().
1475 */
1476 public function testContactDelete() {
1477 $contactID = $this->individualCreate();
1478 $params = array(
1479 'id' => $contactID,
1480 );
1481 $this->callAPIAndDocument('contact', 'delete', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
1482 }
1484 /**
1485 * Test civicrm_contact_get() return only first name.
1486 */
1487 public function testContactGetRetFirst() {
1488 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params);
1489 $params = array(
1490 'contact_id' => $contact['id'],
1491 'return_first_name' => TRUE,
1492 'sort' => 'first_name',
1493 );
1494 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1495 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1496 $this->assertEquals($contact['id'], $result['id']);
1497 $this->assertEquals('abc1', $result['values'][$contact['id']]['first_name']);
1498 }
1500 /**
1501 * Test civicrm_contact_get() return only first name & last name.
1502 *
1503 * Use comma separated string return with a space.
1504 */
1505 public function testContactGetReturnFirstLast() {
1506 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params);
1507 $params = array(
1508 'contact_id' => $contact['id'],
1509 'return' => 'first_name, last_name',
1510 );
1511 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', $params);
1512 $this->assertEquals('abc1', $result['first_name']);
1513 $this->assertEquals('xyz1', $result['last_name']);
1514 //check that other defaults not returns
1515 $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('sort_name', $result);
1516 $params = array(
1517 'contact_id' => $contact['id'],
1518 'return' => 'first_name,last_name',
1519 );
1520 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', $params);
1521 $this->assertEquals('abc1', $result['first_name']);
1522 $this->assertEquals('xyz1', $result['last_name']);
1523 //check that other defaults not returns
1524 $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('sort_name', $result);
1525 }
1527 /**
1528 * Test civicrm_contact_get() return only first name & last name.
1529 *
1530 * Use comma separated string return without a space
1531 */
1532 public function testContactGetReturnFirstLastNoComma() {
1533 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params);
1534 $params = array(
1535 'contact_id' => $contact['id'],
1536 'return' => 'first_name,last_name',
1537 );
1538 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', $params);
1539 $this->assertEquals('abc1', $result['first_name']);
1540 $this->assertEquals('xyz1', $result['last_name']);
1541 //check that other defaults not returns
1542 $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('sort_name', $result);
1543 }
1545 /**
1546 * Test civicrm_contact_get() with default return properties.
1547 */
1548 public function testContactGetRetDefault() {
1549 $contactID = $this->individualCreate();
1550 $params = array(
1551 'contact_id' => $contactID,
1552 'sort' => 'first_name',
1553 );
1554 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1555 $this->assertEquals($contactID, $result['values'][$contactID]['contact_id']);
1556 $this->assertEquals('Anthony', $result['values'][$contactID]['first_name']);
1557 }
1559 /**
1560 * Test civicrm_contact_getquick() with empty name param.
1561 */
1562 public function testContactGetQuick() {
1563 // Insert a row in civicrm_contact creating individual contact.
1564 $op = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_Operation_Insert();
1565 $op->execute($this->_dbconn,
1566 $this->createXMLDataSet(
1567 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_17.xml'
1568 )
1569 );
1570 $op->execute($this->_dbconn,
1571 $this->createXMLDataSet(
1572 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/email_contact_17.xml'
1573 )
1574 );
1575 $params = array(
1576 'name' => "T",
1577 );
1579 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', $params);
1580 $this->assertEquals(17, $result['values'][0]['id']);
1581 }
1583 /**
1584 * Test civicrm_contact_get) with empty params.
1585 */
1586 public function testContactGetEmptyParams() {
1587 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array());
1588 }
1590 /**
1591 * Test civicrm_contact_get(,true) with no matches.
1592 */
1593 public function testContactGetOldParamsNoMatches() {
1594 // Insert a row in civicrm_contact creating contact 17.
1595 $op = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_Operation_Insert();
1596 $op->execute($this->_dbconn,
1597 $this->createXMLDataSet(
1598 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_17.xml'
1599 )
1600 );
1602 $params = array(
1603 'first_name' => 'Fred',
1604 );
1605 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1606 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['count']);
1607 }
1609 /**
1610 * Test civicrm_contact_get(,true) with one match.
1611 */
1612 public function testContactGetOldParamsOneMatch() {
1613 // Insert a row in civicrm_contact creating contact 17
1614 $op = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_Operation_Insert();
1615 $op->execute($this->_dbconn,
1616 $this->createXMLDataSet(dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_17.xml'
1617 )
1618 );
1620 $params = array(
1621 'first_name' => 'Test',
1622 );
1623 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $params);
1624 $this->assertEquals(17, $result['values'][17]['contact_id']);
1625 $this->assertEquals(17, $result['id']);
1626 }
1628 /**
1629 * Test civicrm_contact_search_count().
1630 */
1631 public function testContactGetEmail() {
1632 $params = array(
1633 'email' => 'man2@yahoo.com',
1634 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1635 'location_type_id' => 1,
1636 );
1638 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
1640 $params = array(
1641 'email' => 'man2@yahoo.com',
1642 );
1643 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('contact', 'get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
1644 $this->assertEquals('man2@yahoo.com', $result['values'][$result['id']]['email']);
1646 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', $contact);
1647 }
1649 /**
1650 * Test birth date parameters.
1651 *
1652 * These include value, array & birth_date_high, birth_date_low
1653 * && deceased.
1654 */
1655 public function testContactGetBirthDate() {
1656 $contact1 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array('birth_date' => 'first day of next month - 2 years')));
1657 $contact2 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array('birth_date' => 'first day of next month - 5 years')));
1658 $contact3 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array('birth_date' => 'first day of next month -20 years')));
1660 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array());
1661 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of next month -2 years')), $result['values'][$contact1['id']]['birth_date']);
1662 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('birth_date' => 'first day of next month -5 years'));
1663 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1664 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of next month -5 years')), $result['values'][$contact2['id']]['birth_date']);
1665 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('birth_date_high' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 years'))));
1666 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1667 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of next month -20 years')), $result['values'][$contact3['id']]['birth_date']);
1668 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array(
1669 'birth_date_low' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 years')),
1670 'birth_date_high' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('- 3 years')),
1671 ));
1672 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1673 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of next month -5 years')), $result['values'][$contact2['id']]['birth_date']);
1674 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array(
1675 'birth_date_low' => '-6 years',
1676 'birth_date_high' => '- 3 years',
1677 ));
1678 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1679 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of next month -5 years')), $result['values'][$contact2['id']]['birth_date']);
1680 }
1682 /**
1683 * Test Address parameters
1684 *
1685 * This include state_province, state_province_name, country
1686 */
1687 public function testContactGetWithAddressFields() {
1688 $individuals = array(
1689 array(
1690 'first_name' => 'abc1',
1691 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1692 'last_name' => 'xyz1',
1693 'api.address.create' => array(
1694 'country' => 'United States',
1695 'state_province_id' => 'Michigan',
1696 'location_type_id' => 1,
1697 ),
1698 ),
1699 array(
1700 'first_name' => 'abc2',
1701 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1702 'last_name' => 'xyz2',
1703 'api.address.create' => array(
1704 'country' => 'United States',
1705 'state_province_id' => 'Alabama',
1706 'location_type_id' => 1,
1707 ),
1708 ),
1709 );
1710 foreach ($individuals as $params) {
1711 $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
1712 }
1714 // Check whether Contact get API return successfully with below Address params.
1715 $fieldsToTest = array(
1716 'state_province_name' => 'Michigan',
1717 'state_province' => 'Michigan',
1718 'country' => 'United States',
1719 'state_province_name' => array('IN' => array('Michigan', 'Alabama')),
1720 'state_province' => array('IN' => array('Michigan', 'Alabama')),
1721 );
1722 foreach ($fieldsToTest as $field => $value) {
1723 $getParams = array(
1724 'id' => $contact['id'],
1725 $field => $value,
1726 );
1727 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', $getParams);
1728 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1729 }
1730 }
1732 /**
1733 * Test Deceased date parameters.
1734 *
1735 * These include value, array & Deceased_date_high, Deceased date_low
1736 * && deceased.
