Merge pull request #7550 from jitendrapurohit/CRM-17778
[civicrm-core.git] / tests / phpunit / CRM / Utils / SQL / SelectTest.php
1 <?php
2 require_once 'CiviTest/CiviUnitTestCase.php';
4 /**
5 * Class CRM_Utils_SQL_SelectTest
6 */
7 class CRM_Utils_SQL_SelectTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
8 public function testGetDefault() {
9 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo bar');
10 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo bar', $select->toSQL());
11 }
13 public function testGetFields() {
14 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
15 ->select('bar')
16 ->select(array('whiz', 'bang'));
17 $this->assertLike('SELECT bar, whiz, bang FROM foo', $select->toSQL());
18 }
20 public function testWherePlain() {
21 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
22 ->where('foo = bar')
23 ->where(array('whiz = bang', 'frob > nicate'));
24 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE (foo = bar) AND (whiz = bang) AND (frob > nicate)', $select->toSQL());
25 }
27 public function testWhereArg() {
28 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
29 ->where('foo = @value', array('@value' => 'not"valid'))
30 ->where(array('whiz > @base', 'frob != @base'), array('@base' => 'in"valid'));
31 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE (foo = "not\\"valid") AND (whiz > "in\\"valid") AND (frob != "in\\"valid")', $select->toSQL());
32 }
34 public function testGroupByPlain() {
35 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
36 ->groupBy("bar_id")
37 ->groupBy(array('whiz_id*2', 'lower(bang)'));
38 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo GROUP BY bar_id, whiz_id*2, lower(bang)', $select->toSQL());
39 }
41 public function testHavingPlain() {
42 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
43 ->groupBy("bar_id")
44 ->having('count(id) > 2')
45 ->having(array('sum(id) > 10', 'avg(id) < 200'));
46 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo GROUP BY bar_id HAVING (count(id) > 2) AND (sum(id) > 10) AND (avg(id) < 200)', $select->toSQL());
47 }
49 public function testHavingArg() {
50 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
51 ->groupBy("bar_id")
52 ->having('count(id) > #mincnt', array('#mincnt' => 2))
53 ->having(array('sum(id) > #whiz', 'avg(id) < #whiz'), array('#whiz' => 10));
54 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo GROUP BY bar_id HAVING (count(id) > 2) AND (sum(id) > 10) AND (avg(id) < 10)', $select->toSQL());
55 }
57 public function testOrderByPlain() {
58 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo bar')
59 ->orderBy('first asc')
60 ->orderBy(array('second desc', 'third'));
61 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo bar ORDER BY first asc, second desc, third', $select->toSQL());
62 }
64 public function testLimit_defaultOffset() {
65 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo bar')
66 ->limit(20);
67 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo bar LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0', $select->toSQL());
68 }
70 public function testLimit_withOffset() {
71 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo bar')
72 ->limit(20, 60);
73 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo bar LIMIT 20 OFFSET 60', $select->toSQL());
74 }
76 public function testLimit_disable() {
77 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo bar')
78 ->limit(20, 60)
79 ->limit(NULL, NULL);
80 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo bar', $select->toSQL());
81 }
83 public function testModeOutput() {
84 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo', array('mode' => 'out'))
85 ->where('foo = @value')
86 ->where(array(
87 'whiz > @base',
88 'frob != @base',
89 ))
90 ->param('@value', 'not"valid')
91 ->param(array(
92 '@base' => 'in"valid',
93 ));
94 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE (foo = "not\\"valid") AND (whiz > "in\\"valid") AND (frob != "in\\"valid")', $select->toSQL());
96 try {
97 CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo', array('mode' => 'out'))
98 ->where('foo = @value', array('@value' => 'not"valid'));
99 $this->fail('In output mode, we should reject requests to interpolate inputs.');
100 }
101 catch (Exception $e) {
102 $this->assertRegExp("/Cannot mix interpolation modes/", $e->getMessage());
103 }
105 $outputModeFragment = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()
106 ->param('value', 'whatever');
107 $inputModeFragment = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()
108 ->where('foo = @value', array('@value' => 'not"valid'));
109 try {
110 $outputModeFragment->merge($inputModeFragment);
111 $this->fail('In output-mode, we should reject requests to merge from input-mode.');
112 }
113 catch (Exception $e) {
114 $this->assertRegExp("/Cannot merge queries that use different interpolation modes/", $e->getMessage());
115 }
116 }
118 public function testBig() {
119 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
120 ->select('')
121 ->join('rel1', 'INNER JOIN rel1_table rel1 ON = rel1.foo_id')
122 ->join('rel2', 'LEFT JOIN rel2_table rel2 ON = rel2.foo_id')
123 ->where('foo.type = @theType', array('@theType' => 'mytype'))
124 ->groupBy("")
125 ->having('sum(rel1.stat) > 10')
126 ->orderBy('rel2.whiz')
127 ->limit(100, 300);
128 $this->assertLike(
129 "SELECT FROM foo"
130 . " INNER JOIN rel1_table rel1 ON = rel1.foo_id"
131 . " LEFT JOIN rel2_table rel2 ON = rel2.foo_id "
132 . " WHERE (foo.type = \"mytype\")"
133 . " GROUP BY"
134 . " HAVING (sum(rel1.stat) > 10)"
135 . " ORDER BY rel2.whiz"
136 . " LIMIT 100 OFFSET 300",
137 $select->toSQL()
138 );
139 }
141 /**
142 * Parameter-values could include control characters like
143 * '"@" or "!", but they should never be evaluated.
