dev/core#1378 Scheduled reminders: test to not email if do_not_email or is_deceased
[civicrm-core.git] / tests / phpunit / Civi / ActionSchedule / AbstractMappingTest.php
1 <?php
2 namespace Civi\ActionSchedule;
4 /**
5 * The AbstractMappingTest is a base class which can help define new
6 * tests for scheduled-reminders.
7 *
8 * Generally, the problem of testing scheduled-reminders is one of permutations --
9 * there are many different types of records, fields on the records, and scheduling options.
10 * To test these, we setup a schedule of cron-runs (eg Jan 20 to Mar 1) and create some example
11 * records.
12 *
13 * To setup the examples, we need to string together several helper functions, like:
14 *
15 * - startOnTime(), startWeekBefore(), or startWeekAfter()
16 * - repeatTwoWeeksAfter()
17 * - limitToRecipientAlice(), limitToRecipientBob(), alsoRecipientBob()
18 * - addAliceDues(), addBobDonation()
19 * - addAliceMeeting(), addBobPhoneCall()
20 *
21 * (Some of these helpers are defined in AbstractMappingTest. Some are defined in subclasses.)
22 *
23 * Concrete subclasses should implement a few elements:
24 *
25 * - Optionally, modify $cronSchedule to specify when the cron jobs run.
26 * (By default, it specifies daily from 20-Jan-15 to 1-Mar-15.)
27 * - Implement at least one setup-helper which creates example records.
28 * The example records should use the specified date (`$this->targetDate`)
29 * and should relate to `$this->contact['alice']` (or 'bob 'or 'carol').
30 * - Implement at least one schedule-helper which configures `$this->schedule`
31 * to use the preferred action mapping. It may define various
32 * filters, such as value-filters, status-filters, or recipient-filters.
33 * - Implement `createTestCases()` which defines various
34 * permutations of tests to run. Each test provides a list of emails
35 * which should be fired (datetime/recipient/subject).
36 *
37 * For examples:
38 * @see CRM_Contribute_ActionMapping_ByTypeTest
39 * @see CRM_Activity_ActionMappingTest
40 */
41 abstract class AbstractMappingTest extends \CiviUnitTestCase {
43 /**
44 * @var \CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule
45 */
46 public $schedule;
48 /**
49 * The date which should be stored on the matching record in the DB.
50 *
51 * @var string
52 */
53 public $targetDate;
55 /**
56 * Example contact records.
57 *
58 * @var array
59 */
60 public $contacts;
62 /**
63 * The schedule for invoking cron.
64 *
65 * @var array
66 * - start: string
67 * - end: string
68 * - interval: int, seconds
69 */
70 public $cronSchedule;
72 /**
73 * When comparing timestamps, treat them as the same if they
74 * occur within a certain distance of each other.
75 *
76 * @var int seconds
77 */
78 public $dateTolerance = 120;
80 /**
81 * @var \CiviMailUtils
82 */
83 public $mut;
85 /**
86 * Generate a list of test cases, where each is a distinct combination of
87 * data, schedule-rules, and schedule results.
88 *
89 * @return array
90 * - targetDate: string; eg "2015-02-01 00:00:01"
91 * - setupFuncs: string, space-separated list of setup functions
92 * - messages: array; each item is a message that's expected to be sent
93 * each message may include keys:
94 * - time: approximate time (give or take a few seconds)
95 * - subject: regex
96 * - message: regex
97 */
98 abstract public function createTestCases();
100 // ---------------------------------------- Setup Helpers ----------------------------------------
102 /**
103 * Send first message on the designated date.
104 */
105 public function startOnTime() {
106 $this->schedule->start_action_condition = 'before';
107 $this->schedule->start_action_offset = '0';
108 $this->schedule->start_action_unit = 'day';
109 }
111 /**
112 * Send first message one week before designated date.
113 */
114 public function startWeekBefore() {
115 $this->schedule->start_action_condition = 'before';
116 $this->schedule->start_action_offset = '7';
117 $this->schedule->start_action_unit = 'day';
118 }
120 /**
121 * Send first message one week after designated date.
122 */
123 public function startWeekAfter() {
124 $this->schedule->start_action_condition = 'after';
125 $this->schedule->start_action_offset = '7';
126 $this->schedule->start_action_unit = 'day';
127 }
129 /**
130 * Send repeated messages until two weeks after designated date.
131 */
132 public function repeatTwoWeeksAfter() {
133 $this->schedule->is_repeat = 1;
134 $this->schedule->repetition_frequency_interval = '7';
135 $this->schedule->repetition_frequency_unit = 'day';
137 $this->schedule->end_action = 'after';
138 $this->schedule->end_date = $this->schedule->start_action_date;
139 $this->schedule->end_frequency_interval = '14';
140 $this->schedule->end_frequency_unit = 'day';
141 }
143 /**
144 * Compose a "Hello" email which includes the recipient's first name.
145 */
146 public function useHelloFirstName() {
147 $this->schedule->subject = 'Hello, {contact.first_name}. (via subject)';
148 $this->schedule->body_html = '<p>Hello, {contact.first_name}. (via body_html)</p>';
149 $this->schedule->body_text = 'Hello, {contact.first_name}. (via body_text)';
150 }
152 /**
153 * Limit possible recipients to Alice.
154 */
155 public function limitToRecipientAlice() {
156 $this->schedule->limit_to = 1;
157 $this->schedule->recipient = NULL;
158 $this->schedule->recipient_listing = NULL;
159 $this->schedule->recipient_manual = $this->contacts['alice']['id'];
160 }
162 /**
163 * Limit possible recipients to Bob.