1737 */
1738 public function testContactGetDeceasedDate() {
1739 $contact1 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array('deceased_date' => 'first day of next month - 2 years')));
1740 $contact2 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array('deceased_date' => 'first day of next month - 5 years')));
1741 $contact3 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->_params, array('deceased_date' => 'first day of next month -20 years')));
1743 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array());
1744 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of next month -2 years')), $result['values'][$contact1['id']]['deceased_date']);
1745 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('deceased_date' => 'first day of next month -5 years'));
1746 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1747 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of next month -5 years')), $result['values'][$contact2['id']]['deceased_date']);
1748 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('deceased_date_high' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 years'))));
1749 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1750 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of next month -20 years')), $result['values'][$contact3['id']]['deceased_date']);
1751 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array(
1752 'deceased_date_low' => '-6 years',
1753 'deceased_date_high' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('- 3 years')),
1754 ));
1755 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
1756 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of next month -5 years')), $result['values'][$contact2['id']]['deceased_date']);
1757 }
1759 /**
1760 * Test for Contact.get id=@user:username.
1761 */
1762 public function testContactGetByUsername() {
1763 // Setup - create contact with a uf-match.
1764 $cid = $this->individualCreate(array(
1765 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1766 'first_name' => 'testGetByUsername',
1767 'last_name' => 'testGetByUsername',
1768 ));
1770 $ufMatchParams = array(
1771 'domain_id' => CRM_Core_Config::domainID(),
1772 'uf_id' => 99,
1773 'uf_name' => 'the-email-matching-key-is-not-really-the-username',
1774 'contact_id' => $cid,
1775 );
1776 $ufMatch = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::create($ufMatchParams);
1777 $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($ufMatch->id));
1779 // setup - mock the calls to CRM_Utils_System_*::getUfId
1780 $userSystem = $this->getMock('CRM_Utils_System_UnitTests', array('getUfId'));
1781 $userSystem->expects($this->once())
1782 ->method('getUfId')
1783 ->with($this->equalTo('exampleUser'))
1784 ->will($this->returnValue(99));
1785 CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem = $userSystem;
1787 // perform a lookup
1788 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array(
1789 'id' => '@user:exampleUser',
1790 ));
1791 $this->assertEquals('testGetByUsername', $result['values'][$cid]['first_name']);
1792 }
1794 /**
1795 * Test to check return works OK.
1796 */
1797 public function testContactGetReturnValues() {
1798 $extraParams = array(
1799 'nick_name' => 'Bob',
1800 'phone' => '456',
1801 'email' => 'e@mail.com',
1802 );
1803 $contactID = $this->individualCreate($extraParams);
1804 //actually it turns out the above doesn't create a phone
1805 $this->callAPISuccess('phone', 'create', array('contact_id' => $contactID, 'phone' => '456'));
1806 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', array('id' => $contactID));
1807 foreach ($extraParams as $key => $value) {
1808 $this->assertEquals($result[$key], $value);
1809 }
1810 //now we check they are still returned with 'return' key
1811 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getsingle', array(
1812 'id' => $contactID,
1813 'return' => array_keys($extraParams),
1814 ));
1815 foreach ($extraParams as $key => $value) {
1816 $this->assertEquals($result[$key], $value);
1817 }
1818 }
1820 /**
1821 * Test creating multiple phones using chaining.
1822 *
1823 * @throws \Exception
1824 */
1825 public function testCRM13252MultipleChainedPhones() {
1826 $contactID = $this->householdCreate();
1827 $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('phone', array('contact_id' => $contactID), 0);
1828 $params = array(
1829 'contact_id' => $contactID,
1830 'household_name' => 'Household 1',
1831 'contact_type' => 'Household',
1832 'api.phone.create' => array(
1833 0 => array(
1834 'phone' => '111-111-1111',
1835 'location_type_id' => 1,
1836 'phone_type_id' => 1,
1837 ),
1838 1 => array(
1839 'phone' => '222-222-2222',
1840 'location_type_id' => 1,
1841 'phone_type_id' => 2,
1842 ),
1843 ),
1844 );
1845 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
1846 $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('phone', array('contact_id' => $contactID), 2);
1848 }
1850 /**
1851 * Test for Contact.get id=@user:username (with an invalid username).
1852 */
1853 public function testContactGetByUnknownUsername() {
1854 // setup - mock the calls to CRM_Utils_System_*::getUfId
1855 $userSystem = $this->getMock('CRM_Utils_System_UnitTests', array('getUfId'));
1856 $userSystem->expects($this->once())
1857 ->method('getUfId')
1858 ->with($this->equalTo('exampleUser'))
1859 ->will($this->returnValue(NULL));
1860 CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem = $userSystem;
1862 // perform a lookup
1863 $result = $this->callAPIFailure('Contact', 'get', array(
1864 'id' => '@user:exampleUser',
1865 ));
1866 $this->assertRegExp('/cannot be resolved to a contact ID/', $result['error_message']);
1867 }
1869 /**
1870 * Verify attempt to create individual with chained arrays and sequential.
1871 */
1872 public function testGetIndividualWithChainedArraysAndSequential() {
1873 $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
1874 $params['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']] = "custom string";
1876 $moreIDs = $this->CustomGroupMultipleCreateWithFields();
1877 $params = array(
1878 'sequential' => 1,
1879 'first_name' => 'abc3',
1880 'last_name' => 'xyz3',
1881 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1882 'email' => 'man3@yahoo.com',
1883 'api.website.create' => array(
1884 array(
1885 'url' => "http://civicrm.org",
1886 ),
1887 array(
1888 'url' => "https://civicrm.org",
1889 ),
1890 ),
1891 );
1893 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
1895 // delete the contact and custom groups
1896 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array('id' => $result['id']));
1897 $this->customGroupDelete($ids['custom_group_id']);
1898 $this->customGroupDelete($moreIDs['custom_group_id']);
1900 $this->assertEquals($result['id'], $result['values'][0]['id']);
1901 $this->assertArrayKeyExists('api.website.create', $result['values'][0]);
1902 }
1904 /**
1905 * Verify attempt to create individual with chained arrays.
1906 */
1907 public function testGetIndividualWithChainedArrays() {
1908 $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
1909 $params['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']] = "custom string";
1911 $moreIDs = $this->CustomGroupMultipleCreateWithFields();
1912 $description = "This demonstrates the usage of chained api functions.\nIn this case no notes or custom fields have been created.";
1913 $subfile = "APIChainedArray";
1914 $params = array(
1915 'first_name' => 'abc3',
1916 'last_name' => 'xyz3',
1917 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1918 'email' => 'man3@yahoo.com',
1919 'api.contribution.create' => array(
1920 'receive_date' => '2010-01-01',
1921 'total_amount' => 100.00,
1922 'financial_type_id' => 1,
1923 'payment_instrument_id' => 1,
1924 'non_deductible_amount' => 10.00,
1925 'fee_amount' => 50.00,
1926 'net_amount' => 90.00,
1927 'trxn_id' => 12345,
1928 'invoice_id' => 67890,
1929 'source' => 'SSF',
1930 'contribution_status_id' => 1,
1931 ),
1932 'api.contribution.create.1' => array(
1933 'receive_date' => '2011-01-01',
1934 'total_amount' => 120.00,
1935 'financial_type_id' => $this->_financialTypeId = 1,
1936 'payment_instrument_id' => 1,
1937 'non_deductible_amount' => 10.00,
1938 'fee_amount' => 50.00,
1939 'net_amount' => 90.00,
1940 'trxn_id' => 12335,
1941 'invoice_id' => 67830,
1942 'source' => 'SSF',
1943 'contribution_status_id' => 1,
1944 ),
1945 'api.website.create' => array(
1946 array(
1947 'url' => "http://civicrm.org",
1948 ),
1949 ),
1950 );
1952 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
1953 $params = array(
1954 'id' => $result['id'],
1955 'api.website.get' => array(),
1956 'api.Contribution.get' => array(
1957 'total_amount' => '120.00',
1958 ),
1959 'api.CustomValue.get' => 1,
1960 'api.Note.get' => 1,
1961 );
1962 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
1963 // delete the contact
1964 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', $result);
1965 $this->customGroupDelete($ids['custom_group_id']);
1966 $this->customGroupDelete($moreIDs['custom_group_id']);
1967 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.get']['is_error']);
1968 $this->assertEquals("http://civicrm.org", $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.get']['values'][0]['url']);
1969 }
1971 /**
1972 * Verify attempt to create individual with chained arrays and sequential.