144 */
145 public function testNoIterativeInterpolation() {
146 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
147 ->where('a = @a and b = @b and c = @c', array(
148 'a' => '@b',
149 'b' => '@c',
150 'c' => '@a',
151 ));
152 $this->assertLike('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE (a = "@b" and b = "@c" and c = "@a")', $select->toSQL());
153 }
155 public function testInterpolate() {
156 $actual = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('ignore')->interpolate(
157 '@escaped !unescaped #validated',
158 array(
159 '@escaped' => 'foo"bar',
160 '!unescaped' => 'concat(foo,bar)',
161 '#validated' => 15.2,
162 )
163 );
164 $this->assertLike('"foo\"bar" concat(foo,bar) 15.2', $actual);
165 }
167 public function testInterpolateWildcard() {
168 $actual = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('ignore')->interpolate(
169 'escaped @escaped unescaped !unescaped validated #validated',
170 array(
171 'escaped' => 'foo"bar',
172 'unescaped' => 'concat(foo,bar)',
173 'validated' => 15.2,
174 )
175 );
176 $this->assertLike('escaped "foo\"bar" unescaped concat(foo,bar) validated 15.2', $actual);
177 }
179 public function testInterpolateUnknown() {
180 $actual = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('ignore')->interpolate(
181 'escaped @escaped unescaped !unescaped validated #validated',
182 array(
183 'irrelevant' => 'foo',
184 )
185 );
186 $this->assertLike('escaped @escaped unescaped !unescaped validated #validated', $actual);
187 }
189 public function testInterpolateUnknownStrict() {
190 try {
191 CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('ignore')
192 ->strict()
193 ->interpolate('@johnMcClane',
194 array(
195 'irrelevant' => 'foo',
196 )
197 );
198 $this->fail('Unknown variables should throw errors in strict mode.');
199 }
200 catch (Exception $e) {
201 $this->assertRegExp('/Cannot build query. Variable "@johnMcClane" is unknown./', $e->getMessage());
202 }
203 }
205 public function testInterpolateArray() {
206 $actual = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('ignore')->interpolate(
207 '(@escaped) (!unescaped) (#validated)',
208 array(
209 '@escaped' => array('foo"bar', "whiz", "null", NULL, "bang"),
210 '!unescaped' => array('foo"bar', 'bar'),
211 '#validated' => array(1, 10, NULL, 100.1),
212 )
213 );
214 $this->assertLike('("foo\\"bar", "whiz", "null", NULL, "bang") (foo"bar, bar) (1, 10, NULL, 100.1)', $actual);
215 }
217 public function testInterpolateBadNumber() {
218 try {
219 $result = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('ignore')->interpolate('#num', array(
220 '#num' => '5not-a-number5',
221 ));
222 $this->fail('Expected exception; got: ' . var_export($result, TRUE));
223 }
224 catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) {
225 $this->assertTrue(TRUE, "Caught expected exception");
226 }
228 try {
229 $result = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('ignore')->interpolate('#num', array(
230 '#num' => array(1, '5not-a-number5', 2),
231 ));
232 $this->fail('Expected exception; got: ' . var_export($result, TRUE));
233 }
234 catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) {
235 $this->assertTrue(TRUE, "Caught expected exception");
236 }
237 }
239 public function testMerge() {
240 $fragmentOutMode = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()
241 ->select(array('a', 'b'))
242 ->where('a = #two')
243 ->param('two', 2);
244 $fragmentAutoMode = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::fragment()
245 ->select('e')
246 ->where('whipit()');
247 $query = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
248 ->select(array('c', 'd'))
249 ->where('c = @four')
250 ->param('four', 4)
251 ->merge($fragmentOutMode)
252 ->merge($fragmentAutoMode);
253 $this->assertLike('SELECT c, d, a, b, e FROM foo WHERE (c = "4") AND (a = 2) AND (whipit())', $query->toSQL());
254 }
256 public function testArrayGet() {
257 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from("foo")
258 ->param('hello', 'world');
259 $this->assertEquals('world', $select['hello']);
260 }
262 public function testInsertInto_WithDupes() {
263 $select = CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from('foo')
264 ->insertInto('bar', array('first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'))
265 ->select('fid')
266 ->select('1')
267 ->select('fid')
268 ->select('1')
269 ->where('!field = #value', array('field' => 'zoo', 'value' => 3))
270 ->where('!field = #value', array('field' => 'aviary', 'value' => 3))
271 ->where('!field = #value', array('field' => 'zoo', 'value' => 3))
272 ->groupBy('!colName', array('colName' => 'noodle'))
273 ->groupBy('!colName', array('colName' => 'sauce'))
274 ->groupBy('!colName', array('colName' => 'noodle'));
275 $this->assertLike('INSERT INTO bar (first, second, third, fourth) SELECT fid, 1, fid, 1 FROM foo WHERE (zoo = 3) AND (aviary = 3) GROUP BY noodle, sauce', $select->toSQL());
276 }
278 /**
279 * @param $expected
280 * @param $actual
281 * @param string $message
282 */
283 public function assertLike($expected, $actual, $message = '') {
284 $expected = trim((preg_replace('/[ \r\n\t]+/', ' ', $expected)));
285 $actual = trim((preg_replace('/[ \r\n\t]+/', ' ', $actual)));
286 $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, $message);
287 }
289 }