164 */
165 public function limitToRecipientBob() {
166 $this->schedule->limit_to = 1;
167 $this->schedule->recipient = NULL;
168 $this->schedule->recipient_listing = NULL;
169 $this->schedule->recipient_manual = $this->contacts['bob']['id'];
170 }
172 /**
173 * Also include recipient Bob.
174 */
175 public function alsoRecipientBob() {
176 $this->schedule->limit_to = 0;
177 $this->schedule->recipient = NULL;
178 $this->schedule->recipient_listing = NULL;
179 $this->schedule->recipient_manual = $this->contacts['bob']['id'];
180 }
182 // ---------------------------------------- Core test definitions ----------------------------------------
184 /**
185 * Setup an empty schedule and some contacts.
186 */
187 protected function setUp() {
188 parent::setUp();
189 $this->useTransaction();
191 $this->mut = new \CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE);
193 $this->cronSchedule = [
194 'start' => '2015-01-20 00:00:00',
195 'end' => '2015-03-01 00:00:00',
196 // seconds
197 'interval' => 24 * 60 * 60,
198 ];
200 $this->schedule = new \CRM_Core_DAO_ActionSchedule();
201 $this->schedule->title = $this->getName(TRUE);
202 $this->schedule->name = \CRM_Utils_String::munge($this->schedule->title);
203 $this->schedule->is_active = 1;
204 $this->schedule->group_id = NULL;
205 $this->schedule->recipient = NULL;
206 $this->schedule->recipient_listing = NULL;
207 $this->schedule->recipient_manual = NULL;
208 $this->schedule->absolute_date = NULL;
209 $this->schedule->msg_template_id = NULL;
210 $this->schedule->record_activity = NULL;
212 $this->contacts['alice'] = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', [
213 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
214 'first_name' => 'Alice',
215 'last_name' => 'Exemplar',
216 'email' => '',
217 ]);
218 $this->contacts['bob'] = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', [
219 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
220 'first_name' => 'Bob',
221 'last_name' => 'Exemplar',
222 'email' => '',
223 ]);
224 $this->contacts['carol'] = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', [
225 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
226 'first_name' => 'Carol',
227 'last_name' => 'Exemplar',
228 'email' => '',
229 ]);
230 $this->contacts['dave'] = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', [
231 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
232 'first_name' => 'Dave',
233 'last_name' => 'Exemplar',
234 'email' => '',
235 'do_not_email' => 1,
236 ]);
237 $this->contacts['edith'] = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', [
238 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
239 'first_name' => 'Edith',
240 'last_name' => 'Exemplar',
241 'email' => '',
242 'is_deceased' => 1,
243 ]);
244 }
246 /**
247 * Execute the default schedule, without any special recipient selections.
248 *
249 * @dataProvider createTestCases
250 *
251 * @param string $targetDate
252 * @param string $setupFuncs
253 * @param array $expectMessages
254 *
255 * @throws \Exception
256 */
257 public function testDefault($targetDate, $setupFuncs, $expectMessages) {
258 $this->targetDate = $targetDate;
260 foreach (explode(' ', $setupFuncs) as $setupFunc) {
261 $this->{$setupFunc}();
262 }
263 $this->schedule->save();
265 $actualMessages = [];
266 foreach ($this->cronTimes() as $time) {
267 \CRM_Utils_Time::setTime($time);
268 $this->callAPISuccess('job', 'send_reminder', []);
269 foreach ($this->mut->getAllMessages('ezc') as $message) {
270 /** @var \ezcMail $message */
271 $simpleMessage = [
272 'time' => $time,
273 'to' => \CRM_Utils_Array::collect('email', $message->to),
274 'subject' => $message->subject,
275 ];
276 sort($simpleMessage['to']);
277 $actualMessages[] = $simpleMessage;
278 $this->mut->clearMessages();
279 }
280 }
282 $errorText = "Incorrect messages: " . print_r([
283 'actualMessages' => $actualMessages,
284 'expectMessages' => $expectMessages,
285 ], 1);
286 $this->assertEquals(count($expectMessages), count($actualMessages), $errorText);
287 usort($expectMessages, [__CLASS__, 'compareSimpleMsgs']);
288 usort($actualMessages, [__CLASS__, 'compareSimpleMsgs']);
289 foreach ($expectMessages as $offset => $expectMessage) {
290 $actualMessage = $actualMessages[$offset];
291 $this->assertApproxEquals(strtotime($expectMessage['time']), strtotime($actualMessage['time']), $this->dateTolerance, $errorText);
292 if (isset($expectMessage['to'])) {
293 sort($expectMessage['to']);
294 $this->assertEquals($expectMessage['to'], $actualMessage['to'], $errorText);
295 }
296 if (isset($expectMessage['subject'])) {
297 $this->assertRegExp($expectMessage['subject'], $actualMessage['subject'], $errorText);
298 }
299 }
300 }
302 protected function cronTimes() {
303 $skew = 0;
304 $times = [];
305 $end = strtotime($this->cronSchedule['end']);
306 for ($time = strtotime($this->cronSchedule['start']); $time < $end; $time += $this->cronSchedule['interval']) {
307 $times[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time + $skew);
308 //$skew++;
309 }
310 return $times;
311 }
313 protected function compareSimpleMsgs($a, $b) {
314 if ($a['time'] != $b['time']) {
315 return ($a['time'] < $b['time']) ? 1 : -1;
316 }
317 if ($a['to'] != $b['to']) {
318 return ($a['to'] < $b['to']) ? 1 : -1;
319 }
320 if ($a['subject'] != $b['subject']) {
321 return ($a['subject'] < $b['subject']) ? 1 : -1;
322 }
323 }
325 }