1973 *
1974 * See https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-15815
1975 */
1976 public function testCreateIndividualWithChainedArrayAndSequential() {
1977 $params = array(
1978 'sequential' => 1,
1979 'first_name' => 'abc5',
1980 'last_name' => 'xyz5',
1981 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1982 'email' => 'woman5@yahoo.com',
1983 'api.phone.create' => array(
1984 array('phone' => '03-231 07 95'),
1985 array('phone' => '03-232 51 62'),
1986 ),
1987 'api.website.create' => array(
1988 'url' => 'http://civicrm.org',
1989 ),
1990 );
1991 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
1993 // I could try to parse the result to see whether the two phone numbers
1994 // and the website are there, but I am not sure about the correct format.
1995 // So I will just fetch it again before checking.
1996 // See also http://forum.civicrm.org/index.php/topic,35393.0.html
1997 $params = array(
1998 'sequential' => 1,
1999 'id' => $result['id'],
2000 'api.website.get' => array(),
2001 'api.phone.get' => array(),
2002 );
2003 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', $params);
2005 // delete the contact
2006 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', $result);
2008 $this->assertEquals(2, $result['values'][0]['api.phone.get']['count']);
2009 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['values'][0]['api.website.get']['count']);
2010 }
2012 /**
2013 * Test retrieving an individual with chained array syntax.
2014 */
2015 public function testGetIndividualWithChainedArraysFormats() {
2016 $description = "This demonstrates the usage of chained api functions.\nIn this case no notes or custom fields have been created.";
2017 $subfile = "APIChainedArrayFormats";
2018 $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
2019 $params['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']] = "custom string";
2021 $moreIDs = $this->CustomGroupMultipleCreateWithFields();
2022 $params = array(
2023 'first_name' => 'abc3',
2024 'last_name' => 'xyz3',
2025 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2026 'email' => 'man3@yahoo.com',
2027 'api.contribution.create' => array(
2028 'receive_date' => '2010-01-01',
2029 'total_amount' => 100.00,
2030 'financial_type_id' => $this->_financialTypeId,
2031 'payment_instrument_id' => 1,
2032 'non_deductible_amount' => 10.00,
2033 'fee_amount' => 50.00,
2034 'net_amount' => 90.00,
2035 'source' => 'SSF',
2036 'contribution_status_id' => 1,
2037 ),
2038 'api.contribution.create.1' => array(
2039 'receive_date' => '2011-01-01',
2040 'total_amount' => 120.00,
2041 'financial_type_id' => $this->_financialTypeId,
2042 'payment_instrument_id' => 1,
2043 'non_deductible_amount' => 10.00,
2044 'fee_amount' => 50.00,
2045 'net_amount' => 90.00,
2046 'source' => 'SSF',
2047 'contribution_status_id' => 1,
2048 ),
2049 'api.website.create' => array(
2050 array(
2051 'url' => "http://civicrm.org",
2052 ),
2053 ),
2054 );
2056 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
2057 $params = array(
2058 'id' => $result['id'],
2059 'api.website.getValue' => array('return' => 'url'),
2060 'api.Contribution.getCount' => array(),
2061 'api.CustomValue.get' => 1,
2062 'api.Note.get' => 1,
2063 'api.Membership.getCount' => array(),
2064 );
2065 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
2066 $this->assertEquals(2, $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.Contribution.getCount']);
2067 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.Note.get']['is_error']);
2068 $this->assertEquals("http://civicrm.org", $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.getValue']);
2070 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', $result);
2071 $this->customGroupDelete($ids['custom_group_id']);
2072 $this->customGroupDelete($moreIDs['custom_group_id']);
2073 }
2075 /**
2076 * Test complex chaining.
2077 */
2078 public function testGetIndividualWithChainedArraysAndMultipleCustom() {
2079 $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
2080 $params['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']] = "custom string";
2081 $moreIDs = $this->CustomGroupMultipleCreateWithFields();
2082 $andMoreIDs = $this->CustomGroupMultipleCreateWithFields(array(
2083 'title' => "another group",
2084 'name' => 'another name',
2085 ));
2086 $description = "This demonstrates the usage of chained api functions with multiple custom fields.";
2087 $subfile = "APIChainedArrayMultipleCustom";
2088 $params = array(
2089 'first_name' => 'abc3',
2090 'last_name' => 'xyz3',
2091 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2092 'email' => 'man3@yahoo.com',
2093 'api.contribution.create' => array(
2094 'receive_date' => '2010-01-01',
2095 'total_amount' => 100.00,
2096 'financial_type_id' => 1,
2097 'payment_instrument_id' => 1,
2098 'non_deductible_amount' => 10.00,
2099 'fee_amount' => 50.00,
2100 'net_amount' => 90.00,
2101 'trxn_id' => 12345,
2102 'invoice_id' => 67890,
2103 'source' => 'SSF',
2104 'contribution_status_id' => 1,
2105 ),
2106 'api.contribution.create.1' => array(
2107 'receive_date' => '2011-01-01',
2108 'total_amount' => 120.00,
2109 'financial_type_id' => 1,
2110 'payment_instrument_id' => 1,
2111 'non_deductible_amount' => 10.00,
2112 'fee_amount' => 50.00,
2113 'net_amount' => 90.00,
2114 'trxn_id' => 12335,
2115 'invoice_id' => 67830,
2116 'source' => 'SSF',
2117 'contribution_status_id' => 1,
2118 ),
2119 'api.website.create' => array(
2120 array(
2121 'url' => "http://civicrm.org",
2122 ),
2123 ),
2124 'custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id'] => "value 1",
2125 'custom_' . $moreIDs['custom_field_id'][0] => "value 2",
2126 'custom_' . $moreIDs['custom_field_id'][1] => "warm beer",
2127 'custom_' . $andMoreIDs['custom_field_id'][1] => "vegemite",
2128 );
2130 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $params);
2131 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
2132 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2133 'id' => $result['id'],
2134 'custom_' .
2135 $moreIDs['custom_field_id'][0] => "value 3",
2136 'custom_' .
2137 $ids['custom_field_id'] => "value 4",
2138 ));
2140 $params = array(
2141 'id' => $result['id'],
2142 'api.website.getValue' => array('return' => 'url'),
2143 'api.Contribution.getCount' => array(),
2144 'api.CustomValue.get' => 1,
2145 );
2146 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
2148 $this->customGroupDelete($ids['custom_group_id']);
2149 $this->customGroupDelete($moreIDs['custom_group_id']);
2150 $this->customGroupDelete($andMoreIDs['custom_group_id']);
2151 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.CustomValue.get']['is_error']);
2152 $this->assertEquals('http://civicrm.org', $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.website.getValue']);
2153 }
2155 /**
2156 * Test checks usage of $values to pick & choose inputs.
2157 */
2158 public function testChainingValuesCreate() {
2159 $description = "This demonstrates the usage of chained api functions. Specifically it has one 'parent function' &
2160 2 child functions - one receives values from the parent (Contact) and the other child (Tag).";
2161 $subfile = "APIChainedArrayValuesFromSiblingFunction";
2162 $params = array(
2163 'display_name' => 'batman',
2164 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2165 'api.tag.create' => array(
2166 'name' => '$value.id',
2167 'description' => '$value.display_name',
2168 'format.only_id' => 1,
2169 ),
2170 'api.entity_tag.create' => array('tag_id' => '$value.api.tag.create'),
2171 );
2172 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Create', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
2173 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['values'][$result['id']]['api.entity_tag.create']['is_error']);
2175 $tablesToTruncate = array(
2176 'civicrm_contact',
2177 'civicrm_activity',
2178 'civicrm_entity_tag',
2179 'civicrm_tag',
2180 );
2181 $this->quickCleanup($tablesToTruncate, TRUE);
2182 }
2184 /**
2185 * Test TrueFalse format - I couldn't come up with an easy way to get an error on Get.
2186 */
2187 public function testContactGetFormatIsSuccessTrue() {
2188 $this->createContactFromXML();
2189 $description = "This demonstrates use of the 'format.is_success' param.
2190 This param causes only the success or otherwise of the function to be returned as BOOLEAN";
2191 $subfile = "FormatIsSuccess_True";
2192 $params = array('id' => 17, 'format.is_success' => 1);
2193 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
2194 $this->assertEquals(1, $result);
2195 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Delete', $params);
2196 }
2198 /**
2199 * Test TrueFalse format.
2200 */
2201 public function testContactCreateFormatIsSuccessFalse() {
2203 $description = "This demonstrates use of the 'format.is_success' param.
2204 This param causes only the success or otherwise of the function to be returned as BOOLEAN";
2205 $subfile = "FormatIsSuccess_Fail";
2206 $params = array('id' => 500, 'format.is_success' => 1);
2207 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Create', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
2208 $this->assertEquals(0, $result);
2209 }
2211 /**
2212 * Test Single Entity format.
2213 */
2214 public function testContactGetSingleEntityArray() {
2215 $this->createContactFromXML();
2216 $description = "This demonstrates use of the 'format.single_entity_array' param.
2217 This param causes the only contact to be returned as an array without the other levels.
2218 It will be ignored if there is not exactly 1 result";
2219 $subfile = "GetSingleContact";
2220 $params = array('id' => 17);
2221 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'GetSingle', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
2222 $this->assertEquals('Test Contact', $result['display_name']);
2223 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Delete', $params);
2224 }
2226 /**
2227 * Test Single Entity format.
2228 */
2229 public function testContactGetFormatCountOnly() {
2230 $this->createContactFromXML();
2231 $description = "This demonstrates use of the 'getCount' action.
2232 This param causes the count of the only function to be returned as an integer.";
2233 $params = array('id' => 17);
2234 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'GetCount', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description,
2235 'GetCountContact');
2236 $this->assertEquals('1', $result);
2237 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Delete', $params);
2238 }
2240 /**
2241 * Test id only format.
2242 */
2243 public function testContactGetFormatIDOnly() {
2244 $this->createContactFromXML();
2245 $description = "This demonstrates use of the 'format.id_only' param.
2246 This param causes the id of the only entity to be returned as an integer.
2247 It will be ignored if there is not exactly 1 result";
2248 $subfile = "FormatOnlyID";
2249 $params = array('id' => 17, 'format.only_id' => 1);
2250 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subfile);
2251 $this->assertEquals('17', $result);
2252 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Delete', $params);
2253 }
2255 /**
2256 * Test id only format.
2257 */
2258 public function testContactGetFormatSingleValue() {
2259 $this->createContactFromXML();
2260 $description = "This demonstrates use of the 'format.single_value' param.
2261 This param causes only a single value of the only entity to be returned as an string.
2262 It will be ignored if there is not exactly 1 result";
2263 $subFile = "FormatSingleValue";
2264 $params = array('id' => 17, 'return' => 'display_name');
2265 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'getvalue', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subFile);
2266 $this->assertEquals('Test Contact', $result);
2267 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Delete', $params);
2268 }
2270 /**
2271 * Test that permissions are respected when creating contacts.
2272 */
2273 public function testContactCreationPermissions() {
2274 $params = array(
2275 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2276 'first_name' => 'Foo',
2277 'last_name' => 'Bear',
2278 'check_permissions' => TRUE,
2279 );
2280 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
2281 $config->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access CiviCRM');
2282 $result = $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'create', $params);
2283 $this->assertEquals('API permission check failed for Contact/create call; insufficient permission: require access CiviCRM and add contacts', $result['error_message'], 'lacking permissions should not be enough to create a contact');
2285 $config->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access CiviCRM', 'add contacts', 'import contacts');
2286 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
2287 }
2289 /**
2290 * Test that delete with skip undelete respects permissions.
2291 */
2292 public function testContactDeletePermissions() {
2293 $contactID = $this->individualCreate();
2294 CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access CiviCRM');
2295 $this->callAPIFailure('Contact', 'delete', array(
2296 'id' => $contactID,
2297 'check_permissions' => 1,
2298 'skip_undelete' => 1,
2299 ));
2300 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'delete', array(
2301 'id' => $contactID,
2302 'check_permissions' => 0,
2303 'skip_undelete' => 1,
2304 ));
2305 }
2307 /**
2308 * Test update with check permissions set.
2309 */
2310 public function testContactUpdatePermissions() {
2311 $params = array(
2312 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2313 'first_name' => 'Foo',
2314 'last_name' => 'Bear',
2315 'check_permissions' => TRUE,
2316 );
2317 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $params);
2318 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
2319 $params = array(
2320 'id' => $result['id'],
2321 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2322 'last_name' => 'Bar',
2323 'check_permissions' => TRUE,
2324 );
2326 $config->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access CiviCRM');
2327 $result = $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'update', $params);
2328 $this->assertEquals('Permission denied to modify contact record', $result['error_message']);
2330 $config->userPermissionClass->permissions = array(
2331 'access CiviCRM',
2332 'add contacts',
2333 'view all contacts',
2334 'edit all contacts',
2335 'import contacts',
2336 );
2337 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'update', $params);
2338 }
2340 /**
2341 * Set up helper to create a contact.
2342 */
2343 public function createContactFromXML() {
2344 // Insert a row in civicrm_contact creating contact 17.
2345 $op = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_Operation_Insert();
2346 $op->execute($this->_dbconn,
2347 $this->createXMLDataSet(
2348 dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/contact_17.xml'
2349 )
2350 );
2351 }
2353 /**
2354 * Test contact proximity api.
2355 */
2356 public function testContactProximity() {
2357 // first create a contact with a SF location with a specific
2358 // geocode
2359 $contactID = $this->organizationCreate();
2361 // now create the address
2362 $params = array(
2363 'street_address' => '123 Main Street',
2364 'city' => 'San Francisco',
2365 'is_primary' => 1,
2366 'country_id' => 1228,
2367 'state_province_id' => 1004,
2368 'geo_code_1' => '37.79',
2369 'geo_code_2' => '-122.40',
2370 'location_type_id' => 1,
2371 'contact_id' => $contactID,
2372 );
2374 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', $params);
2375 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
2377 // now do a proximity search with a close enough geocode and hope to match
2378 // that specific contact only!
2379 $proxParams = array(
2380 'latitude' => 37.7,
2381 'longitude' => -122.3,
2382 'unit' => 'mile',
2383 'distance' => 10,
2384 );
2385 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'proximity', $proxParams);
2386 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
2387 }
2389 /**
2390 * Test that Ajax API permission is sufficient to access getquick api.
2391 *
2392 * (note that getquick api is required for autocomplete & has ACL permissions applied)
2393 */
2394 public function testGetquickPermissionCRM13744() {
2395 CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access CiviEvent');
2396 $this->callAPIFailure('contact', 'getquick', array('name' => 'b', 'check_permissions' => TRUE));
2397 CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access CiviCRM');
2398 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array('name' => 'b', 'check_permissions' => TRUE));
2399 CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('access AJAX API');
2400 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array('name' => 'b', 'check_permissions' => TRUE));
2401 }
2403 /**
2404 * Test that getquick returns contacts with an exact first name match first.
2405 *
2406 * The search string 'b' & 'bob' both return ordered by sort_name if includeOrderByClause
2407 * is true (default) but if it is false then matches are returned in ID order.
2408 *
2409 * @dataProvider getSearchSortOptions
2410 */
2411 public function testGetQuickExactFirst($searchParameters, $settings, $firstContact, $secondContact = NULL) {
2412 $this->getQuickSearchSampleData();
2413 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', $settings);
2414 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', $searchParameters);
2415 $this->assertEquals($firstContact, $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
2416 $this->assertEquals($secondContact, $result['values'][1]['sort_name']);
2417 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE));
2418 }
2420 public function getSearchSortOptions() {
2421 $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName = 'A Bobby, Bobby';
2422 $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName = 'Aadvark, Bob';
2423 $secondAlphabeticalContactWithEmailBySortName = 'Bob, Bob';
2424 $firstAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob = 'Aadvark, Bob';
2425 $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob = 'Bob, Bob';
2426 $firstByIDContactFirstNameBob = 'Bob, Bob';
2427 $secondByIDContactFirstNameBob = 'K Bobby, Bob';
2428 $firstContactByID = 'Bob, Bob';
2429 $secondContactByID = 'E Bobby, Bobby';
2430 $bobLikeEmail = 'A Bobby, Bobby';
2432 return array(
2433 'empty_search_basic' => array(
2434 'search_parameters' => array('name' => '%'),
2435 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
2436 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
2437 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
2438 ),
2439 'empty_search_basic_no_wildcard' => array(
2440 'search_parameters' => array('name' => '%'),
2441 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
2442 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
2443 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
2444 ),
2445 'single_letter_search_basic' => array(
2446 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'b'),
2447 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
2448 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
2449 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
2450 ),
2451 'bob_search_basic' => array(
2452 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob'),
2453 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
2454 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
2455 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
2456 ),
2457 'bob_search_no_orderby' => array(
2458 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob'),
2459 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => FALSE),
2460 'first_contact' => $firstContactByID,
2461 'second_contact' => $secondContactByID,
2462 ),
2463 'bob_search_no_wildcard' => array(
2464 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob'),
2465 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
2466 'second_contact' => $bobLikeEmail,
2467 'first_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
2468 ),
2469 // This should be the same as just no wildcard as if we had an exactMatch while searching by
2470 // sort name it would rise to the top CRM-19547
2471 'bob_search_no_wildcard_no_orderby' => array(
2472 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob'),
2473 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
2474 'second_contact' => $bobLikeEmail,
2475 'first_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
2476 ),
2477 'first_name_search_basic' => array(
2478 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob', 'field_name' => 'first_name'),
2479 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
2480 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
2481 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
2482 ),
2483 'first_name_search_no_wildcard' => array(
2484 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob', 'field_name' => 'first_name'),
2485 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
2486 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
2487 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
2488 ),
2489 'first_name_search_no_orderby' => array(
2490 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob', 'field_name' => 'first_name'),
2491 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => FALSE),
2492 'first_contact' => $firstByIDContactFirstNameBob,
2493 'second_contact' => $secondByIDContactFirstNameBob,
2494 ),
2495 'email_search_basic' => array(
2496 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob', 'field_name' => 'email', 'table_name' => 'eml'),
2497 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
2498 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
2499 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactWithEmailBySortName,
2500 ),
2501 );
2502 }
2504 /**
2505 * Test that getquick returns contacts with an exact first name match first.
2506 */
2507 public function testGetQuickEmail() {
2508 $this->getQuickSearchSampleData();
2509 $loggedInContactID = $this->createLoggedInUser();
2510 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2511 'name' => 'c',
2512 ));
2513 $expectedData = array(
2514 'A Bobby, Bobby :: bob@bobby.com',
2515 'Bob, Bob :: bob@bob.com',
2516 'C Bobby, Bobby',
2517 'H Bobby, Bobby :: bob@h.com',
2518 'Second Domain',
2519 $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('Contact', array('id' => $loggedInContactID, 'return' => 'last_name')) . ', Logged In :: anthony_anderson@civicrm.org',
2520 );
2521 $this->assertEquals(6, $result['count']);
2522 foreach ($expectedData as $index => $value) {
2523 $this->assertEquals($value, $result['values'][$index]['data']);
2524 }
2525 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2526 'name' => 'h.',
2527 ));
2528 $expectedData = array(
2529 'H Bobby, Bobby :: bob@h.com',
2530 );
2531 foreach ($expectedData as $index => $value) {
2532 $this->assertEquals($value, $result['values'][$index]['data']);
2533 }
2534 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE));
2535 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2536 'name' => 'h.',
2537 ));
2538 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE));
2539 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['count']);
2540 }
2542 /**
2543 * Test that getquick returns contacts with an exact first name match first.
2544 */
2545 public function testGetQuickEmailACL() {
2546 $this->getQuickSearchSampleData();
2547 $loggedInContactID = $this->createLoggedInUser();
2548 CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array();
2549 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2550 'name' => 'c',
2551 ));
2552 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['count']);
2554 $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_aclWhereClause', array($this, 'aclWhereNoBobH'));
2555 CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::cache($loggedInContactID, CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW, TRUE);
2556 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2557 'name' => 'c',
2558 ));
2560 // Without the acl it would be 6 like the previous email getquick test.
2561 $this->assertEquals(5, $result['count']);
2562 $expectedData = array(
2563 'A Bobby, Bobby :: bob@bobby.com',
2564 'Bob, Bob :: bob@bob.com',
2565 'C Bobby, Bobby',
2566 'Second Domain',
2567 $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('Contact', array('id' => $loggedInContactID, 'return' => 'last_name')) . ', Logged In :: anthony_anderson@civicrm.org',
2568 );
2569 foreach ($expectedData as $index => $value) {
2570 $this->assertEquals($value, $result['values'][$index]['data']);
2571 }
2572 }
2574 /**
2575 * Test that getquick returns contacts with an exact first name match first.
2576 */
2577 public function testGetQuickExternalID() {
2578 $this->getQuickSearchSampleData();
2579 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2580 'name' => 'b',
2581 'field_name' => 'external_identifier',
2582 'table_name' => 'cc',
2583 ));
2584 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['count']);
2585 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2586 'name' => 'abc',
2587 'field_name' => 'external_identifier',
2588 'table_name' => 'cc',
2589 ));
2590 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
2591 $this->assertEquals('Bob, Bob', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
2592 }
2594 /**
2595 * Test that getquick returns contacts with an exact first name match first.
2596 */
2597 public function testGetQuickID() {
2598 $max = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT max(id) FROM civicrm_contact");
2599 $this->getQuickSearchSampleData();
2600 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2601 'name' => $max + 2,
2602 'field_name' => 'id',
2603 'table_name' => 'cc',
2604 ));
2605 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
2606 $this->assertEquals('E Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
2607 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2608 'name' => $max + 2,
2609 'field_name' => 'contact_id',
2610 'table_name' => 'cc',
2611 ));
2612 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
2613 $this->assertEquals('E Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
2614 }
2616 /**
2617 * Test that getquick returns contacts with an exact first name match first.
2618 *
2619 * Depending on the setting the sort name sort might click in next or not - test!
2620 */
2621 public function testGetQuickFirstName() {
2622 $this->getQuickSearchSampleData();
2623 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => TRUE));
2624 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2625 'name' => 'Bob',
2626 'field_name' => 'first_name',
2627 'table_name' => 'cc',
2628 ));
2629 $expected = array(
2630 'Aadvark, Bob',
2631 'Bob, Bob',
2632 'K Bobby, Bob',
2633 'A Bobby, Bobby',
2634 );
2636 foreach ($expected as $index => $value) {
2637 $this->assertEquals($value, $result['values'][$index]['sort_name']);
2638 }
2639 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => FALSE));
2640 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array('name' => 'bob'));
2641 $this->assertEquals('Bob, Bob', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
2642 $this->assertEquals('E Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][1]['sort_name']);
2643 }
2645 /**
2646 * Test that getquick applies ACLs.
2647 */
2648 public function testGetQuickFirstNameACLs() {
2649 $this->getQuickSearchSampleData();
2650 $userID = $this->createLoggedInUser();
2651 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => TRUE, 'search_autocomplete_count' => 15));
2652 CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array();
2653 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2654 'name' => 'Bob',
2655 'field_name' => 'first_name',
2656 'table_name' => 'cc',
2657 ));
2658 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['count']);
2660 $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_aclWhereClause', array($this, 'aclWhereNoBobH'));
2661 CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::cache($userID, CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW, TRUE);
2662 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2663 'name' => 'Bob',
2664 'field_name' => 'first_name',
2665 'table_name' => 'cc',
2666 ));
2667 $this->assertEquals('K Bobby, Bob', $result['values'][2]['sort_name']);
2668 // Without the ACL 9 would be bob@h.com.
2669 $this->assertEquals('I Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][10]['sort_name']);
2670 }
2672 /**
2673 * Full results returned.
2674 * @implements CRM_Utils_Hook::aclWhereClause
2675 *
2676 * @param string $type
2677 * @param array $tables
2678 * @param array $whereTables
2679 * @param int $contactID
2680 * @param string $where
2681 */
2682 public function aclWhereNoBobH($type, &$tables, &$whereTables, &$contactID, &$where) {
2683 $where = " (email <> 'bob@h.com' OR email IS NULL) ";
2684 $whereTables['civicrm_email'] = "LEFT JOIN civicrm_email e ON contact_a.id = e.contact_id";
2685 }
2687 /**
2688 * Test that getquick returns contacts with an exact last name match first.
2689 */
2690 public function testGetQuickLastName() {
2691 $this->getQuickSearchSampleData();
2692 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => TRUE));
2693 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2694 'name' => 'Bob',
2695 'field_name' => 'last_name',
2696 'table_name' => 'cc',
2697 ));
2698 $expected = array(
2699 'Bob, Bob',
2700 'A Bobby, Bobby',
2701 'B Bobby, Bobby',
2702 );
2704 foreach ($expected as $index => $value) {
2705 $this->assertEquals($value, $result['values'][$index]['sort_name']);
2706 }
2707 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => FALSE));
2708 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array('name' => 'bob'));
2709 $this->assertEquals('Bob, Bob :: bob@bob.com', $result['values'][0]['data']);
2710 }
2712 /**
2713 * Test that getquick returns contacts by city.
2714 */
2715 public function testGetQuickCity() {
2716 $this->getQuickSearchSampleData();
2717 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2718 'name' => 'o',
2719 'field_name' => 'city',
2720 'table_name' => 'sts',
2721 ));
2722 $this->assertEquals('B Bobby, Bobby :: Toronto', $result['values'][0]['data']);
2723 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
2724 'name' => 'n',
2725 'field_name' => 'city',
2726 'table_name' => 'sts',
2727 ));
2728 $this->assertEquals('B Bobby, Bobby :: Toronto', $result['values'][0]['data']);
2729 $this->assertEquals('C Bobby, Bobby :: Whanganui', $result['values'][1]['data']);
2730 }
2732 /**
2733 * Set up some sample data for testing quicksearch.
2734 */
2735 public function getQuickSearchSampleData() {
2736 $contacts = array(
2737 array('first_name' => 'Bob', 'last_name' => 'Bob', 'external_identifier' => 'abc', 'email' => 'bob@bob.com'),
2738 array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'E Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'abcd'),
2739 array(
2740 'first_name' => 'Bobby',
2741 'last_name' => 'B Bobby',
2742 'external_identifier' => 'bcd',
2743 'api.address.create' => array(
2744 'street_address' => 'Sesame Street',
2745 'city' => 'Toronto',
2746 'location_type_id' => 1,
2747 ),
2748 ),
2749 array(
2750 'first_name' => 'Bobby',
2751 'last_name' => 'C Bobby',
2752 'external_identifier' => 'bcde',
2753 'api.address.create' => array(
2754 'street_address' => 'Te huarahi',
2755 'city' => 'Whanganui',
2756 'location_type_id' => 1,
2757 ),
2758 ),
2759 array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'D Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'efg'),
2760 array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'A Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'hij', 'email' => 'bob@bobby.com'),
2761 array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'F Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'klm'),
2762 array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'G Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'nop'),
2763 array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'H Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'qrs', 'email' => 'bob@h.com'),
2764 array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'I Bobby'),
2765 array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'J Bobby'),
2766 array('first_name' => 'Bob', 'last_name' => 'K Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'bcdef'),
2767 array('first_name' => 'Bob', 'last_name' => 'Aadvark'),
2768 );
2769 foreach ($contacts as $type => $contact) {
2770 $contact['contact_type'] = 'Individual';
2771 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', $contact);
2772 }
2773 }
2775 /**
2776 * Test get ref api - gets a list of references to an entity.
2777 */
2778 public function testGetReferenceCounts() {
2779 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
2780 'first_name' => 'Testily',
2781 'last_name' => 'McHaste',
2782 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2783 'api.Address.replace' => array(
2784 'values' => array(),
2785 ),
2786 'api.Email.replace' => array(
2787 'values' => array(
2788 array(
2789 'email' => 'spam@dev.null',
2790 'is_primary' => 0,
2791 'location_type_id' => 1,
2792 ),
2793 ),
2794 ),
2795 'api.Phone.replace' => array(
2796 'values' => array(
2797 array(
2798 'phone' => '234-567-0001',
2799 'is_primary' => 1,
2800 'location_type_id' => 1,
2801 ),
2802 array(
2803 'phone' => '234-567-0002',
2804 'is_primary' => 0,
2805 'location_type_id' => 1,
2806 ),
2807 ),
2808 ),
2809 ));
2811 //$dao = new CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact();
2812 //$dao->id = $result['id'];
2813 //$this->assertTrue((bool) $dao->find(TRUE));
2814 //
2815 //$refCounts = $dao->getReferenceCounts();
2816 //$this->assertTrue(is_array($refCounts));
2817 //$refCountsIdx = CRM_Utils_Array::index(array('name'), $refCounts);
2819 $refCounts = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'getrefcount', array(
2820 'id' => $result['id'],
2821 ));
2822 $refCountsIdx = CRM_Utils_Array::index(array('name'), $refCounts['values']);
2824 $this->assertEquals(1, $refCountsIdx['sql:civicrm_email:contact_id']['count']);
2825 $this->assertEquals('civicrm_email', $refCountsIdx['sql:civicrm_email:contact_id']['table']);
2826 $this->assertEquals(2, $refCountsIdx['sql:civicrm_phone:contact_id']['count']);
2827 $this->assertEquals('civicrm_phone', $refCountsIdx['sql:civicrm_phone:contact_id']['table']);
2828 $this->assertTrue(!isset($refCountsIdx['sql:civicrm_address:contact_id']));
2829 }
2831 /**
2832 * Test the use of sql operators.
2833 */
2834 public function testSQLOperatorsOnContactAPI() {
2835 $this->individualCreate();
2836 $this->organizationCreate();
2837 $this->householdCreate();
2838 $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('legal_name' => array('IS NOT NULL' => TRUE)));
2839 $this->assertEquals($contacts['count'], CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('select count(*) FROM civicrm_contact WHERE legal_name IS NOT NULL'));
2840 $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('legal_name' => array('IS NULL' => TRUE)));
2841 $this->assertEquals($contacts['count'], CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('select count(*) FROM civicrm_contact WHERE legal_name IS NULL'));
2842 }
2844 /**
2845 * CRM-14743 - test api respects search operators.
2846 */
2847 public function testGetModifiedDateByOperators() {
2848 $preExistingContactCount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('select count(*) FROM civicrm_contact');
2849 $contact1 = $this->individualCreate();
2850 $sql = "UPDATE civicrm_contact SET created_date = '2012-01-01', modified_date = '2013-01-01' WHERE id = " . $contact1;
2851 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
2852 $contact2 = $this->individualCreate();
2853 $sql = "UPDATE civicrm_contact SET created_date = '2012-02-01', modified_date = '2013-02-01' WHERE id = " . $contact2;
2854 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
2855 $contact3 = $this->householdCreate();
2856 $sql = "UPDATE civicrm_contact SET created_date = '2012-03-01', modified_date = '2013-03-01' WHERE id = " . $contact3;
2857 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
2858 $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('modified_date' => array('<' => '2014-01-01')));
2859 $this->assertEquals($contacts['count'], 3);
2860 $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('modified_date' => array('>' => '2014-01-01')));
2861 $this->assertEquals($contacts['count'], $preExistingContactCount);
2862 }
2864 /**
2865 * CRM-14743 - test api respects search operators.
2866 */
2867 public function testGetCreatedDateByOperators() {
2868 $preExistingContactCount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('select count(*) FROM civicrm_contact');
2869 $contact1 = $this->individualCreate();
2870 $sql = "UPDATE civicrm_contact SET created_date = '2012-01-01' WHERE id = " . $contact1;
2871 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
2872 $contact2 = $this->individualCreate();
2873 $sql = "UPDATE civicrm_contact SET created_date = '2012-02-01' WHERE id = " . $contact2;
2874 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
2875 $contact3 = $this->householdCreate();
2876 $sql = "UPDATE civicrm_contact SET created_date = '2012-03-01' WHERE id = " . $contact3;
2877 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
2878 $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('created_date' => array('<' => '2014-01-01')));
2879 $this->assertEquals($contacts['count'], 3);
2880 $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('created_date' => array('>' => '2014-01-01')));
2881 $this->assertEquals($contacts['count'], $preExistingContactCount);
2882 }
2884 /**
2885 * CRM-14263 check that API is not affected by search profile related bug.
2886 */
2887 public function testReturnCityProfile() {
2888 $contactID = $this->individualCreate();
2889 CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->defaultSearchProfileID = 1;
2890 $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', array(
2891 'contact_id' => $contactID,
2892 'city' => 'Cool City',
2893 'location_type_id' => 1,
2894 ));
2895 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('city' => 'Cool City', 'return' => 'contact_type'));
2896 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
2897 }
2899 /**
2900 * CRM-15443 - ensure getlist api does not return deleted contacts.
2901 */
2902 public function testGetlistExcludeConditions() {
2903 $name = md5(time());
2904 $contact = $this->individualCreate(array('last_name' => $name));
2905 $this->individualCreate(array('last_name' => $name, 'is_deceased' => 1));
2906 $this->individualCreate(array('last_name' => $name, 'is_deleted' => 1));
2907 // We should get all but the deleted contact.
2908 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getlist', array('input' => $name));
2909 $this->assertEquals(2, $result['count']);
2910 // Force-exclude the deceased contact.
2911 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getlist', array(
2912 'input' => $name,
2913 'params' => array('is_deceased' => 0),
2914 ));
2915 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
2916 $this->assertEquals($contact, $result['values'][0]['id']);
2917 }
2919 /**
2920 * Test contact getactions.
2921 */
2922 public function testGetActions() {
2923 $description = "Getting the available actions for an entity.";
2924 $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument($this->_entity, 'getactions', array(), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
2925 $expected = array(
2926 'create',
2927 'delete',
2928 'get',
2929 'getactions',
2930 'getcount',
2931 'getfields',
2932 'getlist',
2933 'getoptions',
2934 'getquick',
2935 'getrefcount',
2936 'getsingle',
2937 'getvalue',
2938 'merge',
2939 'proximity',
2940 'replace',
2941 'setvalue',
2942 'update',
2943 );
2944 $deprecated = array(
2945 'update',
2946 'getquick',
2947 );
2948 foreach ($expected as $action) {
2949 $this->assertTrue(in_array($action, $result['values']), "Expected action $action");
2950 }
2951 foreach ($deprecated as $action) {
2952 $this->assertArrayKeyExists($action, $result['deprecated']);
2953 }
2954 }
2956 /**
2957 * Test the duplicate check function.
2958 */
2959 public function testDuplicateCheck() {
2960 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
2961 'first_name' => 'Harry',
2962 'last_name' => 'Potter',
2963 'email' => 'harry@hogwarts.edu',
2964 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2965 ));
2966 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'duplicatecheck', array(
2967 'match' => array(
2968 'first_name' => 'Harry',
2969 'last_name' => 'Potter',
2970 'email' => 'harry@hogwarts.edu',
2971 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2972 ),
2973 ));
2975 $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
2976 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'duplicatecheck', array(
2977 'match' => array(
2978 'first_name' => 'Harry',
2979 'last_name' => 'Potter',
2980 'email' => 'no5@privet.drive',
2981 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2982 ),
2983 ));
2984 $this->assertEquals(0, $result['count']);
2985 }
2987 public function testGetByContactType() {
2988 $individual = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
2989 'email' => 'individual@test.com',
2990 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
2991 ));
2992 $household = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
2993 'household_name' => 'household@test.com',
2994 'contact_type' => 'Household',
2995 ));
2996 $organization = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
2997 'organization_name' => 'organization@test.com',
2998 'contact_type' => 'Organization',
2999 ));
3000 // Test with id - getsingle will throw an exception if not found
3001 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'getsingle', array(
3002 'id' => $individual['id'],
3003 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
3004 ));
3005 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'getsingle', array(
3006 'id' => $individual['id'],
3007 'contact_type' => array('IN' => array('Individual')),
3008 'return' => 'id',
3009 ));
3010 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'getsingle', array(
3011 'id' => $organization['id'],
3012 'contact_type' => array('IN' => array('Individual', 'Organization')),
3013 ));
3014 // Test as array
3015 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array(
3016 'contact_type' => array('IN' => array('Individual', 'Organization')),
3017 'options' => array('limit' => 0),
3018 'return' => 'id',
3019 ));
3020 $this->assertContains($organization['id'], array_keys($result['values']));
3021 $this->assertContains($individual['id'], array_keys($result['values']));
3022 $this->assertNotContains($household['id'], array_keys($result['values']));
3023 // Test as string
3024 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array(
3025 'contact_type' => 'Household',
3026 'options' => array('limit' => 0),
3027 'return' => 'id',
3028 ));
3029 $this->assertNotContains($organization['id'], array_keys($result['values']));
3030 $this->assertNotContains($individual['id'], array_keys($result['values']));
3031 $this->assertContains($household['id'], array_keys($result['values']));
3032 }
3034 /**
3035 * Test merging 2 contacts.
3036 *
3037 * Someone kindly bequethed us the legacy of mixed up use of main_id & other_id
3038 * in the params for contact.merge api.
3039 *
3040 * This test protects that legacy.
3041 */
3042 public function testMergeBizzareOldParams() {
3043 $this->createLoggedInUser();
3044 $otherContact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params);
3045 $mainContact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params);
3046 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'merge', array(
3047 'main_id' => $mainContact['id'],
3048 'other_id' => $otherContact['id'],
3049 ));
3050 $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $this->_params);
3051 $this->assertEquals($otherContact['id'], $contacts['id']);
3052 }
3054 /**
3055 * Test merging 2 contacts.
3056 */
3057 public function testMerge() {
3058 $this->createLoggedInUser();
3059 $otherContact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params);
3060 $retainedContact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params);
3061 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'merge', array(
3062 'to_keep_id' => $retainedContact['id'],
3063 'to_remove_id' => $otherContact['id'],
3064 'auto_flip' => FALSE,
3065 ));
3067 $contacts = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', $this->_params);
3068 $this->assertEquals($retainedContact['id'], $contacts['id']);
3069 $activity = $this->callAPISuccess('Activity', 'getsingle', array(
3070 'target_contact_id' => $retainedContact['id'],
3071 'activity_type_id' => 'Contact Merged',
3072 ));
3073 $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d'), date('Y-m-d', strtotime($activity['activity_date_time'])));
3074 $activity2 = $this->callAPISuccess('Activity', 'getsingle', array(
3075 'target_contact_id' => $otherContact['id'],
3076 'activity_type_id' => 'Contact Deleted by Merge',
3077 ));
3078 $this->assertEquals($activity['id'], $activity2['parent_id']);
3079 $this->assertEquals('Normal', civicrm_api3('option_value', 'getvalue', array(
3080 'value' => $activity['priority_id'],
3081 'return' => 'label',
3082 'option_group_id' => 'priority',
3083 )));
3085 }
3087 /**
3088 * Test merging 2 contacts with delete to trash off.
3089 *
3090 * We are checking that there is no error due to attempting to add an activity for the
3091 * deleted contact.
3092 *
3093 * CRM-18307
3094 */
3095 public function testMergeNoTrash() {
3096 $this->createLoggedInUser();
3097 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('contact_undelete' => FALSE));
3098 $otherContact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params);
3099 $retainedContact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $this->_params);
3100 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'merge', array(
3101 'to_keep_id' => $retainedContact['id'],
3102 'to_remove_id' => $otherContact['id'],
3103 'auto_flip' => FALSE,
3104 ));
3105 $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('contact_undelete' => TRUE));
3106 }
3108 /**
3109 * Ensure format with return=group shows comma-separated group IDs.
3110 *
3111 * CRM-19426
3112 */
3113 public function testContactGetReturnGroup() {
3114 // Set up a contact, asser that they were created.
3115 $contact_params = array(
3116 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
3117 'first_name' => 'Test',
3118 'last_name' => 'Groupmember',
3119 'email' => 'test@example.org',
3120 );
3121 $create_contact = $this->callApiSuccess('Contact', 'create', $contact_params);
3122 $this->assertEquals(0, $create_contact['is_error']);
3123 $this->assertInternalType('int', $create_contact['id']);
3125 $created_contact_id = $create_contact['id'];
3127 // Set up multiple groups, add the contact to the groups.
3128 $test_groups = array('Test group A', 'Test group B');
3129 foreach ($test_groups as $title) {
3130 // Use this contact as group owner, since we know they exist.
3131 $group_params = array(
3132 'title' => $title,
3133 'created_id' => $created_contact_id,
3134 );
3135 $create_group = $this->callApiSuccess('Group', 'create', $group_params);
3136 $this->assertEquals(0, $create_group['is_error']);
3137 $this->assertInternalType('int', $create_group['id']);
3139 $created_group_ids[] = $create_group['id'];
3141 // Add contact to the new group.
3142 $group_contact_params = array(
3143 'contact_id' => $created_contact_id,
3144 'group_id' => $create_group['id'],
3145 );
3146 $create_group_contact = $this->callApiSuccess('GroupContact', 'create', $group_contact_params);
3147 $this->assertEquals(0, $create_group_contact['is_error']);
3148 $this->assertInternalType('int', $create_group_contact['added']);
3149 }
3151 // Use the Contact,get API to retrieve the contact
3152 $contact_get_params = array(
3153 'id' => $created_contact_id,
3154 'return' => 'group',
3155 );
3156 $contact_get = $this->callApiSuccess('Contact', 'get', $contact_get_params);
3157 $this->assertInternalType('array', $contact_get['values'][$created_contact_id]);
3158 $this->assertInternalType('string', $contact_get['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3160 // Ensure they are shown as being in each created group.
3161 $contact_group_ids = explode(',', $contact_get['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3162 foreach ($created_group_ids as $created_group_id) {
3163 $this->assertContains($created_group_id, $contact_group_ids);
3164 }
3165 }
3167 /**
3168 * CRM-20144 Verify that passing title of group works as well as id
3169 * Tests the following formats
3170 * contact.get group='title1'
3171 * contact.get group=id1
3172 */
3173 public function testContactGetWithGroupTitle() {
3174 // Set up a contact, asser that they were created.
3175 $contact_params = array(
3176 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
3177 'first_name' => 'Test2',
3178 'last_name' => 'Groupmember',
3179 'email' => 'test@example.org',
3180 );
3181 $create_contact = $this->callApiSuccess('Contact', 'create', $contact_params);
3182 $created_contact_id = $create_contact['id'];
3183 // Set up multiple groups, add the contact to the groups.
3184 $test_groups = array('Test group C', 'Test group D');
3185 foreach ($test_groups as $title) {
3186 $group_params = array(
3187 'title' => $title,
3188 'created_id' => $created_contact_id,
3189 );
3190 $create_group = $this->callApiSuccess('Group', 'create', $group_params);
3191 $created_group_id = $create_group['id'];
3193 // Add contact to the new group.
3194 $group_contact_params = array(
3195 'contact_id' => $created_contact_id,
3196 'group_id' => $create_group['id'],
3197 );
3198 $create_group_contact = $this->callApiSuccess('GroupContact', 'create', $group_contact_params);
3199 $contact_get = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('group' => $title, 'return' => 'group'));
3200 $this->assertEquals(1, $contact_get['count']);
3201 $this->assertEquals($created_contact_id, $contact_get['id']);
3202 $contact_groups = explode(',', $contact_get['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3203 $this->assertContains((string) $create_group['id'], $contact_groups);
3204 $contact_get2 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('group' => $created_group_id, 'return' => 'group'));
3205 $this->assertEquals($created_contact_id, $contact_get2['id']);
3206 $contact_groups2 = explode(',', $contact_get2['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3207 $this->assertContains((string) $create_group['id'], $contact_groups2);
3208 $this->callAPISuccess('group', 'delete', array('id' => $created_group_id));
3209 }
3210 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array('id' => $created_contact_id, 'skip_undelete' => TRUE));
3211 }
3213 /**
3214 * CRM-20144 Verify that passing title of group works as well as id
3215 * Tests the following formats
3216 * contact.get group=array('title1', title1)
3217 * contact.get group=array('IN' => array('title1', 'title2)
3218 */
3219 public function testContactGetWithGroupTitleMultipleGroups() {
3220 $description = "Get all from group and display contacts.";
3221 $subFile = "GroupFilterUsingContactAPI";
3222 // Set up a contact, asser that they were created.
3223 $contact_params = array(
3224 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
3225 'first_name' => 'Test2',
3226 'last_name' => 'Groupmember',
3227 'email' => 'test@example.org',
3228 );
3229 $create_contact = $this->callApiSuccess('Contact', 'create', $contact_params);
3230 $created_contact_id = $create_contact['id'];
3231 $createdGroupsTitles = $createdGroupsIds = array();
3232 // Set up multiple groups, add the contact to the groups.
3233 $test_groups = array('Test group C', 'Test group D');
3234 foreach ($test_groups as $title) {
3235 $group_params = array(
3236 'title' => $title,
3237 'created_id' => $created_contact_id,
3238 );
3239 $create_group = $this->callApiSuccess('Group', 'create', $group_params);
3240 $created_group_id = $create_group['id'];
3241 $createdGroupsIds[] = $create_group['id'];
3242 $createdGroupTitles[] = $title;
3243 // Add contact to the new group.
3244 $group_contact_params = array(
3245 'contact_id' => $created_contact_id,
3246 'group_id' => $create_group['id'],
3247 );
3248 $create_group_contact = $this->callApiSuccess('GroupContact', 'create', $group_contact_params);
3249 }
3250 $contact_get = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('group' => $createdGroupTitles, 'return' => 'group'));
3251 $this->assertEquals(1, $contact_get['count']);
3252 $this->assertEquals($created_contact_id, $contact_get['id']);
3253 $contact_groups = explode(',', $contact_get['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3254 foreach ($createdGroupsIds as $id) {
3255 $this->assertContains((string) $id, $contact_groups);
3256 }
3257 $contact_get2 = $this->callAPIAndDocument('contact', 'get', array('group' => array('IN' => $createdGroupTitles)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, $subFile);
3258 $contact_get2 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('group' => array('IN' => $createdGroupTitles), 'return' => 'group'));
3259 $this->assertEquals($created_contact_id, $contact_get2['id']);
3260 $contact_groups2 = explode(',', $contact_get2['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3261 foreach ($createdGroupsIds as $id) {
3262 $this->assertContains((string) $id, $contact_groups2);
3263 }
3264 foreach ($createdGroupsIds as $id) {
3265 $this->callAPISuccess('group', 'delete', array('id' => $id));
3266 }
3267 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array('id' => $created_contact_id, 'skip_undelete' => TRUE));
3268 }
3270 /**
3271 * CRM-20144 Verify that passing title of group works as well as id
3272 * Tests the following formats
3273 * contact.get group=array('title1' => 1)
3274 * contact.get group=array('titke1' => 1, 'title2' => 1)
3275 * contact.get group=array('id1' => 1)
3276 * contact.get group=array('id1' => 1, id2 => 1)
3277 */
3278 public function testContactGetWithGroupTitleMultipleGroupsLegacyFormat() {
3279 // Set up a contact, asser that they were created.
3280 $contact_params = array(
3281 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
3282 'first_name' => 'Test2',
3283 'last_name' => 'Groupmember',
3284 'email' => 'test@example.org',
3285 );
3286 $create_contact = $this->callApiSuccess('Contact', 'create', $contact_params);
3287 $created_contact_id = $create_contact['id'];
3288 $createdGroupsTitles = $createdGroupsIds = array();
3289 // Set up multiple groups, add the contact to the groups.
3290 $test_groups = array('Test group C', 'Test group D');
3291 foreach ($test_groups as $title) {
3292 $group_params = array(
3293 'title' => $title,
3294 'created_id' => $created_contact_id,
3295 );
3296 $create_group = $this->callApiSuccess('Group', 'create', $group_params);
3297 $created_group_id = $create_group['id'];
3298 $createdGroupsIds[] = $create_group['id'];
3299 $createdGroupTitles[] = $title;
3300 // Add contact to the new group.
3301 $group_contact_params = array(
3302 'contact_id' => $created_contact_id,
3303 'group_id' => $create_group['id'],
3304 );
3305 $create_group_contact = $this->callApiSuccess('GroupContact', 'create', $group_contact_params);
3306 }
3307 $contact_get = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('group' => array($createdGroupTitles[0] => 1), 'return' => 'group'));
3308 $this->assertEquals(1, $contact_get['count']);
3309 $this->assertEquals($created_contact_id, $contact_get['id']);
3310 $contact_groups = explode(',', $contact_get['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3311 foreach ($createdGroupsIds as $id) {
3312 $this->assertContains((string) $id, $contact_groups);
3313 }
3314 $contact_get2 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('group' => array($createdGroupTitles[0] => 1, $createdGroupTitles[1] => 1), 'return' => 'group'));
3315 $this->assertEquals(1, $contact_get2['count']);
3316 $this->assertEquals($created_contact_id, $contact_get2['id']);
3317 $contact_groups2 = explode(',', $contact_get2['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3318 foreach ($createdGroupsIds as $id) {
3319 $this->assertContains((string) $id, $contact_groups2);
3320 }
3321 $contact_get3 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('group' => array($createdGroupsIds[0] => 1), 'return' => 'group'));
3322 $this->assertEquals($created_contact_id, $contact_get3['id']);
3323 $contact_groups3 = explode(',', $contact_get3['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3324 foreach ($createdGroupsIds as $id) {
3325 $this->assertContains((string) $id, $contact_groups3);
3326 }
3327 $contact_get4 = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'get', array('group' => array($createdGroupsIds[0] => 1, $createdGroupsIds[1] => 1), 'return' => 'group'));
3328 $this->assertEquals($created_contact_id, $contact_get4['id']);
3329 $contact_groups4 = explode(',', $contact_get4['values'][$created_contact_id]['groups']);
3330 foreach ($createdGroupsIds as $id) {
3331 $this->assertContains((string) $id, $contact_groups4);
3332 }
3333 foreach ($createdGroupsIds as $id) {
3334 $this->callAPISuccess('group', 'delete', array('id' => $id));
3335 }
3336 $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'delete', array('id' => $created_contact_id, 'skip_undelete' => TRUE));
3337 }
3339 }